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Show CITY STAR THE SANDY PuDlished every PATENTS. Friday by rAOLE PUBLISHING COMPANY Murray, Utah. Tlie girls of the C. U. L. Club were Editor and General Manager Advertising Manager entertained at the home of Mias Erma Society Editor Sanders Thursday evening. P. K. NIELSEN A. A. JENSEN MINE ATWOOD Subscription price, per year fifx Hunt ba Throe montha . .12.00 Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Yeagsr of . 1.00 announce the birth of Taylorsville . .00 ..................... Advertising rates made known upon application. Hnterad at iha Sandy City Post Olbeo as second class matter under Act ol Congress, March 3. 173. irj The Bed Cross chapter in Salt Lake county la niobllizluK its workers to help in the National Sowing llee,' which proposes under the direction of the American ltcd Crow to make 2,000,000 garments as soon us it can he done, for newborn babes and young children In Europe. Local churches are being interested in the plan which Is Just being announced from Parliic division headquarters of tlie American lied Cross la San Francisco. Practically every sewing club in the city has been approached by the chairman of the local ltcd Croas Volunteer Service committee, and nearly ull have pledged their help to Ihia most appealing demand. The thought Hint a tiny liuliy aome mother's son or daughter eom-in- g inn) a world that offers ,no better natal robe than n soiled newst In paper or a Tew rags, is itself to being a response from every wlm woman knows how lo Sfw and from every purse that can purchase' a which luyctlcs can of from bit rluth he made. This Is the impulse behind the return to production as a lied Cross work all over the Flitted stales. Tlie S.tMiii.PlMi gurments called for by the national society only provide the barest covering for the little bodies of half a million children, babies and hoys and glrla up to fourteen ycut-- of age but it will help The garments will lie apportioned by countries in the order of the great-- , esl need as follows: Poland, Austria, Hungry, Baltic States ami Balkan States Ijiycttes will hu distributed largely by American Bed Cross nurses In Europe! who ' over ma supervision ternity eases of elothing by ins ii.a.nhnlhin the Amerirun Bed Cross supplements tlie two well kiinun phases of the effort being made today for the salvation of Europe's eliildrin - ilie feeding program of the European Belief Cnimeil of ttliii li llerle fi IIimi-vIs ehatrmnn. end the medical welfare Serviee of tin' Amerii'i'll lied Cross The garmeiils rail'd for are: nun t.-- lor ihil- 2.'t",iNiii: dren. one in live years old: dresses. ;r,(iiiiiin: pcitienata. SSfi.niiU: uniler-slitrl250.01111; nightgowns. garments fur girls, live to four125, tma: eln teen years: dtivsi-sISS.fmn; 125. mm: peitleoats. mm 1 night gowns. blonuti rs, 25. live lo fourfor lmjs, gnnneitis teen years: Mouse suits. ISa.imu; undershirts. winter 125, nod; nightshirts, 125,000. suHii-len- s Cxeelio-Slornkl- a. a. s, 2.111.-1)0- 0; . 125.-00t- ): : The Only Way Now and then we are reminded of the old Jndlan who heard that hla white brother gained much comfort from sleeping on feathers, and who one night secured a single feather, slept on that one feather all night, and arose In the morning to declare that the white man was a confirmed fool. Sleeping on a single feather and expecting to be comfortable la about like putting one ad In a newspaper and expecting to get rich. Youve got to ltuve aeveral feathers to make a bed, and youve got to run aeveral ada to build up a business. The merchant who feels the pulling power of advertising will tell you that spas- modic advertising seldom pays. You've got to keep hammering it into tlie heads of the people you want to Midi to that you have what they want and ul a price that will satisfy them. The makers of Pears soap advertised for fifty years and a few years ago they stopped advertising and tried to live on their reputation. It only took a few years for them to see that the soap men who were advertising were putting them out of business, and they started advertising again before it was too late. There is only one way to advertise and that is regularly and systematically. If you tool your little tnotcr, then lay away your horn. Within a week theres not. a soul wholl know that you are born. The man who advertises by short and sudden Jerks Is the man who's always kicking because it never works. The fellow who is on the job, every dny, forever at It la the one And ki-who makes it pay. -- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tripp annonnre of their daughter the engagement dene, to Wilford Robinson, son of Mr. anil Mrs. William Boblnson, The marriage to take place in June. l corcoos is suee fCUSSES! h DUN KIN DIE I em ouTen AN eleven NEARS' SUBSCRIPTION AN fVtEN TVlE EDITORLL SET DOWN AN WRITE HALF A COLUMN ABOUT WHAT A FINE THE OECEASEO WUZ , FELLER AN HOW EVERNBODV WILL MISS MIN v Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Fellows of Midvale were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley. Joseph l'fxlon of Idaho. Is here at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ray Fpeni er of Taylorsville. vta-llin-g Thu Ladies Baptist Aid Society will meet at the home of Mrs. A. L. Olunder. lot: West IS h Smith Street Wednesday afternoon. Mr. anil Mrs. L. H. Bean of have Irovo the guests of ilieir son Ivan Bean and family during the week. I Mrs. T. O. Turner returned Monday from Spanish Fork, where she attended the wedding anniversary of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hicks. sixty-eight- Mrs. Frank Pnrkpr nrrlved Thursday from Winter Quarters, to visit her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. William Robinson. -- Mr. and Mra. Frank C. Howe entertained at their home Snturduy evening of last week in honor of the members of the dinner club. Mrs. George W. Baker of Ogden Is here visiting at the home, of her William Atwood, for a few days.father, Cs Total cash on hand Expenses . . . .81,160.10 Interest paid . . 163.11 2,622.88 Total 1.323.21 3159,290.71 Demand Certificates .... 429.75 cheeks Certified checks 349.30 rmhier's .... 2,501.94 041.45 BUTTER .... nsMK-laliu- ...; s d Printed on Pure Parchment Paper with Ink to conform with Government Regulations. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Nao-tssar- y WRAPPERS 2?. F. M. PETERSON. ANDREW JOHNSON. NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLD- ERS JKEETINO. COMPANY Murray don Estate of Quotanla Eliza Lowe, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tha undersigned at 712 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 8th day of June, A. D. 1921. J. & LINDSAY. Administrator, City and County Bldg., in Salt Lake City, Utah, of Quotanla Elisa Lowe, Deceased. D. A. SKEEN and perior Court of the County of Orange, Slate of California, and the complaint filed In the office of the Clerk of said County of Orange. Clyde Doyle, attorney for plaintiff. Charles E. Broadhesd, plaintiff, vs. Lola C. Broadhesd, defendant. The of the Stale of California send greetings to Lola C. Broadlread, defendant. You are hereby directed to appear and answer the complaint in an act ion emit lixl as above, brouglit against you in the Superior Court of the County of Orange, Slate of California, within ten days after the service on you of this Miminona, if served within iliis county, or within thirty And yon lays if served ate hereby notified that unles you and answer as above required, Ihe said plaintiff will take judgment fur any money nr damages demunded In Ihe complaint, as arising upon contract, or he will apply to the court for any other rrlli-- demanded In the complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of tha Superior Court of the County or Orange, State of California, this 1st day of November, A. D 1920. J. M. BACKS. Clerk. First publication March 25, 1921. Last publication April 22, 1921. IkUjfMt tOpfl 1 fc action Immediate and haul Cga aa Guarantee. ae aaad Me bwa CHr.'lk fcffifWra, LOOT TKEB C Keeleys BEST BY TEST ; Ice Cream and Candy. Wholesale. ' Retail. Phone Was. 3223 Balt Laks City. We are always ready and willing to do the right thing!. sell you a farm or homo Let us r eii your farm or horns. COMPANY "Realtor 517 Walker Rank Bid"., Salt Lake City Phone Wasatch 5702 f CtOQOQOOOCtlMQStOQQQQCHMOQMR! Pfano teacher of experience will limited number of pupils. 6495 So Stale St. J. M. Gaunt, Sandy R. D. No 3. Phone Midvale 261-- Lady or gentleman agent wanted city of Murray to sell the genuine J. It, Watkins Medicines, Spices, Toilet Preparations, etc. Extracts, All or spare time. A wonderful opCatarrh is a local disease, greatly to get into buaineas for portunity yourself. Write today for free par- influenced lv constitutional conticulars and sample. J. R. Watkins ditions. HALLS CATARRH Co., 60 Winona, Minn. MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Purifier. By cleansing the blood and building up the System. II ALLS CATARRH MEDICINE restores FOR SALE. 20 shires Dry Creek normal conditions and allows Nastock at market Irlgatlon price. D. E. ture to do its work. Croft. Phone Hyland 698. In the Catarrh All Druggists. Circulars free.' F. J. Cheney ft Co, Toledo, Ohio. FOR SATYR 4 Two Good Horses. Two seta of work harness. One Childs Violin. Good Sandy Loom Boll. Phone Murray WHITE LILY FLOUR 134-N-- MAKES TEE BEST BREAD.0 WANTED Salesman for Murray and vicinity. Commission contract only, for spare time or full time We will teach you to sell Income protection through our free school of instruction and help you build a business of your own. Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, Accident and Health Dept., Saginaw, C. D. MOORE, Attorneys for Administrator. Date of first publication April 1, A. D. 1921. Last publication April 29, 1921. MERRIT 18 THE RASE which we claim your rnnslilsra tlon of White Lily Flour. Thera bn other brands Just as cheap, plenty ef them. But the Whit V Lily more to the pound, savee money aa well aa tha extra work nnd worry In tbs un of flour at lower quality. Order a sack of White Idly today. Knowing housekeepers always demand it, On J NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Grace Medoy, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tha undersigned at the office of David W. Moffatt, First National Bank Bldg., Murray, Utah, on or before the 6th day of June, A. D. West Jordan Milk 1921. JOHN McCLOY, Dealen in All Kiads of HOI Staf. Administrator of tha Estate of Grace JOHN ATLETT, Manager Phone, Midvale 108 Deceased. DAVID W. MOFFAT. Attorney for Administrator. Data of first publication April 1, A. D. 1931. Laat publication April 19, 1921. McCloy, ' QQQCHWOOOOOOQQQQQQQOOBQOOffi CHWOOWtMWOOOOOOQQOOQN9HMi WE FIX IT FhoM lfaTBjr 222. Day GEORGE A. JENKINS Undertaker Phone Murray 35. " ealpi .I luurtantffiowth-'addBhiflti'- Of .the County of Orange, State of Califorla. Action brought in the Su- I tnr-Lon- Lucky Tiger P. O. Box 1713 THE SUPERIOR COURT or Murray Printing FOR SALE. Six dairy cows, little pigs, eggs tor hatching from prise winning Whit Rocks and White Mlnorcas. J. T. BROADBHNT, 59th South, east on Simper SL Murray, Utah. ap-Iie- 4.00 Parading the Competitors Before the 6,'ectatora. Total demand deposits. . 56. 638.51 Time Cert's .. 6.141.88 are now three and plhns Sating Depts 63.36G.93 laid for next work Include the hulls Total time deposits placing of ten i.iore 69,508.81 at certain poll 's, which will make a Total purebred slrq ,'uiluble fur every cow 6159,290.71 State of Utah, County off Salt Lake. in the comily. J. E. DeXeene, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and PREVENT AILMENTS OF CALF says that he Is assistant cashier of the above named bank; that the Provide Exercise, Sunshine, Purs Air, above and foregoing report contains a full, true and correct statement of Abundance of Water and the condition of the said bank at the of Feeds Variety close or bitslm-aon the 25tl day of March, 1921. Moat calf nllniciitK arc due to J. E. DeXEENE. feeding or insanitary condiAssistant Cashier. I tions, nr IhhIl Keep he calf nut of Corrcst Attest: mid rains in whiter an much as posJ. L. BROWN. WM. G. PARK, sible, und provide a dry, J. 8. LINDSAY, Mali at nlgln. ITnvlde nature's tonics Directors. exercise, sunshine, pure air, abunSuliscribed and sworn to before dance nf fri sli water, and a variety of me this of 5th April. 1921. day feeds, nnd there will he little need Z. WILLIAMS, for medical attention, say specialists (Seal) Notary Public. of the United Suites 1 Vpa runout of My commission expires the 27th Agriculture. It Is not for the purpose day of September, 1922. of curing diseases that these sugges- State of Utah, Office of Bank Comtions are offered, but to prevent tlielr missioner. I. Seth Pixton, Bank Commissionoccurrence. Observe the enlf doeely at all tlinea. If It should appear er of the State of Utah, do hereby drowsy, feverish, stiff or sluggish, act certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the statequickly. Reduce feed at once and the of the above named company, disorder may be In a large measure ment filed in my office this 6th day of before the salt calf prevented. Keep 1921. at all times. An nbundaut supply of April, SETH PIXTON. fresh water should he available alBank Commissioner. ways. in ease of serious Illness consult a conqietent veterinarian at once. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. (For further Information consult NOT FAVORED County Clerk or respective signers.) Jter It" D. 1921. IN ', Total Reserved for taxes and interest Deposits sub-jo- rl to cheek 355.810.37 self-feede-rs It Is caused by fermenting, sour waste matter In the Intestines. This old, foul matter should be thoroughly cleaned out with simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., aa mixed In Ad- This- - acts on BOTH npper and lower bowel, removing old accumulated matter you never thought waa In your system, Adler-l-k- s relieves ANY CASE gas on the stomach. EXCELLENT for sour stomach and chronic constipation. Guards against Sold by the Murray appendicitis. City Pharmacy. .... .... uqml,-.Mr8.r,eo- What Causes Gas On the Stoiqach? The Murray State Bank SELF-FEEDE- a. Notice la hereby given that the copartnership heretofore existing between F. M. Peterson and Andrew Johnson under the firm of the Emporium Grocery Company and doing business at Murray city. County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, has been on the 12th day of March. 1921, dissolved by mutual consent, Andrew Johnson has ret red from said firm and business hut tha said F. M. Peterson will continue the same business at the same place and under the same name, the said F. M. Peterson having become sole owner and having assumed all the obligations pertaining to the former partnership. Dated this 12th day of March, A. meeting of the stockholdREPORT Progress Company has Made to the Bank Commissioner of the Slate of Utah of the Condition of been called by the President and Board of Directors of said Company, to be held at the office of said ComLocated at Murray Utah, In the counpany, Murray City, Salt Lake Counof ty Salt Lake, State of Utah, at the ty, State of Utah, on Tuesday, the close of business on the 25th day of 19th day of April, 1921, at 10 oclock March, 1921. a. m. of aald day to consider, act and vote upon a resolution which will be RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1137,105.30 then and there presented for the apStocks, bonds and securproval and ratification of a sale of etc 1.183.53 the distribution system of said comity. Banking house 2,300.00 pany outside Murray City, the terms Furniture and fixtures.. 750.00 whereof, together with the action of Other real estate owned. 1,459.93 the Board In the premises will he Due from other banks. . 11.795.87 then and there submitted to the Exchanges for clearing stockholders, and to consider, act and house 750.00 vote upon any other business of InChecks on other terest Jo the company. banks In Published by order of the Board same town . and dated this 28th day of March, 650.00 Cash items . . . 1921. 452.59 Gold 155.00 CHESTER ?. CAHOON, Gold 155.00 Secretary of The Progress Company. Silver 169.29 First publication April 1, 1921. Currency 1,196.00 Last publication April 15, 1921. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In ...3 15,000.00 fund Surplus 15,000.00 Und'ded Pr'ts .3 10.99 Interest 2,450.43 28.52 Exchange Safe dep. boxes 12.00 Mrs. W. R. Clark and Mrs. M. Christie. pleasantly entertained the members of the Mpthodist Aid Society and their friends at the church parlors wlnwdajr evening. Among thou were Mrs. premint Huber, Mrs. Barnes, STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. Mrs. Flora Sm1thi Mrg Bogart. Mrs! Management, etc., of The Sandy Ilumh. Mrs. Mrs. A. Hog-er- Cows Consume Mere Fesd Than Wakefield, City Star, published weekly at Sandy, Mrs. A. Carlson, Mrs. 1'tuli. Required by the act of Conto Produce Amount Jnme, Mr. D. W. James, Mr. Harry Floyd gress of August 24, 1912. of Milk They Yielded. Green. Mrs Hamilton. Mrs. Florence Fiiblisher, Eagle Publishing Co., Hickman, Mrs. Johns, Mrs;, W. GMurray. I'tah. Owners, J. P. Cahoon, are all right for pigs; Muher. Mra. A. Salt Lake City, Paul K. Nielsen, MurrB Mrs. no doubt ahout that Also aome peoFred Editor and business manager, Charles ray. Edwards, Mrs. Mrs X ple have fairly good results with Paul K. Nielsen. Mortgages or other B. Martin, Mrs. F. Brown, Mrs. W G for beef steers. But for dairy securities, none. Churches, Mrs. a, Jones. Mr. cows they are not adapted. Virginia Signed) lAUL K. NIELSEN. Ward Van Dnsen,j. Mra. James Mrs! Subscribed and sworn to before me The money Europe la spending to experiment station recently tried ont Mr" 0eor W. America to cancel this 1st day of April, 1921. Mbs Florence Bennett. Grante'r, and the plan and found It uneconomical. try and persuade toF. K NIELSEN, war debts would go a long way The cows dhl not gorge them selves or ward paying off some of then. Notary Public. !' and nt,Mr- - Charles Wallin of become foundered whenatapermitted to more than the past est at will, but they roveraI week with relatives In Murray. was necessary to produce the amount of milk they gave. Stanley Kerr of St. Johns. Utah, waa Murray visitor this week. START WAR ON SCRUB SIRES moved her h .the Q,ohn p- - Cahoon residence Two Rhode Island Organizations Plan on Popular Street. Fight on Tuberculosis and to Eliminate Poor Males. Sf array Baptist Church: Sunday evening service at 3 p. m.. Rev. E. W At a combined meeting of the Rhode Hoop will preach. Subject, "SalvaIsland Ayrshire association and tha tion on Condition." Rhode Island HoUtetn-Fresia- n dnb, Interest In tuberculosis eradication BPtit Aid will Mrs. A. L. Olander at and the "Purebred Sire campaign roby her home at 406 West 48th ved special attention. Tha two South, Wednesday, April 13. clubs discussed plana far cleaning up Water-proo- f tuberculosis and planned to do their !?. ,8Tery dtlsen .finds out utmost to eliminate every scrub sirs -that a Is like la Rhode Island. a r'j '"J'ra longer yougrouch nurse It the bigger it grows. Plume Call, Write No Question. We've also discovered Hats," says the Times fashion corrthat for every man who can talk Intelligently espondent, "are won well on the m mandates there are ninety-nin-e bead." We have always regarded this who cant. as the best place to wear a hat Punch. The fellow who does the most talking about how llttla sense the women have isn't thinking about running for office. Roquefort Clmes. Roquefort cheese has been rat fully made in this country. Not tent with making it In this dimeter WANTED Dead or "Printers of fine nor scientists proved that goats milk Stationery end cows, bought hr was unnecessary. Phr Oows milk will product excellent cheese if it la prop-td-y Mimy 170-- a , ripened. notice of dissolution of partnership. A special ers of The Total mail-orde- r -- The Ine.iie Imil-lianil home buying iasiiiii'l m so real a part of life 1 it out eury that 'I he are about to tmilil spring. and i very here, tin it- liu.ai-in city, town ami ryiiili tin- nafur those of us aim make tive the human kingdom what it is for a place id ! rin:i m-- t abode. Back from soiii lorn isles members or tribes are ruining to themselves or are In processor in the themselves comfortable little holes In trees or elsewhere which have come to lie regard eilgarded os homes. Man's finer cnslhllilli'i crave for the shelter of a of home an owned home shii-h, course, la niiin'i palace. The rial stale men are telling us onre more that the time for building Those of us who have Is here. dreamed dreams along Ibis line do not have to wait on the really men to tell us, for dreams of home always awaken fresh with the spring. Yet wo eoninieiid the realty men for their thought fulness, since every home they persuade a man to build means that much more toward the general prosperity of the community. We believe the man who lias delayed building a home for the past two or three years Is going to find this spring the Ideal time to do so. He Is sorry now, of course, that be did not build before the war. But there is an equal eh an re that three he years from now he may he anrry didn't build In 1921. In face of presenwe can t-day prices and from what ntad and hear about building operations throughout the land, we really and truly believe that the man who builds his home this year will he doing a very wise thing. LATE COUNTY FAIR FEATURE 1, BEft-- r Home Building k, baby girl, which waa born to them Show of Association Bulls Hsld in Connsction With Annual Show Wednesday morning. In South Carolina. Mrs. G. L. Evens and three small by tha United Rates Departchildren of Buhl, Ida., are visiting (Prepend ment of A art culture.) at the home of Mrs. Evans parents, feaSomething new in county-fai- r Ur. and Mrs. C. J. Waaamer, of Tay- tures was reported to the dairy division, United States Department of lorsville. Agriculture, from Greenwood county, Mrs. Guy Tidwell of Salt Lake is B. Cn where a show of association bulla was held In connection with tlie guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Park. annual Greenwood fnlr. This show atMrs. Elizalieth Moore of Taylors- tracted 28 out of a total of 25 bulla ville has as her guest her sister, Mrs owned by eight hull aasoclatlons In tlie nearby communities, and these aniWilliam Davis of Salt Lake. mals attracted imirh favorable comMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Perry, Miss ment among fair visitors. Tlie bulls were brought to the show Gene Triip and Wilford .Boblnson motored Sunday to the Utah lake at the expense of the fair, and. considerable prise money w;as offered for the where they spent the day. winners of the different clauses. In Mrs. C. J. Wassmer and J. M. Park- addition to the awards fur tlie best er of Taylorsville were called to Mouh bulls In classes under two years, two Tuesday to uttenil the funeral of their to three years, three years and over, niece and grand daughter, Mrs. Viv- and grand chapiplnu bull, prizes were also offerei for various special classes, ian Wulker. such ns liest trained hull, bull In best Floyd Kirby, assisted by his mother, breeding condlHmi, and the best group evenof bulls from any one mumetal Inn. The gave a party at his home Friday ing of last week in honor of his Judging of these special classes was The fourteenth birthday anniversary. followi-with a great ileal of interlining room was decorated in pink und the excellent condition and and white and also the dining table est, which held the birthday rake with case of management of the winning lighted candles. The evening was bulls In these classes was sn object silent in games and music and the fol- lesson for some of the onlookers. present As Indicated by the numlier of assolowing clasmates were Mary Ilarrlson. Stella Erickson, Irene ciations exhibiting hulls, the bnll assoMofDean Alone Kirby, Cannegieter. ciation movement has made sulistan-tls- l fat. llughy Bacon, Berrym Saunders progress hi this territory. In Arthur Gnufln. Harold I arson and county, fir Instance, which was Forester Kirby. well represented In the show, there Mrs. W. B. Clark and Mra. Christie entertained tlie ludles of the Methodist Hid Society at the church parlors Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. William Krehlis Is spending two weeks at Ogden visiting relatives We suppose the man who hasn't ami friends. liwn in to tell us ahout seeing the S. (). Bennion, president of the Con first robin is busy framing up a fish tral States Mission, is here, haring arlio fur later on. rived to attend mnfereme and Is the man wlui used lo e.aest of his mother, Mrs. Jnne Ben The eat eleven to avoid suspieion now niim. of Taylorsville. nuns all tlie patent medieinr; labels The Hnnin Ecunotnic Club of the liv heart. Murrey High School gave a sack The man vhe buys Ids clothing from apron ilam-im- ; party at the school'H house need not tell any- gymamiiiim Friday one where he got it. The clothing Mrs. David .limes of Taylorsi ill speaks lor itself. twenty little girls Saturday afternoon at Iter home in honor of her daughter. La Hues birthday an niverstiry. MICK1E SAYS We vUi to announce for the benefit of our readers, that we have become associated with a leading and .reliable registered Patent Attorney at Washington. D. C for the purpose if transacting the patent; trade-jnarcopyright and other business of a patent nature. Our arrangement enables us to guarantee that any matters entrusted to our care which comes before the United States Patent Office, will receive prompt, careful and efficient attention at moderate charges. Kindly furnish us with a drawing or photo of your Invention and a description of its construction, operation and advantages, with (10, and we will have our attorney make a rersonal examination at the United State Patent Office, and report whether yon can obtain a patent, the coat and manner of procedure. Please phone, call or write. THE PATENT DEPARTMENT, Eagle Pub. Co, Phone Murray 85. r Bight, EVERYTHING ELECTRIC, Wa repair motors, irons, vacuum heating cads and carting cleaners, Irons. HOUSE WIRING Wa sell and Install Now Fixtures, S.M.lhj'lorefB. at Xmj, Miival gad Moan Electric Co, Saffidy. Was. 7840 oooc 550 8l. State K |