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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH nmmnnninnmnnmmni:i. rt The Dark Mirror y b Louis Joseph Vasco Author of "The Fobt Facet " The Wolf Etc. Lome lthutreled by imniiiiiiimiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirms (CwmsM, IShll kr ths Author.) EIGHT The Day of Grace. I. TEMPTATION. 15 "Dead . . . ttlie In dead . . . Xeooora la dead . . ." The words, barely audilile. liardly more than moans, breathed from the lllpa of tlie woman lying In hypnosis .Fosdick, sitting by her aide, on the edge of the couch, bending over her, conned her face Intently. Hie long ilnahea were fluttering, teara welled from under lowered I Ida. the lips writhed with grief. She mnuned again, an inarticulate pure note of woe paae-'Inand ahuddered In her (poocli, trance. He cairtured her two wrlata aa her 'handa twitched up, groping aa onc'a handa will who walka In dnrkueaa, and Imprlaonnl them gently In the claap of one of Ida own. The other he preaaed again upon her forehead. "I'rlacllla !" he called In an even but urgent voice Vome out of It I Forget your vlalon. Her nothing . . . Do you henr met" The angulah of the face of the sloop-e- r grew trnnalently more acute, then faded aa he repealed the unanaweted Ho you liear 11101" Thla queatlim: time the girl reaponded dally: "Yea." "You iiiidcrslunU what I am g aay-In- . "Yea. Philip." "You are to aee nothing more . . , Do yon ere anything now?" There wna a alight pause; then the alceper atated without emotion: "I ace nothing now." "flood. Now you will aleep. yon will aleep quietly, without dreaming, for thirty mlnulca. Then you will wake up rented, rrfrrahiNl. calm, rnl tonal. Do you lindcrMlandr "Yea, Philip." Repeat what yon are going tp do." In a tmielna voice PrlKclIIa reI am going to aleep quietly, cited: without d miming, for thirty minutes. Then 1 am going to wake up rtulpd, calm, ratlomd." "Do ao, Foadick coniinn tided with She made no reaponae more than a profound atgh. The atainp of Borrow upon thoae exqulalte feotiirea had lieen inixllfliHl ; their expression now grew1 placid. Tlie agitated, guaty breathing pnoacd Inlo the atendy, alow and deci reaplnitlon of natural aluui-Ih- t. Koadk'k sighed In relief; but hla countenance continued grave with cure, the brow knotted, tlie llis tlie cyea harboring a look of pain. What wna his duty? H wns In hla tower to renew In Priacllla the condition of hypnotic long enough to erase by auggeathin ull wnkiug nieniory of her vision. Dy so doing he might spore her much suffering, initrh distress; the Vily ami horror of Hint lonely death, und the mystery of It, would not prey upon her sensitive and susceptible still to And, believing be living happily with the innn Slnrio, her husband, ITIsrilla might In time grow reconciled, school herself to renunciation, forget, and ultimately rebuild her life usm the foundation of a saner, anrer love. Hut If rriscllla were permitted to come hack to herself with full knowledge of what she had seen In her trams: believing Leonora deed, what would the effect lie upon her life? She would be sad, she would mourn, her duya It would be long would he iindnrkened by shadows of dread and distrust. Itut she would not dream, tliere would he no more Journeys of the spirit through the hollowness of night and Btare In futile search for that affinity which had gone nut of life. thla the consideration Against warred that, no longer needing to reckon with the rlalnia of Leonora, rrlndlla would less readily herself from the tolls of an Insane and linmssihlc Infatuation. With Mario free, no reuann existed why she should scruple to give him all tier love . . . I lured one risk perpetuation of that passion? 1 e dlomi-liarras- a 11. THE LINK. Foadick pressed a call liuttnn on hla desk and put the telephone receiver to hla ear. Hla assistant responded promptly. Foadick asked : "la there anybody waiting to see me? "Mr. Andrews. I told him you couldn't possibly nee him today. He said he'd wait till the cows came "Send An Foadick Instructed: drews In. When Andrews came In. a folding arreen shut off the conch and Its occupant from the rest of the room ; was behind hla desk, amiable, keen, composed. "Well. Andrews?" "a'daft'nnon, doc. Just blew In from up state Dutchess county," lie announced. "The party you're Interested "Mother O'More?" "Trail : she's up there In a private Insfutlon for tlie aged. Houglit her way In limit ten years ago. Seems aha gets an annuity from some Insurance Company, enough to pay for her ward and keep. Must be a sick InsAranes ssupony! tba old (lama's a hunnerPos-dlr- k In" Jmorican lie-fo- Smelting and Refining Co. Garfield Smelting Company GOLD, SILVER. LEAD AND COPPER PRES, COPPER MATTE. BULLION AND FURNACE PRODUCTS ; IRWIN MYERS CHAPTER daoelghty it she's a day and ain't so cation; uanming that Leonora waa black, dose-aeyes, surmising that much as thlnkin' of kickin' out" really dead, your spirit may have without a public aeeua there could be Did you see her to talk to? found some means, by some extraor- no escaping tba Interview he deMr. Andrews corrected gravely: "I dinary effort, to surmount the obsta- manded. seen her to talk to her, but that's as cles, whose very uature la uuknuwn Mi shrugged, and In silence led on fars I got" to us, that stand between the living out tu tlie sidewalk. lier car was "Is her uilnd cirar? I mean, do you aud tlie dead, prohibiting communica- waiting aeroos tlie way. Seeing lier, think she remembers ? tion . . . But we don't kuuw." lie chauffeur pulled round tu fhe Remembers? Hay, that old lady He argued earnestly, with Intention, curb. remembers mote's you and me'll ever seeing he liail already eugaged lier Mr. Chilvers bpied a gallant hand Interest to such extent tlmt she was miller her arm tu help her in, bin forget. Her mind's aa clear's he could follow Priscilla pulled soup In a French table ilc forgetting lu grieve. bote. On tlie oilier hand, we do kuow I lie door to. Iiiuneiiiatcly his manner "Won't she talk? Why? It's easy to foul ourselves. IteuieiulaT, changed. Scarlet with anger, lie laid Cumednesa." Mr. Andrews opined you hare gone about alld:iy fretted s liund un Ilia ledge of the window. or elm- - (lie's been paid to keep her by a feeling that something whs wrung "Wlmt's tlie Idg idea? he deinalid- -' trap shut. I got a hunch she liought willi Leonora, some ibiugcr threatened ed. You ought 10 know better than that annuity with husn money." her happiness. You Isissed lino the to iliink yuu eau gyp me without a Will anything make her talk, do hypnotic trance slteuily pre)imvd to si niggle." see the worst. Yon saw it. Hilt tlie Till re will lie no struggle," lT!s-- i you think T' Jack might." question reuinins unanswered, und for clllu replied quietly, talking from the tlie time being unanswerable : Hid yuu window. Jack who? Yoawne, ,for reasons of see truly, nr did you see a fuutusy my uwu. day' ltfdurv yesterday, I No, nut Jack anylmdy Just Jsck coin, yunuo money." conjured lip by your own Imughialiun chose to let you think me somebody Oh!" Komlick's smile swiftly fsded tnfllleni-ewho I am not. These reasons no by fear?" If I could only think tlmt, Philip I" longer exist. 1 let you lielleve I was into a look of thoughtfulness. Presume I'd better aee her myself. "Why ant try?" Leonora," Priscilla explained coldly, But he was arguing against his own "tiecanse I wanted to shield her "Would, If I waa you. Blic hasn't got no use for me stall spots me for cniivletlon: his argument lacked con"Oh, no doubt; no doubt I" a detective at sight anil Hut my motive doesn't matter. spits like a viction. Her drooping head dcacrilied a movement of rejection. mad eat every time I oicn me nioulh. IsKMiora (lied yesterday. So there's Where do you say she Is?" the trouble is No," site said, do more need of my pretending. One Iluce near l'uwling there's the I know . . . Hut Hie mystery juil the moment, please!" She forestalled a Mr. Andrews gave Fosdick "Listen to horror of such an end . . . Philip: threatened Interruption. a slip of paiier. Yisllors' hours ei cry wlio could have killed lier?" me I I am not Leonora. My name If she Is dead, as yuu think need is Priscilla Malty. I hure lived all afternoon, three In live." I'll see her tomorrow," Foadick we accuse aiiylssly of murder? It my life In New York, in tlie Park avenue house which belonged to my said, "Meanwhile, you can might have bran suicide " on nnotlicr lead. There's reason "Oh, no," she Interrupted almoat futher. Should we ever meet again, to lielleve the girl I'm looking for worn fully never! Why should she dont presume 011 tlie acquaintance I thla Leonora Is or hsa lieen for sev- tin such a tiling? She wus so happy, have fiorralltcd you to claim but which eral days living up In the Catskills. she loved Mario, lie loved her de- Is now closed. Ami before yon threatIn a private camp, en me again, let me advise you to find pmliahly rented, votedly." out the truth about Priscilla Maine." somewhere hack of Kingston. Her Ur an accident, jicrluips . . . She put her finger on the telephone hnshund cm me down to New York toShe seemed to try to adopt this day, according to my Information and theory, die isnidcred it at length, but button. belief, and Is reluming tonight." go of tlie door, please," slic In the end could not accept It. I'll run up there tonight, he on (lie No, she declared; It was neither said, looking calmly into his Infuriated Job first thing tomorrow. suicide nor accident, it waa what alia eyes. "Will you oblige me? Or shall had lieen afraid uf all along, death by I send niy chauffeur to ask Ihe policeman over tliere III. AFTERMATH. step this wray for violence , . s moment? Mr. Andrews took himself off. Mr. Chilvers (qietied Ills month, hnt glHnecd at Ills watch, turned to IV. DEFIANCE. shut It without speech. A second the screen, folded and act it aside. In the evening tlie telc)ihone was- raorw successful. Priscilla had not yet moved, hut interrupted tlie supervision of her If you think you csi put It over by every sign the subconscious monitor with enwhich was Priscilla on me like thla! was reminding lier tlmt the half hour packing, to divert her weary Ihiaights had elapsed. Her breathing waa less deavoring Hut rriscllla was already speaking no und with great success. regular, tlie silken lashes were restnuild being busy at tlie Moment. into the telephone Her less Umn her cheeks. While Foadick "All right, Arthur; to the studio, Priscilla answered in person, and sufwatched they lifted, diacloalng con- fered a please."' shock when she heard slight fused eyes. Tlie car swept forward so suddenly a the studied accent of Mr. Harry Recognizing him. she smiled uncerao completely hud she forgotten thut Mr. Chilvers was almost dragged off his feet before he remembered to tainly. KoMlIek uttered her name In a tlie Mr. limn. t'lillvcra chirped loose his hold. reassuring voice, took her handa and briskly : helped her (o a silting position. Satisfied that slm had seen tlie last Oh, hello, Nora I This Is Harry. How do you feel now?" he asked him he would hardly find a secof Whut happened to you thla afternqpn? ond her. opportunity to annoy her that I dont know. she said In a low, Fcrgct our dale for tea? Or did some-lllii- day, or neglect to make the Inquiries In your way?" get puzzled tone. All right, I guess, but she had advised and tomorrow Quite evidently Mr. Cliilvera was' would see . You you hypnotized me, rtilllp? her well beyond hla reach, a be to overfollow and good prepared Yes, Tills." in Southampton she sank hack In her look But Priscilla that rllglil. replied seat and once more delivered np body Was it difficult?" On the contrary, you proved one of with an apathy nothing abort of cyn- and mind and soul to melancholy. : ical the must willing subjects I've ever bad At the mouth of the alley she disMiss Maine Is not at home." went off like a shot, practically at Mrs. Trowbridge An oath of resentful Incredulity was missed the car. tlie first suggestion." will use you for the rest of the aftercut she in as two the clicked receiver He filled a glasa of water from the noon," she told Arthur. I'll call 1 r silver on hla desk; but when taxi to take me home when I'm ready." he took It to lier she was on her feet, Her bnsinew In the studio proved her eyes desperate. more exacting sml fatiguing than she Philip'." site cried gustily (he la had anticipated. , Weary to start with, dead Leonora I" die worked steadily, heedless of the I know; that la, I know you think It was something passage of tin ao; yon told me. past six, when imnaliig to survey the She did not answer, she wna heedresult of her labors, she discovered less of the meaning of hla words ; but there was little more to da At once aa if Instinctively feeling It Intolerable she realized her weariness like a dragthut another's eyes should pry Into lier ging weight, and felt that It would be grief, brushed aside the glass of wautterly Impossible to continue before ter, and with a stricken fucc stumbled ahe hnd rested for a little. past him intg a wide and deeply reThe Invitation of the (llvnn proved cessed window. too tempting. Fhe lay down, sighing. For several Minnies she stood there, Sleep possessed her without any her linrk to Fosdick, looking out blindan Instant's without warning, sily, slender slmnhlers shaken with grace . . , lent snlis, a hand with a handkerchief (TO BE CONTINUED.) dubbing at lier eyes. A wise physician, Fnmlick offered no THIS ANGEL WAS A KITE phrases of fulse comfort. That the storm of her emotion But Superstitious Railroad Mfh Who spent Itself swiftly, that It wnr not Shot It Down Was Certainly long before she whs nhle to talk fklin-lScared for a Time. was no revclntlon of hcurtles&ess, but largely the work of the suggestion "The shooting." says s Texas man, Impliuitcd in her while she wus in hypoccurred some years ago on the Pannosis. handle branch nf the Sunls Fe. and Tlie pity of It, she said after a the hero of tlie tale wea a superstition little time: uli, Philip! tlie pity of ltl who believed In warnings. engineer She was so happy and now aim Is "One night lie was rolling along at dead. a good speed, when lie saw n clear, "Perhaps." white light, like a round. Priscilla swung sharply You Wouldnt Mind dancing over llu track a few hundred Thought Perhaps suw I that? know do I any you "Why feet In front Ho shut off steam and Giving Me a Lift. her I saw her lying drowned In a mine to n stop ns quickly ns he could. pool Into Its hook : hut the picture suggest- The conductor and train crojv came "1 know, you told me. ed. of the Nut raging nt a mute and running up to the engine to see what 1? She was star- liiieiiiotionnl telephone, failed to excite was tlie matter. "Hut how could tled out of her sorrow. "I haven't had even the ghost of her atuile. " There Is some one swinging n lanB time. I've only Just remcinhered The death of Leonora had bereft tha tern across the track,' said the engiYou told me while In the hypnotic man of all clulin u;si her considera- neer, and tlie crew went ahead to Intrance. I questioned you and you told tion, rendering hint hoia1ewdy iiicotn-ele- vestigate. me all you kuew, everything you exfor liuiin. He hnd lacoiiie nothWe can't find anyone,' reported You were talking almost perienced. ing to her, less thim nothing. The the rear braketnan, and the engineer I Into threw you contlnuounly until incident served merely to remind lier pulled out again, bat he went slowly, normal aleep. So I heard aliout your that ahe hnd neglected to tell Foadick and In a few minutes stopped again. vision. about the fellow. Ids effrontery, the The crew went ahead once more to "Strange!" she said In a stare of Insolence of Ills threats. see what was the ennae of the light. wonder strange 1 should recall nothNow the hllterest niclniichnly op- The conductor, who was s good (lint, ing of that." pressed lier, a desolation tudcacrlb-iilile- ; drew his revolver, and at his second Not so strange; your speech was hot there was s crash, a scream, nnd the vision of Ihe pool wns oner In her Imngliiulinii, anmclliing purely automatic; obscuring the light wei'.f out and something ns heart went Just It isi. started. your even material objects that iiuased un- white came fluttering down from tlie went on beating und your lungs Inluil-In- g der her regard ; the sense of loss, a liv- clouds. attenand exhaling air, while your Tlie .engineer was scared. You've ing anguish from which there waa no tion was ulisorhed in other innttor. ewnjie. . . . shot an angel, sure,' he said to the It's like the automatic writing that Only In sleep dhl she find surcease; conductor, with a face as pale a people produce, believing themselves then there was oblivion of a sort In death. tiiiihr the influence of disembodied a sleep heavy and hot and tlilrk. In "Investigation brought nut the fart spirits. Nut necessarily even under which she lay inert like something that a small liny, with a lantern tied tlie hypnotic Influence; their attention submerged In a tepid, black, viscous to the till! of a kite, was the cause of la elsewhere, they may he talking nr fluid, from which she emerged with the trouble; hut for a long time It rending on utterly Immaterinl subject, throbbing head and sluggish pulses, teased the engineer to be asked about while their hand, without their knowl- iinrested, enervated, despondent. shooting angels.' edge, writes and goes on writing Just Fosdick called up about so you went on talking. A Bit Too Much. and. hearing her report on the I don't understand. It'S It's In- effect of the drug, told her to disconThe new quartermaster on the good Not that I doubt tinue It. promising to bring a sub- freighter Sioux was at the wheel nnd comprehensible. what you say. I must have told you stitute when he railed In tlie evening. was rattled. First the ship swung what I saw, there In the forest . . She promised to be at home to him madly 10 port, then to starboard, and thi-hack again. The old skipper Her eyes filled again, tears ran down alone. her checks. She averted her fare. Utter her maid summoned lier to the stood her antics as long as he could, s and tlien burst forth: Oh, the pity of It! she repeated, telephone a second time. Mr. Say, son." h wns on tlie wire. Tell him I've j shouted, I don't mind yonr writing just when life seemed about to compensate her for all she hnd never left town for (lie summer, Priscilla your name In the old pood, but for the had . . said, too depressed to feel annoyed by love of Mike, stop going hack to bead Don't let go like this, 'Cilia. Ro-- his persistence. it I" American Legion Weekly. But when site was leaving Altman's rmlier, nothing la certain." No you are wrong. I saw her, I In the afternoon after an hour or two A Room Filled With Books. Hooks are delightful society. If you know." of perfunctory shopping. Mr. Chllven You think so. waylaid her In the carriage entrance. go Into a room filled with books even lie minted with a wide flourish of without taking them down from their "Why do you persist In saying tha.? Have my dreams ever proved ground- his beaming topper and a smirk of shelves, they seem to speak to you, seem to welcome you, seem to tell you less?" poisonous amiability. "We don't know, yet ; perhaps some Saw your car up the afreet, he an- that they have something Inside their of them were. Hut this wasn't one of nounced cheerfully' "thought perhaps covers that win be good for you, end whit yon call your dreams; It waa a you wouldn't mind gtvln me a lift that they are willing and desirous to ' Flip stopiied. reading vision, possibly a hallucination. In hypdnrkly his Impart to you. Value them, and ene notic trance. It may have lieen true shrewd, narrow, face, reading deavor to turn them to account W, phenomenon of telesthetlc communi the threat and triumph la thoae small. E. Clsdstooa. Lead Plant at Murray, UtaH Copper Plant at Garfield, UtaH aQ communications l to J. M. BIDWELL, Manager, Room 700 McComick Block, add-ress- Salt Lake City, UtaH What you expect When your Just a reminder Fns-dle- k from eur lasadry disappointed to. Her high close ns w colored shirts, rough dry is to and assured when yonr perm sail are laundered at the Mamas JssSSi sr Inuadry, Chll-ver- g Murray Laundry MAGNA FRUIT & piii-be- VEGETABLE STORE All kinds of fresh fruit, oft drinks A ice create Open every day includ-ingholide- ya until Mein Street beti let & 2nd East We carry the largest line of misfit and uncalled for Clothing in the State. NOBBY SUI10RIUM 219-22- Ton Hwfr what others haw State St Sak Lake doing Haims Sign and lea nary Pilsk Ing. All klnda ef Intarier Decorating. Work the heal Frieaa reasonable. mid and nil of a Midden found him compctkor wti 1 Saj Yon Cant Advertise? nt what they DUKS. thought they couldn't do. And getting away with k. Out the bulge on your Ns. IS Center St, Magna, Utah competitors by telling your my in an Attractive manner k will be read. Youll get the results. n con-stu- nt Form Vs An Aaxioas te Help your own opinion of the quality of priming we torn oat by looking over the tipples we will be glad to how you. Thera la nothing in this line that we. can't do to you? entire nth-factio- n. High- - class printing creates a good; Chit-ver- rst-llk- 1 0p.m. Eagle Publishing Company impree--j fan far yon 1 , j Murray, Utah Phone 35 andyoni Cofwoh VBsetv, Sand yea your Wert Oat ejr Totem |