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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH jnUSTTA Fixings That Add to Gowns Horticultural Points HIE PREVENT INJURY BY BORERS Soap Wash Applied to Every Part ef Tree la Recommended as Superior to Spraying. There ere two borer which work oa apple-tre- e apple trees ll:e Imrer. borer and the They are quite common, and not imiiiy orchard ure free from tlicin. The lircr make a tunnel bctwi-cami In the lairk and the yuung orchards the tree are freqncut-l- y completely ginlhsl. Tin- Imrer I icrliuis the mom Tlie young larvae lirc commuii. through the bark and for a Uiih work lust under the burk. After a year. If lliey are uudinturlied, they wurk clear Inin the heart wil. These Imrer work in tree from two to three ycur. oiiKliiiilly uuiklng a larger tunnel. Trees should lie examined daring the fall und again during the spring fm Tlie gum ''gumming" or huuli! be cleared away nail then inn' knife rather sparingly und never cut crosswise of (lie grain of tin wood. Tliere are no sprays or washes, safe to use. which will kill the Isirers in ih apple trees, hut a good soup wash, iipplled to every wrt of the trunk of tree will prevent the udiills from laying egga on llie trees and prevent tin larvae from boring In the trees. A good wash la made aa follows: One gallon soft aonp, one gallon hot water und pound rarholie add ; this should he stirred thoroughly, and r 24 hours diluted with 30 gnUuiis of water anil applied aa a wash. Hume make a stronger solution by doubling the amount of earliollc add. The egga of these borers are laid during June nnd July, so It I linsirtant that the raxh lie niqilled In time to prevent the females from laying eggs on the round-heaile- I, round-heade- MISSINQ AN OPPORTUNITY. There in often fuu at the lm nobell grounds outside of llio 31 mo. ese-dallamiaig the boy who try to tee tlio game without bring admitted. One youngster who wa fortunate enough to And a knothole In the fentw waa heard to about to another who waa luuiii-liinaway on a Juiey y d exi-rcl- ap-lil- 11 I'll quit tlila hole If you'll gl me a eouplo o' them.'' Yer ean't (Jo on!" waa the reply. aee through the glnka on t'other aide o the fence." Ori right, aonny," waa the rejoinder. keep em. Hut lliat'a where you rnlaaed It, for there' a aawed-of- f guy In front of thla hole, and there ain't nobody In front of him. Reel" lilny. one-ha- lf nf-te- trow There are other borers which work on cherry and peach trees. These clierry-tre- e Isirera may lie controlled In same manner a the apple-treborer. These borers do not usually become very numerous, lint while they are working they do eonaiilernble damage and some cheek should lie put nitImrer on their work. The saeli-tre- e mav he controlled liy spraying with WHERE THE MONEY IS Firat Kid: I b'llev I wanna own a movin plccture theatre whan I grow up Slim. They1 aura makln money outa the movlea thee daya. Second Kid: Why I Je heard my father aay yeateddy that they waa makln plenty of money out atllla" too e A Financier1 Experiment. Hia system felt a chillin a hock That troubled hla repose. Ha put aoow water In tha Block. And then tile water tarn, moHier.bu replied. fa tathew- - terifl the Why Iletlahr Only live word aald. lady. puzzled of It remain," he What would a costume be wliluiiit thing cuu lie accomplished. Even with those ttuWliliig louche (lull till out a street costume, ll la imereatlng to the picture? Tills seusiai they seem see these little beuil come clipping to he even lunre important than tliey down over the neally gloved liaiid. have been in yearn iast, for tlie aim-Then I here Jfh- - the gorgeous brace-pl-e reason, say fusliiou writer, liuit lets ninile of iliniiionda and of of the gowns are plain In de-- j mnnils in immlilmiiioii with the more sign and irealnn-111- . establishing tlie colorful prerlfc slime, lliey ace rule hat if I here arc extra fixings j very inin-- in exlm-ucat all the suiurj. they must lie iierleel nr lliey will slick fuiidhins. worn along willi evening out like sore llmuihs. For Ibis very Hm dressy ufleruoou clothe. They he extra lixing assumes a new ure much to lie desired ami extremely In Unit it iniisi usually, imiHirtniiiv In general eliarneter. Tnen or very often, Is- - lie tally hit of trim- - them art all sfris of liuiidMome then-I- s uhoiit the gown. There-- I tluue linuvh-tIwlng ul present line, if it is 1101 quite in Imrinony with .brought mil from their hilling phiees, Hie very mil tit which It ncriililiulilex. after many ye: of existence .under It will pul the whole iirrangennut out cover of the stuffy Jewel ease. These of key and tlie elfeet will lie one are. ierh:iia, Hie most el! relive of nil of extreme sluphllly Instead of iillra when they are worn with llio right Milan ness, us it should liuvu been. sort of costume, hut, mi Hw other Don't Hiiak Hint just any string of liiinil, they ure I lie most ilillhult to lienil will iln li Uveti up a gown that oblniii. ami. ipti-fore- , much less In is dull nnd pluin In Tliere eviileiiee than lire I hose of mure la a string of lieuilx for that gown origin mnl design. you buy which Is liettrr Hum all other Tlie dangling linipiiis mentioned In Hullearlier ure ihstM now in all sorts of strings, and unless you ing that one your whole piinsise will atone, fin-- they am a isipulur fixing he. iliwurted. anil the look of the gown of the inoniem. Tliere are those made will lie siled Instead of lielsd, us of rut crystal wlilelr are lovely to you iiieuut to have it. These are line see. anil there irfte olliers made of isilnts and valuable ones. cluster of garnet which A There ure those Incmigruims effect la are very Die dress of classic lines and exquisite made of ull colors anil composition, materlul nil in black und a crepy salln molded Into vurlous shapes and sizes sarfai-e- , with a chain of lirlllluni red and hcnil nmW button. Xu one I stones hung Hlmut the llinml, wlmii quite up to tlie lnt word unless she he stones are too large and the color Is Hie proud siArsor of one of these Is too glaring. Sometimes mle alone ., pins. will look brilliant in a ginned tun of The fml for Ismila has cxtcnih-this sort, and Ktanetlinc the hrilllimt Itxelf to the mgKJrr of IhiIik. mid now isies will just succeed III mukliig nie ee comhlhniioiis of buckles and known their hlehilty ulmve every mlu-- r and chains that are moat attractive when used fur girdle. It la accessory. seldom that om of these Is seen enJade, Color of Moment. Jude Is tlie color of the liioiiu-u- t aa tirely iniidu from one sort of bead. fur aa Jewelry la concerned. And a Tliey are good when tliey are comdress that touch of thla brilliant green carries bined with III further lliuu pcrhaiiu any other lilt ImnisIs no otlieif sort of trimming, for I Declares That Never Before Sine Hie Occupation of Position of Authority Had Ha Felt So Much Occasion to Rejoice Over Progress. 1 diu-iiio- i 11 ! THE DIAMOND la Hie April birth Urn. We have aa axealleul SaV-lv- av aneamud ouall anaa. Our leaaonable prfcea aaae the war. BOYD PARK JEWELERS BOYD PAUL BLDG MO MAIN STRUT char-Hcte- pur-th-iil- TH CONTINENTAL WOOD STAVE PIPE t Salt Isike City. The af the Chureii of Jesus Kof fuU (tefiruliuD vrue Saint at Christ of Latter-daE K HI I 1 JT i MOItltlSIl 10 o'clock Sunday morning. April 3. ill tlie tulieriinele. Ill Ills opening address. Ires'tlcnt RED STREAKS OF HONESTY EXIST IN EVERYBODY (rant reviewed Hie aellvitle of the And tlirrabr wr mm than two bun- eliim-and the nehieveiaenis of the drsd UmkjmikI dollara mull'. Tara is your neve? rtsiBwandwrwillnillarl Hint Ix'fore nw nnwy fur you. past year, declaring ERCHANTS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION of if llie world. kinee Ills mriiHiney of the KnncwR laike, Chiimil Mainmctt autliorliy III Hie char 'i liad he felt 0 ' The sisuker fret took up Hie quesOaBtimNiUI Ntet'L ttmik Bkdff., S)t City to n juice over llie tion of llie iiineb MSmue prapte dmi't lilt iuM of sin, setting forgiveness made liy tlicelinreii. progn-s- s refilr the out nut only the necessity PABLO a. Iteiiilziag wane of the sietis which mission of sin liy pnqieriy constituted WALKIS'I traMforBuiiaM wsnh HI far IUS. he held u imllniljvc of development, iitithoriiy, bur also the obligation tliat 'Switch wltrlMB worth 17 .H hr It, V msiL Cut lie referred first to the nils-lwork, rests upon those who have receive BBiate BraUr ot hrod. tsa Bontb Mala. llie of hiit this dcparfient declaring forgiveness or so living that tlieir for- CLKANUS A DYEXa. lmn-li furnished an unequaled hnin would not he recalled by God. Qualitr. giveness Wa ar fauarrd. Work aaaraataid. la llie rest of the world for lie Hied die Idldlriil imnilde of tlie Clothn rctura paatasa Priea flat aa raquaat. devotion to the principles of llie gos- nmsier and Ida selfish servant who re- Mrara ClaaaaiB A Dyrra, 114 E. Broadway. pel. In pnqMirthiu to the number of fused In forgive Ida debtor, after he Dry Claaalaz hy P areal PaaL goad yarn auita. missionaries hi llie field he licllevml hiiiiscir IihiI been forgiven, as an ex- drama, aoaia, air. la aa for "M mater Clranfa Dyain." Balfa LaXa'a leadin chaincra. that never In Hie history of the rhuix-l- i ample of tlie iienulty llmt limy come and Wa ay ratara charara. Kraal Cltaala A had the result been so gratifying E. 2nd 8a. C-a- IM-l-u Dyala t to one for hardening Ids heart. Temple work, the president said, President Young devoted thirty min- MONUMKNTa. Write far ratalua. Standard bail iiImi shown satisfactory progress. ute 10 reminiscence of early duys of MarMa A Granite Co.. 117 W. Broadwa. striking example of which wus to the rlmreli, siieuking from Srsonal Tor a real ynntl plmir hi mt. Iblluw llw rrawda ta lie found In the fact that the fast of- mill SHAYS CAi'ETEKlA und of Oliver 1'owdry Ihmn llw marble (tails. ferings In a single Sunday, set apart Marlin Harris, the men who assisted Oppnallr PimI IMUw. in u Ion of erect the toward temple Now and rabailt, rapairad Smith, the prophet, in (dx TYPEWRITER: Joseph aad aachaaaad. Elhbunm and rarfauna tar all Arizona, hud yielded US.iMKi. trnnsliil'oa of the Hook of Mormon.. mmkaa. UTAH TYPEWRITER EX. CO-- Dept F. ISeferrlng siieelfienlly 10 umimnls ex- Itoili of lluse men. he left the STAMPS A STENCILS. Ban la and pended in different fields of church church after It had hern organized, RUBBER tata aha mada. Sand tor aamplas. prfaab work, President lira lit aahl llmt in Hie Imt both In luter years reiiented nnd ate. Ml Laka Stamp C-o- ii W. Broadway. past year $718.4117 1m been used hi enme luiek III llie gosiiel." seeking 8ALT LAKE BU8INE88 COLLEGE. educational work, $34033 far tulier-nael- nut rank or privilege, hut the upisir-tuuli- Bara lodrinz ; work after aehaal : anrall anytime. auiuxcmeiit hull and rtmiiel to die in the fullh. ruaa. and an hoar atnunpoain 7fl 'leniilny 7 work. He and frail ,7(KI for nilnsiminry President Roberts quoted extensively VarnamfUmiiJiMl free. estimated the (line and lalair exiiemlvd to allow that Hip doctrine Dudxn Brao- - M K. Flint Suath, Sail Laka. of tlie hy the missionaries to belli equiva- church have lieeii sulistantlulisl by CREAM BOUGHT. Ba lent of $2,000, IKK), anil ilecluroil It n wl nesses from llie time that llod amt Waa tarn Creamery C-a- Z44 W. Pbnrlh Banth. murvel for the world to note that a Jesus Christ first iipjietired (o the MUSICAL INSTBUMENTS. known la mala. Baaba. Enryihin people who ininilierod only half a prophet Joseph Smith and that nmple Dmynaa Balt Laka Clip. million, ull told, should no far devote evidence of the truth of the revealed tlielr time and substance to the cause diirtrinex 1ms ever been with the fol- BUMNEM bulkliuc upvrialtira and praaHBma. . U S WhniraalrOa. BusaiM. Write Cor they had espoused. Asslslance given lowers of tlie prophet. POULTBT BOUGHT. For beat raanlte ahip. to the poor during the year bail at the KH!Hklng pealtry, ana and anw to Fulton Mkt. Camct amounted to $410, UOO, while $1.18.713 of the Dimeret Hunduy Kcliool waisM. Prompt ratnrna. Write tar prirat. bail been expiniled In temple work, jiiinn. Sunday night. President Hebcr OLDSMOBILE BIETBIBUTOBS. Cara A Iraki. another Illustration of faithfulness In Uaad ear kamina. A-- E. Ibnraaaa. 447 A Main. Gniut declared lmt: 1 uf revealed to doetrlne the living up child who woman or man, Any Platan Blaxa rare your motor tninMra. religion In luborliig for the salvation claims tlmt he, she or any other perliiliriidiw of those who had died before receiving son on earth, except Ilrtier J, Grant, EUBBEE HOSPITAL the gniel. has received a revelation regarding Wa rare Injured rubber artielaa.ate.Beota, Ehoaa. BalWaathm Water bottlaa. Tina, Tnba President Grant paid' ldgb tribute lie actions of others thun himself and Hot aaraalaod. Batura ahatpaa prepaid. Waatera to President Antiion II. Lund, who Is eitlier a plain liar or has lieeii Rubber Balaa Ca. 144 E. Broadway, Butt Laka family dleil only a few weeks azo. deceived liy the towers of evil, and ELASTIC STOCKING MPBB. Charles IV. 161110x0, first counselor to heed tbe doctrines of such abdomiaml. Maternity auppartara. person Manafactaran W. Tram attara. A H. Bowawr Ca. Brooka Arcmda to President Grant, and Anthony Is a sure rand to hell." A Machinery Ivina, second counselor, recently eleThere are certain persons among WELDING. AUTO RADIATORS Baal and ahaapaaL Potter bailt aad vated to the position from the quorum President Grant continued, who Waldla Anpairad. Sooth Btete. Co. Ul us," Kcpalriaa (St (lie twelve, wire the .other speakare declaring thnt they have heifl In- L. D. A BUSINESS COLLEGE' ers at the morning session. Tlie ad- truded by the Lord to perform plural Be bool af EMeiaaey. All aoaunarcial branchaa dresses of both were largely theologiBalt Laka City. s Cntetop froa HM. Main inurrluges. Tliere are no plural In Penrose Mr. es! dealing character, In the church, and any person KID FITTING CORBET PAKLOKA willi (he nature, power and function Ottiaa aanata. vlio attempts to teach other than tlie Bpacialbte hi dmhraiBS. makhne. mabraidirias. hrmidlna, aarordioa of the Holy Ghost," while Mr. Ivin of 'one wife for one Haawtitehtes. aido plantlna- Buttopa mada 4 A Bdwy. prevailing ayslem and spoke chiefly of tlie Inspiration of the limn Is Kiinrtluiilng tlie practice of MABINELUT BEAUTY PARLOA Hair Simla Book of Mormon. aihillery, and uny who enter such mar- and Mmrinrllo praparathmaLaka HaU order now Clift Bid.. Salt CHy. Uuh. presiClawson, Apostle Ruilger riages are guilty of adultery Mn the aoliritod. dent of the council of the twelve, suc- fare of Gixl. Now I guess you underSome of the Newest Details of Women VULCANISING A RETREADING. Quality and Apparel. Standard TlrnJForka. aervica. lEa Bute. ceeding. Anthony IV. Ivins, was tin1 stand that." ieuker of the afternoon sesstone. Jade done then they can carry the color and the first of lavantera' Madrli Mada Key. lock and ua In nil way, hut some of the neweMt design all by themselves and rapafria. Knadaea Novplty Ca, W M Blale. get sion. He devoted himself almost enStrangs Story of Murdar Pact. Bappartan, hoapftal aadalrk ornament in fushlon are the hulpln away with it proudly. One of these tirely to an analysis of the authority, Two men who Tiaaam Akdamiaal Basel, Kwltxerliind. Ca 14 A Main. anpplim. Tha which ilungle In tier nnd are fas- made up of silver cord and jnde rings power und functions of the priesthood liad entered Into n contract with a tened over Hie right ye In n plain, was most interesting when combined of the L. D. 8. church,' describing woman to mil her life were recently BEE YOUR LOCAL PUBUEHER loota leal blndrra, apacial blanka rnrorda both orders, the Melchcscdlc, or high- hnlcil Into criminal court here by (he Far darkly colored satin turtmn of one with a dark Ntie crepe dress. of all klnda Ha nine Quality Sendee. More Head Beads sort of another. Some of these pine Popular, er, and the Auronlc, or lesser. party of tlich second pnrt for taking ATTEND UTAH BUSINESS COLLEGE Head beml are tiecomlng more and At the afternoon session, before call- her money nnd have dangles made in circle nnd fulling to carry out Fnr Prartinl lhiiulMwa Kilumtinn. Hndan BM. hiiivokmIinim of circle, from which u more popular In tlie evening and, with ing on any of the general autlioritle was charged MOLES BAEBEE COLLEGE Qualify aa ban their bargain, Rubliery 44 A Wmt Temple Btraat. Imhhlng bend eniuimtea, nnd the whole Farb leading the fashion, they are to address tlie congregation. Presiby the plaintiff hi tlie action, and the bar la few wariu. more a little elaborate and Informal most Ids In uhout nnd aalil Hint baste growing Grunt dent Ip swing Ihlng in prison. THE EMBROIDERY SHOP. 114 Clift Bid. terms men to were sentenced Jade rings, with enormous more inclined to cover the whole of press of mntter to he attended to at Tlie woman Hemstitch: no. plaatte. auehlaa aad hand imiinier. narrowly .escaped trial fur batloaa mada am part bend work. stones, are aa populur as ever, anil on tlie top of the coiffure. The little the morning session, lie had overlooked attempted lininl which are large enough to atnnd bands of formal sliver leaves are one of Hie must iniMirtunt, the nqiort ARTISTS' MATERIALS their iiiusslvencsa they are really stun- particularly good looking, and at the aa to tllldng. Without 11 Booth Main. Finn C. A SAVAGE CWomans Body Found In Laka. Artiate' ning looking, tliongli it must he aalil opera many of them are seen scattered exact figures, the preiiideiit said thnt lu the kodak Salahias and anlarsin. A Denver, object floating Bhaa kadaka aad audience. Tliere is another lie congratulated the Latter-dapicture framin. Saints form of a woman, clad In that they are best when they are worn about the navy blue, ART CO- - picture fraro-t-e. alone, fur they do not go very nicely little hand of variegated tiny flowers upon the payment of a slightly larger wns taken as an fisd Joke boy by April china paiatera aad artist luppllaa. Id Mala. with other and inure dollcutely de- often seen. It came from London sum lii tithe during the year just fishers In City Tlie Joke lake. park where the women love to wear things ended than In the signed Jewelry. BUSH 1EEVICE aarri If yaw previous ycur. to be nn Knin Schlesinger, SPECIAL auatian tlda paper whaa writia abara Irma The "curved jnde dangles, worn on In their hair during the dress-u- p hours F. Richard, presiGeorge Apostle whiled us waters Into he the watchman, hits of lilnck rlhlion nrnunil llie throat, of the evening. dent of tlie Salt Lake temple, who Rag for money and bags for followed Mr. Clawson, said that as nnd brought the form to shore. The INFORMATION DEPARTMENT are most effective agulnt dark with glee. The form wiik and woolen dresses. Tlie curving are trinkets, aa well aa cigarette cases, the keynote of the laxt conference, hoys yelled thut of a woman about 35 years old. Corarawrtsl tefonutioa fMrabhad New particular etc, are developing In beauty every exiienslve, because till cniiiniiiiidnieiits had of God," llie keep af charge- - CatalaRaas (appUad aad aaara stone i so hard to cut. Rut, Hien, a day that passes. They are not by any proved o successful, he rejoiced that mill iaqairtea cheerfully aaswsraSL Chateau Turned Over to PeoplA little of It goes a great way on ac- means elalxirute or fussy. Tim soft tlie keynote of the present gutliering Write aay tna above! De H eowf s .Vienna or enrd cases, made Sclmenbrun, the Inijierliil count of the seiutlllntlng quality of its little pocket-brnkof brocaded silks and edged with lit- wns "continue to keep the command- clintrau where mice dwelt Marie Diplomatic. peculiar color. e tle blocks of sliver and gold, are ments. Tliema nnd where Napoleon In demand, are Jude bracelet. too, He was one of the few remaining Despite (lie storm that prevailed nhout newest the 1800 1805 and and loveliest hla planned things so preva-Irtare e for the short sleeves that durkleA He had finished the that are to lie seen In the better shops. throughout Monthly afternoon, rain and in Austria, will lie turned nver call loudly for bracelets to deck Sometimes odd Jobs for which he had been emhiiow uHeraling. the tabernacle was to the In are colorful as a Vienna of I lliey quite lie people public the Imreiieaa of the anus. Some of hat hi hand, appeared at although the tinier patterns more than comfortably filled at the monument and recreariuii ground. The ployed, anil, Jmle hracylots are carved In avetlona hack door. the of session. the afternoon , beginning are and then liext would used, lin again they tlochW It government to nmke them look as though a cer- are usually Solemn anil emphatic warning to Ills serve tlie How much Is It, Under he was made of the simplest black or peiqile a public property. tain ininilier of straight side lind been brown or blue asked. or gray stripes. They people that they have no part In, nor cln-le- ; mane put together to form a Two Killed by Bomb. Yo' say how much ? Jest whateher ure most useful liecause, nn xccount anything to do with, any ngitatlon or In strurture. are of them quite simple of their general flexibility, tliey can movement uguinKt (he Jewish people Dublin. A rhilil found a bomb In yn any, inlusl." to made large enough Tliey are all Holier J. llie ruin of tlie It ox Carbary police hold a lot of things and, at tlie same wns given hy President Oh, but Id rather you would say slip alxiut on the arm In n decidedly time, because of their clever construcGrant, Just licfore Ae close of the barracks, the Rrene of a Sinn Fein how much," the laity of tlie house regraceful way. conference session on Monday. tion, retain llielr contour. nttnrk, and bundl'd It to a policeman, plied. Bracelets ef All Sort. Klme There npjienrs to he," said Presi- who, seeing the pin was mixxing, and slippers are mnrcUng on "Yn. ih'uiii! lint, m'ain. Aild nnli-e- r hub de 75 cent yo all would glv Tliere ore bracelet of nil aorta and a new putli. from the look of things. dent Grant, "a good deal of ng'lutlon threw it Inro llie street. It exploded, conditions. There are the unit seriously me itan de 50 cenls Ah'd charge yu They are losing the very exaggerated against le Jewish people. We should killing two sets of dangle bracelet made of IHiInted look hat they have held for hold no all Life. against them. The wounded llirec other. Several persilver or of gold. They clank to- so lung and are becoming more snub- duly constituted authorities of our sons suffered minor injuries. Home Brew a Delusion. gether and slide up and down the arm nosed. The very newest ones are not Those Considerate Lion. What's your opinion of the Dibit In a way that Is truly fascinating, exactly short vamped, si were thoae Off on tha Wrong Foot. Teucher You rrmemiier the story of Maltlrasinn theory? and they seem to lie much liked by that had a sort of flare a year or so The wicked garage keeiier was tryDaniel, In the lion's den. Hobble? Dabbs Aw, It take a regular the ladles who go In for the more or ago. These newer ones have long ing to figure out hla Income lax. Robbie Yes, ma'am. to turn out any malt beverage less fancy sort of dressing. A new enough vamps, but the toes themseh e a man brings his enr to me to be If Toucher Whut lesson do we learn fit to enthuse over! Buffalo Exsort af bracelet b made from a string curve n round n a decidedly snubbed repaired, and It coats ine 00 cents, and from It? a long string that b way rather than extending Into long, I of tiny pearl press. charge him $18, wlmt per cent profit Robbie1 That we shouldnt eat evrolled over and over the hand until It imlnted effect. The bootmakers tell would I be he demanded of making?" bracewe us seer Statesman. Mora Enterprise Needed. thnt Yonkers all the famous a be have to cotp-fothey erything become small enough Ilia son and heir, of a really American shoe, In spite No one lias yet been successful In let of many tier of the strung beads. anI'm sure I don't know, pop, Judged by Their Records. an actual murder," states When, for any reason, pearls are out of their change in shape, and that swered tliat How do yon know what kind of filming young hopeful. "You'll It certainly Journal. pleture-goer- s ef the question for this usage, then the American woman with a long and have to who knows the the Newcomb an If you've there la a lovely little substitute In narrow foot is going to he Just aa com- rule of get somebody to tgll you that. people dues seem s pity tliat our murderers met them? never larceny grand hi tlie the shape of a string of tiny silver or fortable In them as aim has become xre so terribly The rule for percentage wouldn't I have heard their phonograph sesilvered head, with 'which the same accustomed to being. resen re of s cinematograph man. p Huston cover It I Exchange, lection." ninety-fii-K- I confereni-- e -- y i nH-iie- I y s npis-nram- st lui'tT e. bn y isic-piec- e partk-alan- semi-annu- mar-iuge- Tha Human Vole. Tlie trouble with the motion picture, wild the critic, In tlmt It duca not bring out the thrilling jiower of tlie humiiii voire. It (IocmiI, ell !" exrlulmcd Hie emiYou ought tu come nent priMlueer. over to our atudlo and lieur the atage director and the atnra bawling one another onl." - Round-Heade- Borer Work Service Tree. Apple-Tre- e d Ing in Young just ns the hud begin to swell. The ciirriiut hush borer la controlled liy cutting imt nnd liumlug Hie old, infesli'd stems In May. Tlie rnsplNriy cane Imrer may lie dealt with hy cutting out ami destroying Infested canes or slmota along toward the lust of June. Hla Demonstration. Well, June. I feel pretty proud of myself. I've kept three doctor away tinhiy. How? Christian Science? June Smllh Niqie; hy apple. 3one IIow an? Smith Why, they nay nn apple a Kmllh BEST ORCHARD-GRAS- Plant Favor S Wall-Drain- SOILS Rich Loam and Will Not Thriv on Infartils Sandy Soil. the doctor away and theres day kee my third rare! TRUE TO EXPERIENCE House Manager: What'a the repeating that picture of the man at tha telephone with a cut In reading aevaral days have elapsed? Tha Producer: Realism. The man's still welting for tha number , he called. POOR POLICY TO BAND TREES The Idea Only Question ef Time Before Material Killa Tree, Especially Thoae With Thin Bark. Afraid of Mice. There waa an old lady of Nantucket, Who never ctirred out of the liouee: But ehe earned her rat In her basket For fear of meeting a mouse. Hazy Recollection. Why didn't Muud Muller marry the Judge? My recollection Is that she threw him over because the judge tineil Iter for speeding. Knew What Waa Coming. 18, what Is an Idiot ? I cant give you a brief definition, win, hut I ran point out to you some line examples. Just leave my fnmlly alone, and you go to lied. Willie, sMike up hla wife, who knew whnt was coining. Ancrtion. You've got to I' pretty smooth to get to the top nowaday." A Bald usually e you get get Good Example. , Wife It's quite not 10 Jde how Harold 1 gel ting to look more nnd more like you every dny. Ilefore long he'll be a perfect Imitation of his father. Husband Il'in ! Is tlmt so? Wlial now? mischief baa lie been up-t- Parental Anxiaty. Were you successful hi your liuer-vlcwith the girl's fa I her Not exuctly. Tlie old iiuni deiimial-eto know If I waa prepared to support him In the same style hi daughter was misiomed to dig" r d Result In some quarters seem to Indicate that It Is u poor policy to band tree with sticky greasy material to prevent Inserts going up. While It prevents the Insect climbing, It seem to lie only n iiicthm of time when the materinl kill the tree, especially tree. Remove the each autumn and replace oil another part of the tree if it Is to lie umiI at ull. thin-harke- d CONTROL OF SCALE INSECTS Spraying May Ba Don at Two Different Period ef Year and for Different Purpose!. Rw control of scale Insert of all kinds b chiefly by spraying, nnd this operation may lie carried on at two entirely different period of the year and for two entirely different purpose. In one case the spraying ta done when the tree are not In foliage, that la. In tlie late autumn or early spring, and Hiese spray are known ai dormant spray because of the dormant condition of the trees. Hla Conjugal Mentor. Conirtenre tolls a man when done wrong," remarked the bachelor. You haven't got the name quite right In my rae." replied the meek Her name I Constance." benedict. Boston TranacrliiL h' Credit Where Credit Due. Little ItcM- -l haven't had a spanking today. Uncle Dick Reen s goad girl, eh? Lltile Hess Oh, It isnt that; mother's lieeii a perfect angel. Boehm TruiiM-H'-- i 1 Jonea-Oak- r. Orrhnrd grass dim best on rich loain Mills. It will nut succeed on poor sandy land. While It will grow on soils too sour for, and will withstand drought better than tininlliy, orchard grass' I apt to lie Injured liy severe northeni winters. The linHirtnnt ailvuniage of tills plunt la that It thrives In a partial shade, milking It suilalile for orchurd and woodland pasture. And you "Righto! smooth on tlie top there." PRESIDENT GRANT REVIEWS ACTIVITIES OF CHURCH AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF YEAR. Into the fold of tlie gospel . Let 110 Latlerslny taint have any isrt lu any agitation or movement against llie Jewish penelc." Apostle James E. Talnmge, Dr. Seymour 1L Young, senior president of the seven presidents of seventies, and 1L H. Rolans, second president of the ruunrll of seventies, were the tqienk-er- x Each of the of Hie aflernisin. addresses given was doetrinul lu dealing largely with some phase of the L. D, S. creed. After Muling rliut llie public generally, regardless of creed, wns always welcome at llie conference sessions of llie I utter-day Sulnls, Apostle Tulmage said that It wus that lh great majority ill ailenitance Kalulx. uud that, while were l.inior-dahlx remarks would have iechil reference to (Mr faith, the I heme (hat lie would discus wuulil lie of general to all lnterfMted III the prog res i mil Why He Picked Pictiah. An English mother waa vialilng tier aon at college. Well, dear," she aalil, what language have you derided to take!" I have decided to take llvtlah, . IN CONFERENCE I church have been to the Iloly Laud, and, under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, have oiieued tlie way for tbe return to Jerusalem of the Jews. We believe thut they will yet come O- la y llona-lmrt- enm-pai- it old-tim- ' lirew-maat- er rt Transcript 6teamlng. Velvet coals, frocks, bats or ribbons respond best to steam cleaning. Small articles should be held dose to a boning tea kettle. Some clothes,' aside from being sent to a professional deaner, can be considerably Improved by suspension over a bathtub of very hot water. This help lift the crushed pile of the fabric. If a sheet la draped over the garment or an umbrella opened np over It to Inclose the steam within the tub tha mult will bo bettor. . A Convenience. A great convenience Is Self Praise. Smith Yon seldom see such beautiful golf as that man plays. His drives were corking, Us approaches superb and he never missed a put Jones How much were you beaten hy? Smith Why, I won I Cirtoon. the apron pocket for clothes pins It takes near-lone yard of calico to make It, the apron or pouch being IS Inches In length and nearly aa wide. Round the corner at the bottom. At the top on each side of the front, two Inches from the middle, ent out a strip inches wide for pockets. Bind them Giving the Effect fabric than the wltb real light la rarely hidden under apron, that they may be readily seen, the proverbial bushel, but some men Gather Into a band and bntton at the I keep a bushel to create the belief that bock, or put on strings and tie. tt conceals light Albany Journal. Ths Retort Courteous. man was burning An old colored dead gras when a wise guy" stopped arid aald: You're foolish to do that. Uncle Kb ; it will make the meadow black a you are. Don't worry boat dat, salt, reDat grass will sponded Uncle Eh. yon Is." grow out an' be a green u lighter-colore- ' j Vanished Attraction. The Beast You used to ay there wa something about mo you liked. Ilonuty Yea, but you've spent It all now. Tlie Sydney Bulletin. Still In Doubt The' very small boy with the very large gun was standing In a country road. What are you hunting, bubr asked s passerby. I danno, he replied frankly. T , aint seen R yet Humble Applicant "Have you any cooks on ban dr Six In the anteroom." and oee If "Ask em to look there is anybody here I might suit" ' LouIsvMa Courier-Journa-l. ms-oye- r |