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Show SANDY CITY STAR, SANDY. UTAH STANDARDIZATION OF HOME GARDENING BABE RUTH SHOULD LINE OUT MORE HOME RUNS THIS YEAR tomorrows Modes WOOL GOING FORWARD IS FASCINATING BABE" ADAMS OLDEST PITCHER IN LEAGUES IN TAFFETA DRESSES Resume of Work Shows Such Progress in Past Year. Veteran Pittsburgh Twirler Record in Years. Becomes Sport When There Is Rivalry With Neighbors Tor Tentative Grades as Promulgated Ara Fresh Vegetables. Baaad on Studies of Mora Than BUOYED BY ENTIRE His Excellent Control and Knowledge of Oppooing Batters Make Him One of the Moet Valuable Hurler in National League. Two Year1 Duration Not Much Change Expected. FAMILY by lire United Buies Department at Afrlrullure.) 4 resume of tlie wool standardisation work uf the bureau of markets, Unlicd Mates lieiwrtmeut of Agricul(Prepared Getting an Early Start by Indoor Propagation Will Help Gardener Some 8uggettione far Getting Ahead of Jack Frost (Prepared by Ilia United Stales Depart- ment of Agriculture.) Gardening cun lie made a very Interesting game with niuny uf the features of friendly eouiietillou whieb make golf, tennis and other summer Hports so fascinating tn uuiiiy people. tliese sports, nklH anil practice increase the proliubillty sf winning honors, hut unlike them it Is remunerative and la enjoyed liy the entire family, who can take part In tlie garden work and enjoy outing the vegetables produced. Gsrdenlng becomes s contest or game when there Is rivalry between neighbors to see who has the first mess of peas or tlie tint ripe tomatoes, or who ran raise the largest potatoes or melons. There Is s prlilc, too, In listing auine prise product exhibited in the window of the local store or seeing a notice of some aacuuipllsh-men- t published In tlie I unite ewspa-lier. Beating Jack Frost. To tliose yrho enter the guine of gardening and covet the honor of having the first rljie vegetables, gardening aiirciallata of the United States Department of Agriculture offer some suggestions for lieatlng Jack Frost and getting garden operations In motion before tlie oja-- season for plants. At least four weeks' time can be raved, specialists say, for malty crops, like tomatoes and enhbuge, by starting the plants in the house. If operations ars to be conducted on a small scale, two or three cigar boxes Oiled with soil and placed In a south window furnish a seed bed for starting a few plants. For most home gardeners a more desirable seed bed can bo made by placing good soil in a flat tray three Inches deep and of convenient d alas to fit In a window with southern exposure. A little care will be necessary In keeping he tray properly watered. All garden plants are dependent upon light for growth, and when started In the window Immediately begin to torn their heads toward tlie light. To overcome tills tlie I mix In which tliey are grown should be turned Iliarlcs "Italic" Adams, tlie vcmau nlclu-i- - ut is the oldc-- 0 Ihc major leagu,-- tishiy. in sniii ut years if -- leady ilnyiiig and age. 1 N xpitc Ids age lie Is ibirij scvi'ii years uld lie Ms-m- s to lie improving with each year of play lug. for lie slums mure of the bull us one laps tlie DilnT For last your lie look part In ill gaiui's, piirli, si JIEI innings hihI M'riidti-- l only is bases on hulls, u little oxer oiif'liulf a pass iht kiiiih'. "lllil Mail Coiilrol,'' us lie Is refernsl tu around Hie big etreuil, llo'i'd I.IKC. hulsmeii daring i lie season anil hT intllisl only one In exery .',S lo gel to first Inise by the pass rome. Kxcn s this was an improvi'ineiil iimhi the year wlieu lie pii'licil to 1.017 laitlers and walkisl Jit. Tills Is a rei-nr- i! of II passi's iu two yeurs. or less limn umny n iilielier lias for only half the si'ii son. Iirulc ture. shows that much progress has lieen made since the tentative establishment nf definite wool grades Just a year ago. Following tlie prepara-ths- i of a few wels for Itp field agents and (lie sulisequeut press announcement that tentative wool grades had been develufied, requests for the sets have been distributed among the Galvan's field agents, agricultural colleges, associations, wool dealers and manufactur'd, textile and others Interested. The tentstlve wool grades us promulgated are Itaaed on studies of more lhan two years duration. In the course of this study thousands of samples of wool submitted by dealers and manufacturers as their of the market grades were dlreclnlre, lule eighteenth and certain Sisuilsh Influences in tlie styles, are all disputnr ing tlie claims uf the straight-lin- e rliemlse dress, to The beat American and French creators of costumes appreciate the adaptability of taffetas and organdies, to Imuffunt skirts, and the rlinrai of a flavor of qnalntness In the silhouette that Is too attractive to he Ignored. Therefore, In the passing show of spring styles, among those present, anil present In coiiKldrrahla numbers, there are such sprightly dresses as are pictured here. The frock at tlie left Includes a tunic uinmig lls assets, over a much narrower underskirt a plain and Inconspicuous affair that plays only a small purt In the cnmixmltlnn nf tlie drees. The tunic and bodice divide honors in wninl of interest. Hy menus of cords about tlie hlpa and at the bottom the tnnlr achieves a hoop-skieffecL and It Is decorated with flat puffs of the taffeta. Tlie peasant waist nlso employs these puffs as a TUB n Grading Wool tor a Shipment. examined. Ap the tentative grades, lief ore being put In final form, were submitted to some of the leading wool authorities in the country for suggestions and criticisms, it is believed that little, if any, change will have to be made when official standards are established. I hiring tlie past year Invrallgallisi-a- l and demonstrations! work to lest the commercial utility of the grades was conducted In lH states. Before meetings of woolgrowura and others, demonstrations were given to show the preparation of tlie fleeces and the pnqier rare end handling of the wool before its elilpnunt lo market. In the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri and Arkansas tlie several expert wool graders engaged by the bureau graded a) pruxlnialely 1,800.000 pounds of wool in accordance with the tentative wool grades. This work has been looked iimn so favorably hy wool producer that requests have lavn received for il restiiiipthni of these activities during the coming season. ; FOR AMATEUR POULTRY- - MEN. finish for llic collar. Tlie liilriNliiclhai of a dainty vestee of lmv and narrow vcliet ribbon laced ihtimm ilia front are tile means hy which tlia bodice rivals the tunic. A dark und a light color are used to make the uprightly dress at the right, and rllitmn pluyr a star rule In Its Taffeta rlldani with a cnniisHdthxi. fancy edge nmkea the wide plaltlngs that are empliusixeil mi Ihr tunic by nhiclng them mi a which might he uf crepe de chine. The sllp-nImdlce, with double frill nf plaited ribbon almut tlie waist, has show sleeves lenglbciail liy means of tlie plaiteil ribbon nnd finished with j s tie of narrow ribbon. Tlie same forms a girdle with a half--i j rihlsHt wreath jif little bluNsoins ret across the front. Nothing more original nr prettier has made It apprnnmre so for than this nefnl frock, lint II Inis many competitors In a spring Hint Is rich In its variety of ut j light-colore- d Iwck-groiin- Spring Hats Are Tempting t I Preparing Box for Early Spring Piant- Ing. S nronnd each day. Out of doors they get the light from all silica, but In the window they get It from only one aide.' Transplanting the Seedling's. Wlici the seedling plants arc hlg enough to bundle that Is, when tliey have formed nliout two leaves In addition to tlielr need leaves other boxes of soil should he provided ami the plants transplanted nhnut two Inches aiuirt each way to give them plenty of room.' More window apace iimsl Is; provided, nnd It inuy he necessary to build n stage and support one Isa above another. Tlie same precautions as to watering and turning lo get light will lie nereaaary. On warm daya the boxes run be put outdoors. When It comes to planting hi the garden, the plnnta grown In boxes are rut apart with 'a rulie of will around tlie roots of each. Tliose grown in pots are Jarred liaise, turning the head of the plant downward with (lie slrm of the plant between the first anil second fingers of the left lininl. Where (In etuis without luittoms are used, the Imll of earth la pushts! nearly tail nf tlie cun. The plain Is tin set wllli tlie can slicking up uminiil il as prelection against cutworms. A Tier a week or two the ran Is lifted over the Tills pnirtlcc Is lin1 0)1 of the plant. ing extensively followed by commercial gurdinera In certain sections, who by the aid of one of (lie little machines now on the market cut off the tups and the hntliuus nf nf diararded empty cans for use in transplanting plants. Some gardenthin solution of tins cans In ers shellae tn keep them from rusting. One wny of extending the garden season nnd getting ahead of neighboring gnnlenere la by starting several early crops In a hotlicd. In addition tn starting plants, the hotbed Is usefyl fur growing s few early vegatablee for the table. I ! ! chilled. I ain't feed unliahiiiced rations. lkin't overcrowd the hints. Don'f neglect to feed an ubun-- J dunce of green stuff. Imn't neglect tn cull enn-tinnally. Don't feed spoiled grain. Don't sell dirty nr old eggs. Don't allow the male birds to ran with the lions during tlie winter. Ihin't allow too many fenml. with the mule bird during the ins ting senson. Don't expect results wit bout work. i HIGH-CLAS- S ip SEEDLINGS tt Old-Tim- e ... Syracuse will get Hu- - surplus from ihc (.'arillniils this spring. i ft Cleveland Infielder It to Ball Refuses Play wu Managerial Offers. Semi-Pr- "Babe" Adams. o li:iiiiK IhnNi hii ulT l:i I . ihtiiiIMiiI ! of Ins lohil for i his.m's, Terry Turner, who worn a Cleveland ilh iHir. s uniform for flficcii until ihc AI:iiiik ismiml ami Itin inidsiiison of lilltl, intends to piny of npiMiMiix IhiIIitm laaili liiiii um if scml-pball this year. Terry refum-Hu tin Miliiiililf jiiirhcrK in lin offers til lUHlingi! Ha- Seallle I'adtlc Ili rankcl next li 4Sro ver (liavl:iiul AlfNamliT In . iknniail ruiin mi ullmiiiii' iiuly tsiiiia. Hark in I'.nki AiIhiiix. iiIiimkl kIuI liiimlnl, wmi Hir uorliVs hitIi1 fin thu Tiicrrs In llim Phinburuli. scm-mi- Ilill.'iilclpliln scrils's claim that the hlg Iniulile with tlie AHilelics Is lack uf limriile. - Tammy Sheehan. veiemn InHeMer nf many miiuir leagues. Is managing a huseluill team in (lie I'aniil Zone. Fred Luilcrus Is slated In perform at flrsl Inise for the. Toledo club uf Ha American Assrs'lallon this year. PIIIICN, III llijo S7 , liiMil! his nrlirr Ahimv, arilirXt'lui'liN, xlmlnllix, u;in ilia'll liiiin fiH i . rij'lil In is ilh V. Alrxiiinirr was mthikI mIUi s. in, tcmconmolly chaged MAC AS CHEER the Sail FTnuds-IS- I .toll LEADER t hlgh-clns- ." SlIH'k. Most failures with live stock." this fanner declares, "run he attributed to lack of a definite aim In breeding." PREVENT SPREAD OF DISEASE Added to Potassium Psrmanganate Drinking Water Is Good Way to Keep Off Infections IotHSsImn permanganate Is good to use In drinking water nf chickens to prevent the spread of infections It comes In dark purple crystals A small quantity dissolved as a stock solution will last nil summer. Add enough to the water each day to color It to a light wine color. ESSENTIAL IT . pre-wa- Ma- During the winter months, tractors on farms In Wisconsin were employed sawing wood, grinding feed, aliening and shredding corn and baling bay. In some Instances tractors huve been honeed In nearby quarries to ran met eureq as to Iti hut Is very- - artfully brim and linndsmnely embroidered or tlie crown. It features a large ornamental pin as a deccrntlim and la Intended to s)icnd Its dnya In the of an equally clHssy veil, having Irregular dots scattered over a fine, but (its-- niesli. Just below It at Hie left a lovely leghorn effaces Its npier brim and crown In favor of strips of ribbon frayed at the ends and drooping over the brim's edge. It I a model that sMnks the language of youth. At the right a matronly hnl suggest the Napoleonic era In shin'. It Is of floweis with embroidered straw strewn over It. and n wide rlhlsin drops over the tiff nnii sides. At the left a brilliant hnt nf satin and a highly lustrous hnild suggest coronet and is a stately affair suited In nmuy ages. Crepe tie chine and rlhhon make the elcgnnt hat that rome last In the grmfp although It II the brightest star In this galaxy. The faille rlhhon eo cleverly used to form the brim la In a darker color thnn the crepe de chine crown. A very handsome tassel clings tn the crown. com-pnn- y n III ,rll. V V, la'll 1,, V. liML'Ur I" taiMH). I lupin Tnin CiiiiimjiI III ite for ,urk' t li ti 'liil : 'I , L'!' "('I - t .i ! Knmli I'niiru wit Waitrr fmin baseball aflcr tills season. V.iV.i . j niilil Tninrr Slailin i frai nmv. mi hrn fu Knrl. ,,:imI 'ir : si. iad dl"Mi.i! ;i n m:; I ! in- h I :i liMii.i Iirs iil Mir dua'i kf'Hb vlmi riLlii ii1 I ii ria"a him." il I." rpiiliiri! an irniani vnirr, air'" Itiidrr ini' f lii W in ll I l . diiplihari'iu. ;i Yni hail in Noteble Incident of Ups and Down Case ball Seen in Case of Frank Bruflgy, Backstop. lalkiur jllllHMl h hnt Mna Mi. i' lillil. up; Hark ill Hnikky (Srorp COTTON KNAUPP IS PRAISED to t lna minor" ami krpt 'rrayrrsMT. hmI s liipf in (lit who nflrrwhnl rilillii'K. Now WalliT Ik srnl In Hill Best Second Baseman in Buxines to Develop Shortstops, Says Manfain in rxriiaimr for Krank. Tilin'" ager Johnny Dobbs. tlir up and ilnttii rf r.iui!) Ik ten id in In1 mir of Mir faMi! Iix mrn IMteher Molly ('raft, recently as- C'lM'in Klalilpp I Hie best signed hy WnslihiKloii to eading. Is III Imrfriuill. Wripjli" artiuml JfNi, in Ilie world lo uinl.c Iumi laid up with a cmiple of liroken ribs, hill haKrs llkr il Citlili. suffereil while pliiylng linskellmll. sliip- -. siv. Mariagor Jnlnoiy inl,li lie New ili'le.'iu IN'I'cans. Yale Smashes Record. Kxciy It li ulici evi-Third lhiKomun H'll t'oiiroy, Yale rwiimnilig Icalii lii'oUe li own vun'i-io- p lilayeil idong-id- e xxa will lie liHik niaile culled in lu Hie t, Joseph lal year, goiHi. si,oi nvnril for Jooyaiil Knaiipp hy (lie Minneapolis owners nf the si, relay. New lime Is 1 niiitiili- IIS'- - we I 'ol- d- eiiiiiplnia ntjiig hnaapp .n In. -. a Millers. ill trial with the Jia- Sewell. in II Joe club fur nniii ... i,ih -- sIi-.i- Ik I r xx - . Lee Fold Is hard 'in fur il secnnil Belgium After Davis Cup. baseman In take the place minted by An nffidnl diullHiigi' for the Davis Jne Gideon. cup Inis lieen rits'lvcl from I'dglnm. It Is the tenth dnilleuge fur tlie tenuis trophy ri'ccivcd liv the Two nienls u day fur (lie Cnlmt" ii is phimiinsc h kNi Hiii says HuIn- It nth. That wouldn't Isitli-- i United Slali'x l.nwn Tennis assm'ia-tlnirat for Mii kiiiii- lienviesl menl I eat at for my or me. ' inar. In Is Hie lint wlildi daymidnight, Kitchener Club Helped. time." Ilie leilidiili w:ii:l The Brooklyn Club Is lielping out the 'Il'.-i- i te Hey want It io Wesley ("Slnnse") linglclinm. one Kitchener chill of Hie Mint litigiic by ere. of Dartmouth's greatest tackles, wlil sending it three recruits. Tliey are lit condi Hie lentil next full, lie was Ilti'lier Marry lliigenimn and Infield-erlaiudou. Yale's (Uyinpir Idgli jiinir lmis Ferry anil George Kirenk. line nan'll ul Boston nillege last in (he 'iijnipioii. lias Ihk'Ii eioi-nlciiii re, ay e.inii'al. Tiplitz Can Take 'Em. Iaetsmi. Mllxxaiikeo fans say Jia Tiplitz. to lie Interesting to watch Dempsey won't make ns much in riillndeliliia scrapper. Is tlie toughest Babe lluth und Frank ItakiT. kid since tlic 'ilnys of Kid Broad. KurnK' iis CuriK'iitier imulc ill Aiiut-Ici-i. Tliere isn't that tmieli Jsek tiver luiltliw Every bssdmll rookie Is sura to get Tip" lin lieeti In tienriy there. his name Into the newspuiiere twice nnd lina never hern Ihaired. he when during spring training and Johnny Dundeii Willie Guillemot Will Net Corns. reaches camp and when lie la ahlppcd Imixi'iI ten limes Just half as Imre will home. English engagements prevent hack Gilleinnt. tlie famous llisi'li runner often as Britton and Lewis have done ' plnys no fa- coming to this country tu einii)ietc In their act. Commissioner vorites. Having agreed some time Indoor events. Frank P. Iretl, former track capsince to be present when Cleveland tain of the University of Maine, has Courtney Memorial at Ithaca. raises Its flag he lin now promised to Cornell tuny hnIM n inemorliil for lieen named aa coach of the New attend the pennant celebration at the lute diaries Courtney's memory. Kmnklvn. Hampshire university truck team. INTERESTING SPORT NOTES inter-niition- - i. lh'n,psC)-Ciiriea-lie- I a round-crowne- d, Wear Top Coat Over Suit women do not gtra np their becoming tailored suits even In cold weather. They simply wear over the suit a top cent Many of tliese coats are made of gray dnvetyn wr bure on the w nippy lines and are trimmed with high collnra and cuffs of squirrel. I ,111ft rnih null iniiril fur .lark M ! 1a:i i il. Afi(r lit :'i.irn.u l.c-- l I'uiiniiJly ainl NOW EVEN WITH TRASRESSER Now the slnry going the rounds Is that t'minle Muck liili'iiils to retire Tommy Miiddi-i- i nf tlie Xmciic In- teriinHiiniils Is keeping mi eyo iss-hs- l fur Id-mbig li'iigiierx. Many a gissl hand made from illacarite fill "I: Terry Turner. is SEEMS that thla spring lias favored us with a greater wealth of beautiful millinery than ran lie recalled for many years. So many new materials have been Added lo those that have been long established as belonging to lieadwenr, that there Is an unending variety In the dlsplnya: lines ere graceful, colnra pleasing. One makes a little Journey In quest of new hate with a disposition to buy more than ore needed, for they are a alluring as fairy tales llmt never grow tiresome, with new and unexpected ehapters added tn those we are already (leveled la It In consoling to reflect that prices are not quite so high as they were year ago lint they are till high enough, and thla Is no fairy tele. Materials and oilier costs of production have not yet reached a r level, but they are settling. In the meantime whatever else fate may deny her, every woman la entitled to a new spring hat. 8be will find among the displays a few at least and perhaps many, that enhance her good looks, for there are shapes for every face and type and colors that are subtly flattering. It la worth while to Ipok carefully for them. A group of summer bate Is shown here In shapes that have proved very At the top s generally becoming. rolling brimmed straw III ihrrf .'Mirii';in Iin ilh Ilitlie II ill li says that if Frank linker nil gel linck Ills Inline. nm form, lie'll furnish him lint from Ills own stock of wood. t I In Mann M'l.cs in S Tl.r il.lr's (if lml l i ! il Anil linw Itabe limb lliinks lie'll 4'osiM Irailr. l!ia I'ltiirlrloii Smitli At ami tiir l.mlinuiMi (,in Imilir pitch for a cliangc. Sn.xs lie's gilt I 111 I Irjinr Irallr rltlli. Tllllirr hrjin nlmiit all the chain.;' lie ran gel mu of fiissiui!l li;iMalill in ixr.i. limiic-rii- ii swatting. I iiimrd ritii id i te. ami Tl i urn Indi.Mite Ui'iixm I Jess Taiiiii'lilM. former big league pildilng star, has signed In condi li e liuschnll lenm of t'enlre college at Ihinrllle, Ky. t metli-isls- crushers and pulverise limestone. Baseball Notes TURNER WILL RETIRE milflelili'r. is trjilig In liml some club that will pay him wliut ho lliinks lie Is worth. Smartly-dreese- d In starting a grove, the planter ordinarily baa tlie choice of using seedling seed or cuttings. Seedlings one or two year old are preferable in the great majority of cases. . They are fhlriy cheap and have the beet chance succeeding. : I TERRY Justin Kliggcralil. f The development of good live stork a depends not only on the use of animate but ini systematic Tills Is the comment of a Houth Carolina funner who has cnntrihiited Ills experiences to the United Slates IVpnrtment nt Agriculture, as part of sn Investigation to ileteraiine (he cause of Inferior and niiderslxed live One or Two Years Old Are Wisconsin Farmers Make Usa of chines for Sawing Wood and Preferable In Majority of Casta and Ara Fairly Cheap. Pulverising Limestone. 1 ' t STOCK Thoea , I ioM' sli'ixv- Sisler lot boiler at home by 1N ysilul tlmt when no 1. raud.' lioiirge , lis'S liosl wlieu I Carolina Farmar Attributes Many Failures to Lack of Aim In Bresding Animate VERY n ... T South BEST FOR GROVE TRACTORS seeiital-illvlslu- The Sail lailie dull niiiimmiv ll.al ft bus disposed of I'Pdicr Milos Main to the Joplin i lub of Hie Western T m thou-Ban- j - i allow vermin aiming the DEVELOP e league. 4 font Only mas' during the eulire season highest jHiint lust season und never dill Ailnm show any wildness ut uil. will lie quite so gissl again. This was against the Giants when lie the ( ilie rival manager also udvam-interesting argument Hint if the Yanks lire In the race ull season lluth will nut hit us ninny homers as lie would club. The un-- w r oil a la rusy. tinnies with the Yanks will inean null'll to rival teams, and in close gullies llnill will gii little chimce In lilt Hie hull. If the Y'liukees were lint lunileil anywhere Haiti would get many inure cliiiiiees to hit Hie ball und the business ulllees of Hie different tennis would give Insmietluns against passing tlie Itnlio. Fans Will Be Pleated. However, If Itulli can (In as well In l'.rjl ns he did lust ycur, the fans will lie well pleased. If he lilts even 4d limners hi I'.GII. it would moan list In two years, nnd until lluth npissireil mi full ever dreamed lliut such a tiling was jsissiljle. The I'hlsliiirgli dull has rvlciiseil I.l. Sinner in Hie nklaboiiia t'lly Western bugilc club for l In- season, under m Ihs'k. iMm't allow layerp to become Speculation is rife a tn the number of Iioiiis niiiu llulie Until will lilt in 1IGI1. It Is a quest ion which la freely discussed liy Imsclmll men, managers, otllclals anil players, as well as funs, anil Hie general oiliiliui is that lluth reached his highest murk lust suukuii. when lie hit .14. Hopei for Early Start. There are gissl argument advanced why Billie should hit even more tills seuson. He himself lliut lie will get off lu a much iurllcr start Hum last sen si hi. when he fulled to lilt a lining' run until Slay, und luqies tu go through the season without Injury. Lnsl season he was nut fur W full games ami parts uf islicrs. Ruth Hit Highest Point. I Inwcver. 14 lioiiie runs a ueaw n was 1ll iig'prlur to lien midi an iiuliourd-n- f that Tew practical IiuscImiII men believe that Until will la able tu do It Hgiiln. They argue that lluth lilt his liiirli-r- , n i f Hold of wide lace, gathered In a little at each end under a tiny flower, and with long ribbon ends, each ending In a little flower, dangling down to the shoulders. There la a little strap of rihlaxi over elastic that Ufa nugly under the hair and bolda the dnluty cap by place. Piped Buttonhole. Buttonholes plxd with a bit of Dainty ' Boudoir Cap. One of the dslntrat and Incident- bright color, Egyptian red, Jade green, ally one of the eaeleat to copy of the Chinese hlur nnd luirni orange f0Rn mw boudoir caps la made of a atrip a decorative note on many .rocka. Jai-kso- ... ... ... ... r |