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Show SANDY CITY STAR, SANDY. UTAH and Arfframent Truce i0 Mass Meeting of Workers at the Chicago Stockyards CACKLES $5,PDiDDD.DDD Saved! . DISINFECTING ' ty (Pn-uiri- v s DOES NOT KILL Painting Roosts and Dropping Boards of No Value in Doatroying Chicken Parasites. ' 4'. 1 POULTRY Die I'nlinl SUili-- it IfepnrC-iu.-i- ul There liuvi- been ninny advocates uf lie rull IxS the Ihi'iir) thill , hlcki-killed hy iKiiiiliug the rousts mid ilrup-pili- n' I nurds or the whole imeriur uf the poultr) Iiuiim' wiih Mirimis nil mixtures, Hie idi-i- i being Hint the uxr or gases ii rising from iliese point - iC the uf Hu- - rousting This method Ims mien . lery extensive trill I of ihe t'nili-Slules 1 hy m Agriculture, mill nm one of the 12 ililTerein pn piirmlmis lesteil of any mine. iiiis fiHind to unis eumiiiiiisl mu or more of Hiii-trut- fowls fniiln-r- s kill the her. mi-- The,-prep:ir:- Kuiiihiy mu Iwn liig parade Chlcngn Federation nf 25.i liml dishnndi-d- , uf- - mu- - employee In f Chli-ug- 1 against uf uiuny speakers. prult-trt- a packing houses in cm in wages. Insert, t In- - tl: t rlt-- l lank f ilic junK" Jnlm Uil.putrh'k nf the uf-ii- x&ot23oy;iiinzfJux?fBz& . I .) KJJT forth llii' arguments nm In the question ITpi mill uu I. armament I not the trum LmJ iiunxwe of iliia article. to cull pro anil I of world I 1 P Ik fc purisiso Ik of to u discutxhin of this, the world-wid- e and armament truce wliut tins I'lilletl Slutea need lu llie way of liuhiKtriul tiiipruvemcni to increase lta efficiency. , u Engineers. efficiency experts, managers mid buxines min liave liuil lunch to any In a general way ulmut Hie need for greater production anil better distribution. Tlie MKKiblllly of disarmament or of un muniment truce Iiuk wlmt silmuluted them ' to the United Kline would wive mill wluil It 'xliiiuld do with suggi-xtlnthe money tlina wived. Hero Ik uu example of the jnnny Miggextionx for Increased Industrial olllcieney. The United State geolo'K-iea- l aurvey Iiiik been milking un of the puleuthil water power of the Knot. On the huKla of lta findings, Secretary of the Interior l'ayne, juet before going out of olllec, submitted to President Wilson a report covering tlui nrea from Boston to Wmdilngtnn. lie urged unlllcd development of electricity, aupplled from both wuter power and machinery, to effect an annual raving of about 25,000,000 ton of coal, ran 12,tH) miles of railroad, llglit cities, run street cars, factoring and mines, through the concerted develoinnent of water power from the St. Lawrence, lluquette, Delaware, Susqiiehnnna, Fiv tomac rivers and stream lit the Adirondack. Financial feasibility of tbe lilea la urged by tlie report on the following 1IM tuutlon g g Imfes-tlgiiliu- n steam-drive- n estimate: Elcctrlflcatlan of 12,000 mile of railway at gross cost of $80U,OUU,t)OU, reduced to $050,000,000 by sulrage of steam locomotive, while yearly savings on coal and maintenance "would return approxlnintely 14 tier cent un the investment." Incomplete data on 50,000 power 0 lining plant Indicate saving of to 8,000,000 ton of coal a year. Elect rlflcatlun of haril cool mine to save 600,000 ton of coal yearly. Public utllltle to be saved 4.000,000 tons of coal annually at average cost of (&50 a ton. tbut the Hudson Uaxhn assume United State would save five billion armament dollar through t five-yetruce and proceed to tell wliat the nation could do with those fire billion. Writing In the New York .World he ray nmong other thing: "A billion dollar would build In the United State 25,000 miles of concrete, road 20 feet wide five rouil extending east and west from ocean to ocean, and six ronils extending north and south from Canada to Mexico and the Gulf road connecting all the principal cities and town In all Hie main directions. Tlie ronils could lie made 20 Aset wide, of the best and igjiist substantial concrete construction, with the liberal allowance of $40,000 a mile, tyXX),-00- $1,000,000,000 fur 25.000 mil. "With our billion dollar saved, the second year we could build the pro- or posed Intercostal ship and barge canal from Boston to Florida, running throngli 1.ong Mnml Sound, crossing New Jersey to the Delaware, on to Chesapeake Bay. tlience running tlie chain of Island southward. il Dusting rOCAJA?m5 OFTTTZZZ Of huldlug un inland water euurse most of the wuy. But this development would not consume our entire billion dollars. It would nor require more than hull of it. Yi'llli (he oilier $500,UUO.00U we should lie able In dredge and deepen and slmighlcu the Mississippi river to Kt. Louis, nnd I lie Missouri river to Kansu City, aulllelently to admit the free and unobstructed passage of ocean liner to the wry center of tlie Industrial and fruitful West. A to the third bllliou wived: For mime time past a great electrical superpower system lots been advocated, extending from Boston to Washington. connecting with the bituminous coni mines of Virginia, tlie anthracite field of Pennsylvania, - and the sources of water power available at Niagara and In Die lower reaches of tlie Kt. Lawrence river. It la estimated that 2,000,000 horse power may be developed on that part of the Kt. Lawrence river liotween Lake Ontario and Montreal constituting the boundary between that part of New York stale and Caiutdn, of which iower would belong to the Unit ml States. "The following Is the proposition In c a nutshell: Great power stations are to be built on tlie KL Lawrence and In tlie bituminous coal mine section of Virginia and tlie anthracite region of Pennsylvania. Tlie electrical energy fnnii lliese plant will lie conducted throngli trunk lines area, and crossing the super-powthe trunk lines will be tupped by wires conducting the electricity away In all direction, to take the place of coal In all power plants, to run nil locomotive and street car, to supply all electric lighting and to generate heat fin: much of the cooking and wanning of rooms In private homes. "At the present time the railroad in the superpower area are carrying aliimt (10.000,000 Ion of coal annually, this mat constituting 40 per cent of the freight of the road. It I estimated Hint half of this coal would be saved, nr 80,000,000 tons annually, and the ntllrod relieved of tliclr present overburden. "Till Is whnt we could do with the fourth billion raved : A very practical and comprehensive plan ha already been worked out for caiiullzlng the 8t. Lawrence river between Lnke Ontario and Montreal, tlierehy permitting the in usage of ocean steamers up the St. Lawrence Into Lnke Ontario. This plan would Rt one stroke make Buffalo. Cleveland. Toledo. Detroit and Chicago seajHirt cities with ocean steamer coiiinmnlcatlon with all ports of tbe world. 'The utility und helpfulness of this one-ha- lf hydro-electri- I Method Most Satisfactory of Killing Vermin. the following Ingredient-- : I'heiiols, lur oils, lijdriH'iirlHxi oils, rreosiile oil, rurhoii diMilplild, w.hiiI fur dislilliite, CtZfCAZsd liupli'Jmleiie, nil. mid pyridine. s It c rmi-- is Ill tlie-- e mid Inqiplug Imnnls or Hie whole iiilerlnr development is so vast a to outpace tbe hiiiigInutiii.Tbl gnut work Is not measure for Hie benefit of Hie United Klntes nloiie, nor merely for Mio Joint benefit of Hie United Klate und Canmlii ; for ll would lie of Incomparable benefit to tlie entire clvllixed worhL W'lmt about the fifth billion saved! In the Far West largo tract of arid Kclenlixix uf Auierii-iimuseum m iiiiturul hlsiury n:i k frmii Kriuidnr. h. t'lu-rrli- (left) Ilurulil Jllrnru lieud hunter is shewn in the center. Dried nml sliriinkcil Iiiiiiuiii heads wurn hy Jiliuru ns trophies. .SAMUEL D. NICHOLSON ' British War Veterans in Huts land huve lieen redeemed and unida fruitful n funning district through the magic of Irrigation accomplished by the aid of tlie government In building the necessary durns to store wuter for the uae of the farm. while the electrical power developed by the water ns it I drawn from the reservoirs for purpose of Irrigation furnishes the energy for lighting and transportation over large district. Little Ims yet lieen done, however, coinimred with what remalna undone." I asked the Department of the Interior what could be done In tbe wny of reclnninthm of the arid reglona of the West for farming purposes by Hie use of a billion dollars and I received from Hint department a statement which 1 can do no better Hum to quote here: 'If tbe sum of $10,000,000 could be made available for expenditure In the next ten years, till could be used to reeluhn lands In the arid region at n cost of from $100 to $200 per acre land In the anil wet nnd East anil South at a cost of from $73 Ketllers could lie to $125 per acre. placed on these lands and furnixlud with loans at low rates of Interest on long time for Improvements and equipment. Tlie land might I assumed Kiimuel D. Nicholson, new Kepulill-ento lie distributed ss follow: senator from Colorado, lie Uvea 2.000.- 000 acres of arid ul land at $150 per acre. $800,000,000 of wet 4.000.- 000 acre ALEXANDRE KERENSKY land at $100 400.000.00C acre per 150,000 farms on above reclaimed land at jino-tlii- liieffiH-tlvenex- s ur FREE RANGE GIVE CHICKENS Growing Fowla Are Enabled to Obtain Quantiticc of Buga, Worms, Green Feed, Etc. When tin- - garden erops have maturity nr are fur euoiigh develnied to siiffi-- r little diiningi- - from the lloi-- sluaihl In- - given free range. There are limes in late summer and early fall when the lieiii-ti- l hy Hut pmiliry will exceed the slight In.hrry some gnnleii prixlui'l limy Incur. Five range euahh-growing tn ohlidii ipiiinlllieK of green ling, worms mid ntlier things. therefore require lexx grain or ami are less liable In xlekm-sKxercisc nnd nldlity tn rangn for even u few lunirx a day is to a fliH-- that has lieen ket In during spring and early rein-lii-- Ait-ov- Knverul British war veterans nml llieir fmullles, unnlih- to xecun- - ntlier shelter, are living In lulxerahle hula at Knndrlge Camp, Woking, Kiigluiul. Of course Ihe nanitnry conditions are Imil. The veteran, however, sny they niuxt live and hslt Hint they cannot liml other quarters. The authorities are Investigating. - n Goes Back to Live in cut-ov- the Trees s s s xtiiiniii-r- . $2.-00- 0 eucli of the iiou-- e were Ihorotlglily pninled or xprayinl just lu'fore the fowls went to roust, liml idl doors, windows, mid veinlliilorx wen- - closed during the first hiully infested fowl were night. list'd In lesl, and at the end uf for (me week eaiiiinnliiHi wax living lire. Allliimgli un Ofciixioiinl dead luiise was found un Hie dropping in no ease wax the Inn, of liny value. Xinee many of these preparations were found t tie offoettve when used nx fumigants in nuiiiII boxes, it Is apiuireiil Hint the of house treatment is due In tlie fiu-- t Hint the f nines do not Iinieenlniti-einxigli to kill were nlso Hindi- - with tinway; tins applied in also wax found to he of no value. CONTROL OF LICE AND MITES 300,000,000 Duat Bath Will Aid Materially, but Be Depended Not Should Upon Entirely. $1,000,000,000 " This would furnish rural home for 150.000 fnmlllea and an equal iiuiiiImt would find home ami employment In the towna and villages which would spring up. The population supported thereby would be alwiut a million and a half and the rallies created would lie more thnn double the cxiiendlture. The money Invested would nil eventually he returned hy the beneficiaries, whose home would be the security for It return. A very liirgc proportion of Hie expenditure would go to pay for lalnir. materials and transsrtailoii : would Idle mill und Idle imhislrie he put In motion and the whole pulse of Ainerieuii business quickened.' While il lx well in provide a pond , It cannot lx! dust hath for upon for louse nml mite of the United eout nil, sny States leirlniei!t nf Agriculture. It to eradicate the pexlx Is fnr completely. The ninlii (llllieully nlxml nni (hist Imtlix lx that some fowl seldom dust Hiemselvi-x- . mid those which (Inst freely never of lee. The completely free dust hath should lie kepi under nm-- r mid may consist nf fine rord dust with coal usln-- milled. r s WATCH HATCHING DUCK EGGS pure, fresh nir and plenty nf It. Go Into Hie average home and you find Ancestry of Moonfish. l lie Inmnres Innguld. disinclined to exertion nnd nil tired out.' The reuson One of the etrangest of all flsliea tills I so Is that Indoors ae usually Hint swim the sea is the great moon-fis- h live In nn atmosphere which lurks in or Opah. called In California oxygen uuil Is duirged with "Mariposa." It la a broad, flat flsli. curtxHi dloxlile, n poisonous gns conwrite a correspondent almost as deep tinually lieing thrown off hy enrli incin-hr- r ns long, with flattened titles, small, of the household, together with It toothless month, and short tall. disease genus Hint are seeking t lives In the open sens, reaching a Imtu photograph oi Alexandre Kcr- In constitutions In which the Fresh Air. w eight of 400 pound. It' flesh Is rirb, eiisky. funner ruler uf Russia, who I l J. Mrs. nf resistance Andrew to their power Jiiruiil by Following This nalure-lnvlnOregmilan lias licked util tlilx nut urn I plHtfunu fonder nml toothsome, hut no person reiMiried to lie leading the struggle to Is likely to Aisle It more than once, Holmes: The essential of good health bus been reduced to minimum." big tree on the edge of a small town slid plan to build a house on It. overthrow tlie mivletb. ss the fish seldom appears twice In the same place. The one living specie of Lnmprls Is not related to any other existing flsli, constituting nu order by Itself. The extinct moonfish of the Miocene diatom beds may therefore stand a Lamprls zatlnm. Tlie specishowmen I one of great Interest ing the antiquity of one nf tbe most singular of all living bony Hslics. Is Be Taken That Empty Sheila Do Not Telescope Over Egg Juet Pipped. Care Must g Ibrig-cicn- j g Xdsst House In United State te oldest bouse In the United o still stands at 8L Augustine, and Is frequently visited, roman-ll- y offering the vial tor the uae of wishing well, lta money vine and utglc bell. The well was bleaaed be old Franciscan monks who first bited the house. In tbe narrow ance hangs the bell, which, aceord-t- o local legend, brings marriage iln a year to every unmarried beneath It but a divorce married peraon. , g fuel there, comparing favorably with cool, nnd the government has erected several large Machine for handling peat bara plant. Preparation of pent tor fuel a a commercial enterprise also has been In uae In Europe for many yearn, though only recently have they ap- been developed In Canada to aomd exproached any great degree of commer- tent. From 15,000,000 to 20,000,000 cial success. Development of the In- torn of peat fuel are used annually In dustry in aotne of the European coun- European countries, according to the tries has been aided by government United States bureau of mine. Fort appropriation! and experimental work. Dearborn Independent. In Sweden, particularly, conaldcrabls The Jellyfish eats hy wrapping Itself progress has been made. Powdered peat has been burned successfully ss around food and absorbing It. Use of Peat as Fuel. locomotive peat-powd- Wastsd Effort. SCRAPS understand your latest novel has met with a favorable reception." Recent statistics show more womsn "You are mistaken," said tlie auththe farms. or, gloomily. "The motion picture peo- than men are leaving Coal has been found valueless in ple tell me they can't do a thing with the beat porcelain furnaces, tlie fuwse It" discoloring the ware. Conditions Changed. A method of stilling waves In front "When Burroughs first' rams Into of breakwater by an Infusion of air the neighborhood be was very sociable, bubbles has been perfected. hut now be eeems to want to keep The blackberry Is found In almost all parts of the northern hemisphere, everybody at a distance." "That' natural enough; everybody but rarely occur south of the la a creditor of his now." T lu A feature nf JnpanoHe weddings Is tbe building of a bonfire made uf the toys of the bride. A moHqiiltn bus 22 teeth, all of which may be seen through a micro- scope. Nearly 8,000 of tbs 10,800 members of Ihe Dlumond Worker' union In Amsterdam are Idle. Blind horses are never known to make a mistake In tliclr dirt when graalng. Like all oilier horse, they are guided hy the nostrils hi the selection of proper fund. When hutching duck eggs under a hen. waleli the eggx while duckling empty shells are hutching mid from tin- - nest lit once. Kninellmcx over eggs Just empty shells . causing the dentil of the piptx-dduckling. If tlie lien Is at all nervous und Inclined to tramp on the It N well to remove them u soon us hutched In a warm lined liaaket until all are hutched. Sickly Fowl Is Worthless. remove become roupy anil diseased than to doctor your Stack. A seriously sick fowl I a worthies one. It lx fur more Important to the cause when the fowl Main Requirement. Fowl do not need to be cnnllnnally "doied" with stimulating fond, or drugs. I ore food, exercise and good care are the main requirement. |