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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH t CLAIMS OF ALLIES . HOMELESS BY The Call Of Spring 30 FIE SECRETARY HUGHES DASHES THE HOPES OF GERMANS REGARDING REPARATIONS. DESTRUCTIVE Stand Razed Area Coneista Mostly of Small Native Structures Occupied as Dwellings and Stores, Extending Over Thirty Acres. Dec Muiillu. 1. . Firiei-i- i ii i:i-- :i i ul pur- xuiix were liiiule liunii'I'x hi'i'e ill u fire. Till' lire Wax ihe luiixl ilex! ril. I in- lieiv ill limn' lli.m 1 .Trill,i ii'urx. Ii ilex.inyiil iiixai liuir-i'- s in Uu- - ii"rili-eri- i xei'iiiiu of ihe eiiy, a lullin' iplur-le- r klimm ux I liP S:.i l.;iy...'u i!i- - i'i I. Twu IiihIIcx weiv fiiuml Su'.iirihiy in I lie ruliix. I'uli.i il!iiuile Ihe lux- - ul X,,,.,ihii.-irn- . ihe 111 .ea I :inii eulixi- - i"! ii.u-il- y if siiiuil iiuliie xiiiii'iuivx u.'viin't.I ux Ii ilwelliiiiix mul xlurex. exli'iuleil over iliiriy ncri'x. , Auiei'ii'iin siiilui's fruin lln- - flua'liip Uuniii uf ihe Axial lv''fliitl mul Aiuer-ieiil- i x xulilierx frniii Ihe Muiuhi weri' iIiixmiiI iim iliey lnun-lii'i- l lulu I In- - liiiniiiig dixirli'i in ux'lxi In riiil'lliiu Ihe flmiK'X. They raxed huuxex xiirniiinillim the lumiiim uriti. WALKOUT OF COAL MINERS ADDS inukiiii: u fire lunik which liulir the TO LARGE NUMBER OF UNEMPLOYED IN BRITAIN. pliiprexx nf the fin. lleil Cruxx wurkerx lii'furc ilxylllii hepuli iixxi'iiililini; fixul mul chilliiliK fur Ihe hiiiiii'lexx, luiixl uf wliiini xxnl Wage Controversy Brings Grave Situation, Over a Million Mon Bethe lilitlu hi viii'iiut Inlx. An inlliiil ing Affected by Decioion to nppniprlulhiii nf xiu.ixxi Uiix iimile hy Resist Cut In Wagce. the cliy niimi'll fur relief wurk. mul llillliiuorc. Ihivid F. Houston, for mcr xcemury of thr treasury, lu survey of uimlyziiig u ilium agricultural and lnduxirjiil, flmim-iul- , oilier economic iiindlliiiux, , dii'luive liml lhc hlg uni ioiiul question is wlih pmee xculciuciii and Inule nexl." The survey, iiuiili' lu nil of the geographical divisions of the Fulled Klniex hy field ugenlx of Ilie Fidelity anil I )cMix'il iiiniMiiy of tills city, BLAZE SWEEPS CAUSING LOSS OF THREE MILLION DOLLARS. MEMBER OF CABINET FORMER MAKES ANALYSIS OF THE INDUSTRIAL' SURVEY. MANILA, Tanlac Enabled Him to Eat Better, Sleep Better and Work BetHas Gained Thirty ter. Declares With Allies in Holding Germany Riepomible For the War and Therefore Morally Bound to Pay So Far A Poeaible. M ti.' ,i'!iiii:ni.- ill Ihli- - nf Fn. inii! i.i- - uF in : I'liit-ii- l I'niicl Slides ilx lii i.i'r.iiuu i,iii:i m i imi ix vuiiiaimsl In mi nf ri'iiiiiiiii.ii'ii,iinis Willi rii',liji.l.'ii iiimli-puliiii- iiit-- i iilTiriiils g.ii t l y lit.- - state ili'-.- :i mi Ai-i- l iin-'J in-. uri- - III lln- - fui'iii nf : il nuMKiriiiiiiii i iii i il.rmioli Lor i: ii ii liigli isiiiiiuia- lug I'li'-i'- l. iii'iiiiT iii I ii. i Tin- i mi. in ri'ily in ii i.i:iiiiiiin:.-.- i I.. mil. .1 in .lr. DiVxcl l.y n (icriiiiiii vn,liiliiiiil in uliii-i- i till' flunk inliiiiioinii wus niiiih-- tin I Germany wa willing in i:iy, liul linH-i- l fur ;i reopening nf tin ITI.-f l'lX. j.lll Ill tin- - AhiitIi-iii- i r'ily it wnx wade Hear lluil llin t'lillnil Sluli's promises tn -- t :i ml I py iliu KiiviM'liini'iils uf iln 'Ilex in eni'iircing Ju- -t n'li.iriilimi. 'I'iiv kIii tv emphasized 1 1n s'lili'liii'iil Unit llii iniiiiniiiiii-iitlniitii'i'i- I i - lii'fiirt- - tin- - iirrivul in M. Vi liml iik special lliix iiniiiiry nf I'ri'iii'li niiMiy. Tin liiM'iniiii '1111111111111111111111, tint ml MiiitIi Ill, r 1 1 l.y l)r. Walter iik SimnllK, iii'i'iiiilli fnli'igll minister. mill l it wnx I'liliri'ly I'li'nr.' luilli tn tin' ituvi'i'iiini'iil iiiul iiiiiIi, Unit Germany "iniiM iiinke ivpnmliiins n tin limit nf lii-- r ulillily in pay," liul t" sought 'Xiimiiiul Imi liy iiiilihixcd in ili'li:,iiiiiiv tin' i'M i m uf lit-- r ability. i In 1i!k reply, iliiti'il March L".i, iili'iisun' ait ry llii'.'lii'- - i'iii'ssi'i cYpiVKslnn" uf Germany's iis ili'Kiri' tu iii) In lln limit of uliility, mul iliH'luml llir l'liiii'il Siuli'K xlumlx willi tin- s uf tlin ullii'x in iiisHiiixilili' fur lln Inililing war, mill l huri'fi nv inurully lu.iniil tu liiiiki ii'iui'iiliuii, an fur iik limy be Keri-e-i:- , pilxxllili'. "This gnveniment." Secretary Dr. Siuiiins' iiii'iiiur:iniliiiii wus n li'imlhy iliM'unu'iit going extensively iiitn (ii'riuuiiy'x xiiiiuliiiii. nml ilie xluii ilii.irliiiiiit announced unit roplex uf luilli this iiimiliaiilriithili mul tin Aiiii'rliiiii reply Iiiul lus'ii Iminli'il tn In Ilcrliu. In lilx iiipni.'T.niiliiiji. linwi-rDr. Siiuiiiix cxprcxxiil the iiinii'sl delin'" uf Ci'i'iiimiy tn ucitiril willi lliu nl I i.'il iti'Vi'riiiiii'iils mul tlin xinri'ri' iim'mi- -i in iiiis-lequlr.inenis ux fur - IHIXXillll. Arizona Bandits Rob Poatofflea. While I'lMiiinxIcr 1. Douglas, Arix. II. r.uili'y uf Hi dice. Arix.. wnx working In liix uffii'i' lit uiglil twu umski'il Mexicans entered mul ul tin Miint uf ri'Viilvi-r- x funs'll Min in uH'i t 1h mxt-iffi- is vmill. Tlu-i'xsiNs with iilnmt j 1 ue-re- lllhiir bolll'il. The liifiirinutliiii obtained by the president may be utilized liy him In hia nifxxiige In congress y ' The coal xirike hux mine nt ii tliffl-eutime fur luiluxiry gi'iierally. (Ifrieial xlulIxiiyA show there Imx lieeu mi iiu'iiii ki uf IUi.ikki in ilie ninkx l if Die uiii'iiipliiynl lliix week, ux willi l:ixl week. The Inlul mi Ilie regiKterx nl Ihe iniciiiphiyment ix nmv nearing l.rxxi.IKH), uf mure limn MM.iHKI wlm nre nil xliurt time. Tliexe niinilierx liuvc lieeu Ineri'iixiKl hy inure tlinii u million in the null fields. SAMUEL M. SHORTRIDGE mill-piim- tlie-tiili- 1 lniuxMinHtluu cou-di- l Ions In every slate were- reixirled KihhI" mid raw iiuileriule pliinlful. Kavhigx iircuiiiilx, the xiiney xliownl, iiicreaxed In niiii'ieen xlulex. ufflelulx l'olliv uf iweniy-xeie- n xlulex xuld Ihere luix heen a nuticeulde incniise lu, crlnm over luxi Keplem-ber- , e wax --nixirlisl in blit a Maxsachuxi'tix, Maine, New Hamp- shire, Vermont, llhixle Island, New York, PeunKylviinlii, Delawure. Muryhiml, Dlxlrict of Virglna. West Vlrglniu, North I'uroliiJ Soiiili Furolinii. Georgia, Florida, Kentncky, Tennexxii', , and Mississippi. In every Mule ihe tmixetixiix of opinion wux Unit Ihe farmers have mil xeuxiui'x disposed of all l heir luxi lXiw prlii'x mid xlmrluge uf cnqix. money mul lulior uiv said lu have lu all caused a reduction In urn-agxlulex except Illlnuix. luwii, Kaunas, Missouri, Nebraska mul the Pacific must si ii lex. The cnp mil look for lid. however, lu every vuxi', was fair or good. Ala-bun- HAS AN EDUCATIONAL VALUE Nawspaper la Very Much More Than a More Purveyor of tho Worldo Newt. The niwsiNiM'rx nre made up hy men trained In bringing together all the inoxt iniiKirtunt of and tiuiiletioing tUmi so that you cun grasp them with little dllll-cult- NINE BATTLE CONCLUDED DAY If yours Ix n good newuixiper. It Is Interesting, fur nothing ix really news that Isn't interesting. Head it carefully. It ix your history of the innt interesting of ull Ilie periods of the world's history Hie limes In which you are living. You can gel an excellent education by rending tlie iiewsiuqierx attentively end following up tlie suggestions tluit come to you while remllng tliein. If you do nut read tlieni, ami read them carefully, you will always be rusty and liehlnd the times, though you have taken all the degrees tlu greatest university ran confer. John Blake In Chicago Dally News. Grackx Have Been Defeated by Turke at Eaki-Sheh- r. Kiaxliii Kura llekih. iiimmander of the Turkish luitiunulixtx in Ariiiiiilu, willi his "iinny of FiuistiiuUiiujile. xulva-llon- Ix ," Klvns. The Greeks have heen defeated by ihe Turks lu ihe Imlile ut Exkl-Klieh- r, says a iiiumiiinlrathui Issued liy Ihe Keiuiil of Miistuidiu Iieuilqmirierx unirlug l'usliu, Dil 'luilhiiuilist lender. A Turkish eomnimilque dated April 1 says liml ihe Iwttle on the fronllcr, lusliug nine days, line Ihi'u nnii'lndnl, lliliiljlk being reciqv t ured uiul the Greeks rclreuUug toward Kxkl-Klie- Unixu. Turkish iniuxxirlM conveyed hy llob xlicvlk gunhmils have hmihil pari of Kura Ileklr'a unity ul Inebull. Greeks dii'hire that there has been a renewal of the fighting on the Kxki-tSlie- A Sharp Speaker. Sirs. Rheritluu, the lieauliful young n sculptor who recently went to Iluxxla mid made busts uf Lenin, Trolxky and tlm ulher Bolshevik lenders, succeeded particularly well wlih her liuxt of Trotsky. Mrs. Klierldnn, who was Miss before her marriage, xuld at a dinner party : Trotsky, you kuow, la famous fin his shurp ajieechux. When I exhibited his bust in 1etrogrud. a lady xalil to Anglo-Aiui'rlcu- front. Youths Slay Jailor. Silver I'iiy. X. 11. After ltumiildu Lorenzo and Killro Corral, ugvd 14 and IT, rexni1ively. had escuixil from ilie county jail here, Vinturii ISeucoinn. the jailer, wax found dead. lie had heen ulinoxt derapituted hy a hand ax, found near the lusly. The Juller, aceorillng to prlxouerx, wnx xluin while axliiqi. Former Ruler Chariot it III. Former Eiiqierur Slclnumuiiger. Charles lx III with hronclilUs. He ix suffering from fever und Ix hnvlng nen-oucoughing utliiekx. according tu a bulletin Issued by Ids Iliulupest Tlie hiilli'tin says he is obliged to remain In Imi. il Rolando Ricci, bassador to tho bean a business diplomat, being Italy's foremost nomic experts. s x. Hudiand. Curl Icllegrinlx. a 411 years of age, wnx xlmt through the heart liy Ills wife Holiday, dying Instantly. Pellegrinis drunk freely, and Meliluin worked, dt'iiendiug lipim hix wife ro provide n home uml funds for him. uiuxl-riu- Engine 8park Causa- - Blarx. Omulin. Fire wlih-wiix started hy xpurkx from ii passing Burlington rull-rua- d engine imrUully ilexiroynl the AmcrlcHn l'uiuxh iiiiimny. Anriix'li, Neb., doing oOiuhni damage. Mexican Plotters Executed. Mexico Fliy. Victor and llcrilH'rto Salgado met ilnitli before a firing sqiiml Friday, ten hours nflcr Hidr aiTi'Kt for allcgiil complicity In a plot iigainxi the lives of proiiihnnl persiaix In Mexico Fliy. Passenger Ship Reported Sunk. Seattle. Tlie paaxengar. atearner Governor of tlie Armirnl line en mute from KeulUe lo Bmnlrny, waa rammed hy the freighter West llarthinil off Point Wilson, near Port Townsend, Wash., aii'l la repo rliil sunk. Bxrgdolls Captors Rxlxaxcd. Carl Neuf nml Franz Zimmer, Americans released from prison In Bailiii, where Iliey hail been confined fur their jairt In the attempt to arrest (I. C. llergilull. American draft evader, arrived hen' Sunday. Crown Forces Ambushed. Dublin. t'niwu fnris's wen- Monday In Slinnhully. Fuiinty Tipixwiiry. nne ultui'kei' lielng -- 'lleil ami nne wuunilisl. In miniher iinilnixh nl Tnlliii.i. County Mnyu. n mfi-lnb- le wux wiiundisl. Teacher Ends Life. T. D. tircy. furiiierly nt Virgliiia Fliy. principal of Nor., and laler III Nevmhi fliy. Fill., wo killed hy tin cliH'irh- - Ira In here Satunlny. tiivy IcuihhI Iii fruit of the train mill was run down. Teachers in China Win Strike. Traveler Dies From Burns. Pekin. School teachers here are i Furl Worth. Texas. Frank I Tick nf rorilaml nml Madras. I ire., eu male urnlng to work following a strike lo Kan Alifnilin. ilhil front hums which hud vlrlunlly paralyzed tlie of Peking for iusilturhins here in a myxierious rooming hiiiisc fin'. I'olhi' nre InvcxUgaliiig several weeks Tliey were granted Ihi'ir ihinamlx hy Ihe government. . the I'livniuxiani'es nf the hlaxc. With Widow Death. Mrs. Fumllna Vcrder-oxiof the xieiKliuighler (lead woman, nml her husband, Luciano. JX. were nrrexteil Hunilny, charged willi the murder of Mrs. Catherine Truitn. ii whlnw- uf Itruoklyu. per-aon- liuxsi-nce- Rusao-Tur- Wnxhlnjttnn. k Pact Mada. Soviet Iluxxla phslger miliUiry support to Turkey should tin latter government lie at lurked hy tin allied pnworx or by Greece, arcordln to a iiinimary of the treaty conclude March 16. Greeks Receive Another Setback. CmiMiintlnnple. FiM'llier iiiufirnin-tlm- i lain ruviveil nf the n'lxirtx ii severe nml also that netback nl they nre iinnhlc at inxent In continue their advance. has that Ihe Greeks have suffered Kskl-Kheh- r. Convicted of Wife Murder. Sioux Flty, Iowa. Fliarles K. charged wilh killing hie wife, Ethel Christ louxcn, was found guilty of second degree murder by a jury Saturday. Christiansen shot his wife at the home of her parents, January 13. Clirls-tlnnse- Cohleuz. Charged New York. i. New Taxes May Not Ba Needed. may find It unneci'xxjiry lo pnwlde any conxhlern-hlniimhi'r of new taxi's III rerlxlne Internal revenue legixlatloii. Fhnimian Penrose nf the jM'iinte fimince said Friday. - Anarchists for Explosion. Smugglers Loot Grain Barge. Vienna. rhnlcsal looting at grain The pnllee have gathered sufficient evidence tn muse them to barge bound from Jugoslavia to V lias led to more than 100 arrests. rlmrge that the reeent explosion of a According to the newspapers tlie call bond) in ilie Iinna theatre here, causwith the ing Ihe Ioxn of mure than thirty Urea, ora have an arrangement illicit dealers. was Hit- - work of nnnrrhlats. John Schmidt Pays Penalty. Wnlla Walla, Wash. John Kchmldt was bunged here In the state penitentiary April 1 for the murder of two Seattle policemen. He woe pronounced deed twelve minute after the drop Montenegrins Disbanded. . Naples. One thousand Montenegrin soldiers, who hnve been Interned at Gaeta, forty miles from here, since the Invasion of their country by the Serbian la 1919, have been disbanded and disarmed. It baa been learned. Wiisliliigtoii.-Congrex- x e e felL Population of Taraue 8,000. The population of Tarsus, celebrated ax the blrlhphice uf Bt. Paul, ha dropped wllhln ihe luxt five years from LTI.OUO to 8.0M). Then There Was Trouble. father "Bolicrt, said Ills xMnxe, writes me tluit hg Is going to get a typewrlier. Wlmt's the best kind, do you think? lie replied unthinkingly. I Well, like them nbout twenty, with soft ' brown eyes." Brief Reform. What wort of woman Is Sirs. der?" Tlie uxniil kind, I believe. Gad- Yea." After the mrmtlily hills ' come In and she's had a talk with Mr. Guilder she practice strict hours. economy for twenty-fou- r heart-to-hea- rt I ice-looking WORKDAYS AND REST NIGHTS Nebraska to Hava Racing Commission. Lincoln. Nebraska may have n slate racing commission uf tlini unpaid niinilierx. tiiiiirilhig tu the linlhii Nil KRiitlmcnt nf the lower house Saturday in nppmrliig fur passage the xciuiie bill creating such a body. Thirty-thre- e Killed in Collision. x Hude 1iixx, Tex. Thirty-thro- e were klllisl In a mlUximi Im'Iwisu r a frelitlit mul train un the Mexican Knliiuinl line nt Villa tinr-trbetween I'ai'railun vuml Mmilerey. according tu report here Monthly. Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum When uddlng to your toilet requisite. An exquisitely united face, akin, baby and dusting powder und perfume, rendering oilier perfume superfluous. Yon may rely on It because one uf the Cutlcura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum). 2i)c each everywhere. Adv. n, Kansas Coal Strike Settled. Pittsburg, Kim. Si'tth'ineni uf the strike til Ihe nilne.x uf the ruttiin fun! A Mining eompuiiy. in progress xinen Man'll . wux nniiuiiiieisl April I. The mi inn offh'lulx regard the xetUenii'iit III the light uf ii vieliiry fur Ihe union. nerkolcy, fnl. Boon the mermaids will begin to flirt with the ocean swell. Kills Drunken Chicago. Wyoming Banker Suicides. Sheridan. Wyo. J. Dyer Gillespie, nml mil 411, a pioneer hanker tho new Italian am- uged man of Sheridan, ctuuniltlcd estate United States, has siiii'hle Kniiinlay. He was n victim of man rather than a affliction in which lie hail a mental A new photograph of Samuel M. as one of known bur tluit he would Shortridpe, who succeeded James D. cnuxtunl lu liurn financial and ecotake Ills own life. Phelan as senator from California. School ployee of tlie Oliver Iron k Steel Company of that city. Mr. Allen la a well known member of the United Presbyterian Church nml lx highly liy all wlm know him. Tanlac Is sold by lemling druggists everywhere. Adv. 0, y ISuxtini. xtatement above remarkable li.' One Tallest Tree is Laid Low. mi. Fill. Tin l.ufiiyi'111'. till' fullest Ini III llif ('iiluverux grove f e inili'X i'iixi uf lien', big Ims, elglily-fi- i il wax nixirlisl Monday. hux hluwn ilrnin. Tin ins wnx TUMI fis-- t lull mill hud a illmiieter uf thirty fist el I lie )iisi'. The wax made hy Harry M. Allen, reeid-lu-g at 1(KKI Kulut Martin Street, Pittsburg, I'm, a well known em- And She Couldnt Deny It, wear xtufliugs In the allies of my hnlr to nmke my puffs" fluffier than they otherwise would be. One night In n crowded street ear I was standing In front of a young Lenin: man when one of my rats, as they MWhnt n likenexx! You cun xee the are mnuetlnies called, fell out nf my quiver on hix hnlr and Into his lmnjl. It would not "'Yea,' xuld Lenin, n'und Ilie an have been ao laid If he hadn't rows iiNiilng out uf It.' out, Young lady, I tldnk this 1111' belongs to yon. Exchange. Let Er Blow! If roiuen1aied Is ulxiut to erupt, Jaws Take Up' Farming. many a schoolboy who has trinl tu When tlie Federation of Jewish sim11 the name will hope that tlie Farmers hi America recently held Its uiouiitiilii will blow Itself off the map. twelfth nnniml convention In New Huston Transcript. York city the fact was brought out Hint there nre inure than 10,000 Jews Her Idea. who oIBn tlielr own farms in the Du you think women ought tu United State. The total value of the nerve on Juries? In breach uf prom- land amounts to more than 150.000.-00ise suits, anyhow." while the meehnnlral equipment la worth an additional $10,000,000. Tlie flirt's punishment for eontenqit Most of the JewlMh farmer are of court is .ancient xpinxterliond. citizens who have uchleveil their sucres through persouul thrift Reason is the life of tlie law. anil industry. radical, who for inure than three year luix published n monthly magazine here, which of lute ha been of thelbregiHi adminxlmrply istration. Man Killed and Sixty Injured, While Property Loee Was Heavy. Mirt nf All;iiny, tin. Tlie northern Albany wux xweit hy u tornado lule Thursday that killed one iimn. a negro, Injured sixty iiersonx. half a dnxeu xerinuxly. mid ciiuxiil proHrty ilmaage extimali'il at several hundred UiniiKiiml thillarx. Tlie tnrtiudn deal mynl nr iNirllally ivreckiil approxl-ni.'ili'lm hiimlnil dwellings, hut Its grixitcxt dmiuigc wux in a dozen or mure large Industrial pliinlx. The Ktnmi swept n stretrh nf territory about a hundred yards wide und n mile and u quarter lung. HARRY M. ALLEN Of Pittsburg, Pa. Good e American Radical Editor Arretted. Mexico City. Federal uulliorltlex have arrested L. A. K. Gale, un Ameri-cii- ii TORNADO 8WEEPS OVER GEORGIA StiH-k- l Xllll. -- ; y exis-ulis- - x Fer-iinii'l- Gerard Denies Betrayal Story. Juiui'x IV. Gerard. funner iiiiilinxxiiilnr tu tii'riiuiny. hux rlinmr!-erxeus u lie it riiinnr tluit lie liml he-- I rayed Sir Unger t 'iisi'uii'iit. Irish pn'r, l whn wns liy the Itrilixli In I'.ilii mi charges uf nn- - rliur-iivle- guvem-1111-11- 1 mur-lutli- sl Sim-li- x i Followers of Cardenas Executed. ItiiiwuxvIllH. Ti'xux. Fill- - Mexican Minivers uf I In- - t'unh'iiux lirutlii'rx ini mi'll n'viiluliuu" were enpinred hy ruruh'x Siiliinluy nigh! near Sun kiiiii Ii uf Mninuiiirox. ismrt nrliH-- COMMISSION. coiu-uii'ri- I ROLANDO RICCI "I consider Tnnhic tlie gmiiilext medicine in the world, fur I have actually gained 30 pounds In weight slni'e I begun taking It. Ii luix just simply flllnl me willi new life and energy und for the first time In years I mi sii down to mul enjoy three square meals a day like Ollier iieople. Ill fuel, Tmduc has liillde me eat W'lter, feel lietter, sleep Iwlter nml wurk Iwlter, uiul guess that's all u mil a run exixvi of ii iiii'iliclne. "llcforc I tixik Tunlue, I was off 2o pounds In weight ami wax xo badly run down I wus Imnlly able lo do my work. Nothing stained to agree willi me and my fixsl In variably soured on my xtomucli. I would always have nil uncomfortable bloated up feeling In and although I tried my Ktinmii-li- , many kinds uf iiiiilielnex. I never got relief until I took Tunlue. "I also suffered conshhiuhly at times from Illieuiiiatixui, but this hns all dlxaiqieared. In fact, tills wonderful medicine hux made a new liinii out of me In every' way. I feel years younger and onu do nx much work nx In any tiny of my life. (if course, I uin only loo glail to give you my testimonial lieenuxe I want oilier teople wlio are suffering as I did to take this medicine uiul get relief." ' iiicx-thui- x of iijixHcrx to ihiriy-xl- x hy furincrx. hankers, Tiuiiiiifui'iiir-er- s uiul public offp'luls. An Iniercsl-iu- g fenliliv of Ihe Ktulisiics Is tluit hi every except N'ciw Ktighiiul uioiiitltilii slates buildand the llm-kshow u marked ing I'peraihitix General Washington. Ax Ills flnt move In hix cmliiivur In alleviate the critical linmiciiil mu lit Imi uf ihe railroads. President Harding mnfcmil for iiimv than two hours, on March SI, with v Fhiilrinmt Flurk of the hilerxluli' commlKxhin and Fhnirnimi l.ar-lo- n uf ilie railway lulmr hoard. The dixciixxion revolved imiuud the cffii'l uf Hie Imxlnexx ileprxximi oil viiltnae of traiixxirlatloii. operating exiM'iisex of ilie carriers unit feasible isiammlex uf ihe proposed mliietlun uf wages mul "f freight ralex. Mr. Flark informed Ihe president Unit uny fun her liicriuxe of rales would only xlirie mumierii! without pnaliicliig mhlilionul revenue and that ii niliicllmi uf ralex Ix out nf the ques-llm- i. mil II opi ruling expenses arts curtailed. A high (iftiv'al uf Ihe udmlnlxtniUnii ilii'lared Hint in tho event Imxlnexx did mil Improve gi'iiemlly wllhln the next xlx months, a eat many rallroudx would In In ti c limulx uf reeeiverx by July 1. wliieli would Imi eqnivuli'iit tu giivernment upcrnUiin. Tlie iiinferi'ai-- cluxeil wlinmil plans r for ulher mee ingx uf the Millie mid nuilnug In Ilie way uf Julni nrilun hy tlie liiteratnte commerce mimiilxxlnn ul the railroad labor iMMiril in luieE the exlxllng situation Ix ninlemplal'Hl. llvxhleiit Harding. It wax leurned. ri'gnrdeil iho cunferenee ax (lie must dlrii't meihixl of Inforiiihig hhuxelf of one of l In- luiixl lmimrlaiil doinextic qiii'slliuix before the rauniry tixlny. It wa- - also inteil that It ix furthest from ihe piexldenl'x ialeiitloux to take any xieix i but might appear tn lie going uver ihe heads of the Interxlale iiunmcree euuiinixxlon ur the railroad y 1 RAILROADS Statement Made That Increased Rate Would Only Stifle Commerce. Predicted That Railroads May Go Into Handa of Receiver. 1 Disastrous Blaze in California. Sun Francixii'. A fin wliirh xlurtcsl In u lillllai'd hull wiHsl uiil ii Hirliuii of tin' liltli' rullmuil mul n'xurt tuwn r Tilnimii, Marin is hi lily, I'urly Mun-lu- y, tin' iliiinnKi being i xl iiii.it ml lit tlmi.OUh. Firemen mul upiHinitiis wen' "iit mi a fnun Sun Fnin-rixis- i. I COMMERCE y, -, 1 PRESIDENT HEARS REPRESENTA TIVES OF LABOR BOARD AND l, (rxi.iMHt. mill I'Xi'i'iilisI m iimming. OF laimlnn. The uuiierxul cexxuUiiu uf work liy ilie nml mines hux lukcii willi miiurkulilc qiiiciiiiii', ami under circiiniximiivx in xirmiK iunlnixi willi all iviviii lullin' ilixputex. wild her un the Nirl uf i lie ruliwny men. Ihe The nuirxi' piiuerx ur in induxlrlux. of Uiexc previiuiK (tii.fi'rcnci'x wnx hy iiclive niiifereiiccx nml I lie lii'KiiUiitinnx jmrilex mid "niliiiKiers anil nllier TRAGEDY IN EASTERN COLLEGE, uf tlie am eriiiui'iil, all uf wIhiiii displuji'il mixiciy hi liml a initli ul Professor Kills Dean and Then Takes xeulemenl. Over a iiilllhiii iiiul ininerx an' nmv Hie Own Life. Syraeiixe. N. V. J. Herman Vhnr- - mil mi xirlUe. I'li tu lie prcicnf (lie i inter Inn. ili'uli uf I In ciilli"e nf 1iiik!iii'xx the euaimi'rx mul piinipini'ii mliuliiixirulinii. Syrariisi' milver.-i'.from the niiiiex Imx liii'ii largely wux xluii Iiiul killed liy Unimex I'.erk-willi. il iinfixisnr of fiiiiiiu'lill cud III- Ignunsl. Wlii'llier lliix ix willi uf ihe uiliierx' feilenilhui xiiruiuv Kiiliji'clK u Uic ciillcci', Suliir-ilu- ' I lieu lunieil iniderx. owing in Uie geiieiiil ilcpni'ii-lim- i nmi'iiDiyf- on the ugniiixi n'liiuviim the iin-l lit' weupiui uu hiiiiM'lf nml miiimiilieil uiri of i In' iievxHiH'rx. is lint kmiwn. xuicide. Inn lu general Imllcf cxprexxiil lx uu-I'n'fcxxiir UiH'kw illi ln.il liri-it Ini l tlm men liuvc nut lieeu willnlrawn IMipulur willi I lit' xliuli'iilx. Ii wax xuiil. owing in a desire uni tu prejudice Ilie mul iK'iiiimix liml liecn Mil imi fun iH'iiiling u conference uf iiiiiuiik tin1 Kliidcnt I indy axkini; fur hi irlple ulliiiniv. ri'iiiuvul. Lively deli ales nre miticipntiil ill ixii'liiimeiit, ux mil indy (lie lailxiriie NEGRO OFFENDER IS BRANDED lull Ilie l.lherul press, while cunniling Kuklux Society Issues Warning to Unit the niluerx, under the pnmelit depii'xxlini, miixt cxpti't mime Negroes In Texas. nilueUmi in wugex, throw ihe wluile Diiliux, Tex. lluxked men hue Frililame fur ilie dlxiuli' iimiii the day niclil I'Hik Alexander Jiihuxun, un the ground Unit the uIhiIIUiiii lneul In n a to hnlel, Ix'lllmy iiegm uf giivei'iiment mm ml uf inliii'X five Diiliux. miles xix smith uf khi lonely iiimiUtx liefure (lie pruHr time, merely flKi;cd him until he lihtl fiix'ly, and lieenuxe ilie iiiiluxlry ix xiifferllig id tlieii liruiuhit willi an m the Icilcrx ix iillJlixUfhil mill iiuiditluiix. ' K. K. K." nil Ills fiirelieud. Juliiixnii in i in miners. Ii lx nrgued iiiul. wnx lirunulil iuiek In Diiliux in nil :ini nxii'iid uf Ilie mini' mvnerx hiiving inuliile mul thrown from the iiiiichiui' miners mi iiliiimiliiiii tn In front uf Ihe Imicl when' lie hail giieii (lie wage nihieiiiinx mtllnl liy the xuld Iiivii lln' I'uliii employed. llillie uwnera UieliixelveK, nil i)ihiiiii-nlimnxkiil nun uccuxiil the iicprn uf xlimi lil have liivu given fur Julni willi cerlnin white wiiiiumi. tlim'uxxlmis. meiu-liei'- Pounds. ii xuliseriplluiix have heen upelied. Smirch in tin' riiinx revealed Imdies uf Znxliie Saw ux mul lilx nephew, cliixH'i In eui'li ulherx urnix trad I'liciivled hy ihe Inin Iiihih uf-- n l:i rue wuler Imrri'l. Il lx helieved Unit when their exrnH wiix cm uff liy flmui'x, llicy lu.ik ref line in the liur-nfillml wild wuler. hup'iii; In xuve The wiuiileu xlavex their IlifK, lilirmil. i Big Question Up to the United States Settlement of Peace and International Problems Declared Vital. a llm.'lii's' liii'iilnmiiiluiil kiiIiI, "lielii'Vi'S timl it recognizes Iii the liii'iiiiiruiuliiiii nf Dr. Siiuiiiix ii xinvi'iv ili'sln nil tin purl uf tin1 f giircrnmcnl in iii'ifuliuliuiis ivlili I lin ullii'x mi a iti'W husis iiiul ium'x tlini Kii'-l- i nun' ri'siiuii'il, limy Imil In u prnmiil xnllli'iiimit wiiirh will nl t linn xulisfy tin just I'lnlnis uf i' linX-fullllii ullii'x mul ii'i'iiiit in ri'iu-lls pmiliii'llvi nctlvl-I- I 're Taxation Is Blame Milan. -- ion-n- Newapapcr Plant Damaged. Sioux Falls, 8. D. Firemen compelled to use gas mask because of the dense smoke Sunday when fire, starting In the press room, did damage to the Argna Leader plant estimated at several thousand dollars. Can you do it now? If you cant, there's something wrong. Many find coffee a disturbing dement, so wisely leave it off and use PostumCeieal is a pure Postumdrink con- taining nothing that . can possibly disturb nerves or digestion. bull findrostum : has a delightful flavor that fully satisfies. There's a ReasoriJorPostum M ode by Postum Cereal Co.Jnc.t Battle Grek, Mich. . i |