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Show SANDY CITY NT SAR. SANDY. UTAH From Rheumatisms Tortures! AGAIN IN HOME TOWN IHTO HOME By Lydia E. Pinkhams Vege- table Compound, Restoring Mrs. Benz to Health l'jvliig uf the ttgiicu canyon muil will within the nfixt ten ilnyx. A limludy Klmilar to infliieiixu him broken mu In Huntington, t'lcvi-lnuand Kliuu. (.aught III tlie brake of mi anluiuo-bila tliunib wax turn from the band uf 1L 1. Wliitclier, uf Sail I tike. Tin-rwux a biilaiiee on liniiil held by tin- - xtiite treasurer at the or the eolith of Murrli uf SUll.l,4-'W-D- . Motor vehicle llcenm-- for the fiii-- t inaner of the present year, uml the liml under tin- - former law. reached I lie liilal of .'111.441. John 44 yrarx of age, wax found dead, kneeling by bix with IiiiiiiIk claxped nx if in prayer, in liix iiMini at Full Luke. All buxiiiexM houses uml nt Mt. were April 1. while ilie cltixi-iigntbered up uml destroyed lilt winter'x uivumuliilioii-o- f riihhl.li. Jamex Iievlne wux iiiniIiiuhI warden of lb;- - Mute prison, to take a: onre at the tlrxi session of the ueV xtate ImHnl of eorreetlunx held April 1. Knit Ixtke bus a larger of iNipuliitinn In the Kenni than any oilier city in the world, to thu-uKlrkluim, Scout fur milt. lu hulil the uiimml eoiiven-liuuf the nub Kduciil!uim! uxxoeiu-lio(iciiilier 111, 21 uml 22 was lust week lit a meeting uf the limird ol truxi-1-uf Ilie urganlxaliuu. Kifty-lhi trees ux niemurliilx to e Ogden men wlm Kibl the r supreme Mieriflco In the world will be planted by the women of the lit Ogden on Arlxir Slur Altoona Pa. I am writinmto tell you what Lydia E. Pink ham ' Vegetable Compound haa done Ifor me. We have had aix children I die almoct at birth. I From one hour to 1 nineteen daya ia all I they have lived. Aa waa going to have II 1 another, I took a dozen bottle of your Com- - Vegetable lund and I can aay Jit it ia the great-ie- t medicine on earth, for thia baby ia now four montha old and a healthier baby you would not wane I am lending you a picture of her. Everybody lays, That ia aome healthy looking baby. You have my eonaent to ahow thia letter." Mra.CC W. Benz, 131 3rd A ve., Altoona, Pa. No woman can realize the Joy and happpineea thia healthy babe Drought into the home of Mrs. Benz, they have had a like experience. Every woman who suffers from any ailment! peculiar to her aex, aa indicated by backachei, headaches, bearing-dow- n pains, irregularities nervouaneaa and "the blues rhould not teat until they have sjven Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound a trial. it Cuticura Soap The Razor Safety Shaving Soap e Haa Been Termed One of Most Premin American ising League Began Hie Career With New York Giant. Right-Hande- Wnile lluyt has gone buck lu tirent-c- r New York. The Brooklyn Inil. wlm us the star pitcher of tin- - Knixmus bull leuin was xiitiu-i- l by John .1. wax shifted to the nilliurs ami then came buck mid iinule mi enviabb-rccon- l c cirfur himself in the cuit. wax trailed by Harry A. l'nixi-uf Hie Bumiiii Bed Sox to the New lied-xid- e York Yanl-i-ex- ll bm jrcum' . Arid AMI reii'-lx-- IS iPcH ,t un uirirvcinuply miU uwl fl.15 $tr butlk MKIill'AL lOUI'ANY, Trnif Iii hi m k H" $1 I pD.iiKr w ii h ihrlruulr of ih ilinn i, nt !: ctiu.'Hy wrll Ai dll iiiud frlurrd. .hmn uIiumi iu. fed IN1I. What to Do for Disordered Stomach . u up anti j?t isiu.l. r.iuRbi uittl i'iiMk iiitiiMiirart unl kll rtimpllraiionK, e u I Compound Spohns Distemper lo brrak Him called one of the lluyt hux Ixi-t promising right Imnders In the Ameriemi league, and ulllmugli be bax lie bax lily jnxt tunuil twenty-onI (ecu taking Ids turn on the mound fur the Bed Sox with the veterans mid hnx been luindlng In a gisxl share of winnings, despite the fact that In- - la ibu youngest twlrler In either uf tint big lengui-aBuxton, II iiiiixt lx- - admitted, was dubious ux tn llnyl'x future, fur lust year lu wiik put mit uf the running in nildxraxuii when lie Kerluusly strained mi abdominal muscle. Ills youthful r euri.UIMif 1IUK-E- S nu-s- Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. CARTERS b without Ivor ol inuliir to You will triish your nx-al-s loilow. Million of all ages lake them lor Sallow, Buzmesa Sick llradaclir. l'wrt Stomach and fu'-MPimply. Wolchy Skin. T4g m J ikr mi sug ITTLE I . tr IVER PILLS Cmuarbrsr M: SsuS Dsw; SsuU fries' fifty-thre- wi-.- Over Thcrr Heads. His Theory. riixlxHl iiiln liU Dr. John Finley, iln maul peel und Willitir, age said n I a tliiini r in home after arlaxil ami his lim ami jam. Ilix; V- - ) ui k : wax fur hn-ai- l r I lieor new ili.niHil gRimlauillii-r- , inter complying with , n -- e cilai-alioailiiH-aiinfer the nipicxt. Jokingly lolil tin- - buy I think of lillli- - Toinnii liowc. Hint lie would "ncvi-- r grow up" if lo-- ; front Itewe ,a:i;oe ciintiiMii'il ami "Tommy lo cat mi iniirli bn-iii- i xchuol uia1 ai,!el,.oiin and -- aid pnioil jam, wlicrciiKiii Wilbur anxw mil : I ( ! riniil ia . believe llml'x nby ly: ' 'Ti ai lii-- r lea ned Ux a new vein yoa'n- - mi old. You iloifl cal aav lull. IJ.' III ill 1. II bread anil Jiiiii. " 'Iniii-'- d ! And wl.ai l O'eiiiai, liua III wax 1ni I ?' hlx ninilii-- r ' j I'Iiiui -- hah nut kick a said It li- - Tummy liiiwr.'' Kn-rlc- e duy. $2-1- The sale of liitliliit Marnnville by I lull Maraavllle bail rh'lalcd club that be tlie Buxton lliu.yx Is nn example of rules uml got the impre-Mc- n haw quickly the value uf a man, quite was a privileged Hinracler. In ran Wlien mi empluyeo irii-tliesmae ux tlml of nay oilier can change with your buslliexx It lx time to shift him . to other scenes," suid the Bunion owner. Was Beyond Price. Value Began to Cheapan. Lust xuiiimer lliiri.ey Drey fuss uf In oilier worda. aecurdlna to ('rmit. the limtex wanted to buy the Itablill. Ibut (ieorga Wnshliigton (Srmit, owner uf aa ss m ns Mnranvllle Ic.irm-Vlx thy Braves, laughed tlm proposal tn Crnnt held him to lie Ivnitise uf the to Kcnm, neglecting to put a price un the value i player and declaring that lie was lx, nets uf the player. As soon x that lie wild the Babliit had bn iiu ins I a price wax pm nsni him yiiml prbv. IxMinae nn institution lu Boston and very quickly. low lx tills ID - IhikHmII could nut lie allowed to depart. In explaining the niqmrcnf llckle-lies- x Inti of the fan that we are whi:t we of Ilia attltudo. Mr. (irnnt wild make uiirxclvcs. ; Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It elreum-xlmiee- Sure Relief s water RELL-AN- S r Lucky ll wi-e- Name -- NEED MORE THAN BIG VOICE TO BE UMP : t S j CHENEY BEATS FATHER TIME Waite Hoyt Fortner Major League Had Exceptionally Good Year in Southern Circuit. vitality curried him through the ordeal In giMNl kIiiijx-- , however, uml toward the Hose of the xiiikoii he wiik as effective a pitclu-- r nx could Is found on the linl Kox mu tr. The Impression seems tn lx that Huggins will keep lluyt In more or less of mi stage for xotue time until be xbnwx that be bax completely recovered from Ills Injury, and is again fur litird work. Spit-Ball- J i j When Harry Howell, , quit the J splendid Brown pitclu-rLarry ('limey, (lie iiiuIm luili pitchgmiio ux tin active participant, er. who bail u long siege of xervlce In J lu- tried Ids blind at umpiring J the iiiiiJoi-m- , refuses to lx- - mur.ted out und broke lu ou Ilie Texas league t by Father Time. Ixirry was let .it i circuit. Hurry iMissessed un exBraves and by Ilrixiklyn to the Boxe cellent voice, one that wux .inn- - I flnlxhnl Ills major career with Silk J uf lute the tlial lu pared J o'ljinglilln. In u Ixillle at Houston. Howell t t in.e-tiin- e J Ilie wax I J f J j mnl Imt an- - tioiinnil Ilie hulleriex of ibe two temns brllllmitly. Ills volra wax llutellkc and crcnlcd u x)ilenilld Impression. Tin- - game sinrli-d- , nud, nmird- lug lo the IloilHnii catcher's , Howell iiiixsiil many of tinInillx mill xlrikex. Finally. lie rould xtand ll mi longer, around half Turning Ida brail mnl growling through Ibe bit- of mask, he xnid: Yon iim't get by or, that viiln- - alone. Hurry: you've gut to buve mi eye. iili-il- : t J eoncli of the DartJeff Tesii-im- , mouth liinr. lias iiuitiy veleraas under bis cuiummi'l. j j t a big iniin to see 12. "SHI a year down ll takes J l J I 4 draw feeling eu ions. i ' .T , t'lin'l please everybody. , : Missouri boxing. Major league diamonds are on ihc i I oil the level, suy the surveyors. S1 no re. hut Siam- - of favors American IMissing a bill to Boy the Jay (iniilil bax lust bix squash title, Htlll gut Ilia bunk roll. Bnyul Hiimilloii (Out.) YnelP Huh will cuuxtruct a fjUJKX) elubliuuxe. .New York city high ocluxil buys are to lx! trained lu alxaillng with the rifle. Joe Beckett won't know whether to or Iireunuu when be hnx Martin over. come of Corbau, veieniu sborlstup Francisco Hub in the I'lieilb-('ous- t league, huts retired from Kan crlllcs are beginning In . the systemulicully Immb.1 I'iiI r the from (ilmilx lumgltt plielu-young Ton mlo. Yia-- Kln-u- The more they Investigate Judge tin- - cxnr of linse-lml.unilis Hu- blggi-bsmis up us till- right limn for the job. r ll - s The Cliarlolte Hub of Ilie Sully NEW TENNIS BOWL FOR 1921 Icugiic lot- silil Ciitcbcr to the I'liiirlesloii club of ilie Eighth Longwood Cup Will Be Put same league. Up far Tennis Tourney JohnsI'ilHicr Zic ltary held out mull Critf ton Lifted Seventh. iu bis mulrnci. lie's put n bonus A new Longwood Ism I. tint eighth got to 'will 20 to get It. (bill is a good lawn iiiisineM. iium. s since ilie xiurt of 1l:c lilstix-itennis tourney nt Hie Loiigwixsl t. The .Memphis Huh i.tis Bostun. will lx' pal up for this yinr's ft baudisl pili a play. The sevenlli clip vax lifinl liy Aubrey from tin- (ikmulgcc club of the the fonix-- national singles champion. Western Win. M. Johnston last August. Mii-m- -. return from England Ted Kay to defend Ills nutlonul open golf title this summer. ,w-l- grotty llougli hux raplnin of tlm West Virginia wrestling lemn. lx-e- n Hnlver-slt- y . Yule News la out with a pint for nn Ire hockey rink tlml its leuiux may he put on the hockey mu. Mar-slm- ll lien-ha- i mil rrdure inf!up'd. ewoih'n Joiniff, Sprains. Bruiftra, Soft Eunchee; HcstIs bniln, IHtil Evil, Qiiittor. i'mtu!s and cun-full- y Infected lores quickly as it is a pmiiive ansit;i.k anj Rerm.cikie. PleaKM to hbti does not trifch n mhit mmI wwfcibe Bears-th- Signature In Um fOr Over 30 Yeuni. Children Cry foi Fletehcf s Castoria Itir Lair. roarifr S2.SU K1 boate. itHivrra 7 R free. ABSOR BINE. JR..thc iQjcrtc Hmmn I$i mLU. irdacra raMiiL iwtHtra Vcim, Wrii. itnlw Itrns mof fata Mi Mawniw. Prist fl.; $i hvak m ieiWi $r Mlmii Will Mil Mit H foa mfeh I.Vral Trial BMdc hr IDe la Nrw. W. F. Y0UW. Im.( t0 Trap $1.. tprieFM. Meat. l Watch Your Step. ilrunkitnl ul lonu Inis I Iuh'Ii liy sin oiHTiilimi x'lih li mimwil a Imiih ilmi iIh Imiiii, Tin lMnii NVui :ili iiiiiiiIht of jcimix;il lit s'lUiiitM pn'in r$1 Iv inrfii cun-- lirai" :i ra j mil lliai ujis I'ily . Slur. pAradexical. "Villi jj (J liiit I );(ii(iy.it lirr ill rill nniio1 "Vrji tsci! ;i GOLD MEDAL ; ! 111 liMiimi." VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous because of thir insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking Catarrh Can Be Cured Catarrh ia a local dlneMne sieaily influ-m-ed cofniiluma. U by conatiiuiinnui therefore rHUiri lonriitutioral treatMKIMCINE 4'ATAliikil ment. HAIjIj'b and hi'Ih Ihrouah to taken the Wood on Hie Mm ore Surface of A T A K R H I1AI.1K tlie Byetein. MEDICINE deeimya tlie foundation of the patlwii airenaili by ilie dieeae. tmpnninK the general lieanii and iieiiii nature in domic ItH work. A'in ulsini free. AH hruKKiHia. P. J. Cheiioy 4k. Co., Toiedu, Ohio. ' Thi world's sunvUrd remedy for themet ill often ward off theee disorders and strenethen the body apeinet further attacks. Three sires, ell dniRpW. n mit? CM MU1 fivy bn mcfN m imitotiM Leek fee iIm mmd !!:!:!illSS li;iM,il uni III wllllill riiiriil 1i yuiir esir". Min! i take. book i - r usns-bilion- . . hnuix are now legal GRIDIRON HERO GIVEN MEDAL Twenty-roun- d Aa yet no Inland In the Plillliiplnex. promoter liua gotten III touch with Right Tackle en Maaeachueett Aggie Itlckard. Football Eleven Is Awarded the Pond Memorial. world' will the xluge Cuiienhngen thia year. cycling chnniihnixhlp Htnrr King, right tackle (hi tlie Aggies fixitlinll Hevcn. Iin Navy crew Is to meet llnrvanl und been awarded llu- - Innd mcinnrlnl mIkiII rare Princeton In an medal, given minunlly to Ilie meniher of the tiwu whose work was of tlie liny 7 nn ('urnegle lake. most vnlli" to the eleven nml reflected Couch Jack Wllre lx now serving ax the most credit to the college. an Interne In Pnaeximil hixqidal at He rompleled Ills imillrnl MAKE PROFIT OF $27,854.91 Culumliux. cducutlun while coaching the 1010 team at Ohio State. Football at University of Washington In 1520 Brouqht In the Bum Blind. to Gives $1,500 Boxing of $53,142.22. A recent boxing allow In Toronto In be used to setting netted $1,500, Foot hull at rnlverxKy of Washingup blind members of the 38th Cana- ton (Seattle) In 11)20 netieil a profit dian Battalion In buoluesa. of 27.8M1. The receipt were and dlxhurxeinenla. Including Howard Ople. a forward of Prince conrhea salaries, football equipment, la and captain tons basketball five, etc. were $3537.31. wears glasses and use a protecting mask of steel and wire to prevent Hameaa Racing In Ohio, name raring will begin In Ohio the glass from being broken and enearlv In May and. finish In October. tering Ida eyes. eight-oure- I.oitix-- every liollle of that famiinx old remedy tor infunts and chiidmu, and see that ft Examine si - link' .anil CAST! MIA. I Im New A for 'aii-e llu-ii- Larry Cheney. the Phillies. Last siiixoii he wax with Columbia of the Kmitli Ailuullc Iragiie mnl wax the Ifiidlr.g twirlcr of Ibut circuit. He turned In twenty-thre- e victories mill wax dcfcalid six limes. Aeconllng to the latest records he fuinxil 1KI bat sineii with Ills xpllter. Ijirry bad n fielding itvemge of JKW and lilt for J247. im Important to Mothara A i Ildlnilelpbin Imnxle ID bnsketbnll lraguex. iianprlxlng l'Ki 'tmmx. but lie's iinolber wilbom Koine New Yorkers say It lx wrong to build ii liinui- - run lionu- - fur Babe, t Squibs of Sport Married Life. "I gale my liuxl-aulai'lt Pulling." "Tlml'x a uilxlaki-- . liui'p.g kei - 'e'.n ilie i 'mirier-- . Inin'iial. When llooK-- r of the Beil Sox was traded to tin- - While Kox ll iippuivnlly niiiile him feel bine. J An Uplifter, Too. friend. Inne you eier lini.e nnylh'ng in make Ibe rniiinmni1) 'he lur niir III Ing III ll?" "I ban- - linin' niin-li- . sir.' replied die nlln-r- . ennieMlv. in purify Ilie Ihiiim-uf iii felluw men." All." aid llii' xnleinii nne. ruhni'ig bix bands, du nu may I :iI.V "Nn; I elean i arpi-lx.- " My c'b J , on Genuine Bayer Take Aplrin only ax mid In Working und loiillug iii-i- linldl aliil piiekuge uf genuine Buyer Tublcis uf lo quit Hiller. Tlien you will lx-- following ll lx ilillii-ni- t Aspirin. Ifcr directions anil dox.igc wnrknl out ear, and by pliyslHiinx during 21 Tn slap (he twin nf Take no Csnw.Ssslsss.Csllssscs.lllilm.Tltf. pruved xa fe by inilMinix. kckisi. fcMsilcs. Trader tcrl. sm cluiiii-cwilli xubxlillilex. If you xcc i tin- - Bayer ('rex oil tablclx. you can ALLENS FOOT-EAS- E lukd them wltliuiil fear fin I'olilx. i' The Anliieiilic. Ifralinr Vovlrr to lilieinuutiMii. HeinliiHie. Neiiral'iia. Kli.ikc InioYoiir Nbuei ud tiuialle Kanielie. To'itlmHie. I.imiiia.u and ju Uiel'iHil-lNiib- . SM evrv where. Be aurc lo eef uf Imxex tin i'llln. wele fur Handy thlf IMvL.llfe lriigi-l- e tlildi'lx enx fi"v ii'.'ilx, afii sell lamer packages. Axpii.n i die t'lii'e mark of l!aer Maniifaciuri uf Mnnuiei'iii'ui'idi'Mcr ol aliv lieai'iil. Aav, Diamond Yams J - Ma-ger- elliii-Innl- ASPIRIN d e Courier-Journal- i s limix-elur- ciaa relie which nearly always lira e mr-dui- Strike y, Mc-tiru- K. A. r.m-k- . former miiyur uf Suit Ijike, wlm wax cunvlclt-i- l in Kull luike fur stealing public fmiilx tuliiling inure tliun $12.1 mu when he wax city auditor, HIS REQUIREMENTS NOT HIGH bus applied to tlie xtate laianl of fur u parole. Ilie The xtale umlitur him udvixi-Connecticut Man Merely Seta Forth of public Instrm--tiuxrale xuHTiiit-nden- t Qualitiee He Deairei in Hia llint there la now in the xtate Houae keeper. ireaxiiry a total uf $4!l2.i;S4..'lN uvallable dlx-- I fur iiixnlunnient to the A rithen of Hrlatnl, who 1m apn rated from hli wife, advert Ixed here an riels of the xtate r. W. 11. Hamilton, of Delta, When follows acvnrdiiig to a Winstead (Conn.) dispatch to the New York altcniptcil to klml'c a fire In the kitchen xlove and usnl gimuline, wlilcli Herald: Wanted, a hnuMekecper; good linnie, he mixlixik fur kerosene, the flumes over the nxmi mid ninxml ilaia-ug- e mini! amount of work ; prefer one who spn-uut iin aew nn a button nr two mice a Ttnnaax ltediminil. xeen-tnrof the month; do not liar polltliii; xlie may lie a suffragette, an I hold nn political xtate llvextiH'k Ixninl. wlilcli went ini' Job; prefer one who has had not rprer of existence with the ereatluu uf the of agriculture, ha eighteen yearn' exiierlenee; hIir must xlule have tlie Tuesday dinner dlsliea out of lain xelected by the new Mate Ixmrd . the iduk before Thursday; hear in if agriculture ax chief aheep mind I do nut bar any religion, but Delbert Sail III, 20 years uf age. who In not waut'one who Is too religlona; wux arrean-in Salt hike on charge-- , now, molds do not apply for this Job uf robbing a mull car uf toll. mill near unleaa your uge is under INI; decent Kt. lunl un IS. bnx Ixi-wages and congenial xurnxiiidlngs. Inkeii liuek to Kt. Ixillix fur trial. A Apply at once." mall clerk wax killed by Kmltli iliirln-the robbery. A eonferemv uf xiiiervlsorx uf the federal Ixoinl uf roenilonal isliiciillri i from Dixlrletx 11, 12 and 13, fur III piirNHM uf iiMirdlnnllng and xliiijilanl-Ixlnthe work uf I lie varlunx office.-- ' . Ilinmghuul the nniniry, wax held lax: week al Salt hike. The rixil" leglsliillon of the Ins, Insurance for Often Applicants leglxlatilii' wax discussed at mi Apr!! Rejected. I'ools' day liinclieuii uf the Klwani llnwe!: club ut higan. Jadgiag from report from druggiata ridiculed xume uf the bills iassel b, with direct touch in who an constantly bit: the public, there ia one preparation that the legislature, the baa been very sueeeisful in overcoming being must pnimlnuiil. then condition. The mild and healing At a inuding uf the null Kinto Full a inflame of Dr. Kilmer Swamp-RoW. Winder wax elm-tesoon realised. It stands the highest for association, president of the (irganlxalinii ; J. II its remarkable record of luccem. An examining physician for one of the Mamlerrield. flrxl vice president : I. N. prominent Life Insurance Companies iu Iienv of Ogden, xecoml vice prexidciil : an interview on the subject, made the (iisirge K. MeTalllxler. treasurer: J. I.. atatement that one reason why Home, malinger, anil James K. Klllson. ao many applicants for inaannag an is became kidney trouble ia ao director. Ed O'Toole, who lx said In have common to the American people, and the larga majority of thorn whose applicamoney fnnii various Kail hike tions are declined do not even suspect cllixeiix during the lust two or three that they have the disease. It is on sale ' moiiilix represenllng Hint be wax ii at all drug stores in bottles Of two rises, disabled byxoldli-r and could jirclume medians and large. However, if yon wish first to test this gixxlx iif different varieties from the great preparation send ten cents to Dr. government ut greatly reduet-- prieex, Kilmer A On. Binghamton, N. Y., for a la behind tlie bars, waiting trial. sample bittla. When writing be sore and K. 1'. 1eterson wux (imyli-ni- l of mention this paper. Adr. ut Ralt I.ukc. leterxon wax found guilty of defrauding Nlek Maybe. and Ida wife, licorgleu Mugernx. "Kver on the Inland of Yap?" " "No, but 1 ml her think I've met a out of 11. The money wax iililuined that Louis- by I'eterxon on tlie good umny of the iHipiilatlon. . lie would apply It Uhiii ii mortgage ville owned by Mr. ami , agaliixt pnqx-rt. Daring has value only when It Is Alrx. Magcnix. A new route for Ilie Midland trail combined with judgment e nrmsx eastern Dali, which will desert travel anil void the hud waxlie that Impede traffic, nx well rk shorten by ten ndb-- the distance Mack, Coin., and Weal water, Utah, six proposed, (irand iiainty lx now at work on Its part of the new rond tn the Colorado line. Tlie harden of twenty-eigh- t yenrx of liliiiduevx and worry over tnxuilim 6 Bell-anproblems mill the uiitlnmd livestock uf s'.tiiiillnn are belbw.il by Hot have been the reason Sure Relief the family toPnulson, 87 yenrx ol age. why Joseph n wealthy ram-heliving near Vernal. suicide. xhixiMng ldinxelf Wm FOR INDIGESTION couuii!tliil through the heart. There will lx ut least one real hall game In higan til's yinr. Tills wax assured when the Binary Hull accepted the challenge uf the Kiwlinlx Hull for a gitine. Funds derived from the game will lie lumeil over to the higan Imxe-liaHuh uf the Northern I'tnli league. llynim K. Hurter. a stndent at the 'Brigham Young university at I'nivo, wiui the oratorical contest held there Inst euntexlHlitx. with tweniy-un- e Mr. I hi Her rendved the Union Dixon cup. and rbad Ids name iilaeeil on a large cup at the Institution fur ilmt purpose. Formal denial has lieen entered by the public utilities commission of Utuh of the petition of the Utah unp-pe- r company for a rehearing of the application of the Utah Lower A Light company for an Increase In pc.ver rates. After five hours' deliberation, the Jury at Ogden In the case of the itute against Jennie Kcardlno, 17 years of ge, rharged wltb manxlaughter in connection- with the death of Mike Termaln at the Bcardlno home. February 20, 1920, returned a verdict of not guilty. 4m ViSpj Just suppose you could bo free in the poisoned, impoverished Mood. When this ia ao, you need an in- -. from your dccpscated, agonizing rheuioatifc achea and paint, your teruul remedy, one that will taka uut the that are torturstiff joint! and unsightly swellings! ing you,impurities one like famoua S.S.S., Wouldnt you give anything to gut which has relieved thousands of rid of them? cases of rheumatism ail over the You have doubtless country just tl.ii way. Get S.S.S. from your rubbed on outside treatdruggist today, and after ments; moat rheumatism sufferers have. Some of starting with it write ui a history of your care, these take the edge off the terrible puins for a addnssing Chief Medical Advisor, KT7 Swift few, hours, but they do not strike at the cauro, Atlanta, Youngest of Big League Hurlers Returns to Gotham. -- a Oh How Glorious to Be Free PITCHER WAITE HOYT UTAH STATE HEWS BROUGHT d $53,-142.- Jack WiMier, the tail lirater with (in- I'lrules l:i year, lias Isa-- luriii-i- l club. over to lla- - I r Tile Illlsliurgb club iiuiiniiiici-that I'llclicr Fred Bliikc to it bus ivlciu-ci- l tlx- - Boclirsli-- r liiierniilli-nuls- . well Art Wilson, able liiieksiop. known as a mu-lii- ne of lla1 aolil limits. Cabs and Braves, lias to the I'ulmiibuK by Frisl Milehi-l- l dub. CHIT Blniikciixhiii. wlm laiinaged tlie Kimkmie lema In tlie I'aelllc Interna-tloiu- il liiigue. bua Inin signed to uian-ug- e the VIctoriu team uf thal league thia year. The biggest day of tlie hiischull year In ritlxliurgh will lx July 7, when the New York Yankee, ftulnrlng Bii lie Itiith, will play mi exhibition against llio IMrates. Morris J. Archdeacon, one of the eight candidate fur a berth In the Buxton National outfield, la reputed to be tlie fnstest man that ever hauled on a baseball shoe, Weak and Miserable? i the lesxt exertion tire you out? Feel "blue'' Slid worried anil hac daily Does backache, lameness, bnuhulu.'- -, duu-new- . Kick and kidney irre,ularilwa? kidneys arc often to lilanie fur this nnhaipy atale. You muri act quickly to prevent more wriou trouMe. L'se Doan'l Kidnry 1illt. the remedy recommended everywhere liy grateful users. Aik your neighbor Mr. Fisher. A Utah Cise Molenx HM 8t.. Ucdcn, rtuh. Buys: "1 hail n se- vere rain through my kidneys, anil my kidneys acted My irregularly. bark became sore end ached lame, constantly. ' used Hoan'n Kid nay Pills xnd they Save ms fine relic from tho first, continued using Doan's until cursd." Kora Misery After Eating Eio Just Take a An Caionio iIum of K:i tonic did me taka it nl and am no longi-- liollii'rcd with Indigratiua." Klh'ii Harris. writes Sirs. Tbotlxiiinlx of hxiiIi, like this drar Indy, li'xlify alxiut KuIokx', wlihli ilii-- its wo'1'ierx by taking pp and currying ..ut ill" uHility and paxes wlib'li liriiig un indigestion, ixMribum. blunting, beli'hlng and fund li'l .eat ing. A 'Id xtuiniieb also cnuxalxiut Aevenly other Irotci't yourself. A hip box of Kntunlc eixas liut a trifle with your druggist's guarantee. Tlie ilr ttomlci-x- . tm-iil- x 1 r gruti-fiill- anil, JACKS 126 MAMMOTH tnw bMitii ftr foe. IMiUlW'N 4ACK WAUM hma limb (ira.I. cn nr wuin.-n.''ll K.trxciix Xxe. Tuilil Pr.iNtnali-nx- , I bv Ws las . Cal Ossa's al Aay Stan, We a Bau DOANS FOSTER -- MILBURN Kf. N. U (Mu Baplda, 'Srji1 CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. Salt Lake City, No. 21. Seller. Hwiieatrr. H.1 camin lwX.il. . Naomi I'hem. Oo.. l.at Kraauway, TOHAtTO Ch.w and .moke n.iaral Mf: Xial which, ehewlna Sc par lb.. pootiHiltl. or amuhlos. Klchard Ketrinan. MrUaaily. K. FRECKLES |