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Show JOOOOOOC The man who baa a visiting at ths home of Mr. sad Mrs PRvtwATC AMO GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Kenneth Taylor in Salt Lake. inwlti klda la not usually the one (Fw further information coatuli who wastes bla moaey la fata all Mrs. Fhtl Beats will entertain the County Clerk or respective signers.) atocka. EAGLE PUBLISHING COMPANY Ladles' Aid of the Methodlat chsrck NOTICE TO CREDITORS- Utah. Murray. The King of Graces recently dlad at her home In Salt Lake more Hsiatc of Churls Caldwell,, someEditor and Business Maaaftr from a monkey bite. More and P. K. N1BLCIMN the world ia being made naaafo for times known aa Chari ae Caldwell, Jr. e Mrs. enter-thWilliam Kothwell will crowned heads. e Creditor . wlU ; irsesat e e ' VMMkaiak of Murrey at claims with vaachare to th under.$1.00 a a a yaar. Sobecription price, far bar home Thursday at t: II clack. Speaking of falling prieea, it'a a signed at ths offle of David W. Mof-fg- L botrods long way from the peak to Mtuxny, pity. taiJLHJmiU'. Mr. and . Mm. ,W..IL- Parfcf aMIm ' Advertl alng rate made known apo . apyUeadoo. VWdMFark ! lU.. Mia.. Margaret Utah,- on or before th nth day of e a a CITY STAR THE SANDY Published every Friday by half-ooz- .... ONLY Saturday Nov. 13th TO-DA- Y - March, A. D. II U, JANE E. CALDWELL, aM FEED CRAGBR, Mb! ai oil at the Bandy City Poat Ofllce aa second elaaa matter under Aet of Ad min 1st retain of tho Batata of Char-MCongreea, March I, lift. n ' Caldwell, Deceased. The students of tha Murray high aoiems oathto lsyX .own TTuiifs if DAVID W. MOFFAT. celebrated Armistice day .Bool I horns and country necssaary for bla Tha British will let the Irish have Thu reday . School was dlamlaaad at Attorney for Administrator. I BUtea United tha man who holda tha Data of first publication Novemhsr their own way when the Irish wiah oclock, the students marching out than any other nation on the to starve themselves to death. lD waa 5, A. D. lfltl. a whan body flag largs The election la over. It did not go higher face of tto earth. Talk patriotlam. I hoisted, which was followed by a pnblleation November 2$, (p Kit everyone, for If everyone had teach It In the schools and piwach It we'll all have to go to boning dancing matinee In the afternoon, Maybe there In drat the place ban agreed In tha pulpit. That ia tha surest wood for fuel, and then tha slogan would have bean no need In an elecweapon wa have against a elaaa of will bo: Do your chopping enrty. The Indies of tha 8. 8. B. elnb was are thoae there In tion. Here Murray eltlsena wo cannot hop to escape so entertained at tha homa id Mrs. U. on the who were not winning tide, long aa our Immigration laws Fosaibly the wisdom of a man may G. Miller Wadnasday afternoon. foot ea there are thoae who caat their aa Us aa they art at preaent surpass that of a woman, bat when it In the Third JudMal District Court ballota for the winner. And yet both Ths lad lea of the South Cottonwood comes to tact he simply Isn't In It. of Salt Lake Count?, State of Utah. gra good Americana, good eltlsena Relief society will give n fair at tha Martha J.. Baldwin, Plaintiff, Waland good neighbor!. I Nov. amusement ward 20, ban Id, II, When some men lose money they ter Ik Baldwin, Defendant Sum The United State la going right S2- The Tenln musical flrrt mono. tun right In and hire a lawyer and ahead aa the greateat Republic on of humanity once a Iwe some more. That program and a abort playlet followed The State of Utah to th nald Defend earth. If tha reault had been Juat frequent specimen -, aeewho visitor In Murray, but by tableaux, will be given; the ant: (ha oppoelte wa could truthfully aay ond evening, n ball will be the fea-about the time Vnele You are hereby aummond to appear woman Missouri that advertise, the aame thing. For the fact of the disappeared a work or fight" order Into tnr and the thlrf evening arti- within twenty daya after the service Same man to buelneaa la the United Statea la too effect put wishes "who stic merry eIca iUn on bind will be sold abauc-doesn- 't of this summons upon you. If nerved the common hobo la said to drink, swear, smoke, gamble I tion to be followed by moving pic-- within the Mg an Inatltutlon to he changed In be reappearing In this section of the eounty In which this acelection lose his temper." She doesnt men--1 tures. any very great reaped by state In generous numbers. We note tion la brought; otherwise, within remits. tlon the color of she wings ex prefers. our of several this through thirty days after service, and deMr. and Mrs. Elvis Hanaon enter- fend But the big thing to think of now changes, though at this time the abthe above entitled action; and evenknutr home la the future. Put aside political dif- sence of tramps and beggars In this their tained at Saturday We In case of your failure so to do, judgpeople with such large sarcasm. ceaae birthIn honor of Hanson's and Mr. political ferences ment will be rendered against you acbeams In their eyes that the mote In ing particular territory Is still noted. dancOat together as Americana, aa good B. While many of our large Industrial other people's eyes looks like n saw-lo- day.' Cards, music, games and cording to the demand of the comboost and dtlcena. as good neighbors ing! were enjoyed by all present and plaint, which has been tiled with the centers announce the doting of mam the following guests were present: Clerk of said Court. for everything that looks good for iifacturing plants for the purpose of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Hanson, Miss your country, your state and your adjusting lahor conditions, there are This action la brought to recover a man been buncoed has Many Remember that you are by Arvllla Hanson, Mr. and Mra. h community. of good jobs open and a Judgment dlmolvlng the honda of thousands still a woman's disposition by her judging Mra. James Mr. and not earning a living for yourself and Smith, apparently no excuse why any matrimony now and heretofore existsmile. , Gilbert, Era. Cheater Gilbert, Mra. ing between you and the plaintiff. family by talking politics or discussPOULTRY WANTED. man ahould be Idle. It may Roll ce election results. Mr. and up your Arthur Gilbert, Mrs,, Roy ing he true that there is not as murh A. A. DUNCAN, more make to and money Lee Mines aleevea Gilbert, Clarenre Whittle, try work to he had In our cities as dur WANTED. To buy all your poultry Attorney for Plaintiff. and Leslie 8mlth. and more happlnraa the romlng four tng the years of the war, but It must O. Addreaa 218 McIntyre Bldg., Highest F. price paid. Cnll F. W As four. did the past years than you lie reniemherod the cities recruited 52 W. G region Ave., Salt Utah. Salt Lake City, about Adamg, will those you I heir excess labor from the farms, you prosper, so Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kemp of Mi12 Flint November In will publication and every good lick you put Lake City. Phone Hy. 1543-M-. and the farms are still sorely in need dvale hue been visiting,, relatives hare 1920. count fur the other fellow hi well as of workers. the left Thousands the past week. Last publication December 10 ? ?i ? for yourself, lluekle down to busi- farms and went to the cities under 1920. ness for arter all tlie main thing is the lure of high wages. If they're Bernice 811ver, the to better your own romUtlnu and the out uf work now. let them return to MICK1E SAYS i Will she be there? daughter of Mr. and MrS. F. J. Sil- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ condition of your neighbors, and that the farms. I'll say she will. ver, had her ankle fractured last Is best done liy settling down and Where? The surest way to put the hobo out when she. waa el ruck by an OUE CAP. esum AUOSKD ' making the must of every opportu- of business Is to discourage bla begAt Murray High School dance, No- Tuesday automobile on her, way home from . - WCOO ACWTOXV9IN& UlAG TOOlXl your way. g qjler-tnnity before work vember 1920. him 19, ging. Offer school. She la reported to be AM taor tGHUfi Evan's Jaaa will furnish music. food or monel and you will help TUGVAGMlDGM'fllOlG Vtt who man the Invited. solve the problem. For Everybody eo ovexnJ Is Suits Made to Order got tw am' la willing to work for his food has Edwin Plumb ot J. C. Penny Co. Htfe MADID VWK ABON AM' Dr. Olaon, the child specialist, gave waa taken to a Salt Lake not In his system the making of a IMBOCS&O hospital U& Ladles' Tailoring a Specialty OU,WUG08U There la genuine cause fur alarm hobo. We've been rid of tramps and educational and very Interesting I Tuesday evening where he waa Flint Class 'Work Guaranteed In reports from New York that nevrr beggars In this section for the past laat Monday evening at Mur-- ated on for appendicitis, Clothes Cleaned, Pressed, and before In America's history has there two or three years. So let us dis- ray City Hull. A large number of par boen such a flood or Immigration as courage their return by making the ents attended and expressed them-Repaired WANTED Girl to help aort corn. hand-oat this time. Of course we need not bark-doharder for them arlves after the meeting aa being lhe bo alarmed so long aa the new ar- to get than it was bark pi the days heal educational talk on health hy- Apply at Utah Broom ft Brush Co., Center St Midvale, Utah 5011 State atreet, Murray. rivals are coming for the purpose of when we believed a man If he said giene they had ever heard. establishing a home, honoring he he couldn't get work. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lawn or the land and living aa good There will be a Heriei of 12 lecturci, Mra. Thomas Birch entertained at and upright eltlsena. We welcome The only way to enlist the support given, one each Monday evening, at dinner or Sunday In honor of her sister, the of some men in a movement 1h to let Murray City Hall, and all should avail that kind, and we are mindful Mra. H. 8. Cahoon of Deseret, Utah. fact that we are all hero as the re- iheni run It. themHelveH of the opportunity they Covers were laid for twelve. sult of our ancestors having migrated have of attending. No price, of ad-to this country. But the reports are who thinks nilHHlon. Many a misguided man Mr. and Mra. Fred Davla and It la rauaed by fermenting, sour to the cITert that a larger per cent he was born to rule has another think have moved to Provo to make waste matter In the Intestine!. Tlila family Of the lmmlgranU than ever before Mr. and Mra. Floyd Brown are their future homek coming shortly after the pastor has old, foul matter should be thoroughly re of the undesirable claea. and are said the word. the parents of a baby boy, born to cleaned out with simple buckthorn over because they merely romlng them during the weak. A host of school mates surprised bark, glyeerine, etc., aa mixed In Ad have heard money Is plentiful here A Chicago church If. checking babies Arthur Warenakl M8iday night at This acta on BOTH upper and a man doesn't need to do very The tdea seems to be to give father Leonard Miller of Idaho Falla waa the Warenakl home on East 48th and lower bowel, removing old accumuch work to get It. Murrey visitor Wednesday. his nap at any cost. South. Lunch was served and the mulated matter you never thought Immof these course, At present, apent in games and dancing, wan In your system. Adler-l-k- a reFenton Bradford, ion of Mr. and evening A railrosd announces it has cut the igrants are stopping In the cities. lieves ANY CASE gas on the atomach. must Eventually, however, they Mine to Moxleo 24 hours. What for? Mra. Archie Bradford, underwent an Murray Baptist Church are expect- EXCELLENT for sour atomach and operation for appendicitis Monday at spread to towns like Murray and It ing to hold their annual church sale chronic constipation. Guards against Croaa the Holy will be up to us to help sift the grain hospital. he before looks The eitlxen who Sold by the Murray Friday evening, November 19, at the appendicitis. . H.WI.F--Hn from the chaff. It la not too early leaps never acquires much of a repuHpwaita . IWIMH, MWI. City Pharmacy. The ladies of the Murray Firat I church' on WeeMSthSouth. to prepare for future emergencies, tation as a leaper. Ward Relief aoclty pave a quitting I and the beat way Is by Inculcating a bee followed by refreshments at the a still and of love country till deeper If more people were willing io help greater love of home In our children themselves the help problem would not ward house Tuesday. now In school. They are the ones be so serious in this country. Bob Sheriff, formerly of Murray I who are really to have to wrestle with the problem. And we owe It to And maybe if there was a woman In but now a resident of Nevada, ia here them to point out to them now that the moon instead of a man it wouldn't visiting friends. there le no room In thU community get full so often. Margaret Larson, little daughter I for the man who cannot take of Mr. and Mra. Ed. Larson, entertained a number of her achool mates at her home Wednesday afternoon. The occasion being her birthday. mu who used to have n spare room in his hams now la content If he has a spare tire for hla flivver. Tha I11gn. uj Let's Settle Down evening at tha home af Ernest Wright. Mr. LADIES WAISTS jj mi. eon-ttn- : Big Assortment in the very LATEST STYLES and MODELS ua : WSFfie Sold At . u Offer Him Ifork. . A or THE LEADER -- - hurray ji A. KLASCO, Mgr. ooooooooooooooc Man-essa- able-bodi- ed MOOOtWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQG Fifty Good Uncalled fopr Work Suits FROM $5.00 TO $15.00 Nobby Suitorium -- H. F. RASMUSSEN 219 STATE STREET OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtirQ that-cullie- wwfwwaj Tailor On. The Flood hs jwr Awrfuwl oper-lertu- re 1 1 ut 300000 What Causes Gas On the Stomach? 1 Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured br local tappLt -- Hums Me they cannot peach the dimraiH il porlMM of tlie ear. Thera la only one way to care catarrhal deefneae. iid that la by a cuaetitutlonal remedy. ruiarrLal Deafaem to cauaed by aa condition of the mucous lining af the Buauchlan Tub. When this tuba to inflamed you have a rumbling eound er imle entirely perfect hearing niid when It Unleee tha ctoeed, Deafneen to the remit. cun be reduced aad thto tuba Inflammation reetoml to IU normal condition, hearing will be deetroyed forever. Many flies of deafnrm are cauaed by catarrh, which to n inflamed condition of the mucons mr-hHalls Caunh tfedtclne acta thru the bleed on the mucm.e surfaces of tha yetna. We will give One Hundred Dollara far Any cane of Catarrhal fifninoM that cannot be eared by Halls fetrm Mod id no. Clp culara free. All Dniggfrr. 7fte. r. J. CHENEY CO. Toledan X OOOOOOOOOOtMHMHDOOOWOOOa ler-l-k- a. .BANKS UNDERTAKING COMPANY LICENSED EMBALMERS Phone 347 Murray, Utah re .Automobile Service to and from Parlors if jesired OOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOO ou Weed an - A Record OF Mra. Frank C. Howe went under an operation Saturday morning of laat week at the L. D. 8. hospital. From last reports. Mrs. Howe wni do-- 1 tng aa well aa could be expected. THE OREM LINES are receiving congratulations over the arrival of their first baby girl which 3000 Passengers After you eat always take I Instantly relieves HrthwBloat d Gassy Feeling. Stops food souring, miseries. repeating, and nil atomach -- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gloe Besides an immense tonnage of freight transportation, the & Utah Railroad Company affords a passenger service that is unexcelled by any internrban system in the United States. and niiiale, followed by refreshment!. Mra. Moore experts to leave soon to spend the winter with her daughter In California. Aid society The Baptist Ladlin' met at the chureh parlors Wednesday afternoon, where a picnic was held arter the regular business meeting of the day and In honor of the Taylor Ladles Aid society of Salt Lake who were preaent. A THRIVING CONCERN - INTEST. This story of growth 100 dows a wonderful future devel- .275' opment of Salt Lake and Utah .383 valleys and continued prosperi- As Orem lines. d!5q(S ty for "The 1914 1915 1916 1Q19 1918 1919 1920 Estimated Write today for Free Descriptive Circular AXL - The girls of the C. U. L. elub were entertained at the home of Mlaa Bell Ssddera Thursday evening. Sewing and music were tha main features of tha evening, followed by refresh- manta. Investment" Dept. OOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ed P. Smith A&nu, Lnreatment Pept A ' 'ft. 38 W. Second South! Salt Lake Ww i r, Drug Co. er flOO So. ever so downright satisfying and happy. Abooe all an electric range is clean. There no tmoke nor goof, no ashes nor fuel. You simply snap the switch at the heat you want, the food cooks perfectly, deliciously, cleanly. I Stato Sticot M array, Utah WHITE LILY FLOUR "MAKES THE BEST BREAD. :fc- And just a thought right now is a remarkably good time to begin your Christmas gift selection. Vacuum cleaners, grills, chafing dishes, waffle irons, toasters, curling irons all offer their particular service per-culato- to the housewife their particular help to the . I - ' I . T .X e I I i gift-seeke- r. W ' r M - y ! I I . jt. The variety and adaptability of V WANTED. bead or naeleaa koraea I and cows, bought for cash. Phaoe Knrrxy S7I-- MooooooeoeoBboobooooooGoo r, I A , a trouble-savea food-sava money saver! Its ever so economtime-savo- ical and convenient 'i- j a n -- lire. Guy Tidwell spent the week Hr- - Also offered b Its Mr. and Mrs. George Huacher entertained a number of friends at Thursday evening at their home. Salt Lake & Utah Railroad Co. Orem Lines Thornton-Anderso- Heber Smith, who for the past two weeks, has been a patient at the L. D. 8. hospital In Salt Lake, la fast Improving and was able to return to hla home Sunday. sn investment opportunity our .496 7 Per Cent Cumulative First 573 Preferred Stock is both profit- 655able and safe. rnf Sox todor. YoawUlooa, Elizabeth Moore waa tlie hon-- 1 ored gurat at a an r prise party Tuesday afternoon at the Fraternal hall. given hy the Women of Woodcraft, the Oceanian being Mr. Moore's birth-- 1 day. The time waa spent In games x Ini-v- 1 Mrs. hours reevery twenty-fou- r steel of modern 18. constant the passenger operation quires cars. Thirty-sidaily trains provide a service that is both frequent and efficient. Whether on business or pleasure bent, patrons of the line ride in safety and comfort, on trains that are thoroughly clean. T- TiUllCj ud Fw. iath bast maftr. -Tii nd woodarfnll, banafltad. Oalraaatsaeant or two a Ur to wait. FoattHolr goarantaad ' tt Got a bU ATONIC Mrs. Steven Roth well left Friday for a few weeks visit with her par--1 ents In Denver. To carry 3.000 passengers Tabic of Passenger Revenue Increases AHidiftiid WMtuid Itran. wan born to them Friday. Mrs. Gloe was formerly Mian Olive Warenakl. Salt Lake 'ZzailA these electrical appli- ances will amaze you. rs, MERRIT IS TEE haite which wa claim your consideration of White Lily Flour. Thera are other brands Juat as cheap, plenty a them. But the White Idly bakaa more to tho pound, saves money aa wall aa ths extra work and worry ed la the use of flour of lower finality. Order n sack of White Idly today. Knowing housekeepers always' On t so-tail- It West Jordan Mill Denial in AH Kinds ef MU Itafl. 70EE AYIXTT, Kuigw Thau, MifiralilM oooaoQttHciooooooooooooooooa |