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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH A Prominent Druggist Testifies Calif. "I i to mil Muifathiobd Dr. Kmi Aaorio TbU. IbiTinnr old u article that hai inn ntk usinrai mtirfestioo. . I dnugiete dt otogreatar to mil 3m , today,atufl DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS ESTIMATES FOR SUBMISSION TO CONGRESS. long Profit, ST anmkip- 'jwt aa good.' but is Anuria far ajmmtiag T 1 he to pot pair araatad hmin ... along x T fr,,t have (ainad tha eonfidaaaa of tha public which more than rapaya ma far my iatanat Bad wmaation, together with tha aatiafao-tioI gat from having aa artada that I eao Piaea with perfect confidence. Nothing would plaaaa aw mm than to ha abla to introduce Amine to tha world far tha baoa-f-it ol all mankind. Howanr. I hereto ooetant myaali by amply calling attention aatiafaetonr multi that follow aa m- to tha -- t to ma by tha individual, extending Sharp Changes Are Expected to Ba Made In Moot of the Estimate Under Revision Plans Which Republicans Hops to Work Out rHir Washington. Estimate upon which enngrr will make appropriations for tlie first year of tlie Uiimhllcnn administration are now being prejaired Tly the various government departments under the direction of Democratic cabinet officers and In accord with the pollelee of the Wilson administration. Tlie estimates will lie submitted to congress at the opening of tlie nest session on December 6. Since tlie Republicans have a majority In both the senate and house sharp changes are expected to be made In most of the estimates under revision plans whlrh Republican congressional leaders- - are expected to work out in with other leaders of tlie llurdlng administration, which tukea office on March 4. Estimates for all of tlie government dcimrtmenta are expected to exceed four billions of dollars, tills total Ins cluding amounts for refunding of the public debt fulling due during the next fiscal year. The estimate for the find fiscal year exceeded six billion dollars, but thce subsequently were reduced by something like two billion dollars. Wlielfier all of the animal supply monKuro will lie completed at the next and final session of the sixty-sixtcongress remain to be determined. I'roxidrnl-eloc- t llardlng is expected to call a special session of tlm new emigres mhiii after he lake office on llareli 4, and It muy be thin wane of the appropriation bills will go over to the special kckxIhii. President Wllaon has began work on his annual message to congress, which will be transmitted either on the oiening day of the next ncKinn mi Deeemlier 6 or on the day following. White House officials said they had no Information a to what the president pluim to make to congress, hut administration officers exiiect that among othpr things he will urge enuetment of u number of reeonst ruction messages which he recommended at the first Kieclal session of the present cimgreM early last year. Many of Tour Neighbors Cue Ssy the Same CnUf.: My back gave me trouble, which I thought waa due to kidney dle-eaea Altar taking four pankagaa of Dr. Ficrea'a Anuria (anti-urie-aei- d) I waa fully mowed. I Tahlata ooo-aid- er it a woodarf id madid oa, uaa Dr. I alao Fiarea'a Pleasant Palleta I aa and they bwtdtiti ft modtdne." whanerar bilioua, Kite Allays PRE-PAR- E Iki moat ior-tion- them a gnat U.WM.I oonaidar H. BOSCH. h Viseline RUMuAt PETROLEUM JELLY L For sores, broken Uisters.bimu, cuts i and aU skin irritations. -O Also innumerable toilet uses. f- REFUSE SUBSTITUTES CHESER90nMFG.Ca Itwrt Start Many Bodies to Remain In England, The bodies of alvuul Wash'.ngtim. 330 American soldiers who died In England are to reiiutin permanently hi IfawYatk 16799 that country by request of the families of the men, Secretary Raker announc- DIED ed Monday. Armours Quit Canadian Field. Cldrngo. Armour A Co. amiotinrcd Monday thnt It liud closed out Its Imsl ness la Canada, including a plant at Hamilton, Out., ami selling agencies at St. John, N. H., Sydney, Hamilton, Montreal and Turnip n. In New York City alone from kidney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting paina and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking isii-kin- COLD MEDAL THE OCONNOR DON Thiuoldk standard remedy for kidney. Hear, bladder and nric acid trouble. Holland'S national ramady since 1696. AU druggists, three alias. Guaranteed. Sash hr the name Geld Madal ww haw LadiesKeep Your Skin Clear, Sweet, Healthy An Accommodating Min. Young Fwshleigh drew hlg ear up at the rural garage, and with a wink at lili young lady passengers, he laid to the proprietor, Got any gasoline 7' -I cantata I bfive," laid the coun-trymn- u. How do you sell It, by the glaaa or the spoon fuM" asked Fresh I el gh. Waul, that all depend a, mister," was tlie calm reply. Mostly, I aetla It by the gallon, but when some gol demed Jackass from the city cornea along and wants it by the glaaa, I generally accommodates him. How many glasses do you want?" Rost on Transcript. r "I didn't want to make It appear that they were wasting their valuable d. Heaps of Paoplo Thera. I my who visited a large city for the first time, was amaxed at the nuinlier of people on tha streets. When lie returned home to the country his mother naked him what he thought of the great city. Gh," said he, "there were faeape of people there I I think there must have been a fair on I" . - - Insisted Open Door Principle Upon by United States In the Turkish Settlement Proposed by Fortner Premier Says That Only Thoughtless People Hav Talked of War Between Japan and America Over California, Tha Franco, England and Italy. Washington. While no protest bus been ninth thus far by the atate department against the tripartite agreement between France, Groat Rrltuln ami Italy dcrinliig sphere nf Influence In Turkey, official slated that this lid ant menu linn no objection he made against any provision viewed us contravening an open door isilh-In Turkey. The open door prlhriple waa insisted upon by the United States 111 the Turkish settlement, It wua said, when President Wilson was uxked In March by llic French government for hlx views un the tentullve draft of the Turkish treaty. Tbc American not) of March 24 It Is the understanding of the suld: government nf the I'nlted Stales thnt whatever territorial changes or arrangements may be inude in the former Gltiiiiiun empire, such changes or arrangement will In no way place American citizens or corporations of any other country In u less favorable situation tliun tae dllxeiis or corporation nf uny power party to this trealy." In some quarters It was contended on Saturday that the secimil paragraph of article two of the tripartite agreement did violate this principle, Hie particular in excluding from sphere of influence, reserved for each of the three powers the nationals of the other two contracting parties. Acting upon the principle of equal coinmrrchil opportunity for all nations in Turkey as laid down In tlie Amerl-ca- n note, the United States already sought to apply that precept In Inquiry was made several mouths ugo of Great Britain concernFreneh-Brltlsagreeing ment over the exploitiithin of oil in uren. This the Mesiipotaniliin lias not been made public. Western Anatolia. In the sphere of under the Ilalliiii special Interest iriimrtlte agreement, provided T per cent of the world's supply of chrome before the wur, of which the United Slates imported lu 1913 18JXI0 tons. iM'shles u qiiauliiy of emery. It Is also practically the world's sole source for nicerrliuuin. h thej-eporte- .. x , Toklu. Wheu confirmation lias been received that the junplo of California have voted la favor of the proposml land law In that atate Japan will lodge u protest In Washington, pointing out the measure conflicts with Jiiimiicxj treaty rights, according to the Ynruxn ('holm, oa Independent organ, which quotes a foreign office official to this effect. Formal negotiations. Hie newspnpci says, will follow and an agreement reached permanently removing His cause of the trouble. The IIoclil Bhluiliiiu reports that M. Shldeliura, Juisniese emhnssndor III Washlngtim, aud Secretary nf Staid Colby have reached an agreement liy which Japan will stop liinnigrallou to the Uulti-- d States, In return for which America will accord Jupunese 111 America tlie same treatment us ollirt foreigners. Murquis Ukunia, former premier, in tervlewed by tlie Yoruzu Cliolm, declares Hint only thoughtless jssiple have talkid of war between Jiipun and America over California." "If JiiMin tights with arguments of dignity uud Impartiality," he Is quoted us suylng, Aiuerlciins will act Justly.' The defeat of Governor Cox Is ut trlliuieil hy Mari ills Okumu to Iho leugue of nation, which, he declares, He dues even IiemuiTuls dislike. not anticliinie the Republican administration will raise tlie tariff owing to oconoiulc difficulties. g. tl er li 1 sun-dial- eon-re- sun-dia- l, lUs-aii- iiiem-lier- Fighta In School Condemned. Chicago. Flglils staged In one school under the direction of Hu priuclMil to sil lie grudges between her pupils, who represent twenty-twiMtioiiiillties, were condemned In a resolution iidii;i(il hy the .Clilcugl Chitreli Federation. Clil-cag- u o GEORGE S. RICE kia-iic- y liter-cha- i home-mad- 8PLIT8 PLAN - Night and HmmStrmtt, Hmmkl Ayna. UtheyTbeJtC- -, Smarter Bun, if Sank or Inirated. JR Elft3 Granulated, ueeMurfna often. Boothes. Befreahao. Safe lot Infint or Adult. AtaUDragghtakWittefor ATTENTION! sols-rln- 1 n 20. e war,-hav- Kill That Cold Vith Cafe Prices Coming Down. New York. Irhxw of foods emd nt Child's ntniirants throughout iho Culled Stales will lie reduced fnnu II tn 2S per eenl a Nin us new ini'ini ranis can la printed mid distributed, It was mm.umred Tuesday. d Tents to House Homeless. I nun of MOO army tents, to be used liy the city of Lo Angeles as temporary dwellings, waa aaked of Secretary Buker by the city council In a resolution adopted Monday. Cannery Owners Convicted. Louisville. The Van Camp, Morgan, Indian and a number of other canning companies were found guilty of misbranding Imported red henna ah American red kidney beans by a Jury In federal court on Monday, Fewer Persona Killed on Railroads. Washington. Fewer persons were head of the government killed on railroads during 1010 than of south Russia, has successfully with- 1:: any yenr since l.xOS, and fewer were to Crimea lief ore the Injured than in any year since 1910, drawn hi trno advance of soviet armies south of the said a statement Issued Tuesday by the Interstate commerce commission. Dnieper river. Reds Slay American Officar. Isnidnu. Captain Kmnielt Kilpatrick. representative of Hie American Red Cross In koiiIIi Russia, and two nurses wen brutally killed during a bolshevik cavalry raid un Knlknvo station, says a Sebastopol illximlch. Russian Radical Balng Held. New York. Mlchnel Walkowitch, Russian, arrested Tuesday by the police for dropping alleged anarchistic circulars on park benchey, la being held for Investigation by agents of the department cf Justice. Many Killed by Bomba. ' London. Bomlrt dropped by Polish aviators over the town of Vllkomlr, 49 miles northeast of Kovne, Lithuania, have killed or wounded a large number of persons, gays a dispatch from Kovno. American Ducheaa Wins Divorce. duchess of Marlborough, formerly (Yinsnelo Vanver-bllda tighter of IV. K. Vunderhllt, has been awarded a decree nf divorce from Their nur- the Duke of Marllmniugli. riage took place In 1803. Will Extend Railway. tha heart of the Santa Clara valley will start at once. Tha construction work will coat $200,000. has Ere Book. MBCn -- Lack of Home Imperils Girls. Chicago. laiek of housing facilities In Chicago is said to ho iiuMrillng thousands of working girls, who are unable to get risiins In any hut Ihc lower and more questionable sections of tlie city. Ban Francisco. Work on an extension of the Western Pacific railway from Niles. Cal., to Ban Jose, Cal'.. In lnHri DOANS Empress Ignorant of Son's Death. Doom, Holland. Tha former Gen man empress, Augusts Victoria, hai not been Informed that her aon. Prince Joachim, killed himself, although he did so more than two month ago. Shg merely knows that he la dead. -- Baron Wrangel Escapes Snare. General Banm Wrangel, Rebaatupnl lk Crazed Woman Fleas From Train. Wlnnemnrea, Nev. Barefooted and scantily dad, Mias Amelia Holm, 28 years old, ran from the Western Pacific train at Campus Vatlon, ten miles east of Bottle Mountain, and has completely disappeared. Automobile Plant to Shut Down. waa- - made Toledo. Announcement here Friday that the WlllyajOverland automobile plant normally employing aronnd 13.000 workers, will be shnt down for Inventory and wl(j remain closed for an Indefinite period. CASCARA t OjVV Li Grlppa Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chance. Keep this etandard remedy handy fir eeeeee. Breaks up a cold la 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 daye Excellent for Headache Quinine In tide farm does not affect the heed Career ie baat Tunic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Will Rheumatism Again Bind You Hand and Foot? London.' The , QUININE AND Coldi, Cough :: t, i Former King of Bavaria Dead. Paris. Former King Lnilwls III nf Bavaria In dead at tliejtge of 73 yenr. taya a Munch dlsimtdi. King Ludwig wgg born January T, 1813 and became ruler of Bavaria on Nveiulcr 3, 1913 hj ltla sixty-eight- h that you should try a remedy that has proven so thoroughly satisfactory in theaa esses. SiUk, tha fine old blood remedy cleanses tha blood of all imparities, and r movei all disease germs that may creep into the blood. Begin taking &S A today, and if yon will write n complete history of your con, oar medical director will give yon advice, without charge. Address Chief Medical Adviser, 1ST ia the Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Go. II you hod Rheumatism lost year and treated only the paina of the dies axe by rubbing with liniment and lotions, you can bo aura that oon again you will bo in tha (hackles of this relentless foe. Yon may get ooma alight temporary relief from tha puna of tha disease by the use of thee local remedies, but Rheumatism ia too real and relentless a disease to bo rubbed away. ' So many earn of Rheumatism mm fnw s tiay gem yeir. i , i ny d LEAGUES. Opium 8elxure In England. Plymouth, England. The customs authorities are said to have seized s large quantity of opium on board the British steamers War lUtrw aad War Bubadar. Both vessels came here from Tampico, Mexico. Dos Angeles. A little - DECLARE PROPOSED MEASURE CONFLICTS WITH JAPANESl TREATY RIGHTS. Bay Steamer Burned. The San Francisco bay steamer Gold, twelve carloads of freight, and a wharf and warehouse were destroyed by Are here Monday, with a loss estimated at more than $130,000. The boat waa built In 1883. Run Francisco. "Welir - STATE DEPARTMENT MAY PROTEST AGAINST ACTION OF THREE GREAT POWERS. recoiuiiH-ndntlon- Sparing Their Foaling. Why do you call this fire a conasked tha crusty city edflagration' itor. "According to yonr story the damage done didn't amount to $1,000." There were fully 10,000 people present to watch it," said the facetious reporter. S JAPAN TO PROTEST b PISOS Birmingham dre, Break Follows Division Over Reform Scheme. Chicago' The major hasehnll lengtit were prohulily broken up on Monday anil a new twelve-cluleugue rninixsied clubs anil of the eight Xiitlniml the three from Hie American league which luive sided with them In the plans for roorgiiulzullon of the game, will be organized. A twelfth member wlll he chosen Inter, It wua iinnnnnciMl. Organization of tlie new league came after five American league clubs. Washington, 1hllndclpliln, Cleveland. Detroit ami Rt. Louis, hud refused to reply to an iilliinatuin Issued liy the otiier eleven dubs, giving Hiein un hour Mid a half to Join in the reorganization. Judge K. M. Landers has been ofThe OConnor Don, chieftain of the fered the position nf rluilnnnn of the antir clan or aept of OConnor, who tribunal that will govern tlie game In an open letter to an Irish news- under Hie Lasker plan. paper propoaes a monster mooting in Holland May' Become Republic. County Roscommon, Ireland, for all The Hague. The ixisxlliillty nf bethoaa who wlah tha country to remain Christian and fit to live In, and coming a republic Is In prospect for s added he for one did "not propose Holland under George 8. Rice, chief mining engiFriday by the ciimiulsslon to alt on tha fenco any longer and aes neer of the United States bureau of constltatloa. revise to tlie my country ruined." mines. tabs a tried and Med mwidy ici that acta promptly and cSecthrriy and cautatoa a opiates. You gat that randy hy iiklna far time." Throat and Lung Inflammation. Buy only "Diamond Dyes" Tlie constant Irritation of a cough keeiis tlie delicate membrane of the throat aud luug In a congested condition. Hosclicee Syrup ha bceu a favorite household remedy for colds, IN USE UNDERGROUND 8YSTEM coughs, bronchitis anil especially for TO BRING SOVIET MEMBERS lung troubles. In thousands of homes INTO HOLLAND. all over the world, for the last fifty-foyears, giving the Mtllcnt a good rest, free from coughing, with night's Constant Current of Soviet Members easy exieetomlion in the morning. Fur Crossing and Rccrossing Dutch Kuril parkuge of "Diamond Dyoa" ale everywhere. Adv. Frontier in 8pito of Vigilance untulu direriinu so simple that any worn, shabby of Guard System Maintained. Bamboo Has Fast Growth. wiiaiau can dluiuoud-dycoats, glovea, The growth of the linuilmu Is swift. skirt, waist, evory-thialluttcrdiim. Holland lias cxtnhlixlun In the morning n shoot appear above ttiK'kiuKs sweater. ilruirtea cotton wool. linen, ilk, shoot the wliether and (he nlghtfull by ground, a great conloa along llie Gcrnuiu coday it Is or mixed good, new. rich fadeless frontier to prevent the Influx of large is waist high. On Hie setund Diashow you ilinn in less nud aa Have as druggist a tall lor. mini, lmiulK--r of Russian bolshevik ageing rod are from mond I ye Color Card." Adv. fnnu Germany. Heavy guard are three weeks the IniiiiInhi and t8 to lit inches lu eircumferenee maintained, so Hint person wishing to What She Preferred. TO feet. cross the boundary In either direvihui lower to a height of tit) or Of tlie wit of Mix Marie Tempert, There Is one place In Ahlievtlle. must pa through frontier ismls anil ha grown a grove who I paying London a iir, many over recognized highwuy. Those who where Mcllhenny TO I out of that towered to fort In 1! duys. NtorloK have lieeit told. Till uttcmiit surreptltiouxly to cross run Tliera la a the latest. Is that biunlssi of variety the risk of being shot At a isirty some one mentioned ia and Is highly by These precautions have fulled, how- nlllile, who cut off (lieprized shoots lier presence that II certain girl who young ever, to cheek the movement of soviet and use them for food. Inol nrustd an arl bud recently marugenta. Men whom the pidlce would ried a very weulthy young manufaclike to interview have been seen in turer. Matter of Geography. this city and Auistenlum, but when the Oh," snhl Mis TciiiHKt, without a A Minnesota tliun wlio bad lscn lie lmllce set their dragnet for their tnHlueid to a fellow citizen by Ills moment's hesitation, "she very wisely quarry the men wanted have utterly congressman, asked the latter with pteferriil a huxinexx tihiut to a family vunished. Later there usually comes reference to Ida acquaintance : tnv. liifonnntlon thnt the suspects have "Is ho rich?" been found in tiennuny and are un Date and Score Mixed. Well," replied the (ungrassmuii, Rial Thai's an old golf course of tlicir wuy to tlie Russlun frontier. tluit deisMiils on geograiihy. Out here The system followed reseiulili the we consider him very rieli ; lies worth your. Isn't II? Greene Why, inn Il's annianitlve-l- y unilcrgruiind railroad" hy which fu- about a million dollars. If be lived new. gitive slaves tiuived through northern In New Jersey, I xupixixe lu would Is "When was II laid uui V Mule to Ciiluiilu lu Iho days before considered fairly well to do; while "About li'17." the American civil wur. The under- If be lived In New York folks would "Ala you sure?" ground railroad is uiilixed hy soviet be dropping dollars in Ids hut," Bos. "oh, yes; poxiliu." agents to bring Into Holland bolshevik ton Transi-rliit"Why, I laaird a man say Hie other "liiisxlonuriex," who are to tuiiko'al-tiMiipl- s il hi KV ilay i lull he weal nr Shava With Cuticura Soap to reach America. Then to lie u con slant current of Hum And double your razor elfelency as lonl.ers Siali'simiu. well as promote skin parity, skin comiiicii crossing and rorroxslng tin fronCatarrh tier. Every mean of getting them fort and skin health. No iiiiik, no Catarrh Is a local duaasr greatly talho-ntlino Holland I used. During ncenl limy soap, no geruix, no waste, no eontUHona. oasi!iuitonul by twice months many Iolex have gone to Amer- Irritation even when shaved CATAKItll MKIJiriNK la a -- shaving, HALLS use fur k) One lilts and Tonic Iurilirr. ulj Hy rlciinslng Hip dally. ica uml some of ilicin have lniii desertthe blond and laillOirg an the hyxlum, er from General Iilsuilskl's urmle. Bathing and sluiiiiiMMilng. Adv. llALL'g IATAItKIi MKl'IIlNK restoreLa norm? conditions and allows Jiature It Im niiIiI regularly orgnnizeil huraiui do its work. Undoubtedly. were (KlalillHhid to help these men Drugs!!. Circular free. Air. Kpiffkiiis oliMmd Hint Hie All I. J. Chancy A Co., Toledo, Ohio, eviule military duly and go forward Hie font of tin class bad ut Isiy quiet Into Holland, anil Halt among them not ycl had an opisiriwdly to display Cause for Transfer. were ninny Isilslicvlk agents. So I In Ills knowledge of tlie Bible. Minivpin received the information teacher gave him tills one: that he was being transferred to MAKE IT ALMOST UNANIMOU8. "In wluit eondltlnn was the pntri-aregovirnmi'iil deKirtinenl with Jolt ill (lie end of his life? ml her laid gnnv. Idaho Legislature Composed of 93 ReDead," said the quiet liny. "Wlml's I lie cause?" In blustered, publicans and Five Democrats. Is it Ih'cuusc 1 iNi'UKimially fall off lo No Stope. Tlie Republicans Boise, Idubow slep?" Hear nhnnt old Holtrleh and his elected a total of ninety-thro- e memIt's 11111 list you snore, and that asked the man wllli awakens Hie minister." enuie llut rebers of the 11121 legislature at the new general elei.thiii, divided us follows: tlie nal ear. ply. Iai Baioliclle (Isris). Ye; nnd- lie hail his Senators, furty-onrepresentative, an an- light In a hutmuy above fifty-twParadoxical Requiting. The tulnl memhendiip of so II would work ut night the the legislature ia ninety-eigh- t. Why did you Him your lule guest ml on cloudy days." imtr Tlie Democrat ehctcd only five In tisik me in." mcndier, tlinp seiiulnrs anil two Tha Boob. Tlml was a ran full." Thiy have a chance to "How dhl Archie Iiiiimii to lose mil "Sun, and II was also well dime." guln one more, a senator lu Adam with Miss GohlroxT Ralllnion Anierleaii. county, where tin count I so close d Why, she tolil him she really between Senator Isiwe, Republican, tlnttery." nnd D. IV. Vanhooscii, Iiemocrut, us to "And Archie sniKted III Inlying her require an official tiiliulntlon. Help That Aching Back! ext mvngiin t ennqil Iiinii s V" n Then will not be Nonpartisan with Back giving nut ? Tull un-- with dull, dldn'i." he "No; that title seated in oil her hnnxe. J. aggiiig backaches aud aUl.iiing paina? the least exert sin Does you "all Isn Read, elected it a Demiwrul, I, Important to Mothers . laved oul?" Ukeh- your kidney are however, n Noiiinrllsiin. The h'ngin Examine cnrelully eiery Iml He of luxuflicicnt to bfainie. Overwork, nilds, PAKiTlRIA. Hint famous old remedy s rest slid Hu hurry and worry uf presexpelled tit elect at least ft Tt eon lor infants and children, uud see Hun it ent day living tend lo weaken the in Hie two linuxc. HackiU'lic ia ollen (lie first wantBears the ing. llead.iehrx nud dizziness may FRAUD AND GRAFT CHARGED. BIgnuture of euiue, too, uml ierliaia annoying irregularities, lleip the merwotked In Use for Over 30 Years. kidneys with fiixM A'idsey Fills. Emergency Fleet Board Accused by Children Cry for Flctclicra Custom Doan's have beliel thousands. They Former Employes. Vxk bould help you. your neighbor! Voice Identifiea Criminal, WiiKhlnplon of em f'urriipllon Case Idaho An lu Friiun no1 til criminal are made I'. j$, Trojrr, ployes and official, of the shipping niim r. Main Ht, Into ii phonograph Imunl emergency fleet corporation, tn sMiik and sing Rif SinlhJ Wiinliwr, "1 !iad a their diKchargi from prison, graft In purchasing supplies for and Kimwitu; pain la thnt In future ihelr voices may be In repairing government owmil vmull thtt of my iMick. ship nnd the uc of iiolltlciil Identified In case of need. Vhi I rtniiirtitciied up1 or other Influence In obtaining conaftur tract for hip construction anil tlie Explained. knUllke )iad e "What do you euli this jtfiln and my kM allocution of mniplctcd vessel to iicyn aclcci irreisu cmiiNUiies are among u maze brew?" A fnond lnrly. mlvlKtMl mo to inr of charge Army liunlc In a nport Tin, undecided ImIwicii K rwKin'n id Rille' or "Sixiy-Yarto the houxe committee on Mule, Grandfather Pillc. A ftor wing three boxes the aud M. Judge. lioanl my kidneys Iuiit.' oMrathmx A. dlenppearod peine shipping by were in good shape. Fisher uml J. F. lllehardson, former Steves 60e Deeeli a et Get Aey The Sporting Instinct. cinphiye of the hoard. You made your luisliand promise kpidJ5V never again to lie! on iiiiylliing?" POSTER 1ULBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. Cant Find Successful Candidate. Torkins. Y'es." reiliis young Air. Hillsboro, Hi. Khcted surveyor of But I'm willing to bet lie won't keep Montgomery munly In the Republican Ills promise. landslide, J. Johnson of no one know IbMiilslM Uwt Uw Yom( Inroiur eoMoro bee a'liere." cannot In found. The iianu to ktarn of iho NHirmiu protltj la Ilw i)ppnrtitj Kansas Thought for the Day. end mmrnr tee eiAiierkrten of mi Fir d was written on Hip Republican pria lillh used In it. m lepuriniif of invtNit fiejn iohimi eunwom.ee she After got for iSw rfwvntowolnii lu iilikboMom.e in ballot Geloher ns a Joke. how mary leviie yoa to wall n yimr chore for would your wifi enjoy Is'iug u tlM r$wirillr DUMber of shun dfaiml. ut iru fur fell tfr "JnliiiKon" wax elected, replacing a It's a quest I Ainiiihia. frliwtepfirihaN, man wlio has been I'ltrveynr for iweniy widow? 1IAOK MAM IlCTriCIKQ GOllA isn't it, fellows? A! iiIviiih News. years. lloaillUBi Tuu .UiKMWMhke Iiik iiimify iM'illmt Mletcd Must Move Swiftly. ntfillc ihriiir Smiiijhc liip A. II Kirby Bringing Bodies of Heroes Home. Rlelies Im vi- - wings." iton. il.C Mitrkol St, Hin Krtinrim'it Tal, Paris. Xiairly SKNNl bodies of Aiiiit-IcaThey've got lo nowadays tn gel soldiers who died or were killed W. N. U., Salt Lake City. No. ny where near the ensl nf living." In France during Ihc been hfpied to the I'nlted Slates mid turned over In their nearest relatives, and INOtl more await slilpmeni nt French ports. d For Irritated Throats -- DYEJRIGHT Irritation, Soothes and Heals o LASKER With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum - BOSCHEES SYRUP BUSS REDS EVADE It Man MUa another. a Tlie IVomi E that sncy bottle sold I il tit 1 I blood, on-p- ' |