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Show BAWDY CITY CHAPTER X Continued. 14 icana. Silently It progressed, from ons shadow to tlis next. When the thong caught on a rocky point, tha warrior below would whirl hi end of It, and the tether would go free. Tbs snake paused with trembling mge at tbs disturbance, then went on. Levlngton bad drawn bis turban down over hla neck, with face pressed to the rocks. But he could not withhold a glance at the approaching nake, and his lieart beat heavily with terror, lie steeled himself to bold perfectly still. The eyes of the reptile were upon him, now within two yards of his bead. The long, silent body slid up to him. Under Ite dusky skin were golden markings, like sunlight on water. A forked white stagnant tongue was flickering In and out In a kind of nulla There was no hesitation. The snake waa looping, gliding onward across the ledge. Con's soul was gripped In horror, but If die searching party bad reckoned on forcing tbe fugitive! to betruy themselves by some outcry or sign of fesr, they had failed. Neither American had so much aa winked while the sinuous thing writbsd put without striking. Tlie hunters passed on to ths nest cavern. Tie hobbled on ahead, and many walked close beside the white men, but there was no1 talking. If the miners were' curious, they were silent If they were as distrustful as they appealed In glances, they were fur the moment persuaded by the Arab. Con smelled camels. There waa n ledge where the walla sloped back to meet the lowering root; and In the wedge-shape-d space between, the white men were permitted to conceal Levingtou drew his friend further Into the narrowing spare, and at mice the torches were gone. Silence came about the two as they waited. Prom beyond a Jutting wall the light from the gas fire faintly colored the nek, leaving the biding place in deep shadow. I talked with Helen about these men, aald March. They ara the sons of captive mothers and fathers. Their blood la pure, or baa already been duplicated Id the city. That Is their crime; they are not blended, or necessary to the blend, and so, aa outcasts, are sentenced to the work here. The women are not all deformed, and the children are not always born dwarfs, tut I understand that the babies are taken to tbe city, to be raised In the houses of the war custe. The lege and ' CHAPTER XI. backs of the male children are You Are Making Me Unhappy." spoiled,1 in order to nip any future reCon beard hi friend breathing once volt The arms are left unhurt, for the sake of labor. It la well thought more, exhaling pent air. They waited some time before moving out of the out" "The devil's own scheme," aald Con. tight place. A merry little worm, wasn't her "There are pure Japanese here, pure Persian, the Lord knows how many whispered Con. "Are you chilled?" asked March, different elements not desired for the purposes of empire." whimsically. "You are chattering, too, retorted "But how did yon begin to persuade them?" the young man. "I wonder If they left any of thou I thought of their grievances and made the most of that It appears that behind, for our benefit? "I saw only the one, so I know It they hare at different times cherished the Idea of a revolution ; our Arabian was real,'1 said Levlngton. "Gobi pofriend waa one of the candidate for lice dog. I'll never forget this glance leadership, years ago, he says, but his he gave me yellow diamond eyes. legs were too bad. They had to give And, do yon know 1 Whatr It up. Isn't that the bitterest humor Tie bad a smell," whispered Levlng-toI wont go anywhere again without learning the language," aald Con. It was almost as If they had been March laughed quietly and aald he did not doubt that. looking for us," added March. "There was a house In Dowaglac, "I hope wa can make good your continued Levlngton, "a very old promise. house. The walla were full of murder, v 3 hope they can protect ns. and worse. A poor lady lived there, "Carious game, isn't It? mused with a number of miseries, such as He wa thinking now of Jaundice and eraema. Her apron was Princess Helen. always torn. She didnt do the murVoure not much over elated our M der. ft did her. I was small then. I deliterance," objected the elder remember tha broken plaster that I Walt Whitman raid that If a thou- came down upon the beds, which were sand perfect men were to appear be- gray and active. Jumpy dishes under the stove and under the table the fore him he wouldn't be surprised." Is that tbe way you feel?" laughed cats whose fur was stiff with garbage and tho grasshoppers that hung on the March. Yea. That's one book Helm ought parlor curtains. Well, In that house, to have. Walt could show her what'a there drifted this same cold, poisonous rnell. the matter with Tuu Kuan." Andrew March was very grave now. "You might do that yourself," raid the father, and the conversation "I do not doubt that, either," he said. Levlngton worked his way further lapsed. hetfier heard the out of the crevice, to a position Distantly Levlngton still In the miners rousing the camels for another for breathing, although shadow. lie rolled over upon his day's work. and drew up his knees, with a back, "It must be almost daylight, said deep elgh. March. "That bouse would be proud of me "All the some down here, but I supIf they knew, and If I was able to pose they can track us In the daytime." "Back at my desk. In the days before I found Chee Ming." said March, "I was depressed because I felt 1 should never reach the heart of the Gobi. It had become the annie as heaven to me, and all my dream ladders bad failed, toppled down. But even In my younger days, I never Imagined a world like this. "That Unit big surprise stretched me, said Con, "when we ran Into the green valley. Tbe palace mude me numb, and the apartment of your little princess finished me vlctrolas, apes and almanacs. If I had not seen my own father go down under koresh, I wouldn't believe that, either. But aa It Is, I think nothing on God's Footstool will ever startle me again. The white men lay for more than an hour talking In whispers and peering out Into the great dim cave. No daylight could enter here, only the noiseshadows less dance of orange-tinteupon the further wall. At moments they could hear something of the activity of the miners. In another section of the subterranean passages. Then, abruptly, the arch at the left was darkened by large familiar forma, tbe soldiers. There waa a score of them, with smoking torches. A long limp bag was dragged upon the floor. The first glance about this part of the caverns to the was a disappointment warriors ; but they had not Swords Presently the Serpent Had Circled the their search. completed Cavern and Via Nearing the Amerclanked down against the rock floor as icana. they opened one end of the sack. A black serpent slipped out at their fret. bring bnck a straight story of this From tbe elevation, Levlngton saw country, the source of ths world's the snake lift Its head and rapidly koresh. tongue the legging of the nearest, "Yes, that house, and many others. who shoved It away with the blunt of I am glad you feel as yon ilo, his sword. The other soldiers stood T suppose our government would till. Its small eye were like Jewel. ask the Chinese government to was A leather thong fastened In a ring In reaching and controlling Tau juat hack of Its head. Holding their Kuan. torches high, the soldiers waited, and "And the Itnsalan, added March. na the snake seemed disinclined to "They are badly hit. act one huge rider caught It Mack "Do yon think It la possible? asked length upon his arahbard and lifted It Con. upon the ledge as high as his hesd. After a silence, the elder comrade The serpent might go where they could said slowly: "To be frank, I have not see. It remained still In the now had faith and lost It, and regained and position. In rstlier an angry mood, and lost It so msny times thst I cannot then started upward. It did not come any. It Is my duty to try, hut I rant toward the white fugitives, but mount- say any more than that. ed the uneven walls opposite, until Levlngton felt the curlnua depresths leathern rojie In the hands of the sion again In hla friend, an alarming man below was nearly played out. weight Freaently tha serpent had circled The Arabian sailor appeared below Che cavern and waa nearing the Amer them, grlunlne. tbem-aeives- L 1 n. Lev-Jsffio- com-rnj- d d. "Ton hold still?" "Llta stone," Aid Coo. She do not strike yon at oil 7 "Pawed both of us," aald March. "Yon arc cherished of Allah, declared the sailor. They have taken away four of us." lie grunted a world of meaning. The mllura were punishing the miners for complicity. Perils pe the tale of the white mens "murder did not Impress the searching party. "What will they do to the four 7 "Break leg," said the Arab. Maybe starve. Andrew March shuddered, and the strange one helow volunteered: My men do not like. levlngton saw that two whfta strangers causing great trouble for the miners could not become very impular. March also understood. He said simply: "Take me before your men." Is there anything you can ray? asked Con. iuu peronr plied March. We represent a nation that Is aa eager to punish Tau Kuan a these workers can be, If we can get back there to tell the story. I can uiuke that dear, at least." not be in a mood to 11a- - STAR SANDY. UTAH concerned, the ranit.. fullness in the throat Bad tha ahjet look that ever comes Into tha ayaa of an adult mala But her waa also a new driving force, a reckless lmpulsai He would hare speech with her, princess or na She did not see him. Tbe sun was liquid silver upon her; and the next be was aware that she did see Mm. They occupied the positions respectively of their first meeting, yet uuw tbs footing was different. Con ran up tbs road toward tlie pony. Ho crept up the side of the bank and found it convenient to kneel beside a boulder, lie bowed. I wanted to talk with you," he said. "They are looking for you," she re, plied. "Your father la conferring with tha Arab foreman and the miners." "I knew yon were safe, for there baa been no rejoicing. There Isn't going to be, on our account. I wondered where you were, she aid. Her voice waa almost dreamy, a twilight In the midst of a blaze of son. Con was fascinated by the play of light beneath the brim of her bat, and she seemed not to rebuke bis glances Purchasers of Lead Plant at Murray, UtaH Copper Plant at Garfield, UtaH Bttraaa ell communications to ' J. M. BIDWELL, Manager, Room 700 McComick Block, Salt Lake Gty, UtaH 1 Ihwiii, but shook bis bead. The three men passed Into tbe largei Mv. . . GOLD, SILVER, LEAD AND COPPER ORES. COPPER MATTE, BULLION AND FURNACE PRODUCTS , IPU. 1U47 merican Smelting and Refining Co. Garfield Smelting Company when dish roof waa marked with tbe rad the flan from the banting gas below. Several ont me shite men and fled likeat right oi timid anl t0tllelr rockPckets up thi walla Their skirts were brief and ver1 young children darted after their mothers to the safe ty of dark familiar haunts too yonni to have been "spoiled." It waa only i Iterlod of months before would b taken Into the city, to bethey molded Into uv ln the bouses of tha soldiers, the circulation of their blood retarded, Ille,r Very nl distorted. Returning tc mines a year or more after, they would be lost and strange and aa 11 orphaned, among their own kin. Their family life did not receive sanction ol "ndy What you expect When your llaea is returned from oar laundry you are neves dlsappolatad ta. Oar rssutsttea for high class werk aa emu el colored shirts, er UUtH seat) sr rough dry Is always nd eg to sad complete raltrthdtfao ii assured whde yonv garments w? Just a reminder ara loudened at the uadryi Masnr the state. The frightened women left food behind them. Jars stood dose to the fls-sure from which came the lira The contents bad been prepared for baking. Con bent down to sniff at tbe open Jura, March and the Arab passed on together, and Levlngton waited, feeling himself useless in such a conference. Ho waa more Interested ln finding an exit. To the left waa the passage leading to the foot of the slanting shaft He noted a long vine that came down over the loose gravel like a guide-ropCon climbed Into the enlarging daylight toward the toik Sunlight, the old enemy, was beguiling. He waa thinking that ln Tau Kuan they have either too much sunshine or too little. The pale, haunted faces of the children below troubled him. An Intense light was blinding him from abova A flash of desert days came over him oddly, a swift reminiscence of pain and thirst gone ln tbe space of one upward step, yet leaving a dryness In tbe throat Con realised that the only tree within n a thousand miles were the on Its outride tbe casement of the princess. Now the air changed ln hla nostrils and he caught again tbe hot, sweeping currents of the sand. When the green blots left hla eyes he raised hie head above the level of upper earth and stared away. The city, less than a mile distant was shimmering behind heatwaves, at momenta dimmed by clouds of dust that rushed across the valley. He squinted to find the path they had taken last night through the fog, with the sleepers rising to find them. A dromedary with baskets and a driver was coming oat at the big gate. Out to the south was a motionless horseman, the sun flashing from hla silver and steeL He seemed to be guarding the horixon. He was one of tlie scores who sought a trace of the fugitives. But nearer, along the road, was a third rider, cantering between the green squares. Con's heart beat He recognized the gray violently. cloak of hla princess. She rode under the full blase of high morning sun. The pony moved briskly. The watcher was puzzled as to why she came out In the great heat, leaving the shelter of the palace tiles. She was alone, save for the far figure of the sentinel. She was mounted perfectly, and this was comforting to Con, who longed for more signs of her western self. She reached the cut In the bill, the head of the ravine, and there drew rein. Vividly be recalled that It was the point of their first meeting, where her uplifted right arm had saved him, while with the left the concealed her face. He swore to himself that he was presumptuous In Imuglnlng she had ridden there for any reason connected with himself, unless she too was seeking to discover the white disturbers of the empire and give them over to tbe vizir. Con argued with himself that she had gone to the ravine before she knew he existed, that probably she rode there each day for a constitutional, since there was nowhere else to go. Yet his emotions had their final say. Lifting himself out at the month of (he shaft, he glanced up and around. The sun was scorching. If he attempted to move along the face of the hill he would drew the eye of the sentinel and the end would come qnlckly. Con's turban and blouse were white and he felt that he must be glowing like a gem on tbe dun hillside. Greater than this difficulty was the fear that Helen would ride an or tarn back before he could reach her. Nothing short of a word with her would suffice, although he could nut recall that he had anything to say. Tlie shortest way out of sight was up the hill and over the treat, ami Cnn began to worm upward as rapidly aa poaallila The sqnd he lonacneil must have made a lohg stream downward a lierfect mark If the aentlnel glanissl that way. At the top, Levlngton waa breathless, but not from exertion, lie was In furious excitement. Jnt a lit tle way down the hill on the furl tier side, anil he stood ereef to look. Helen waa otlll at tlie head of the ravine, lie bolted fin- - the road that led up to her. When lie was quite close, a timidity caught him. a plensunl (rouble It was tlie old gentleness where wwaeu were half-grow- And Con Began Rapidly to at Worm Upward as Posslbla rheas The gray cloak was of leather as fins as linen. Soft buff leather bound her ankles. Tbe stirrups were no wider than three fingers. She spoke again: "You are noting upon the grave of my mother. Levlngton started, but she said hastily: Do not arlsa They will see you." "Thanks, be mumbled, again under the Influence of befact that she would shield him. in she raid was the same colorless melancholy, as If tbe monotony of tha desert shadowed her voice. She continued: Klthna, my mother, has been lying ben for five yenrs. At first this was a little garden, which the vizir permitted me to maka There was a fountain then, beside that stone. I bad little green plants for bar. She loved a lotus. But the fountain could not live, either. "You must miss her very much. "Yea, oh, very much I Sometimes la the morning I call her, before I remember. I do not think she la really dead. When I dream, she le always here, with me." (TO BE CONTINUED.) FORTUNES LEFT BY MAGNA FRUIT & VEGETABLE STORE All kinds of fnsh fruits, soft drinks & ice cranny Open every day until 10p.m. Main Street between 1st & 2nd East includ-ingholida- ys We carry the largest line of misfit and uncalled for Clothing in the State. Hard for Normal Mind to Undtratand What Actuated ths Hoarders of Great Rlehta NOBBY 219-22- n, Ths Fish Was Drowned. The yarn of the frozen fish which came to life when placed In the cooking pot by the V. A. D. was told to a naval officer, who promptly capped the tale with the following: "Aa Interesting experiment was tried some little time ago." be raid, "with an ordinary herring. The fish was put Into a large bowl of salt water, and every day a small quantity of the water waa removed, and an equal quantity of fresh' was substituted, until eventually the fish lived and thrived In purely fresh water. The owner was so pleased with the success of hla experiment that he then tried removing a very siaall quantity of water dally null. the howl was empty, and found that the herring did excellently entirely without wntcr, and aa he wae so lively In ihe empty bowl, he had to put him In a rage. Here he lived happily, Iniii'iib fmm percb to perch, Juat like a tilnl. until one day aomo sudden mdse startled hint, sad be fell Into bis water Irmigli anil was drowned. Many a man hns become lost when he fell Into tlie gap between promise and perfuruuuiva Mat Murray Laundry MISERS Thomas Cooke, known as "the Islington miner, who lived a life of penury, saving and petty trickery In Islington, a borough of London, England, left a fortune of more than 9300,000 for hla heirs to squabble over after his death. Cooke managed to get his meals free of cost by the old end yet ever new trick of falling In a pretended fit ln front of a house at dinner time. He would be carried Into a house and then, on msklng his usual quick recovery, he naturally would be asked to share the meal. Among other lteggar who left fortune after death waa Jeremiah Mon!-hnupon whom, when he was about to be buried In 8t Louie, was found a key to a safety deposit box. The safety box contained 900,000 In perfectly bond. Another, good Interest-bearin- g M:irhnll McMurran, a ragged recluss, was found ln a starring condition la his tumbledown shack on the outskirts of Fvansvllle, Ind. He was taken before a commission for examination as to his sanity and when ho was searched 922.000 waa found In the lining of his coat and In hla pockets. today tor a SUIIORIIIM State St 1 Sait Lake Ton Say You Cant Advertise? Hsus ing. TWi what others have Signs and Soontry PaintAll kind of Interior Dseeratlng. Work the best Pries reasonable. rad and all of a sudden found some competitor was doing what they DUKE. thought they couldnt do, And getting away with k. Get the bulge on your competitors by telling your story in an attractive manner so it wO be read. ' Na 1 Center St, Magna Utah Youll get the results. Ve Ara Asms Form to Help jour own opinion of tho quality of printing we tnn out by looking over th I nmplee we will be glad to how you. Then is noth ing in thfa Una that ww cant do toyman entire amtia-- j faction. High dnaa printir Eagle Publishing Company Murray, Utah Phone 35 CawMi VBiAwi you Sond your Word '9f. |