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Show I ' V rc Volume 9 SAHDY.CIJT, UTAH, NOVEMBER 12, 1920 Second Ward' Elders Community Harvest Boy Found Bound Festival to be Held in Empty Box Car Quorum ' to ' V at Murray Give .Concert Joy A.' Berry, 16, son of Mr. and - . i . . Mrs. Joseph 8. Berry, Forty-fiftNext Frldqy. evening.. November Tuesday, November 23, le the Data South and State streets, was found in Set for the Big Doin'." an empty box' car at Second 8outh 19, at' the Murray Second Ward elaborate p and Third West streets, and his hands amusement hall.-dAnother big day (or Talhrr evening) and feet bound together Wednesday gramWtll be rendered under' auspices The discovery' was made by of the finder's ia bf'ing prepared for the diliena of night. quorum. Thev followPatrolman D. A. Guest and B. G. on andfor with the artists' named Tuesday Olson about t:30 vicinity, program ing Murfay when oclock, they evening, Nov. 23, commencing at were attracted by the boys nit for will give one an Idea of its'genuif-neea- : oclopfi, the doori of the Alcaaar pa- help. He was taken to the emergency vilion will he thrown open to welcome hospital for treatment of abrasions on Plano Solo ....Mias Teola Wheeler and ankles.' At the hosthe public to a community harvest his wrists Etna Black Reading pital he told .the following story: Male Quartette.., Murray teatWal. An elaborate program will I left home Tuesday and eaught Herbert Wright. Allan Wright 'ta'tMMlered which will be followed by my car as usual, intending to go to La Mar Gilbert, Clifford Evans. c dan tag- - There will be refreshments school. I got dll at Second South snd Vlcfln Miss 8chuster Sals e State streets. An automobile drew up tof arf kinds to appease the most Salt Lake beside sone the and driver the safety Vocal Solo Mildred Evans appetite, as there will be a pie invited me to step in. He said he 8teel.Guitar. . Mathias Wilson A Co. booth, lemonade, apple, candy and pop would ' take me the rest or the way, Vlolfn Duet "core booths, The admission price thought he was alone. When I got hi . . .Mrs. Shimer and Mias Lindsay will be 50c per couple, 25c extra lady. noticed .two other, men id the rear Whistling Meiodfes. Nightingale Boy All are invited to participate in the seat. I aaid. Til get out and take my car,' and started to open the door of festivlltlea. the automobile. I was struck on the head and do not remember anything more. Ex-Servi-ce Investigation of the case is being Francis Edward Thompson. 67 made by the police, but no new developments were reported up to a hue years of age. a farmer of 8andy, died Wednesday at his home of heart trouhour this afternoon. ble He had been III for four days. Funeral eervtcee were held 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the C. I. Goff Wo are Informed from Mr. Harry funeral chapel at Midvale. Interment was fn the Sandy cemetery. Robins, secretary of the local AmerMr. Thompson was born Novemican Legion,' that he hss received ber 26. 1852. In St. Joteph. Mo. He from the state of Utah about 200 Is survived by his mother, Mrs. Sarah diplomas, or certificates, one for each The members of South Cottonwood P. Alexander, one brother. Fred, both of those who served In the world war, are busily engaged in the preparation of Sandy: two sisters. Mrs. Frank who lives within the boundaries for their annual baxaar. which will May of Chicago, and Mrs. Nellie of Boyle, Ala. aouth of Itrd South, east of Jordan be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday Hunt singer River, south to the point of the moun- of next week. The ward amusement hail will be filled to- capacity with tain and east to the foothills. produce and booths, each organisation a men can, by calling Mr. of the ward having one of the latter at the First National Bank, recourse of-- construction. Thurs ceive his diploma. day evening will be given over to the With the opening of the Utah Agrendition of a spicy program. Friday ricultural college winter quarter on is to be the biggest dance of the sea-- , November what will acand for Saturday evening they Monday, a second 29, be opening of the inhave engaged Mr. Llndatrom of 'Salt tually will stitution for this school Lake to show the latest In moving pic- take place, according to a year statement tures. The relief society of the ward just Issued by President Elmer G. The official canvass of the vote in has arranged for dinners on each day, Peterson. v Salt Lake County la under way by the which will be served from 12 o'clock On this date one hundred If to we 9 are noon until and. m., p. C. StillF. courses will begin, all County CommlBskfier man, William Hughes and J. 8. Lind- Judge from former years, they will be for the benefit of those who well patronised. say. could not enter nt the opening of the fall quarter In September. The commissioners have the assistNew eon rocs will be.offered by evance of a ataff.of clerks, but the COURSES IN HOME NURSING AND la a slow one and probaMy three ery department in school. Forty-on- e HOME HEALTH TO B GIVEN of these win be at vocational grade. v or four days will be consumed in the AT HUNTtR, BRINTON, These win fie. OP to any one eigh.task- -, Mprf than an hour was required TAYLORSVILLE SOUTH ' teen ytAro .ofd nr over Without extotal count the in the First district 5r JORDAN AND WEST amination. The collage courses will atone. Thera are iS2 districts in- the JORDAN. be open to all high school students fc County. h J1 If- -: f J . n . - , -- deli-cat- ......... IT! A 4 A Official Canvass of Votes Begin qlghty-onesne- w Murray? ' at their Annual U; BAZAAR that, although they started two months ago with but one baker, working only one shift a day, that today three are employed in the bakery itself, with three shifts a day? t Happens but Once Each Year. J Thursday Evening Thurt tay evening an elaborate program will lie' nendered. A pageatLi depicting 'Come, Come, Ye Saints,' by children and offleeti of Primary Aiwociiitioii. . .1 ( (lass ? Member of Sunday School F Dialogue, ?Mind Ynur Own BUitiheidi Chorus Boy ' ; Religion Comedy Farce TAXING FATHERS' PLACE f T: CAST A Merchai Royal' Stone .. .S . , Mia Sou, A Custom, ,. . .. . ... ... , , .(I len , , . A Hv e W .Claudfe- - Wheeler A Bookkeepr An Office Bjjv f Vernet Ballard Will1 Sheehan A Book At t. Wife of Helleraon. j ) in that you owe it to yourself to patronize home industry in buying your bakery i Friday Evening iffo-ees- s inter-mounta- cleanliness? Mother McChiy,"'RtIief Society. Tableaux, that these bakers are the pick and choice of the whole country? that the delivery service is unsurpassed big trucks leaving early each morning for all parts of the county in time for the morning trade? that electric ovens are used exclusively for all things that are baked? that the dough mixers are run by elec tricity, thereby insuring against all un- Selma Wheeler ... Btiiel .E: Staffinucn Stenographer that Murray has a bakery of which she may well be proud? that this bakery is gaining in notoriety every day for their superior wares on BREAD and PASTRY? . of Utah Are Receiving Diplomas From State U. A. C. Announces Second Opening That all good roads are or will lead to y Called by Death Bazaar Held Next Week at South Cottonwood Ward , fun, linked, with profitable invest ments, will be given at S$UTH COTTONWOOD WARD THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Nov. 18, 19, 20, 1920. tlnr-s-da- Sandy Resident Men that Murray Cfty is a very enterprising and prosperous town? i that Murray is the Hub of Salt Lake County? You miss this you'll . 2nd-War- 3S Did You Know ... . Rob-bin- No. wants at -- While there is no doubt as to election of all Republican candidates on the County ticket, there is a wide interest among voters aa to which Democratic candidate In the County will lead the ticket. It is understood that the final tabulation will settle scores of wagers. County Recorder Berkley Olson, Sheriff John 8. Corleas and County Treasurer W. W. Barton are said to be close in the unofficial count. Each of these candidates, while defeated was an interested specfor tator in the commissioners office when the count began. The canvass will also determine the extent of the vote in 8alt Lake County on the proposed amendments to the State Constitution, which were put to a referendum in the general election. While the "nos" were in the majority in the case of all of them in Salt Lake, many are interested in the ex--1 tent of their defeat in this County. ' G W U A IQ N o B X o .s i M ? e S3. i 5 h: ft JJ2 The Farm Bureau Organisations of the five locals mentioned above have secured the services of Miss Charlotte Dancy, R. N, U. A. C. specialist, to give their members a course in Home Nursing and Home Health. The courses are to begin November Rth and close November ITth. The following subjects will be discussed by Miss Dansle during the year. necessary home equipment, constipation, elimination, colds, and sweat baths, temperature, pulse and pain and fomentation, respiration, dress in relation to motherhood, physiology of digestion, simple massages, and practical first aid and bandglng. with TayBennion will lorsville. Granger with Hunter, Sandy with West Jordan, and Riverton and One Bluffdale with South JoriVn. more class is yet to be organised. The above organisations extend an Invitation to the members of all other locals to attend these lectures. Men aR well a women are invited to come to these lessons. Ton-solitl- .... a u ft W S oas .2 Adult IS Near Enough. . Atoertiiln retiml Itrltlxh eolnnrl tells a story uf ii dusky Mxhnp whip uiu-In tuun. Me gave went In n ftini-- t hlH nuine tu the llnnkjr a the of lliniiilnlu. lint tin- - num fitili-- 1 in catch It. ii ml lii'lli'ving licit in the of n liegru hixlnii nil thin J were cable. up uf llullellljiili." SS 5 MICKIE, THE PRINTERS DEVIL A Chiropractic Adjustment - , Day or Night. v X-R- to S. M. Taylor ft Co. 4706 South State St., Murray Parlors at Murray, Midvale and Sandy. Haggard Feeling AT MODERATE FRICg. in Time ay 1 -- , By Gintc YVjrtn He Puts Up a '"Safety First Notice Siipwo Nnr. ' '.Wl NEXT PAY OF KMCWE RONS TUE NOnCEMK) EOOCE1U mt WE S QCN, VIUAY Wlk VAEAH N V.WVY44 tUKf jtAN UOS&MW '9UOW WN tJCSSNUS VIUN, L, WE SOWOVWED 1UM VAXM UXK FVUNENW3' VOO BETTER. BUtt,NOO rtCYvee To AAAOfclCO wwts 'ww cant erf Aiowe HIRE A HALL ! NCTf AQCtfV "TO OtStLBS SuAHBoe Owl Saivs Nine REMEMBER: Chiropractic is a Health Retaining, as well as a Health Regaining Science. If you take an Efficient Chiropractic Adjustment when Nature gives you her first clanger warnings. you will torslall all possible serious complications. Home Calls Complete Service Irs. Murray Office - Harker Bldg. p. m. Salt Lake Office--Ove- r Royal Cafe Phones Was. 6433: Res. I ly. 278-W- . Sui-eesn- Spinal analysis and Consultation FREE ADJUSTED IN YOUR OWN NONE llixll- v Undertaker Natures Remedy for Kidney, Bladder and Uric Acid Troubles also for that SB Mill - "I III' ii.vetiiirige. GEORGE A, JENKINS Daveiiort, Iona. Down and Out lii-l- Phono Murray 222. from a mnipetcrr chimprart.ir who rt eels e J his training at the Fountain Hi-.- nl of W Announce the formal opening of their Murray Office, in Harker Bldg., wherein they are rendering the same efficient Palmer Method of Chiropractic they are noted for in Salt Lake. Also Announce that during November, to families where more than one member is in need of Chiropractic Adjustments, a special price is offered. Retain Health Regain Health n tHMIHI SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS G Chiropractors Cables on th Ocean Bed. The orrmi eul'le between New York, the Axores amt the Irish roast rests mi the Imm'i of the Before 1R."4 engineer of llie Util till Ktnto ntivy IIwurertHl tlmt 'he noean lied lielween Xewfnnnilhmil : nil the liih nm t wii fowl niinpowd of miff miiil. iienrly :m ihice fur mi omm apiifin-ntl- llIllHMITliIll X) Palmer Graduate - pOKallilP, XX ROSS & ROSS 25c for Thursday and' Saturday: Friday Y admission is 50c per couple. - rj'rs S xx. ANNOUNCEMENT! Xiif sed, Save Money by- buying a season- ticket for $1 .25, which. wilL admit any two members in the family each night. When the IhkIv hegiiM to stiffen and movement rs painful it is usually an indication that the kidney are out of order. Krrf that irgtiHr healthy by taking a -of l ii The Relief Society has eh urge of the cafeteria. they always serve those home meals.'" To Death 16 O. G. Jorgenson, Mgr. Phone Murray 311. MEALS SERVED EACH DAY OF FAIR College, Logan, Utah. C3 Saturday Evening, , Commencing at 8 oclock aliarp, moving pieturea wilt be shown. A good selected program has been arranged1 for on this occasion. Conte, bring the whole family and enjoy the fun. SQUEEZED J-- WS v presenting thirteen and one-ha- lf units or mere or to others upon examination. The winter quarter work this ydar will appeal very strongly to mature men and women, according to President Peteraon. Practical Instruction In the growing of field Traps, feeding of livestock, dairying, butter ann cheese making, farm management, fruit growing, range management, farm carpentry, auto and tractor care and repair, salesmanship, stenography and typewriting, business administration will offer wide selection for the men while courses In dressmaking, rooking, millinery, nursing, home care of the sick, office management. stenography and typewriting will appeal to the women. The college has prepared an Illustrated circular listing the course offered during the winter quarter. This will be sent free upon request Address the President's Office, Utah BAKING CO. HONEY-CRUS- T - 3-- 6 |