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Show FARMERS DISCOVER HAULING OF PRODUCE PAYS WELL CO-OPERATI- YOUTHFUL BLOUSES AND SMOCKS BROTHERS ON OPPOSING TEAMS IN RECENT BIG CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES LEGALIZED BOXING IS FAVORED BY WIGUORE Ccilegs Dean Is Great Believer in Fistic Sport Would Open Doors to Clean, Honest Amateur Sports Rather Than Shut Down Entirely American Legion Urges Bill. John II. Wiguniiv, of Northml of law, who western Vniversiiy during the war was a colonel Ir. the office of llu- Judge advis-nigeneral in Wiisl.ingioii, has come out frankly In favor of legalized hexing hi Illinois. us legalize hexing, professional ami ull, and then turn areiiinl nml wipe some of the dirt off the game," he said recently. There Is a cerium amount of odium roiiiu-ctewith professional hexing, hut il U I teller to os-- tlie iliuirs to rlenn honest amateur ssirt even iliimgli the professionals follow, than to shut down entirely. Boxing le u manly ssirl and should he ciicuur-uged.- " i - "1-- Delivering Harrow at Farmer1! Gato Harrow Waa Ordered by 'Phono a Few Moure Before From a Country Implement Dealer Milk Will Bo Picked Up at the Same Tima and Takan to Market A steadily Increasing nnmlier of drippers are looking toward the motor-tracfor the solution of their transportation problems. Farmers are In this category, and It may therefore be well to point out, as the moult of actual experience of others, the things they should consider In with the use of motortrucks to tail their produce to market In very few Instances, say experts of the bureau of markets, United States Department of Agriculture, It Is sdrls-ibl-e for a fanner to purchase and a motortruck solely for his own seeds, as the Initial Investment cost of spkeep, and the limited time the truck Is likely to be In use make the venture ixpenslve and dlspmportlouate to the sonvenlence secured. Where trucks are operated by private Individual for profit the owl it of the truck usually operates between sertnln points on a fixed schedule. The farmer assumes no risk. He simply pays whatever the rate for cartage nay be, and may find the use of this Cleans of transportation an advantage sver the railroad or over hauling hla produce to market himself by team. At the same time It Has often occurred that when the farmer had learned to Sepend upon this service, the rates would be raised to a point that the farmer could 111 afford to pay, or that another motortruck operator would snter the field with the result that both operators were compelled to go out of business, leaving the farmer without sny truck service at all. One Bueoesaful Venture. It may be well to consider the basis upon which a farmer may secure motortruck transportation at a nominal cost and create a service upon which he can place full ndlanea. moThere are several tortruck associations In existence of which perhaps the Fanners' company of Harford county, lid., has had the largest measure of success. The territory served by the association la a very productive agricultural region. Many of the farmers ship milk to Baltimore, some raise truck crops, and others practice general funning. The association rates on many commodities are decidedly lower than those of the railroad. The members say that the saving of time In marketing their produce Is a big advantage, ala For example, when the farmers hauled . their produce to market by wagon they had to start out at midnight and did not return home until nine o'clock the next morning. Now. at least eight hours of that time Is saved for other work. But while the Harford county company has had considerable success, It would not have been possible had the conditions not been favorable for the operation of a cooperative motortruck route. This fact should not be lost sight of; and for the benefit of thoeo contemplating the establishment of cooperative motortruck associations the following points should receive careful consideration : STANDARD CONTAINER LIME op-ira- PREVENTS CONFUSION Factors to Be Considered. A careful survey should be made to determine the adequacy of present transportation facilities, the reasonableness of the rates charged, the approximate dally tonnage available for movement In each direction, the character ' of the roads over which the trucks must be operated and the general sentiment of the community toward such an association. The distance from market should not be more tlinn 40 miles and there should be sufficient volume of produce to warrant reasonably constant operation of the trucks throughout the year. It having been concluded that the enterprise will be a decided advuntoge, only men who have demonstrated their' business ability In handling their private affairs and who exercise a good Influence among the members of the community should he selected as directors. The secretary should be a man with energy, tact business ability and a high appreciation of the farmer's Interests. The capitalization of the association should be large enough to permit the Issuance of enough stock to pay for the trucks In cash, to assure a sufficient amount of cash on bund as working capital and to have enough unissued stork to provide for future sound extension of the business, as well as a depredation fund to replace wornout equipment. which la another and blouses tor young misses show that the needs rad the likings of school girls, from 12 years upward, have been carefully t tonslrierad. have Designer thought and time on them, and lu the hope that cater to the brat Informed tllentele they are to be found In and styles appropriate to the chool girt and so undo and ornament-i- d as to express her sweet, very youthful, personality. Many of them are In wool Jersey, with narrow glr-llnnstly of the material and made In the regulation style, as shown above, or h surplice fashion. Necks are round. Jut come np to the neckline at the Jock usually. Wool yarn or silk flosa m needle-wor- k and embroidery, and jccaslonally applique of goods In conantrasting colors, with needle-worion doth and crocheted flowers ac OVKRRLOrSER ap-m- ma-serl- d - r, e ' In 1918. : J J t f J t I i J Make Service the Watchword. t J The trucks should be selected only after a thorough and nnhlased I J consid- eration of the various makes. Record of performance, of cost of operation and maintenance, furnished by actual operators of trucks rather than by agents of truck manufacturers, should be carefully considered In the light of present aud prospective needs of the association. In employing operators merit should be the sole consideration. Rutes should be bused on a careful analysis of complete, adequate and accurate Information regarding costs. Accounting methods should be simple but sufficiently comprehensive to show the exact financial status of the association at all times. In determining matters of policy the Interests of the members as a whole rather than as Individuals must be considered. Service must lie tlie watchword. And to make the association a rani success, each member must feel that It Is his association. IMPROVES MOST i J J i : . In baseball games, aud they are of rare occurrence, hut one was pulled off In a gallic lietwccii SI. Marys college of SI. Mary Kuu., nml the Chlloeeo Indians that will go down In Hie n minis of the nnllonul pastime ns one of the most peculiar ever staged. The side In the field dlil not touch the ball after It left the hands of the pitcher. A St. Marys batter lilt the hsll Into tlie air near short with the liases loaded, nnd lie wn called out; a It wn nn Intlelil fly. Tlie wind carried the luill toward second iik It fell and it lilt the runner there, who wiis declared out for being lilt by a hatted luill. The halt her then rolled to-ward first nnd the rainier there, disgusted at the luc- - of Ids the ti'Miiimates, up picked sphere anil hurled it nut of I lie park. He wiis eullul out by the umpire. TRY TO BEAT J J ( J t J J of the house of told the legioll meilihers that he Is ill assure tbe their support ias..lug nf such lt I, III. "Then Is no tvasmi wliy we an't have clean inmiieur boxing In this state,'' lie said, and I will support IL The Idll which was clued by timer-Uo- r Isiwden would have made uaialeur hexing holds liusissilde hccniiKC of It COllll-de- -- ciiiidlthnis. My hill, written lit the suggestion nf the governor, which was culled tlie pink tea MU' hy the press, was Indorsed hy Illinois preaeliors and eon-tnluevery pro isinu for safeguarding the sport without taking out Its heart. It restricted Imxcrs to eight-ounc- e gloves." BIG SUM OFFERED FOR HORSE British Breeders Would Give Owner Riddle $400,000 for Man o' War, Prida of Turf. British breeder are reported to o Riddle have offered Samuel fur Mint o' War. pride of the turf. The greatest pvli-- for which a linns otiglilircd wus ever sold was $2311,1100, I. $400,-tki- c $ J t J J t J , i J j J MILLION MARK Man o War. It will not lie singed until the price paid hy an Argentine hnvd-e- r next June, plans arc already on font fur Tracery, a prod net of the for the great Kiiglisli derby at Koni farm, from which Matt o' War Down The classic is mure than loll came. i cm-lyears old, mid year It has grown In (sipulartty until now Hie famous race course is iimililc to nminiiiindiile The niovi'iuent recently J FRANCIS OUIMET HOLED the crowd. launched makes for turning the ilny of J OUT IN SINGLE STROKE ; the derby Into n regular basket picnic 1 i day. Nearly l.lNNl.ika) moplc were pnv-en- t Francis (luiim-- t who. ns hoy lit the famous race course on the Inis mail. J IIIhI nrrnlilplishfd J last derby day, but this nt.mhcr will t lienrly cverylhltig possible In t nor satisfy the new boosters, who tiro J golf, Is happy in tin- rcnlixnlhin J nf Kiigliind to t of Ihc iinildllnu uf nil golfers, t working In ull (piiil-ter- s make the event it iiutcuurlliy success, 2 He holed out III unc. J standat least from mi ulteudaiii-t Flaying on the links of the 2 Cominonweiilili point. Connin' club near Rostmi lie drove off with a GOOD WORK BY CHARLIE HALL iiildlrmi from ihc ihird tin- - wllli t the hole tH.'S yards away. The St. Paul Pitcher Has Now Hurled lay is slightly dim tililll. No-H- it The luill sm-i- I true, rulM to J Three Nine-Innin- g J Games in American Association. inlo t t the llngslick and the clip. Il was the first lime J f'liurloy Hull In Ids American mum- I he laid luded mil lu a single g etal Ion career uow has pitched J stroke. J no-lii- t i games. In one uf I them against Louisville, he held tlie Colonels without a lilt for nine InMinus Finger. nings. hill lust it in the I wolf ih Inning. "Red" Weaver, cciitcr Thnt was In 1900. Ills seeuni nn-lil- t III 1919. to Centre college minffair wns against Culimihnn in 1918. nus one finger, lie ta playing Just g Ills third was the one iigalnst Columa ever, however. bus on August 2U. An mhiilror of Hull good writes that then nmy he some quesTommy to Coach. tion ns to who Is the greatest pitcher Karl Thompson, holder of the worlds In the major hut that there is no dis- record for the 120 yard linnlles, will puting ns lu who Is the greatest in tlie assist In couching irmk .iihlclliics sf A. A. Imnmmith. Although Ty Cobb. shrewd, rarely nuiguessed, nnd can lilt anything in the world a pitcher ever had. "When the Italic up you Imre a gambling chance If your stomach I giMHl. He'll either slam It old uf the orchard, or strike out, or hit nnn to the Infield. Ruth rarely hits long file When he (lues they generally go out of the park." Application Should Be Made Considerably In Advance for Seeding Time for Clover. rar-fnc- e THIS TRIPLE PLAY WAS MOST PECULIAR OF ALL Preparations Already on Foot for Great English Derby Next June at Epsom Down SOILS per thousand square feet. The application should bo made considerably In advance of seeding time. Applications of lline are of very doubtful value for the bent grasses or tlie fescues unless the soils are very acid or contain large quantities of poorly rotted organic matter. I'rallmlnnry preparation, by which le meant the thorough stirring of the foot of soil, should begin several weeks prior to seeding to allow sufficient time for the ground to become thoroughly settled and for the weed seeds to germinate. Information concerning making and maintaining a lawn Is contained lu Department Circular 49, Issued by the United State Department of Agriculture. Copies may be had upon application to the department at Washington. w Triple plays are liunl to make Standards of Dress for Girls I sap-pile- d To eliminate the- confusion and dissatisfaction now existing over the use of a multitude of containers of different shapes and sixes In the marketing of frnlfs and vegetables, marketing ispeclallsti of the bureau of markets, United States Department of Agriculture. sny that the establishment of a universal unit of measurement la necessary. The unit of bushel measurement recommended Is the stricken, or Wlncheo-tebushel of 2,180.42 cubic Inches. With this container there la no diffmeas-nriculty In determining whether the Is short, as It la required to be level full. It la a unit of sufficient also to permit the buyer to distinguish the multiples that are practicable for use In the sale or shipment of fruit and vegetable, and In the opinion of the bureau's specialists the establishment of this unit of measurement for containers of fruits and vegetable old by volume would constitute an Imconportant step toward formulating a that standardization of sistent policy coaid ho applied to practically all types of packages. The bureau's specialist also believe that all weight per bushel laws feintvegetable ahould be ing to frulte and reason that there la repealed for the no definite relation between dry measure and weight. For example, a basket that contains 80 pounds of small more than 48 apples may not hold are pounds of large one. Containers used interchangeably, and a box atructed to hold SO pounds of apples box when filled becomes a with snap beans. turned back to the Coast league. In 101(1 he landed with Brooklyn and has been there since that time. He la a near AXI lillter. Doe Johnston. Doe Johnston of the Cleveland club pluyed Ills first professional hull lu the little town of Cleveland, Telia. He shifted to the Southern league and then to the Clnellinull Reds, ull 111 1910. He was trailed to New Orleans in 11)11 ami the Cleveland Indians bought him the following year. He remained with Cleveland mil il 1913 when he wus sold to the 1lnites nml wus uguln shifted to the Southern league ul Blniiiiighain in 1017. Birmingham sold him to the Milwaukee Brewers and Clevelund uguln bought the player J Different Shapes and Sizes Now Lime In some form Improves most soils for hlurgraxa and white rlover, Used in Marketing. and unless olls are already well with lime It ehonld be added at Establishment of a Universal Unit of the rate of not less than 100 pounds Measurement Is Necessary, Accord-in- g to Specialists of Bureau of Market he landed with (lie Cubs nnd was again In tlie recent series for the world baseball championship between Brookoplyn and Cleveland two brother posed each other, Wheeler Julius ton playing first base on tlie Clevelund team and James Johnston being s third baseman on the Brooklyn dub. Tlie series marks the first time brothers lisve played on opposing clubs ill a Janies Is thirty championship eerie and Wheeler is thirty-on- e years old, and both have had a vurlcd baseball experience. Jimmy Johnston. Jimmy Johnston started his baeluill career in'.tlio old Central association In 1908, pluylng on tlie Kewance (111.) count for the very clever embellish- team, lie 1ms had several chances In ments which liven up cr tone down the major league baselmll. Ho went wllb colon used, and. colors Include dark the While Sox In 11112 only to lie sent and strong blues, taupe, brown, beige to the Indtlc Coast league. In 1914 and red. Tam embroideries, yam fringes and angora cloth In bands and cuffs make a flue combination with PICKS COBB AS BEST HITTER wool Jersey. Blouses with the regulation waist Bob Shawkcy of New York Yankees Would Rather Face Babe Ruth Due are made for the young mis. In Than Georgia Peach. dimity or pongee and with Buster Brown or open collar There is alItalic Ruth Isnt tlie hnnlext man to most no trimming on them. The middle must not he overlooked pitch to In the pluehe according to Boh when the talk is of thing for school Bob Fhnwkey of the Ynukec wear. It Is shown In blue and thinks thnt particular linear belongs dark red flannel, with the usual dec- to Ty Cobh. He says: ltuth Is the bunlcst hitter In the oration of narrow white braid with Insignia embroidered on the sleever; game, and the most dangerous, posand It la always good style ; but choice sibly, because you can't tell where he Of will slam the ball, but In my exjicri-cnc- e lies between It and overhlouee I'll sny I'd rather face the Hulie tbe latter a fine example Is pictured her made of wool Jersey with needle- In a pinch than Ty Cobh. Cohli Is the greatest batter nf them work and applique lu a light color. nil. He Is constantly crowding tlie plate, making you work your head off; post of the American Legion has gone on record In the state and will urge the Hiltons Legion athletic counnittcu to draw up a hill containing suitable provisions to lie Introduced In the state legislature. Itiilph Church of Li uiistmi. memlier of dress for children et Is cut with large arm holes which STANDARDS raised and fixed by allow the plain sleeves nf tlie bodice those who moke a business of produc- to slip through them, so that the Jacking clothes for them. Tlie chnrming et may Iw dtaSMised with If need he, when schoolrooms are too warm. The and sensible things these specialist produce prove an education and an sturdy rlhlied stockings and alines Invite their wearer to Inspiration to the big army of mothers who make or supervise the making of wander where she will out of doors. As I heir little ones' clothes at home. Iluld now as always, are favoran example of perfect outfitting for ites for children, and especially so footweur and for school weHr. For very little girl school take the dres hat shown here and note how sturdy not much more ibsn well started on each garment Is and how well suited the long road of learning, there ere deto the little girl. lightful frock mails of plain woolens bodies that rapport This frock employs a soft wool fab- with h ric In blue and brown with an Inplaited skirt They have r distinct stripe to make a plaited skirt. rather high round neck and This la attached to a plain bodice length or shorter sleeve made of the same goods and fasten- Needlework In mrallel rows of ing with buttons In the back. Over stitches, border tbe neck and lower this bodice the plainest and quaintest edge of the sleeve cover the waistIts band and occasionally are used for abbreviates of little Jackets length and spreads open at the front the hem In tlie skirt also. to reveal the bodice. The Jacket li thick-sole- AGITATE FOR LONG SCHEDULE Soma of Southern League Magnates Favor Running Seaion Along Into Early October. d Bninc nttentlon I ! icing given In Southern league rlrrles In ngilutinii for e a schedule next year. In-terest hit been so well niiiliitaliied tills year up to the end thnt fciinc nf the magnates favor the longer schedule, running the son son Into early Ootolier. 1 j i d knee-lengt- j HARRY HARPER SETS RECORD YANKEES PILED UP 837 RUNS Four-Bssg- s Knock have yielded bat Brooklyn pitch, rs this season. Sherry Little Rock Outfielder Hit Safely In Just 200 More Than They Allowed 28 homo nuts Smith, southpaw, went through the Their Opponents to Score on $2 Consecutive Games Before whole season without being touched Them Seaton. During Stepped. tip for a lone one. The New York Yankee Hie honors for hitting safely In most according Versatile Giant consecutive games prolmbly will go to unofficial average for tlielr comArt Nehf will film tail the piano mel1.84 games, scored KIT runs In the this to Outfielder IlHrry Harper of the plete odic for Tom Grubbs In ii vaudeville Little Rock Southern league team, Itast season, which was Just 200 more sketch this winter. They're Isilh UL t hn n they allowed tlielr mil who made a record of 82 gnme npimnrnt No tiruhh 11111:101 n wicked hoof. other player In nny longue ha equaled to enro on them. Cleveland in 1.811 lints, II final series with Detroit not game I that and It hardly possible, at this Greenville Pick Manager. late day. and nn long streaks of hitting IxHng Included In the average Ironed, IV VBTVN MV3MMI IMMU COnMONT had scored 10 runs less than the YanLouis Wendell, catcher of Columbia In the mnklng, that any plnyer will. kee nnd lunl allowed opponent 10 during lie past sen son In Ihc South less. Clevelund pitcher had allowed Atlantic league, lias a few of these, lending milliners ad signed ta vis have found their way to Amen GOOD SEASON FOR JOE EVERS fewer ran tliun any stuff In the Amer- iiiiitiuge Greenville next year. ican league. lea. Younger Brother of Farnoua Johnny Tackling Is Poor. Smart Underwear. Found Himself With Cedar Mors Boxing Club Harvard's tackling in the recent Embroidered net la an Interesting Two more boxing club for New game 1ms hern poor, hill the team folRapids In Thres-I- . fabric feature of smart underwear, deYork. Mate boxing commission hn low the hall will, which is encouragJos Ever yontamr brother of the granted licenses to tbs Commonwealth ing to tlie cooehe signed for tha season, and pastel shades predominate famous Johnny, after drifting about A C. and the 8tnr Sporting club. for several year seemed to find himWilliams Led by Boynton. Black Felt Hat Like the Brook. self this year In the Thrre-- I league, Williams team I led hy Capt. BeaBlack felt beta can bo cleaned with where he hit pretty rinse to JEN) and Frank Fanner Is still using boxing ny Boynton, who was sn half-lisa tae spoonful of ammonia mlxod with la reported to liaee done a great Job glove to earn money. He has opened last season. He will b supof fielding for the Cedar Rapids team. a winter campaign on the Coast lyH a cupful of cold ported by a veteran team. three-quarte- . CREAM BUYER NOT CHEATING No Good Reason for Suspicion Teat Varies Several Par Cant In Measuring, e bound with narrow silk braid and Is ornamented with small, round buttons At the Don't think that ynnr cream buyer set along the front edge Is cheating yon Just because your test throat It Is fastened with n tie of ribbo. Tbe Jack varies several per cent but rather narrow, suspect the buyer whose tests are always the same, for It Is very seldom The Unusual In Children's Cloths that your cream will teat the No material takes as many or such twice In succession. exquisite colors as wool. Its uses are It recomaa varied aa Its coloring 1 Storing Vegetable moth-- i In storing sqoash, pumpkins and mends itself especially to busy to embroider the clothes of their sweet potatoes remember that they will be better on a shelf near the fur- youngsters, as It Is a smart and quicknace where It le warm. Most other ly achieved trimming. Qood Housekeeping. vegetables require a cool place. plcot-edgc- Deeper Plowing Needed. Deeper plowing la needed on field . mm d Tam la Back. The French have gone In for tba tarn styles of all types la a wCde vaQuits riety of material and epVbr Imh-i- i all-st- - ta. rk |