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Show I SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH EXPECT YIENI5 OF IlLI? AMBASSADOR EXPECTED TO DISCUSS RECASTING OF LEAGUE COVENANT. in Diplomatic Circle That Principal Allied Powers Are Prepared to go Far Toward Meeting Desires of Americana. Known Juxxt-ran- i, Jiili-- x WnMiiiigtnn. i limne iiiiilinxxiiilnr, wlm w-n- l lx to inmrliK upi mi n 21. In V:isliliiptnn nil Nnvi-iiiln-- r lie lx exH-rtoi- l to bring will; him Die luli-s- i views of liN Frvii'-l- of of the the covenant uwl to he irep:ireil to the xuhjivt with the of the Ilnnllug inliiiiiiixi nil inn nx mhiii as they ure in nffii-anil reinly to x ihw-ux- s iiffli-inl- proeeet.- It liiix luliif heen kinnvn III ullieil powers were Jirim-ii:i- l l- illplo-insti- llie llmt in pri'imre-- l to go far tnwiirii imviing uny dextre of the Anu-rii-iigovernment f ir change- - in the pin n of tlie luveiiiint, one hut it lias In-estilleil in lit ill no nitl- -l (u.ir:er ihnl Midi case viohiie tin- - uihleiiylng prine plex of t In- ilo not he,'eve Hlphnii.iis that Kill'll elinngex eoillil he iinnlr hy rexerviiliiiiix Mieli nx wore pmp.i-- . 1 In Ill ilo'lr the I.eilue pl.-in-. wmiiil lie opinion, nxpiirin- - i he upimvul of the ign.it o!- powers. Anotln-- r 111:11 n-- r that will engage The atleniion of .nili;i;ulnr Jnssomijil In the of the eiiiiiiiii-n-i:i- l rein; mix belni-i-the l nlieil sinies nil g mnler iieulies. France luxt wi'li spring pur- - in - to nil imivi-rwhich sin.- hull Iron Ilex of the of llinxe , The French porernini-iit- , Inter withdrew the notii-- mi fur ux It the I'nlleil Slnles. Kmin-e- , hmvever, liiix not iilinniloni-her pin n of revising her i 10 he deferanil lx ring tin opening of nei.--. iintionx with the United States 1111: it after the rliunge of iiihiilnlstralii'ii In Wnshlng-toii- . e 11 exl-lin- x - howi-vi-r- e d iiiiii-rxtin- ll, e - an iiiix Jl. opini-e- 111 I, .self w d to lx Hie plans nr the III in the mailer of llepnlilie.in tariff The to make sininllon In uml In hlx government In eaxi IIJhii, the prospeetx of l II Mx efforts in to mx urn I'lipniinl hy the of Hu- uiih-wonhl gunrnnlee in for Kronen against cxlernnl prm HKiixixiiin fur of five years. a x, n ey lx of Hn- - Mi.i-.ili- ire-ity- , 11 Missing Nursa Probably Murdered and Body Thrown in Lake. Salt Lake City. Tin- - Innly of Mix Kiiroua, uged .pi, nurse, who dlxnpjM'urcd iigrsleriniixly Kuniliiy nlglit, October IT, nux finmil III the lake III Liln-rt1ark, Noveniiier It, hy a boy who wux soiling lnininliire lioul In the luke. It ix the general opinion that Mlxx Koroux wax either miirili-nx- l or killed by an nutomnhile uml her Innly pluiixl in the luke. The Innly wux In the name worn at tin- - time of the of the mine, with the of tlie lia!, which eoillil not y tie I011111I. The kIimcx hail s 11 11 gnr-nieii- iiire-full- liiihn-ixl- , moved. at 3 :34 lull A wrist W. C. lraun, aged do, a bod carrier, was struck hy su automobile at Salt Lake and fatally injured. on a street cur were Two imxxetigi-rInjured at Suit Luke, when the car slid backwards down a bill, the brukca refusing to work. The Siumlxh Fork high school closed hist week ufn-- r miming for a week with a very oor utteudmice becuuse of the beet liarvexL Clirixt-nm- s Sale of ginuu worth of seals in one day ix Hie plan of Rich eouuly, iu attaining Us quota lu the seal sule Hi is year. Ogden will pmluildy be a memlM-- r of a large Interxtute nr inlruslate bsxelnill league next your If tbe pinna of a num. ber of tlie local fans A course on the growing of ximill fruits has Juki liei-- organized by tlie sillily ili'lHirlnient of the Utah Agricultural college at The xeixuid unuiliil cmivcnlimi of llie for United Fixh-ra- l IjiiiiI I'onlrol of Iulilirf will laIn Mult Luke, I Veemher 0, 7 uml K. A silver loving cup hux hm-t- prexent-iill Sail Like to the Wasiili-li hy the I'luli I'uhlie 1 crus-inlfor wliiniiig in Hie inmb-ri- i ixiiili-k- t ixuidiiclixl last year. l ll ix by Major W. II. Wilof I'luli, Hint liams. ndjiiiant the hoxpiial unit nsslgmxl to the I'luli l giianl mnler the will In- - orgau!-- i at Ogili-n- . Three Millard ixmnty near aniireu of 77 .mni acn-x- . will he completed hy the end of t year. The tlin-- projects w'lll mist approximately I'. A. lilkiiis, employi-- ul n Imltery in Suit Like, iiimiufai'iuriiig nunx-ri- i luirtix 011 tils face when received tnr xplnxhixl In hlx fuci- - while lie wux 111 the l of molding kouii- luitlerli-x- . Ain- - Majors ix applying for pardon tu InKtmc Imunl of pardons and Joe Jlakluslil mid Frank lb- - Ilvllo for romiiiiila'ioii of xeiilemx-- . Kacli of the for niunler. applirmitx was It. Henderson, .Hi years uf uge, an employee nf Hie Amalgamated Sugar niniuiny ill West Welier, Is In (he hospital in a critical condition, as u result of liclng gassed In the purifying nsan, Joseph Thompson, 21 years nf age, of I'hirkxtnn. was Instantly killed Just north of In- - sugar In liarlanil, when mi miloiuohlle In which he wux mllidi-d- , heuil riding wIlli four on. with a wagon uml leiim. All (Hissihlc aid to save of the liilerinountiilii section from finmii-la- l ruin wax promised the I'luli s Sl.iti- association hy Smoot and King, who udihi-ssixthe m a at Salt Like. Although the avlulur eseusxl Injury, the plane driven hy Iilol Shurpmick wax liailiy damaged In a fomxl himllng lit Knolls, elghly-sevcmiles west uf Knit Like. While the machine wus at an ulllluile of 11, MK) feet, the gus line bruke. In sjilte of the fact that W. W. Wilson gave up u quart of blood last week for hlx son. Hero Wilson, who wux xlud hy Juck lass uml Cum Ilurr In a tnxh-uat Ogilen, 31, young Wllxon, who lx ut the hospital, is to lie In u critical condllon. , AuHiorlr.alidn hy tlie slate leglxln'-tur- e will la necessary hefon Suit Iaike conn I y cun upiropriute money towiml the cost of a stale memorial to the Utiili tm-i- i who lost their lives In the country's service during die war, according tu an opinion liy the county attorney. the telegraph coniiniiy had not obtained mi uuxwer to a' for him, Arthur Wllllums, 23 years of age, n laborer In Ogilen. hurleil u rock llmmgli tlie front window mid luler, wlii-i- i attempteil to swnllnw poison tiibhds, Iml was prevented by tlie arresting oflh-er- . K K. Whit mon- - of I'rii-e- , newly elected stute representative from I'nrluai county, mid J. Sterling Mcllelli of 1'nysoii csciipi-- dentil hy elect when the nlrplmie In whh-l- i they were riding, one of the smallest monoplanes 111 America, cmxhc-- l Into transmission wires currying 44.MXI volts ut Salt Lake, the plane being wrecked. A summary of rehirts to the Industrial commission of I'tsh, compiled In the nfllce of Carl A. Allen, state lnxiee-to- r of mines, Rnd district engineer of the T'hited Slates bureau of mlliex, shows that In nil tlie mines of I'luli, outside of coni mines- - mid quarries, there was nn nverage of 45! r.) men employed In Win. and that they worked an nverage of 323 days. Tlie public of l.'tah, ns represented of eonl, sldpis-rof by couxiimera ore, iiuxxengerx nil electric Interurlinn lines ami imxxcnger lad ween some pidnts 011 xtemu lines. Is saving at the rate of $2,MK),0ill) a year liy reason nf the public utilities eoiiiiiilxsion'a to iiermitt iren-nseInlraxlale exactly as permitted by tlie inlerxtste commerce nmimixMlnn. Several hundreil tliouxanil bushels of wheat will arrive In Ogdon within the next mouth for storage In tlie elevator of the Globe Grain mid Milling company anil the Hierry Flour coiiqxiny lu Ogilen. Two elevators have a eiijia. city of 7.KUIIH) bushels each. Tlie slnte supreme court lias entered nn oral oriler sustaining the demurrer of the Mnrg:in cniinty eoinmlsslom-r- s to the application nf the Morgan county iMsiril of for n writ uf man' date dirccrcd In the eomniisslon to It to raise the levy for school purposes. An Increase of $2AS.'i..ri.T0.M In sav1 ings dejiosits anil a derrensp of d in commercial ihqmslls, as statewith the ment of one year ago, are nnted In the consol Ida I ed rcMirt of state banks and trust companies, L. W. Wilson, 40 year of age, an employee of the Ilmqier Bngnr ceu puny, was eleeirnented nt the fuidory when lie ntlcmptcd to nmnre a sugar licet fnuii an electric light socket, In which the beet fell when the llglil was taken away. The man died within ten niluiiiex. suri-eed- n s Assiii-faHo- - i x o expi-cnx- ullot-ini-- fixh-i-a- ut pro-Jix-- 1 e - ui-- - fm-ior- wnolgi-uwcr- Seu-iilor- WiHilgi-ower- l niix-tlu- u CODY OF MiS3 KOKiOUS FOUND. Frum-e- NEWS UTAH STATE hail not het-i- r rewill eli Imd Ktnppeil nrn-slix- MAIL AVIATOR STRIKES LEDGE. Pilot of Airplane Meet! Death In Storm in Wyoming, Cheyenne. The body of .lulm 1. Wotnlwurti, uir mail p.lol. wax found In Hie wreckage of hix plane lit Tie SidiiiK. Siimlny iifimioiiii. Wooilwaril was luxt reiumiml over lairamie ill 2:40 o'clock Sal unlay He left Salt Imke C!iy at 11 :.tn n. in. to arrive Sstunlny uml wus here with mull si 3 o'clock. In WimhI ward's Innly, xlill ntnipp'-i- l the seat of hlx ninehlne, wax foMinl In u small pocket of nn-hy a seurchlng jairly from Iji ramie. wn-rkei- l DEBS COMMENDS Message SOVIET. Sent from Prlcon Chicago Socialist. Cell to Chicago Kxtulillxhmenl of the workIII soviet Russia Is R ers' anil bright xlnr In the political heiivi-nshall light the way of Hie world", Euiiipmkhkc gene V. Delia ileclnrixl in cent from Atlanta peuitenthiry to the Cool; eoiinly organ lonl inn of the Socialist party, made public Saturday. s 11 Polish Socialists Causa RioL Warsaw. The illid broke out In nn prnar Saturday night after two hours of wild aeenen hy who were seeking to obstruct n vote on rtleles of the constitution creating u rn-nte- d Semite. Killed When Parachute Falla. Beloit, Wlx. Charles Hopkins, aged when lie Jutiqied from 37, wan kilh-an airplane with n iwracliute. The paruehute fallixl to onn until In wax nearly to the gromnl. The plane was at an altitude of liH) foot. Says New Allen Law Will Stand. Centro, Cul. The now law will stand," C.ovcmor William D, Stephens ileelan-- here Sunday In mi address made In eonneetlon with the campaign for reeniUs for the new K1 mitl-nlle- n d California.' Fraud Charged in Georgia. flu. Three Republican Atlanta, who lost to Democrats In Georgia congressional races will take their fight e before congress, on charges of Irregularities, according to notices made public here Sunday. x x (ilui-iitlo- eoin-Iii- $2,744,-504.71- com-pare- -I INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION LAUDS BOBBY JONES AND CHICK EVANS WARNS COLLEGES TO ORCHARD GLEANINGS PLAY MORE CAREFUL Eastern Writer Says Trivial juries Are Overplayed. In WIRE PROTECTOR BUSINESS DIRCT6r7, FOR TREES Rabbits, Flsld Mice and Other Rodonta Destroy Bark During Fall and Winter. NEWHOUSE HOTEL Fathers and Mothers Unwilling to Permit Their Boys to Play un Teams Because They Sea Dangerous Side of Gam On'y, Orchard tree end raped ally the young one should be protected against rabbits, field mice and other rodents that destroy the bark during tlie fall We all know that football sa a gams and winter. The most effective time for this work la during November. Is attended with risks. It le a strenuous pastime. Injuries are incidental Field mice can be kept from damagto the sport. There la no reason, how- ing the tree by mounding earth round the base of each tree, ssye Orever, ssye an Eastern writer, for any ange Judd Farmer. Tlie mounds should college or school to accentuate or ex- bo about 19 Inches MSI HBEU MIEL VEST Of 0DCMD acrow and cover aggerate small Injuries Uke s sprained the 3 Rmw trunk 8 for of Indie. M M 4Si urns SUk hmatfiB height thumb, s pulled tendon, s cut lip or a All weed NlraUU-taanaiU- l! TwpnaatUI and dead grew should be black eye. There are many fathers IsinaltSSt tapwiUI ISImiMH MS tmm VS M-- fe and mother who are loath to let their raked away from the base of the tree. tawwIUI pna ill le not effective against rabHh1M-4tiimHf- fc tamwwiUt boys or their only boy" be tossed Mounding hpfaf Bind Gris Stag sa4 Dfak Ism around in a football squad, although bits, but complete protection can be lie may be an embryo star and some far M,IUr,l)eaihafa wh day may have his name emblazoned In college history ee being a champion athlete and a 100 per cent student A GOOD ALARM CLOCK ata so little, yet iu rrru-e-; wr Often It needs considerable persevta sue we wlL KnuousUs suasion to get their permission to have tbe boy ploy. The dangerons aide of the game la always uppermost In their mind. In making their deJEWELERS Rohhy Jones Is a golfer wldmnt a fault, according to Ted Ray, Internacision they should remember football BOYD PARK BLDG XM MAIN CTUET I regard him as one of the best yonng golfers In la a tional open chumplun. great developer. It brings out all rcrxoimlly, I class him and Chick Evans as the two the latent courage and pluck there la America, " liny said, ARTIFICIAL LIMBS the of generation.' In greatest golfers a boy and It helps to make a manly nT'wEuTARTinaAL LIMB CO. Writs Ibr csUluq. iss It. Tbirtl South. Salt Ut City. Here la the Idea of one college press HIGH SCHOOLS LIKE BOXING AND DYERS CLEANERS bureau In bringing lte football news to J HOW WORLDS SERIES. SERVICE the front: QUALITY WORK GUARANTEED INSURED May Become Established Sport In MONEY IS SPLIT UP Wa tut Price return Another nay ptmtasrlit ivqucsL was added to the Institutions, Many Amarlean MYERS CLEANERS AND DYERS t Injured list player candidate s bis had Suit LuksCIty guard Rnudway but I According to Gibbons. Ten per cent of gross receipt Wire Tree Protector. nose broken lu a scrimmage, There to commlaglon. monuments are now five on the list, one suffering ecured by the use of cylinders of galMARBLE AND GRANITE CO. Boxing may become mi established t Sixty per cent of balance of 1 from a kick In the Jaw, one with an Invanized Iron wire screen. A piece of STANDARD Write Ux nteluz. Ill W. Unadway, Suit Laka. In American schools. high iqiort receipts for first five games to niaqy fected foot, one with an Injured back 12 24 wire lichee by Judging from xirrexpundence which players pool, 40 per cent to be TYPEWRITERS and another nnder the doctor's care, makes a convenient size protector for Mike Gibbons, former middleweight J divided equally between the two J not diugnosed. Injuries Distributor-- ! Cantu Portable aad RoyaL small trees. In to order form cylt.ie club owners. t Hug star, lias Had with student In All oilier makes aulii. rrniiml ami euiuuimd. inders the edges of the wire most be Utah In the event of more than five J Various parts uf the United States. Typewriter rrrhuoy Co. bit laka (listened together as shown In the IllusADVANTAGE OF SHIFT PLAY Gibbous wrote a borne course In the J gnmea, 10 per cent to commie- FLOWERS FOR AJjT OCCASIONS tration, or by overlapping tlie edges rt of after be completed 1 lon and 00 per cent between the and MORRIS FLORAL CO. them fine with a sewing two together clubs. ) Under Rulaa Umpire le Bound to Pea a boxing In- - ; hie term 0 M East Second Suulli Struct. Salt Laka City; wire. The cylinder should he ImbedBoth clubs must pay 60 per nalise Team Using It and DisMILLER In ded FLORAL the 8 Ca to inches ground prevent 10 E. Broadway. J cent of gross receipts up to J hearten Players. Salt Laka City rodents from burrowing underneath. : seven games Into treasuries of ! ART EMBROIDERY CO. J respective leagues, and 79 per J Speaking of the shift play, George LARGE SHIPMENT OF FRUITS Marbinery Kmtaoidrrinc on Ladica Anairi. Out t cent of their receipts for eighth 1 Woodruff, former Penney football town bnufttno Room Sul Broutu Arcuda. and ninth J ) game, If they are coach, said It effectiveness under tho RUBBER Psaehw AND STENCILS STAMPS played. 8urpssssd Only Applas, by rule present depended entirely upon Seventy-fiv- e per cent of play- - j tlie attitude of the umpire, and, thereOrange and Watermelons Reala and Ear Tun alao manafarturrd. Snul for atmik-a- priora.rU!. SALT LAKE STAMP CO. J era pool to members c! contend- Grapes Rank High. fore, wn not desirable. M went Broadway, gait Laka City, UUk. Ing series teams, divided 00 per Shift team the plays usually give cent to winning plnyers and 40 J Peaches lend ill other ehort season LAKE BBSINESS COLLEGE using them a tremendous advantage. tree fruits In the United States In the SALTS per cent to losing plnyers. Saw- tudginy; wurk after enroll auytiaM under tlie a But, have rules, they e Twenty-fivnunilier of cent carloads of piny- J J per shipped from proa pk(. Emytwdybaira. imiTC 800 yroci ftDudye era pool to a fund to be divided t great drawback. Thnt drawback Is the ducing region annually, according to IHlUlldaamiJte llroa. gait Laka. If that official strictly ad- figures collected among players of clubs finishing J umpire,to by the bureau of marheres the rules the first time after CREAM BOUGHT second and third In both leagues kets of the United States Department or an the piny Is worked, he will be of J on basis of 00 per cent to see-- J Agricultural Considering all frails, Beatprkxa. Waatm Creamery Co. IM W.ttb So. to bound tram. the penalise e 1 team and 40 per cent peaches rank fourth In car lots lent VULCANIZING It is almost Impossible M working to market, being surpassed only by tlie to third-plac-e teams. j Ketmulinx. Uunlity, ServicA 1 'shift play' to have the players exe1 long season fruits apples and orangTiro Woriut, Ml g. State SU, Salt Lake. cute it and still be wltliln the present es and by watermelons. The approx- Standard rules. When the signals for It ere imate yearly average number of can WELDING, AUTO end MACHINERY KITTY TO BE REORGANIZED given the Instinctive muscular action of the four fruits mentioned reaching Ante Radiatora built and malted boat and of the players, made automatic by long market during the past four years are: eheapmL rnllar lYalillii mill Raitalt ina fit Ml Suit Lake CilyTutak. State Street Famous Old practice, will Inevitably canoe them to Apples, 07,000; oranges, 85.000; waMlka Gibbons. OLDSMOBILE DISTRIBUTORS move In violation of the rules. ci Leagua Hu Barn Inactive termelons, 29,000; peaches, 25,000. for Four Yoaro, UMrf Gar BavvalM "If the umpire adheres to the rules The only clow competitors of peach- Can aid Tmekjo struct or for the United States army. he will atop It, penalise the team and es on the markets of the United States A. K. T'uutewn, Ml S. Main Street Salt Lake City. A great many of his students are high A movement la on foot to reorganise re grapes, of which about 22,000 car-lo- RUBBER HOSPITAL dishearten the players by rendering Inschool youth. the famous old effective me of their most powerful da were shipped annually, and can- We Shoea, 0010 fniurrd rnbbar articlae-Boo- ta. Several of these young men wrote league, the Kitty," for the seaof offense. Personally, 1 taloupes, the annual shlpmeute of Hot Water BoUIn, Titra, Tubea, etc. SatiaActioa to me asking ihlt I contribute nrtlclea son of 1021. The circuit, inactive 'since weapons Wi Return ruamntaed. prepaid. would never ase a play which depends which were approximately 17,000 can. Rubber Ralaa Cm, 1M kaat Uniadwa to their high school magaxlnea," mid 1910, was the pioneer date D league, for Its effectiveness upon the attitude The carloads of strawberries and Phantom Mike. Subsequent copies bar one, to enter organised baseball. of the AND MACHINERY. PIPE were lees than umpire." slightly pean shipped Wro turn Hackuiery Co Jadce Bnlldlns- of the publications allowed that boxing Cairo was not represented In the hnlf those of peaches. An average of clusxcs were being organised or pro- league In 1010, but expects to bo the QUALIFY AS BARKER In few waeka. MOLER t of cartoada gnpe-fral7,000 approximately BARBER COLLECE.4SS.W. Tern pledialt Laka posed In the respective high schools. lending fores behind tin reorganisa- DEL PRATT FOOTBALL COACH and 8,000 cars of plums and Dmmtb aad I It was noticeable that the editors were tion. combined were shipped annu- CANCERS, A. 1L yraeiadm. tut Utah Saving! A Trust Bid; In its time the Kitty graduated more New York American League Second prunefor the aggressive In pointing out the splendid four years. ally paL famous plnyers than almost any other results of boxing as a sport. VANITE SHOPPE Baseman Accepts Position With Ill ' combined peach shipments of THE Marvel prauumt wave. Color raatarad to balr Class D circuit Grover Land, Gabby Michigan University. and California are as great as by arienliae method. Switches and tnuuionna-tunGeorgia MSS. Stele street Salt Uke City. Street Hub Perdue, Larry Doyle and those of all other states combined. MANY RECRUITS FROM TEXAS many others of more recent vintage Derrill Fratt, New York American Hemstitch Lne. Pieutiiir. Machine and Hand Emsaw their first baseball light In this second bssemun, will conch the Unibroidering. Hutluia made. Expert Unul Work. ORCHARDS AND FRUIT YARDS Tho Embroidery Shop, Mi Clift Build inf. San Antonio Club Loot Five Players to thriving little league. team and versity of Michigan host-haTeam Big League King DAYNEMEEBE MUSIC CO. Sail Luke City. Laar Is Recalled. Beet Time to Feed la In Winter When Everything kuuwa iu mmde. BOOMING FOOTBALL IN SPAIN Ground I Frozen Most WALKERS BEAUTY PARLOR An Hardy. Five memliera of the San Antnnlo 8uccess of Team In Switch trunsfunnatiori or hair by mail; nutmmnlt Olympic Gamas at from center of head. Switches worth 7J0 tor ts, Texas league will go to tlie majors hy Cataes Formation of Antwerp mursfonustiuu worth fit fur fH.30. beet are and Orchard! fruit I n patches sole this fall, while Lear, first Many New Club fed during the winter when the ground ; Kelly and Garten, pitchers, Imre BBSIMESS COLLEGE L. D. Is frozen, for this covering la School Keen claimed hy recall by the New of riRdenry. All commercial branches. Owing to the success of tlie Spanish good to prevent soil heaving, and the Catulu fteo. m N. Mata Street SUt Laka City. York Giants. football train In the Olympic games at fertility Is being washed down Into KID FITTING CORSET PARLORS Others Include Ed Brown, outfield- Antwerp, where it won second place the toll ready for use early In the er: Ewell Gross, shortstop, mul Claude In that apart, rlulm are being formed spring. to who the go pitcher, In not rhvenport, every district of Spain, only for Most of the berries are hardy withGiants; Walter Stewart, pitcher, who football, lint for field sports. The out protection In winter so far ss and Frank to Detroit Americans, goes Olympic committee and local cold Is concerned, but the light mulch Iran Ores Formed by Bacteria. Gllisnn, catcher, wild to the Boston athletic axxocintloDs are encouraging will keep the soil moist end prevent Geologists are realizing more fully Braves. In every the training of athlete frost from loosening the roots. When as they extend their studies the e hranrh, xo that Spain may make a work done by plants and putting the mulch on etnwberries of the In next the good allowing Olympiad. ROWING CREW AT PRINCETON make It thin or It will smother the animals In building up and tearing plants. down parts of the crust of the earth. JOHN DOBBS ANNUAL DENIAL Barnyard manure with plenty of Even microscopic organism perform Largest Number of Candidates Out for betiding Is the beet fertiliser for a large part of this work. Pasteur Fall Practice That Ever Cam Bays Ha Will Be Manager of Pelicans fruits, but bonemeal and wood ashes long ago showed us the deadly power Out for Sport D Again Next Soaaon capita can be need with it to advantage, as of bacteria In disease and their effStory to Contrary. the manure Is deficient In these ele- iciency In promoting fermentation, but rrlnceton hundred Two university ments. their Influence on the fertility of soils to Dr. J. D. candidate John Dnhhx hn made his annual dereported and their work In expediting rock de-Spaeth, the director of rowing, for fall ntal of the story flint this will be his PACKING APPLES IN BARRELS coy . are still subjects of scientific crew practice. This Is tlie largest laxt year as manager of the New study. Pels. Each year the atory Is nunilier that has ever come out for the member of Pollast to Are Retailers will he that baseball Every year's printed and 8trongly Opposed sport. quit Felt He Wasnt Wanted. crew, which defeated both Yale and retire to his farm In Tennessee. Dnhhe icy of' Overfacing Favor Del Pratt My young eon had been telling me exwith has returned, the he Inch Size. will he manager of the Pels enys Ilurvard, bout an occasion on which ha had ception of Arthur Terry, JrM 20 nt No. again next yrar. If the dub wants set as assistant football coach. Pratt felt .greatly wound up by saying: football and baseball at The aim should be to Improve the 2, mid F. F. Rosenbaum, "20, tbe cox- him and the club has shown no signs played college Mother, I never felt so unnrmaary tlie University of Alabama. of not wanting him. swain. pack, for wo are now overfiring tlie la all my life. Chicago Tribune. barrel. Most commission' dealers believe the Rice should show slightly WORLDS RECORD IS LOWERED Eugeni Invented the Crinoline. HARRY BRANT IS better than the average In color, but ! MUTT AND JEFF NOW ON Among the tat Empress Eugenia! are retailers t strongly against the pol- numerous claim to fkme not the least BOSTON RED SOX TEAM ? Signed to Contract to Return to Rock- Peter Manning Trotted Fastest Three Because they are Interesting was her Invention of icy of overfacing. Heat Ever Covered by Horae the ford and Manage Team In 1921 n faced honestly, certain crinoline eklrt, which she le said to Thrae-- I Struggle. of Any Age, brand tell for more than other packs have been the first to devise end wear of the same quality because they are a few months before th birth of Peter Manning, owned hy Irving club The Rockford Three-- I the overfaced, writes CL 8. Wilson In Farm Prince Imperial. that Iinrry Brant, before leav- Glraxtm of New York, lowered the Home. differ and somewhat, Opinions gelding for his home In the East, was worlds record for whether to make one pack of all apNew Ferrule for Crutches. signed to a contract to return to Rock- ings anil trotted the fastest three 2 or Inches and up, whether A new ferrule for ples of ford and mnnnge the team In 11)21. heats ever scored by a horse of any crutches, woodto pack In Inch sizes. Al- en lege, or ranee la with rubBrunt la proclaimed a tbe best second nge or sox In winning the Transylvania tipped basefirst are s t Henry Walters, beseninn In the Threc-- I league and he 95,000 trot nt Lexington, Ky. The J man who comes from Seton Hall t most without exception the retailers ber and contains a colled spring InInch because favor 0 side miles of so else, were It revolves as well made In 2:03, 23)2, 1 tubing showed good qualities as a manager . college, and Grace, catcher, J many apples are sold by weight. aa .being resilient after taking over tbe Rockford tenm from the lots of Boston. late In the season. Feminine Inconsistency. Keep Pasture Weeda Down. OHIO STATE UNCOVERS STAR Weed In pasture can be kept down Why le It that the girl who won't Roakls for Chicago Cuba. van let a man alt on the same sofa by mnnurlng just before the weeda go 9148,563 for Olympic Trip. Among candidates for first base to New Sensation la Pate Stlnchcomb A very weedy field should be with her will let him The expenses of the victorious to seed. be tried out hy tbe Chicago Cubs next get a strangle Who Played Quarterback on Loot least twice a season. hold on her on a dance floor American Olympic team, were placed manured at and spring Is one Pete Monohan, who halls Year Varsity. squeeze her until yon can't foil the corat $148(13 In nn Incomplete report from the lots of Cincinnati. He le but Moisture for set riba from Strawberry. the other kind T Florid 20 years of age. Persona well versed In Ohio Slate presented at a meeting of the AmeriAs a rule strawberry planta will Ttmes-Unloaffairs claim thnt Chick Harley's suc- can Olympic games committee. lot of water and will stand up take e Tlneup 6tars. cessor at that Institution has been unbetter under too much moisture than Wonderful Wisdom. Indian star covered. The new sensation Is Pete Ben Tlneup. Cheniki-Thorpes Rival. will under too little. . "I hrar that the authorities t they While Jim Thorpe, the great Indian, few tlie Colonels,' has hnd a grant Stluehcomli, who played quarterback Ura. de Waliett' child away fr year. Up until September 30, Ben on Inst year's varsity, but was unno- has always been considered the great Her." "Fact They said aha bed Layer Blackberries. hid played In 44 games sines August ticed on Recount of Harley's outstand- eat . athlete, he has a nee Black Berries may be layered to much money to ralaa It properly.1 In of Princeton. US, and had hit safely In 42 of them. rival Thompson ing greatness. Ufe. zusl-lil- ac BOYD PARK r&. 114-ll- nch-meae Ki-vlc- e . nutk-ltc- Pcn-rD-t; . onil-plac- KontueHy-lndlana-Tor.n- - o u. Ben-rit- wise-ma- S. 1 mag-nltud- h Aiiiibiikiiiklltbkikkibiif fotir-yrar-o-ld one-four- ' o . -- ' I |