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Show SANDY CITY STAR, SANDY. UTAH FPHV5IDC r-- Alexandra Tfillerand President s COMPLIMENTS. LEFT-HANDE- J- Mary played the piano rather poor-ly. but had been urged to play for the guests. After the painful ordeal was finished, (he laid modeatly, I know I play fierce, but I'll get there aoma Women, of Middle Age time 1" You do beautifully I" (aid Great Aunt 8uean comfortably. Why, moat folk that couldn't play betterll you wouldn't play at all." Life. Owing to modem methods of living not one woman in a thousand approaches this perfectly natural change in her life without experiencing a train of very annoying and sometimes painful symptoms. Those dreadful hot flashes, smothering spells, fainting spells, nervous troubles and irregularities are symptoms that should nave prompt attention. These two letters prove what a successful remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is for women at this time of life. Broad Human Sympathy. Some of your remark! do not ap- peal to the brainy men of your community," admonished the friend. I make It a rule," rejoined Senator Sorgliuin, not to cater to any (elect element For every man In my Community who can be daaaed aa brainy there may, for all we know, he two or three who cant Preclou a. What's the matter, my dear? you loitr Ye, I They These Two Women Helped During Change of Life. I could not eat or Taunton, Mms. sleep for six monthniad tainting spells and could not walk without help for three months.caused by female trouble. My cousin, who was a doctor, told me to take Lydia R Pinkhams vegetable Compound and it helped me greatly. Then during the Change of life I used the same remedy. I am seventy years old now and am able to do my own housework and walk one mile to church every Sunday morning and evening. I am reoommending thevegetable Compound to my friends having the same troubles as I had. Y our remedy is the best on earth. I cannot find words to express iqy gratitude for it." Mrs. Susan CL Staples, 157 B School SL, Taunton, Maas. Are cant afford to me, either, 'coa I'm the one theyve got" London Tit-Il- l ta. Both. Mother Do you mean to tell me that you and Jack Addlepate are to marry! I not only I you,Daughter mamma, but Jack. - mean to tell The Fact They lay the price of brooraa la coming down. I wonder if they will come down much!" In the nature of the rase, It ought to be a (weeping reduction. There was no election by the French A caucus of senators and deputies nominated Millemnd. Uemliera of parliament went to the ancient chateau at Versailles mid chose eleventh President the republic. He received UD5 votes out of a total of 872. The complete vote was: Alexandre Mlllerund, 0115 ; Gustave Socialist deputy from IJIIe. Department du N'oril, 00;. scattering, 20; blank, 108. Those members who cast their votes for Deloy, the socialist, were the Unified Socialists. Mlllerand had Inflicted upon tlie Socialists a long aeries of disappointments, from the time he had THAT'S THE POINT been the first Socialist to accept a s He Shall we llvia with your jKirtfollo In a bourgeois ministry, away after w are married? back In 1800, until the other day, when She The question la, can we live he had vehemently denounced tlielr d without them. i experiment In soviet Bus-s- i a. These Socialists professed to fear Illustrating It This law of aupply and demand" result of larger responsibilities the Ken the deoeeet can well understand. projected by Mlllerand. Anyway, diIf theyva avan a symptom of brain: rect representation of ajl classes of Dont umbsellaa go up Whan It rains! society and the vesting of executive Ona Way. powers In the President of the republic There lent any royal road to aue- - are the salient features In President MIHcrnnd's plan To revise the French Oh, yea, there la, If you're a crown constitution, which la evoking a storm of controversy in France. prince making foreign tour. Politics," (aid Mlllerand, In a reHie Exeuee. cent speech, are a danger to the naDo you ever help your wife wash tion placed si they are, without check dlabeaT the or hindrance. Parliament today does ' I ahould lay not ! She never cornea not represent the people of France, out and helps mq shovel off the snow. but merely the great political interests. The President of the republic Mora Practical Talent has no actual power, neither has tlie Harold can charm every ona with senate. s hla toe dancing. To remedy this state of affairs Jim can't enebant folks with hla proposes the wholesale retoe, but he can get anybody he modeling of tlie constitution. The prinpleases under hla thumb. cipal points of hla proposals are: 1. The President of the republic to Just Fitting In. A penny, fair maid, tor your became President In fact aa well as In name; to lie accorded powers simthoughts. Give It to me. I was Just thinking ilar to those held by the President of with a nickel and 1 cent U I had the United States. 2. A vice presidency to be created another, It would pay my car tore." with functions modeled after those of t the same office In America. Taking Chances. 8. The election of the President and Agnes Jack proposed three ttm vice president to be effected. Instead before I accepted him. Her Friend You always were a of by tlie senate, by a national conreckless girl, Agnes. vention, delegates to which shall come from every department of France, A Paradoxical Reason. from both houses of parliament, from "Why are you lashing yourself Into each one of the great corporations, from the principal labor unions, from ouch a atate of excitement!" Because I want to get off tha the unions of small proprietors, from the great artistic, musical ami literary beaten track. societies, each of which is to have one A Surety. vole. .4. Senators, Instead of being apThey aay theatrical make money. pointed by tlie different political parThey ought to. It la a business ties In each department, would lie which la aura of getting on a head. elected by each of the above mentioned societies and unions, from the Refined Schedule, I want my daughter to have a real genteel education. Of course, we understand that madam. The bubonic plague la an epidemic Then what's tha meaning of her which has been very prevalent disease about common nouns and studying and terribly destructive In almost every T" fraction vulgar part of the eastern hemisphere since the Third century B. C, end probably Quito True. When my friend presented the before that time. From the discolorabogus order to the theater, he charged tion of the akin by effusions of blood, he waa deliberately tricked, and, there which la characteristic of severe and total rnses. It became known as tlie passed the lie. Yea, and there also lied the pass." Block Death. The disease Is unknown In the tropics. It hna prevailed most Change of Terms. The expression of a man's carrying Keep 6mlling. on high used to mean he waa behaving There Is only one. way to ward off very Imdly. care. Make your mind Impervious to Wclir attack. Just as the genns of disease Now, It may mean the continued can make no impression on a healthy noble conduct of an aviator. body, so little devils of unhappiness are unable to throat tlielr brittle Advice Diedalned. Aa the society party were going over lancet through an armor of cheerfulthe vessel the guide sang out, Low ness. And remember that others will take heart from your example. The bridge !" Oh I" sold Hie chnperon, with a happier you are, the more,, happiness Inn d, "1 always ' play you create, and the greater la the loss iif ' shore of happiness for everybody. lilgh." London Dally Express, ft De-lo- par-ent- long-nurse- t Mll-lera- The Bubonic Plague milks' nf the pnifesslMis and by tlie general confederation of lalsir. 0. anil In all government departments. Such reform would go to tlie very roots of the Freneh constitution anil, liy turning the President Into an active chief executive, practically bestow upon him dictatorial powera for his term of seven yenrs, and tliervby remove all iMirlliiiiientary checks on those activities which are now exercised by the premier or prewhU-n- t of tlie council. In France, under tlie present constitution, the President Is not In our sense of the word a president; lie Is a sort ol elected figurehead, serving for seven years, while tlie powers and g duties Involved In actually ruling mainly to the premier. An figure and little else, the French President Uvea sliowlly In a palace, entertains visiting sovereigns. Nor is there a French constitution in the sense In which we use that term in America. 'That la to aay there Is no Ingle document adopted in Its entirety aa the basic or organic law of tlie republic. The French constitution of a aeries of parliamentary enactments passed under the stress of oilier emergencies. As a matter of fact the French constitution contains no professions of principles, no decThe larations of humanltarlanlsiu. French constitution la aa direct and aa unemotional aa a bunk prospectus. There la nothing In France that corresponds with our spoils system, nor Indeed Is there anything that corresponds with our party system. Parties there certainly are In tlie French parliament, but (hey are numerous and loosely "knit They are always liable to break up and to form new comTlie absence of definite binations. parties In France means that tlie life of the government la always In danger through some sudden and new coalition of tlie many unstable , groups. There may be three or four governments in aa many months, the President trying always to send for" that partlcnlur statesman whose chunee of forming a stable cabinet seems to be ' tlie best. President Mlllerand baa appointed as bis first Premier Georges Leygues and baa given Premier Leygues a ready-mad- e cabinet Tlie reason for the appointment la obvious. President Mlllerand first offered tlie appointment to four other men, any one of whom would possibly linve made a stronger premier. But any one of the other four would have Insisted on being premier In accordance with the established constitutional practice of the country. Leygues accepts the cabinet provided by Mlllerand and will carry out the orders of Mlllerand. With Lrygnes ns titular premier, Mlllerand will lie lioth President and premier In fact. It remains to he seen how the parliament will accept this situation. Alexandra Mlllerand hns so long been one of the foremost figures In the political life of France, his entry Into parliament dating back to 1885 and hla cabinet experience to 1880, that It la ohvhiusly Impossible to gven sketch unin-ment- al con-sla- ts extensively In temperate climates, and It la not of Infrequent occurrence In cold countries such aa Bnsala, Sweden and Norway. A moist and moderately warm climate Is most favorable to Its development while Intense heat or old will usually arrest It Tra That Sheltered Penn. One of Talbot county's historical trees wan destroyed by storm recentdisly, says an Boston (Mil.) ' patch. The large white oak In the rear of the brick meeting Women of Middle Age Should Depend Upon it here. lie waa born In Paris February 10, 1850, and was educated for tlie Imr. He lias served In several cabinet notulily aa minister of public works In the llrland ministry in 1000, minster of war In ihe Iolncnre cabinet of 1012. and as minister of war In tlie Ylvlunl ministry until the cabinet resigned Octolier 20, 1015. While the peace with Germany was being made, IrwHitoit Poincare, In March, 1D1D, appointed Mlllerand governor of Frances regained provinces, and he served In this GREETINGS THAT TELL MUCH GOT REPORT THAT COUNTED position until :it the request of President Poincare In January last he acAll Hava a Character and to tha InitiCoffee Dealer a Littla Too Enthusiascepted tlie task of forming s new cabated Are Llks an Open tic In His Praise of Goods Hs inet In which lie took tlie premiership Had Condemned. Book, and ministry nf foreign affairs, succeeding Clemen ran u. Chawmed" One dunce with this "nave you any of Blank A Co.'s Twenty-fiv- e years ago Mlllerand exa coffee!" the slrangcr asked. pressed the ambition to become pre- type. They always talk about the of the that or G. B. Pslisw'i mier of France and President of the "Plenty of It sir! How much would you like!" the deuler responded brisklrepublic. Ten yam later he waa ex- latest llow do you do!" Not a question ypelled from the branch of the Social"Do your customers generally like a statement. Probably accoinianled ist party that had been electing him to the chamber of' deputies for 15 by a smile. Tills class works slowly, lliia coffee I would want only something really good, the customer obyean, and In another five years he but Is sure to get you In tlie end. waa officially expelled from the So"Draughted" With giggle mid Invi- served cautiously. Must "Never liud a- more popular brand eyes. cialist party of France. Five years tation from baby-blu- e It Is One use It regularly on my own ago, when minister of war, he wns one never be truated. lulile," the draler assured ldm. "Very glud to know you, I'm sunh" of the chief causes contributing to the She la not sure, but It seems best to Well, I ain glad to hear you speak downfnll of the Vlvlanl cabinet. was so deep In disgrace and say so. Last season's deb. Expects to so well of It now. You wrote me a humiliation that It did not seem pos- lie bored and it Is liest to live up to ex- while Imek that the goods were so that you would have to sible he could ever emerge. pectations. "Oh, Mr. Stover, Iin so glad to know return them unless you were given a But when tlie war asa won France wanted a bullheaded man to rale you. Iv beard." etc. Footluill boro further Sieclul discount. I'm Uluiik, the recovered provinces of Alsace and stuff. Must use skill and Ingenuity to you know. Good day I Lorraine, and Mlllerand waa chosen escape tills type. What Johnny Meant Mere nod Possibilities, but, oh. for the post. Last January he waa Next boy! exclaimed the teacher. recalled to Parts to be premier the man, you'll have to work. Yale Rec"Cun you give a simile to the word ord. first nf Ids ambitions accomplished. maiden!" And ns premier It waa once Inore Yes, miss, Cutting Down Expenses. responded Johnny, his hullliendedness. the very quality A maiden Is like elder." "Blmley has given up bachelor life Summers. that caused Ills deep humiliation In and gone and got married." Very good, Johnny. You see, boys," 1015, that brought him the enthusiastic What I With beef a dollar a explained the teacher, who wns of un Frem-nation. support of the certain age mid Irascible disposition. pound!" He insisted stubbornly and passionWell, that's better than paying the "Johnny means that a maiden Is should France that peace bring ately dollar a bite lie's been paying In the sweet." the fruits nf, victory. Lloyd George restaurants. Uni tt! Boston Yes," broke In Johnny, and grows could not wheedle him; Wilson could sour with old age. Glnllttl not could bluff not drive lilm; him and Lenine mid Trotsky could not scare lilm. So. when Deschsnel was forced to resign the presidency, Mlllerand was triumphantly elected President of the rcpiibl1'. and the second Full-bodied of his ambitions was realised. Down with dictatorship !" shouted the Socialist Deputy 1'pry, aa he cast Ills vote against Milicrand in the balloting for President. ' Alexandre It looks ns if Mlllerniid of Frame has prepared a program that will cither eliminate him from public life or make him a President with large powers. nl Alsace-Lorrain- e, that-uus- Whits Window Boxes. Whitewash the Inside of your window I tuxes before filling with earth la onler to keep out Insects and prevent llie Inixcs from rolling. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect Mll-lern- Rejected. house of the Sncleiy of Friends, known as Third Haven meeting honne, was uprooted and fi ll with a crash. Tlie tree mnde kindling- wood of 60 feet of shedding where the Friends were wont to hitch their horses and teams, when attending service. This tree wns one of the original grove under which William Icun of Philadelphia preached when touring Maryland, and where Lord Baltimore at one time worshiped. A tree like this fell 6ve years ago and nhout five years previous to that one other fell. summer.- - Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming The mild sod hreliug three conditions. is influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t soon realised. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of tha prominent Life insurance Companies, in an interview on the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why to many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and tha Urge majority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they hare the disease. It is on mis st sll drag stores in bottles of two site medium and large. However, if yon wish first to test this great preparation send ten rents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y.. for n ample bottle. Whin writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. The Reason. Do they still use the sin'll piine?" Yea, they find It (lie nuts. d at-tra- Flavor All Run Down POSTUM NowFeelsFine Cjhe I'p'-lde- nt It Applicants for Insurance Often - writes Lockhart, 8lr Walter suffered the same sort of pertinacity on the part of an affectionate hen. There was something almost nncau-n- y And lie goes on to tell of a couple of about Sir Walter Scott's power to donkeys which left pastures to lay attract and hold In friendship both man their noses over the paling whenever and beast. Lockhart, In hla biography the lord approached. of tha fomous author of Lady of the Risky. Lake," tells about a little pig which One disadvantage in marrying a rich had taken a moat sentimental attachment to Scott and waa constantly urg- girl, fellows, la that If she happens to ing Its pretentions to be admitted a die In any way out of tha ordinary regular member of his tall along with you have so many etnluurasslng questhe greyhounds and terriers." ?One tions to answer. Columbus Dispatch, Scott Loved by Animals I want to let yna Philadelphia, Pa. know what good Lydia . I'inkhams Vegetable Compound has done me. I had organic troubles and am going through the lliange of Life. I was taken with a juiin in my side and abed headache. I could not lie down, could not vat or sleep. 1 suffered something terrible and tlie doctor's medicine did me no good at all my pains got worse instead of lietter. 1 began taking the Vegetable Compound and folt a change from the first. Now I feel fine and advise anyone going through the Chang) of life to try it, for it cured me after I had given up all hopes of getting better. I will tell any one who writes to me the Mrs. Masoaxst good it has done me. 1)akz,743 N. 25th SL, Philadelphia, I a. Cereal wins first place among table drinks with those who value health and comforts Boil Posturn Cereal full fifteen minutes after boil-in- g begins and the taste is delightful. Costs less than, coffee TfacLeky Postom Cereal Company, Inc. Battle Creek, Mick. Estonia Ended His Troubles Eatonlc la the only thing I have found to atop my heartburn and I think It hna been a great help In nervous spells," writes G. C. Johnson. An upset atnniuch may cause lots of suffering all over the body. Eatonlc helps in ouch rases by removing tbo cause of the misery, because it takes np and carries out the excess arid and gases and keeps the digestive organs In natural working order. A tablet after meals Is all you need. Big box costa only a trifle with druggist's guarantee. PARKERS HAIR BALSAM MHfraltairrkUb, BtHtr to Cnv ssd Fsdrf Bw ' SrniisliMi. nrewvwoma csw1 HINDERCORNS rater m.afurt Is !! Ipmbs. Mdi stops all pal Ii vilklM tr Rw'l or st fnl mk 4 IIIssse ChwU Wsrtfc f Btefcocas, 1L I. rms FRECKLES AKIIKIX 1W UKM'IMC JVK T.tlll.Km Mm Me roxlTAlll. HRAI!f Bm rrm-nl- jr fur nDfinltlu, brmlarhs and rhrana Mum. Bond money order, slsmiw or chaoks IIKHTUH Hl'ITLY CO.. Kuna, Idaho. PATENTS eaas |