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Show ... ifow is tli lime tc Advertise for Christinas tl'ndiH bird uhiirpered to lis A lit Bring your Lueern seed to Gt u. that them would likely-liyesterday A Lowe. a complimentary dance given J. A. McAllister, Jr, DEN'TIST. in the People's Hotel hall Friday Office over First National ISauk. night Aa we are not quite poMlive Luitest patterns iu wall pnjierB of this, Bi:d aa wo have no desire linoleums and flour oil cloth at to hurt A wo' fwliugm hlull gay Z. C. M. I. u b aeuuM, m.ui..iS ...K,uT A large, variety of chrysanthe- muuKu, ,um. con- e mums and other beautiful flower BniuiuuHww id auvann. at the Ixi(tiiu NurseripH. Saturday evening G. D. Recder, returned Smith M. A. the Deputy butcher, mado an uKsigmuent to Ogden Saturday morning, aftei for tbe benefit of their creditors, sptMi.liiits a bhort time iu Loyan iu favor of Hart & Bona. 1'e.ster-da- y on busiueas. the buniueaj was purchase! or Deakin nlm u running John firm the Joaeoh Udell, of by few the Thomas & Udell, H(rtut a dayd shop juttt as if nothing had Air. Denkiii is Well last week, happened. in Ojfdeu and Suit Lake ami favorably known in the city returning home SnuJuy evening will do a giaal bubiue8aud Ho aiei is hardly up to it Today' b would to ull of we the usual standard, which, we presume j plemied you will notiie. Thanksgiving day old customers, and as many new ones as feel to favor hiin wiih interfered and the retiult in aa their patronage. Lieutenant Slyer, of th AgriSomewhat Complicated. cultural College toeompanid by Tbe American Fork Item is puli. hi wife, and child, made a trip to a wri.j story eniiiled "The listiing Bali Ijake Saturday morning, re- Bride of the Bwld ISuccainH-- of Hie turning luot I'veniug. ltorder.'' It is au original t Bunion .Baldness in often proceeded or uianufaclured to order by a tarpen accompanied by grayneaa of tlie Ur iu the town. The story is quiic baldness realistic, hair. To prevent a plot, with containing and grnyneaa, use Hall's Hair trimmincs to match. Some iiran:e er, an honest reineily. occur however, at incongruities Professor J. M. Tanner, former! regular intervals, but instance, in principal of the It. Y. College in tliU the lat chapter erused by . tin city, has returned from Harvard on literary editor of tbe Preus, a startling account of his health failing him. stale of alfairs is brought to lilit. It is hoped Mr. Tanner will again The villain SHCtweds in ui.irrvinj NOTES Of THE NATION. 1 1 e t Viinted at til M. A 11, Co., on account. LAuit.s' and L'hiidre&'a Ousts aiu Wraps, new fall style at Z. C.M.I. 1 Heukmbku that you rsu get kinds of job work at this office, a at the lowest prices. f l''oa Sale An lo!nt i .v . fmM W(lU.h wi llt oW fof Tbi8 j a n.roopjK.rtuniiy to pnit-bn yila.M Christmas present for a' (icrtiHaw log I'. .,.,, IU!li ticulars apply to He-ne- make bin home iu Logau. Rev. F. L. Hay den,, pustor of the Presbyterian Church returned from Ogdeu Saturday night, lie delivered an address before tho Utah Sunday School association which convened in that city. People are wishing each other the compliments of the season and Did it ever exchanging gifts. occur to you to aend an ailing ? friend a pucknge of Ayer's do so and If not, now; try this medicine yourself, if you need a Jaeob Peterson of Tm Loo an Sarsa-parilii- first-clas- s blood-purifie- r. Kahon is in town. He tays Logau Cache county went deuiocratie rt been use the people were given to understand that if Utah went Itc- idulican tbere woulil lie no .Dossiule ckcncM for l.er to he admitted iutu tbe union. IJrigham Cor. Standard a-- We have received from President SanlMrn of the A. C. a synopsis of a Bieeial course to he given iu Agriculture and Domestic Arts, comuieuciiijt Tuesday, January 2, 1H94 and for ten weeks. Detailed mention will be made in our next issue. eon-tinni- No household which is blessed with children, should be without Ayr'n Cherry Pectoral. In the treatment of croup and whooping cough, the Pectoral has au almost magical effect. It allays intiaiua-tiofrees the obstructed air uus-Bages, and coutroht the desire to cough. Johnny Stevens, the popular and brakemnn, is aain on the local train from Pn s ton to Ojj L'Q. Ha presents a bettor a pp.31 with blua clothes and silver buttons than In did with overalls and jumper, when luiidliug freight, but is always the aaine good uatured boy. Frank Snow cniue down from Patte Sunday, and Las been chakiiig lunula with his many 'frieiidH in Lognii. Frank rejtorbj times as livening up in the great mining city. Some of the biggest mines are just commencing operations, and the camp is alowly rcBumniiuu: its old time liveliness. u, 'Yes miKt I B. THE CARDON, - JEV7ELER. AT THE - Advertising - BED FRONT BARGAIN STORE! fiorv m other bus!ness nvithods, but In so (foiiv$ I will sever the friend! relations itween business and success." So said a - For par. B. ''at this oltlce. Prominent Commencing Sunday, Nurtnubsr 2Sth, So. D. 11. No. 15. . FrtwiOgtlan and Salt Lak ..; 6:40 p.m. Fn in Ou.lon, Salt Lake,all points South an J East 13:10 a.m. Fr'Ui Cache Junction, and all points North and Km 8:00 a. m. Men's Suits from $3 up. ' " $2.50 up. Boys' ' $360 to Overcoats ! live two doors ml&ml NOTICE Of 4:15 a. lu. 10:00 U 1 Logqn, Utah, Poeatello, Idaho. Emslie Gso. Q. Kick. lllidquarters for all kinds of p. m mtiats. ( A ttorueys-at- on Jtbem for Winerwiwst, Liverwurst, Headcheese etc. i rtsh and game iu season. Free most fsnhioiiable an.5 chaast. Tailoru k au-- l importcil Home made tiood, at John Thoniab Tailor &s Goods, llils, Caps, Shoes, Dry & DON'T forcet to Come and Morrell's block. LtHtAH. Mco our (Ioouh and rnicrs. Utah. EXt IJlTlO 9 CKT YOl'K Jo"b City Livery Stable NATI9N 0FFIGE. Work UtINK AT TlfK Fur first class liveries. Carriages to ami from all trains Strictly altented to. Leave orders at the Stable. Sifits of Provo C'Htds, made tc orden at the low price of (1) to $25. guyiain the Utah Woolen Mills a no In all Sixes an4 Styles, with tbe H. S. NIELSEN. Shop, 3rd Street. I Office in Campbell LOGAN. The llucst, Fomiiiif OF- - Practice In All The Courts OeiII ST. Gents C. C Kicu ALBO A PINE LINE La w. - or Maik Mr. and Wouipt delivery to all parts the i'iiy, MAllN 11. -- Kicii & Rich, call DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the law firm of Itich & ll'u h, consistii. of (j. Rich and Heber C V. Itich is this day disso'ved by mutual ciiiiHt nt. All indehu?dness of, and to the viid lii in will tie attended to by Cicorue j. Itich at his law office on the girl, much to her dislike. While Main street, Iogau, I'tiih. the wedding preMiiils aro being exAll of the unfinished business of amined by au experi lapidary, to tbe said Irtu will lie promptly test their genuineness, the groom to by Samuel J. Uiih and makes a sudden Mieak and succeed.-- , (leorge Q liich who will hereafter iu planting a passionate kiss ou the be associated as in the hare hand of tbe bride. What fol- 'aw business with their office at the is told iu the following old stand of the former firm, and who lows, mill alsjO operate their said firm language: "When Margary reached her room business under the same name of she could feel his buruiug kiss upon K.ch & Rich. her band. She (lushed it angiilv Georui Q. Ricu, Heber C. (.'. Rich. against tbe bed post aud left a blue mark upon it.'' Iawax Utah, Nov. 2Ulb, 1893. Shades ot our fathers! Who ettr Ths Woilrt s Fair beam of a kist being tdainmed np Can remain such without the not I A kiss with u against a bed pout look and the radiant comblooming blue mask on it would lie one of the health alone imparts. which plexion curiosities of the century. It ma;, the Mood of Park's by cigarjng Te1 be that tbe aiitlmrmeaiitjc. J:z re makes the I iiiipunties, couipJextou that dear ttle jimined the Kuiii the hue of youth. For sale at lied post with her fist and left a blue Ritcr Bros. Drug Company. mark on the hereinbefore inen .loued post. Bat even eveu this solnt'on is unsatisfactory. There is a mystery somewhere and life is too shot t to spend much time in unravcl'iiif! For chnrity lifficult propositions. sake, we will presume that Maigary was a w yward girl, and she hurled the kiss at the lied post just the kiss had frown on her lips and she had no further use for it. A fiozen kisB would knock a hole in a stone wall. 3alina Vvm. Pll E of fiiter South Bros. Drug Store 645 a.m. aud points Ni.rih .... Kf Pants from $1 np. dkpabt. lAke 8THtET i f' No. 10. Fur ltfden and Salt No: 12. F.w gdeu. Salt Lhks and all pcents East. . No. 10. For Cache Juuctioo MAIN VOfcl GAN GET justness - THan EDWARDS' BLOCK, AKKIVK. No. TARIFF IS KNOCKED 1! DIVORCE NEW TIME CARD. abovi-stated- . llh ..,. ' J' a - r T. ); Bend Soutli PALACE Rock . HOTEL Island In the Lead Farmers' Friend Press Drills.P giippJirt home indimlry. THE AMERICAN L M. Wendelboe, . v iilv Graduated-- Is WATCH3IAKF.lt . EUROPEAN PLAN! LoOAN-r- - mm WatcV es. w ciocks, iP Ludlow Striix Wagons OR jewelry Silverware. Hereafter the Palace Hotel will be conducted on the American and European Plan, and meals nerved from G a. m. to 1 a. vi. 44 liickor' Old Farm Waoi Full Line of Buggies, Carts, and Hand Sawed Harness. Victor Oscillating And anything on Karth that you can think of we have on Kolt-HIet- Third Kim. Nrat An i tu thaTUhini IWf R. MURCOCK.JVop, ls. hand. lit-tuis- e v.a Relief In Hard Times. to the front again. I3ierrent discount on all uond in our Dry Good ami Clothing Departments, up to Dec. 20th. Isaac Smith, Mgr. Z. C. M. 1. good-nature- Tha Must MBKBlBrmt Array af lilamoml. Mrs. John Ulood;)od is said by thfi most noted of tlu LonJon jiwelers to have a more maiulicent array of diamonds than any woman extant. She was one of the four Auuricaiia who were able to secure a box at the oi'-r- j iu Lou-i'n- n during the snuimcr of 1 ).', and r liiiinouds even in that show extitud 1'uo greatest comment. New York Recorder. Good shaves, Imncom baths. The Palace. F. Pnraer, Prop, f ', i "When was I PumpH, Sealna, Fanning Pipe, Iron Hoofing, Naila, Plastering 1 White Canvass and liubber Duek, etc., etc Milb. Sends, Alwnya on Hand. aai A a Boy," i ArnjertGan fUani viisiij wiw.. Tho Best and Neatoat Finish l..l j inptou of disensd of th It will certainly m re nrk'a Sure Cur. That K, , Iwkrti-h- : and tierd wl e from the Mime riiusfl ark's Sure Ci'.ra for the 111 Ik I 5. . i yfrr l .veraui(fJiidneya, priee $1.00. ! sale by litter lir.Hi. Dru Co. , Located at the old L. O. Fumidiy. A oiiM lid Pli.aaed to Hava Ilia Old Frit.-ndhiyllim a Visit. s on ull kir.ds ii Machinery, Engines, Furin Miu liiiiiry uml Mi!l Work. I am Prejiaied to do PapniiK Pr-i- p. Khju'.a)t:sin 1lnx eap. rhvcrfnlly rwoiiiinrnd it to all putmonar eom cinlly pii'iiti-many yearn, made plaint. I have, for metlii-itita Sm-!n- l iiliinti:irr ami ot'irr Ktnily.aml I have rumi' ( Ttirinni'lii-io- n tt. CXKrh.taiasciv, MERCHANT nV) C'iirrie a (.'.iiu;!rte l!oiiit-)!i;il- I I e, Inpife for a D. lleeilei's, Main street, cho'iroastrf meat tf TAIOR S'o lt ur Fii'iidi i Eniiisli thk Fall ntul Winter Goods. I I Huh Opened a r.ntncli Oili Post Oilirii, with P. J.U.'-MK- I - I3njrliain City, Utah. J....JI,' i'ur The bj'tt sansa-'.!-- , Lome made lanl fresh ami lalt meats at (J . I . Herder's, Call at TVILjSOiNr, and BE6HTOLS & PANDS, "I linve torn aliiK Aynr"s Cherry I'ertural ia my fiiiuily for 30 yvrt. wl:h the mrift atlf:u tory rtalts and ran Logan, Utah. MGR. JOSEPH European Plan. out it." r SliKCOiint Un C'iish. O. W, MATTHEWS. " i and I know of numbers of people w ho kee p it in the house all the t::i;e, not considering it safe to la with- that Arar's tlirrry I'ertnral orrnplrs a pMiitliii priM'iiiliit'lit over ntlii-- iiintU " I lias. IiiVfiiKTt, ciiif of tin' I lover, X. J. Iiilii'i9 STEVEMS. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH iJIDNEY fj A Bad Cold, The simple rooms immediately hnn- take iirst-clna- s Some eirlf O wrxt of the People's ITotel are being piiietw in having a burned finger A net.! nml improvements tuaile in Dnnlnp'll a or cold sore or fspraiiicd aukle, "JBI various ways. When completed it ArrrklV.Lmrrll.Uau. rrrpmllvIlr.J.C. it is bo comforting to receive will la; ued for sociables, lectnivs, Prompttoact,suretocure sympathy. etc , anil will he very neat and cozy. It will 1st Jint the thing for private " iwrties anil the like. Tbe floor is Binooth, the location griod and ha it wi!l lie n'lileil at a very reasonable Will Finiuli PlmtoKrapha fnun Now on in Two or Three Days. figure, will doubtless be in great demand. rV a. Walker - Hons Writes INistmaxter J. C. Woomox, 1 on'ht IliiL W. "Sra.. "1 had a bronchial trouble of such a iwrsisteut ami stnliborn clianwter, that the dortor pronounced It incurable wilh ordinary medicines, and advised me to try Aysr'o Chnry FectoraL I did so, und one Imtile cured me. For the lait fifteen yaari, 1 have used this prcjiaration with good effect whenever I take lw-- No Other l'lace Like it. The beat place for all grades of hhoe, also rnbliers aiiil overshoes is nt Andreas Peterson's. The making and repairing department is always found complete. b r. Disc ami Tooth Harrows. in L ::;ui, in L Twm D.Mr.s Ivist o M.uri.'r. Meaxun'iiii'hts Takni anil S.itistdt'tio:i (iii.ir.uiii'ei!; CIVB US A CALL. |