OCR Text |
Show iil notie- - sSall J. ; 'tie peed at acpfi , be iute ar.n Im a, whet, ml whole. the Ciiy llouRdl v. i bourn i :i.pe;.:- - nml . To ubjniimiii lmi turrtHri I am) :. ilirm Mid wweaauieiiL Saiii r. ft ice aim I be )U hi Min'd no lend I linn m PHYSICIAN sadSl KGKON. w,cii in mibi ami having a gen LigHn City io 1lnb Territory nn follow: newspaper iihlih,Hl eiroulhljnii witliiu tba btiTioN 1. Whenever tlie city eoun- - j Ante litw ihiular hokkioii oil kliail th em it exnedirut to exleml the DFtTClIF.K AKZT. '? m11111 il' tn'dierm iiieuiioa-cuntniile- d yateni of water work now owned and i 1 he nonce 'V1 provuleofor in lh iut by raid li!an City, by laying the ikmiicil aiiail gi ar ui.d run- Office sad Kcsiikact la Caioa Flock, I uianiefor waer in any atreet of amd my where aueli nipee or mains are 7 objwtiona or iiiieiila, till'd ,Ir. ? Login, Utah not already laid, the aauie or any pari j dhin the tiuie iiieiiliugtHl and make a in tlie.Nirawsiiient -- .1 thereof may be done in thu following such curn-ctini- i Are you willing to work fur the cause The L.ily umy bo Iiihn HH.iry and uiHiiber: of rot n't ion in placing reliable infur. W. U4UC1IAN. The council ahall ileierinina the aiz.', Kecordor alinil mile U'Hioaiiid lit--l aueh uorreotinns as luuy lie o.deiwd l.y tlie Y. mation in the hamlx of your acquainquality, kind, location and eateut of iia'a eouncil. Tlie mmsid.irul an of hucIi or mama to ba hud and cauae an ealiuialo tances? and objection aud taiil asserauifiit ATlOKNKV-AT-LAto be made of the cuel of audi p.pca and If you are, you ahouU lie Identified utU-aud future may beooniiuued at tiie laying of the auuie, and 1 council with lu the aauie man LAND ATTOSNKY, and detine the uoundarieeof the diatrict seraaine of he ordiviaiou of tlie city epeciaily to be Her until the siiiue is oou:pUteil. NYlieu The American C'iiuikmI aiiail uuike beiiehUvlor dfecteu by the aauie, but completed that'ity PROTECTIVE TARIFF LEAGUE, tliv council snail include in euuli district an order to be entered of record contiu Collect-ioneNoury Public. Olfiee ovai tas W. 83D ST., New YORK. act as the forth asaraeuient io the (lity Ktore. Main Street lsgsn, only lots or piece of ground adjacent to iug Drug out Duties lid Ihc w and amd Inch it i.f la a O corrected order cer L'tsh. Imm orabatiug upon theatreet oralreels in lii, copy SUNSTRUCK IN BATTLE I kdiug your puaiiiun, and giv a hdplug band which auch pi pis or mums sre to belnid. litied by the City Iwsumler amler DR. MII.RH MEDICAL m. Finn ait, tlie seal tlie of I Iso iiiuxt ray Ilia Kmtorativa Nervine ih'rporate city, Tlie council sc sil also deter inn: w iietlier ami Narva ami Llivr I'tila iiava tluiia uia with such corrected list aiiail tLe wlmle, or ir uot what proKirtuin uf trmt aooil. Ik to dcliveied uf said IrMaumr the OOLFU ANDlikiiON, the coat of aueh pi(iea or mams a:id the run IURH T nATK NOT TEXT H UL AM NOW. aliull be defrayed by city and ahall Constitute his warranl I'O'iug tiiereof, Ttia alirtlna ,ntit of my dinanaa wan a ion for collect Sin-ai.l ihe of the ia.ni. iucal ssweesmenL aunsir-ikI ml tMvlvcd in Imiila "hsli lie due aud payab; iliirt NOTARY Pl'in.IC. The council shall set a time when it ! IIuiImiii, IjiiiihIiiiih, J une luh. I".:1: I'n tr. Him slulvui oriior uavis iiihiiriuii4f OF tlifl lima nf iKuluiiliig to Inlet' lir. Mil. aiur will uiet-- nml Luur uul uuiiMiiirtf uljH3 j ICenimlir. I had IihiI a A ami all the and sueli sasessiiient, any lusucli ex tension of llu lions or Imiiiil iliarnuiiiig imin In mjr taxes reiusiiiiug uiipaid ut the cxpiia TnuiKhiUun of lloniinMit. frma sad '.ater system or mains, or the defia ing tum head; I !.. wank h!Ih. and I In- mvt (mu of Lwivuii the dale of aaul o ll dnvsufler In KpMisIty. sixty viva ay avcnthina yaara have had of ihe expense of the same by locsl a I il J liwwikn iLemed of an aciive rharm-li-r- , and atny id 1..' lie eliall (Nifx order del'iiquent. ness meat. luHiaa far mnnilj Bkction 8. Inun.dinlely upon tlie LOOAN UTAH. The tinul srtion of the council in re-- j j a lima; rnnlil aal of I he corrected lirst and rttriilixil walk arraM iTik tliwl. I KNOW VOl ii Kjiect to matters men ttuiied in ibis aec-- receipt SK.MKMKrt HtVK Cl kl.li MlE, anil tlial of ordnr oailiriuii.g Ihe aaueiainielit ion shall be entered aud preserved intlie copy tUa aura will O" prmiiint. Never aforesaid, the treasurer of aanlnity abaii T. HAMUliNJi, iity records. TLe city ixiuncil shall next priaieed to collect the raid resanieiit Section Iierwurr lining ynnr n uu iTiiy. ami all . ause a uoticeof intention to make and taxes iu like uisnnar as other city Well ol llieiu. Ynuni Irulr. MAKES THE COMPLEXION ATTOtt M W. W. DEAN, xiebsion of pipes or mains and defray taxt s are collected, andsliali fmui-- b to ML each or National Mlllinry liuiue, Dayton, 0 PURE AND BRIGHT. 1 ne expenses thereof in whole or in purl of taxjisyer leuva.otor i.ia uuui inilaiv th (ir .iiowii) ilepaul DK. NHK'CXRKflTNK Is the moat rev iiy iociil uPseehiuaut, deecnbing the aildicuad to tain mrr inr ll.iuU.I.r, krnr.lj.itt, N.rv exLenaiini of wau-- r muius, the IniUd Stites postolHco, ou lntrnrinn, IlixxiHKMi. me auioui.t Will imsicr la sil Court is the Territory ssd Kpasma, Mar, iKSituge paid, a nmici-o- f boundiinea of tlie district to be affected himtax llulluras, Hlunn, anil 0.lmn bxfure (he Diatrict and ticscnl Land oflicc. against him and when NOTH K lO( HKIMTCIBM. or beneffited tiytbe same, the esmnated of Habit, Culrloiu mi upmim daiiXMiiiiis iinicic coat thereof, aud deeignalii.g tiie tune and where payable. Within Lliirty days Hold on a Ionilira Guaraniee. or taxes are its. set fur tbe hearing mentioned in section after such Dm. MILLS' PILLS, 50 Doar2SCTa the treasurer ahall puliliah -nr one, to be published at least twenty day s linqileiit WitDeceMd, F.f h.te cl liat uf eame and proceiH to sell thi in a newspaper pupliehed and having s ij Office hosr from Ijuloiim., ssd from in thesume sa provided - f.O TO TH K general circulation within tbe city.wluc.li propertyfor sale uf realiuunnr Nr Hit is hr i to :jo p. m. the by ondmigned. hr estate ,irr. folbylaw iu the couuty be shall notice Mr Siin.iiii.tnili.r (I tlie Flble .f Plant subetanltuliy c ilieotora. to thrin.litrr of. and alltoyjinwons ios ing form: ini' uain: a)iitirt tnrsuid denkd to ex BkonoN 9. The City loconler on re- orti.f in Kick. Igas, I'ti.h is Notice hereby given by tLe city nil, it thi ii'. it li tin nire,ik.ry vnuchirn within Trom the treuaurer a diipliimir t'.n n'f.rtha alii r the first THii'li.'i.tiiili of thl. council of Logan llily, iu the Territory ceiving 1.1 tut. luthr K.i.lsiimiiiiirtn.tor ut the late uf Utah, of the intention f such council receipt for money paid on in ,d aseerp tn.T oi thi imid dri rimed, iu Kkhmond Wot, J. U'NMlwin jrjih Tluiina. mains for water.... . .and meiit, shall credit the ijonuai who to lay in Cache trinity, t tah. For Nest and Prompt iNiymenl aud such nshtafur ss of the cost uf pipe and to defray HhKaV THI.VAK Pl.AKT, & GOODWIN, I1lOMAS Ahull apply on the umei Adiuiiii.ln.tor of the hm.tr of dol inenta wij laying thereof, ustiuialed at Hehbt loin rates of the person w bo Miudo ani-l- i pay. Deecascd. lar by a local assessment upon tlie oot Shoe 9 or pieces of ground within the following uumt, or Uhiii the water rales of nu n Hated Koyrmlirrsth, 1(93. Ovricixi. Amtxactux. described district being the district lu oilier person upon the written order or be affected or benetited by said water the person in whote name the cred:t Alwimrl id till made on duirt sutina. Ilna biuiis. MO EEFIIS1IS. pipes or inuins, namely IwM.tnuiiHuitiiHii iHfwlir.litlra nml iiriiLvil 5 BUT THE SX Passed October STilh. IHtKi. All protests and objeclums to the tarrii,K id Katalea aimodi'il to. llhr- Nurreil llkiek C. KTiioKrtrKNHKa, Logiui, out of such intention must be pres ying Preeideat of City t 'miticil. anted iu writing to tbs city recorder on O. RYBERG. 1iup- A,L Approved 26th day of OoioU-r- . ls!Ki. or before the day of Z. STKWAHT, James (cavi.k. at oclock.... ui being tlie time Corner Main ft Second set by said council when it will hear and Mayor. l.uKitti, listli consider such object ious us may be made Aooi.ph Amdersuk. thereto. I,i rx Ann Fix Inbcbamcb City liecorder. rSuliw-riliBy order of the city council of Logar. fiirWEXvIlos Furrow I up skat,. Some People-City. lio luJ.Z. Hlowart to haw your pmlsla maw atlHul.'l iu awl for murtsssHa, will Nfid (Steal ThkNatioi-all kind of Inal doeunirtiln, ate,, slwi fur Recorder. City of Utah, in Territory tinlmi Nation Tiik iiwuranm unt mul uur msl M riiul lu all in Ks y,rTliry SiarriON .1, After tlie expiratnei uf tlie awl miiiiusclaiiiia Lamas UUh County of Cache. to be Hlul on the new of the ilfi)twenty days, and on the day designated I, Adolph Auilerson, (lily liecorder in in tlie nonce, the city council shall meet, ami for Citv, in ( Vhe aud if written o'ljecliona to the making Utah RKAVILL, Territory, do certify tl.n: .'Ainenl signed by tlie owner the fon'gning is a full Irue'snd coriis-- i oronerty so to bv uoy of an Ordinance enlitleil,aAn O.ili for tlie exlentiun of the water IdElhe ciiy conm-i- l uf "kcawKK, with the city recuider, shell lieur amt Tsiguii ( Jity on tlmlolh day of Odols-r- . ATTORN AW. consider such abjections or pro Lents, if IKtl and appnived by tlhOj.ivur uf said on Die JUlli day of OctSnpfy WtL. any, as shall Lava been mad. If the city As witm-souuucil determines to proceed with tiie j my band C AVERTS, THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. proposed exteution of water maine, il j hkai. j and the Corporate Heal of TRADE MARKS, shall raid an enwhich N. make order shall be and TEN eants to M Union Sq., DESIGN PATENTS, Y., Isignn City this the ' Office in J ouni il nullilinf, tor our piixe game, Blind Luok," and tered on record in the minutes of 'la fiClh day of October, A. 1). 1HWL T.ossg, COPYRICHTS, ate. win a New Homs Dewing Maohlna. and tmi ilsmihook wnf to JarAlltnfivniattns and proceedings, authorizing directing Andf-rsuntXJ.. NS Anoi.i'M Hi:iMUAT. New iOKK. work none the to lie ai'd tlie piMs or Ohipftt burpita inr necurm:; pat .it in Amuruve The New Home Sewing Machine Co. City liejurtler. Kvry HdtPiit taken out bjr u u binoithi before niuiiie to be laid, under t he supervision T. BARRKTT, ORANCI, MASS. tteiNiuic (17 a iuii km jtiren lrwul euknnutlii of Hie proper olticer or oflicere, )teron or lie named in to tlie iwrsone order; and 4 SCIIAl'H A SON, theauunci! shall tbereuiioii, silting as n cat. iu. 6 J board uf asLarreat rfmitsfiina at anr prientillnpawr in tha . equulixation, upiirtion and FOR SALE BY No iiirHheeut vtrfHi. MriMiiili'Hr illiwtratiiil. ses the ctsil of tlie pipes or niuina and the ARCHITECT. man should be wiftuiut if. Weekly. :$.oo $ of tl.riimx iiiotitht Addrcf .MlNN A (V Architci-talaying aauie, or the pari thereof a Surrey otx mid Civil Knginrera. fur: tfttl ttiwaawafeNew Vurk 1117. the notice rent speoiliedin upon the eeieie, lots or piecos of gniund included within the district; auch apportionment Over J. Z. Htewarl's Ofliiv, Snl Iknet, Logas. Will Draw liana and lor Pulilk to he in accordance with the miimre fmt, awl Priv.tr HuiMinga. sucii as (real foot, orinherwieo, board of equulixation shall eatiuiule the siieciai benefits to such projwrly by reason of Mid-Winter . such cxlention of water mains, and a Your Pulrimagr Trwporary Office at raid board of equalization ahull deterKruiilriu-r- , mine to bejusL Emotion 4. The oily council almll The lhereuKiu make an order to be eutered Fair at San Frun-eisc- o Num H MukSikht, of record levying tlie lax, and Tor the l.oa.x. will soon lie opened. Tim of the property iu aiiMriluncc And Tlie Lradhig lt('jiilili(';tii Family lajitr with tlie appoilioiiineiit and deterniina-liouu- f iiiniiageiiiGiit have very eurefully hc the board of equHlixalkin, which leeteil llm lawt nf the World's Fair OF THE UNITED STATES. Nil. IUIU epKiintuient hnll be fully set forth in so that those who wen1 in -auch order. Ihe order shall also des- exhibit WOT II li Fllll I" I HLIi ATI ON. ignate the bounddiiea of the district em- fortunate in not Hooitijjr the Cnitr--I sn.iirn I md Office, Halt Iwka i'll;-Ui:caj I lull. Oil. Ilil-bracing the properly tsxi-d- . Tlie oily council .hell t llml Ih Section Exposition will still have an npxr. Niilici. ik fulhiwiiiK Iimk hkliiutiruf hihinfi-utiuin three eonnuurionerr, reputable tiiuily to inspect the fon'ion lii make iinaif in iiimrl nf hi, exhilti's to make HKueenieul the citizens, provided riiiini,:UHi llml mill naif will Im iimile for in iho last pmassling Hection, who at Sun Franenmo, i The llio I i ramie k of r uiiiy 1'iairt ufi'nrl l iMMity lifHii. in leminiCif) flail, ou Friiliij . J4ij shall be sworn to faithfully end imparWesUrn in line I'M. with a ii)Ki-- r II K No. talfi fur flie its vie usual N railwaj tially execute their tint i n. Kb of Hi.-- , la. K. Mill IJ, He niiiui iletora entering iqion I heir duiiee tlie progressive spirit will, iu connection ewilueiWK to .nive hi. .ml ciiliivaliuii uf, riiiiiiii,ni, in cummiiwiunerH shall give at lesatsixdays with the Southern uam, I util litiiil. ri: knii-Iaeillc ,lutm Wrl.-r- , eniupniiv notice by publication ii. some newHtapr i i 'liMrim Aei.lier all uf lm-'ili-. K in uf low eireet a in circulation round put raid to all Na, , general city of Town, County mu! State, anil aa much trip ntle I'whei,1 (lives all the W.W tlanaiwui, llyno (ini. jiersuti iiitc rested. tlm 1 cxistenec of tional news as any other paper of its clusa. the :r for liiuant. All), A copy of the order provided for in during i(Kiir. the lust proceeding seel iou, ocrii.'iej by Fair. Tin: llio (I nude West, r You: Home Would le liKonijilpte without it. the City under the corporate as you know, nuis tlmiu-t- i to seal of the ciiv, shall lie deliv redtosaut ern, NCTIGKTO (IlKniTOKM. cuiiiinineionera who shall pnxved to li.t San Francisco without change tiolli Kulntp of Julias ne IVtanu, aud auaena the pniairty accord ing to tln tourist and tirst-ciu- a Iti lliuan Sltcp-iu- g Notim herehy giree Is till under, apisirtionmout set fmtb iu said order, jinned Ezseiitor, id the I met Will and Two curs. Trains of name if tlie tlie owner, knowu, livMmmt of Johannes Faieiwn demneed, slating daily. tlie or if unknown then so elating nluoss nf, wd all iienuii j In im Katioxai. Paviiy Pai'Mi, iiiiiI ritchmH the Kcnrrel urw of the United lmi niKi-- l jiiii.auaHiniS tlm mid LOW RATES lu ex- ilereel, within description and Uie dimension or each find thr wink!. wiib llie neromerj muelieni, lelvrs Itit rvctilft .1 Imtijin luiulu ind uuUhell. It hk let or piece of ground slid Die amount of n Are still in effect to eastern iioint;,,,,,,,,,,l pnbiicwmn of uii. THj Famii y CiKiTk." uim! "Oi Yuvmo Kih.ka.' Iwri.iiliilriv rtiiM sitf waiee. In the mnl Kaoculiwat lu. nmiImic iu lux levied tliureon. Suid oommiesioners tw fli'A r Ami ki'Lik-i(luniin fi'inimiiiit (he mlmitiitMiif of wive and shsll bIhc niukea plut lu accoiiiisny raid via the Rio Urumlu Western Riilway, Hmillilk-ld- , in flu- County of I'fielei. fritiiighti m. It jjrnt ml poliltail in trw. (dilrnalfBiid d(MUhkiiiBHre compre Joss A-- lYntaimn, list, allowing the location uf the mains UemenilxT the Rio (j ramie WeeL-rheuftivt 1. rill unit uud e xhHiitrlive. dr Acikiivi ti kai Eaecutm of Urn lwt Will ami Tmlnuiwil of incut Huh no be luid and to or ordereil the pipes JosAxass l:k.rxao, Mitftor in (he country-- 11a aM akkkt Mi iiktb" krcnrogninid authority in inoted for the elegant-- of it equipof tlie respective iolecr pieces of nil of the In ml. to tbe ment, its new ctmehes, its free c Imir DatwL Septenilier 25lli, lsdl. ground asaewed witli uine, and sliull return aud deliver snnl lists and pint when cuinplirted, to tlie care, its tourists or coloni) deeper FOR ONLY City Kcuorder wilhm I hirty days after and it new nml artistic I'ullnian No. r!1 New Yoik Weekly Tiilwnr, per year.. i on . their appointment, and raid idst end list NOTH K KWH PI HLIC.tTION lKiuble Drawing llooui I'aluee Sleep"I The IaOMn Nut ion. t your fj shall icinnin in the nflioe of the Ciiy OtticH at Halt Luka lily, Utah Ort. Z. and be open to inspection by all ing care which run through to lrtc. Tiitai 35o Notim ia hendir sirra Hint tlu followiiis liersous iutereeleii, for period of tes ic.innl HCith-- r low hImI nina of ha inliiiitioti Chicago without change. days. Speed Ii, iaiikti nMtl imNd in U'iioit nf bin claim, ami Section & Immediately upon the re Safety and Comfort" in iu well earn- ihl mid inif will Iw nia thu ('Ink I III Court nf rw-itiuih. at turn of such list and pint to him, the ed mul 'osnly County, M Two to. on Nur. line main ItHii, miliar exfast 1Mi cilt, Ith. IcHL City liecorder shall publish a notice to via Jain'-- Kerr II. K. No. 71 for tin, Mi; of that elfsct, describing the district in re- press Irani to the Kart daily. Wt., K Kk of Ifl Wlfl awl 14 X, of 4, Addm u'.l Orders to: Subscription, liar Hexiu ut any Timr. RL N of U I W. Halt I wit. M.iridlhli. ha, spect la which they ere made, aud that llw llcnnnim followiiut wiwmws to imv the nauu-- w ill be open to inspection for hi.roiitiiiwnu iwiili-uupon and mlliialion THE LOGAN NATION. tendaya, during which time written ob- TICKET0FFICE 15 W. 2ND SOUTH ST. nf, mill Ihu-I- tit: Julia A. lantlimn, Itobwt CmwiJ.nw. William Wyalt, Monmi kfyora, all jections to said aaacMinei't and appeals uf Wcllavilla, Csclw (xiUlil). Uiall. to tbe council for the correction of mid : D c l)ouaE A. R. Watav, . II. Bkmnktt W. W. Msiilian, Hyrae Oroo, BsewflOMBt nay be filed with the Ciiy cca, bca'ISapt, 0,P. T. A' Auy, lot UaimsnL AS OUUINWCK Qrfcoa a VSnendLfo -- , I Ve cause of h Santa Fe Route. j ProVc c!Vor. cxTXmerVeatt. Arc Von lioiiitf to (lie WOHIJVS VAUll .. . j?ri. iior ArfteresYa If ao lhm l Fail lo Siviirc Your Ticket Itcmling i jt. r i Rio Grand Western, Colorado Midland. Ate ison, T11K SHOItTKHT ami t - 1 CURED r.si'UASSJil KCKMIliY I NKtl-ALLT- VIA (i LKN Train leaves Union Depot, ::t p. m. 200 Mam Street. OD SPRINGS. V Ticket Olfiua O-d- en. .... pn-toe- (jl'ICKlKI' I.IM! EgUlPMENT CUP II (J Ojj'luu, Salt Lake IsTween City and Chicago without Change, il A Santa Fe Railways. The only liue running Pullman Slccpiii;' cur r deu-ruiin- e a & Topeka 1 H. (!. liTUNETT, Uenehal Agent I THOUSANDS NIGHT kiM-a- r J. 1 it. ; bue-iiis- s pro-tiose- awsal r Log Cabin Shoe Shop IlliH-k- . ... re-s- i. Ile-cir.- t. un-e- JlGHT IUHHIKG nmeln-IlK'i- J. :)j . Im.ly Iuildinfr . Halt Luko City. RITER BROS ompany. Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Faints, Oils, and YarnisKes Also the Host of Wines, Liquors, Ale, ituer and l'ortcr. ronipt attention an 1 careful pricing Lgatv, UtaK, and Orders given FranklfT IdaXo. J y lit)-a- - lgan ? First National Bank. I) LOGAN, UT AH,36 'ie , c. fwntific aiueriran HARRIS BROS. LW. The TS Fair! Mid-Wint- Dp yii-.-- iiHu.i-.f- llii-- l I 1. 1 - Nation $50,000,00. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. l'lint. Pay At. CaHhier. Allan M. Fleiuiu, C, C. CiNhlwin, John 11. Davi. S. Lyon S. McCOrnick, Hip'ey IWiierroTTTmilV 'V. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Drafts Issued on Europe and the Old World, Careflil ftftention given to all Business. Tlie American Method er The Capital RJii-itnl- . Logan id . EXTRACTED WITHOUT Fot Painless Dentistry. PAIN BY OBTUNOINE ARTIFICIAL TEETH A Since lie Ueginijing it hn Then why 'Hirer Iain lo haw 1 il BRIDGE WORK You no More In tow i Ire in Fiipulurily. Teelh Fillnl, when idvanLige of THE AMERICAN METHOD. UN- SURPASSED DR. D. L. WALLIGK, FILLING A -- 1iim-iI- Hu . Mid-WmP- Hue-orde- NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. set-ure- NATURAL exeiimite riglil to nMr:ile thin wonderful pain saving iiietlnxl in Igigau. TEETH A SPECIALTY. II II K 2 A 3 00 IkICKK liLOCH. - - Locas, - Utah J 1 1 i liil-i- l UNION 25 STERLINQ i "( ( - lrt 1 , : puei-tion- n j $2.50 Wit Furnish Loth 18 Papers For $2.50 hli-fin- la Ar tlie Hlglieitt Onitle OCR LINK MKOIlM CUAfiK or llK VI'l.i: hi IM, Mi, 1.1 AN hTili'!, Mini WHhIJJ) (i. zqi'AL CK-- h GIRL. MKN AND MOMKN. i. AOCNTR WBNTCD. SZND 4 CENTS FOR CATALOa, '' - lNLS,VlO-'M-t:lli..'lLit-.- , Alftr. Co. Stokes Wabash 39J NT, CCM CN, t- - r.piif. Hl', HILAMP. IJ1Hv. CAR. iii l n. mi.. Hll'lfl'LB HIS, ST lu. ALL KI7.KH. ALL IKIVHl 8 OR UOY. St'N-OIM- K OP ALL McLfl 14,1 ,1- -I HAVE NO a , lusllils. Avd., CHICAGO. . BKS5S! AND MILWAUMIC |