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Show silver wiu deinnneliml and gold made the standard. There i ao man in the United States with ingenuity enough to account fur the demonetization of xilver iu 1S73. There is not one. 1 do not think the few have the right to combine to increase the value of what people call money against the debtor and iu favor of ull the creditors. I want free coinage of all the silver you can mine from the mine of America, and if there is those who are not willing to take silver we will not trade with them. The SEM1-IVEEKL- ( Klliroa JNO. F. PRIBYL. Eoituk. AsXOCMTK sriiHOHimox hatkh: One Year 3ii Month I lire Month The Logon Journal insist on binding up the fate ot the Agricultural Collide with t he suceasor failure of the dcui-icratic part .This imJxIsnre.in view of the fact that the duuiocrat are in a minority in boih branches of ih. Ixigi - I NoTOKEITY COMES to him Who slngs and waits. what the average unin then the Journal editor lock great deal of being an aver- ags nikD. 7i ibuttr. woukl1!wJi jriiu IikjiI'.' find . UEORVE IF. ii.uulr Inesi lin, ik aud kind .1! i'l (mu I, Wttl f tiru;.liii(-rM- k UeJ .liall yA''1' Ibc i ' , ! '! I1".: eti'ul' Ttao r lsA pink. ikr. n'nla,ll( l I'l'W rols y mli-iissio- n a Ami-rit-un- s Tli rliarrr initlifuis at Ills Klioia ra ihnrnuiu ipilil, Tlw id jt p!)'r nf ilia brrcia Thai re. 'i lia rustic Musa na pain-- y and tha lliruidk If alia uMjjcliiuui i lnioca r hire, tlua auumry blualil -- S. IL linla. THATCHER. . U'-- huld l tlt u Inail: inalcli. , i 1 Anu-ruuiis- drink. liuliiatoeali'h 'I 11 L Tlir stack 1 lui RiiJkA k, a 8 Hw B- Till- kili:lnp . t !q, f Awry, -- V 1 bap-m- i That i1- - I'ul'Miil Tlar:.i,i i Lu T f a aluwina Hmuitiiiioi tJNUr u h Imul Aid iIih inoiilli Th cpli'iij . T' h-i buv. till-blu-r 1 ic -.il ; T shi-'d- ANII 1VBI.IXUKK. ru-cV il'.i A Hgli Liver tteverul ntlier asuardicut iiu1 Unusually has a kail liver. . girls, qnite a i rt .;y a thu c:iitur of tll be given I iiesaiiy aiidnituiMay Warren's tnuuiUsry siTcctionii, wars is bilious, coustipated, has iudig Ailiuit-o- u rati'.l uboot.iimuj ou iionu au.l wi.. tum aud dysp.-jniia- . If there i evening of each wci-k- . . cm u:i 1 . a low curl, in fa ar..-r- . N oi) ( cents. nion, of .turdny, nr,,,j(. t,)U,Id a few . . KlUInili VY:r- - 1'iuk ii Sui p Cuii will tola1 him J i1 r i r'U'uniay mutuum fit Hfiiry," viii m snon ii-.Music by Fr.i- I'm k's .Sure Cure is the 0nlv!diiJdn'n 'dotviits ten.; i In r.i l:ttle v.Wu 1ninr;.i toiii'i'- - , 1 i it , 1,1 al'-"'bU- r nut! mvr tell ou kiiluiky curt1 ry then.- - teemed eniwthiu nne.-ur.instrui-ti.ii- i , ii:iiin-ilaof tlw lace. To clos, about the pisitive gum tin tee. Fricu Ifl.OO. u nel to tlw ir.xuriou fitlinr nf and Ft r sale by Liter Bros. Drug On. ach week; is) ilirt l:une. the Imre wall For infuriiiiiiiiiu regardu: flours, covered with palm juitutes, vi-rC. M. 1 tins the . largest and leus-m- s exjierh-m-cetc., enquire at barley's a .t UMorted stork of Lmiiea' and oiiii-e- , Third etrect. nl aonz canw from Wiiilu langhti-- r Hours from were .'i iidrtu's full aud winter tlw liitle hoiiKe, aud tlw in 10 a. in. tu 5 i Wraps etii-lin. day. p. whispering lore nothings in the r ears of lu- rily. J T. D. Lewis, du., tf newly fonml Ainorenx, in anottn-- hotisi' not far from tho water more Manager. wonl.i wore passing between tJld Chinn You it sulwcriptiiiD to The Na-io- N idd and the tall hirer of lliiiiella. The Ws sell Burk's Guugli Syrup ou aud uiny lm mill in any kiml of in green was listening with ill i umin or prniluce, if taken to the a ixwitive guure ntt-- e to cure nil iiiysti-ru-pleasure to tlw man who w., Z. 0. M. 1., at once.tliroat mill lung trouble. It bns ui a Curuor C'.ieil 5av- API LOGAN NATION ;for a mere revenue, is it uuy wouder then the Journal end Heruld pat Thatcher on the buck SEWSPAPER. A Well done, noble and whiuer: aud FbHLIHIIEl) TUESDAYS AND FIUDAYD, master, go slug hoiuo more!" AT If they didn't unit he withdrew UTAH. his support both papers would CACHI COUNTY, LOOAN. likely sink into oblivion iu a very A. N. ROSENBAUM. few dai s. a lll4i LACK PEAKIj. tiie Whoop! Clear do track for me! I um George W. Thatcher! ilon. George AY. Thatcher! at Mayor-eleGio. . Thatcher! pmauu.-'e- a at favor hands. lit-- r lve No sbxxl tho test for iuiuy years and of Irrigation Keetmg. is tin lea hug reniaiy lor iuti--i tc.tivl in the lxigiiii & I All ho cuve of colds, ii on ami Lughii .( .1yd Park Canals of the tliro.it ami nml all heiul-Itial a luenling will fit) cents nml ir'l.CM. Brice lungs. Im in the ('nurl ll.nise, tatgau, Monday, Dec. 4Ui. at 12 o'clock ui., for For sale by lliler Bio. Drug (Jo. about tlw short of that pretty . bay over eat-'- ied her notice, and uothiiig woman so stout oi l the pleased much as tit ho sought out bv tlw miior-on- s of tho upjier classe to listen Pi such i format ion from her lips ai is sought from tho "aeeoiiil sijlit" laislinms of onr uvrn country. So yon want to buy tlw Cluck Ir.rli Old To bny it! Yon fool!" Bhri.-kw-l Ctiina when tlw Mexican had Wliat do yon know about his stm-y-. it:" 1 know what was ssiil when tlw com, aiid.-tn- t was found tWl, aud tint the .lulico were afraid Pi search for it. Five iinudrad iwsos for it use tonight that is ull I ask. Tlw police are fools, and you are fooL I know nothing about the Cluck Notitt- - if Acapulco ip an ideal ona Many of our leading and liest I after thosteaiin-- r is oiue muted citizens have expressed a r iurcj of mystery to tho h.ivo md Uu on deck their disapproval at the course v tiiotjuit little hay. our neighbor thus far has pursued howKiHiovtuWrlLujtuiiis i:i tho Sie? pdlniriuiid (raiiical green regudiiig the Agricultural College. the purpose of bearing the annual report 1 am de individual what thinks ground, tin) water ulou;' tinY Balht-- Sleep tiie Trustees and fur levying a t u fur liy the local deniiH'rut ic organ he owus de tlidown to uiid liousoa tlutchud earth. See? Ij in any other form is i he Than take and should insist upon trying to for lKlU, the of transaction till. slinrs at tlw ytar coast and oil on the No make reom..for'ine! thoau-thur.y uthnr business tliut uiay com before wliut many other people think unit make this most important qtiea-tiomuiuiif th otLu.l to ryht ti.o meeting. Keep out of my road or Ill step risiir' griiii;ta(y pruon all these is reixirted that Calvin Bark's Tea is made for just those a party issue we cHimot dent fort (ill a lover of the Y'loa. Tai;kkt, Ws. Watt kudos, See? llcasouer is to lie the editor of the ouyer! D cures constipation ami folks. t ntliTtsLifiii. a ai.'ht aspecinlly as the democratic us Qiavlk, Alha Uakkid, 1 want every laxly to take off Ogden Standard. Mr. Reosoner parly is greatly in the minority not a cnlhuriic moves the tlinuuh tcrasiue with limit ttweteaiaer are thick W. Pali, a un, it. T. II. Rkksk, to me. Tim waters aul dngontsof tlmhnin-witis an aide writer, a good Republi- in liotb branches of the . their hats .N. C. CiiKisTFsacii. Ixarel Trustees. every duy. For sale ut Ititer tlw Ismt nil dirty native boye 1 want 'em to crawl ou their can and is as comjieteut as any It J. IS. Cow x.KT, Sony. Rios. Ding Co. The only posailile reason women Its, KMrls anil a world of knees me. 11m n to till the editorial chair all koeiiiv' np a constant fruit. why the Journal should pursue want em to creep up to me iU'hawriliatilt- n; jarK-m-. tliut. with the Pearl.' i vacated by Frank J. Cannon. such a derogatory course is that it Come, China. A thousand pesos for and keep din of j:ihlii-- ulf nalu-i-l uatircs puMiiig Always buy the and kiss my big toe. its use and llw knowledge how torso it' home. wishes to make a little notoriety hundreds of to tie- si dLichargin circuUting mui.ey A thousand pi non," muttered the old Dont mind it spoiliu1 yer ap- from the With its first issue in Dicein-be- r for itself at tlm excuinz sahio, iu sharp expense of the Have yon tlw money with woman. ltiio tnu'a outlook on the I but do as tell ycr! Seel cargo, peaceful lMJ!,77ir Ayr, published weekly jes Works The which supports it. petite, oiumunity id. to contrast don't do If 1 want it use ub I want yer to uin at Boulder, Moutmiii, will liegiu Our and I that yer have, Aye. dolint a ire ship ttw city contempo) ary is certainly (DrroMTR Thatchxs llxus. I!.iri:) do I'll punch de atutliu out of From lh saiiill the publication of a scries of adobes, sealtm-ei- l tiers for only this ona this institution to an injury China .uduic i i..tja.i adjoining room, ing i rniif an collection with j hilkiido, ou (he very important subject aud Manufacture all kinilsuf Uud rwear, brought the community, and if it was yer! thiT.i i. ig, liv.v white huildiu in w'.mnce nfUr nincii nnil the kind of a bluku I an . Thats liiwivry nnd Knit UjoUs, His folol Direct Legislation, or the re- the fonU a v.Tapped imcluige fully liost'.w traveler !l noJiK-bitterest euerny the College seiior.'' is a partial list: nut nudo You aesied. this, niust lowing See to laws Lruicuiticu house ttmn view. ference of all promised nut, could nut pursuo a more men.. said, or you, too. will suffer if you I he-Von It Woiettd llirtx-lie tlw ) iulubitauti I putted am a I the jieople for their approval or dacious course tliuu it has thus slugger from way back. little cit I I- itiuUer of tho litl, see the isrL Cssinnere j ixony Hose, I can slug Ii thron-jeany cripple or any fora him nl wi?h dark rejection. It is exeeted that all fur pursued. If the Journal Iiub . lilies' Faninators, illiil.lreiis' llood ailohe the in Imeu and is 1 man will what with or The come hi white linen son.' thrivlf laughter ouly half as big as anil OunU' Cwdignu's. phases of the subject knock on tho onter any frieudly feelings towards tin eyed sen o: gm many of tlw latter ensita stopped at a Iioi s' Y.ml Underwear, and ui der review, and as the proposi- College they had lictter take a ami bsspangh urapo hangin; over tlw lour, aud Ned Warren's pretty Acapul t j:idiva snd Cliilil reus If em 1 ran call with ttw I caut tin? M.KSioni. A tion is likely to be a prominent different course thnu nuswi-recun slug they have, Merino l u reiiraseutcd an Anwr- - parcel was handed tier l y the piiuik in at least one of the party or remain silent. If they have 110 for help, an if help dont com rhooldi-r.With the Edmn-Ladies and Cliitdreos L ink's Wool hwl taken the plain of which she wigcrly unfol.Icd. suddim I an should get lean hoik platforms iu the political campaign rinndly feelings towards this mighty ." it said, but she uf made the .r years Underwear. Muds iu Veal and tlio worst of it I can raise the rate ttw travel of next year. Iexn-jthe knew handwriting. u MiaiiortA Drawers or Union Suita, institution and wish to see it taken , or iatereat an get even nor "How fanny it tuiahunrr she thought, a'tnnitl w Acapnleo bsfoi-anml Ladies Skirls, ruin this city, the people demand Elehail il L Sanford, wlio accouqiauied hut her snapping black eyes danced with Mittens for Every body. Thais what I said! The Pitovo DUftntrh pays us to know, that i frinnd nud 1 the she undid id h us hod Ilea panx'l only just glee trip. They they may recognize We carry all kinds of yarn that is tlm people liy the back Aim on I luruine settled in the The allowing compliment: to contain n lninwns9 LLtcI; pcni'l i their friends and give their of I've got made. work metal of in (inuint beaten to I in lintel time for a or yellow enjoy thu neck, right where the apriprhtlincss oil'll I tlM NTluX enemies their just deserts. It aide exil wlwu they felt an nnuiship. At her exchimntion of dulielit We bike all kinds nf produce nnd short and dont you makes one regret that it is not a a deliejli'jnhi the thrones which filled the others grouped alxiut, nail tfio objecS BHC'TrirYUiai bio that the t store Wheiil&k).; Egg2-Vcalculati-iInuvtsl stn-e- t na eveniu.T come of their admiring glances was hiid ir.ipi democratic paper." We appreciate Journal could be but friend ti ws uinke. 'u RIKU Uin i51Al,i!,,i'l for inspection. VjjorgJJowedtho footstep of the talile aq-tie compliment from onr demo- wards the Agricultural College, Au instinctive shudder l.o; . do) 1"1 street leading by tlw Sanford ss Mcriidbt laid it m cratic friend and can cheerfully but if so, that paper certainly has and tho plaza, just caudle light. It seemed to emit a myra return it, for siuee Editor Bartow a way to show its house, a small space peculiar light, and a queer, pricking a 'ttv store, straddled the tripod the Dujntch If they .ilon t iuTus tiou went through his veins as ho viewed dins opened to back tlw lower elanei tiie jewel the lar.. t of its kiud iw h:ul t after to do Ill way-la- y has made wonderful improveem on tli andor a wat. ji t!io fanilaug A Tho ever seen. As he looked a feeling of exDEALERS IN when) ments ami is toil ay the hi at and street an' slug 'em au- mop the aSKim'ili-rk skinned men aud women hilaration came over him. rach as he i OS SILVER ISQERSOLL Llab. fairest Jrtiiijfwt1' jwtper iu of tha locality, hud nut felt during the evening. earth up with em! crowd uf a tlm That lost drink uf tcqnila wn tixi all lirassei itlia ifim light of tlw long 1 dont cure a d n if lam 7Aluttnljr'sieaks well for the .toil ht re and there among much." ha thought, but tho others, too. "business men aud (wople of irovu (Mil out It Robert G. Ingersoll p tya the aud inarcUod iuto the police h.rchos The (kraffd five is Twi t Cej twkuol Supplies . li!f ghostAuf dop.irted were beginning to evince sign of ph to support two dailies. Why can't following tribute to silver, show- eourt like a common hil.ii-.tol nil tiie even than All were greater watchiiig ttie rowdy. throiij: Logan do likcwL-.cfuacing tin? nuumtonouti clog the night hod brought forth. A taint ing that it is the money for the I don't care if I do have to fori, ill 'the low platform to the inn. tiluo hast) seemed to cover every object masses anil that it is only in tin over a fine for keiu disorder! couji in tha room. Tha figures of the girl at ,. tniuliniirine aud .guitar, The Sai,isa Pnu haviug enter- inten-s- t of capitalists ami mouey aud on hip iirul heads thrown interval looked far sway uiul then ncxr sir uf il figlitiu'l Finest sromid Fliotograiili FaHois in the Territory. ed upon the thiol year of its ex- loanera that Bilver is kept down. faced such other on by. while s feeling of utter reckleesnesa I care for such With ha lancers don't Nope; All the his whole anna' and tlw being. pervaded iurt, istence last wetk, its editor made hack, I said I would say oue or two triileb! of tha opium outer coul-- not he imping uf little feet uiul the the bour known that fuel to his readers and words on such vulgar things as Much occurrences cant happni constant iu xida to side waa kept np more weird than tliosi) which came into also stated that the Prtu has gold and silver. 1 a in satisfied, and others took Sanford's brain as his gaza was riveted changin: much longer! on the jewel lying among tha candles Main Street, Logan, Utah. nntil always been a delicate child, and as I am that I live, tl at the few Koon 1 11 be a )m had mingled with the grouped around it on the table, In their ploi the wonder is that it has survived who control the debts, the cur he iliucers, watching al- dim light it seemed to grow and grow, Mayor, au I'll have things all my The An tiatfiirm and tho groups ol emitting a demoniacal glow that, but fur the days of infancy and rency, the money of tho world, throng a! R. II. & A. CURTIS, 'toun soft had discuv- the spirit of recklessness which iMaUKed tematcl reached a criod w hen ginglunu hare combined, either conscien- way! with his filled soul would mid have hare the law prohibiting girls abin him, lean cMjnettish 'rangers, T pauts Hie in order. The Prtu has tiously or uucouscieutioualy, to street out from beneath long dread. an tliei. cred fightiu repealed, of ucv--Fren one j the cried The was miles') girls, v had the inesslcs, small pox, itch make the debtor pay more than fandango, hapiy wont have to pay any inort laalu-s- . Let us in love with every pretty with a wild burst of laughter. croup, yellow fever, jaundice, tha creditor has a right to ask. his path. II: dance once more, fur I fool as though my ime nens-lines! in lovaa ALL KINDS OF worms, liver complaint, coin;, brain The tendency Las alwuys been fare tha) i st eras he caught the glance.i feet were on fire, and wlx-- the guitar My example is likely to nml wnl Henry, and lx? sounded the notes of the dunce the (lane- lieart hen fever aud un uwful array of other iu this world to put the burdens other men to indulge in jhot at l hed tiie latter's arm off ss s ers seemed to enter into it with fiendish infantile disorders, aud it has on those least able to liear them from a dark eyed beauty on delight and boisteriimsenthusiusm. Hack street bras Is, but w hut's thedifi! nearly the throng. and forth they crossed, swaying like wil- Repairing and Fiiiuishing Roue on Fliort Notice anil at Izmcst Bossilile .mile pulled through them ull. The In barbarian countries the women esi Give the toughs n cliauce! Pm-Did lows in the wind, with huml on hips snd I'riec, bo inryl yon i eyes! chances are that it will live to edge have to do the work simply lieeause I wid like?" he exeljinieil. Wind's the use of havin au orheeds well buck, their feet Ooil. riM old age. Feeble children they are the weaker that is all. id re ahe livos. Are you with stamping to the twanging of the oversee derly towu all of the time? o rnblx .1 his liuml in antii Faster and fasb-- their iiiuveinents lx: so innnt generally muke robust adults. And the others, 1 icing the stronger, Ttab. Bark of Mr. Curlin' HtmrdiiiK lirniK1. Let th loughs turn themselves tnoY an St., Iittirmi ind and (rd. to fill every as the uiuxiu was c.uuo, llenry Indeed it will. Brother Wallace, do not expend tlmir strength in IlMIBl-- ! fiber with its wild action. istioti or dy fur a lark as his compauThe Per is one of the livdist working, but expend tlu-i- strength s Is t us have a reign of terror, ignite as r Tho dancing was over, WlifiiYoii Visit Logit u Call At Tin ion. were in bodies found the adobe in the laud aud no iu making the weaker do their Five country pajM-ram in favor of it ! i Ten o'cl ivd scattered thruugh theihuk no next marks with but caita morning, work. ordinary siege riiu'fium it. Wasn't 1 the first man to lead .unlthei-of violence or other signs to show the better look out fur that tall cause of death. This is precisely the same in out slug a poaccablo citieus. Yim ha 'iVtWour beauty, Ned. He r quaint Mexican of The The liOOAN Jonrnuf and Salt our civilized today. BeSo tremble you weak tneu and Mexican v kmIKjuta ns." cautioned seaport : i..!e of p wrir.l a Hates Cl to SI per Duy. Lake Jltrnhf are the only papers tween the rich and the jiunr, if the stick. may from tix.v women! tiie taken k guif. tb unprotected " Ciunoon." was theother's hidden as dix-- tho hx-- weed in the country which have burden is to lie Ixirne in this Henry. nil Run, you little children, when Travelers and Thfaliid Tiuujhs. 'Nonsen wlm tasto that evil plant, and they llndiprtrn For G sorgo W, country, it is Uirne by the poor Muyor-clenotice the native mo come! police, see rejoiudiTVB,'t (biiiix of ieath year a.p) you 0f a Tliatclu-- for slugging a icuceublc always. They i nn i tluro vrhen two fureignr-For I am Strict Attention Given to the (Juiiifnrt of 1utrons. Bogie Logans rehrlinnl as tlmAimTicuns nui not citizen without any cause or Pxllftllrtrf fllll).lt the fl, of th 'They are the first to snfft-rmini.'' the first cmKuest oiiio (lb wluw0 fire kept them foutstejuof H. BROWN. Proppictop. Mps. nnw provocation. The reason why Let the blast of war blow over imr did Rfy dogged i the f tin'. augo till eviTy it., rzy Whoop! of in" cnaloin tlm who to twothese war? this the endorse of tlw i rutiuing UTH. country; goes LCKSAN, iHiMrs wax guns and life went fnnu t". l any pretext whutorer for know th Ar :.iuL John Craig in Fun Fruik-iscA NIW DEPARTURI. Thatchers brutal nml rowdy con Who gins to the front!1 1 lie of the Muriella lino. paltry fondgin Who Not oue. duct is Ihh'iiuso tlm Journal is his milliouaries? w full well tliat lu... w With the uew lime card in effect the rave A Scir CIsm of (:iuiauiiii. behiuil, and so dhl her personal orgau aud dares not do goes? The great presidents of Sunday, Nuv. lDlli, the Rio Nxrvu..-- . iiitiu r.ietnl." nn a new : of The He hudii min-rnight as cinupuniiilx ' No. who men The him else by S Axil, r and but on Western a the corixiMtions? GrAiide any thing innagurates pat iviii Till'd i.i Mil, and went tall luv. Svliilerens. hey lutvo fmmil tli.it re of vaults him lm has done we! l tim over service the CHf rlinir If i1j:ui. great gold? siHH-iapreside Warren recliuing duc.-nlisurlix. in tim coM. the ai d hi commit uti on vsxm cojipcr to uf ni rugeu ixavixiile. heat In Ogden aud Denver. The back ,?and the llrrald is edited by about Not much! The )mor man goes he liumboat woman Ncstl Ii4ir lo Clu.Tjfu Cli tiling IIl Conilfiitly i ii lliiril in ' inost abt'iniimble reptile tbs! Imcause nine times out of ten the clmirs are of a social pattern and cans linriiig the linos. The t'Xl Acapulco, they might with 0 in a luariion ciiuipM.u.l, product back in tin ir uxtive city. are not and ch.. creep the earth aud who is ever jioor man is the more patriotic. fur com fort and uf whii h i the tlu-i; stefis his tangs into that The poor bear the burden of tins surpassed anywhere. These care ev en tu This in liitrir the formula l'u'4'SO-lready to by xkiinuNl unlive still will lie free tu all cIbbsps uf Tho A similar cumponiid hus beau which is good anil honest; iu fact country and of this world. copper. Tlwiy nxluted. The law and fin tickets. obtained with cuhclt. New York Jour lh the lltfnhl msu is tu.vt kind of in the Only a few years ago our nal. II. Bensett, a. B. & T. A. J. :? ni a voice t mois," lauiG said, was pretty fellow who would endorse and money was gold and silver money Aiith alacrity the jiieJ moat disreputable (but hud been the money of man laud the Casa paid fur eggs at Z. C. M, L Fatuity urdsrs promptly alleudod tu. Free delivery tool! parts of City J.Z. Sb war i gives special atlcuLoo and th:.. burned dimly characters aud the hideous crimes for thousands of years Our to probate busiuesa. TiUtiuajg hands and was incut a punish feet a in every country ill practiced Europe but England two centuries ago. No mnn who wan thus punished was ever known to ninke a kick, dilnr. off the (.Ii'TTlNtf bm-.ils- t' ct . r l e t - e u con-Ci'ir- e, au-tka- t o h Legis-uture- ped-ba-:t e dli-.i- s ii, dirw-nse- s lw-- r f fini-dii-- d -- It pers--n- ! - I'ume-iii.nl- ! e hrk x-- i art-ic'- ea t'.i-- os-n- u 1 c.-.- r Di-- .t , , a llix-'e- , s -- W-x- n-a- l mesa-ugi- f . bn-.- l J Clii!-lre- uiiser-litnile- tu-- d hui-grow- s mis-yo- ur . ur-l-r- JiK-siP- 1- " M w HUK.-40X-, iui-M- icu-liiU- vi-w- bi-'ii- i ? THOMAS & ODELL, , t - live-hue- s senur-Ulero- ? STftTIONeKY. BOOKS $ ed anil-tl- plian-tamu- a l full-fledg- ed ihf-i- r - , J. - ! ej-c- ' ! r 'a ( TINSMITHS. -- IP . : isc-l- f sitti-ri!!-- ; give: r ndvi-niiiro- ami Roofing . . fiullcr Work, us a oall. I? - ' r . I s Peoples Hotel, n I .itr.-ct- I gow-ip- s mx-iet- 1 1 ti-- s uj-n- b-l- ct , r s . J. j - xd-cl- ose 1 s 1 lmi-kan- b-- ll I Aiin-H-l- L a d cidi-m- iiD-- u:-iv- e r PfirtiG n-- BUTCHER l . A-- b. sss:Ess:ic, Beef, Mutton, Veal, hut F.tG. |