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Show LOGftN NATION Ttte Aa'i v1i:iiNU Vo ail i x'.'liur.jtt1 the up (his s'ibj cl Hint wrlir nr it iu the following interesting tots ot bifceu matrimonial record has lieeu broken by a woman in Vaulue, Ohio. Shn has buried her sixth huslsuid, ami has just consoled herself by taking a seventh. A New York company refused to insure his life. tl-- -- 1 vbn-- l tvir f,n'.)t)fu-brin- ii'.ine p; n.o im. JoWly .Mimsa tins emu nC 1'H.iKT LIAIU.H '!"! i F. Ii- i a at mug, large man, from a lixiutch published in Il lUsetts. Their this morniiig that ttmStumh'id -' dur.trn huv, 2 is til ur manner: curious ii.iituds a i It built up by seigbing pr.Maluy phenowoKEMSPAPLU. the Thu'i mayor- her, i an well nun that so nmny men waut to bn; i.i athlete, let one year ago, lie "b1 lapping bm" b'H w ..f a gun while it is true that editors misled by d L.g'igic democratic Kicnce ami in I'm pr.m FVHLlllliUTl&DAY8 AND FRIDAYS. i.a iu.m-ii- s - t; s been art practici' K ids AT c are seldoni popular. M'ben iny-- ! orators, the of llii.-- pa, cr S a .mu Kilitur in these cities hood of Tim N n.ix, UTAH. CACHK COUNTY. govs wrong the edito; is gave a inajon of 17,024 for the you. ; aisii, weighi.i j less ni.il lbil le cuiis.' Tile Natii-- i Ssed slie'lier the LOOAN, hu-- wasani'u-lunivi'lblamed for not preventing it lien free-tracn lidatefor governor,' pom a: i. Mr. Tuatcher toplcd Mr. i Thatcher l ut inn. U is alli'ce-drnuk ratic . William E. A. N. ROSENBAUM. on reason not ih the 'Rosenbaum are iu But the in coin they itiiicy amt, individual that this lort. ea'iio ElllTOK AND llMIJSMKR. u seutimeut These is growing which lm$ elapsed, the Mama- - ced au impiojicr inuvers-itnumore iopular is liecause the ediwbb f durin; 'lie whilu il, i't", amp delegate of iu the iu favor South, tors have failed to notice aud com- chusitts protection JNO. F. PRIBYL. hnva sccu ein d livcred by lis'i nii tr to a spiV-Ahxocjatb Editor. any a the Aspen Timm. Notwith- mend them as their merits de- (lie imluatriAi f their stats fii.i n o t i.t nepublu-- u orator ill Ulan, that ha would whip the ppeuki-standing the fact that laitli homns serve. if only the pumrs had by tlmftueuiuv of NATKX: Hl'HHCUll'TIIIM il hn (the apea'ier) were not so uiui-ol congress are so overwhelmingly commented mi that slaeu have their performance They employers Ha must Iw a si.ialler than One Year democratic tho free traders are of urine, as deprived of a market for their they bhould have done, biav unin, but iu his new role of edit, r Six Moiitlw a time they it would have made me a great gisKls by tho unccrtaiuty caused promised lively The Best Medicine. three Months v'dpper be is liable to come to grief. succeed in eiulMNlyiug their prinI! i would hear in luind thnt reputation, a man says to himself, by threateued J. O. Wilkie, Cuutnctor and n into a law. Another a- .iiiietiine discretion is the letter fuut lie thinks if the editors Lad hut forced to close their factories. The Builder, Sulj'liur Springs, Texas, Nosik mkn would just as soon ciples of education is likely to lie treated him ol valor- .- Oden Imiln Prenn, Nov. 2'J;h. thus xpcsiks of Ayer's Fills : see fairly he would have Massachusetts! be bung as yet justice. CAM AOAINHT TIIK SKONO 1'KI.LOV. and in this inaugurated had a much better position than Miverty staring them iu the face Ayer. I'iHx are (lie lie.t niedieinH I congrehs ever lri.il uml, iu lily Jiuliiinent, uo was an unwarranted utlm-That time it will teach tho people that the one ho now holds. Ho there- os a result of their victory of butler gi No maitrh how dry the weather remedy n mill lm iln iaed. wiiieh the lion. Geo. (V. Th it her insdo is an American idea, fore blames the editors and protection lost is wonder small that I have iik.nI It ia uiy family ami year. men it of the lb Eiiitor In some are there upon Andy people prison niiyht and is right. Democrats used to recMiiiiuriiiln and tu iny them of personal enmity to they have reversal their verdict of b.- um, of This menNation, as cannot dry up. eniiloNi fur more than twenty claim when they were occupying him. This is not the first- time a ti ire. I in tbe ape-ito the Shintlttrd year ago. The rnajoiity of To my certain knuwleil.o-- , luiuiy that all the position of the e yesterday uiornin;-- . There was no gotsl for the candidate of tlm following (Niuiplaiutt Lave been The uawaiiax question: Wliat associations or organizations they have slighted me, lie says to muni for it either. In unswtr to a completely aiul last year lias disappeared, nud has irinwlf as his temper rises. obligations is Grover Cleveland handling capital were monopolies ti'.n, the editor said in an editorial, Inien is a man however, holpeil When, replaced by that lie knew no other Permanently Cured ji Repulilican under hi Queen Liliuokalani? and should not lie protected; that liy the idTTie not does he sixtivu cities of the ue of Ay rra Filin alone : Third e ilou-by majority give tile Thatcher 0sra papers, wl.y if the profits on manufactures tlu-day elillN, dumb ugua, liiliuua fever, did not advertise in ihn takes all the 783 a chaug of 13,712 votes. credit, lie alk headache, rlieiiinutiMii, flux, The Hum i Hum snya there is lessoned the lulmrer would be credit to himself. It was his organ than that thr Opera louse great This, too, with the solid Irish coitii:itiuii,aiul hard rohla. I no place in the lit Liu where God benefited, etc. It is now logina democratic iimtitution. snd that made his reputation democratic vote of Boston inVilow thnt a nioderatn iuw of Ayer's ability loafer ISepulilii-HUhave lius promised to make the expwsej Iilla, eontiiiiuil for a few days or weeks, ning to dawn on the minds ol and gav e him popularity. It was cluded. opinion that they certainly thought outlie nature of the com plaint reipiired, some of these pimple that the Iris merit nloue that secured his happyThe workingmen are slow to no Uepublieuns aliuuld jialronixe the would tie found an aUioluta cure fur th Ainaricun d.sirablu quickest way to diNorders I have named ultove. Men are learn. They are not quickwitted etc. House uule:S ()H.ra pwition, wusj orgin The exit: a session of Congress la sir is to bring it into unproI hare been selling mediei ns fur by the houNe." Fur this Mr. liver liNiking aniiiuil fur aouielindy pupils. But when they learn anycost the government over If 500, 000. tected competition with the paup r Thatclier Rood Mr. to Hssault yearn, aud I ran wifely aay that eight thought to.blaniH. and editors stand s ' thing through the Ai.iliuin of We don't how much Cleveland lalor of Europe Ayer'a Pills gir- Setter natixfuetiou lloienbaum. It was an inexcusable This plan will aud hunger they rememlier lmt npn seldom look Pill I ever Mild. J. J. other than any for another rtusou. Mr. Thatcher made on the side. ' uotouly reduce the price of hdMir 111,1111111 for aoniooue to whom it. And they will long remember Perry, Kpoitny lvania C. IT., Y a. is u larger man, ekille.i iu u'hletiia and in this country to a level of thnt credit AYERS PILLS physical performance, luavy ami stmn. may la; given. They take t he striking presen 'ad A HEX in Kansas is said to lay of labor, but every dollar's to themselves ail the credit wihin by Mr. Cleveland au.l his deuio-cr.iti- e while Mr. Kusenliauin is a MmiU'miinj foreign I'reimml by Ir. J.C. Ayrrft('ollDclllliiiM. that rooster two eggs a day. The who has earned hi living bv brain work. worth of manufactured goods reach. Editors get blamed by all kindergarten in the futeful Every Dose Effective lives near there must do a vast from utterly inconipi tent to defend himself countries sold here the failures iu the struggle for summer of 1393. foreign amount of crowiug. i i i-h an attack by aueh an lessens the demand for American opulurity aud glory, au J by OXE KIS'D OF RECIPROCITY. Wo think Mr. Thatcher will regret his inauy A High Liver lnlior that much. Iu other words who measurably succeed, but FOR TUE PUBLICS HEXFFIT. h .tiieadednesa, upon recoml thoiii-ht- , India wanm to borrow $10,000-Olihas a bad liver. He Uuusually Nation. Ircm Tuesday's filled with whose success fulls short of what anJ will be confused by a conseiou ness Wedout linppon to have this country will msuis has indignaNaTtonI Khitob th:.t the bilious, If the time wbcu is couslipatod, lu couie it of the inappropriate and unmanly treatidle workmeu or they will have to they fancy they deserve. Yes, it of the Optn House IjciioieR ment accorded to the handy, or would be nud tion no editor. safe for Isw well uml is 'he It dyspisin. If there is longer Th Nation allngitlit-pcacable work at the starvation wages of is rare that an editor is whrn any tliitril generally to govern one's teinar, and extremely no organic trouble a few doses of pleused to accommodate Indiacome to town. A this House citizens vomp.niy walk tin to streets abiding foreign lauds. does nnt 1i?U any luliuiisxi- tlirouiih the popular. Stop, reader, and rirink of duugerou to ut;er threats const. .i.tly: Park's Sure Cure will, tone him assaultfsigan City without organ, T us Nation, I take It fin excited ami is over all tho editors, secular New Yoke of such natures gHiierally run up greatly DEFEXDIXd LA ed by some cuwurdly and brutish gftiu(L-- that they do sot w.iiil (lie yarosinge of up. Dark's Sure Cure is the only over a pig with only two legB. in (liis city. Why do they .fpiinal the wrong fellow at last. Ogden liver ami religious, you know aliout and any we desire kidney cure we sell on a to tbe that know, i'ltki the Repulilii'an paper, and what, in your Daily Slamlurd, Nov. doth. insider wliat a small portion of bully There's no occhsiou for the exciteKwitive Price $1.00. should ilo ot thr lie I opinion, guarantee. on Krpublknim their ahoulil Jni'RKAMHTIP liy wjy put guard, r nincRf? Haw ia it we do hH hem are jiopular aud then awwer public may ment Theres many of them in learned aoniehuw BLACKGUARDS get to many, Bros. sale For ltiter For or oilier not m call sick canned Drug Co. by if necessary carry hii artillery wir .bit a headache, liy aa good plitya here aa they do in Provo? do so uany every country. their elder liar. A good alap in the the question: Why wish which to protect (iiiiordered btoiniich, Ayer's Catharlives. M. I. lias tlie largest and Z. C. moil'll may learn them something. Wo m .m want to lie editors? Mr. It is true, as our curreHsindent Blab's, tic Fills aro the must reliable best axHuvIcii stock of Ladies and Logan bos hud the reputation of lie. Oowaiids to the rear, men to hope pur neighbor will protil tiy his ex- Warner, iu traveling all ovv the lliat the uiamiKPnieiit of tlm Thatcher a and si My mother first recom- (Miiidreii's full uml winter Yniis in iwiicalile a remedy. city, lie abuuld curb hi iinpu-dc- laud, aaiil he found many men ing very (Ipera House ilia's not lid vet t ine any mended these Fills to the front! shouts a democratic perience. Withdeserve. tbe me, thirty the city. title Jonrnnl. ce in the future. J riaiw in Tiir Nation. Why, we do nut who were unable to sulwcribe for ceilainly sheet. That's right republicans are the mildest in years there ago. uiiU-iThey wrote days and passed cannot tho who alone know, just The it itnui'ine, a not did man find he but person a )aper, Good saw logs wanted nt the are tilling up the front raulu iu a h:i1 best purgative in use. S. C. wg.i no arrest, but one, made in this that the Ojicra Honan and the Jm run I, is a moral coward and dnres not who was not able to edit one. U. Mass. O. M. & 11. Co., on ncc iin'.tr Biailbnru, most udinirabld WHy. Worthington, t VjanjiUl!ie pooJi; of tlia t(wn the deinocratic orRun of thie city, are say his soul is his own. lie is a similar annewhat is insiitulions and it felt to compliment thrmselve iu the SNMSSSSSnA dooired that the Tlmtcher Op ra Hnuae A gentleman asked us howl of such a possesion be made a deiuiN'ratic institution. fulcneo could lie restored. the siinio pleasBe that as it may, it certainly appears They mn financial hoped relie how know confidence can DEALERS IN ant line of mihrokt-- peace would con till that by the inanuRi'ineiit of the whit crumbs oftc-bdeliu-igup this iu stored 'our Thatcher mine ignnriiiu the Re linno Opera for an indefinite Their a;riod. their subscrip- - in asters table, & urgim ihat they do not rare for to blindly aud ujh's were suddenly ended Tues lay publican the patronage of the K, publican iity afternoon when it Innl became known We Tkr ( keajiet Flare is Tons D Csj Vlnwl Nsiqdies master. He is can aee no reason why we can no' gel Mayor-eleW. tlut as his bow IJeorge c to and allows as in as bend, good many Taigan died cow A Geuuiha recently had made a cowardly, brutal 'hey do in Provo, unbua it is f..r Ihe from the elf eels of euting a barlxal at liis master's fee Mint ' he Pnivo ()cru Hntixr to and entirely uncalled for and wire fence, Farmers. please take that kind of persons, tiui Silver Cir. uit which handles about nssul: of the editor ujKin notice of this, aud keep burlicd occasional pat on the hack all of the good plays in the West. We this paper. That all our readers, San I'liotiiii'iipli liirloi's in Hie TiTiiiory; his to master kick him do not lielieve the Thatcher Oiera of permit reach fences out of the wire exwith our numerous financial together House lielongs to this whirb panic aliout, wipe his foet on him and your cows. accounts fur us gettiiiR au changes, may fairly and iin(Htri:aHy spit in his face. The fellow might cratic threats of judge whether or not the .inwardly nmny second or third claas shows at And Utah Well, she went Re- have been of little value iu the left them almost llt claiw prieea assult was provukc.l or just, we Street, instruct ljugrm, IT tali. ins therefore, publican, too. Edgerton (Ohio) dark ages, when Blavery flourished Ye have further informatiuu from the views article in their ideal over today full, (ml and men were Bold troin the tlieu'riral manager which it inav Is Enrlh, That's wliat it did, Brother auctiou block, kuocked down to affected by their empty stomachs which the ossuufi was nimle, in the PiNossbary to prudu.-- Uier, though we I:. II. & A. J. CURTIS, it a do not believe it will the Austin. We have a lot of sensible toe highest bidder. But God for- and their empty pockets, due to editorial columns, headed econoPartisan Institution ? their democratic frieuds li will b Houve much. Several pruiiiiiient i bid thnt any decent, civilized, people out this way. hare exprereed their upiiiiuii ubservi-mic is article a that the (ml icy. American merely citizen ? (list they ceiiaiidy thoupht no RepubliA Missonti (taper Las this to say should fall to such depths! For Taking the vote in the manu- reply to a corresjiouilence, nud a very can ehuuld patnmiiie Ihe iliiuoe Opeia AIU KINDH OF Ilis his ignoraut aud liecliiinled braiu facturing cities of Maasachnctts. mild reply at that of a neighboring minister: unless their organ wa patronized b) There are a few NMple in this city M e house. with the fellow has our heartfelt aym- - it looks ns if the workingmen there sermons are iuterss-rsewl o are no lost in tlu-ito were sound ! adoration of some For his degraded aud get beginning anecdotes, withy witticisms, history, BRUTAL AND UNCENTLEMANLY. ideas W. if lie Lcpairing and Fnruiidiing Done on Hiort Notice uml ut Ixjvrcst Possible ou rethat Hnd occasional Thatcher, much sarcusm Republican protection George cowardly words, our deejiest con-- ti 1riit. democratic free and trade. cold blooded murder ference to sciiptnre. They they nipt! May God have mercy ou Is the Way George, the SlugThat if iu refused to them are betid the to gettiug only way would, anyone that persou's soul, (if lie can find ger, Is Sized up by the Press. When you do a bad thing, you it) and when He metas out justice, in which it seems to lie possible his will 8nd comumnds, doubtless n si Bark of Mr. CurtiC PourCti m.I ou.I ,i.l. l.nKn, Utah. m:CTAb AND COWAKDI.V ASSAULT. might as well tell it; it will lie may He nut be too harsh with that for workingmen to learn anything think be was justified in it. There Ululi. Nov. to Logan, found out, anyway, says uu ex- individual. - by linrd and latter experience. are a few people ill Ibis city ho hlin l Trihuu. Ths (hniiiM'ralii: t in tbe:r admiration fur some Not If . W. WlifiiYoii Visit liOaii CrtllAt Tin Thatcher George always. change. our Although assured by their employGeorge Georgs W. Thatcher marina iii'Mi brutal Thatcher (lmt we they would anil cowardly people made that an iutalliable suiicnor? In heavens name how? ers thnt tlm democratic iifxin Editor of Tiir Nation rule they'd lie talking ali the time. In what way, and since when? We fallacy would result iu closiug the ake the clothes from their and their this evening, . without r then com. any cauie if and backs, and loyal Anieri mills, they stiiliburnly (lersisted are a Iv plsii-.- l under wim iuiiue.l. The having give the devil his can citizen! Wliat more is George in voting the democratic ticket. tnniuled. snatch I In- - bread from their Th Rati-I t.i $2 Mr Day. uml pleuriiNl not guilty. TLj The devil W. Thatcher or any other man? But the cxjieiieiice of the (mst children' moiilhs with which to arnsl dm s, is a is set for DA) - Balt Ijiike will get his dues whether you give lli'adijiiiirtfrs Fur Ciiiimirniiil Thivrlm and Truiijn'S. If one man cauuut differ from summer has been pregnant with erect a gold throne on which to sit Tribune, Nnv. 2!Hb. them to him or not. lies also another, especially when he lnirn meaning to the Massachusetts George Thatcher that they might TnAlCHRR AS A SLT'UOER. Strict Attention Given tu tin ('omfort of Pnlronn. like some men iu another res(ncl: he is in the right, without I icing workingman. Whom the Lord t permitted to fall down on their C o'clock thia Liigaii, Nov. e tadieve evening Amiy liusenixiiiiii, eriitor of Thk Dont give him any chance or hell abused and maltreated it certainly liirelh he chnsteneth, anil if this faces and worship him. Mhs. d. H- Proptictof. take his dues and everything else is time such (mople were put where I w so, the workingmen of Massa- there are a few jieople iu this city so j Nation, ami George W. Th.i'cher, in: y.ir. AX. Uhl UTAH. ami ' Logan, lie eau get Iris hands on. maiiagsr of inthey could do no injury and when chusetts niUHt feci that the Lord lackin'; in nuinhoori that tlii-- ' woubl if Thatchnr opera Iioiisi-a- t tlist cut place luvetli them with an exceeding coDSiilcr it ou honor to huve George on the street and an they projierly belong. Pontm ASTEiis should lie very v, Tlmtcher wipe liis teat on them, ending in Thatcher aiMaiilting great love. . aud careful about paying their debts EVERYBODY WAXTS TO "EDIT. In sixteen cities of the corauionapit in heir face. Tbauk Qod,btuju. The cau-- of dirilculty wax an these days. Au Oregon postman wealth of Massachusetts, there has our American nmulmod lias not thus litorial wlii. li appeared in a recent r,UE 1 thnt ihe V ter was recently arrested for (layAbout every fool iu the country lieeu almost a complete reversal j fallen, aud if it ever should fall to ' houxe hatcher liunagciiiMit .j 1, ere ..ear his debts. he of The it such tliiuks he could of we edit a newspaper oue year aga an, the election Li. CxiKtai'lly on llnihl way was, depths "uy ing Sot lNt to CliiLiii'ii Cli III i W0lIJ mil adveHise with Tm. Nat,.., Arfl I nil Liver, New ,w looked ujKin ami Kcnrcied aa ia a ,ro;iiii&fihly paid his debts in postage stamps much better than its editor does-It- I liOHft ii in a and charged the Government a a pity a few more of those Bedford, Taunton, Haverhill, Law- - rattlesnake and may our body aper. and nuking why the KcpuLli nuk did ni rnfuse to jm ropizetiucommission for selling them. fellows can not be given a trial, renoe, Lynn, Salem, Holyoke, 'crumble away to dust. George W. !fl-uga- n ' tUe is - rich man, a hanker am! "!! Uncle Nnm didn't like that so but at the same time it's a great Springfield, Daiubridge, Lowell, ' ThnU-heThaf'-hewa irmlr-iiii trial d swore out u complaiut auil had blessing to the community. The IJ althum, Brockton. Fitchburg. ,i.a cap.uhst He ia a mau who hold, tttKTta sin if mu huts, mm ni for a:30 llrtlornj niorili( I editor of the Wultrn Recorder has norcester, aau BoetuB, did him arrested. tin? Ihe w hold, respect of the great Qgden Daily Slumlord, Nov. 28th. F amily orders promptly attended to. Free delivery to all parts of City j sEill-WEEXL- on - Go-ng- prota-tiou-ciiturs- , i c ileiiMH-r-.ti- ; : , n.a-iibaui- u . a de . e in-ti- issr-ll- i i j WHle-eanic- ra I jmra-lyzo- free-trad- . - -J j m r e. him-a-l- e tariff-tiukeriu- g cam-p-iig- wage-earne- rs ; k j sns-jiec- ts tln-u- i tin-i- Lo-iA- frii-ml- s j . - 17,-92- ni 1 . free-trad- .jiieE--- luniiHste-me- : ut a. ui-r- I iAii-- i th.-i- r - j tlu-i- r 1 i.lel-nes- eon-leuie- j n object-lesso- opp-inen- I e - - mnnagr-i:ie- ThsL-lv- r - ll-r- - la-in-g i- I tlu-i- r i I foriy-thrv- r- THOMAS & ODELL liH-kei- . n 1 1 BOOKS $ STftTIONeRY. r ct f.n-- t Find piod prel-atil- M-ii- e lr-l- ()M-r- a TI NSM ITHS. d -- Roofing. d r coin-mitli-- riUrt mid (Jullcr Work, d give: us a call. . Msyur-elei-- free-trad- e Kusen-bau- frce-lmr- u provix-ation- 1'i-ti- I.: nont-ense- - Peoples Hotel, s ut V 1 I altnri-alie- i iii-m- ri, j K"--.i- e i 1 ! 7 ufe-r- . (j. !:!:s:ss:s:. BUTCH SR MX I s j , - r I r " a-- Prime Beef, Mirlton, Veal, tG. |