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Show We thank A HuhscrilMM-NOTES OF THE NATION. hi BiiggestiiiiiM xml . alinll " Whoop! The Talace Simp is the place. Tin Chicago Clothing discount all comKtitore deavor to do sa he suggests. Yota subwripliiiu to Tins Nation may l mid in any kind of grain or produce, if tAkcn to the Z. (J. M. I., at once. Barber Store W for en- t will price. DENTIST. Jr.. McAllister, Lust Wednesday evening, while A. J. Office over First National Bank. she was playing with otherceildren, henever one girl tells another her troubles with her about girl dressmaker, the other girl haa tale of woe twice as long and twice as harrowing to tell in return. The aniierstitiou regarding opals j evidently has gathered in If gather and sliuffiod off. Every, girl that can secure au opal uppears to lie wearing one jnstj T. es Lawrence Caine i rapidly recover of pneumonia. Lng from a sever attack JEWELER. mf$Kt ringl AT THC a RED FRONT BARGAIN STORE! t : STREET Gold Baiscd City Livery Stable Inter-Mounta- in Tailor jirief Ludlow if. Ouly GriuluuUd- and street rowdy law-break- er V sail Parks Cough Syrup. One of the greatest business en Mayor-eleGeorge V. Thatcher, are in ever Ogden inaugurated because of that individual being i positive gnu ran to terprises t "S troubles. It has mi1 was consummated Monday in tin disorderly and brutally ussa-iHistood Um tost for many years ami Ia d organization of the li&ueer a lawcpahb. . and of the center this is tire leading remedy lor in citizen, very Power .company, ct -- lx WATCHMAKLR I Goods EUROPEAN PLAN! - w-- io-th- iy George Q- - CauBjjjfoj,. c K g,,. J''sei-retaiami treasurer, and '"Frank J. Cauiniii, general manager. Wilford Voodriilf, Joseph F. Smith, John K. Winder and A. B. Patton are director and C. K. Bannister is The object of the chief engineer. is the water power to utilize company various manufor river of the Ogden to encourage anil facturing purjaises ion of auch the local enierprisea here. Frank J. Caminu, the manager, and C. K. Bannister, chief engineer, will start east in a few days to conclude negotiations with certain parlies fur the location of several enterprises here in the near future. Ogden Cor. Salt Lake Herald. The Utah Sugar company pro ' 'poses to make it plain to Californi- ans at the Midwiuter Fair that the Utah in Golden State away her sugar production. Regarding exhibit. the compan) Manager Cutler has sent the following enquiry to Secretary Suyili-r- , of IL. Sail Lake Cbutnlier of Commerce, in respoiu-to a suggestion from the latter: What is your ides of the size of a pyrmaiithat you would like us to make? We cxpoct to place some kind of sn exhibit at the Midwiutei Fair, and would be pleased to reTbe secrereive your suggestion. tary of tbe Chamber haa written to 1. A. Clayton, of tbe Saltair Beach company, inquiring whether it wil not lie imssilile for them to construct k fnc simile, from salt from tbe Great Sail Lake of tbe Sallair Beach puiiiion. This would prove nu attractive feature, and a grand advertisement not only of the salt producing cawcity of the lake but of ita advantages us a bathing usort Detent Aries. i e there in not city. Probably another city in the United States of G,U0U jreople which cun Ixmst of a police docket that contains so few arrests and where a long reign of peace is first broken by the city's newly elected Mayor, as can Logan. We hope Mr. Thatcher is proud of the honor lie hns achieved- - lh! cure of colds, consumption, Watches, mid all diseases of the throat and tP think she couid have it smaller without feeling uncomfortable. s Home girb take in having a burned finger or cold sore or sprained ankle, it is so comforting to receive sympathy. It takes kii artistic woman to hold up the skirt of a gown gracefully. Not one woman in ten cun gruli her dress so that it hangs prettily Hroutnl the hem. It isnt always nervousness Hint makes a girl bite her lijm. Sometimes very often, iu fact she does it to give them a nice color. When you set a girl with her hair all massed up you must nol think she Las not combed it. It takes many weary iiiomeiils to iix it in that tangled fashion. AY lien a girl is ill she says that Blied give everything she owns to le well, and when she is well h scolds and frets she only one new lint. Imh-iiuh-o hnp-pine- cm-Iihv- ss i r!i,r ' I j I j -- j d niiN.si-iigcr- , li i . hLrt-a- p toacli-iug- (3 Mc-Kud- flat-bo- at r 1 wiHil-grouc- r, r f Mil-pu- . ul.-itr- r a - I exp-.-i- - Wa -- 1 - - I y itpj-citr.t- Full Linn of-- - Co-o- c ht cun-liuu- qi.s-ia- e l teli-gran- i g Buggies, Carts, and Hand Sewed Harness. - ts. Nnt ilo BtnwS. F vi nil t, Hereafter the Palace Hotel will on the American be ctindni-toi- l Clocks, Jewelry, and European Plan, and meals served from G a. in. to 1 a. m. Silverware. Victor Oscillating Thlnt . R. MURDOCK, t thaTithiaa OiPc Uoli-Sle- ds. er Anil anything on Earth thut you can think of hand. Prop, we have on mmy-oi- Disc and Tooth Ihirmws. Notice is hereby given that the law firm of Rich & Rich, consisting of George Q. Rich anil Helier t!. V. Rich is this day disao'vcd by mutual Some Secrets About Women. All inilehtcilneM of, and to th Nobody Lbs yet discovered h I firm will lie attended to by sail who didnT small with waist a girl first-clas- Phices. Hickor' Farm Waoivs "Old lungs. Price 50 cents and $1.(K). For sale by Iliter Bros. Drug Co. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Wool Means Bankaupt cy to tho Sheepmen. - Hu-ou- Llt-ctri- I sn.-cea- - LOOAX'F- Iree j Press Drills. Sjriif . gi !' -- farmers linir-rnisii.- r Bend HOTEL PALACE the ruilowiug j S. 3rd Street. i print News Items Gathered From story: , NATI2N 0FFIGE. South ! WOOL SHOWERS IN ARMS Tho ur Exchanges. j on car Tluit the giual jieujile f Cache No-5- , ou the run Wtwrtm here j mid i llow surrounding valleys l,Hli a queer e- - sHi3SE?F.tEiTE0 BY A DEMOCRATIC PAPER ,s in GAMP FLOYD FILLIS3 UP WITH MIKE83. YELLOW KETAL TAKES FR8H TKE RIVER BED :i:.aiu-i;d!and otherwine, imtwi'.h- - SHOULD BURR WOOD INSTEAD DF COAL. of the welfare of tie--r r hi on leuce (mi iueomiug trip ye Eiclnuuiid, 1 take thi.. stniidiug the muddy roads and rvl',y lr'lin .11 h them Coal to Find Near Sprinkle Uhik Z. C. 1. 1. Sets a Worthy Example- -1 uuily of writing Extravagant Story Told of the Iron , wu the Tho Altbudd of the Montana Sheepin joint, Boom pairing Other column of Business Building Houses and jibe Other Wealth of Gold In the Snake men Scandalously your. eastern pari of the stale, he W;tv. Items. Citizens Should do Likewise. River. iaee. iisqicr, should you tiav: a voice calling him by liis givi-Thanksgiving . pnnsd i if very . Kum uTua Ntiu. , W bat wit Ta;aa j A. It. Toimuni, the well kiiown ua,,ie sskiiig: (loin A HjNwial frum Helena to tire ,,rt peof'bi having Extravagant stories are tolil about A solo liy one of the young The winter uiuni lie are here, mul I1 ")'' H l,! was at oiirc lie local writer, is uuioug the applicant-corjais? tllAllkli Hie wraith uf gold sprinkled Ibroiigbl uml io vii salt Lake Trihnmr says: Th rejoice ladies, aud the quartette hy two' with them wet and cold,neceiii,it- - jaiue to the cur floor and ll,e glm-r Un-nut the Snake River country in Indies ami two gentlemen lire fro,u whom nil wool grovti-livings for the posiliiiii a leaelu-- nl of Moiituuu ure aling better fivnlpuore clothing, au 1 j of he was sorting Reform School. (hph n Sl,inhirdIdaho. As a general thing ;he gold in most a ' of incutinti. to iver tire Uneaten-ix- l shoes jitiuic the feet good rrqteinlly deserving keep dry hum his j aralyz. il The (.'a flip Floy.l gold field Bn. f tin1 Under the un.:picj ia wry fine, the particles licing of Scone of of Bsrliar-i:iwool on tire fnv list the with placing these fresh "Ingoiuar air,cleaiily pure human Wing w,i liclson. rapidly tilling up willi pnwjiectorG hy lire democrats of (!ongres. slight weight as to be elusive. Save and (lie inblcnu in counectinn habits ami plenty of sleep sill Elder's (jiiorni, WmV ami The G, ,!,r hut tlm Juo. Barnett, F. A. Uni'. 'mid V. Yc hope to lieur excellent .,1. when worked on a large scale it i with the piny were indeed beauti- insure extraordinary louse from tire good health and long life. two hi momeut or he a rtvovcriil E. Merrill, arrung.xl to ;iv the from there ere long. Hull i,m ull difficult to iciike good wages in re ful and severe ncatlier last I with grand The a i c.nd. tire that many question poor pivson lr.iiu Lia astiiiiinliiucnt cnmig!i to i uiiioii Numerous bar effect for which the DUpatch. free dmied ou Tbiuksgiv- - Hie minerals-Iro- vo a people enveriug tlie gold. have that l jirovuilisT jirieii loved ous-x-eiwho his man sees participants think that some ou laid smuggled for 1 1: affair a Mauli i taking steps towardi. wool mid mutton along the liver would prove profit are demrving of much credit. The for want of the uecessarii'S ing night and to make sheep sinew tlm car at tire lasl station into Histei Uinlilii makings eiisiiuel south of tho city able could water be commanded for farce rutiihsl eutitlisl, tire election of n Congress hostila How kiu I to get thorough l'addy of life, asks: pa.wcd, and Wguu moving tin Au a.le sluicing or lij drauliciug. or Tll Ummarick lLiy" was these V 1 can get no work, have Slumid, Jjouia Merrill ; ml Ella lo carry cif tlie surplus water ihiri'ig jj trunks ar mud to liml tlm conceal- lo lire McKinley tariff have driven them almost i ut lwnkruptsy. They quate Kiippiy is baril to olitaiu, on presenieil with great effect hy all raised only grain tMiough for seed Sliejinrd kindly eoustmte, to ami flooils. Suli uclioa say 11c (and hy the ed individual. fall and ulsc. r fur u of free tin slitil are to u iiiaii up iu uruisiii protest gradual scci'iiut who took art, and elicits! mucli and food, the stores will not trust, arranged sujq KntrrprUr would result iu Wells makes tlm ex way Tim und tiie level charac- mcrriuieut and as evidence of terms and conditio: is of the iimih to Hie Temple City. against un editorial iu tire Helena greHt because they can not auil kei-press messengers act us baggage Independent of Noveuils'r 1 ter of the oui lying Iniid. To overFall Lake parties were down on n taluiible linskot of goods ou their shelves, so they which the jmojile were to jconm h 2th, men for tlm Southern luctlic comthe dance and supper were tli.il come this hick of water as well us flowers cauio alleging that luimy of Iht-Monday to more thoroughly examine gliding from some any, so what enu I do?'' tire ciisUru ou run pany nowadays) strongly favor tire insure sufficient dumping ground, a liml friend in the sudieuca, to the This probhKr confronts hun- every young, middle nglWor ohl ai.d test tlie ore found in the hill was jmlting of wool trunks and tins ou the moving busy has mau could that so do wiu free list as lire big floating, gold, saving dredge xssibly Irest means the of those north of town. well dreds of where men now. If upon They great surprise poor right not ull particular now, in the same of to bring a load , wxkmI for the satisfied with what been constructed and i now at work a of maiLet The for the making saw s we would end steady the stupe. superiutendency they only apply voice, ho heard someone say: "Oh. Montana in our midst. And weSHur' took on the Idaho Lank of the Snake river the Ioarth Ward poor at fifl school al'oiit ore jmsluet of to our this condition uf jMiiiiid living away Huuday priem, Saviour, you might hunt till dooms day, hut not i,e of tlmt tlm affair was ulgiainl about ton miles ulmve I'ayette, say a under whose Il it proves satisfactory they say them, so far as we auspices the concert could 1h helped, lie say: All you but could discover never the you lYcdiii-K-- : have learind, the Nelson Tribune. u mill will W erected right away. the was held, desire to thank Hie things, whatsoever you would thni success throughout, individual who is admysterious aft.-t had is a proIt law to Ire of uny use to the Ah hi lhiniirr. committee and all who took part men should do unto you, do ye day evening But dont you dressing you. tin:! pelled by steuin. Substantially con- in the entertainment and con- even so to them. MaU, 7, 12. Wen dirttriliulis, although there are The city of Lelii has done prntly wuut soum iu Irelp moving those tills, of loath well in tlie structed, G5 feet long anil $2 feel tributed towards making it such a There is a great deal of coal con we hod furnished who believe in course, building line during the Isixcs uud trunks? to those w ho imedei some of wide, it is equipped witli a success. The HUined degree in this 6ame protection. company grand valley, amounting psst year. NutwitlistHiidiiig the Tho messenger's Imir wus non At the parly llicf, murine engine anil Iwiih-- and will Cojui's of this editorial were in money matters tbero give a Christmas drama, at to any 1000 dollars a week, at s stringency standing ou the end uml lm wu sent to all the adapted in every wav fur navigating the same place, entitled, Driven low estimate, if one half of th&t ing there w as jiresniit sheepmen of lire lieen huve about 25 new build infs uiialil to oven curry liis own and fifty couples. Tli. With a Fiom Idahos great waterway. Htute, of irrosjHkdive or size Home," on Christmas eve. could lie supplanted with wood, erected besides quite a number ol weight, lunsh less nny tiling else, of herds, and their jmrly slight alu ration it could lie trnus. Announcement will appear later. there would be paid to poor men. paiked, but tlm Edie asked opinions few additious and a more yet to rim trip wus made from iron of it. As lUHy Ire foiunai into a tlc.im dredge suJ used who need the mauns very badly, kiuilly given us the imagined, This is a vtry good showing Point to Echo without tire Uuisb. thoy ghost iiiadu haste to rejily to scoop up sand and grave! from liie Marriage by Capture, nt least from 500 to 800 dollors a hall for supper, we ul and promptly', the hard times. Banner, considering messenhut the showing np again, table in tlm vestry and wi bott-iThat haa of the stream. of scores of answers in some : in Laud tribes week. some But not It very Among savage may say The beet harvest is all ia and ship- ger says Ire wants no moro of eiu As in never been attempted. ui. supjM.irts the si range rules of etiquette appear not ns cheap, or it is more trouble. three rooms wo luaimg ped, 178 car loads in ail from gpiiig all Laving all tlicy. are now coufiued to to . tin tire other hand. govern the matrimonial relation-chip- Ac, but the fact remains, if we uieely ville. Tli car averaging twent.-It may Ire ti!ia,)m,.1r;piTr;:i7 to eat and some to spare Yoru-hUiHioui working bars out of the bed or chun a loved tluYV dli&rA our ourselves" as HXrilitloiiv n Etiquette prevents neighbor -- co y l. UIWI uu AcMAt per car, making with u .mt, i, The method ni of tlie river. free wool we would put ourselves to a little wus also sent to tlud who wife would 75 St total a uranil ill iht ton, tim inevitably SUill.1 rillgllOSt iL.. Tfeewo lnnff pne vi even m wire out tim slnnip business in use and trouble for his to ami fill Lis trj ago glioAsLip Montana, tire threat of 'd deposits anil by tlie- nse 1m avoided, aud tlie rude Aleutian comfort and happiness, especially wood paid for tneir 'it "Sfolm full of col-- left.!, hilt f uiim little su. yestw a Ihns j'vdittlji having shrunk the value be material to the used bring islanders have the same regulation if we feult to do unto him as wi of their I which also went to U h.) .) investment !Our against tight lat. The best ot bullets frwi litAfi' lie the rercb of the from about speaking In parts of the wonld that he should do unto ns. six millions to ' , music was furnished free., fact salisfuctiou frevuil among the fajis k,ou tie- fly ami .h4i.ip-uiv.- i with which the two millions. and husband M. C. Z. Tlie is a wife, Islands now I., using Fiji ns Ire every tiling whs f roe ujid tlH,lHjp,. era as to the results. Tire laryvVt deriiui-lThe gravel i if is rigged. they wish to meet, must meet in wood to heat their store, also fur old aud was tons one e have i. romoiilo twenty-fivwill yield Wells, Fargo ujkiii young rejoiced a similar secrecy is or was the engine used in elevating their scorqit-up by bncketB attached to acre raised the if No. James car p A Eiclnnoud Strang, hy 5, they expect the Laid to the Snlt are forty-eigdistriljtinl n an endless ehuin. Tlu-robligatory among the Circassians grain, and I hope they will lowest yield four ton upon ou worked iiiisreongors to ride iu it. Luko lieef the Trilmih: 'haukr-givinou licit among ou poor a says: of tliese rcccpluciea Briglii'u and even among the Hottentots. and that other institution Young and other Mormon elders morning, which oofis Vwry acre. fipeimjcillc Jadrjun.lent. sixty leel in length, uud each hns a But the African kingdom of 1utn will follow in the good work. 1 MORE COMMENTS. Iooiumeinliiblo. Mr. Eimcli Clark, an enterprising entered a largo trre-- t of laud at understand from Mr. Isaaa Smith, oapueiiy of uIkiul iweuty iiouiids ot Ikjwts off the pliilin in these . ot is Fh aeiiee, Nelirasku, a here tlie citizen the The of the health Springville a lwpp-rinto delivered which is Mvple If an old traveler is to l maLAger Z. C. M. I., that so far dirt, Thatchers Slugging Propensities town now stands. When with is other mime in Home gornl. gentleman gen.irally the IuJtlii and proan This ia also they agitator, credited, w ho assures us that wives this fall it has not cost any more Reviewed by tho Newspapers. pulled up stakes and emigrated to cess employed may lie ilceriLiil a them were so bashful as never to limn ut other times, when coal weather, with our roads aii side tine coal prospect in Spauish Fork OXCAIU.KU IMIl AXIl I'XIIKN'TI.KIMNLT. i not over five i.iilcs from tiie Uluh, they left tire laud Ireliind. a sbstm rocker, witli the exception let their huKbnutls sen them with- was used; that he is using wood walks make travel ulnn j j,,,. Democrat are arc mouth. a After jKissiblw. ot tunnel, They working instead that, and in the iiuuio of moi'inii end that it has an out a veil for three ypars nftei in place of coal at home and finds siii'v tire election in all iMirt ul 2 foot viin r.nd have a tire church succe of tire Isitter-dufollowing ia Wishing Tins you caught their marriage. The same sort of it so much more agreeable, there lire To light uud to swear gold oiiu run feel about so Yonrs with fully Siiiiit, fur, Eosjhh their r.rigliaiu with elcct Young deeded seeui ou copper plants quicksilver. finding i manifest iu other curious icing no offensive deal, smoke and Muyoi ilre Ti-of coal lauds at on und assail'd tlie lots to One .ilitor of every sluice improving of iu ou catrivd jiarties who e The tailings are customs. Among tho esquimuux gas that inevitably attends u qiiestiim would for Even now, Ijiniax Nuins I iiq: foot. Dae. the Irovo 1st tho A tow title. ol Eiclimnnd, stream a of boxes lq me force even iu case where the course of of coal as fuel, uml the extra onto wliy llu a irm:a did the sliown N.G. Dieiatch, uiini-years ago Langtry got one of inches, supplied true love ran its smoothest and ac- coat, if any, is far more than water of 150 not in tire lt,iuMieau l.y GITS HIM THE the Ileosaut the to deeds equal Valley and comBrigham Young tlie run engine corded fully with parental settleby in the comforts and siiyiiig that hu FiipKsrl il ws by a China pump, snd indicate to Heeiu menced Caatlc the uu coal, suit. Tire tire w..s ejectment other ii: a drmoci.tlic Opera lloii,. machinery. ments, certain old women hail to purer air resultai.1 from the use Ths which drives all the Champion Liar Has Gate Tire have ncidli-case was Wiis vein, fur mnl and dow l n stitution, iu fought so up ci.vsrwd in Bulte. thoroughly lie sent to drag the bride forcibly of wood as fuel. Thu gr.nel is worsed on the p.irt ot the 100 foot ull a tunnel tire of and but a fjr trial was in the A young woman from ladings to her husbands hut she being that nu gold crfcapfca My lielief is also that if wood Provo Dally linpiirer. ,.jy will never roach I mdii a few days ago, ojien up a market within a few that are Humped into the river. Ail obliged, under the penalty of an wrs used more that there would quite well nown, made a tiifio Salt reeks. when tie hearing came on irefore are of gravel ill name to make as if it went lie much less sickness other con- Luka risrenlly and her f.iiitoks mi st no akmkd. average m 100 tons ji Duffeo. After lire arguwoik Judge this uml for Another Utah editor got it in tin daily aguinst tho grain, and as if she ditions Wing the same for lh out tbntshe went to that d to get Program for Religious Class ment , had lieon A. week. neck" -this N. uu cd completed, tho engim-ern IhuenUum, three un n are empliq were much rutiled at it. A gaa, dnBt and smoke from the cohI married, and (hat she won make Ore (alitor of ihu Istgaii Nation, was case was taken under advisement uuollu-uud one to woik the srrapir, girl--athe people of fuel is to mo very offensive and 1 her future home there, in atlum BNsaul'ed hy (ieorgn W. uml was decided ou vieiom.ly JjOGAN, Dec. 9th, 1893. Saturday a week she wu buck in P re snd KiiuitchiitliA aro among the rudimt believe uuliealthful. one who bhovels liie dirt into a That her, uf the city at d morning, tire conrt holding that 1. Prayer. tiial the buckets can scoop up a of the earth however well dinpoa There will also be a certain had not been married. H return I of the loots.. uiMuagfir Jru lire oeeuNtnt was lire legal owner was daiiKernuiily woundul, and his 2. Effcctiug of a permuuent orfull load. ed she may l to her future amount of satisfaction in Hie was surrounded with inysy, lait ilre tract, and tlmt tire deeds of is I. amailunt Tliese under uiro uttuckii The bar now being worked covers was ganization. Kcsp, makes it a point of honoi knowledge, that in buying the lire otdy explanation from nlitoi-on are loo country Young and tire other M6Y-- . The to 3. Reading of Church School an urea of ten or fifteen pretend to refuse him, and the wcmxI, the means jreul out for it that she had changed berod. s numerous, and the avemgu newspaper moil elders were vdd. Ibis, the Y. G. Eaymond. wouuhi gold i on top or close to the surface form of force on bis side and of went to help some poor family privilege that man c m not help but fee! alarmed at an( pajrer by telegram ssys, is regarded as one reason considered sutficit why i. Reports of Principals. arid will not p;y to bundle to a resistance on hers has in auy case that needed it badly possibly to ths tendency of tlie times Juat ao soon of the most imjxirtant decisions . eigb-5. Speech by President Orson as an editor gains a .t:le distinction and Aud pay their taxes and thus sai e their she wire not married. The use for to be regularly performedgreater ilepth than one foot to Imndcd down iu many a day, as ia a in fair to way get nmuina'ed fur Thia shows a valuu ol tho wild tribe, the Hoa of India, property, or for some other neccs- - her changing her mind remied un- - Smith. teen iuchi-amuch of office sumo the Florence property o. or a cvsi.k bar, ' springs up i 6. Miscellaneous business. 1 to 3 cents a pun. A clean-uregard as the correct thing for sity. And us Christ says: In known until a few day aiirtien a and hammers tho siuffing out uf hint. hns hod Mormon deeds hanging Benediction. m ule ewiy night, uud the average w4fe to run away from her as much as ye do it nuto one of gentleman from Salt Laktho It behooves us, hretlimn, to go armed. over the title. E. G. friends that to the know tell her Drat to and three do of These tor Gowans, must least the the and cease. Salina day of tlie iuub young winn indigniiiea yoar brethren, ye AY. G. Prttt. will ever it unto me. man in the case, made his shsnince Rayxosd, wasviiy satisfactory to Tnoruton she neither lores him nor r Colonizing Big Horn Basin. 1). T. MiLi-Kit- , Therefore he who will sacrifice in RuLt snd explained when William, tl.e owner of the cruft. see him again, while he in his CHURCH NOTICK. George Osmond, of Slur Valley, Slake Supts. Services at tarn is exifevtod to display great a little of his own menus and any, slic arrived n Sail Luke made He says be expect to lake, out hecu organizing a colony of M. hns E. Trinity chareli, ol (1(10 a day ns lnug as be anxiety for Lis loss, aud wlieu he jiercliaiice give himself a little lire very surpising and d recaitle FOR THITRY DAYS corner of S. er.iid and Main Si Star Y alley, Hear Luke Valley and to woik, which will lie until odd has found his wife after diligent more trouble, that he may help discovery tlmt her int Ml hud in the Big every Sunday at 11a. in. and 7:3lJ Itali Ylu-he has gom search to carry her home again by his brother, or will iu no already two wives, and si dul not Twenty-Fiv- e weather sets in. . Per Cent Discount, p. in. I i Lm.iu. Horn It J m. ISiiuduy h, represented Rultc wise lose his reward slid I believe care to l number over liie liar which now engages hi main force. (3000 dollars worth of Dress Prayer uml (Jins Meeting, Tlmra--Ih'- d a large section of country, conda Goods, Wool Suitings, Habit (,'loiha he will he blessed with health and correspondent of .attention lm will talkie another... l and with day j. in. V..Parsomigi twu! ill more than j Standard, of mind that fmni and Chihlren's while Cloak IaiRc' auil of blocks west peace is of the ay, yon llny (. M. I., on timlrer, ojh-- for aotUduienl Whoop! The Enlace Barlier (15 to $35 will put in your house repay him. Wraps, ete.. etc., etc., at 25 :rj Third St., mid half block north. 'The climate is mild, lij'iM is fertile, New designs in cs Yours Ac., lace cent discount, at Z. C. M. I. f one of the best 1iuuod or Organs Shop i the place. IsiganjTlio public are cordially iuvited tj1 Rn,l cvciytliingjjid'eitcs a suceei Woodman. curtains, window ska etc., at Urancb i attend all of The Chicago Clothing Store wdl in the world; balvnce alxiul as yon ful colon izatida of that suction. our services. C. M.L Z. 1893. Dee. Isaac M. W. Lamoreaux. tf 1st, IL of Smith, Mgr. b. discount all competitors' prices. ' Logan, llAHDXAN, Pastor. please, Irrigation,' Ag. a Day. . "PLOWS. PLOWS. PLO Shop, u . j For first class liveries. John Thornas Fr Writes on sn Important Subject. Woodman vim-u- I Q.t ttlO Work Tho Good Ptoplo f Riel the Much Good To Tint Mhitom or Thk Kaiius a Tlus entertainment riven in the Viuid Aassmbly hull lost Friday evening wns a success liune Do! I Wim-rwurat- Oetll Ents-rtalnme- ER. j MOTIONS. ... Tho Fourth Ward Social an I Financial Success. LEI NO. GO. ! Furniiii! Rich, OUR RIGHK0ND SHOULD HELPEACH OTHER.! 131)3. ! Idaho. Rich SbCCLSS. - Utah, Emslie of; i Men's Suits from $3 uj $2.50 p. Boys Overcoats $3.50 Pants from $1 up. m at the Bate S1C0 YOU GAN GET . A Tl!0':':0t;GH B the even.yea--i.J- d daughter of G. W. MAIN EDWARDS BLOCK, was vinleuily :now. Mendmi of Biker jd her! Its a very easy matter to tell $ the friendly relations Latest patterns in wall papers thrown to the ground ami broke was a man The little bone. at collar girl j whether a girl is expecting linoleums anil floor oil clotha between business and brought to Logan and Dr. Snow or girl caller. If a man is mining Z. C. M. I. So s&fd a reduced tbe fraction. she looks in the mirror every few successj An intereating letter from "WoodProminent Tjuslness It in strange that some people minutes. If its a girl she doesnt. man" was uuavoidedly left over Srittori. rbeuinu-tisfrom for will suffer iaaue. years next until Plan h h m an aucli than aprather all try can get Remember that you No Other Place Like It. standard remedy os Ayers kind of job work at this office, and proved The liest place for all grades of t Sarsaparilla; ami that, too, in at the lowest prices. and overshoes of the aasnraiK'e that it has shoes, also rubbers spite of chrysantheat Andreas Petersons. The A large variety cared so many others who were flower lieautiful other mums auil making aud repairing department We similarly afflicted. Give it s trial. is live two doors South of Biter at the Lognn N urseries. always fonnd complete. been bus construction Railroad Bros. Drug Store Iiogqn, If the hair has been made to very light this season all through New designs in carpets, lace ALSO A FINE LINE OF on bald heads tbe west. There is some color natural of a prospect grow Poeatello, at window etc., shades, curtains, in thousands of cases, by using the Northwestern coming through to m. i. Davidson & Halls Hair Eeiiewer, why will it Ugden next year but little work has Z. c. H. C. (A Kll. Gents Gw. Q. Mica. Goods, Hats, Caps, Slides, not in your case? been done so far west of Casper, of Notice Meeting. Irrigation & A meeting of the officers of the Y Wyoming. The Burlington ia build All per ns interefttkl in the Logan A Headquarters for all kiuda of meals. AN I L. M. I. A. will bo held in t be Talar in Northern Wyoming running s Itenubn and Logan k .lydo Park Canals -i ing (Attorueys-at-Lawcall 11 nacle, usual place, Saturday at line Into Montana. The Ilia Grande are hereby notified that a meeting will , for on them Liverwnrst, bo Laid in Court the la House, Logan, desired, Westeru bos built a few miles in a. m, A full attendance Practice la All The Courts 12 o'clock for Dec. at 4th. etc. Ileadclieesc Monday, ui., Elisabeth Townsend, lres. Central Utah. There ia a bright pie the DONT forget to Come and Sue our Goods and annual the of report purpow hearing Office is Campbell k Morrell's block. Free Dave Taggart, tbe genial paMBen-ge- r sjiect for a road connecting Southern of the Trustees and for levying a tax for ish and game in season. Looax. Utah, agent for tbe Union Faciflc, came California and Utah. The Suit Lake the year Itidt, end for tbe transaction of and prompt delivery to all parti of Maim St. and tile papers occasionally refer to the Deep any other business that may come before tbe up from Salt Lake Thursday City, the meeting. Thanksgiving dinner with Lieutensnt Creek scheme but after all about the Time. W a. Wattkksok, CET YOl'R Taurkt, ouly important railroad improve-men- Jons Quavlk, Styer of the Agricultural College. Alma Hakbis, in the mountain country are 11. V. Ballsbd, LOGAN MAIN ST. T. II. Kkkse, Foa Sale. Au elegant new ICO Job Faciflc Southern C. the N. half CuaiHTPaexM, Trustee. where for price. at Ogden gold watch will tie sold UONK AT THE St J. E. Cowlet, Seey. This is s rare opportunity to purchase and Bio Grande Westeru are both Tbe finest, most fashionable and extensive a for shops. building a valuable Christmas present cheapest Tailoru-- and imported Cash paid for egga at Z. C. M. 1 Review. small amount of mouey. For par-tic- u Home made Go oils, at lara apply to B. "at this office. The evil doers seeui to Lave Logan Dancing Academy. Curriages to and from all trains T. V. B. Nelson, one of the lead- steered shy of Logan of late, and Hereafter regular social dances and the 2outhern Idaho, a as jrelice of Strictly attented to. Leave Ire consequence will ing Republicans given Tuesday andSuturday " 8 been order et tbe Stable. have Kiverdale having from attending uuwn Admisweek. justice police of it each evenings In all Sizes and Styles, with tbe his father, one of the oldert and plenty of leisure. In fact, the sion, Tuesday, 50 cents. Saturday, H. NIELSEN. most respected resident of Logan, police had almost conclude 75 cents. Saturday matinee for who is lying daugeroualy ill at his that all the criminals, drunks, un children 25 cents. Music by Prohad turned good and in- fessor Mocker of Ogden. Gents vsgs Lome in this city. III the L dustrious and there would lie no instruction class, Wednesday Hie Ogden City Street Car Commade Frovo of Suits Goods, further use for a police depart- each week; admission 50 cents, pany haa made a reduction in the ment in Logun, when In! such For information regarding private oner at the low prii of $15 to (25, force of employees, dispensing altoSustain tbe Utah Woolen Mills and blissful expectations dropp'd with lessons etc., enquire nt Farleys gether with the services of condu- a dull, Ire Hours from Support home iiuliiNtry. sickening thud, when it t office, Third street. ctor. The inotorman now eo'lects Marslm of came THUSSKilTN the City duty each 5 10 a. in. to p. ni. in day. as brahea the twirle and fanthe Knowles, Tuesday evening, to T. B. Lewis, Ju-- , tf C. M. W the palmy days of the frisky mule common a arrest as under Manager, place OR car-.- Do the suii move? Review. j NATION. LOGAN, I.7TAI I, TUICSI):V.l)ICC'l;MJ VOL. 3. 0 fionv rvy otKer business methods, but In so dofnf I will sever LOGA TARIFF IE KNOCKED !! THE CARBON, DIVORCE - . - Advertising ; to-j- J 1 B. Rich at hi law office op Main street, Logan, Utah. All of the unfinished business oi firm will lie promptly ati lie said (curgelj. tended to liy Samuel J, Rich and George (j Rich who will hereafter lie uHMiciated as in the law luminous witli their office at the old stand of the former firm, and who will also operate their said firm lummees miner the game name of Rich & Rich. era-cdmi'l- Biili-wise- . Walker - House ll iir, Punis. Scales, Fanning Pipe, Iron Entiling, Nails, Plush-rinMills, Scuds, lb)pt. White Canvass ami Eublmr Duck, etc., etc. Alwuys ou Hand. t. Tliul'-her'- SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH s IDNEY STEVENS, O. W. MATTHUWS, MGR. emu-K-iisat- -- European Plan. Ixx-ate- d 1 Logan, Utah. MACHINIST.!?- eon-pan- Than take in any oilier form is other people think anil I'iirk's Tea is insde fur just tlume folks. It cures constipatmu and a cathartic tuovea tbe not though For sala at Biter luiwel every day. Icit many Rros. Ding Co. The Scheiub Gallery Will Finiali Photographs from Now on in Two or Three Days. The Best and Neatest Finish . . orj-u- n d mayor-elec- t. frien-ijjav- c - at the ohl L. O. Foundry. Would lie flensed to Have Ilis Old Friends Pay Him n Visit Kamt-dintka- i pd-a- nd o inay.ir-el.-- et Uoseii-Isnii- she-oliw- u j j BECHTOLS & BANDS, P ant to do Pn-puJo- d l'ii nu vp. Ei-Niin- all kinds of Mild in ary, Engines, rv mid Mrl Work. on i .M:ii-!iii;- i Bhauraztiam Is a symplon of disease of the kidneys. It will cer'aiuly be relieve,! by Park's Sure Cure. That headm-hc- , lmckaclie and tierd come from the same cause Ask for Parks Sure Cere fur the liver and kidneys, price 1.00. For sale by Eiter llros. Drag Co. feel-lin- C. CKriutaiixsea, MERCHANT - TAIOR Ft- - IJrijjrlmiii Oily, I J lull. JJ The best snuHage, Lome made lard fiesh and salt meats utG. IV Reeders. s HoiiiC-llill- lf, t'uiiiih-t- ! fc-- for atG. I). Reedei'a, Maiu street, Fiti!i i Ell'ijisil (Mils. Full and Winter Gauilx. IlliP'il'll Has Opened n Bruncli Office in L ig.in. Two D.i.irs l.ii d o M.in ig r. Post Office, w ith F- - Jacoiisen as a choice roust r( meat tf Mcasuienii'Lts Takfii auil Sati-il'u-ti- i!ii.iiMiittvl G1VB US A CALL J . j p has-hnn- d, hap-jien- up-wa- Gutk of I Call j, j - Sleep udv.-iti-i- U.-iiu- aOSBRH WILSON, VnieriGan and ())-- r liihppiil !liNcrMinl foi'CiiNli. A Lou ax Utah, Nov. 2U'.b, 18G3. Kath.r UMHw.-- i s hn-n'u- Georue Q. Rich, Heukr 0. ('. Rich. Good shaves, hnnconi Itaths The Palace. F. Purser, Prop, f s tin-us- ' 'o o nei-'ldre- S.-li- ! -- -' : 7-- j i 10 ll wal.-rin- pjf. |