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Show Whenever one girl tells another We thank A Suhscrilier' for NOTES OF THE NATION. bis enHlrnnt her troubles with her mul shall . girl suggestions Whoop! The Palace Simp is the place. Barber t will Store The Chicago Clothing discount all couijictitors price. J. A. McAllister, Jr., DENTIST. Office over First National Bank. Lawrence Caine i rapidly recover ing from a seer attack of pneumonia. Latest patterns in wall papers deavor to do as he suggests. driMHinuker, the other girl has t You a subscription to The Na- tubs of woe twice as long and twice es i mf$Kt tion may lie paid in any kind of oh harrowing to tell iu return. DIVORCE Tim Hniierstitiou regarding opals grain or produce, if taken to the to- . Z. C. M. I., ut once. If lias dve rtf slit? evidently gathered in. sliulHod and off. Last Wednesday evening, while gether Every fiom rvy other busishe was playing with otherccildren, girl that can secure uu opal ring jl ness methods, but In ih seven.yea--ci- d daughter or G. W. appeal's to be wearing one just' .j & so was violently now. Biker of Mendnu (lolnf I will sever thrown to the ground and broke her It's u very easy mutter to the friendly relations collar bone. The little girl was whether a girl is expecting a man betwec& business and brought to Logan and Dr. Snow or girl caller. If a man ia coming reduced the fraction. So said a she looks in the mirror every few successj It is strange that some people minutes. If ita girl she doesnt. Prominent lousiness Srhtort. will suffer for years from rlieuiuu-tisiDan, - rather than try hucIi au apNo Other Pines Like It. proved standard remedy as Ayer's lieut place for all grades of The Sarsaparilla; and that, too, iu also ruhliera and overshoes spite of the assurance that it has shoes, is at Andreas Petersons. The cured so mauy others who were uud repairing department similarly afflicted. Give it a trial. making We live two door South of Riter Railroad construction bas been is always found complete. Bros. Drug Store very light this season all through New designs in carpets, lace the west. There ia so urn prospect of curtains, window shades, etc., at the Northwestern coming through to Z. 0. M. i. Davidson & Emslie Ugden next year but little work has t TARIFF IE KNOCKED!! THE JEWELER. AT THE EDWARDS BLOCK, naclc, usual place, Saturday at 11 a. m. A full attendance i desired. Klisabktu Towssesd, lre. Burlington Wyoming. ing in Northern Wyoming running u line Into Montana. The Rio Grande Weateru baa built a few miles in Central Utah. There is a bright for a road connecting Southern California and Utah. The Suit Lake papers occasionally refer to the Deep Creek scheme hut after all aliout the ouly important railroad improve, menls iu the mountain country are ut Ogden where the southern Iacific and Rio Grande Western are both building extensive shops. Review. t pie-siec- Dave Taggart, the genial passenger agent for the Union Pacific, came up from Salt Lake Thursday and nle Thanksgiving dinner with Lieuleuant Stycr of the Agricultural College. Fob Sale. Au elegant new $G0 gold watch will tie sold for half price. Thia ia a rare opportunity to purchase a valuable Cbristmaa present for a .nail amount of money. For par-tic- u lure apply to B. "at thia office. T. W. R. Nelson, one of the leading Repnblicau of Southern Idaho, it oown from Hiverdale attending hia father, one of the older! and moat respected residents of Logan, a ho is lying dangerously ill at hia Lome iu this city. lhe Ogden City Street Car Commade a reduction in the has pany force of employees, dispensing altogether with the services of conductors. The raotormau now collects the fares and twirla the brahes ns in the palmy days of the frisky mule '"car- .- Do the sun move? Review. Inter-Mounta- The evil doers seem to have steered shy of Logan of late, and au a consequence the jail ice and police justice have been having plenty of leisure. In fact, the concluded had almost police that all the criminals, drunks, and had turned good and invugs dustrious and there would lie no further use for a police department in Logun, when In! such blissful expectations dropiied with a dull, sickening thud, when it the dnty of City Marshal Knowles, Tuesday evening, to pluce under arrest as a common and street rowdy, Mayor-eleGeorge Y. Thatcher, because of that individual being disorderly and brutally nssu'dliug law-break- er Static of Irrigation Keeling. Alt per n interested in ilia Logan A Mention and Logan k .lydu Park Canal are hereby notified that a meeting will bo LeM in the Court Iiuuaa, Logan, Monday, Due. 4th. at 12 o'clock m., for the purpose of hearing the annual report of the Trust cua and for levying a tax for the year iNdt, end for the traneactiou of any other buaineae that may emus before the meeting. Tuna. Taurkt, W m. W attessqn, Alma IIaubio, T. II. Kkkse, N. C. CuKiaTFsami, Trustees. St J. K Cowley, Seejr. Jons (Juavi-e- , II. W. Kallakd, in lie-can- Cash paid for egge at Z. C. M. 1. 'Men's Suits from $3 up. $2.50 up. Boys .Overcoats $350 iPants from $1 up. Logqn, Utah, Pocatello, Idaho Gao. Q. ofl idea. Call lisliing Goods, H. C.O. Kkb AN II ... Office in Campbell Free and prompt delivery to all parts of Mum St. the City, ST. Call LOGAN. The finest, most fashionable and cheapest Tailorug and imported Home made Goods, at John Thomas' Tailor Wafers Watches, - tP Q--t ttlO Xmt An . The Heat and Neatest Finish . 9 rFIGE. DONE AT THE PLOWS. PLOWS. In all Size and S. NIELSEN. H. South PALACE Island -- Farmers caiL In the JriiW Press EUROPEAN PLAN! tll thaTithiaa OITe. Drills Ludlow SjSrin? Was OR In Looan- - with the Stylo, Bend HOTEL THUmMN PLO1 R. MURDOCK, "Old Hickory Farm Wagons Full Lino uf--- Baggies, Carts, and Hand Sowed Harness. Victor Oscillating And nnything on Earth that you can think of Prop, ( .q. we have on hand. Disc and Tooth Uilitows. Walker - House Pipe, Iron Iumiing, Nails, Plastering ll iir, Pumiw. Soules, Fanning Mills, Seeds, llnpt, White Oiinvas.-- ami IluhiMir Duck, etc., etc. Always on Hand. t Lilirral Ditcoiinl forl'aNli. STEVENS, S IDNEYO. W. MATTHlsWS. MGR. A SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Logan, Utah. aOSBFH WILSON, American and IsA European Plan. lij. Si NATI9N Job Work Hoh-SIcd- Thlnl Stmt. Prices. GET YOIR Carriages to and from all trains Strictly attested to. Leave urden at the Stable. e Dttertt Seat. NOTION S. Utah, Locum. d The Schaub Gallery Gaps, Sliocs, Dry Goods DON'T forget to Come huJ See our Goodm aud block. Hereafter the Palace Hotel will be conduettHl on the American Clocks, Jewelry, and European Plan, mul meals Silverware. served from G a. iu. to 1 a. m. lo-dn- Ikis, For first class liveries. Ouly r.r.uluutcd --e Watchmaker k Morrell's City Livery Stable Shop, 3rd Street. OF- - FINE LINE Practice la All The Courts wish ami game in aeanon. '"h A (Attorueys-at-Law-.) on them for Winerwurat, Liverwunt, Headcheese etc. MAIN ALSO Rich & Kicii, ct -- STREET Y0(d GAN GET of meat. for all kind Headquarter Logan Dancing Academy. Hereafter regular social dances will 1m given Tuesday and Saturday evenings of each week. Admission, Tuesday, 50 cents. Saturday, 75 cents. Saturday matiuee for children 25 cents. Music by Professor Mocker of Ogden. Gents instruction class, Wednesday of Suits of Provo C'xxJs, made tc week; ad mission 50 cents. order at the low price of SI 5 to 125. Fur information regarding private Subinin the Utah Woolou Mills and lessons etc., enquire at Farleys Hours from Support home indimlry. office, Third street. 10 a. m. to 5 p. ni. each day. T. lb Lewis, Ju., if C. M. Manager. Ut One of the greatest business en We aell Park's Cough Syrup. cure all terprises ever inaugurated iu Ogden i MKiitivn gmirNiir 'troubles. was consummated Monday in the It has "S ihnml an.' Electric test unod fur libueer of t'm the lnw-b',:- -' many years and organization a j maces hie-- .and y is tiro leading remedy lor citizen, in the very center of tins Power .company, there is in it tlio cure of colds, consumption, city. Probably George Q. Cs-pc K v v , another city in the Uuitud States and all diseases of the throat and (,. D?l,C(Tetaiy and treasurer, and . of 6,000 people which cun lionst ot lungs. Price 50 cents and 1.00. 'Frank J. Caunon, general manager. a police docket tlrnt contains mi For sale by lliter Bros. Drug Co. Wilford Woodruff, Joseph F. Smith, few arrests and where a lung reign John K. Winder and A. B. Patton of NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. peace is first hrokeu by the are directors and C. K. Bannister is newly elected Mayor, as can city's The object of the chief engineer. Notice is hereby given that the Logan. We hope Mr. Tlmtcher is is to utilize the water power company law firm nf Rich A Rich, consisting proud of the honor 1m has of the Ogden river for various manuof achieved. George Q. Rich and Helier U. (.' facturing purMiNC and to encourage Rich is this (lav disao'vcd liy mutual the local ion of su.-l- i enterprises hero. Soma Secrets About Women. coiiM-nt-. Frank J. Cannon, the manager, and has All Nobody yet discovered a of, and to th C. K. Bannister, chief engineer, will with small firm will be attended to by a waist who said didn't girl start east in a few days to conelude think she couid have it suinller Georcc Q. Rich at hi law office or negotiations with certain parties fur without feeling uncomfortable. Main street, Logan, Utah. the location of several enterprises All of the unfinished business ot first-class Some girb take Imp here in the near future. Ogden piness in having a burned finger die saiit firm will lie promptly Cor. Salt Lake llewld. to by Samuel J. Rich and or cold sore or sprained ankle, .' The Utah Sugar company pro it is so comforting to receive George Q Rich who will hereafter ' ' osc lie usmiciated as to make it plain to Californi- sympathy. in the ans ut the Midwinter Fair that the It takes an artistic woman to law htisincH with their office at the old stand of the former firm, ami who Golden State is away Utah m hold up the skirt of n gown graceher sugar production. Regarding fully. Not one woman iu ten can will also operate their said firm the coir pan) ' exhibit, Manager grub her dresa so that it hangs liiisuiexs under the same name of Rich & Rich. Cutler bas sent the following enquiry prettily around the hem. Geobue (J. Rich, to Secretary Snyder, of tU- - Salt Lake It isn't always nervousness that Chamlier of Commerce, in respom-IIkhkb 0. (.'. Rich. makes a girl bite her SomeLou ax Utah, Nov. 2Gh, 18'J3. to a suggestion from the latter: times very often, iu fact she "Wlmt is your idea of the size of a dot's it to give them a nice color. Good shaves, lmncnm baths pyrmaiithat you would like us to When see a girl with licr Tiro Palace. F. you We make? Purser, Prop, f expect to place some hair all mussed up you must not kind of an exhibit at the Midwiutei think she has not couib:xl it. it Kathro Sleep Fair, and would lie pleaded to retakes fix Than to in any other form ia take liniments many weary ceive your suggestion. The secrein that fashion. it hat other in tangled any people think anil tary of the Clumber has written to When a girl is ill she says that ('ark's Tea is made for just those 1. A. Clayton, of the Saltair Beach folks. It cures constipation and company, inquiring a hot her it wil Bhod give everything she owns to uot el-- , a cathartic moves the lie when and is well she well, though not lie possible for them to conIxiweU scolds frets Inh'iiuho and day. For sale at Riter every she struct a fuc simile, from salt from liHve only one new hat. Itros. Co. Dmg the Great Bail Lake of the Saltair Beach patilion. This would prove an attractive feature, and a grand advertisement not only of the salt producing capacity of the lake but of Will Finish Photographs from Now on in Two or Three Days. its advantages as a bathing iiaorl ofen MAIN f n L. M. I. A. will tie held in the Taber a RED FRONT BARGAIN STORE! : linoleums anti floor oil cloths at Z. C. M. 1. " An interesting letter from over left wai unavoidedly until next issue. Rehehbee that you can get all kinds of job work at this office, and t at the lowest prices. of chrysantheA large variety mums a ml other beautiful flowers at the Logan N urseriaa. If the liair has been made to grow a natural color on bald heads in thousands of cases, by using Hall's Hair llenewer, why will it not iu your case? been done so far west of Casper, A meeting of the officer of the Y. is buildThe Wood-man- T. R CARDON, iiy J -- Bhaumatiam kidneys. It will cer'aiuly Parks Sure (Jure. lie re- That headache, Imckache nud tierd come from the same cause Ask for Park's Sure (Vre for the liver ami kidneys, price 91.00. For sale by lliter I'ros. Drag Co. feel-Hn- MERCHANT JJ The best ausage, liomp made lard fresh and salt meat at G. IV Reeder's. C'.irrim lloi-lliiil- - TAIOR Urifjlmni Oily, Ulali. ! r, CuiiiiiliTu Iiiipni'lril of Fmicl ; Hi Fall and Winter Ggg.'s. Hus OiKiinxI a Brimcli Oilii'e in Fi ig,m, Tw. D.i.irs Ea.d o luet Oii'iM?, with F- Jacoiiskx as Local .M.iu . - Call at G. fc- - for D. Main atreet, Iteedeia, a choice roust r( meat i t( Ilia Priqmiisl to do lleiNiira on nil kinds of M.'i'd in ary, Engines, Fni ni M:ii'!iii;i rv nnd Mid Work. h. C. CKritainsea, la a sympton of disease of the lieve,! by Located at the old L. O. Foundry. Would lie (leased to Have Old Friends 1 'ey Him u Visit. 1 am BECHTOLS & SANDS, P . ,p. AGHlkTIST.! ig-T- Mcttsuieiiu'Lts Takfii aud .S.itisiu'finii iii.ir.inftvil GIVIS US A CALL ' |