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Show Utah University 1 $ THE LOGAN NATION. VOL LOGAN, UTAH, FKIDAV, t)IiCKM13KK ii. no. or. lOG. U I Lavs lren Bbly difinitwl-l.my at- - I flfllllPg Cl lfHCCD TI CPT morning, in nlmut TERRITORIAL buildings. In the matt.'r of tlie DEATH WAS PREFERABLE Mr. Brown. I waAuuiii guilty LUUnil 0 uLUUuLII lLLU I . HAPPENiNRS. EXPOSITION. Me -r tonisy. Ho-!lie cnnie minutes Lark Imuii'iil Arts and ththirty in i M uf the law of a ifiim- lhat 1 for r.ilivo Justice iliNikiug building, the exterior am tiiiiiKsuit of. It tins Keen Bn InmeMt Next Our Arrested For J .. the me.iutiiue ho Items of . Mayor . Hob sate co Train in the uuo Branghuiu. Hump d.voiTitnm mi Li ismiMt iil.uojt pie Interest from all George Lyons, simi Many of the Buildings Near- au-Assault aud hod suit timctncolLN't his villainous, emisiii'iiig and Commits Suicide. the painters will begin to put Battery. thoughts ber, Farts of Utah. ing Completion. the railnwil iiiuijwiiy on tln oilier. prolmbly some money nul avlviee, mi ill touches of color during thu innocence until Have felt secure ill HER ; - - Ih-- i i , dcli'-Mivc- i EXHIBITS SHE Ur.Ef.CY week. II. CCUIK8 HE During tho comiug week al.-nt- CUTS HIS THROAT II A JAIL- - , iny the last minute, but have coins lo realize Have lieiii that it wan iidsphe-cd- . sacrificed by those villains for l hn wihu of notoriety uml Mmil, ilireCdy gained by it. My dear friend. I iiiuei warn )ou lo uuke yourself scarce in the vicinity of a train nililNry if you an n.rt prepared to (iiovs an alibi, snd be very sure you cun do it, for if ttiosn villains rt a hold of you Hn pretty sure lo take the penalty of (lie crime iiathcr Ihuii tn In s victim for those villains to zloul over, I will coiui leta their victory wi h my own hsnile l.y iivint; tln-imy clu wliun to gloat over, hty le,-this leariw my cell time st (be county jail, I will l hs almve stated. (j.'kKl-byfoisver. (liHirue l.y oils." At 3:110 the prisoner in thej jail hoaui S gasping noi.-s- . and ou going to the ceil found Lyuus with Ids thro.it cut fioiu ear to car, l ho juguiur Vein severed The cell was a hmriLle ghl. The turnkey was summoned and tn tried u stop ttic flow ol bioikt with towels, tiu Lyons tore tin m aw sy repeatedly, cuy Let uie die, John; I aoi iimocen'.' ing: In half an hour ho wus dead. No om exiNkrierl llwt he wo. lit suicide. tut-.i- . I he cm trury, thought he would iiialie a UdsiNtiaie ellint lo escuie. .Lyons wiu without douhi, a cro. k of tlio worst kiu.l. Kroui the time he was arrested he neici alluded to his hir.tory, and no one he came from or who hip relative, G. W. TKATCKEB DOES BRUTAL A ACT. uml think over what lie had done, jHiul concluded he win really ,l w ll J'wlh-'- ' how very sorry lie was hiirli a thing had Iihjih'1j(w1, how much mime he would have given to have it umlono, etc. If we are curreetly j iufurmi'il, (he amount wus lid. H,,d w since loam he bus vuised it to !25(). if he mines up any higher we'll inform our readers. After hearing how sorry In really was, and probably taking UTAH EXHIBITS AT THE MIDWINTER FAIR. the great electric tower, iu the He Way-lay- s and Slugs Peaceable The Suicide Leaves a Letter MainWhy Henry Hayes Was Elected ter of the Grand Plaza, will His Innocence - A Very taining Utah Central Railroad Goes Into Bad Crook. probably be entirely erected, and the Hands of a Receiver. Show, Sure 'Nuff. the Firth wheel will take its place Shame mi Mayor-elec- t Georjre among the features of the The excitement which Fergous A telephone line is to lie establishSpecial Cent y tniltiice ct 'I'm Nirma V. Thatcher! 1 Le Iihs dime a eow The wiud that swept Falls, Miuu., has been subjected I ed ni ween Vernal Slid Ft. Duchesne. San Fbascisco, Cal., ) ard's act and one which will ctr-aenMs the Exposition grounds, a to by a Nov. 27, H3. I thrilling train robbery, the I rice I.Mthere' store at Goshen, wivk Hgoaml leveled the partially pursuit aud capture of the roldwr tniuly not ruiso him iu (lie esUnia-tiowas (kill There Iihs 1nhii h decided tiavy ilestroyi-county, by Ore of fair iuiuded janiple. coinph't4il Cyclorama Building in anil w sensational trail, reached its Similar. Insurance to the of foreign nmutrits in uml about which the auiAunt Tuesday nftermum lie inode a burning mountain is climax when the central figure of $ti(iilti wa carried by Sau Francisco (luring the jmst to lm displayed, can blow as Laid most uiigeutleuiauly assault iqiui. committed suicide in most horrible week. Men with luiggy trousers us it into coimiderntioii the fuel that sgeucies. belitor Uoseubaum, of Tiie Naplenties now, for the Gyclor-uiii- nanner. A ilisinvery of coal is rewrted ami with Turkish fezzes ou tlu-i- r linsiiieaN had Imeii very ilull at tion. The two met in front of Bulding 1ms been erected Ou the night of June 17th lust, heuds lmie leii promenading from the eastern part of Welier the in Pul for so.i-is time, Oriusby & Marliueaiis Drug store again. Its roof is on, and there a masked man entered the sleeper J the Kearny and Market streets, and no danger of its second demoli- of .in about 5 p. m , or rather as Mr considering tightness of county alNtul iweAty miles east of the Northern lacifis train the The pros. I'.rnng-liin- i Ogden, says the mixing with the swell clothed tion. money market, Itosenbaiini was crossing the stied soon after leaving Wadena, is iect ownml 1st him who are endown liy people in the llientrcs and in the $11! fr mi the east side, Tlmti her cress parties Work has been begun within knocked the colored very easy porter down in mercantile palaces of the city. .ml coal the it. If costs, to iu all gaged developing the last few duye on half a dozen with the bnit of his revolver, heat il tlie sidewalk ami stiual iriiinedi amounting is The Chicago crowd is moving it he cun hauled to this It that good much places inure city itely in center of sani--- , filling up buildings which hail heretofore him insensible, and then proceeded weBiwBrd, and the advance guard made no thu whole pHthMr. Tliatchti Diouey into circulation and we slid cau lie sold below the price now progress. The Alamedn to mnke each passenger jutes out his is already here. Each incoming l.'imuty Building Li rapidly grew-iuicconted Mr- Uoseuliamu aud in i In in? tii ws! business mucli livelier charged by the combice. valuables at the point of his revoloverluud train has (very reservaSatina The Santa Burbara County ver. The victims were Vri: It is generally (hreiittiiing manner staled Mini (uni collections iN'tler from now on. largely men tion occupied. The railroads are But all in Pi nud all i iiipluiMMl Hint the leaver is nesrly Nation htul iilreinly diun joking astJe, liegins to look very well known throughout Miuuesoln Building already lieginniiig to reap tin much like an Exjxrsition structure. noiigli to injure his business am seriousness, Mr. Thatcher certain- an extim-- t animal in Utah. Howeiiefit of the Midwinter Fail The erection of the Southern and North Dakota, ami the affnii lhat he did not propose to stun, ly did u very fiNilisli anil nngc'iith'-manl- ever, every once in a while some made a distinct aoimtioii.TIm offact and, so far ns we can hunter or triqiMT secures a 'project. California Building is to be begun ii any more of it. When askei of the Northern Pacific made Some of these strangers in town it once, w hile the Northern Cali- icers sentiment is nniver .v heroin The Nation had tried t and hriiigs ita pelt to Sallna. learn, public are here simply to wait aud to fornia people have already made a determined effort to capture the injure bis business ho did not re sally and strongly against him fur iug the past few weeks Iaiuis robber, and Tinker ton men were are. watch for an opportunity to turn start in the hope of gettiug ply, but went on telling what In and hit brutal manner of proced- Jueolw has purchased some au honest penny jiending tin rapidly ahead of their Southern at once put at work. ure. skins and will ship them east After several ineffectual arrests. JAOBHONS FIGHT THE BEBELfc wanted done and giving his incommencement of their winter's brct,..eE. The grounds, reason or excuse at an early day. lieaver pelts are how this paper should structions lb George Lyons wob captured, or whatever you call it, of Thatch- worth a whole tut of money and are engagement at the Exposition. One of the most important steps was Seven Colonism attacked by Ove no run. in at Frazc a barn sleeping who Others 'are concessionaires been He outdo his threats that if any- er's attack, is doubtless au editor- always in demand. taken during the week has Forty Kexicsns. City nights' pud was getting hi. have put iu an early apiiearnuct-wit- the GO additional acres meals at the hotel It has just come to light that El Paso, Tex., Nov- 27.- --'. thing else was ever said about hio ial in answer to a correspondence securing of the day. daring a view to getting vhicli apjteHred iu last issue oi for the Exjiosition grounds. This He was lie r mml his business that to tl; 77m. Homy Bjieciul llayes owes Lis election iu constantly discussing th. Demiug locations in the Exxsiti(n, or for innex consists of what is known L'iie Nation, as to tlie propriety th. dieat the will eartL, wipe this arrived courier (his county to the office of school evening, the sake of pushing for ward theii as the Recreation Grounds, and robbery anil gave the detectives a an account of a skirmish and do many of thus. ..f Republicans jaitronizieg tin iitem lent to a very shrewd whir! ground' iN,ri clue to work on. The theory of work of general preparation. ou it will be constructal a ciiulei I m tween Ihcr Hungs with the editor, whiol Thatcher Opera House, as long u. piece or Kliiical sagacity. While coloi: occurred Mormon, The notes of prepai ation are to i ruck and an athletic field in the stale and on which lie was con heir Republican organ was iguor-ists and rebels last Wcdnesdav re don't find in Die Bible. itisliop Horne, his opponent, sawed be heard on every lmisl, liut the which all sorts of contests and v cted was this: He was a round A the opera house, aud their wood at Ins home in Ini by demanded be that win colon of seven llichflehl, Henry give juts arty o village of Perhaiu Friday evensound the loudest out ut Holden tournaments cl si imtroiuige was not solicited. lie tliut wu Uie.ii hail and may lie conducted promise nothing riding night day over the recoiuuuiteiig, Gate Piirk, where the bail lings luring the term of the Exposi ing up to 11 o'clock. He math The questions asked by out ii bn said aliuiit er him, over forty by doing alisolulely nothing but &rtf 'going up, uinl where the lionr Here also will be erected himself conspicuous with a view timk tin or retq sin limit were very Ho further ooloMist lonists.' Tho :;hlnIt is uuw reported bailies. Hissing to proving that he was in Pprlmni scenes are almost as busy as the the answer was mill. tlmt mb-V- tli of and killed one great assembly hall, 150x175 it the lime of the oiU.rwt him. j Miami, piortuii robbery in cas will le after the gates are Bwunp met in size, aud tl inurn Si'veral ciqmble oi in was and wounded others. I t (wo ot wing dusty udiau kids. caught. A passenger train ill net opeu oil January 1st. Speaking accommodating five thousand xo 1. leateil ret The then colouisU oniing drew a welt defined line, Ilwnj went east at 11:30 p. nj. Hi of gates suggests mention of tin nud io bois of tho y h a time. In this structure IxHinled the and tl near jure pleat kiq.t by, big girls wanted to ta bnggnge car platform canyon foed that the great high IkuuiI s ill lie held the not prom is. In nid relmls he off but when woifWisH. stand their until congresses w hich .mil redo east twenty-fiv- e nisNeil, the, night, nnles to suit tin work. Mr. fence, around the Exposition ire contemplated iu connection was lie of citizen lias piov wen reamed a Hayes by party Hu waited half au lioni cnn Judi'd h self to Ini a shrewd grounds, is rapidly nearing com- with the Exposition, the grand t .uni out soldiers sent wrong jwlilican, ami by mil then bulk the is own hat.ilr Iu Vm is pletion. lty the time this li lt i uusical festivals anil any ofliciai he .io colonists All ppe the through. glad pulled cscuia rain for ierhain, robbing thn cm is read, this fence willin' practi--ubthe promise b I'tTICK. which an li'inoiistrationa in gain on the way. After getting hi.-- injury. 'an promino wa.-- t completi l, and by the 1st oi shower might otherwise TIia failure of the Governmeu lb: ngai The Utah Central Railway with u liu mler to the roof oi climbed ut a hmg shot, mu! Dnrpmhcr, r a feu days laler by interfere with. 1'nder this build- the car ami rode a few miles to afford the colonists protective inaimgr ill of its appurtenances went into wch the outside, it will In; possible foi viv ilont Isdieve this p'ijNr will nr will lie the headquarters fm tf iu colonists resulted tho iiming hands of ing die uriniiq Monday, 1erhnin. where he pulled Imruu to suit George the ExMisiiioii mamigemeut t lie Midwinter Guards aud fm .ThatcherV lull'd liMiits that llieinsclvoH and tlie application of the Central standing guniii anil iqNiii as the trail, jumjied liegiu to cimrge admission to tin the dcjmrtnicnts of concessions vo any about hill: fancy any more in the future than Irusl t'onqiaiiy ot New York. The dowed tip. This was the first in- lay ami night. grounds. What this charge fm ami admissions, a sort of executivi mt liriuly inform it Ims iu the past. tie was receivers who where apiioinlrd by timation the conductor heard oi preliminary admission will lx lists headquarters, as it were, asidi rviloN was under no FruHl a Horrible llealh. d lhat eoiiHi'iil of counsel are James Mc- not yet liecn determined; cci'litiiil from those that exist in the Ad- the reblicry. Lyons then walked News has laim iiivivcd froi woulo him Hint of buck to and got his breakiregor this city, present geuerut li j more than 25 ets. and Missili t'al , 'that an ol. make him no pronina-stint, ministration Building. Sampsoii'a fast at a restaurant w Imre he Jim i iinmiger of the road, and Clarence as low as 10 or 15 els. In any r baa liecn rescue., JJr. Roseiilnuui lie securing of this latest 'erimiii prosia-cloAll this time i i':iry, a proniiiieiil lawyer of New On his trial he swor stopjiedevent, a considerable revenue ir annex to the Cl: rk .Minim from a horrib e iiiid been Htundiug leisurely, with makes tin that lie by York. The receivers were required to grounds slept in a Imre at Perhiin. leal li alow burning. Arconliu, i is liaiuls iu his expected from this source beini n total area of the Exposition uearl by p.N'kcts.Xo rouph gave Ihinds in the sum of $10,011 each, that night, although lie Imd the lime of tin: completion of tin bid acres, ami it is safe to that iu his 0 the account, the old proiqecl.c words hail Innui usil and no falM .uid tlie usual mwer is conferred say pocket. The colored portei i.sd fence ami the opening of thu imalone in a hole mores Mi . were living (here will lie no lonesome places lacksou, swore exiecteil. They are also required (ijmiii pwitively tlmt In whit It position, The daily crowds now in this qnarter-seetioto a man named ('rah i'liutcher turned slightly as if h Tin tudonga r ri'iuli a ui report of the receipts aud wus the man, Frank A. l)ix run up to thousands, and m. in Kaaqison's Hat, miles fru.n walk off, blit iiihlead of so doinu. . lice, themselves, will lie qi it eXNiiiiiliirr-grounds every Miree inuuihs who gave up Lie Saturdays and Sumlays to tens oi is full us the buildings, and tin Minneapolis, other human uInnIc. Mim.m, : .struck Mr. Rosenbaum on tin my ordered by the Court. sine unless other watch aud money, thought he was. thousands. A great maiiy of tin m miner, of Sampson's flat, cheek willi tlie ailiii of his hand tlie complaint filed iuiihlings will Ini full to over- and as three men saw him a' from Il appears will not let a dime or a quail.'; to puss nenr the house, It will In noticed tlmt the lxttci Tim latter fact has leen YViuleua happened railroad sowing. the licit company has issued between the trains tin stand in the way if their gii.(. and from some cause was atlraeico "utlemoii was struck while he ot $221,000 aud sum in .mphasized, during the wek, lionils tlie convicted him, after three upou the grounds fur the where he discovered the prospect- was wholly unpreinreil and his the cureful couaiderntiiiu jury .1, of through certificate the pluititiff as that 'lie lie Imam or growth of architecture seems l which bus liecn given to tin liiiurs delilieiatinuin a burning Iwil, too sick hands were iu his jiockels. lying of iruntce ainoiti'uge giveu by the the verdict without the least show cluiriu b have au uiiiuistakal-lmove or save bie.Kelf, w Inch no mr of thu applications of iu A scuffi in alllioiigi said company was endorsed uKn grief. Judge Bearle cipm-ti-t- l the average l.'aliriii nian, and it i: fur r.Tlml-clic- r in in lire niutreHh tin he to a M short with a done. tieular view whs preiNirinp It further eucli of tlie said IniiiiIs. damage to sentenced him on Monday, amt safe to any that the gab keepen-wil- for Bpace have Masted him alive. Mr. allotments. This work hat it is several made strikes atliis on that May 1, 1801, in order appear thought fifteen years wuuld Moore lie kpt busy from the start. t lie necessity of orderhim out and extin opponent nearly all of w hicb fell dragged the secure to payment and interests iiave liesn the time. As a matter of fact, there is a ing the completion of the 75 foot the Are. The man was not shy of their mark. Mr. Rosenbaum guitdied bunds said the of according to their Lyons was very quit and spent but could give no correct ac- was all the time on the defensive great deal to see on the grounds ol annex to the Manufacturers Bxild-iu- some time tinrned, defendant the railway comtenor, writing. Shortly after count of how the fire the imposition right now. All lie and succeeded very well in dodg which was only conditionally originated. the to executed plaintiffs a pany dinner lie asked one of the pri the main buildings have pro contracted for ut tho time tin said that ho bud Iwen lying helpless Lis opponent. Mr. Rosen over to them all ing setting hud mortgage, who the razor jailor's in bed several (lavs. The horrible bauin received only a greased to such a poiut that the original contract was made. It suiters, uf said bonds. The lust two interest very slight himself, to let him take mental shaving satistlm a to added to hi sickness, scratch, wdiilo il is believed Mr. very lias also licen found necessary ti public atrain, present payments are now in default amouut-ingt- o it. The turnkey told him he A NEW DEPARTURE. factory idea of their place a iositive limit upon the would better wait until he got to tins mado him a raving maniac, and Thatcher lost liis gold $11,010, and as the railway Tim Mechanical reception of further applications is be is now guarded by Mr. Crabtree, eye. glosses, also a good time effect card iu the new With of jiart company is ulleged to be insolvent as he would gut a good Arts Building is, to all intuits and for splice, and none will now In Stillwater, who has returned to his house. milch Rio and Nov. his lliu of the 1Jlli, teuificr Mumbiy, and unable to discharge its allowed The MHiinfae-ture- s received after December 1st. shave thou, but foolishly Wen tern inaugurates a has which Grumlu heretofore purikaM, done. I'.intitf preyed for the the him to keep the razor. Lyons 1 FOR THITRY DAYS of this city bidding needs only a fuw Immediately ufler that date the service chair held r rereivers lo prevent cur the sK)cial jieojile by reclining incut appoint then repaired to his cell and wrote roof trusses to Im under cover. allotmeutmeiits of tqxtca will la and was The Tlintchcr Denver. Mr. betwecu fur'. tier immediately Ogden from il They deteriorating. two letters, one to his attorney, Twenty-riv- a Per Cent Discount. The great doino of the Horticul- pushed forward ns rapidly as pos placed under arrest, escorted down chairs are of a special pattern and also neck lo foreclose their mortgage. him fur j A. James Brown, thankiug f30l)0 dollars worth of Dress to Police Headquarters by Marshal for comfort and elegance arc lad tural building is in place, ami the sildc, so tlmt every one may know Tttbunf his able defense and protesting!,, WikiI Suitings, Habit Cloilis of that outlines slnicturi' b(autiiul where his or her exhibit is to la his innocence. The Knowles, aud given a hearing. siirpassiHl anywhere. These cHre to was other In freu to all clashes of. will I.iulies and Children's CliKiks and Dave are wi 11 detiuetl. The Administra- local ixl. at the earliest convenient lluy whila you jmy,! from Evans, ail Ogden attorney, Harry Carroll of Portland, Or , slw elw.. Bhri $15 lo $35 sill put in your house nt oj Nr was in towu and sat closely to Lie tickets. tion i.nilduig, last to start, will Is moment. J. 11. Bennett, G. P. & T. A. oue of Llit I icst Pianos or nmte of the jail, and t former at Z. L. M- j liOgan siJc. Davo wanted a job, so told iinislied before sum of those Orgsus dlilW was us follows: Ladies' and (.'hildren's Costs aud which were lMgun before it. Stall Stewart give special attention in the world; balance about as yoi) Diar Friend I take this opportunity Br,nc. George to plead nut guilty. This! Isaac kxiiH, Mgr. he diu aud his hearing was set for to probate business. please, ol W. H. Lamoreauz. ll is being put in place on all these Wraps, new fall sly lea st Z.U.M.L f to let you know how my trial earns off. Space la Nearly all Taken up by Exhibitors twill be a Bis c.-:- ; -- luud-Scape- y j yi-u- u r u d e . west-houn- d g. Jilt-dic- i. - ?- -l. - - y sN'i'i-ine- know-wher- msg-nitlce- - tirst-clu- ss ,vn-imbushe- - ain - 1 Uu-s- Colom-Dubli- n. west-bou- pl r HrM-we- Pt-rhu- . - i llu-iii- n. well-kno- ru-i- . - linn-woul- 1 l devi-lojie- g to-b-e. ro-sK- s In-c- . j - , : J-- - nt |