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Show perfect, and every benevolent aim that these scent associations advertise may Eldsr Linford and Bishop Barton Speak be found in the gospel Pl of uivattan upon the Importance ef Mission By tta Sifl ?ristU ssIftUiiUaf Caspar, At the recent conference It wu urgod ary Work-Bae- rst 5. If. Waaaala JUsafar. by our leading bretber n that Lattorday boeietlss. Saints should keep themselves aloof Ths attendance at meeting last San from each ocietlee. that they might not Fstarsd It the PmIoIUm it Kaysrilla M eoood elM msiiar, day wu very fair. Berries began by U led from tberigbtanpathanthem, "The The Choir sang tbs eholi singing, Rademr of Israel Earth to the Lord IOC bleathMltfatl Wit, oar only dsllght, On whom for a Elder Grandieon Raymond prononne ing we call." sdthe benediction. Prayer wu offered by Elder E. A. HAHPKKIKGS HEREABOUTS. IP A. I SUNDAY SERVICES. Gil'S Effective March 1st, the first class continuous passage me wav from all Utah common points Including Kays ville to all Missouri River common points will be 820.00, and round trip rate from and to aam points limited to continuous passage in both dirre lions with final limit, slaty days from daMufLsue, will he 835.00. Rates to intirmedute main line be higuer than point should above figure. Under tats authority tbe Chicago rate front mala line points, first class A Interesting Alutlng. continuous passage, will be 32.60; St Louis 127.50. of Toung the Tbs conjoin meeting P, Thoxassbx Agent U. P Mutual Ladles Mens and Young was he'd Improvement association From March 8, tho RIi Grande Sunday evening. The attendance wu Western will make round trip rate somewhat less than customary, but of the usual excel from all mat points. Including Span isli Fork, as follows: letk After the opening exerclesn, Elder To Missouri River points and re535.50 Albert Beuer delivered a brief aJi turn 547,50 To St Louis and return d rose on improvement, that wu well To Chicago and return $55.50 worth hearing. Ho referred to the nt-lThese tickets should be limited to fleeting qualities of Time, and ekique of days from date of issue with iiuDuriance sixty using portrayed the the momchts as they come and go, to cnntinuoa passage transit limit in direction. develops tho faculties glTn us for both All branch line points will add tfO le onr It duty tn strongtliHn them by uf diuhle local to nearest esaga. Bume of us look upon great percent Une main Junction. II e man with a longing desire to be a R, K. Bbowk, agent not such we do realize hut that them, V Judge II. W. Haight riel ted Sill Williams, Lake yesterday. Staging, "For the strength of the hills ws bless ths. Oar Uod. our fathers God.1 About an Inch of an iw fell last Sun Elder Janus H. Linford wu thajlrst Say night esker. Hs said when we aeeept a Cashier R.W. Harm mad a busl taeaa trip to Zion yesterday. membership In the Chureh of Jesns u Go to Williams' for your min's boys' Christ, wo accept at the same time great fend childrens bats responslbllitlea; ws place ourselves nn der duty's panntr, and virtually bind Mrs. Jane W. Blood Is tinting her to obey tho eosnsela of thou ourstlvci In daughters Logan this wek. who are over us. Somotlmu ws placed tl. W. Layton and Seth Q. Jones were asked to do things tint to ths natnr are In the cap! city yesterday. W. IS. Smith and Wife started for al man are Irksome, and It Is these responsibilities that ws shrink from. taalfldwlntor fair last Tuesday. Saints arc expected to The hett dance at Williams' Itail Latter-da- y when duty calls, ns matter what Will be Satiirday evenio g April 28, 18 the It. call may be. In early days of tho htai W. fieri Smith hha ssTetsd hit erm-- lory of this ehotoh olden wsrsssnt Into great attainments are within our action with Inn fiiout editor end tbs world wllhont paru or Bertp. reach, if only we bend our energiu in TURKEY, TURKEY, TURKEY. direction. The secret uf It publisher Thoy rolled upon tho people among tho prjpsr I can use all the chlckena and tur O.Y.Fafellh And ftobell Hlamire whoa they traveled tat food, clothing all le to aw and develops our faculties; to let m opportunity pass which may key you tnve to sell Were among the number who paid Salt and shelter. Slnee then conditions hsva H, J. SBBFlnBLlk be used tjr our lmprovmeot. Laka business visit this Cftd1 a and aiders now find ll heeeo road Sarah ebangad, Dailey III. very Week. ary to pay thalr own oxpsuss. Ia liable paper nn "Education. fee ball Yhfcto il rac-po- SPECIAL SALE NOW ON AT This K&le Special of clothing intending to cell out, but offering Boniflde Bar- mencing Mar, 8, at Such Prices as never before See gains. them and be the people oi Davis convinced. county, A Staple, Fancy and Green Gro ceries fine assor- tment of Hens, Boys and Chil-dere- ns Clothing and Furmshins, that must be sold to make room tor Spring and h " Will it brand at Web hardship upon hters Pavilion, April the 20th. Toung soMitmillli feres. Orchestra, all are Invited. Tick- thou who tako mtarioBSb Wo wko an at homo Ought to bo wllllbl and oven ets 55 et& anxious to ftifnlnh means for the mla Kirsr tile Creanler ythjese was put bn the marset today for the Aral. It slonarlss, and tbtta butlanprudlngths Is att excellent article, fully equal to gospel, this la tho duty of tho Latter-da- y works a Fred B. Williams gave t Hook of describing in detail tbe establishment of tbe Kephlto republic, under Chief Judge Alma, and he traced tho bbequent nlstory of the republic. M Hi mm m ismU hII Miss Alice Robins sang "Madeline" mwumlltiriawn (urIMUbaan MM wooMlaa, MIMhSSM H f CbSmL BWMWMlir Mormim leci-uro- at prices that dety bummer Goods, Also some Bar- competition. Produce Wanted gain! in shoes that must go to xnakft room stock bow and highest price p lid tor chci kens for , BICYCLESSr tnusit, lo sham sale. Wearo not com- offered to is in oggs, fruit, vegetables and grain, . very sweetly. Salute, to declare the gospel plan of 'Lire is What W o Make wu the The stockholders hi the Kaysvllle Ilfs and salvation. We cannot all go up- truthful title of a select reading by Crealhery Company hiefc last Monday on missions, but we can assist In ths John 8. llyde. The program eluded by Mu Nellie iand Voted VoW xm the proposition to promnlgatton uf ths troth by lending tole the capital atoCk. The result our financial M to thou who do go. lartoo recitlhg "Down the Track" In a manner that shows she haacmissider i Was that 81.BC0 wv added to the atock, Our ul ration, and tbe salvation of tho able talent in that line. Ths Plssssv CikInm srVsMMblss mA riawsis. making the Capital no 15,000. entire human family, should be our Ontslailll ssMltlk 11 isskM, witk benediction Afer and the singing wIsImAi Ulutntisai At the session hi the cubrtty Vbilrt KOfELTlMB. care. It la more Important meeting adjourned for four weeks. tkst lirtisoi, as ziggKst last Monday, Robert Wadebf Kaysvllle, greatest Aalaav BnscMiS VU MmAHw ft mt la charaist Is Umw loss (OflnaoHkrCbw nd C. ft. Smith of Centerville, Were that worldly gains, and wo ean not do Witw Mte wM Is M tat wSIto. vim sal BtlMMIB.) KAYS DEPOT NEW FOR VILLE. SIMM af feMnljr. ss PMM a KordllM AGUE ROADSTER Blhlataa, Bssaat, fcppolnted tree Inspect, In ttotapll-fcU- re better than lend our aid to fho cause piiMcd la ( SIBtisM Mlois. All Um IwSlat BOtSilM Dahlia. M Tlrk, The Union Paelfio Will Build One if tho OtusatM mm ss ISWQTPEA wltn the provlsluAs it the bnrtlcul i that bu this end In View. aJ UMtaKf UmsM nrtellM ThMthsrSIlMs Mil for ro to M nail Bor SOSMT SOOM Lam Uarslss (ilMiaa, rtk. cuaot duo b ras wir Vick Fnruish Land. Will CUItens ftural low pasied hy the late leglsla nm I VSASSBS. FVU. It will Barton when remainder nefta tm Bishop neenpled tbe ACME ROAD RACER, 25lbi.90f. UiMvrvtlw that Vli n4a pwr. thM tokn.ws DuMf ISMMBS, tbnr. rharwar Fro. Avny thr orM nr, aad bo tSiitwillIhthanm Mrs. nS of thetlme. Ha uld In putt There seems at last tn be a remote d WOOD-R1MIIUI MMt ftw mRlNil sraw I rVkk1! JT Mulb 11 bb' iMflr Usrshr ss comPacific Union Hinf that the Word reached bet's yesterday alter possibility esThe Lord In his merey hu again thrr 1utalo.a, kowiMl catalofUt for lMt. If jot ).n. a in rinim StSuLlad aaod adSma now, with la rmla. wilch mar boon bf the death Of Mrs. ItaTgret M-tup- , tablished his cfiureh for the last time, pany will erect a depot building hero UMalMd mm M mwu Mil for I1N and SUi. Itam Sial ariar. MW Om naa aaa fautaaa. that will grace our city as well a do which occurred at Ogden at S.15 lo prtcd ftw iMWMdWr. t will never again be taken from the credit to leaves isA lo M. SlBrcl- -t tttro(k kOKHtoTeRt N Y. JAH5S ViriCS SDKS. a mi ssosti She thecomrany. For years our family. large yesterday. iMm. doM dMlmiitt taken the bssa s hu earth; priesthood have been holy warr.n people demanding The lady wu quite well known In rrtcit. than fee hdvd, but 'the Kaysvllle, whsre she has a sum away at various tlmu In the past, but tUutntM Cfcuiociof was puvrrtv-rtncVeither her of relatives; It will not be so again, Tbe little stone compahy Acme Cydo Compeny, nr too parsimonious to uks nntire of ot tool mountains cttt hubsen tbe The manager bf the lUyevUle EUUIATf, 7W the appeal. It rams somewhat In the Creamery company Informs ns he Can wlthont hands," and It will grow until nature of surprise, therefore, when a hse All tbe milk that farmers Can It fills tns whole aarth. Ths Lord hu special cir stopfad at our i .1 TO SUBSCRIBERS. t a depot this bring .tn Thecreataehr tashinstttui oalledfts.out focm among tho nations tUbrtiln'g and some officials ot the road r or t.ion wiil rillii-, tvnrwnl isw Mjbai-nj)- ! iis ioc pri.-- cfTns Kaoi.B, ton that Wo afepfodddf, fh i It for got off to look over the grounds with a to torn him, audit will bo well with Thk Eaoi. pffl(-riU-.- l afi-.ntebv 'Vor.l.n Ihcpuhitiieraof Alwas wilh ofTnu blshes farinerl att Opportunity td turn view to erecting a new building. h l l,i V1 f.jr'iVt!- The Aln'Sisr mv their hlthefUt Httrpldt pfddctet Into if we lire so that we may be eheun 1 nodsrstood that they mads a It ealled. For It Is written Many pro beady tosh, and as It lnCfCSSCa lu ca well posit loa that if tho citizens would psclty fhi Using rnllh, It bktehds Its are called but few ue chosen, gtV them the necessary land they would Usefulness. The dlstarbaneto Id tho world today bommsnes at once the erection of a fins art serious, bnt they are milling to stnfttnit, such as the volumeof business oi hsn will B. H. fisher, till, Dgdsa, we wUltato tM future. We done here warrant. Telr reas m for what REDUCED he In Kayirills on konday and Tuesday, Is that their p- - toe bouos have bun ealled oat of Babylon', i land wishing heat dental 2ft wort, lprll and 24, to do have been led np to tbe monntalna ol stubs n.sr wbsn tbry drs'gn putting tbs of rsfersneM given is td reliability. Will Zion, that wo may escape ihs Jndgmeute butldlog srs very limited, and if they hkfttaher. make regular monthly visits - FOR Tnw AND ENCY0L0PADIA FOR 1694, to Buttd eni lreiy on their hive yohrftntal wort to 5 tollable den whleh have bees promleed. One uf the are comp itsd -a mectfts-rllyfasmwuiild tlft btw uwn laud It the v t In tbe wu It depot allowday told, spot list and do boi rtdb vebr Veth by A do tho Tory prefer to Ths Best RetafSaes Book Priotei. to tlnkrt with uf Ifuah, so shall be at the eomtag of ing nsieibparut banlsuVdslv when thsv drt them.' Hr. tflshaft has tome very food ihs Son of Maa, We rOad that ths peo- thing dp ple In Noahs day refused to receive tbs sUM, hears this 'rnpodtilon. tofersnees frost pnAhlnent Ogdeft Ewrrtblng op til Date uu! Conphtt.' We have not been able, up to the word of Ood. and they were sVept away of "Via We time of going to press, to get the opinby the flood, only eight remaining. The 'faneflt had under ttye Wqifce are not looking for anotbek flood, God ion of our business men regarding tne Vf As Seventies Quorum last evening liu Said he would never again delnge matt fe, but we Vsnturt an opinion that SYSTEMS AND Til E Ykak A faVtliti success financially sud arc really in the earth, but other judgments have if ttie Union Pacific iHDdR3tD BY DTATeAimIEN, tbuCATORfti Afro The VeVy pfeatobt affair sriclally. PACIFIC been predicted Upon thou who torn a earnest, thec tfeeua would be aet'ng SOUTHERN tafdMce was not wliat It BhnuM hare deaf ur to toe tooth. Read the news- within the llmsuf STUDENTS EVERYWHERE. by COMPANY. 'VMeb conaidcrlng tbecauae foV which papers and see If the evseth that pro- ng the e tapmy's propuxl'Tou. A brfe life fait was glVch. There Were prob phets have foretold are not tohnsphlng. dr pi A Is wht we nerd su.l ought to have. Hus Reached fluch Stale ef Perfoe bhiy hfty Couple pi event, but of The eigne of the titaec point to a time TICKETS. Hen That It it a Veritable Kncycle UOtiND TRIP Vuurse, m great tushy bought tickets not far In tne future when tho wrath ot Big stuck Of haUOt Wltilatah'V.heep pmdla ef Facte and Events, Whi were n& theie. It 1 thongnt the God will be poured ofut upon ell nation; 30 Early Rtmu 1 potatoes for Yd U ll. Vioceods will be. about $65. It willl b when the wicked In Zion fehall tremble' Brought Down te January SbUffleAds. J. Charles Flrat, 1804. Rub eipendca to assist Elder and when all who do Wickedly shall bs IfRYBVlLLfe 46 4ns, who Iravesfor his field of labor visited by His Judgments. BeAfre that 8 :hool hall fur chlldreu 19 rfrnts FRANCISCO Wit SAtQiui'y.&Ud eaCh of the tale time comes ths Gonqelmut. bo sent to each'. . feTHB difci6d ef I89A Em beefl Jteptiecl II. j. hlnnariea from the Seventies Quorum all natlons,fbr God In hlh justice, will Akd hklrnk A with 'in rxtra force cl" eitbrT. h Win ') Wow on missions will verelVe a por ri destiny the wicked wlthont first All silk ribbdnfi and lo ccuts per )iavl ndVel and httrsetito cOTeV, wie m7-- J biOn. H. J. SnxvnsLU. ..'ingthem a chance to repon. Tbe yard. nftA And licpioved binding I is Minuted 1 Syjpnii labor Is great; tho laborers arsleompara bd to the FIVE our mast wo Wanted, ticaeU iClW!lWg perform good paper, and contain more and falter .1 tirelyfew.bat gau Will Locate In Canada. book t&aa informatiou Of tutv.or ws will bo nnder condemnation . a similar nature published! It u any 18,000 pounds of milk per day aft the . FAIR. James X. Cottrell and family are Ini (or not haring don our part. CreamcrV. Kaysvllle Wo have been vary mn'elt Weeded by bending to bid Kaysvllle adieu mat AMERICAS STANDARD YEAR BOOK; Ocw their leave for being gathered together herd in Utah, Saturday, and fekfctJRSION In Fair computing home lu Alberta, Canada, where they where w are comforaably situated, k pwp h p FMta Sab vVancWa tn other point will mike their permanent abode, we blessed with every thing of a temporrl rattA from Kaysviho rtatfn to San WSret very much Mf. Cottrells de nature that eonld be asked.. We ought Errncisco and return good thirty (leys In California ftill be allowed purchus-erkft- f mail, by Midwinter Fair tickets at th termination to leave Us, befall lw Is not to bo aelflsh; wo should cheerfully the Rio Grande Wefttvro An. Use 535.00 f rourtd-triVrt.teo JcU trt haft Fh. tiddrtu THE WORLD, JtVto p Og CUy. rate. folRiwlng b man whose absence will te felt,ahd contribute to toe support of mission ar- rate Hbfiftifcdei Wl Trebly. Ever sfoce be Pas been ias. frbmthe boontoou start fife fare abb rrturn and dne fare for the rf.rtid Td stations ilnder 150 miles from d shlnld not be tri from Krysvife ti tvie tmd ru San Franclsft, one and efaent la Kaysvllle he has been an received from oni lV make turn, tne rate fnita KayiVllfo Way fate. bctlve sod almost Indlspcnsibie mem unwise. The people do at A far of eveiy iTqporUnt muslcul organ ruklee expenditure money la sptot Ogtf-- ii 53 Wftu ft Heft added w ftv Td fttatii'irib iso miles of tbore fioro hatfom until bis dame lias trnifch tom' In InVoOy, and then wo .toy hard 33.00 front Ogden id ike t Ad VdaAd Sid Ftoucised, dub and dd6-thi- rd bhc btllAV W&eWsVet SfoStlMf, taUstUal times'. Jtan set natty feel too poor to twp tote Kayviitt ftd ihiA ftftuwAito las. 5.W.55. and rotfito .;ai lie has been contribute to tho aid of thou who spend As these Came hltfcl ain W fc&fct Fol ciact fiteft kndfili in forma-oi- l cWb: Ihd thalr time ferc&almlng lbs ftford o! Hod. bf itte bfc'dit - : ' PWldr.htHl ihe PHSI fatfo. Id all PI Let ho oMn onr hearts, and assist mis under fthls notice at Grand Jttneilon Inquire of P. Thomamcii U . P. fsOAOItOO. ISST. bw in hfMiMMAria srees all Ad Hut. star line same main Will stations mio, TV use has A gen, or R. E. Jirnwn. R. O. per lonarles In spreading thslVutb. Wbhtlt ftUftA bffAhltatltthkhe Nsw Dcsmhs. IS PavsnVs. Asnsvie Mitm Wowk. P. dtafked With figures. Utah. hi Another ability. firmed agent, Kaysvllle, part aubject of vital importance hi RIBBON STEEL LATTICE RA1UR6S AID FENCES t All fftadch llucft will add utual lofca Or aitdrem the UDdrraignpd. Hdth Mr. and Hffl. CdtttoU bare the LatAndly Saints la Ihs toetat or MITBIHCS. BLIVIKTOMb Bjf&KHM Hm LMNNb M444HPMMWI to nearest mainline Junction on one Ricuo Ghat. NOTIIR, MAW tOTI. T. 11. Goodman Wvire bf frteuds hito drhd Will Wish gsnlsstloua that era lnalunallilt t OOTTMM OHURQNU ; Srnv tickets and 80 percent of double Gen. Pass. Gen. Traffic Man. ftONOOLt, 8 MMS, tlirm a pleasant Jourbejr, ab'd health, olvu among us. No Lutnr-'ddOPFIOCi M. MtIDINMt. on round . "v tickets. t;;i , Southern faulflc Conigiinv, :vh 'pr.iij r V lr' trip i- BCWJUK OF lirilBfNI HSU mu 01 old rosy tocci hny Imported. If $55. Vicks Floral Guide, 1894, $55 r it k- G, nil bcicrac-cnmmodaMoh- S Cu t FREE er-N- h ip u . u GREATLY RATES u Al. . DALIFIIHHIA UIDWINTER FAIR n, the the lines RGWORTT.P. exp-dkm- mi 1300 St. at- ry good for days SJtti SHEt-nxu)- $3550 - Mid-Wint- er TRIPS 25 PRICE,postpald -- . fffW m fork iaoeeaiii mte-thlr- cmi cMTs; 4 W ; i'to o R.E Jiu'vw m ?FRT FENCE & WIRE C0m ST. LOUSS. W0. |