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Show tr ... s jw . . ) '.' x , rIZ3r77THe- - iN S ! j,V ,-- . V --,- .' j? 7r :zl7.:" - -- JV-, -- ' . . :,r r. .- '.'js.1-v- i I pins sre made with a small, airs could have given his sovereign e mil try. He did so in terms which deeply imperceptible groove near the base, 'touched the heart of the exile, the lion outright, fur that was whet the over which a little piste of silver or sen of the Due dOrleans Kearny had amount would be in our present steel fastens. This sheath is fastened money. participated in one of these campaigns ! on after through one pin sti-on African ground which brought out Sir Richard Whittington did not give ii of side and tlius oc.s os a sort the t, ell of his fortuue to the king, lie strongly the merits of the French solit come out of lock. Tli.- - pin dier. He had also associated himself spent vest sums in the embellishment until the plate is reinovi-d- . sad if tba with the triumphs of Franoe in the of his adopted city and in building pin is stuck through at t he proper Italian campaign of 1850. sanitary and benevolent institutions. angle in the first place there is no neOne who saw Philip Kearny recogHe built Newgate prison, the better cessity for its frequent removal. In nized in him the typical soldier. Aa half of St. Bartholomew's hospital, this way the ruin of the hut by pin sad the fine library in Uray Friars, early as 1849 the young and brUliant pricks is prevented. Gobi, silver and Hia now called Christ's hospital. cavalry officer had lust his left arm beordinary wire pins are now made with fore one of the gutes of Mexico at the munificent benefactions have served this improvement. battle of Churubusua His infirmity did to keep fresh his memory even to ths not prevent him from always mounting present time. Whittington died in Dobs Father Tints. the most vigorous-lookin1427, aged his full three score end ten horses, I it worth a womans while to be which he controlled on the march with years. inaccurate about her age? Does she And now we are come to the cat not rather lose nowadays by lessenA PIECE OF SOAP IN THE 'GO'S. rare elegance, holding in hia only hand his reins and hia naked sword. story. Is it true that he owed hia ing the number of her years? AssumDown the valley we come kiting, A head, the picture of energy, framed weal(h or the beginning of hia vast ing that her object hitherto in setting Old Jack" hud u on the run: fortune to a grimalkin? now and then aome Hlhtlng, by the cape which almost invariably There hack the hsnd of time has been to renTHE VOICE OF GOD. THE SEED. SOWINQ Now and ibao auue lun. about hia The strongest argument against the hung shoulder, a strongly der herself more attractive in tbe eyes marked nose, and a piercing eye, gave A sms sewed pumpkins in the sea. truth of the story is the fact that tales llv pebbled brook Hut purl alone, dll the wreck that drffta tram battle of the opposite sex, it must be obviaud od Turouxb When a fight la made and lost lesly iironsy (lea. Asd hoped to ret s crop of wheat; him the look of an eagle. Ilia abrupt of a similar nature ere current in Tint join the ous, says the Lady's Pictorial. io close usacstlo' merry souk, And thru strewed scorn on ths lea, Wounded, prisoner. atravdera. cattle Cbuerine the prii.lm soul of sum, other countries. In a Fenian story we observers of the men and manners of Expecting to rails pairs to nl Through our ahatterad ruuka trace teased. speech and his imperious manner de1 bear llu voice of Uod one charnoted a proud disposition, and a reed of how Keis, the son of a poor that it is not the maiden of Mere an ambulance goes raelnit Another per on wiser yet. widow in Siraf, emlarked for India, stream shone ripples play acter incapable of flattery or Mowed Merincloa on s hill, By With Ita aioanlnr loud ol pain: 15 nor the girl of sweet to bashful from with heaven at soldou nix lit, There the tear uuard. Heady pacin' esid flood cookies throe he'd bet of dissimulation. But with his sole property a cat Then he And littliily skiplullwith who finds favor in the sight of either though And by day, Of nary bean hed cat hie All. March the gallant aona ol Maine Till tli, no muilsh from our sight, at first his manner was not fortunately arrived at a time when tlie gilded youth or the man of the 1 hear I ha voice of liod Near an overturned Parrott rifle, was so infested w ith rats tare of wisdom vsxt fitted to attract, one soon Another the alwsys palace world. The threshold of womanhood Mowed puae from nlxlit till early morn, Horae killed and ax Ira broke. learned to appreciate the noble quali- Expnelin that he'd reap at last that they curried off the king's food, By ref less ocean, mtImh--and deep, no longer invites them, sweet sevenLay an uncunsidcred trifle, hill whose watery angry foam, Tbroan away a uake of soap A wondrous crap of flue sweet eon. ties of his heart, the firmness of hia end persona were employed to drive teen is out of date, immaturity is Which Ian up:i :hc ru.ky s'.ocis And valiant -- hip on nearing horns them from the royal table. Keis prowill, the accuracy of his judgment, I know n boy with brlirht black eyas A tall 10th Me , lieutenant, not attractive. It ia nowaday! 1 oice of tha hear uod i aura Who sometime a be he'll Stooping, picked It from the track duced his cat, the rodents soon disapthe truthfulness and grandeur of hia A man thinks only the woman who has arrivedwho wise and And, unheeding Jeers or command. stronj respected, aouL This man, apparently so nervHy torrent swift which early creep peared and magnificent rewards were Who works upon tbe same queer pits can fascinate the weary, pessimistic Placed It in hia haversack. With nils along the Infant chore, bestowed on the adventurer, who reous, was calmness itself in the presTo roaring which leap youth of the period; it is only the exOnward goes the column steady, He swear and Aphis, he chews and mokes, , ence of the enemy. His unerring eye, turned in princely state to bis native Down, down upon It floor, Till the day Is almost nlsht; lie cheat at marble when he earn perienced matron who, understanding I hear tha volt of Uod. his prompt decision, his clear and con- Now, please to tell me.11 little folks, Weary they, but ever ready flity. faults and follies of uien, can render How loaf before be be a tusu. For the word to halt and fight cise orders, at once revealed in him On the other hand is the fact that lleneath ths glint of pierced bins, herself a sufficiently reasonable comUoutaaiing mildly nlchl'a control. Now the rebel shot fly faster. the true warrior. He inspired an un- I know s strl who dreams of fame, all the portraits of Whittington repreSome llcht of heaven letting through, panion to him when he comes to years Yet Id lea precious hours away And with them comes a shell. bounded confidence in all those who What can am reap but xrief and shame. sent him with a cat One, in Mercer's Muftly. yet clearly. In my soul, of discretion. The Bursting In a plasters 1 hear the voice of uod. Who sows tint seeds of sloth all dayf Officers pad men as welL had once been under fire with him. If hall, London, of the date of 1588, has -- Winfield H. Davis miss, the comparatively inexperienced urn rant Mylrli he did not spare1 hia soldiers at the a black and white eat at hia left hand. Than the tall lieutenant, laughing, maiden, nuy, even the very yonng Mea Vann Wouea Cook. Cleaned his faoe of mud and spoke: decisive moment, he spared himself An engraving of a little later date Whittington and MU Cat. matron, are hopelessly out of it at Men eooka as a better "Boys, I knew, for all your chaffing, rule, are, Most most for end till less, and by hia example obtained boys, girls, too, the present It ia the hour of maturirepresents him with hia hand resting I should use this piece of soap " National Tribune. from hia followers truly heroic efforts. that matter, ere familiar with the on a cat. A statue of Whittington than women." This sentence from a ty, and the woman has triumphed over New recent of Rural the number nursery belled of the led that, when with a cat at hia feet was also set up A Kaal Artillery UaoL the girt She inny now be anything Bloody Battlas ef Knropa. to I me Yorker what write prompts herd from e master, ewey on the gate of Newgate jail and stood over 30 to hold sway, provided always The terrific and, to my mind, unnecLinear tactics and firelocks con- running heard tha belle of the greet city, or there till the time of the great fire in heard one day last October in the as- she herself 30 in heart and face. essary slaughter at Cold Ilarbor, in tributed more lavishly to the death-ro- ll room of womens the building Kim keepe sembly he did, peel over the meadows I860. must look attractive, she must marked, however, in that campaign by than the skirmishers and breech- thought on world's fair grounds There It would not have been impossible had the have the power to attract She must an incident that comet aa vividly to loaders of modern times, says the Sat- on the quiet night, each chime echoFoods" on been a by symposium turn Tnrn again, Whittington; that a cat should be st the bottom of various tact and judgment and then my memory now aa if the event were urday Review. At Blenheim England ing, speakers, including Mrs. Rorcr passeMi fortunes. Cats are of yesterday, and which must always lost some S3 per cent and her enemies again. Whittington; thrice lord mayor Whittington's she can snap her fingers at time and e. Kirs. and famous the vegetarian known to have brought a high price flash up, when I recall the war, aa the about the same number. At MoUwits of London!" set down what site likes on Just ua the chairman wua boldly Anil you remember that the story when Cuba was first colonized the census paper. At all events she most gallant exploit the most dra- the Prussians lost 18 per cent, the by tlie about a the audience, tall, dismissing how on to the relate runaway Spaniards. Two cats, we are told, matic and thrilling contest I ever Austrians 28 per cent. At Kolin goes dark Dane came to tlie platform anil need no bmger dread the attainment witnessed. I belonged at this time to Frederick's force suffered to the ex- did turn end go back; how he bought were taken there as a speculation the privilege of saying a few of her third decade, fur it ts then that New York cavalry, tent of 37 per cent, while their victory e cat with the only penny that he had when there was a plague of rats, and begged the Twenty-fourt- h words. Permission granted, he began her reign begin. Not until then does she to understand tlie manageand aa we had not been able to secure cost his enemies only 14 per cent. At in the world, not out of pity but with they were sold for a pound of gold down of view the sensible the apiece. Their flirt kittens brought by saying he was probably the best mentbegin keeping of man. lie docs not want to be mounts, we fuught as infantry down to Zorndorf, the bloodiest battle of which on of foods man Informed the subject rats end mice by which he wee annoyeach thirty pieces, and the next genas a schoolgirl's ideal, to live Petersburg. we have record that we rely in his garret, end how, by thie eration nut more than twenty, the in the world, us he hod mode tlie regarded It was immediately after oux failure upon, theanyproportion of lossmay on bliss and hisses snd eternally play to the ed fowls conditions of and all nations the a secured he lucky investment, to carry out the order of the general total forces greet falling as the colony his life the jcune premier, lie wants comengaged rose to the fortune. For grimalkin, buing Mot price gradually became stocked with the breed. So it under which they were eaten commanding, though the failure, as enormous total of from one-ha- lf panionship, lie wants to have his faults 45 be was, perhaps, years old out as a venture in one of his master's may have happened to Whittington as study our losses prove, was not due to a to discussed, and waa Kunersdorf and that hia library on fowls was the recognized and ojR-nlwant of energy or courage, that the almost as destructive to human life, ships, brought so high a price in Ber- the ballad says. he knows that with her ripened exon must in existence the complete mice were rife rets and where The and Frederick lost 25 bery, Still the probability is that Whitincident in mind happened. the woman will not expect too per cent, against Later Mrs Korer vouched perience much of him nor invest him with a enemy, elated by the repulse of the 20 per cent of the allies. lVlth the ad- but cats were unknown, that he wee tington acquired his wealth as most subject. two for of these statement. the truth Union assault, swarmed over their vent of Napoleon and itha loosened enabled to go into trade himself end men do, not by sny extraordinary But the point I aimed at in begin- halo of romance, neither has she mere works, and it looked for a time as if formation of the revolutionary armies, became a millionaire merchant end means, but by industry, frugality and matrimonial designs upon him. So waa that he said: Tbe haa she outrivaled her younger sisters, they were going to make a counter- losses were at first diminished, bnt at was elected thrice ea lord mayor of skill, seconded by good fortune, and ning cooks." never women intended be to that he waa much more indebted to charge. The belief was strengthened, Aspern the Austrians left nearly 33 London. of ean th even her own daughters, and thus imagine the applause Probably you have wondered how the Flemish and English trade of (You when, with that ringing yell that dis- per cent of their men on the battleneed she no longer fear the taking of A woman, housekeepers or present). is of if much this true, legend any wool than to Barbery for hia success the census and the revelation of her tinguished the enemy when making a field and tha French, although the like nor to not does he cook, laid, is. Did ever a Dick Whittington as a merchant. charge, a battery of horse artillery bulletins denied it, are said to have of it to does to car save eat she preserve exist? Wes he lord mayor of London? galloped to the front of their line been weaker by one-hal- f after the Habka' Klxhls. Traveler of the Sky. life she does nut enjoy eating as a about 200 yards, unlimbered in fine battle. Borodino, too, deprived the Did he really possess a cat end was can a babies rights if Several a certain no is man man if you and there Fancy ago years gentledoes, hie source of eat wealth? that the style and made ready for action. Russians of 30 per cent and the French To begin, there wee a Richard Whit- man was living in the German capital around her home for whom aha must dub. And yet, why not? OrganizaI waa hugging the ground with my of 25 per cent. with hia family. There were many cook she does not cook for herself, tion for the redress of grievances, real, During the Napomen about that time, for it aeemed leonic wars we find the losses lower, tington. He lived beck in those glori- new sights and sounds to interest the but just eats whatever comes handy or imaginary, ia quite the usual thing, ous of which Froisof chivalry days it always did seem so that we were although after Ligny the Prussians American family, bnt nothing mors from the bakeshop or pastry cook. and the babies have some grievances contemwee end sart telle, nearly directly Is the line of the enemy's fire, were weaker by as many aa 20 per than the colony of white Ho said further that he had never met that are real, and probably like those when I heard a ringing cheer, the cent, and the victory of Waterloo cost porary with the Black Prince end fascinating which settled on the adjacent a good cook of our sex and(he bad that or older and preauqiably wiser a storks, with the the Fifth, gallant Henry crash of heavy wheels, the snorting England rather mm than that proand made a of seen .cooks of both sexes in many great many that are imaginary. Some and pounding of artillery horses, portion. When, however, we turn to hero of Aginoonrt. The early pert of housetops chimney-stack- s. the nestled countries and that though women day tha infants of this progressive hie In involved career is comparative urged to a gallop, and above all the the campaigns which succeeded the The birds had such an air of pro- might fill most other positions taken land are going to organise and demand advance. obscurity. the battery bugle, sounding lull of exhaustion following the We are not, however, to credit all prietorship and general cosiness, that by men she eould not fill tha place of their rights. Tha first plank in the A gap waa made in our lines, and downfall of the first empire, ballad says. Hia reputed low some member of the family insisted a good cook. That was all he had babies' rights platform will be the inthat through this Battery B of the Second we are confronted with no such birththe alienable right of every American of the city to say and he bowed himself out. ie disproved, for, if that that particular pert regular artillery fairly flew to the bloody records, in spite of the inven- we are todistinctly One thing surprised me amused baby to bestow hia caresses when he believe the statement of hia was the regular summer home of front. tion of percussion caps, rifles and even own will, was the eon of these tourists, who returned to their me, too '.not a woman present seemed pleasea, and nowhere else. I couldn't nnderatand It, for to me rifled cannon. Alma Sir WilliamWhittington of the Whit- old quarters each season, In human to resent being called a poor cook in Tha allies at At the present women of all ages, Whittington, it looked aa if the battery waa charg- only lost aome six per eent and tha fashion. This idee was not accepted her delight at thinking that the duty sixes, and habits feel at perfect liberty of owned who lande that lines Ilk, the into tingtons unsupenemya ing Russians fourteen per eent. Inker-ma- in Gloucestershire ae fact, and there were many specula- of oooking might posaibly soma day to kias the little face and hands, to early aa the as ported; but when within less than 300 waa as bloody aa Watcuddle" the little body, and to os to aome possible means of devolve on tha stronger sex on unhowever, tions of Edward estate the the First, yarda of the Confederate gnna the bait erloo, hut it wee a struggle In which reign tha theory. Not being np in conscious endorsement of tha truth of squeeze tha little feet with a force testing at in the where, being Parently, onnded, and in a way that thrilled tactics played a very small and vigor which they would find very part The are emblazoned the arms of the stork language, no one eould oak the Danish gentleman's statement. our hearts and delighted our souls losses at and Solferino were church, uncomfortable If bestowed upon them. and neither Magenta answers, get questions Warren. for and formed Whittington Union Impaling action, the gnna Always Work lac for Her Sea. the could Then the fond mother wonders that remember fine mortal comparatively Although the alight any Lord of he London, however, mayor the horses moved to the rear. Although she has for many years baby seems so languid. of Koniggrats were im- was three points of stork physiognomy from yea been the times, says I have read and heard of things be- consequences Philadelphia in fields various worker a hard mense, they were cheaply purchased Poor little mite! he ean't protest. For more than forty years to year. of usefulness, Mr. Mary A. Liver- Bnt have yon never . noticed ing done quicker than the act could by the victors; while in 1870, notwith- Times. was decided that finally upon, Apian Richard in the one of them. was This figured be described. more shows hardly s trace of wear babies, as soon as that both armies were armed ennals of Whittington they get able to exas a the civic officer and and one particularly aristocratic Two minutes could not have elapsed standing city uniform and and tear good press their feelings, usually prefer enjoys with breechloaders, the loeaee never aa its moat looking bird was important merchant. He from the time Battery B plnnged approached the huge totals of some of waa sheriff of London in the enticed by a good dinner into the gar- health. During the winter she passes men to women, always exoepting their had lines our till it opened the battles of the very Mass., mothers? through There a silver ring was placed the time at her home, Melrose, early eentury yeer of Richard IL, in den. fire on the Confederate gnna. with brain and busy characteristically or of those of the seven years war. eighteenth From this club when it is organized was hia on which about engraved 1393. leg The next year he was knighted, And now followed the first and only At Worth, it is true, one-sixof tha and in the twenty-secon1888. flew back to pen. She la contributing extensively there will doubtless proceed an emlie then Berlin, d of the had ever duel year 'I and has she Been, total forces to the leading periodicals "artillery engaged were either against jouncing and reign, 1398, he woe chosen mayor his favorite chimney, and ere long he nearly ready for the press her second phatic protest though soldiers hear and read a good killed or wounded; but at Gravelotta, same on the book aa panaceas for flocks were the that thumping paseing joined He of was in the city. again mayor deal about such things; indeed, I doubt the proportion wee volume of lectures Her range of the eighth year of Henry IV., 1407, constantly leaving for the South-Man- y topics ie wide biography, history, all the Ule that infantile flesh is heir if tbe records of the war furnish a and at Weiaaenhnrg only to. a followed the feather thought and the third time in the seventh year parallel case. politics, religion and reform moveed the Indeed, the whole constitution and Sherman and ths Mala. fugitive 1418. winter, long during memwas 300 yarda apart, of lie also a V., than were leal Henry ments are equally familiar to her They of the new organization will and of at the first A butman eager sign the with 1418. ber of spring m Loyal Legion parliament for the city and Boon all we could see waa the watched for the return of the faeile pen. She hoe traveled exten- be a land and protest It was during hia third mayoralty eyes vivid flashing of the fire through the ton on his lapel inquired the way to United in the States, literally sively the indiscriminate handling travelers. against Illinois afterCentral one Richard the of silvery-whit- e entertained 8ir that of depot banks Henry powder and from Canada and risings After many days a distant line of from ocean to ocean, fondling to which the enfranmoke. But we eould hear the crash noon. "I thot at first, he went on to Aginoonrt end hia queen, Catherine of to the Gulf of Mexico. Mrs. Liver- chised baby will decline to inbuilt. far in came the into storks, blue, SL to I np that wouldnt go Louis, France. Never before did a merchant of the shells and the roar of the gnna, say, Over the clergyman's house more ie identified with the Woman's To Wuk Chios Silk. and high above all the ahriU yell of bnt when I heard that old Tecnmsch display such mognificenoe aa waa then view. is union, detached themselves from the Christian Temperance In these days when wash silks sre the Confederates and the hoarse cheer was there for certain, I packed up, exhibited in the guild halL The walla several Beneficent of the president end I hope I shant be too late. He were splendid with costly tapestry; sky caravan and hovered around the of the Yankee gunners New England in common nse a few words in regard of the something for me once that I the lighte of the chandelier dwelling. A tempting feast was pre- society rewet After six or eight minutes, that did which as- to washing them may be of Interest of musks, forgot. It was on the march to flected from scores of precious atones, pared, and presently the weary pil- conservatory teemed like ao many hours, the lire never and students As silk is an animal fiber, like wool, it sists needy as folk promising call the see, yon it, though and the song of welcome was into the yard. Blackened; a sudden breeze sent the when we were going over that country musical cannot be treated in the same way as sung by grims flew down of their in the prosecution moire drifting to the west, and then w didn't caU it that. I waa footsore a choir of lovely girls dressed in their Friendly eyes watched every move- studies; is allied to the National cotton, which may be subjected to ment with joyous welcome. Imagine a deep cheer of exultation rang out and shoeless. I had dropped out of holiday attire. Women's council, which holds trien- water of all temperatures without Silk should be washed aa The fires were fod with cedar and the surprise when one of the flock was nial meetings, is connected with the injury. from the throats of the ten thousand the line, end waa trying to take a men in blue who had been eagerly rest Sherman came along, and says perfumed woods, the wine flowed in seen to have two silver rings npon its Chautauqua movement, in which she rapidly os possible. Examine the arhe: is a life memlier ticles to be washed ami if there are hogsheads from marble conduits, end legs. watching the duel. Where are your shoes? Behold! the old ring was back again, is deeply interested, tbe banquet board waa spread with Every Confederate gun was disabled, Woman's Educational any parts especially soiled clean with Boston of the I him had none. told I four of the limbers had blown up, the meats, choice fish, exquisite and accompanying it another, which and Industrial union, and holds mem- a little benxine of gasoline applied dont you get a hone or a delicate India scuds greeting to Berwith a flannel cloth. Then prepare a birds and rare confections; the plate read: horses were in ghastly heaps, but still muleWhy ride? and he berships in tits Womanll Relief Corps, says. or lukewarm water and a few gallant men in gray stood deMassasoapsuds of Aid the I thought that was a queer ques- was of solid gold and silver. No king lin. Ladies the society Unit, lilrd or Iks. fiantly amid the ruins of their battery. tion, and asked him where I could gat of his time could have provided so chusetts soldiers' home, the Massa- plunge the garments in it, sousing A member of the party takes his chusetts Woman's Indian association, them np and down and rubbing them Our men suffered severely, but they one. He looked around him and then sumptuous in entertainment. King Henry was amazed and ex- place in the center of the floor, with a the Massachusetts prison association, thoroughly in the suds Rinse them brought back all their guns .and I says: see lota of .'I cane in hand, while the others seat the American psychical society and into water a little cooler, and ao on niggen riding about claimed: distinctly recall a tall sergeant, who he, and maybe final rinsing water is perever themselves in a circle abont the room. several sat his horse with the blood flowing here on mules, says one Surely no other sovereign literary dubs. In religion she until the to of them ' penuade cold. Do not blue them. Wring the one on the floor points the I s Unitarian, hsd each a subject over bis face from a shell wound in yon might as carea more fectly for she Thpn but have musket down, If your majesty will permit me, cane at some one in tlie company, and, life and character than for sect and them out as dry as possible with a the head, and who, aa he turnedCon-to getWith that hayourode off your and I laid for aid Lay them in sheets or one soon Whittington smiling, I wiUmoke after saying one of the above words, creed. She is happy in her home, her machine. ride back, shook his hand at the mnle. on a a nigger Pretty federates and shouted: heavy cloths and roll them aa hard aa of em showed up and I leveled my these flames still more costly than proceeds to count np to ten. Unless husband, children and grandchildren, the person pointed at can in the mean and she ean always find time to len 1 you can in firm rolls. Put them away Set 'em up on the other alley-da- mn musket I persuaded him to get down from tbe scent of perfumed woods. and I took hie place. Later on in the The king nodded, of course, not time give the name of some animal of a hand to tlie weak and struggling, to for an hour at the end of that time you!" New York Advertiser. day I met old Tecumaeh again, and for knowing whet was coming, end the the kind required, not already cited stand for the right and cry down the Iron them on the wrong side. Philip Ksaray. a wonder he knowd me. mayor drew forth a packet of bonds by some other player, he mast take wrong, to help and encourage moveApple flaiM. It waa after the review that I made Get your mnle? says be. and advancing to the fire resumed: the place of the one on the flow. ments for the advancement of her sex. offof the L sauce smooth and like Some Yes, general, says the peasonal acquaintance apple Thus do I acquit your hlghneae of After the names of commoner animals a Where's the nigger? says ha. Lost. Na Mat fine, and others like to sea tlie pieces icers with whom I was to have the a of becomes the a are debt 00,000. exhausted, game I. Dont know," says which prods dozens of whole. For a smooth sauce choose The hat-pi- n good fortune to fight for e cause It reads almost like a chapter from teat of quickness and memory. Often holes He looked at me a minute, and aaya: and straw hats has very tart apples. Put over the fire in which was already dear to me, writes felt into disla ao Yon didn't kill the nigger?" a fairy tale, hut it veritable history. the person pointed at becomes inventor has turned eold water; bring to a boil and cook The ita the eount of Paris in the Century. All seen day. And I aaya: No, general, I just It seems that Whittington had ad- concerted by the quick thrust of the mede me most cordially welcome, but persuaded him." hia attention to the matter and the rapidly. Stir to break pieces. When him toward for he eane ean vanced that the money hardly carrying It was with Kearny that I found my-ae-lf I think the suggestion saved my on hia wars Inking Franoe end Henry had collect hia thoughts before ten have result ie a fixture which guides the soft and smooth add sugar to sweeten, most at home. He it was who life, and I would go miles to see tha direction of tlie pin. snd at the same and serve while warm. Do not flavor or his bonds for the payment It been counted; by giving the name no with anything; the apple flavor ia the eould speak to me of the French army old general once more. Thats why given was a princely gift however, and of a fish when a bird was called for, time fastens It so securely that In Algeria, in 1840, and of the mem- I'm hnrryin. Good day, air, affid andden breeze can dislocate it. The bast possible for apple sauce. amusement. causes much man in no for Christendom other instance, probably ories left by my family in that coun thank you. American Tribune. t' Ita g in to-da- y clret rock-lai- d tr bread-and-butt- mud-hol- Lo-Favr- one-thir- v-,- y d. bird-villa- n, th h, one-twelt- h. by-la- g Hst-Fla- er |