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Show ently, before I seek my couch? X will not wake her, but just kiss the :0I5ONER I 1IG Smltkonin Wax Works ex hibition was do-in-p uncommonly well. And never in the hibtory of this superb organization had it deserved to do any better, as the figures were never more nnmer-ou- s or recherche. They were six in all, to say nothing of the tattooed man, who served not only in his own spotted capacity, but came in handy during1 the war dance at the evening performance. The show was drawing full houses, and the cards informing the public of the educational nature of the collection always drew the members of the ladies' achoolTin such large numbers that it was found necessary to change part of the collection of "horror into kings and queens to please the scholastic tastes of these patrons The tent was pitched near the end of town the town of Galilee, one of those wild California places where all is one vast wilderness of innocence. Never hud Daniel in his den, which was the chief moving tableaux, worked to better advantage; and the lions responded to the clockwork as if it had just been placed inside them. The TUshborne Claimant and what a lot of wax that figure absorbed, to be sure! was an object of much attenaudition, and with the working-clas-s ence was almost as popular as Daniel. But all this is neither here nor there. The troupe had been at Galilee a week. We were sitting down to supper after the close of the exhibition for the day. When I say we" I mean the tattooed man (whose appetite was not affected by hia singular marking), myself (Henry Jameson, the sole proprietor), Mrs. Jameson and Miss Ethel Jane Jameson, our only child. Well, we were sitting out in front of the wagons for it was summer time enjoying our meal of tripe and onions, when suddenly I noticed a form approaching in the dim twilight It was that of a young man. When he stepped out into the glow of the lamp he stood hesitating, apparently wondering whether or not he should advance any further, and I could see in the faint light of the lamp that he was not the most handsome or intellectual young man in the world. Hia forehead came bulging out under his hat, and hia eyes were large and watery, and there was a vacant look in his face. Still he seemed harmless, so I beckoned to him and said: "Good evening, sir. What can we do for you?" Before he could answer my wife broke in: "Why, that's the young man who has been in every time the tent was and wanted to know if open he could have a season ticket By that time he had come closer, and, smelling the supper, he said: There, I'm disturbing you; but, if yon please, will the wax works be opened up The tattooed man who had been encored frequently toward the end of the evening looked savage at the thought, but I winked at him to say nothing. Then I said to the young men: Well, as the tattooed man and Daniel and the liras are sleepy, and the people about here seem to have turned in. I'm sure you wouldn't ask ns to stay open just for you?" Me! he said quite energetically. 4 Certainly not. But tell me, Mr. Jameson, does she sleep?and he came to-da- bed clothes and retire. It was awka-an- l to leave my supper like this, but there was determination in hia watery eye and a half dollar in his fingers. Follow me," I said; and I led the way into the tent with the solitary lamp, leaving the tattooed man and my wife and daughter outside in the He was a bit growing darkness. timid following me into the tent, which amelt strongly of stale sawdust and orange peeL And no wonder, for the figures were all wrapped in sheets and looked ghostly. The Brighton Poisoner stood between the Claimant and Bautus. At my caller's request I withdrew the sheet that covered the Poisoner. "Withdraw awhile, Jameson," he said. I should like to be alone with That was hia own my Christine. name for her. lie slipped the half-dollinto my hand, and I left him in the loneliness of the tent. Early on the following morning, the tattooed man, who slept on a folding cot near Daniel's den, ran to my bedside and awoke me with the startling information that the show had been robbed. I knew that we could not afford to lose any of the valuables in our collection, and, without waiting to dress myself, I followed the tattooed man. Sure enough, he was not mistaken, for when my eyes rested on the spot where the Brighton Poisoner had stood from day to day, there was nothing left but the small wooden pedestal, and the absence of the figure seemed to give the place a most gruesome appearance. Beside the pedestal I noticed that the sawdust had been greatly disturbed, and after a moments stndy I found the place where someone had dragged the figure under the canvass. Like a hungry bloodhound I started on all fours under the canvass. My hopes were not dismayed, for I could see the trail clearly the foot of the figure had made a sharp cut in the ground and the footsteps of the thief were clearly visible in the soft, brown soiL So I followed the trail until I was almost broken down with fatigue. Over beds of moss, over banks of wild flowers, along solitary cattle paths, under chaparral so thick that I could only force my way through it, down into damp canons, over hillsides and along fertile meadows the miscreant had dragged the leading feature of my show. I must have followed his trail fra nearly three miles, when I came to a deep canon. The footprints and the cut made by the foot were plainer than ever, and as I entered this ravine I noticed at its bend reflecting all the glories of Gods early morning, a beautiful waterfall. It fell from the mountainside, seemingly as silent as the breath from a maiden's lips, and all that told of its life were the silvery beads of spray thrown off in its fall. With my eyes full opened by the marvelous wonders of the dream of nature, I forgot all about wife, child, tattooed man and performing lion, and rushed to meet it aa a child hastens to find the end of a rainbow. Imagine my astonishment when I pushed through a thicket of young willows and saw the young man of the night before standing on a log that protruded from the bank and stretched out over the boiling pool at the foot of the fall. He looked Uke a maniac with his disheveled hair and wild staring that trembling log wasasmueh a part of steak; sat that you love HE." CBBxsinx, up quite ear. close and whispered in my Meaning who, sir?" said L "Can you ask? he replied in a melWhy, Christine, of ancholy tone. course, my angel, my love! and he leaned over to the tattooed man and And you, Mr. exclaimed hoarsely: Wild Indian, do you love? Hes a touchy sort, that tattooed one, and there might have been trouble had I not signaled to Mrs. Jameson to give him more tripe and onions. Then I looked at the young man. Ilia eyes were rolling wildly and his forehead seemed to bulge more than ever. I felt that 1 must dissemble. "Christine does sleep" I murmured sadly; then, turning to Mrs. Jameson, asked in an undertone what he meant. "Oh, it's that figure of Princess Louise that we've dressed up and lalieled for the Brighton Poisoner," she replied. "I found him kissing it this afternoon." The young man was standing gazing at the covered wagon and whistling plaintively. Could I see her," he asked pres- - Bia SURPRISE. t sub-butl- Absolutely pure Jen-Din- son-in-la- w Mothers Friend vls Denver Directory. rs-fl- IXt-P- HT ce REDUCED PRICES The Brighton Poisoner was clasped to his heart with a strong grasp, and he was uttering some inaudible words, with hia right With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they canhand outstretched to heaven. Bnt I not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh in Mood or constitutional disease, and In order inferred that he had come to this wild a U yon must take internal remedies. to cure spot to perform an incantation and Balls Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and supplicate the Almighty on his behalf. acts directly on the Mood and mucous surThe diaphanous dress of the figure face. Halls Catarrh Cure la not a quack was trailing In the water. She looked medicine. It wae prescribed by one of the best for years, and la l as fair and queenly as ever, bnt the physicians In this country It Is composed of the prescription. stare in her glassy eyes was awful to regular brat tonics known, combined with the best eyes. behold. How he managed to stand on irr Tha Terrible Fart af tha Affair. In a lllUs Southern toes, a hr re the Her Tint Hatband katuraed Jail In happening sis of vital linporuinne aud Time le Prevent Her Harrlaga. lengthy ounvnMifon. s worilil. cuiiea ran sum during the proprietor's star nee The pension department of Geor- le redabstracted his entire rash and The rohbi-- r found gia furnished a combination Hip rubbery was sous deieeu-d- , I he capital. Van Winkle and Enoch Arden story and tha mouey rreorared. T lie news caiua to when Gillrt liansou made applica- a country bouse aiul a as retailed at length to faintly In the preaeuee of a small Kihiop, tion for a pension, aaya the Pittsburg the who acted sa and churn boj. After Dispatch. Gilbert disapjicared thir- tha capture and IniprUouuirut of tha offender related the uiii.treaa, wishing to ty year ago, being left for dead up- bad been point tha moral to tha miniature darkey, re on the field at Petersburg, lie has marked: been sleeping his thirty years aleep Well, that le what comes of stealing. in Pittsburg and he returned to Isn't tt terrible, Jenniuea!" The usefulness of a hue's toil must be found railaskiaS Wllsuus laleedar. on the fly. snaeeied tha 'Deed, mom, Mfa Page, Georgia just in time to prevent himNothing so need reforming sa other peoblack of the under nauts youth laboring habits. self from enacting the role of Enoch llasssai Mavis Cora tales," 'deed It an ter'ble. Dal po1 man ple' Heboid tbe fool eallh, Warrants Is ran, or put not all thlaa refuu.UA Sox Arden din have no chance ull ter spend dal egg Into one basket which Is but a manner tw dnmgist toe u pnra IS nsta of one Last year the Confederate money. iurprri Hoyantu. of saying. Scalier your money and your An eat eomplliucni YYbala good appewidows of the state who drew 100 but tha wise man salth, put ail have! Oaa of Kansas Uruwlug Industries, from the state fund was Mra Perme-11-a your eggs In the one basket and watch that tite you Hanson of Carroll county. The business of raising wolres for the pur- basket. A Ask about the wouderful climate and reIf you pick up a starving dog and make him sources of Southern California. Thera never of Mra pose of securing the bounty paid for their prosperous, short time ago the is ha will This tha bile not you. Is now known to hare been carried on wae aueh an opportunity for home seekers. Hanson walked Into the office of scalpsextensively between a a man. and dlffennee dog principal YV In easeveral counties In For Information regarding this section, adquite know all about tbe habits of the not, dress. J. A. Judge Brown of Carroll county and ters Kansas during the las few yean. Last weWe Allison, firewater block, Boa know all about the habits of the bee, but said: "Well, jedge, 1 reckon well year one county alone paid out for wolf scalps we California know nothing at all about the habits of Diego, $4,0U0 and Hie comity nouiiiilsuoneni lose the pension, now that the old over the oyster. It seems almost re ruin that we All those who pass through the door toaue-ees- s compelled to withdraw the bounty ofmans turned up, and on the judge worn fered to save the county from bankruptcy. have been choosing the wrong time fur studywill Sod It labelled push. the him iff romantic lu the ing oyster. counties that Other the section stale story questioning Even In can be overdoes. Home, popularity tiXTSKItlTX-i- ut of Gilbert Hansons disappearance have also been forced by tbe thrift of the and cheapest of toilet along at lirst, you are full of regrets that wolf farmers to withdraw the buuuites. cure roughness of the skin. CL'RKfi and reappearance came out. Two wolf hunters hare boasted openly that Michelangelo died; but by and by you only soaps, F.CEMA. For sale everywhere. ManufacHanson lived in Macon county, they have realized more than fl.ilUOeacb regret that you didnt see him do Ik lose mote tured by Tua ticYinniTX Snip Co., Denver. Jslyf. Kiatislie show that Ala, when the war broke out and within e year from the sale of wolf scalps and fools all the other days of was one of the first to volunteer as that they hars been able to do so well simply the on tills day than In This proves, by the Some people cannot tell how they stand year pat together. because they knew how to breed the pests. ThirIn Company F, of the private Their method has hern to run a tight fence nnnilirr left in stock, that one fourth financially until their accounts an balanred, counIs now teenth Alabama regiment He was a around coyote or wolf boles to keep the of July per year Inadequate, the but the artist always know when he is draw-lu- g in after they have become old try has grown so. The ( Vpfnry for Airil. a head. good soldier and escaped injury un- young onesrun to shout. As they breed very fast til the battle of Petersburg, when he enough the bounty derived from the sale iff tbe scalps received what was supposed to be of a litter more than pays for the expense of hia death wound. The papers upon moving and setting up the fence. It Is estiwhich Mra Hanson was granted a mated that In two years It has coal tha counties of the western half of the stole more than pension last year were very full and fOU.OUU for wolf scalps, most of which has reaexplicit establishing beyond a gone to unscrupulous iersous who have made hue-band business of breeding the animals. At tbe sonable doubt the death of her oonilug session of the legislsture a bill will on the field at Petersburg. be passed making It a misdemeanor According to the affidavit! of the probably to breed wolves or coyotes, or to take their members and of his company, scalps from one oouuty to another fur tbe captain he fell in that battle and It was be- purpose of collecting buuntire. lieved he died in the hospital, as he A Small 1 toy's quMtlaua. a scientifically prepared liniment was never heard of again. The other day Hanson, whose home le in the Questions asked by a bcy during a every ingredient of recognized value, and in constant conversation: use by the medical profession. These ingredients are country, walkod into tho office of 1. Do kilties takeoff their fur when they the ordinary and explained hie abcombined in a manner hitherto unknown, and WILL to bed at nighu go sence. As the family would by his 8. Who waked dinner when all the big DO all that is claimed for it, AND MORE. It return lose the 1U0 a year pension, people were little boys I shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to 8. bare talUl dont Why oysters he called to see If he could not himLife of Mother and Child. 4. What kind of medicine la It the drugself draw a pension under the law. store man has In the big green bottles in the Seat by Exprsss ee Receipt af Pita, li.gs per Bettis. It seems that the loss of pension was front windows! Book to dues In nailed FREE, containing voluntary testimonials. Claus 5. Santa Mothers What little foremost minds of the the fact hoys give for when there aint any snow I members of the family, and that on sleds AH DmfgivtSi IfM BRADPIBLD REOULATOR CO., Atlanta. da. by A When 1 drink water why dont It run account of it this modern Kip Van down Into my legal buffalo iiyrm Winkle had not received any too Women an now wearing undressed kid for cordial a welcome. He found that he could not get the pension, though their slippers, yet fur years they have been he bears the evidences of hard usage wearing their slippers on tbe undressed kid. THE GREELEY NURSERY. during his thirty years absence. Being tbs fkrthrst north of soy la the arid Accepting the theory of Darwin, some men Where have you been during all developed variety, ws css please sit. from monkeys, but other made a IS with ths largest years glowers of Dwarf liorky Moastain Cherthese years, asked the judge. $20 TEAM HARNESS complete jump from the donkey stage. Tha aoly propagators of a gsurol tins of ry. 1 was pretty Block in Cotoradn. Ust oar prion. With Urerrliiuf, WeU," he said, Nanny funosr price u. It then anything that will bring youth to UKU. J. ePKAK. Prop. badly wounded at Petersburg, and it a woman 1 brail for am, with asks the writer. Well a leading a valnabla book for fruit g rowan by Fra. took me a good while to get over it, smile from her might bring him to her feet. privilege af sum- this paper. iiisliiia bstora payand when I did I drifted to Pittsing fur mum, sot asliafscmry rulura burg, Pa, and I have been there st my aapsnsai ever since. J.11MH. WlbMIH, "Why didnt you eome home?Larimar SO, I Dsavaa, ."I was too poor. I didn't hare Whips DKKVKK TENT AKII AWKIKM Make ML any money. Why didnt you write home?" I didnt know where the post-offiHARNESS AND SADDLES wae. end I didn't have anybody f evarr UmrrlitLju. Tha brat auoda offered at greatly to write for me." Hanson has been working as a day Hy tha .id Bad reliable Sr. ml laborer in ana around Fitteburg fpr H. HEISER, HERMANN these last thirty year. Finally he IftSN A Iff AO HIaAa Kin, INHivtr, CoUi saved enough money to get back to M11 ordan promptly attested to ... tho South, and, learning that hie wife had moved from her old home to that of her parents in Carroll county, he made hia way there. His neighbors say that hie return wae timely, ae his widow had serious Intentions of marrying a neighboring Tbe onlj Amcncan-pla- n Hotel on 17tb SL widower, and only the husbands return prevented a second marriago as Four Blocks from the Union Depot, soon as this year's pension money and ComCleanest, KeateaL llor1ti-pn-fahlfortable Hotel for tile Muncy. was secured. Itatei to RrtiiirHtt of (jttlo. f'J a Day. Catarrh Cannot Ha Cared W. L KATZS, Mgr Heaver, Cote. A WIDOWS the mystery ae everything elae. The wavelets caused by the fall were strong enough to keep it moving very unsteadily. What are you doing there? I cried. He turned and looked at me. Both arms embraced the figure with a dcath-lik- e tightness. No, no, you shall not take her! Go back! Go back! How wildly he looked at me. Then kissing the col-- l wax face he said: My Christine, speak! say that you love me! I could stand no more of this, for I realized the peril of the figure. I rushed for the log, intending to recover the figure and return with it to the wagon, but in my haste my foot slipped and pushed the log with its lover Into the stream. Horror of horrors! I saw it caught by the waves of the boiling pool and glide slowly toward the downponring torrent. I could not swim, and I was utterly powerless. Two minute more and all would be over. The young man must have seen hie danger. But he stood erect on the log, and aa it was drawing him more swiftly toward hia death, I heard him God! Hell! Christine! cry alond: We shall die together. We arc goingl going! Come, love, apeak before we die! Kiss me! kiss me! dar That end of the log on which he sunstood rose high in the mist-lade-n shine. es the other felt the impact of the fall, anil then the Brighton Poisoner anil her mail lover plunged to the liottom of the stream. San Francisco News-Lette- r. He Never Came Bark. Elsie Yesterday morning 1 gave a poor tramp those nice biscuits I mado for breakfast, and I tuld him if he came back in the evening I would give him some dinner. Jack What did you give him tor dinner? Elsie lie didn't return. Life. e Kalra from Al.utJ a day sa Vftlproof.VI175I UK.ieol. U Murk aueth n IMP rep fire tluiim Uamt Bagirasp dvilrenel free, riuta In toe Nine West I1 windmill and Ttnrera, true Pump Mpe ead ntlinse. Mining Machinery and Hue-fratalurue artistes ellea. Head yAIKUAMKH, fifiKHK A UU, 17U ur Mood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two Ingredient is what produces suck wonderful results in curing Caurrh. fiend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Prop, Toledo, Bold by druggists, price 75 Hues FMJWKKH, that 1 oould sat anything: I could see that I was gaining all over, and my hualsuid then went and got me six bottles ; I took three of them and my stomach did not bother me any more. W sent to you and gnt the People Common Mena Medical Adviser, and found my can dearribrd just aa 1 was t we did what tha book told us, in everyway: inane month1! time I could sne I was much better 11L block, Chicago, than I hod been ; we still kept on Just aa the fiend two stomps to The Road Pub- book tuld us, ana in three months I stopped 1 can prmully and lishing Co., Denver, Colo., anil get s sample taking medicine, weU women, ye am well, strong kopy of Tbe Bead and on of their great Eng- mj I am a and healthy. lish Octopus maps free. When I Iwgan to take your medicine my Before he married her be said she was a face waa poor and eyes looked dead. I could dream. Afterward he Intimated very strongnot enjoy myaelf anywhere, 1 was tired and ly that she wssa nightmare. all the tim could I sick hardly do my Imt now I do that and tend a Mrilefc-- a rem.nrapflem It run runnuifrw. vK ra atow Mg gank-n-, help my husband and take in pos, -u--a tuna It VwaBeUk.9uei (Mmiq, Suit sewing. li A woman takes an Interest In the base-bal-l The following will prove interesting to hetauae she is prejudiced against bat es- feeble women generally, and especially so to when her husband li them. tints abnnt to heroine mother lira. Dora partial lo pecially to-da- fan house-work- , ST. JACOBS OIL RHEUMATISM, nC;, PAIN. SPRAINS, BRUISES, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, SWELLINGS. BURNS. n.Uiil-- l' AAU fkhlMNAN, PL'ANTS. KEKIM, THRRH, and uardknkiu' true, rumisTM The lady whose portrait beads this article A butcher may beat hia wifa and atlll have Corel, of Hootiand. Bon a tender heart But he doesnt keep It long fa MroMaiy&F.Dak. She writes to Dr. R. Homma C&, If he can sell It V. Piers Chief Consulting Physician to tha Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Bxechaxi Pills will, In future, for the Invalids I was lick two United States, be eoversd with m quickly solu- Buffalo, N. Y., aa follows: with tha womb and leucor-rh-o of falling years 35 cents a box. ble, pleasant coating. I previous to taking your medicine It Is a wise man who knows his own name took six bottles of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prewhen he seas It lo the newspaper lists of ho- scription, and was entirely cured of both in six months ; It ia four years this month, tel arrival since I wae entirely well of both those disYou Did eases sod have never hod any signs of their ilea li? tinea end I am aalistied tbe FavorOf course we mean the Worlds Fair. ite Prewription saved my life, for I could Whether yon did or not you want to hardly walk around when I commenced preserve souvenir of the moat beauti- taking that medicine and 1 think it la a Gods lilrming to mo that I took it ful scene this earth baa witnessed. I was pronounced Incurable by the bent The Michigan Central, The Niagara doctors here ia the Wart. I gave up all is finest Falls Bouts, and hopes and mode np ay mind that I was to issuing the most complete World V Fair Portfolio, be taken away from my husband and baby two years old. 1 wee sick all of the time eaeh containing reproductions of six- of oould sot sat anything at all. In one week, teen splendid photographs of large after beginning the use of the Favorite Presize. The aeries will consist of sixteen scription my stomach was so much better d Mraetar Urasar, Cuiurada lllk a parte, followed by a special part devoted to Niagara Falla, Mackinac Island and other gems of American scenery, and will be sent to any address on receipt of ten cents per park Address Frank J. Brnmliall, Advtg. Agent, Michigan Central, 403 Monad-noc- k fur families, Step la. HLPITJhM, Kefablirlied 17. Catalogue free. MM Arapahoe tiirnet, Denver, Oulu. TuL MX. 0, A. Guthrie, of Oakley, Overton Two., a : I never can thank yon enough for what your treatment has don for me ; I am I every atruuggr now than I have been 1for six year Irripklli When I began your treatment waa not able gLIU.ltapald. to do anything. I could not stand on my tort without suflong enough to wash my dishes fering almost death ; now 1 do all my and sawing work, washing, cooking, thing for my family of eight. Dr. Pinna's Favorite Prescription ia the best medicine to take before confinement that can be found ; or at least it proved so with me. I never suffered to little with any of my children aa I did with my last and she is the healthiest I recommend your medicines to all wahav of my netgbtiors and especially 'Favorite Prescription to all women who are suffering. Have induced several to try it, and it has truly, proved good fur them.' By Jones Oliver tlusTon. A Me hook have whe ms water Xfi pages bound in full aheap, Frtoe by toe chela A Hardy Ca ORK MACK a, , M.AOM. ITC, Fisher, IMA Blaka. KW AMI BKCONUliAlfl). Write for nliat yoa wsuL Wa HANNAN, MAI Lavreoe HL wsjsBm FP. "OS cif.. mmk now. Kmd fur Cauhigi Mlh St,. DraVi HU DRAIN WILL AND X pipb. dbn rioatIno CO., Uul People's Bank Bid nxTEi7ihtHL,,jui Bird Foods. HOME TREATMENT PfIH I.AKHK HKAT.TU HOilg AND CONHI'I.TATION FKKK. . . I. A iJt AI' f KSD ANTd. COI.'JKAIHJ VIAV1 Ml, I LONDON AH HI. la, Kail AKA 1AlloE, DEN VEAL niTCUTO Oblaiatd for Inventor. Hand book free. A J. OlllflKN. solicitor U. Hi and furviyu Pahmla Hith A Lawrence, Denser. ; JSrlct, . & r. Pierre's Favorite Prescription le a pas's cur for tbe most complicated and tinate leucorrhea, ezcewve flowing, nful menstruation, unnatural Miimres-i- s and irregularities, prolapsus, or falling Ihe womb, weak back, female waaknem, mo-io-n, avenrioa, retroversion, hearing-dowchronic congestion, inflammation and eration of the womli, inflammation, pain I tenderness of tbe ovaries, accompanied h internal heat." r. Pierre's Favorite Prescription is a sntifle medicine, carefully compounded by exipritoced And skillful pbjvtciuif Ana ipted to womans delicate organisation. It and IU rely vegetable in its composition n Tartly harmless in it effect in any condi-of the system. For morning sickness or iwa. due to pregnancy, weak stomach, dyspepsia anil kindred symptoms, uw will prove very beneflrtsl. Woman and Her D feJr. Pierre's Hook, rn, IMS pages, Illustrated I, giving sue-sfmeans of home treatment, can be bad It) altd in plain envelope) by , in no cent stamp to pay pottage, to as given at the i Doctor, at bis address, inning of this article ul lagta aid , rAltnlO ijulft. Illustrated catalogne and price list free. Stall ordi-rAiled, wf. IL kl A I4&I Larimer tit, Denver. 14lb Uih l.TKV Jill KSAL. Era COLORADO oarrnlarged Much nuralier. Sue for sample copy Boa Ml, IMnr. leer, A Barred CVC llruwn Dill DAILCI 0 rivaimilliIryhsrai Koch,. Nuh-- layer 11 aud J. A. HAII.KY. th A Moat Eta ll ,r Even from hlrii scoring bird., Klist for It: to.vE. Pflll.I.llE, HSUiih St.. BUFF COCHINS fur if). O. UNCSHANS AND MIHORCAS t'J laiuille at A tone, la premium, at tael Dearer abne. wresi layera; Sne table fowl. Kara Ei.1p and BUS per witiiis. Two mi tins, for MAS and AVU. J. I, 5X1, 1'rMUsnt Amur-ra- n Laaaa baa Club, boa AIL Daurer, Colo, nnuaem -- E. E. BURLINGAMES ASSAY OFFICE laberatary. And Uirmli-a- l Kstasi.i.iikii Jewelers and fMieteffnsiiher, rend fist sold sad silver for weens sad waeia kigliest rash trrilutrnl. Prompt rriani ai,d wuliiirti. AddrvM paid for fold ind rrirtaud r- Lawrrni'-- St, Denver. Uiiarade. rovta-uln- - l I0HN HERR i- Brrrdrr i- LIGHT UNAHMAS, PLYMOUTH ROCKS and Seabrijcht Bantams. bnnora at Iavr, WlrhiU and uihP vni feuw in Um WmL Write for ho btUr rtf irk pileM, koi 111, iMuvor, Cola bi liv p"pok T KLAKTIO iTSi" KHKJK- RTHIIKII - 'HMl'ft.riVYMICUN AM) IWXl'AI Klip. IlJKSrtc. J.DarU lift) CurtUL Pm. |