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Show . . r ''r - 1 y r y v.- - KAYS VILLE, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, APRIL. 19, 1894. yoL, ii. By the A.GIi'E !Hl Q7:K33 u4 PibUiiiif If 8. Piiitta V. WmhIi Oiapaay. liii(n iwl it the PMtuffloe at 'Ktynllli eeoBd diiaa awtter, llW.jtla.Mt ttiuli is LOO A common alliteration, Jig, Jag, NO. 12 Rio Srsafti Wsstare Tiai TaUs. an uninteresting one sa I will not ti South bound train anivesat 7:20a. Some prominent Utah fluaaclers are tempt a description of that. Suffice it and north bound at 2:4tf p. m. in. st" ogly :idv- eating the revival of the to My that on the 11th of December, co-o:U. E. It how w. silk industry in tills terrlt ry. The 1SU3. haring occupied Just thirty lmurs suggest! n Is a good one, aud it onght and thirty minutes for our journey, ho acted upon, There ts without we arrived at the wonderful city of doubt a considerable amount of money San FranriKO. After something more to be made by silk culture. U It is com than four days af sight wtlng In that ducted systematically and on business city of tame, three of us, Utah-bo- rn principles. The experiment has beci. boys, hoarded the S. A Alameda, and tried in Utah and with successful re- weie soon steaming away over the misults j'ruba'ily Ii was not lnaiiclally ghty Pacific. Tne sea was as calm as all that could have bean wished, and a mill'pond, and the weather was aim am TIMF. TABLE, ltma7baye disappointed some who ,ply perfect, so I am told, and yetItI Imi SOlTII HOUND tried it, but what new Industry dues unable to say that I enjoyed Nn. Butte Express 9:29 a m. not, especially when engaged In mere- mensely. On the niorulng ol Friday n lac. si beautiful i ni. ly as a trial. With no' special cud In Dec, 22. we arrived at the Local 6:44 p. m. we with met Here Honolulu. of view. city NOHTII BOUND. Fast Mail 7:32 a. m. Here In Kaysyllle there are ladles a number of saints from Utah, and were No. M Portland Express 7:37 p. m. today wearing silks produced at liumu. Informed that the climate with them Local 10:11 a. m and the quality cannot, be excelled is perpetual spring: sunshine, birds 3:21 p.m. 0. Express all the Reaching flowers and year. anywhere. What is needed is to have Dec. 1, 93. effect In John ft. Jlarnes, President, ft. Y. Barnes, Gashl some energetic persjns take hold of Samoa on Friday, Dec. 19,' we did not P. Tiiomassen, Aoknt. Inform had as our captain the matter, and make a business of an ashore, Capital (25,000, Srplus $10,000, raising silk. Mo better place can be ed us that our stay would he very found in tbc territory than right here, short; but we contented ourselves with a General BANKING BUSING rhefl'st requisite naturally is uiulbcr. wilh watching the enrlous maneuvers ry trees, on the leaVcs of Which the of the natives who crowded around the 111 tfi If Payable silkworms subsist. Wc have them in boat, each endeavoring tote first In Canada Mexfra Our acrommbddtiohs Kaysvilie without Waiting lor them to selling us siimetblng, or in obtaining grow; not as many as mar be heeded, permission to take us ashore, for Public, fbt ffdftfcactlng penefai but enough tb start the industry. A which privilege he would of ?iurse eri Here hands. out tfiafl, Kaysvilie, number of Utah puptf afouiging the pect to receive pay at rtf' e b good bf SteV' people In tllcif localities to plant mul- we met with but one Elder, H.M. fdiind frl Utah.-Wtns or Seveir County. Utan, who was berry tfees in anticipation of tbe on much learning riisapninted fevlval Which is sure to come, very CUilt iitdi'dst iri I3f5it3 Jlfiy fi mat none of us were to remain with Ttai ioLk seconds the suggestion. TING must tbe After FACTORY, him. bt leaving Samja, There tiny He some who will silk culture, because they important feature of the Journey te think it Would not be profitable, hut . Auckland was tne fact that on Christ- - Mrs M Prop .'IUJ .V10 u one thing Is certain; there are places' mas as will as on New Years day we dinexcellent TMIw Ii Hte ul mIUMIn (UMlML Vim whefe this Industry is carried on .at a were treated to a very msst-Iamreasttnr M tta tut aitwUl hL hiagiiiilccnt profit. Why may It not be ner consisting of triads pay here? Utah has al most un key, cake etc. to addition ui tbe regYARN FOR SAIF CHEAP limited resources enough to supply all ular fare. Arrived at Auckland on ibe Heccssnries and many of tbeluxur. tba4thof January. 1894, we met with Your lair. mage Solicited Rio URtM'H I'M. f ilN,('il!sil,4iiO Ail that t needed into Elder Wm. Gardener, Who Is Fresh les of life.' i A, k-M- i have them developed. and In this every dent of the Australasian Mission, ami Kl'i. ii, Citizen Is. nr sliou d be. equally Inter who informed us that out Journey r ,. " , !.V The only f.:.- ur- - I. ( I, ested. Every industry that will bring would ba continued no farthci at pres' 'i 'I t il,Jt...r J :,ir. i, UgihiHj !v.li ChiCuguT. we I l.ik- (' , I)Mil tili'..i Zi5-2Money Into our territory, nr keep here ent Tbc remalulng part of ihe day Tel. 10S, Street what we k' ready have, is for our ben- sp-- nt In purchasing missionaries sup- Ogden, Utah efit., and should he encouraged- - .If plies. danrl langUMgV bunks, etd.. and IVU!-NI o 8m Brtsiasto Typewriter Dealer tor lUf. SHORT J,1NK. vni-l:!'- . rN?rttrssI Northern tftmh. curiefe a full Cm silkfairing Can lie made profitable on tne following day were headed for ' Whclv . iw- - slow to our respective fields Of si Supplies (Of ell Bseblhea, then our pdojiV sboiiM . f oMbaee end Mill begin itt The following cltpjHflC ftnin lay many milea ajiart." i al sehi rt 4bo thilcs I tin Salt Lake IWa'd tuay be ihicrest-in- District which lim alibUt dohlifitlltlfblf sonth from iucklatifi. And AaSttld by in this cmn'-c- t Ion, fvilfCtf ubiuipf; ; tiCuklik , nr. iliP - . It H reported i hat there lit a yevli Elder Gardner that I weald nieet: tvliii bedgeftlAh on ce kupplieS. ( .a mitk: r,i'x ihree biiison at bne bf rai In the si k trade In the east. I'he Elder Writ oreullud 4ee klm . rM ti ,. f jinil l:rcKii xi Ph ;i rv JFsflii. bo. word comes from New Jersey that ma- towns, which pleasure, owjng to the Utah Agent for the work. Vault box A ind ink fire efis proof Krone sent ijefohs fact liiat tlie ny nlatulf leMrers. and s lrrio of tlu-tfur dkelllngNr.dO keail for estuloguee Lake on fir "(rnir.p i r i q, , rd." (lie mdlft Ogdrr or protection) 'ts of fit-- ' extreme older, failed u reach him (ElH. r Gibson,) as iwaUtlflll Mil'll-- : in d.- - , realize. to failed Well, I for that nJmil (lie expected. frankly prosperts - l!' r?'l T ' ll tlielrbiwiiies i are t r '111.111 !l P p d(j!y rosy. The them was of course mitiiing left for TinUit WV- -, N 1 one soiiV jini. ont-l'HliW in s Ik. man ttsiay me Imt to wait and Inquire, which I Call wImi Is do, pi v inirr-vt-in the busli did, ind bn llie third (lay wnk reward' GL-1vJIEoILnTZEJ l n v Si gmd iti live d by meeting, not Elder Gibson, but hess, rtlss 3 .1, e. iwnuiekt brnflir M iears. We maV rv;,ei all liiiprecedi his eninpaiilon, Elder W. F' Nclwaerof rVhrt1 er.ii-kskt-ttv (rW; at t'TX. it' was taken j lien r Sevier county, Utah. I rfa f j r What lie atir'h-i- t ,i the Huilige. to. his oiirtS tO the home of siitnc Mam I anti liavb slnfce that time been Diatket, will' ll Ltd reply was that d alniosi in or ko. Was thivi-llitilieen ovr st'ii-k- i 1 fora j FofFiRST 6LASS MEATS injr bomialund etnpioiing siiretne gradiulJ ig:rhinga kiiinotliliig a'liiiirc hunts in trying tb healthy eondhiiKi. Concise. Modern. Prdcticai. fnexpensfvii of a vis ahuliey In Maol l. 1li!s ii.ie Highest Cusii i rices jalti fur rls.-some roiiif Mvticc (of ribirkt) TO HONOR T1KS0LDIKR9. wllli elglit or nine liranclies nr BEEF; MUTTON and PORK . We are plrac d to that the vi an averege disMinro of about fBUen SILK REVIVAL. rsrH3 - If.XIQ.V f Suring oods constantly arriving Gall and examine our stock. Pacific SrsTE. THOUGHTS IN BRIM. Just 't HB A.'2'SVBdXjTBB OOOB9, 3-- The question Is, Are you going to enliBt wlti the Utah National Guards? Colonel ftreckcnridgc's escapade With the scheming Huddle cost the tenerable Kentuckian 115,000. Thi tir.i.i'B columns are open 16 the Citizens for the discussion of ahy subject of Importance. We Invite Correa pondence. BARNES BANKING COMPANY ti Transacts TU08 n. PHILLIPS. Drafts Drawn Surveyor and Notary or builiitbl Tin Chatrllls tflmw readied us this tbs first tints. A newsy Wsek for ps-ba- neat and attractive, it well represents the Interests of Summit ana Morgan couutlte. We gladly welcome it and chserruliy exchange. - An eastern exchange iiak ii lengthy article bn lie to lie in bed. thead vice is unnecessary. WeknbW people toho trill 11C when bUt of belli blit We hjld that wben they retire thejrbhblild b compelled to either tall the truth hr keep still; Nebiil and Mantl ah! ta share With Frovb the honor bf the judge and the atthrncys bf the hirst District court. Sessions Willtcglnlii Monday itt May, Veyhi cn the on t Off Second Monday lb and duly, Provo will bava two terms yearly ehtl-haihin- sct-un- ad can d sllk-faisl- ng KAYHYILIxH KRIT- - wBWJtNfYdOrt disap-JftJVe- J Proudtoot ii b eaviHg'sj Dt4ir499 oiVe uj n FE SANTA ii'-iu- J. Cierpp,nT, S. .'-- i..-.- introduced a liaWi'fas has bill In the bouse providing that any bily In the territories, with the him sthtbf the qualified voters whu are taxpayers, inay Ii cur an indbbtetiniss not to excesd Ii per bf the asseScd valuation as ascerttJnrtt by regular assessmeut: i.r--- 5, . Jaf a-- c Are Yog Going; East? g fountain of Wealth. it Herring-UgU-lfarvl- 'Li-ar- e t - ii-- r:.-ii- . ! 1 ,? 7 at .51; k: AYSVfLL t rnn-vert- s. ie j. ir Meat Market, -p . Maori-iahti.an- r s bde imtiry brder Irransof 1uc- hoc mil War wlr'liveln hillts branches. Tlieworknf and on July system is to tie in tai rot celelraf elders lu re is My this viei travhl fnm hraneli io ht-I" 1 of r bis a cs will be yeir sjtrm lice. r. it lay in Knysville' iiraiieli. and to strive lo insiriiel Hi" tablished, The iairs will be lowered Ingioxt Instead ot lug aw ay lo more pi pu materially, and txpn-s- companies ions rithslo in the to rn nsira lions nn tpl cisaright. and as far as possible As a rule will not hold the hiohi.poly oil M.O.K. there. We are infoiinrd that a inert i keep neiii wit bin ixmnd.s. G"Sm-lIuKe tlie who asthey donow. $1iU Hiliimthe mail leg of a'l t v M hiicis.l.'itli and arc very ri sirmis of d dug Mglit. uiils mum sum that Can be sent bn one Confederate, sill he lirid next Satur- a Hill lira e. Usikt'ilhe elbrder. The present ptfst -- 1 1 raH-foad- n-- During tbesdti nice bf iln&ndal de presston Utah has tnlirfc heed than eV erof encouraging hbine industries us they were admonished to do by early pioneers. Ho Community is as hide pendent as fnidueets. Jluihe sup til? Is tlic spring bf contkhthieht, and tbe .-I iiii-i- . Delegate 9 anywhere Ti YOUTHS CYCLOPAEDIA - ubblhlu-d- i Robert Rlnmircs Pi-o- p Now ready in two large octavo volumes. Prepared by a enrpa of teachers and educational writers expreoely for use of pupils and students In pub-- , lie and private schools, seminaries and academies. Costing but a small fraction of the price of the large cyclopedias, It is ten times more valuable for the purpose, liecause It fits. Teachers are enthusiastic ia its praise, saying it meets a need which hae been long and deeply felt. For agents it Is a lionanza. Vo competition! no other book like Iti a positive and urgent demand for it. We have a system of canvassing the schools which insures quick work and big results. First agent took lOO orders in IO days, another has taken orders for 2U3 sets in 7 weeks, and says "1 have sold books fur ten years and this is the best seller I ever struck," and want to makebig money, UC Ul TI 1 PCIITQ whn will give all their time II L n All Audi Id tVe give extra terms and exclusive territory. t g- - s j- - .... 1 huvct-nil'r.icci- I l KAYSVILLE cone-quer- lie pitonr of ele-hrutl- ders for day evening. jr-d fn'iiidil instrrn-- l Ions, nnil hi . The tiiecl-li.- g uTilei that ihi will ls r ;i!l their rle, j will not he ror.limd to Kaysvilie siri-- in . , lii re must A icreht rejairt .in thsproductlbu of all ex soldiers arc ciruiady luvl far I eltii'l inliii ii visits iynn Coal, complied by E. W, larkcr, of the men; . A eoiisiili-Kilil:i!ii"iot plai-ei I l.ico United SjitH grblogfial survey, shows tell. Deeoratlori nay h.is never hern prop' of i i hi arranging 1. n 1. Is My the year: 41.1; that Utah predui-ein Kaysvilie, tint then-jsnt- i (isiisso ns lo ii. the deulstiM-!i- f sll SOOtiihs, valud hilui i ,(UU. Utah pro1 erly TTHson wliy Is sli"iiKi imtlf. Nnebimil. Uiiiift-rniinsisia'c, it tiroiild Ruces more thm .or Oregon With tUe iit the eltlz- - ns not h o many tii but falls teloW Muiitanu, Washiugtbn of Kaysvilie and bf all liie VMereiis m Insneli to the negh-C- t agfiefi and Wyoming. Davis bounty iiiere rniilii lie k vety of anolher. fur mi t hat dV, mure psr. credit able showing ti.ade next iec"r tlcii'iii ly; Is l l;i preseiice ol the elders ation day. The proposition is otic that dcsin (I. 11 will not be ts At & recent jnfcetihg br h Khiaib should be cneburugtd slid support riiirrtav the nn .id to for hxchahgc, that, say sbHfeiy.savs edi l i every are an 1 Question fiir disciis.viih was ilewil vtd li of 1 lie ml in Simony iids bli jiKmtid h business hiau ThajL c at-- mt now on I lie eve "I a The thh hbhsc except bn jay flay. Ar.-iir- . of the in lh" MEW ZEALAND, LIFE IX wasdi-batu- i and jlurldeil in r nee of liie Ni W Cari lie Jhi ilile feisri'y fifteen minute. The Speak T.JbBrien W rites Interrstlngly of His Saii.N. iiin!. as it will I. "IveiitlM-lui. it me ihscriiie in for ipn essentia was fcrs who afilrnu-tiialhe ExperiencM in Itaorlland. inn', as 1 liave i.oiiion-iiinhh other occashms were routed, horse, EDiToit Tuk feAGLIC: will close witli in pun- al .11 next c of a foot and dragoons. rhi lirnlnl-the .Dear Sir: Agm-abt, inv prom- mall, in whi' li perhaps I v, M liy aide ise I lake pleasure in js nniiig you a ( l j i'll -- mm lliiiijiiilci.lingji'.'iit fi w lines, wlileli inay jssihly irf- - b' I In: c iifi ti a.s we. I as viiiie m ln-FHme few would 10 influential news soiiip iiiierrst to at hant a few of the fiillllles (if 1 In- - Mai-l- i which 1 a in iias-in- g. tapers in Utah are larking vigorously many rekders of i your talnaSic Jija-r- . . flaunting oiiis lu the CiiiiM-- . of I'luth, it Governor ty-s- t's In tlie first iilace fiifistsay tliatt'i ohe T. .1. (rlsniEX. , , , bf his policy regard wliu lia led tlie imovettfid licit life of 4 Wjiip.iwli, ilawkes J.a.i. N V. Their cxrlt fisrJuet hfe the inllnstiial iirfiiY. Mar J7 lM. boy, the ca!lju tkfee ii .faiissiim Vdand illngil-a- l c'iiiaDfttioasi disturb k liintl Mi.re sliMliohsanil ti t', Uifc febvbrhbr jhst Lbont as much as inllrs kway was a) in isi cnoiliill td star-ti- e fin- Fair, Di" alr kttahis Pf fi jtihiilhi n't a this Ine Mttof iny iilts; jiafti'liiafly tb affurS iif San ti'k(-iin tail !ihhihf feyhfilhjr. fie as 1 rlis L'iveti but little More tiian t.hilh.bf jikJiSSSijl tikht.tliinkiligpch j tilt e? fctibrt Mems in whkrfi t pfrp:.re guliigan'l filnrning via Dglli-- iinti i'l IVli!: dii-c- t rniif willj Mr it Mk bfttk: Utah's bltirebs owe fif thb J'lbfney, Areordingiy oh the Is-iho mji!n Yhilc Mfli a !irbt bf giai itide for bis manly j going 'ia tlie Shn'-ttenth day bf iiecrln,jBr1li!i:i. and af wi.l lu-.m.l ioftliiiiM or mcf-M-iifil ftt'kightiorwaitl arthq: in n.uli' ter a very hasty and 1m rhap more . t ilin-cM t roiit'1. AI'Vc ht I.'i.isi, higlirr lun .g tbs j.;i pr-:preparation, I imdc fare raii- - liirhidi llrki-of uliui--'i-llc well tnourlieauiifo! mountain l.iir g.xid 30 days mid no i I and it- - dear nssoeiuliniis. The jour- lo Mu' ".iillowi-in oithi-p was (im privio gi 0- to tniliaais' for India! Pagwi. ney from Ogden to s.in I' Thom AssEv. Agent. pg il-ii- fr REAMERY O CO. (i'ri-e,,i-ii- i 1 . cl oh-erv- ed Miii-ilat- -i- s-i:'! sat GILT EDGE BUTTER iViiin and butter-mil- Teachers and Students who Want profitable vacation work should writs us. For full information and terms, address k. Q; B: BEACH A CO.j PoautHCRs; Orders Iroriljflly Filled. farmers. Wishing to contract their milk sliould do so at Mire before tin a nio(! fit net-tie- , u cukk ltd Cnieaeo. fui Is Contracted TMcptionu at CtHip store ln-h- m-- - G. tv. Cii'liTOrMid, (li-ii- . Swun,Jr hbl-kttii- &WA3ST . - 1m- - Vi llib-in.'i- i r fuitupiHtiiia kin Nx'.nl lirxm. ir sti feliKflVTHINa FOR THK iCHOOtAOOM wiXsaiiitta C;;c i.J K i .l 'I United X ft ilTH M vs , , , co. states school fuhnituae aoTSoe.wABASH AVf; cHiaseo' .LK, vseeeeessseses STUDY jUOKE $ II 0 for Studtel eed Ttechcr. leatruc- Uw by mill Bend attmp far catalogur so Complete Awricia Cor5rondfnca S Dxsvvii.lr, CH1BT$ tBASIE Family Trade Solicited. n -- g Xuskik' S&lrsMl 5ui rmej. s ii'-ni- r.t:k Mir$ C BATONS Vlkuliilii&siftaiiillil lilt -r l fitlCKBOABDS and Cigars. i.i-i- di.-po-si CO. lVlnes, Liquors, Tobacco, ii-i- - (22 Retail dealers in Courses. An CT0,VC e d S ' SkW Voss. sssstssseessse i SAVE A conv, By AND PATIENCE Usiog IB OST SERIES. FRKK. of Normal Instructor, the beat America, will give mil pnrtlculsrs.anmcY. IV |