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Show A DOCTOR'S STORY. satisfaction, to make it easier for his TIIE PEDDLERS MURDER day with a metal which resemCABINS OF Ml). every wife and little one, soon to lie left bles gold very closely. Then the Hew the Ijuljr. Ill Cat lrat, Maaasdd I alone. They would tie well provided luui. bronzed and bearded miners turn out, Krrp M With Her A TERRIFYING SCENE ENACTED for that was a great blessing. with pan and rocker, and wash out the New York comes This to the story OF FEATURE PICTURESQUE BY GHOSTS. And it was with a solemn n gold, exactly a they did in the days of Sub from one of that citys THE MIDWINTER FAIR. sense of pleasure that lie arranged Fur reasons iu that the of laud physicians primitive mining gold. everything to Hie best of bis ability, arc obvious the proper name of the A Villas Frightened Thro Veaag ia supfor the welfare of the loved one, anon 9 he Original Mlalag Camps ef Jobs Water for mining operations Farmer Tell a Mary sa Wild as te Be plied from a flume some three hundred woman is withheld. to lie left alone. Almost laeredible la the Fenasylro-l- a aa W. Mnoaasa IHtor la a She Mlags the feet and the divorcee, whole in physician process length, Y dear. 1 have had He became very devout also. Every Meualaia. Ha llwi aa (be MMwap Mateuro of M well is and in known ia on said, carried quite exactly an extraordinary day he read the prayers in bis little placer mining 1 Itaaaea, She clever lulsai and literally aa it was forty odd years society. dream. family circle; ami attended divine Mr. Arnold ago, except that the diggingand wash- nod rich, but for a long time was Strange tales are told of uncanny shudder a on service feeling poke with of nervous Sunday; T LAST THE ing do not possess the element of un- addicted to tha use of opium. The sghts and weird sounds seen and when over dread run liim, solemn emphavisitor certainty which discouraged so many habit grew so strong that her rela- heard in the fastnesses of the mounEastern sis. a tone at the second Sunday had gone, anil he advised her to go to some tains noar Woodland, Pena Farmhia pioneer miners. The gold mined in tive realize him-Imay t in bii knew that only one remained to for treatment For a ers and simple-minde- d 4V camp ia sanitarium are woodmen gravity buckskin the into bags California. ideal of put voice. wa wonderful how tenaciously With a pertinacity and distributed among visitors aa long time she refused to do this, but speaking only in whispers and in Seen e the the idea clung to hi mind the possouvenirs of their visit Of course the when they threatened to have her broad daylight of an occurrence aa amusing as an nny break f itive belief that he was a doomed man, rude cooking operations of the early confined in some asylum, she yielded which actually took place a few of the ea- marked has he by Death as his prey. How miners are illustrated thoroughly, and and came to our retreat miles from here some weeks since, nine a of in belief time, cherished the the morning rner; gentle and kind and tender he was to She brought a nurse with her, a and, in consequence, there is not a tlie Mining Camp store, with its scanty the clear, eolil, winter day. Mr, ( are we all that prevailing if more home. people at Perhaps, d girl, whom she man, woman or child who has heard masculine costume stock of necessaries and fewer luxuries, clover, bright-faceglanced over the top of the silver could develop a similar hallucination, .10 a week to wait on her. Wo the ia open for business every day. coffee-ur- n paid at her liege lord, with a look it ia still story who dares traverse after California in might be better for the peace of of mild iutcreKt in her deep, dark life of the miner of '19 was not were all greatly surprised, as the nightfall the lonely road where it is red shirt, cowthe The ever be To prehousehold. a many days went by, to note that she did naid a German peddler was found wit h eyes. for the great event, would hide boots, broad sombrero, and a wholly devoid of amusement though ot seem at all depressed, as most his head broken and his pack rifled A dream! Why, Arnold, 1 thought paring suck-rou- t, accomas was the to such confined it invariable with principally keep all of ns gentler and kinder, and are during the first few weeks zunie twenty-eig! bowie-knifpeople did believe year ago. The such not in thing-could in and be a numcroussaloona found the a you paniment of more considerate. if abstinence from the drug. Mhe road has always borne the reputation ahe exclaimed. Then, at the dglit of to if he will but come and houses and now. dance houses and gainfiling in the hack time, upon Looking I'bomod as bright and as cheerful as of being haunted, but it was not until the gravity of hi face, her own grew after Fair, and visit the MJ that existed in those (lays, and the 49 years, Bessie Cure we was obliged the Midwinter be cn the first day. I said to lier bnce: few days ago anything more tangiconcerned. ahe to admit 'What was it? find was hia of will shows the suspithe what camp style that it was the happiest, Mining Camp, You dont seem to miss your ble than hearsay wa the basis for conbeliefs akcd. and hia times. and verified There is baile a eagerly every day early most time of all her married cion the belief. cpium. Well, of unune, it wa only a life. peaceful of course, she knew nothing firmed. Iest the timid be frightened on two evenings of tlie week, where But, No, she said with a smile. It (In that night, however, tho Philadream. replied Mr. Carewe; hut to of her liusbaud's firm belief in liis ap- away, however, it ia well to say tliat fandangos and all the Spanish and are warranted to be Mexican dances are danced by skilled did not have such a hold ujion me as delphia Timoa says, three well-knoay the leat, It waa odd that 1 aliould proaching demine. She hail, iu fact, the it did. young farmers, who had been aarne in over the dream, with nothing but powder, and and pretty dancers, to tlie delight of I thought every tiling all about Arnold's odd loaded Oue forgotten after she had been in bowie-knivinday, to vicinity, met about be absolutely particular exactly alike, three dreams, and he had not explained to the large audiences. Of course a difficulty there over a month, we discovered courting as the was their habit, at the not their wearers lilehaed time last night It seema a litare while midnight floor on occurs nocuous, of the the occasionally her it horrible exactness. to half so fierce and bad as they look. tle oild to be ure, beaiilea 1 dreamed dunce halt and a man ia killed and by mere accident what had kopt her forks of the road, and startedmiles-awayThe duys went by. The holiduys . of our attendants walk to their homes about five so cheerfuL One MU an was The am a I die to certain that inspira- dragged out but the dance goes right Mining Camp upon sad and sweetly solemn to the man act of Temin her the All Good three caught taking being iu of three the brains on, and as the dead man appears a day, and at a certain hour. My dear, who felt that they were the very last tion conceived there is no reason to doubt opium. When we asked her where I ahall not tell you when, for it in not he should ever see earth were newspaper men of San Francisco not few seconds later, none the worse for she had obtained tha drug, she re- plars, upon statements of what they saw their but far diatant and the knowledge of it surhia violent be everyplain taking off, it may and the seventh day of January newspaper proprietors, to tell. gone, a at fused. After little first, and heard. The road leads through might make you nervous, even though had come. Carewe now discarded his day pencil pushers who thought they mised that no harm Is done. however, she told us that a dense forest for nearly a mile, and urging, of it ia only a dream nail therefore not watch, in No 49 an saw element would of the tlie . prodescription camp novelty she had brought a lot of opium with upon either side are high hills where placing it iu his dressing-caseinfallible. position, a nil could devise something of be complete which omitted mention of her. lle did not wish to see a time-pieca heavy growth of underbrush renMr. Carewe net her coffee cup Mexicans You the baby donkey burro, the hours between him which it could not be said, seventy-tw- o The matron searched her (inly A wilder room, down, anil the sniull, white hand and the great U nknown unless it had ought to have seen how this waa done call him who is one of the star per- and when she came to the office to ders the woods impassable. locality oould scarcely be imagined. trembled visibly. ia He formers of entertainment. out the To World's Fair." the at carry all been only a dream! Yet, that was almost speechless Tlie night was dark and chilly, but so little and so wise looking and so report she Oh, Arnold! waa all that he could seemed The woman had the young men were full of life and with amazement. quite impossible. For why their purpose, and with the aid of a his no need we instania an after aatured But that aay. all, put Nhould the two brothers have both Californian of wealth aa their backer, good little packages of opium in plrits and made the hill faith in a dream! It ia like believing dreamed the same thing unless St was they ransacked the state for interest- taneous success whenever he appears. hidden conceivable every part of all her with their shouts and laughter up to He in a fortune-telle- r is of whole the MU, the rethe the of relics of camp. predictions. You intended as a most solemn warning? pet ing days dresses. There waa opium in the the time they entered the forest Is and remember how implicitly Will H rad-do- n said Of all when would collection which a course, done, So carefully avoiding every time-p- i sult being in the ruffles, in the lace. In Even here they chatted and joked 49 Mining Camp is its sleeves, used to believe . that he wae cue, making ail effort to forget the make a historical society turn green the charm of the and in every pocket There about each others girls, although the lining doomed to die before his thirtieth fatal and hour, Ar- with envy. For example, theref are one unique character. It takes us back to was opium sewed inside her garters the clammy gloom scorned to different two liecauae were there and when ' of two the the this giants birthday just days nold Carewe waited. camp grounds and in her undergarments She strangely affect thair spirits All at been hud to effect new El and in that was heroes the Dorado, predictions The tenth of January came at last mining cabins, one of which even had opium In the papers which once the younger of the trio threw made concerning him? Weil, it la a bright, winter day. she used to curl her hair. back hia bead and gave a hearty yell, three months anil over since he passed lie arose In the morning, after a "It was her maids duty, we laughingly remarking that that well is he and into the thirties, safely sleepless night, saying to himself; learned, to administer this opium to would raise tha dead. Scarcely had Hub! I have no and strong as ever. My last day on earth! God help her in such a way that we would not the echoes died away ere what ia patience with snch foolishness. It me!" detect it The young girl always seemed a responsive cry came from childish! Arnold, you must not think lie looked so pale and worn, and so curled her mistress' hair and took somewhere beyond in the darkness of such a thing! oh re not to spill any of the drug in evidently ill, that hla wife begged What waa that?" muttered the All right, my dear, I will not, re- him to remain home from the office curl the farmer. elder paper. turned her husband, obediently. But that day. That maid was promptly sent Mounded like a catamount," sug1 oould in his heart he was saying: inAa that wa what he secretly home. Her mistress was relieved of gested the younger. no more help it than I ean live with- tended doing, he consented. all her clothing and was supplied Nonsense," said the other, It now out breathing. But, at all events, Aa the fatal hour drew near for he with new dresses and placed in an- was only an echo" As he spoke that I have warned Bessie, 1 will say imagined it to be near the time he other room. For several weeks she the cry was repeated. From a faint, no more to annoy her. r made his way to the pretty underwent the depressing experi- low tone it rose to a shrill shriek of went Carewe Arnold Breakfast over, and lay down upon the soft ence of all who break off the habit mortal terror and anguish. Then it down to his office. It was Carewe A couch. A fire had been kindled in All her brightness and good nature broke and died away in heart-rendin- g n law firm and the Carewe a and the room waa warm vanished for a while She is now groans grate Arnold was senior partner: his brother and cheerful. Over the cured, however, and Is married The farmers huddled together and Jack comprised the rest of the firm. panic-strickupon the marble mantel, a tiny clock into the blackagain. peered As he entered the office. Jack, Arnold Carewe turned ness ahead. Then from the gloom standing. seated at a tall desk, glanced up with hia eyes resolutely away from it lie One of the Most Ancient Knees. came the sound of footsteps a strange look. The Armenians are one of the rapidly approaching. heavy did not wish to know the exact moInstinctively I say, Arnold, I had a dream about ment Mo he most in world. races ancient the and gradually the men shrank to the roadside, lay there, Their country is mentioned by Xeno- listening and watching in fascinated yon last nlgut, which made me a trifle a alow feeling of torpor began to steal are as a he cuneiKzoklel anil, and in the you began, uneasy," g over him. Hia wife came into the phon and horror. Again the little late this morning, waa begla- - room and with her the two pretty form inscriptions of Babylon and shriek rose in the darkness, followed children he had told her to bring Assyria All the nations that sur- by a coarse oath in an indifferent rounded them have passed away, ton them. He took hia loved ones in hia Then a strange spectacle ocbut they remain, though their curred. arms and strained them to his heart in a passionate farewell, all the more country has been harried with fire A great phosphorescent body sudThe perand sword for centuries. solemn because he dared not tell denly appeared in the middle of the manence of the Armenian race has road, moving rapidly toward the beBessie that he believed himself to be been ascribed to the virtue of their holders. In the center was the figure dying. He waa conscious of a feeling women and the exceptional purity of a German peddler bending under of gratitude that he had been warned years ago in Sierra when they had to wrestle fiercely and stability of their family Ufa the weight of his pack, his livid occupied forty-twin time. and contend strenuThey have been a Christian nation for countenance expressive of the most After a time Bessie took the chil- county by John W. Mackny, the Bo- with the elements forces of nature to more than 1,600 years and have unwork ously with tha fear fancy can conjure He dren away. Then she returned to hla nanza King, the cabin being the occuwin the yellow metal on which tha dergone perpetual persecution for agonizing of his own hands, and the other was striving to run, even while hla aide with a glass of cordiaL by United States Senator George world seta snob store. It la because their faith from the surrounding features betokened the utter hopeHere, dear, drink this," ahe said, pied CL Perkins nearly forty years ago, he. we can see how this war waa waged, oriental peoples lessness of the endeavor to escape will it help you! sweetly; from the pursuer, a great, burly rufHe obeyed her, and then lay watch- Ilka Mackey, being his own architect and what the methods and processes W. James and builder. The Tbs Ksersisiy Material. of the California Argonauts were, fian, armed with a club As the uning the graceful figure, aa ahe moved Marshall cabin at original Coloma tha place that the 49 Mining Camp ia of such It was the morning after the train canny vision approached the terrifyabout the room. At last hla eyes, in spite of hia de- where Marshall discovered gold in interest, and bide fair to he one of robbery, and the sagacious detec- ing scream of anguish again burst-frotermination to the contrary wandered California Is the property of the state, the most successful features of Califor- tive was holding a business conthe peddler's lips, while before and could not ha obtained for . tha 49 nia's Midwinter Fair. ference with an official of the ex- their affrighted gaze the farmers saw to the clock and rested there. facpress company. Good Heave nat Ten minutes past camp, but it has been repeated in the villain bring down hia club with Seems to me," observed the killing force upon the victims head. simile, and contains many original SENATOR MLAURIN. two! relics of tha man who found the first official, reluctantly making out a The tumbled to the gr6und, Itesala,he moaned, feebly, "come these are The Haw Member from Mlmltelppl IS a cheek for a large amount, "you are his peddler Then all grew dark before hia eyes; California nugget. Among bedstead, heavily toward the rolling pack Brllllaat Mem trinod, striking us pretty heavily for soap ditch. he felt like one stepping eoftly away hla level, surveying "am i in Walthall of Senator household other Mississippi chair, bootjack, and Yes, sir, answered the detective. Then from above, beneath, before then darkness felt nlng to fear that something and implements all of the signed hie aeat in the United States We Intend to scour the country and behind burst forth a chorus of Arnold! Arnold! wake up! I am furniture amiss. Had yon nut come in aa sort and hia pan, bucket, and senate a few weeks ago and A J. Me thoroughly. demoniac ahrieka, groans and afraid you will sleep too long! It ia crudest which did, 1 intended taking n cab he need in hia search Laurin has been chosen to succeed rocker, while upon the road lay six o'clock! Glad house. to you're past going np your How Mr. Sweet! would have term Walthall's him. la The also original uugget of the peddler, and crouchthe Bessie Carewe bent over hia pros- for gold. body all right, old fellow!" rewas he and Pauline Have you noticed that exhibition in the Marshall cabin. expired March S, 1895, over him his murderer rifled hia Mo had L A dream! (aghast). trate form, and Arnold Carewe opened euAnother cabin poesessing a peculiar elected in 1893 aa hia own successor. It little bald spot right on top of Mr. ing The illumination grew his eyea pockets. What did you dream. Jack?" and a sad historic Interest is that of ia held by some that he cannot resign Newlywed's head? Isn't It a pity? stronger, blue flames played around Am I in heaven? he gasped. Well, aeelng you arc all right 111 Mr. and term full so until the He it looks toa William Downie, a very early begins, young, the pair, and the fumes of sulphur Dear me no! You have been Major tell you." returned Jack. I dreamed Helen Hush, dear. Thats where half choked pioneer, and founder of the city of Me Laurin will fill out the unexpired the terrified beholders. two! that you are to die don't look o asleep ever since half-paDownieville. The old man, over 80 portion of the present term. The new his wife kisses him, and he says Its changed into a fierce pale, old boy; you are not dead yet gave you a dose of my sleeping medi- years of age, was living In British senator is yet to make his place in a lovely arrangement, because she The flames blaze, and the youths experienced an lrat a long way from it I dreamed cine in that glass of cordiaL I know in impoverished cir- federal politics. 11c ia 45 years old, doesnt bother him nearly so much irresistible desire to throw themCigumbla, you have not slept for nights. Why, cumstance you were to die on the tenth of Janulike many other old and waa a prominent member of tha when he's reading in fact he hardselves Into the center of the fire. ary, exactly three weeks from to- Arnold what are you ataring at? when the concessionaires of last M iaaiasippi conly knows shes kissing him at all pioneers, waa Speechless with unnamablo fear, he Fur sitting up now, gasing the '49 camp sent for him to conic to stitutional convenday. Record. Chicago they felt themselves drawing closer, at that clock. Men Franciioo as their Arnold Carewe sank into a seat and in the rosy lamp-ligh- t, guest lie tion. There and is closer to the unholy spot. Still ten minutes past two! looked faint Trying to riraae Her Ksarjr. reached that city by steamer, but other state affaire Oh, God, gasped the elder In an No wonder! That waa the exact Oh, yes," she laughed, lightly; the Where Is Ella? At the ball the agent of the 49 camp went he displayed talalmost inarticulate whisper. At tho date which his dream three times re- clock ia broken. Don't you remember when minfew have Mhe which ballroom a ents loft the on board the vessel to and welthe yells, the word, the peated had indicated. But he con the children were playing with it. last come him. joy overcamegreet ute ago, saying that she didn't fancy groans andspectacle, him, and he commended him to the hideous laughter trolled his nervousness, and turned to summer, and broke the works? It has buck In hie chair dead. His cabin his party, lie began being squeezed in the crow A ceased as suddenly as eloctric lights his brother with affected amusement never been repaired. Why, Arnold, fell hia new career with "Was Charley with her?" will in and will be draped out at the mourning, of a button. is Torhaps yon dreamed the hour, what Hie matter? obI excellent this and think that by time goThat is alL pressing "Yes, as a token of re- the The young men reached For ho was upon hia feet now, and, remain unoccupied, too. while you were about it; he jonervation that tha he bus found a place whore there is a farmhouse somehow and spent the to his memory. seising hia wife in his arms, swung spect cosely observed. no crowd" Judge. In another cabin is exhibited a large democratic sen remainder of the night in sleepless Mol did. January tenth, as you her off her feet Hia brain seemed to eup- - a. j. m laurix. of relics of Uen. John A Muought number terror. will see by glancing at yonder eulen turned with joy; it waa ecstasy; tlie tter 1 a for WalHnw Kin. Hia prmleceasor of Mutters Fort lent to the 49 port the 'resident What was it? That is just what dar. comes on Tuesday. My dream knowledge that he waa atill alive, and Clerk These goods, madam, are one is asking with bated breath by the Pioneer society of Sacra- waa neither an administration senator every aahl tliut at twenty minutes past two, life and hope and love were his yet camp He was very cheap now, but the factory has and frightened look. These relics are some three nor an mento. and llcssie aha Then he told all, precisely, on Tuesday. January ten, in number, embracing Uen. a advocate, but ha burned down, and In a few months cried a little; bnt she said she was hundred A Barbarian. you would depart this life! not a bitter and malignant they will be very expensiva Shopwooden-ole- d wa one of hia Mutter's sword, Arnold Carewe started to his feet crying for joy. Mr. foe of know. said the "Did Cleveland or hia per I hate cheap things. I'll come some cannon of yon the sabots, It's almuf-- t as if you had died and which were mounted on the trembling like a leaf. No wonder, for man, that some of the greatfort and policy. While he made hia speech in again when they go up New it was his own dream, in every partic- come to lire again," ahe said. est classical musio we have was given the repeal of the Mherman York Weekly. against number of of other a objects large ular. It seemed incredible. Kut he Arnoli. let us be thankfuL us by a deaf composer?" historic interest In fact the mana- law, he refused from the first to be an And Arnold Carewe has never bedecided to say nothing to his brother, Aa Agrlraltaral Snrrinl. Classical music, did you say? of the MW camp have left no stone obstructionist Mr. McLanrin believes gers to since his but dreams lieved ip that day. dream, as to the purport of How is ltyklna getting along with inquired the man whose musical in their efforts to secure that Mr. Cleveland waa right in hia unturned patiently wait anil make all preparataste is uncompromisingly low. relics of the dnya of '4V which have a criticism of Minister Stevens in the the farm be bought? la tin Family. tion fur the great finale. telle me he welL lie Hawaiian his that but of Pretty trouble, the beyond bearing upon history My great grandfather was a law- personal For a man to find that he has exactremark that the democratic senators saved money on it last year. the men who made this greet state. "Humph! How he must have ene -- How? days in yer," remarked the lad, with considhia misfortune! ly three weeks twenty-onafter all, the chief interest in ought to support tha Frealdent does joyed Bnt was erable pride which to lire, is a very odd sensation grandfather, the 49 Mining Camp is found not so not seem to have meant much. Ha ia It to another mao. "Rented te diro it The murderer condemned to the scaf- and father has been a member of the much in its historic relics end records a silver man; he Imran tha repeal of I am surprised at the At the Masnaas fold feels very much as Arnold Carewe bar ever since I can remember. ten the circent on bank tax state the literal of in the per reproduction It seem to be a sort of epidemic at and Human the The supercilious way that felt in the days that folbiwrd. lie haughty Say, Elephant culation. which scenes occurred again and again went about like a man in a dream. He In your family." India rubber man got fnll last night Miss Pruyn stares at everyone. in of the the mining camps days early And I believe it is," ha replied. Waite I am not; she has just reMan What The Double-Heade- d first set his house in order. making At a masquerade in a New York of California, write e eorreiponilent turned from Europe, you know. his will, sttendlng to the various af- I guess mothor caught It, Wx for in Harper's Weekly. The present camp snbnrb reeentlf a man who appeared did they do to him ? Carruthers True; but her peering Bounced The Human Elephant fairs of iiis business, paying off debt, pa's friends say she ia always laying ta situated on the north slope of Straw- - j as Father Time carried a lawnmowcr law to him. there waa a dead failure. Truth. Judge him. Ufa sluing ail tbs be could, with a sort of down the berrv hill and the rround is salted I instead of a sc v the. fegjay or mi TIIE best-know- Mat-Sa- good-lookin- g, Ca-re- ant-roo- . ht e; es e, re-ec- old-tim- guest-chambe- well-know- fire-plac- e, en blood-curdlin- 1 o sum. wild-laughter-, st re free-coina- well-inform- "o ' oki ed |