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Show FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. DEEP PLOWING IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR DRAINAGE. Wat, Uadralosd SoU fa Mada Wont bf Daop Flowing RuUdteg tha Frame House Apiaries I'uulrry Flcklags sad Honaohold Helps. SHE HEARD BUBOLAR8. shelter during the hottest weather, and it looks like one massive grape liar Midnight l'bltor Had Ataratd Usr arbor with an entrance at the south. IansmiMirllj. I run my apiary for comb honey. I A patrolman on Calhoun street was on sections of the place my hives, passing the cabin of a colored top family and aa fast as tilled, or nearly so, I at midnight, according to tha Detroit raise them up and on goes another I ree Press, when the woman opened uiier. tin some of them I have 1:10 tho door and hailed him with: sections, and others, upon which I "Fo de Lawd, but I'ze glad yoa used large sections, gave me over come along, liars boon a burglar 1S1 pounds of fine comb honey. In 'bout yere mu almost skeered me to comparing the house to a car I ought death! to have said, all but the glass, aa Cant bo no burglar around here, I use no windows, no screens or light the officer. replied of any kind. When I shut the door But I'm sartin of HI It ia dark as night If the bee come A burglar goes where there is In the door whon I am at work I something to steal. 1 dont suppose dose the screen door and go on with you have anything in the house to my work." tempt a burglar. Hulldlng tbs Uebby not, but I heard one jest I'rofessor Henry of the Wisconsin de same. Why, sah, bo crept up to station, says: We- fool warranted In de back winder and spoke to me." of that the kind food Bid. eh? What did he maintaining I first heard him climb say? supplied to young, growing pigs has over the a very marked effect upon the animal alloy fenca lien ha cuin creepin carcase; that foods rich in protein and creepin up to de bouse. Den he (shorts, bran, pt meal, hit on do winder and said: Ar yo eta) tend to build up strong, mus- Inside dar, yo' ole black Satan cular frames and large individuals Dats what ha said, sah. an' I was with ample blood and fully develop- dat skeart I couldn't oped my mouf. ed internal organs; that exclusive Did he say anything else? corn feeding with ipigs, even after He did, sah. Arter bout a minthey have obtained a good start on ute he hit on' the winder again an proper food, tenda to dwarf tha yelled: If yo' doan atop 'bout animal in size and prematurely me to the naybura, Izelying to gwino fatten it; that, owing to the large smash yo'r ole black head to pudd in! amount of ash contained, and per- - j Yo' har me now. Luoinda, an doan hapa for other causes, pigs receiving yo forglt It! Lawd, sah, but wasnt the usual nitrogenous feeda have I skeart when he said dat! I reckoned stronger bones than those of pigs dat burglar was cornin' right In to fed on corn, and that the bones of murder me." Havent you had trouble with pigs fed on corn contain the least mineral matters. It la a rule with your husband? asked the officer. some farmers that the manure of 'Yes, sah; he done left the house fattening animals pays for tho time last week an said hed never come used in taking caie of the stock. If back. this is true, and it is without doubt And wasn't it his voice the one who feeds shorts instead of heard ?" corn meal gets double the pay for Sho! Why! Why, now of co'se his work. it waa! It was him fur shore! flow i foolish in mo not to know dat was Wood A hr to Frarmt Abortion. FROM THE RUBBER TREE Dang Flawing and Ilralaaga. The idea ia to some extent prevalent among the farmere that deep plowing has tho effect of loosening the soil to that the excess of water near the surface will pass away, and that It may thus serve as a substl-tut- e KNOWLEDGE for underdrainieg. The idea Is Brings comfort and improvement am a mistaken on it origitends to personal enjoyment when nate in tho fact that probably the first effuct lined. The many, who live bet- of plowing i to turn a furrow which rightly ter than other and enjoy life more, with imprison considerable and this air, leas expenditure, by more promptly Introduced Into the soil helps both to adapting the worlds licet products to warm and to dry it Hut plowing the needs of physical being, will attest has also another effect While it the value to health of the pure liquid looaona skim-milits surfuce and thus increases laxative principles embraced in the ita to absorb also tendency it water, remedy, Byrup of Figs, lu excellence is due to its presenting breaks up the natural drainage chanIn the form must acceptable and pleas- nels formed by decaying roots of ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly trees and plants It thus causes the land to take more water while delaxbeneficial pniierties of a ative ; effectually cleansing the system, creasing its oapscity for holding it This theory aucords with tha pracdispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. tical experience of the farmere on It ha fpvcn satisfaction to millions and new, virgin soil, say a the American met with the approval of the medical Cultivator. So long as it is unprofession, because it acts on the Kidplowed, and perhaie for a year or neys Liver and llowels without weak- two after plowing, ft seomi dry ening them and it is perfectly free from enough.. But when tho natural air every objectionable substance. and water passages the soil Syrup of Fip la fiir sale by all drug- have boen broken through down a few by mania 00c it ana in $1 bottles, but gists ufactured by the California Fig Syrup deep plowing! the soil runt together Co. only, whose name is printed on every in times when water is most plentiful and It ia found to badly need un package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, Ko other method of and being well informed, you will not derdralning. disposing of eurplua water will take vreept any substitute if oil the place of underdraining. To f Mta rtk Mm i BET MARRIED Urn deeply plow auch land only al fiMHi Mill wry pnUf uid rw WIIMMfytMllMfciii, VaJttf ibltoaualV fords temporary relief whllo tho first furrow la boing dried ouL When Trade-Mark- s. heavy raina or molting anowi HU the Abortion in cows is growing in- 8am Kobinson! soil with water the last state of such creasingly common. It did Well, you dont want anything not prove 4 sdn e as In rsoaisMIli RiaMutlm of further of me, I suppose? Seed fur Marnimra'r, tilde, ir flute io(Jt land ia worm than the first tamum a hisserious in the difficulty early iretaM? mszxu. wAanarorai. a & It is moat desirable to Increase the tory of the country, and Is said not Ko, aah no, ash. You must dun capacity of soli to bold water with- to be provalent now whore new land scuse me, sah. If I'd dat out stagnation. It can be only done la cleared and cows have access to waa Sam Bobinson, dye spose Id hsv a;nwM hwaHnWMlaU.MMpU l duuat by providing an outlet below the the ashes from newly burned brush laid dar an shook an shook an got lino by thorough drainage. hoapa It ia frost MINOT NOW TOD DO possible that those as weak as a cat? Ko, aah! When WIFF IT ANDIK FNEIONT When that la done the subsoil plow, ashes have a quite MT effect in prevent- he hit on dat winder an called me good mt Ittmivalail v l and that still bettor aubsoller the ing abortion, by ole blask Satan Id hev rolled outer Wj)4 furnishing supplies B Mr J.Vd'af y clover root together with deep freoz of phosphate, which moat wood bed, grabbed dat baseball dub. an ashea fnr M kavy wrfc; pir lid MiamiCt Ud-- ing in winter, will do thereat In III MUil Mir, Deep contain. Or It may be that the dat puasou would hev knocked down i Mb4Ua,MM IMlIf Isttliiadt plowing instead of being an advan ashes help to keep the stomach from dat hull ally fence in his hurry Ml " . IMI MMrTrWs tags is a positive injury to wot un- filling with gaaos through decompo- to git nway from me! Shoo! How WartMfMr IkMiwM mcMm m njmmrn HM My tm fattiry mi m iulirt M ayt drained soil Even after drainage ft sition of their contents. Cowa will sinful! r Urj fra Mtfelilal Mi mi ttdw jar tBTM H K W rmkffWi eaallBaattb ai llfMamirHn ih WarM Flh needs to be practiced with great cau- eat freshly burned ashes with pieces MfOH FI. CO. M Vrtukiw. CNICABO.ILL tion. On no account should the of WhbtUng Fireworks. charcoal among thorn, and auch The people of London are very plow go bolow the natural soil, ashes are therefore presumably of much Interested in the whistling whloh la known by Its containing the benefit to them. fireworks which have long ceased to humus or mold from decay of prebe regarded over here as a pyrotechvious vegetation grown on or In ft Poultry TRKATKD FKRB. Milk either sweet or sour is rel- nic marvel. The popular notion they started. Positively Cn4 with Vagoloblo Rnwdlo After drainage thia soil will naturCut after cut was made in this way Hill pored UsiwnO of caa Cura niM pro Britons the ished is that gac genamong become sossasd kupelaaabr bMipbyalelana.rnm Bratduao ally by poultry. deeper, especially If the until he reached the branches. Is Ms dan at I MM dlaaww: iraiH'M erated the of combustion the by fiery as the hulero descended he Then Young poultry should be fed only all ar simoom muni Sand for free book laatlmo-slsl- a subsoil plow ia used to loosen tho wetted u of Tea dwTatmluanl aubsoil for the hotter entrance of a little at a time, but often. compoaitlon actually blows a whistle, nm hia Angara In the milk, and drew frm by Mall, sif yoa onlar trial aendlUe In Maaipa clover but thia la erroneous This is not a contraroot. supposition to Mr poataga. IIS.H.H.IISSSN SHONa.AUanu.ua. Clabber milk while good for fowls So IX run urdsr trial mars Ibla aarorUnaaut Ko ua. far aa can be determined by tho straight line down from the lower diction of what we have before said should not be fed to excess one pair of cuts to themselves, the scream- part of about doep plowing breaking up air In summer time fowls are much pyrotechnists to guide the flowing milk by another Cream Balm Elys ing noise ia due to tha violent compassages through tho aubsoil and better out of the house than In it bustion of the plcrate of potash the shortest way. In the lower pair thus making it mare compact The Furnish thorn a simple shatter with Ql'ICKLY CURBS with which tha little tubea of the of cuts he placed a piece of leaf to loosened soil plowed, occupies less roosting polos underneath fireworks are stuffed. Experiments act aa a spout to carry the milk room thfn it did before, but Its COLD IN HEAD s who sell eggs for hatching, have been made with other ma- from the tree to tho open end of the Those are separated by innumerable SO Quia. small Interstices instead of by a few and mean to be honorable are often terials, but plcrate of potash is the joint of cariso standing beneath. The first joint was soon full, and There are buyers only combustible substance discoverimposed upon. drainage channela .Apply llaUa Intoearh noatril. two and even mure settings able that will another who get place. A plug of lrnkusMW tteJt.Y. After oach clover crop on drained give anything more leaves took its for one on ona false pretense or than a faint Imitation stopped the full one, and of a whistle. w. t. iiornLAs as inoi soil It will be possible to plow a another.price went on in search of another tree, rquala ration work, coating Iran little deeper. But thia should be which he soon found, and repeated brat value lor the money Cilllonla. There has been a deal of Sin kworld. with great done caution not to go too deep Name and prira At the close of last year the state the operation of bleeding. - When lamped on the bottom. Krery and turn up too, much cold and wet money made in the poultry business, and will he a great deal more made. of California had a population of number of trees had been tapped in pair warranted, lake no aubati. soiL There is at the bottom of the Sac Inral lulr. papera far full 1,500,000 and since 1880 the assessed the same way, the operator carried description of our complain uiual depth of plowing a hard cruat Yet It ia a tlckliah business. Bather, value of property has just doubled. all the oariso joints filled with tho 'tare far ladies and gen. that has been It is business a that much requires . compacted by the plow . , j. Ilraini nr and far has She the largest per capita wealth milk to a convenient spot, where he nnd attention constant labor. u4a.B. "r.AnSW Cotmltfmt pressing the clay soil when It has ' in the union, and her dug a small pit In the ground. iria ia- - been There la Poultry droppings are valuable aa of any state plowed too wet. a Iran inn After looking about a bit he found a fertiliser and twenty-fiv- e bow Ui or. nearly always an advantage In plowhens will savings banks now have on deposit vino of a kind wanted, and eat larhv mail. IValarr free. Yon can gat the hem She 8138,000,000. first ranks among more 300 thun ing deep enough to break up thia produce pounds per sargaiaa of drains who pnab our ahoaa. hard crust, though it la still better year. If thia la mixed with good the states In the production of gold, from It several tender branches. to do the work with a subsoil plow aoil, and applied to the garden or to wine, honey, oranges, almonds and These he orushed between two stones, walnuts and ia running cloae to first then washed the bruised pulp in a following with another team the first field crops, they will be greatly bene- on other products. Last year panful of water, making a greenish fited. The and plow droppings are very hermany cutting up the subsoil In mines yielded gold to the value infusion with which he sprinkled the bottom of tha furrow without strong and need to have a good deal of 113,000,000 and other preoioua thoroughly the walla and bottom of This of soil mixed with them. bringing it to the surface. A writer In the Pittsburg Stock-ma- n metals to the value of 7, 000,00a San the pit enables the clover to go deeper Into this tho rubber milk Francisco is now than It otherwise would. This says that he grows a little oort of the world.the leading whaling In an instant that which poured. hard crust is usually rich in cherry pepper which he uses instead touched the earth wet by the infusion, mineral fertility, and It ia a good of cayenne. In cold weather he Amber Chips. coagulated. Then the contents of plan to bring it up when plowing for scalds a few of these peppers for a The uninformed would often mis- the pan were poured into the milk winter wheat It ia not ao good for few minutes, and then thickens with corn or other spring crops. The meal and shorts and foods while take the cheapest amber when and mixed thoroughly with it, almade up into commercial forma for most Instantly changing it to plowing late in summor or fall ought warm. He feeds chicks that are the most expensive. Many long and white, spongy mass. This was lifted to be generally deeper than spring hatched early about the same way, clear sterna are out and carried to the nearest brook, beautifully plowing, though it often ia not It and aaya that they are less liable to made from amber pipe the waste where it was washed and kneaded to chips, easier to plow doop In spring, and gapes and are thriftier. There express the juice of the vine, which, product of amber carving. then la whon doop plowing ia most are melted and molded into shapes the hulero explained, would soon lloQurhold Hftlpis likely to injure the crop letter in A pail of cold water will purify the that are seldom or never soon in harden the rubber so much that it the season the ground bocomos so the costly carved amber. There would' be little better than tnno dry and hard that it is extremely air of the room. molded amber articlos are extremity gum, with which wicked huleroe nra difficult to break bolow ihe crust at Sprinkle the inside of damp gloves durable, and it is difficult to see wont to adulterate their rubber. tho bottom of previous furrows with violet powder. This mode of gathering rubber dewhy they should not be esteemed by There is also with every additional Clothoa carefully folded and as the tree in two season, for valuable as porsona stroy practical Inch in depth a new crop of stonoa sprinkled are half ironed. carved amber. each cutting kills that side of the to come in rango of the plow point Common alum melted in nn iron tree on which the Incisions are wherever the land ia at all atony, spoon over hot coals forms a IHacowNd by AveMaat. mada The government haa enacted very and such land la for that reason in strong cemont for The worke of Qulntillian were re- laws for the protection of the trees, joining. little danger of being plowed too Much of the henvy cake and bread vived by being discovered under a but lawe are ignored in these wilds deeply. is the result of the ovon door being heap of rubbish in an Italian monas- In a very few years all the tree banged when closed. Close the oven tery. Those of Tacitus were found large enough to bleed will be deIlonas A pterin. James Harkor, who tolls the Caa-dia- door a gently as possible. Kearly m a monastery in Westphalia, where stroyed, and fifteen or twenty years every one open it gontly enough. Beo Journal that be has successthey were being used as fuel by the will pass before the young crop now Tha colored Japancso straw mat- cook. The original manuscript of growing will be large enough to fure houae used fully apiaries for twenty-fivyears, describes the one he Is tings which are so generally used as Justinian's Pandects were found in a nish milk at a profit Yet these trees might be bled year now using In theso terms: The floor coverings are best kept tweet collar in a littlo town. and clean by washing them with a after year without serious injury, bj house Is forty foot long and Tha-Hat o Tired. Xrt Io a passenger car. Tho hives j solution of salt and water after tha using an instrument that could not It has been found by the British cut along each side might be compared weekly sweeping. ordnance department that workmen and completely through the bark, A common mistake made in mendto tho scats in tho car; that is, the by leaving in the wound the in the works at Woolwich are turn- rubber which dries there, aad which hives represent the soat, and there ing glove Is that of using silk to do out much work as in a week of if allowed to remain, protect is an alley-wa- y down tho center. 1 It with. As the desire is undoubt- ing will, forty-olgas hours they used to do the tree from life two rows on each side. Tho edly to make the glove look exactly in one of fifty-fou- r. decay. The quality of as rows on bottom did of before it hives sit the tho floor; Fnr Farmer- -, Hiiiv.H.S.Haiiii-uu- ii unfortunate I rip- tho work is said to bo bettor than What Fa pa Bald. nhm. Tbuouleriiriuioioeimd.ff then half way up Is a shelf on which ping took place, the work should be aver before. I ho whola Innsl h of llu. Mda down lob Mr. Bigwalst And eo your father I done The tbo Uio house is usod with linen thread la tho asme tha hHH(, pnuorilu others rest alunk InaXVi JaunCRI ha been duehing, dimes, 0. JM qualny Ihrowfhowk, some points In you giving only in summor, It buing only cue shade at that used in tha original Mulling a Ybitor. thickness of stock lumber nailed up stitching. When that man came to Chicago, physiology and has told yon that all and down. Each al tomato board ha To color stockings a light delioato sir, ha couldn't write hla name. And persons' bodies are composed mainly of water. in bee entrance cut 32SS3SX1EEC It lp to bluo use bluing. Put into warm now ho's worth millions Little Robbie All except you, he and psopla eaeh entrance 1 push a hivo o water till the right shade, 'I CWmnpllrra he has learnod to suppose write who hen wash In net or dip the aid. no hoes thut can thia in snugly time? and get stockings act with salt by FuolCurv for Except me? Into tho house to bother while and water. Very handsome Cnnasuptltui. It baa cnrwd 'Write? That man wields tba of pink tbnwannda. it baa not Injur-aYea; he said you were mada up I 1 work with them at enter tho a delicate shade may be made by finest cattle pen In Chicago! one. II la nra bad to It la tha bastauuihayrnp. lata mainly of beer." Boston Courier. house from tne south At end. the rose aniline. Make lita very using Sold bvarrwhara. 11 A Press Item. north end there is nothing except a tle dyo and weaken to the rejillnd. right small opening (or rcntllatlon tn the ah ado. It would bo better to dissolve Oh, don't squeeze me so!" said Mrs (fUmpps My husband says wealhur. hottest About three tho aniline in a battle and shade very she, after she had murmured Yes! my new bonnet la not a bit becoming I can't fret from tho house 1 have a row of adding till tho right shade is ob-by help it," he returned: this to me. N. 1 XI. Mu. W. I. IMurrr. lai. throw entirely tained. Those are pro s an impressive moment. grape vines that Texas Friend -- Oh, he'a prejudiced. 1 tty set with When wrtllns tn advortlam phrase say that fit over the Qouao, making n eomplcto warm alum water. Sifting raw lha adrorUaamsal la Ibla paper. aupposo he'a seen tho bilL Ins k, Patents. nna ff DROPSY Yes-sire- ed pro-pc- sbori-lgble- d, d LikeMorningDew Is tha stomach, liver complaint, of the heart, sad that tired Two yean ago I gave Hoqp'a Sarsaparilla a trial. I have not been without a supIt relieved ply of It from that Urn and now when I feel the least nneail I resort to Hoods Sarsaparilla, sod it always (Ives me Immediate relief. I could set do without It, and several of my neighbors have used it upon my recommendation sad found It An Excellent Medicine, Doing them good after all other medicines foiled. I am also highly pleased with the effects of Hood's rilli. Al mom In dew refreshes two-thir- ailnu-alo- mawoa-derfull- it par-ticlo- frlr Hood's5 Cures are tha beat family eathartie, aod effeetivs. Try a boa. Meant Hood's Pills rent Unlike tin Dotefi Process No Alkalies Other Chemicals ara need la tbs preparation of W. BAKER & CO.S reaiMCocoa arAfeA JNirw it Bsefwtelw wndssteAfa. It has more Ikon thra tima the strength of Cocos mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and Is far mum aco-t- eg than cm ms cum. Ml by reran eretjwhaw. V. BASER CO., Dorchester, VT lass nourishing, and 1 Free Seeds ZZ 5 ...... I Onagri. Invincible Morning I Aa TV u WHAT YOU GET Sis packets Sweat Pen-Ado- nis, Painted lady, Blanch Ferry. Tha Swift Al. n y y, withered grass, ao Hood's Sarsaparilla and nils refresh the human body of Ills sad pain Hambih X. Bmvss, Versailles, XtaeourL COLCHESTER Spading Boot Illaeed A Dick, do you bdievo in a tax on bucbelors? ting HOW THE MILK IS GATHERED e Dick give it to 'em BY HULEROS. nail em to the mast! They have no business to be haring so much easier Tha Bark Is Caahad la Maay Flaaaa aad a time than us poor married wretches. Courier-- J ournal. tha Liquid Rubber tiuahas Oat This Method Iteatroya the Tree la Two I'm Madlral Tratliaoar. Rubber. Watts Doctor, what do you think tho water cure for fit I proposed to accompany the rub- of Doctor Bowless It might work all ber gatherer on bis rounds, and in n on ready-mad- e clothe few minutes we were out of sight right and sound of camp, in a wild that A Sad Flat am was literally trackless, writes EdTha next lima ;oa ara ia a malanrholy Mood.aa ward W. Perry in Outing, in an artiara alatoal certain to be If yua bectiBM bilious cle on how elastic gum la gathered foadyspeptic, picture to yourself Ihe condition of uiau nbo. without resources and with a t poor in Moaquitea boon we came to family on bis haails. flnds himself on a sick bed. rubber tree, ita (booth gray trunk tiloom obscures his narrow borlxua in every liable lu do any wurk. without means, rising slender and branchless forty M friends I'capable of aseislinx him, with tba pne feet The youth threw hla burden to L of continu' d Hi health; with lent. and the ground, and looked about until pvrhapa, unpaid nupayabls. the outlook for is gloomy Indeed, llusr then, he found a thicket of cariso, with him la tbs man of humble means who pertvirinif that health and vlrenxtb are failing tikis uo stalks two inches In diameter and his caution to overt Ihe oncoming evlL Stomach Bitters Is a reliable, professionally trec-perhaps forty feet long. The walls of this bamooo are omuiended restorative uf limit n anil vigor. au a means of sani lha many disabling scarcely more than an eighth of an complaints wbirhpravenUug expuvnra, overwork, aegleel Inch in thickness, and tne joints, and lusufllrieul food produce. Malaria, rheuiua-ttr- , and liver nmitilalnt, dyepepsia and fully grown, are some two feet long. uerronskidney disease always yield to II They grow In thick clusters, freSoma of these railroad must be quently ao dense that no animal can men of abnormal development.receivers Think of an pass between the stalks. Arching entire railroad being placed in their hands. over they often droop until the tops Coveu Hoiiwixbh, Bokb Tbkoat, a to., sweep the ground, and the beauti- quickly relieved Bsoxchul by B sows fully delicate foliage is so abundant Taocua They surpass all other prepare, as to form an apparently solid bank tlons la removing hoarseneae and aa a rough tin bat. rtmtdg are Of green. With a blow of his machete the Returned travelers say It Is utterly impossihulero cut down one of these and ble to get s drink of liquor in Maine except chipped off three or four of the for medlciual, mechanical or other pur- joints, eaeh forming a long tube closed at each end. With these we returned to the rubber tree. He then made a small loop of one end of the rope we brought with us, and of the other end a large loop passing round both the tree and his own body. Ha put both feet through the smaller loop, so that hla bare soles grasped the smooth gray bark, the rope about bis ankles serving as fulcruma to give his feet tight hold. Then he threw the upper loop well up the tree trunk, leaned back, and brought his feet up till they grasped the trunk eighteen inches or so from the ground. W ith a quick motion, he brought hi body near tho trunk, and at the same time throw up the loop again. At the instant of its highest rise his shoulders settled back, and caught it In place. Then hia feet were hitched upward again a foot or more. Hera he leaned back in the upper loop, Hoods Sarsaparilla Freshbracing with hia bare feet against ens, Strengthens, Cures the smooth tree, and with the In tha Palpitation-Distre- ss Heart machete out. through the bark two Tired Feeling. That Stomach which gashes converged about sixam glad to stats that Hood's Baras partita teen Inches below the level at which has Idona ms lots of good. I was subject to Bob 'Glory, .... Verbena, . Phioxi Pansy, Candytuft, Calendula. Mlg- One packet sack taoncita. Radish, Mwkmahiu. Watermelon, Toauto. HOW TO GET THEM Scad ffty cams for oncytara sub-t- a to Tba Western Garden, aE folptioo llluatratad Monthly Magaiine devoted to ffraicurRorlcultiirt, mi4 you will itctJvg tto Rbovt named collection of md free. Sand starap for sawpla copy. 11 A-- - Snibt hUM1. The Western Garden, Sixteenth Street, Dearer, Cdte. St St s s Si s s s ht n. Htnuimir -- U.l Jjra In lilt W is min; nung claim, joiner . |