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Show I j 1 J .. i Ai- vr t COULD OUTRUN A DEER. the remark that a man could outrun The assertion was disputed and one day the hunter started for home rather disgruntled. As he left the store he turned at the dour and said: I will drive a deer into your streets aud kill it with my knife." The next morning he was op before tho deer began feeding, aroused one from its sleeping place and chased it nearly all day. The snow was too deep for the deer to feed without pawing the snow from the grass, aud Smith was too dose behind to allow It to do this. About 4 o'clock on the afternoon following the controversy at the store, the dner completely tired out, staggered down tbe main street of Garland village, with the huntor Near the store he close behind. overtook the exhausted animal, caught it by the antlers and cut its throat with his hunting knife, before a large number of spectators. He bad literally driven the door as he would a cow from tlie woods and into Garland to prove that he was no idle boaster. a deer. 80 HE BOASTED, AND MADE HIS BOAST QOOD. JUVENILE DEPRAVITY. CIVIL. The Had Hoy Hljrl? riaats Tors la Hie Slutrr's liar barium. Inr!lan BUT TRICKSTERS. Shiipkffp.'H an Their I'rarlti-- I HE BROUGHT lha ?.s .lire I p;m I'nrelgueni. at Die window some- it-A- lg 1 com-jwtri- iin-pio- ve . one-poun- half-grow- ud u - e hen-hou- se Opt LUCY IN. "olil Marlin In firing Him la. f Allvr, anil Ha lama. Old Judge Aliison was a turnout character in Kentucky in the early days following the war. and aa time passed his popularity seemed to increase. They called him judge long before bo was elected to tha uffira, perhaps on the theory that he deserved some title and had never earned any in tho military lina Hu had iieen a man of substance in slavery duys. and, among other property, owned a black man named Martin, a very excellent fellow. Martin was a blacksmith, and waa allowed by his master to do work for nay whenever he had time enough to devote to it After the war Martin refused tc leave the judge, and while devoting more of his labor to the paying public Ini wu at all times subject to the call or his former master. There was a contest for the office of county judgo, and Allison became a candidate. He was not a trained lawyer, and had no legal experience ol any kind. But he was a man ol the souudest tense, and his great jHipularity overbalanced all criticism. J ie was elected. One night some hogs were stolen from a field right across tho roud from Martins blacksmith shop and Martin was arrested and charged with the criiun. lie was terribly frightened. - Hog stealing in Kentucky is one of tlie unpardonable sins, says the Chicago Herald, and a prisoner convicted of it Is sure of a heavy sentence at tlie hardest labor. Martin stood trembling bofore Judge Allison and declared that he hud nut tolen the hogs. Don't lie. Marlin, said the magistrate sternly. 'Fore God, Marso Judge Allison, protested tho prisoner with a frightened negros admixture of all the titles of honor, both before and 'Fore God 1 nevor sinra the war, took 'em. 'low I don't haf to steaL 1 so got a good trade. 1 is. 1 buy iny " I Seems to me T elnt ever goin to After looking ba aide to sit dow c again with real thin;; witbiu proving captivating jou solid comfort," said the small boy as decide on going lu and purchasing, BinU talth Bad HI. Muf Adintirai ha lowered hlmauir cautiously In the says a writer in the Now York A Thu MteM IU Tall chair. Time (In tlio door la usually lata th BiraUf Embers Covered Ouch! Thera is soma folks as painted Knglivh spokou." but in HIM Otw With Lwim can never take a joke nhow. Yer you ga determined on sinking your sea my brother n sister took it In- nationality In bal French, so as net to their heads to start an herlierry-u- m to have price rained, but bv heav-enOne of the most interesting; char1 guess that's what they call t lingo betrays you. You acters of the pioneer history of the rate they got a big box and are jour answered in Kngllsh. and the enny Oil immediate neighborhood of City, bad it all painted up bright and then prices lu French iiionoy, that by long Penn., was Hermit George Smith, they filled it with dirt and planted division you van turn Into dollars hunter, who for twenty-tir- e years and cents, are transferred into F.ng-lis- h was the only resident of a section I I'd few a in thot Well, aud ponce put shillings aud of woodland in Forest county twenty seeds, toa So 1 got an ear of corn farthings: your nationality has miles square, with Wilcox, Kilt counand shelled it aud planted six of the been fixed. Bewiwrongly ty, the nearest settlement. It waa hoi pie kernels in the hurberryum along ldered and havo you this fact that gained him the nickwith the other seed to explain that you are an name of Hermit," for Smith was to ho told the Bimeby, after the ferns and American, und the most companionable and most and ttaat sort of stuff had price in French money. Wliou this pansies No of men. ever hunter hospitable begun to grow, one day the aix is dono, howuver, you are so unapproached his cabin in need of food, green shoots poked tlioir way up settled that you can neither multiply waa not shelter or refreshments that thro the dirt, and when my sister nor divide. I OsHihly the price given the same freely and with a she ' seen them iny! wasn't ahe given in ceiitinn',, mid you exchange manner that made the recipient feel astonished! She was tickled, too, as them into cent and then wonder if as though he had done the old huncould be. an she went an called the tales of French cheapness are in bis ter a favor hospiaccepting Help for Malarial Svikji wrbuodfc A mother to come and look. cotolette do. not imaginary. tality. When a comparatively young People who are unfortunate enough Well, they win both so tickled volaillo trullee, lor instance, you are man he came from Clarion county to to live in damp houses, particularly Fifty cents Forest county on a hunting expe- near undrained laud, ara apt to think that they used to watch them shoots told is aO centime for a cutlet! Only enough lor one dition, and liked the country so well there is no help for thorn save in re- every day andao wonder what made fast Tiioy was person! That is eating iiiouuy for a that he built a log .lianty near a moval They are mistaken. Suc- them grow toa as anything, 'cause truth: we cannot afford that, cun large spring aud trout stream, and cessful experiments have shown that pleased, they said they must bo something we? you Hk. turning to your decided to make the place his home. it Is quite possible to materially rare. Mother said it must bo some on French soil. You give The spring Is now known as Herthe atmosphere in such neighqueer kind of a fern, because it the ootelet.to a second look, and it mit's Spring." and Is near a flourish- borhoods in a very simple manner it ia so good, -- liow much did you growed so, and sister she ing summer resort. by the planting of the laurel and the was some kind of a grass. thought uay? to tho shop girl. disoff an sunflower. The laurel gives It was not unrequited love nor Well when I seen that the ahoota "Fifty centimes. 1(1 sou gust with mankind that drove young abundance of ozone, while the soul- was a growiu to look like cornstalks Ten aous! Why, a sou is only a Smith into the wilds of the big tim- ful eyed auuflower is potent in I to got scared, cause I knew rant; why that is only ten cents! began was condition. malarial tho section as then known, destroying that ber, they couldnt be pulled out without What a stupid I am! Of course wo but the rather unromantic idea of These two, if planted on the most toarin up everything else in the box. can afford that. We couldn't buy earning a living by hunting, fishing restricted scale in a garden dose to and I knew that it they were left anything like it at homo as cheap. '' and trapping. In these lines of in- the house will be found to speedily there to grow they would urowd Because it is cheap you take six of some increase and and few hod the he dryness equals, salubrity dustry out So every time ms when you only need two: it seems of his adventures are decidedly in- tbe atmosphere, and rheumatism, if everything n sister went to look at 'em I just like saving money to buy morn than teresting. On one occasion he had it does not entirely become a momory lit out. is necessary because of tho chance. built a small Are and lay down to of the past, will be largely alleviated. Well, a tew nights ago we had a Prix fixe fixed price is promisleep at the foot of a large tree. and ma was showing her party, in every shop, but tlio buyer is nent A Horrible ttelljclous was lluly. awakened During the night he A ceremony exists among the horberryum to everybody, and waa to look upon the sign as au ornament by something moving through the awful proud of it and wanted every- and not as a rule to I adhered to. underbrush, and opened bis eyes in tribes of the interior or Sumatra, body to notice particularly the six it is the custom of the country to time to see a panther creeping which is without doubt the survival in Knglish to barinerchandor" big grasses that neither 'toward him. He was too startled to of an ancient and cruel custom, that splendid tellnor had sister an she or in words to beat down planted, other gain, course of time into move and thought that his time was has passed in the If you do nut it takes tho ing them all of how they must be price Just then the big cat trained a civil and religious duty. These some upL rare plants. seller's broatii away. About some on a hot coal that had fallen from people, although of rather gentle 1 was the time, uneusyall articles you have no hesitation, but ceremoniand the small camp fire. In turning to disposition, piously tho 1 tho't Id die Bimeby about others, a Christ or a Virgin, bite at the burn the panther switched ously kill and eat tholr aged parents ma she comes along with old Mr. her tall into the burning embers of in the belief that they are perform- Atkina, who owns a big farm out in for instance, oven into piaster, it goes cheapen. Beagainst the grain the fire and never stoppedto investi- ing a sacred duty. At the appointed Jersey, an' ahe aex to him that barg.-iqinof cause they this shopping man the old is who to destined gate. but, with a squall, started day hadn't planted them, neither sister takes timo, and tho way to do it is to off through the woods on a gallop. be eaten goes up into a tree, at the nor she, and that tliey must be start early with a superabundance Smith lost no time in securing his foot of which are gathered the relauncommon Old Mr. of patience and cheek." Ask a rifle and getting to the top of a tree, tives and friends of the family. They something Atkins, be gave one look, and then French person about a shop and ten In tho cadence tree exand strike where he shivered with cold and upon he commenced to laff, and he laffed to one the answer will be: Oui. jc citement until daylight, waiting for sing a funeral hymn. Then the old and laffed till he liked to dida lie connais bien. ii esL colour." the animal to return Another ad- man descends, his nearest relatives laffed till be choked an the tears leYes. I know him well; ho is a thief." venture with an animal of the same deliberately kill him and the attend- run down his cheeks an' be red This term might be a compliment got him. ants eat species had a more fortunate ending. in tho face. the way it is indulged in unblush-ingl- y Near the hunter's cabin was a natural Ma got red in the face, too, an I Uniforms of Polleomoa. and no offenito taken. One salt spring which at the present time Metropolitan fashions have long could ace ahe waa mad aa anything. shopkeeper does not hesitate to call is the site of a health resort, for Rarer sea old Mr. Atkina, aa his neighbor a robber and trickster. some of the scientists have lately prevailed throughout the country. soon as he could Uncom- All this In U no one more apeak. that plainly thing gratis information is not discovered that it has medicinal You just cum over to Jersey mon! of in uniforms than the to tho purchaser. I do not poapparent pleasant aniand other The deer properties. to farm next summer, sex ha think the most liberal minded likes mals knew It long before the scien- licemen. In the smaller cities, and andmyIll show you acres of them rare to feel he has been cheated; it is In even small the towns, polloeman tists, and it was a popular resort for wears a uniform like that of corn, sex he, and then such a reflection on bis common Its grasses his. them. The hunter called it a salt he nearly had a fit aensa But there is one thing that lick. One night he went to the lick, city brother. lie may not have the Ma an sister were just eraxy, can be said for shopkeepers, if they climbed to the top of the bank over- city brother's repose of manner and and cool jauntinesa of bearing, but his pVaps I didnt catch it oh, nol do still steal your cash, they are so looking the spring and lay down to clothes But wurst of the it was that it went civil about it, so are strictly up to data civil, that you await the coming of a deer. all over the neighborhood how they buy when you do very not want a thing, The monotony of his vigils caused had been growiu corn In their Truly Horrid. and very often the thing you do not him to fall asleep, and later he was and when ma learned of want asked Miss Isnt it horrid," anisome muzsle of awakened by the I of her friend Isnt It horrid that, why, caught it again. mal touching his face. Without Swiftly But they had to pull the corn up Tha llaakrr's Non. that men will put those nasty pipes to or muscle move his a to open daring and plant the berberryum over again, In their mouths P" When Mr. Goschen was chancellor his on his heart back, eyes he lay thats one comfort," and the small of the exchequer and all alive with Yes," said her friend, emphaticalbeating with such force that he ly as she stooped and tenderly kissed boy went and sat down in a snow hia scheme for the introduction ol feared every minute that ii would d blaok face of her pet pug; yes. bank and whistled shrilly. N. Y. noteahe mot Mr. Hughie alarm the animal and that it would the Herald. Is. Drummond at dinner one evening. Chicago Record. attack him. The big cat, purring Indeed it Hughie" waa Introduced as a bankhim to cover with all the time, began - PLEASANTRIES. Ghastly Property. . of the stock The superior court of Boston ia ers sou andanda member leaves, scooping them up with its Mr. Goschen at onco to said have work "You exchanga Dr. on hard," the them and to determine or not placing whether paws trying began to question him as to what Yea" was a corpse ean be considered hunters body almost as a man would Doce to Mr. Bloomfield. property that Institution thought of his idea is like situation the finished the task many in a legal aenaa and if aa who is the reply. "My da After it had Oh, we don't No rightful owner. Dennis ONeil died of the paper money. How Is that? the panther trotted off into the of your easea replied Mr. . woods Hie hunter took to a tree sign o cure. in Brighton recently. He lived with think much of it" and Indeed, why not, Hughia" Mra has an and waited until dawn, and was hia Makeup Wigga quite mother, having separated from asked Mr. Goschen, somewhat about starting for home when he saw imposing figure don't you think? his wife. When he died both mother pray?" taken aback. Well, you see, you n the animal and a panther Wagga Humph! I presume it im- and wife began preparations for the oub coming through the timber. poses on some, but it doesn't on me. burial, each securing a different un- can toss with a sovereign, but a The mother panther went direct to My wife knows her dressmaker. The undertaker engaged flimsy la no good to anybody. dertakes of leaves the hunter had Do yon Vink yon love me. Dennis?" by the wife appeared at the housa Argonaut the pile carefully replaced them and began asked Judy. Go way, darlint, sv but the mother, sided by several Ha Really Wanted a Khava. How do you know it, relatives barred the doors and disto tear them to pieces While she eoorse I da A curious case of the tramp was Be the way I appreciate was hunting the huntor he shot and Dennis? missed him. Since that time the aeon tho other He was a veritkilled her and the cuts your prise nee when Oim away from bouse of mourning has been practi- able one with aday. three weeks growth in a state of About ten years after Mr. Smith ye." cally seiga of stubbla Hiding into a restaurant Milliner I dont sec why yon want had first arrived in the woods he he askod for aim Wardrobe. a Replenishing waa chasing a deer, stumbled and any changes made in your bonnet; it What would you do with a dime Your little wide la tell over a tree broken by the wind, is becoming, isnt it? Lsdy Ka She.coaxingly If I gave you one? asked a guest. and one of the silvers from the splin- Milliner What is the trouble? Lsdy very anxious to see her mother again. Spend It on a shave. be said. Yea of course er tered trunk penetrated the left eye- It makes my husband look terribly He very He got the dima nobody, however, I natursL She cannot go to visit ball. All of his efforts to withdraw bine. believing him. One of the specie without a know, her, you it with his hunting knife were in complete Why do you feel dissatisfied? Are tors followed him to a shop in the vain. After some time spent in fruit- the rooms small? "No; large and new traveling outfit, and a few new neighborhood and the man did spend extra the dresses started tfor occasions; but ii the less efforts he through Board not good?" ''First-clas- s pleasant money on a shave, and on being woods twenty miles to Wilcox, where in every way, and all very reason- you feel very poor, my lova I can apoken to about it said he thought a physician removed the eyeball and able. What's the matter then? stay at home and have mother come he might now strike a job, he looked hera you know. He Poor! Non- ao re (timetable. the splinter at the same time I think the landlady must be insane. sense! Im making money right Three years after he had located his Miss Vender Astor Well, everycam he caught sight of amaninthe along. Here's a check. New York Mineral Wax. thing comes to him who waits. Most Weekly. woods and tried to hail him. But of or mineral wax. is u too long. Are yon Ozokerite, wait to us have the latter was morose and refused to one of the waiters, too, count! Count for substance which can be What. Indrrdf The hunter. with the have any talk almost every purpose to which Irues-wadi unneceswith ia Mr. Maccaroni, Grimme an It Kpagetti outrage just latter watched for tbe man daily, for can be put: and i eput-iallexcitement I never vas! I never the way the little Innocent birds arc he was decidedly lonesome, and was sary to electricians as an in.r.tlutnr. useful vas! Who said so! to adorn butcherel women'i being still a young man. lie finally located Miss Higginspike seems to be hats Mra. Grimme But. my dear, Until 1M. when dcpoit were a and after the strangers camp, found in Utah, our supplies hod remember Unwas that dont the it you unimpressionable. singularly month or two's silence he decided to come exclusively from Galieiu. hut Shes adamant That bright bird wing I wore on my hat call and try and make friends He impressionable? woman could ait with a barrel of I was going alon' the street that at- now a fresh deposit has been found 'fine of a carcass with the stopped Till new wax sliced onions under her nose and hear tracted your attention and led tc in Southern Oregonyoung deer, determined to offer it to Clara Morris of a yellowish-whitcoior. and is Mr. me? Grirarao for a whole your marrying play evening' the stranger, when he heard him What In thunder has that got to dc burns with a dense smoke but nc and not shed a tear. groaa The journeys of the emperor of with it? That only makes the cast smelL He entered the cabin and found Journal. fixing Ilia Until. the man lying across the bunk. which Germany cost him a great deal of stronger. Indianapolis Matilda Snowball Will you Ini; was covered with .blood. He had money. According to an article reHa Generally Seemed a German paper shot himself in the loft breast with a cently published in or I And it necessary," remarked me allers as you docs now? Will 9300,000, were rifle the dav before, and to Mr. over 800.000 marks, to a great deal of yer be true ter me forebhur and Rimmlns, trip to Italy and Austria thought on the spend Smith he confessed that he had tried spent on the soon I write for th ebber? poems he ascended after " Sam Johusing Foreblier is a to kill himself. He had murdered a undertaken magazines throne. How? mighty long lima Spuo we inaku peddler in Northern New York; the the How did Mistah Jackson come out detectives were on his track and he Seeing that none gets Into the hit for two week. Texas Hulling Docs had gone to the big woods to escape wtf is trouble wif de deacons? manuscript" A IHplontal. them, but that be had no peace of you hab refrence to da trial dat de Ma Laager Owl 'eurrence gave rise to?" The Wifo Ive quit asking people mind, could not sleep, and had deHes reinstated Jess They had boon married a if my bonnet Is on straight termined to dia That night he died Da'a what I means. I month before her father suspected it The Husband Why. my dear. and his body was buried by Mr. Smith in membership, ha la" "Golly! Bess What aroused his suspi No'n The Wife I love you loo much, the next day. thought hit wah a clah case." John, to disgrace you hv cubing anv Whetdey charged 1m wid dons? Hermit Smith was small in stature, deedy. Jess A big slump In the gas bill body'a attention to an old uniiuot but exceedingly wiry os to muscle. was chickens, an' day couldn't prove Truth. lika this. Truth. made and Buffin' but Garland in was he tuh'key da rutte HIM STONE'S MARRIAGE. H falrh A Singular Uurumrl, 1lrsrlj Ue Surd Her I'mumal lilxlit. Just before the'r marriage Lucy Stone and H. it Blackwell drew up aud signed the following document: While acknowledging our mutual affection by publicly assuming the relationship of husband and wife, yet fn justice to ourselves and a great principle, we deem it our duty to declare that this act on our part implies no sanction of nor promise of voluntary obedience to such of the present laws of marriage as refuse to recognize the wife as an indeiendent, rational buing, whilo they center upon tbe husband an injurious and unnatural superiority, investing him with legal powers which no honorable man would exercise aud which uo man should posses We protest esiiecially against the laws which give to the husband: 1. The custody of tbe wife' person. 2. T.io exclusive conti ol aud guardianship of tlioir children. & The sole ownership of her personal and use of her real estate, unless previously settled upon her or placed in the baud of trustees, as in the case of minors, idiots and luuatic 4. The absolute right to the product of her industry. A. Also against laws which give to the widower so much larger and permanent an interest in the projicr-tof his deceased wife thau tliey give to tho widow in that of bur dey ceased husbund. 6. Finally, against the whole system by which the legal existence of the wife is susiendod during marriage," so that, in most states, she neither has a legul part in tbe choice of her residence nor can she make a will, nor sue or be sued in bur own name, nor inherit property. We believe that personal independence and equal human rights can never be forfeited, except for crime; that marriage should be an equal and Kiriuaiient partnership, and so recognized by law; that until it is so recoguizod marriod parties should jMi'k. It don't seem reasonable. Marlin. provide against this radical injustice But somebody must have stolon of present laws by every means in them. Ifit wasn't you. who was it?" their power. We believe that where domestic difWell, I know who it was, judga ficulties arise no apieal should be Yon do? made to legal tribunals under existYens" ing laws, but that all difficulties Who? It was dat trillin' nlgga on Colo- should ho submitted to the equitable adjustment of arbitrators mutually nel Buscora's place. chosen. Iete Willit? Thus, reverencing law, we enter Yesi-a- . It was Iete Willit' our protest against rules and customs How ilo you know? Cause the man't stole dam hogs which are unworthy of the narna took a wrench from my shop to git since they violate justice, the essence And Pete. he of the law. the gate off with. Ukkuit 11 Bi.xcawr.LL brought back my wrench, and he Liar Stosk. Ise he 'low fool and a laughed, eat in salt pok whilo ho have spare-ri- b CHIEFLY CHAFF. lie did. did he? Id lake to marry Misa Byllion on Yessa'' Her What's that? "Well. Martin, you go and git one account Fete Willit Git that nigger aud bank account" W. How do you tell the age of a bring him in hero. 1 'fraid he won't coma Marao hen? V. By the teeth. W. Hut a hen hasn't any teeth. V. No, but I Judge. You bring him, dead or alive do have. Maude You know that horrid Mias you hear? "YesHa Kquillers? Genevieve Ye Maude And Martin vanished without the Well, I got even with her yesterday, ghost of a bail bond or the hint of a Invited her to my pink tea and she's a blonde that can't stand anything but guard. Karly next day Judge Allison waa blue. listening to a case of common asHeader of Comic Paper, sighing O, sault when he hoard a rather unusual would that I were in the Alp 1,000 commotion outsida and looked up to feet np! Visitor And why do yon aee Martin standing in the doorway, wish that? Reader of Comic Paper hat in hand, with a puzxled expres- Because no chestnut ia ever found at sion on his face and a crowd of ex- that height cited people behind him. Jenks I handled 94,000,000 during Hare's dat nlgga, Marie Judga" recent visit to the treasury in my tone which indicated he said, with a Blnka Ah! But I have Washington. he was resuming a subjeet dropped had my grip upon 9190,000,0001 Jenka but a moment boforo Where! When! Ilow? Blnks I once What nigger? demanded the shook hands with Vanderbilt! judge, aoberly. Little Boy They won't ever get me Dat Pete Willit." to give another ten cents toward a Oh! Oh, ye Well, bring him present of a book for the teacher. In. Mother What went wrong? Little I Marae Why. he's dead. Judga Boy We gat the principal to select calnt bring him la" one fur her, and he picked out one Dead! Wbat do you mean?" was jus' crowded with informaMarse Why. Judge Allison, you that and she's been teaebin' it to ns tion, tole me to fetch him dead or aliva an' he wouldn't coma ao I had to ever ainca kill him. But I fetch 'Im. " CURIOUS CONDENSATIONS. Judge Allison said afterward be never waa more embarrassed in bis j Fanciers sell pet snake lira flooded is Vancouver with Japanese But what became of Mai tin, tho silver. negro? False ears and jawa are manufacWell, Martin was indicted, but he waa admitted to bail and went on tured. Mirages are the most perfect In about his business. Iete Willit was Texas. undoubtedly the thief, and public Typhoid bacilli will not pass through aontiment would not have permitted Martin to suffer. His case was post-xme- d filter A talking umbrella has been interra after term, and at last somewhere vented. was simply pigenn-holo- d and left to die. It hasn't been hoard Violet farming ia a Philadelphia inof in fifteen years dustry. Kan Francisco baa five Chinese newsFaring a lllrr We have a good, gentle family papers. Allahabad, India is to have a Paw horse that we are anxious to ex- teur institute. change for a good possum" dog or Clams are used as legal tender at a reasonable amount of flsh bait. There ia positively nothing wrong West Sorrento, Me. Tlie cockroach ia a sacred insect with the horse but his voracious apHitita We have hail him with us among the Chinese. Poisoned arrows have been in use now about three weeks and he has eaten up three loads of cypress time out of memory. Fuaioua novelists in Japan make shingles two lot gates, licked the bottom out of a castiron sugar kettle from fW to 87 a month. and commenced on the gable end of A Frenchman has invented a gun our residence, and the fact is we worked by liquid ga have just got to swap, .sell or kill, Rutland has the only paid fire deor be without a house and homo. partment in Vermont. Iiawklnsville, Ga, Dispatch. is the banner toLancaster, bacco growing oounty of the world. Hupmlltlons Mammoths onue wanderod all over In the North of Scotland fisher-fol- k turn back if a hare or a pig Europe, including Ireland and Scotcrosses their path; and at aea they land. Mexico ia the home of aapiderso never pronounce tbe name of the hara the pig, the salmpn, the trout small that its legs are invisible to the or the dog. naked eye. At a recent tale in London a first Came and Effect. of The Vicar of Wakefield edition Whelklya verses always seem ao Bold for 937- lilli-nim- I, flat" Rattlesnakea are guided over their Thats because every erltlc in the country has sat down on then," routes by smaller serpents called anake Chicago Tribuna pilot |