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Show SMITHFIELD 89, 1988 gSTBSEE NOVEMBER Mrs. T. B. Farr waa bosteas to Braided ruga for aale. Will make Directory Mrs. furnished. the Ladies Literary club on Wednei-rugs if material ii direcreThe 1936 Cache American sdr. I day Nov 20,. Mr. Aa Bullen J. Martin. ! Katherine". The tory of Logan city and cache county - viewed the be ok be ready Mr. and Mrs. William 0. McBride Portrait of en Empress by Gina la on th pres and should in the near future, 6:09 distnibtion at served was Ifor end Lunch week Kauss. were of guest Hyrum llr Wilii.. IMwman wa hoateai i Lillian, compiler, who has Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Buck. Special guests were: Mn. Joel Rieka Walter wide t j the S. I. T. cluli at her home of I exeprience it compiling Mrs. Aa Bullen, Misi Hattie Smith has a i'll Fri.sy evening. The evening was for such publication information Mrs. and Mrs. Morris Hanson entertained ( md Drue Smith of Logan in.. Mswinf. after., which., a the Logan directory , telive he the members of her sewing clubjC. I. Stoddard, Mrs. H Ray Pond j tayi w-- s l.trM served. There most complete of any the be will Richmond of at her home on Thursday afternoon.' and Mrs. J. W. Funk of getting the wire fight members present and Luncheon was served had privilege ha at one long! an i Mrs. T. L. Sorenson and Mrs. 'he Mi'.1, Kathleen Mtikk, a special tjble to the Mrs.' William Scrother following guest: t'uefct. Keith Meikle, Mrs. Eldon Lamb, I Mr. Edgar Hanson, Mr. Harold Mr. and Mr. Manon Hill and Hanson, Mrs. Milo Neilsm, Mrs. Mr. end Mrs. Harmon Buck attend- Dona Chamber, Mrs. Reed H:lver-oed a shower in honor of Mr. and and Mrs. Oriin Hansen. Special Mrs. Wallace Christensen at Hyrum were: Mr. Mae Chamber, guests or. Monday evening. I Mrs. F. L. Allen, and Mica Mary Chambera. Mis. L:Vina Dcppe, Superintendent of Benson Stake Primary, A farewell party was held at the to Salt Lake City on Friday home of Mis Zola Payne Saturd:y A to j.ie&ent a gift of good cheer In honor of Arthur Jorevening. to the Primary Childrens Hospital. gensen of Hyrum who will leave The gift was contributed to the soon for a European Mission. Twelve hospital by all the prim3riei of the gueata attended. An enjoyable even Ben-o- n Stake. lng was enjoyed by alL Progressing LOCAL NEWS Service A Fdandly the barker telephone in your home will Barber and Beauty Shop in a day TELEPHONE it ... UTAH PHONE 4 SMITHFIELD save trips daily It costs but.a few cents Aud We Ceter To The Whole Family! mo-to-- Hill-vHi- Place To Gal Your Barber Beauty Work Done. Save Trips to the Stores A surprise party was held at the Mrs. M. M. Anderson of Shelley, d Ixime of Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Idaho visited with her sister, Mr. in ht'ii' r of their son Rand ill. Laura Gyllenakog last wreck. Of - luiK-heo- n, Kinds All We Are Equipped To Do Beauty Woik 4 'wr-mma- IWT1H , i 'ilnse present were: Marjorie Park m, Ii.i Chambers, Maxine Smith, Julia Merrill, LoRu and R ndall Ilillyard, Edward llyilen. Lem Iluskelly, George Smith Fi rris Ilillyard and Jack Milligan. The time was spent playing Bunco llitrli score .as won by Xtrjorie Varkin.-.ef:nJ Randall Ilillyard, low 'Vfi.v-awarded to Mrxine were and Lo.n Rjskelly. Dainty s were served and the ( cning vm enjoyed by all Viral Nilsun, --- MUFFLED RADIO SEE LLOYDS n Radis Serviea Go. i PRONE S17 LOGAN lefii-ehment- SAT., NOV. 30 East of Post Office Buy Xmas Gifts EARLY pop CORN, Evit Kernal Ptpl VAN DRUG CO. MOLASSES, HONEY, p"r'Cuk 2 7 F" 24 c 7q N0-2,- 4 CORN, Tender lnd Sweet ACT NOW! SAVINGS can be made by back taxes immediately! paying all Therm is no timo to loso. Savings of as much as 28 can be mado on taxes due for 1932 and prior years, if you act NOW . . , before the liberal concessions of the recent legislature expire. HRRSRVS COCOA, NOW - , (If your of 1935 your 1 , Lina vilbl qlvt Page notit ii not proparty at toxplttaly n dticrip-tlo- n pottibl.) Description I'M ECONOMIZING BY BUYING P SOAP. THE CAKES ARE 50 " PAD SOAP, 5 IVORY SOAP, M1" BIGGER-SUDSIE- OXYDOLf 're It d lava soap t? utrd c c,n IS or Tomato Sauce large oval FLAVRJELL, cwtia DeMert Ml F" 1000 RoM sheet Rolu We,tmini,,tr SHORTENING, 'wtminUter 4 For 1 LB- 4LB-- - GERMADE, 9La MOTHERS OATS, wiIeaties, Hear: TRACY R. r Cup lni 33c Wl WHEAT FLAKES, WHEATIES, raG CRrerAL 10c R t 0,L HAND, CERMR 27c RIHSO WASmN0 33c FOB 0Q 24 c FOWDEB, LG. PKG. DEL U0OTR- - COFFEE, 29c 22c WEST C0ART- - 19c 19c 19c s8"' fkg F0 CANS 2 Q i(te 1 . LB. 5 LB 10 LB S1.10 9c HOLLY LYE, A SAL SODA, DEL MONTE, NOl SOUR KRAUT, MACKERAL, 12c -- 10c VAN CAMPS, 1 TALL CAN TALL CAN DATES, 0c gc MINCE MEAT, -- 12c 23c -- 25c 25c 35c r CELL0-pK- G FANCY 2 FIG PUDDING, for VEGETABLES 4 RAISINS, CITRON. I MEAT YOU roDND H10 9 SALAD, N0 2 15c rao 22c ORANGE PEEL, DICED FRUIT, PKG CAN EAT AT PRICES A U wIC aaaniMH P0R P0UND Jq 10c t CAN DEL MONTE, NO. 2 CAN PINK SALMON, POP CORN, 2 2 -- 10c H 2H g 4gc 3gc p9c 83c 59c .. SPINACH, j0c jgc 25c DIXIE MOLASSES 5c 10c can 0q oz-- AND A VARIETY Qp 3C OF YOU CAN MEET I FRESH FRUITS A VEGETABLES WELLING Secretary Utah Stale Fane lursau KSL 6:30 p. mH SetH Nov. Tuna in CWn 0gC w rao B3SQUICK, SOAP, SOAP Aunt 'Jemima D WAFFLE, 2 22c Pk 40 9c PEAS, CANS TOR TREE TEA, ,APAN- - 13c N0 , , 23c 6c tnd ne DEVILED MEAT, OYSTERS, . - CORN BEEF, SODA, Arm ,nd Thunmttr Pkg. SHORTENING, ... PANCAXE FLOUR BEANS, ! R roR TOILET TISSUE, Address ALL FLAVORS JEliO, CORK, !ra WAXED PAPER .UTAH and TOO. STARCH, Name.. SAT.NOV. 30 SJi COFFEE SARDINES, Book ij. 13C 10c ta Please send jne a statement showing how much I can sava if I pay my delinquent property taxes now. I own or havo an interest in the following property, listed as follows on my 1935 tax notice. 21c M a" SALMON, TUNA FLAKES, TO: COUNTY TREASURER 0q q 1 CAMAY SOAP, FILL OUT THIS COUPON : oz-- " Pk- - TREE TEA, 9c 29c N0 2 Can POSTUM CEREAL, TAXPAYERS 0q c COFFEE, IL111UC SUBSTANTIAL 35c 9c Tender, Sweet and Juicy NO.2 can PUMPKIN, 0)oi Rfolfninil jgc ; - PINEAPPLE, Tho8aBJL Store DELINQUENT 29c 33c G:Jlon can HOT TAMALES Mk,0 TO PLEASE. BUUC PEANUT BUTTER, rcLL2LB JAR ' WE HAVE A NEW LINE OF LADIES HAND BAGS, TOILET GOODS SETS, FOUNTAIN IEWLERY, PENS, DIARYS J ALL GIFTS PRICED PEANUT BUTTER, nEOT:esAM ME r.x OH 30 STATE TAX COMMISSION North Cache MERCANTILE Gutke Meat Grocery A HOME OWNED 8TOBE Phone II WE AIM TO PLEASE YOU Wo Deliver SmUhfleM |