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Show J Designers in a Mood for Pleating BRISBANE By CIIEKIE NICHOLAS THIS WEEK Bird Cage Pot Holders Make a Practical Gift By GRANDMOTHER CLARK Death From the Air Barring the Inventor The Republican Odds To Starve Italy In Warfare In Ethiopia consists largely surprising the enemy In some narrow gorge or valley. have Ethiopians thus surprised Italians on a small scale. Now the Italians have shown that the thing can done lie from tiie air by killing '.'.000 Ethiopian warriors, of w h o m 10,000 were massed In the Mel Mczoid valley, south of Mnkule. Ethiopians Incendiary with- flue courage, the attack with uinchinc guns, and explosive bombs. stood, with England really Las free speeclL On your snap box In Ilyde Turk you may say what you please, If you do not advocate crime. Hut England does nut like free speech from another country, through the ether. The Rrltlsh Hroadcaatlng company will not let Marconi talk from Koine to Englishmen over the radio. lie might convince them that It Is preposterous to try to starve out Italy for doing In Ethiopia what Eng- ULEATS, pleats and uothiug but I pleats, Is the message of many of this season. tlie smartest- - faahlona Turn where one will In the realm of costume design, there's an orgy of Intriguing pleated effects carrying on." Eo let's keep up with the mode while we talk about pleats pleated and being pleated. French designers, especially, are not leaving anything unpleated that could, should and must be pleuted according to their Idea of things. ' Their pleated to daytime fashions as of highest evening forr mality. The pleated gown reGrecian flecting Inspiration Is a highlight In evening modes. Evening capes to go with these lovely creations are also completely p1eated,)n waistline or longer lengths. In daytime fashions the pleated dress,, has also been received with acclaim. However, pleating Is only one phase of the subject, fur the use of pleats Is embracing every sort. 'from the tlnii'Rt of sprightly pleated edgings whlrh run hither and thither about hemlines and up and down, flanking each side of neat buttoned closings which sometimes extend from head to foot. Some designers there are who make a feature of pleated tiers and apron fronts and pleated sleeves. The new fabrics are entering Into the pleated conspiracy with a noble gesture. Most of them seem made just to be pleated fairly Invite one to pleat them. Take the black crepe whlrh Is so ultra smart for daytime dresses. It plcata to perfection. A statement that does not need n second telling after one glimpses the stunning gown In the center of the Illustration. Pleated every Inch of the way Is this black silk crepe afternoon dress. The pleats are stitched down at the neck. Shoulders and wnlst, giving a fitted mood pertains well ns those all-ov- all-ov- all-sil- k much talked-o- f Molyneaux which Is meeting with such outstanding success this season. An effective treatment of wider pleats In a black silk crepe dress for t life'. young girl. Is pictured to the left. The pleats are stitched with tailored precision about the hipline and released half way down the skirt so ns to slenderize at the rame time that It provides a flared hemline. The bodice Is a modified shirtwaist with tlay metal buttons In front SfifaWDS f tlie.'new materials adapt' ing tlrciiiselves so readily to the plcat-q- d mode, the new silk lame weaves, many of which are sheer and tlssue-llk- e in texture, enter Into the scheme of things with Infinite grace. If you are wanting n lovely gown for prom guyety, here It Is at the right In the group pictured. Shirrlngs end (dents in the Instance of this go fifty-fiftultra cliic and adorable evpnlng dress made of silver silk lame. The shirred top Is held by narrow double straps, and the decollet age Is outlined by a tiny band of plants. The pleated theme continues in the skirt, held well in place by the crispness of thp silk lame. The only trimming Is the metal and jeweler bnrkle of the belt. Among the pleated triumphs In evening fugh long ore the perfectly charmy floating visions of silk ing chiffon, most lovely, perhnps, In white but which set your heart throbbing at faster pace In any of the new Jewel colors or pastel shades. Sometimes only the skirt Is pleated, but when it Is, Its done so artfully It flutters out like s fleeting cloud or a mist enveloping the figure. y airy-fair- Those that make betting a business are often sound In their jMilitlcal Judgments. They are at least cold, calculating; sentiment does not cloud their vision. On the Republican 1'rextdcntlal nomination the betting now stands: Senator William E. Borah, 8 to 1. Governor London of Kansas. 10 to 1. Senator Vamleida-rof Michigan, 1,1 to 1. Col. Frank Knox of Illinois, 15 to 1. Governor Huffman of New Jersey, Ogden I,. Mills, Senator David A. Reed, all 20 to 1. Professional bettors agree tlmt Governor Landon Is gaining, and will prohnldy lead the procession ut 0 to 1 In a few days. Band wagon climbers are more and more polite to Governor London. The sanctions" wall thrown by Enganmiiil Italy, wmiller land unci Fr.-im-- to "suffocate and ns Mussolini puts tt. Is now complete. Two million young organized Italians protest against the effort to punish Italy for doing to Ethiopia what England and Friin-- e have done to other, mure nearly civilized countries. nu I Ion starve II. I inly, G. Wells, aged sixty-nin- young- -' er and more brilliant than when he wrote Doctor Mon-nii'Island and The War of the Worlds, now In America on Ills way to see Hollywood, says, 'The film Is a finer art than the novel, stage or the opera. Sir. Wells' open mind proves his youth. The moving picture Is greater In Its possibilities than book, stage or opera, because It contains all three, plus the marvelous power of photogs raphy. Western Kewepaper Union. Britain's ambassador Is conferring with our State department concerning FUR CAPES RICHER; Japan's plnn to seize Chinese province, a.fl(iO.(MK) Chinese. S.'i.noo.. OF MANY VARIETIES containing 000 more than the totul population of Japan. Fur capes are richer than they have If the Jaitanese could control, arm been In years. Full length evening and use HKi.0H0.tXHl rhlnose In the nlr models are made of strip of silver fox and on the ground, that would he Interrunning from shoulder to hem one esting. But It would not he onr busid very elegant one boasting twenty ness, and It Is to be Imped tlmt the animal skins. Knee length day British will not persuade our Slate rapes are fashioned of mink, silver fox, department that this country ought to dyed red fox or moleskin, while any attend to It. nuinlier of shorter euies Rppenr In astrakhan, nutria or broadtail. Spiritually, politically and otherwise merger Occasionally the fur cnie for day Important Is the prnioKcd wear arc cut with broad shoulders ami approved by bishops of the three llllle fullness below so tlmt they hang braiichca of the Methodist Episcopal straight, though more often they liurc church. Together, the Methodist Epissome flare. Episcopal copal church, Methodist church, South, and Methodist I'rotcslnnt rhureli would nmiilior 7,rxx,000 memNew Soft Wool Weaves Are bers. the largest I'rotestaut groii. WEAR TO SCHOOL Dy CHERIE appearance to the frock. A green clasp at the throat and a suede belt In the same color provide bright contrast. Tills dress Is the land tins done In many places. The ruling seems hard on Marconi, comdd-- . erlng that he Invented radia Without him there would lie no Krltlsh Broadcasting compnny." NICHOLAS full-size- Proving Popular Just Now With wool Increasing In fashion Importance, and women's Insistence on being comfortable Indoors hs well ns out, something pretty definite has been done lu this yenrs weave for the Interests or all concerned. are Till year's domestic weave s soft as chiffon, warm enough for all normal purpose, and have taken on an additional silky flnlsh, adding to wearing enjoyment. Colors have novrr been more flattering. Tlmt day has gone when winter menus somber tones, and the little wool frock' lo wear underneath the tweed coat or the fur sport coat may Iks as gay and colorful as one's temperament demands. Is Hie what to give fur Christum" Problem beginning to disturb your Peace or mlmlT If It's Junior or llllle siMer you hare In mind,, the answer 111 be found In the picture. To the happy possessor of a three quart er length emit Just like big brother's Is enough lo bring s big smile to any little hoy. I.lttle girls "ve a liking for leather ronis, too. for pig-Rril- n '"I't they have heard their elder "eh, re that leather's the thing for sports wear. JJ" Whiter Blouse Whits silk lihiiisc should never be will yellow hung out to dry s It until In towel them them. Wrap In Ironing. If they liocmne yellowed idle of your precaution, use a Utile whitening In the rinse waetr. Sharp Contrast Tarls ts wealing black afternoon sfrocks, with billowy white sievewomen. to many style becoming men are coming hack Into Dr. Alan Valentine, only former master of I'lersou thirty-four- , college at Yale, Is made president of lloclies'er university and starts well of colby denouncing Ihe ballyhoo lege athletics, foot lull I esHelally. lie speaks with authority, not ns a weakling bookworm, for he was a college athlete ar Swartlnnore, member of the Olympic team at Iarls In V.vjs. Young fashion. The American Banker association reveals the Interesting fact that onr banka hold tiricen thousand million dollars worth of government bonds In 1.1.(MHl.(XXl.lXXi. flguren, Well might a most linportunt official of the government say: Tnllalionl We have It now, biggest ever seen, Wull until It frozen In (ho banks. breaks loose. After the Tory election In England prices went soaring on lsuulon's stock Oomimnie that make war exchange. wenpuna and materials were most buoyant The uiusse hud voted for more, bigger and better battleships aud war. If necessary. B KIUS KMturM Synillralw law WNUMrvlut Fishing Fleet Conducts Funeral for Ghost Ship The Flying Dutchman, encountered usually In the nelgldmrhood of Caiie Horn, end prophesying disaster at that most dreaded ocean corner, la the most famous of ghost ships, hut now we hear that another sinister vessel has taken to appearing and disappearing In the South seas. l takes the form of a phantom launch, which haunts the Ashing grounds near Chat ham Islands, a lonely outpost 400 miles southeast of New Zealand. Four years ago the cruft was first reported, and soon afterwards a launch In which 11 fishermen were going to a football match foundered More recently a all being drowned. claimed to have lonely fisherman seen It; a few d.ixs later he was swept owrboard to oblivion by a with Hie Idea or heavy sea. IVrb.-ipexorcising tilts grim x is'itant, the whole fishing fled assembled on the approximate spot, and held a solemn funeral service. The ghostly launch In misty weather Is said to aptM-a- r ami to travel at supernatural speed PEOPLE HEAVIER, TALLER People of today are taller an-- l heavier than their ancestors, writes F. W. Christinas, Boston, Mass., In Collier's Weekly. The best evidence of this fact Is tho costumes which adorn tho numerous wux efllglea In the historical museum. These clothes were actually worn by persons who lived from Ml to 500 yearn ago, and they aro much too small for the average-sizecitizen of the Twentieth century. d Quick, Complete Pleasant ELIMINATION This cute pot holder set makes an Let's be frank. There's only one way for attractive addition to any kitchen or un inexpensive practical gift. With your fcedy to rid itself of the waste mat-te- n that causa acidity, gas, headaches, very little handwork you cn- - make bloated fouling and a dozen other this charming set. pot your intestines must function. holders are always In demand. Make To make them mova quickly, pleasup one of these sets and you will antly, completely, without griping. wnnt to make more. Thousands of physicians recommend I'acknce contains bird cage and Milnesia Walors. (Dentists recommend two pot holders stamped and tinted Milnesia waters' os an efficient remedy Jor mouth acidity). on unbleached muslin to be embrold Ambition Won't Down wafers Those mint flavored candy-lik- e There ered and made up. Instruction are Ambition, la milk- of magnesia. Each wafer given for embroidery stitches and may he n mail who desires to be the are pure full adult is approximately equal to one In the Jail. the color scheme Is also given. Emdose of liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed broidery thread Is not Included. Fifthoroughly in accordance with the directeen cents each j. four for 50 cents, tions on the bottle or tin, then swallowed, they correct acidity, bad breath, flatupostpaid. lence, at their source and at the seme Address Home Craft Co., Dept. A, time enable quick, complete, peaa-an-t Nineteenth and St, Louis Ave., St. elimination. Louis, Mo. Inclose Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of 20 mabiped envelope when writing for and 43 wafers, at 35c and 60c respecany Information. tively, or in convenient tins containing 12 at 20c. Each waier is approximately Caves an adult dooe of milk of magnesia. All stores carry them. Start using Mystery surrounds the origin of Socd drug 1 I the famous Chlslehurst caves. Kent, delicious, eiioctiva wafers today. Put Mcntholalum In I Professional samples sent free to reglko Aostril to relievo I which were recently fitted op as a i istered physicians or dentin ts if request Irritation and promote shelter for civilians. The is made on professional letter head. Hear breathing. caves comprise a great labyrinth SELECT PRODUCTS, Incorporated which honeycombs the chalk hill 4402 23rd St. Long Island City, N. V, upon which Clilsleliurst stands. It is said that you can walk for 20 miles in this strange underground If yon prefer nose drops, or world. During the- - war .the, gov throat spray, call for tho eminent commandeered the cuvea KEW MEMTHOLATL'U LIQUID and stored great quantities of high In handy bottle with dropper explosives there. Pearson's Weekly, tlood-loekln- g A-- S d Head COLDS d Gas-Pro- of gas-pro- . |