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Show TIIE SMITH FIF'l.D SENTINEL. SMITIIF1ELD. UTAH Netvs Review of Current Sally Sez pi figure of the ANOTHER prominent with the death passed of Earl Jelllcoe, who commanded the united British fleet In the great battle of Jutland and was severely criticised because he did not succeed In completely defeating the German fleet. Jelllcoe, who entered the navy as a cadet at thirteen years of age, had a colorful career on British ships and In administrative positions throughout the world until at the end of four years as governor general of New Zealand In 1024 he practically retired from Events the World Over Suddenly Sfjuelclies North China Autonomy Scheme Italy Struggles Against Economic Sanctions President Talks to Mayors About Taxes. Japan Wales Fancy Pants. W. Xwapapr the JAPAN suddenly learned thatnorthmovement In the ern provinces of Chinn, fostered hy the Japanese army commanders, was likely to prejudice her rase In the naval conference soon to open ThereIdimlon. fore the army high In command Tokyo told Its suliordl nates on the continent to lay oir,'' Mild the amof bitious scheme !en. Kenjl MaJ. came to naught, at least for the present. That plotter, who had become known as .the I.uwreuce from of China," quietly 'departed Peiping and bis early return wag nut expected. Thus, for the first time In recent tn i Il'a all tiihl ta lira claaa la lha Mil pravidinir Ila aat aa yaur Ircu. Ltl'a fctly lntcraHMnlcl:i f.irak-rta aiaka katlar aaa af Ikalr Inrlila aail laad kjr PATK0K1ZIKG HOME INDUSTBY. U Dol-lia- u Doubt to Clo:h British archeolozl.ts ura uot agreed as to whether the Britons mads cloth bctnro the llonmns came to the country, or whether anlmnl skins were regularly worn. PUMPS -- MOTORS -- Si" yean, the Japanese militarists have been checked, by the Tokyo government, which Informed them that the mission of the Japanese army in did not Include Intriguing for separation of the Chinese provinces and that If would not be .permitted to pass south of the great wall' withuut. an Imperial order. Instead of the autonomy coup, the Nauking government was told by the Japanese authorities In Chinn that It must Institute reforms In the northern Akira Arlyoshl, Jnpimese provinces. ambassador, had a long conference in Nanwith Dictator Chlang king, and told tlie press he had received assurance that the Chinese government was adequately prepared to cope with the situation iu north China. Arlyoshl said lie hud. also received assurance that Nanking desired to continue friendly relations with Japan. Neutral observers' in China are not convinced that the autonomy movement will not be revived at the first opportunity. Man-chuk- BELTS BELTING O MACHINERY HEADQUARTERS THOMAS ELECTRIC MM V. M tad, frit till Rtf. lilak, ra CO. fit 1M As We Grow Older As a man grows older ha can better appreciate the sad position of a small child who finds everything he wants Is Just out of reach. Kui-slie- k Llama Long Domesticated There Is no record of the Peruvian llama ever Having lived In a wild state. It is believed to be the oldest domesticated animal. At 400 Utah Oil Refining ROOSEVELT has gone Springs, l!a., for his annual visit, and for three weeks will divide his time among rest, politics and work, lie was to deliver one speech at Atlanta; and after his return to Washington he will journey to Chicago to deliver an address on December U which probably will be an argument fur a permanent AAA. Following Ills Chicago sjiecch. President Roosevelt will go to South Rend, Ind., to accept an honorary degna; and make a brief address at the University of Notre Dame. ' The acceptance PRESIDENT Service Stations in Utah and Idaho Capture Sun's Energy American forests capture and store as much of the sun's energy each year aa la contained in tons of coal. ' 1,500-000,0- RHEUMATISM fm Shaamatiw. People wfftrias Sciatica, Ncariti. Coot, Or. will Sad BKALOT relief la Aoalcnic eroopt Tablet. If poor Dngglit cannot onp-pi- p yen, and SI.M to Bra lot Laban-laric- a, GardacniUe, Knali and they win be mailed poal-ya'- Mountains of the Great Desert There are three regions of the Creat desert where the mountains rise to more than 10,000 feet. The highest peak Is about 11,000 feet. of this invitation Was considered an adroit political move because of his recent refusal to take any action concerning the Catholic persecutions in Mexico. SOMETHING new under the sun Is tried out an economic war to put a stop to a military war. Fifty-twnations are united In the Imposition of sanctions against Italy, which became an outlaw nation on November o fir New Several Makes & Models Trucks Used INC. STREATOR-SMIT- deeree o League of Nations. by Authorized Chevrolet Dealer 5th South and Main, Salt Laks City Hi ton Stake 1930 CHEV., Hi too Stake 1931 FORD, Fancli or Sedan Del'y 19Z7 G. M. C $175 130 275 3 .CHEV., lVi too Furniture 350 Van 2 375 1933 DODGE, 34 ton Panel 1933 CHEV, Hi ton H. Daly Stakn 375 400 1934 CHEV, Pick-U- p See hi before yon buy your truck. 1931 Passenger Cars 1929 1933 1933 1930 CHEV, Tudoi Sedan 4125 Sedan CHEV., PLYMOUTH COACH BUICK, Standard 6 Sedan.. 1931 FORD, Town Sedan 1930 FORD, Sport Roadster 475 ,445 375 ,255 ,225 Buyer, please writ Inc. Streator-Smiif- i, SALT LAKE CITY Vivisection In Old Vivisection can be traced almost to the earliest periods of modtclno and surgery. Ill purpose Is threeTo incrcaso physiological fold: knowledge, to confirm known fads and to givo dexterity In operative surgery. Learn Their Fathers Trade Some towns of Swhzevlaml depend upon the single Industry of woodworking and maintain schools in which children learn the fundamentals of their fathers' trad a coincident with their general education and take over that trade when they coins of age. Watk St. ISIS W.N.V.-- Silt I .ski City Birds' Spectacle Many birds ara provided with aturul spectacles, In a transparent membrane called the third eyelid. The Lory lcarl Tho Ivory pearl originates as a small pulpxtono la the pulp cavity ef the teeth or tusks of elephants. With the growth of the animal the stone either coalesces with the main wall of the teeth or remalne s seimrale unit. It Is golden brown and and because of its rarity is valued highly In the Orient. d a three PICKARD at L'nlon. for havmicr ex he has to take two steps while the tron-ser- a are taking one. It's as though Slim to get anywhere, maining SlljcHi.ixm which York Central owes to IL the New Smile and whether or u l tu- Wurl. aniilea with you, you may u t0 years old. In nn article t Journal of the American Mcdu-.iaoclatlon. It Is said cultivation f proper mental attitudes inay .ri,in. the life span five years into u. end century, not only for t!. tremely rare specimen of luiin:lnitr but for many others. The claim L bused on the fact, or the nssi,mp. tlun, aa the case may he, that ih average life of an anlniul is uYt times the number of years to attain Its full skeletal went In the cose of a human twenty-on- e years are required. Five times twenty-on- e are 103. At present, we are told, only n, of every 100.000 person wil attain the age of 100 years, pioper qualities of equanimity. l lJn. tentment and optimism man might be on an equal footing witli his doe when it came to living out li's al. lotted span of life. .There of course, those who say that im-- dig tlicir graves with tlielr teeth, nt perhaps proper mental attitudes nre relied npon to prevent tlmt ami other follies tending to shorten life. A proper nipntal attitude, presumably, banishes worry. That should be a factor in economies. Wit hunt worry, how could there be ilcprc. slons described ns psychological) There would be new meaning u,m life was likened to a glad sweet song, "Eat, drink and be merry,. for tomorrow we die" might be revised anil shortened to rend : Be merry and live to 105. It would be s new onsu of "smilin through" through one ecu. tmy Into another. The prospect Is pleasant, or wonld be if proper were not the nnrdest of growths to cuitivnte in the inldxt of the nttltndea of the other kind, which are the feat growing- weeds In the gaiden of mentality. Boston Tmn. 109 i 'W ty-thr- li-- Summerville swiped my things and wns trying to escape with the goods on. I shall not follow the royal example. As a snappy dresser I never seem some- how. George Ade once said no matter what 1 Irvin 8. Cobb, put on I still looked like Paducah, Ky., and when I rtfad d man will wear what the well-dresse- I sorrowfully admit there's nothing correct about me except my. back collar button and I'm not bo sure about that It's one of those plain bone ones nothing flashy. So I shall continue to stick to the garments enclosing me at the moment They are, aa you might say, my predepression pants. In youth they sheltered me; I'll not desert thfem noW. Besides, I might be nrrested. ': Hollywood Hermits. YOUVE been to Movlelund, youve seen our hermits. At IF true recluses, these gentlemen have the Innate desire to avoid being con" spicuous, which Is ever characteristic of Hollywood. So they march the principal streets all day, with their long hair and their ditto whiskers waring In the climate, and wearing aa few clothes as the law allows and ont here we allow few Indeed. There la single member of the group whos different. He's Just as woolly as the others, hut he doesn't parade up and down. Nor will he tell yon his name or the address of his cave, or where he came from or where he's going. Some think he has a secret past But 1 think he has a great ambition. It's my Idea lie wants to go down in history as the one who wns not commissioned a colonel nn the stuff of the governor of Kentucky. nttl-tiid- - script , I p . from the cablegrams touch the wearer In but one and only then If his royal highplace, ness la sitting down. When walking, far-whol- e . I glean that they four-year-ol- d Ini-mic- prae tails. a. HX).-(X- his mission d Har- vard university this year, for the tremely difficult circumstances' and awarding of large annual prize scholarwas to lie elevated tn the rank of mar-tha- l. ships to boys In each state of the Gen. riclro Hadoglio, chief of Union, were announced by President stair, was appointed to succeed De James IL Connnt in a letter sent to Bono as commander in chief of the In- G5.UU0 Harvard nluninL The fund will also lie used for the creation of piovading armies. Emperor Halle Selassie made two neering professorships of au entirely airplane trips to the lighting fronts, new type. visiting Ilarar and Diredawa and Inbusiness generally U specting his troniM in the South. Tho AMERICAN the terms of the new at Addis Ababa denied government trade treaty with Canada, made public Italian claims that 2,KK) Ethiopian had been killed In a terrific battle with simultaneously In Washington and Farmers and the lumber men Italian fliers The communique said: of the northwest will not like It IiifuriiiHlion front the commander of troops In the region of Mnkale states High tariff advocates In congress are the recent Intensive bombardment of sure to attack the pact, but IU terms their tMisitlons by ten Italian planet cannot he sffected for three years, caused thirty deaths and slightly even were congress to repeal the rewounded fifty, Instead of the 2,0(10 ciprocal trade act under which Presikilled as mentioned In the press com dent Roosevelt acted In negotiating the It Is considered a trade agreement. nitinlitie from Asmara." agreement rather than a formal treaty, and goes Into effect January 1 next. P'ME PIUS surprised the world by Government officials, foreseeing adnew cardinals, who naming twenty verse reaction In amne quartern bewill be Installed at a secret consistory December 1(1 and a public one Decern cause of some of the sliced American her 10. In the group nre fifteen Ital duties, sought to show the pact would emInns, two Frenchmen, one Argentine, lead to greatly Increased trade and ployment which would benefit the one Spaniard and one Czechoslovakian. With these additions the sacred col- country. An analysis of the pact shows that lege will have sixty-nin- e members, the United States grants concessions to the In number the of the largest history 7J major commodities Inchurch and only one short of the full Canada on ' cluding: complement. The sacred college will Tariff slash on whisky now be composed of thirty-nin- e Italians from $1 to 50 cenu per fifth of a and thirty The pope also named the Most Rev. gallon. Reductions In duties on specified Joseph C. Flagons, recently auxiliary quotas of beer cattle (from 3 to 2 bishop of Detroit, as bishop of the di- cents per pound on animals over ocese of Mnrquette Sault Ste. Marie, 700 to I hi dairy cows (2 pounds); Mich., and Most Rev. Gerald P. OHara, ; cream (30.6 cents to 33 cenu cents) auxiliary bishop or Philadelphia, per gallon) ; white or Irish seed po-- ! bishop of the Savannah diocese. tntoes (73 to 43 cents per 100 pounds) ; Douglas fir and western a hundred, mayors, assem- - beriiluck (00 yriEN per cent). bled in Washington to discuss the Reduced dutlee on lumber and timwork relief program, called on the ber of other kinds; Cheddar cheese, President, he talked chiefly about taxes; turnips, apples, hay, maple sugar, live which he said have poultry, horses, halibut and some other grown up like Topsy fish; some leathers and ferromanIn this country." He ganese. then announced that A pledge to keep on the free list he planned to coll Canadian pulpwoudi newsprint, unman-- 1 conference of city and ufactured wood, shingles, lath, lobsters, state officials' lute In certain furs, crude asbestos, artificial the winter fur.tlie pur-:- abrasives and fertilizers, pose of studying A promise to maintain the present system of taxa- 10 per cent duty on feedstuffs for tion which, he said, animals. should be simplified. On the part of Canada' the duties Concerning the mat are cut on 180 commodities, some of ter of continuance of the leading concessions being; Reducrelief, Mr. Roosevelt tions on wheat (from 30 to 12 cents told the mayors: a bushel); fresh vegetables "It is a question that you have to (30 per cent); vegetables Imported in conihuL My answer, and I am sure marketing seuson (33 per cent) ; most yours will lie the same for city gov- classes of farm machinery (30 per ernments, Is that we do not propose cent) ; Industrial machinery (33 to 25 to let people starve. Some people will per cent) ; mining and textile machinbe surprised to find thnt the gigantic ery ; radios (30 to 23 per cent) ; elecworks program will be substantially tric refrigerators ; tinplate manufaccarried out by the end of November, tures; dressed lumber; building mateJust as It was planned last spring." rials; motor vehicles; cotton fabrics, The mayors elected F. II. La Gnardla furs, chemicals, silk fabrics, cotton of New York president of their anmanufactures, electrical apparatus. Also ran cuts on oranges, grapenual conference and Edward J. Kelly of Chicago vice president, a position fruit. nuts. Iron and eteel manufacusually leading to the presidency the tures. Place magazines and potatoes on the following year. La Gunrdln succeeds free list Daniel W. I loan of Milwaukee. A pledge to grant the United 8tates, The mayors recommended that the on 7G7 articles, the lowest rates paid social security act he amended to Inby any country. clude old age pensions for municipal A pledge to liberalize the system of employees and urged hy cities with the Department of Justice establishing arbitrary valuations on Amerlcnn products. for the suppression of crime. A promise to keep raw cotton on free list and to put tractors on the pHAIRMAN HENRY P. FLETCHER that list of the Republican national committee Issued a rail for a meeting of the RIME MINTSTER STANLEY BALD-Imimnittre In Washington on December and hla Conservative govHi to fix the time and place of the ernment party won an Impressive vicor 1!KM national convention and party's elec.In the British Four league nations, all unimportant, refused to participate. They are Austria. Hungary, Albania and Paraguay. Indirect supiiort Is given the league by two nun- - Gen. Badoglio member nations, the United S.ates end Germany. Nearly oil the world's chief porta are rinsed to Italian good, end exports to Italy or arms, war materials ami a long list of key products has stoped. lawns and credit for to consider the apportionment of delethe Italian government, public bodies, gates. It was reported that Chicago wns In the lend among the cities seekcorporations and Individuals are foring the convention. bidden. Mr. Fletcher also announced the ap Should this momentous action succeed. It would seem that tho end of point meat of s committee of sixteen Benito MiiMmlinl and the Fascist re- prominent Industrialists and lawyers to gime In Italy Is In sight. Should it raise a big campaign fund. William fall, the Uugue of Nations fails, the IV, rSfll of New York, president of the Iiritixh cmnmnnicatlnn In the Mediter- American Cyanamld company, will he ranean would lie threnti-ncd- , and the clinlrmnn of the committee, and Charles peace of the world would lie nieiinrcd. It. GiMidspccd, assstnnt treasurer of the Standing ttcadhist against the sanc- Republican national committee, Cldcs go lawyer, will he vlee chairman. Many tions, Premier Mussoi ui proclaimed the day on wliieh they were estab- of the members have never before parlished a day of Ignominy and Inticipated actively In national politic iquity," a had been declared by the A. REED, former gpn.n..i Fascist grand council. The day was made a holiday, flags Hew from ail from heretofore Pennsylvania, considered a possibility for the Repubbuildings and there were nuineniiis angry against the mem lican Presidential nomination, has ber nations of file league. The fron- eliminated himself from tlie competitiers of Italy and its ports were rlosed tion. explaining that he lacks "poliil-cn- l to goods of those nations except for sex appeal." What that is he certain necessities. Restrictions of couldn't exactly define, hut he said: food, fuel and light were put In force. "Roosevelt has It. Rut I discovered Inst year that I didn't. I'm nut a canIt was announced In Koine that of the recently mobilized soldiers didate for any public office." would be given a furlough af three tnonths to aid Industrial and agriculI ESSE II. JONK8, chairman of the tural production. RFC, let It lie known that the New There were new negotiations fut York Ontr.-i-l railroad has to peare, fostered by the British and repay $Lr..iasi.is) which It agreed borrowed French, and the Indian authorities from the corporation. The whli-l- i were deeply Interested lint said the war matures December 1, will loan, he repaid wonld not stop until Italy had out of the road's f2.'i.(XX).lM) cash Irion of a Inrge strip or Ethiopia. Tlie repayment will he the As for the Ethiopian war Itself, Alu largest ever received hy the RFC train aollnl announced mi Important change a railroad. In return the RFC agreed In coiiitimnders. 'Gen. Emilio de I.ouo to extend until July 1, P.Hl the rewas recalled with warm ing achieved hun-fun- in London. The prince of Wales has adopted a new style in trouserings called the straight outline. With no desire to be morbid, Ive gone into the fascinating de- -' official public life: By EDVARD G W.nt.rn CALIF. MONICA, SANTA excitement SMILE AND ENJOY LONG LIFE SPAN WORRY; DIE YOUNG ' i j Tho Legacy ef Youth. THE days before 2S tlie INfuture ofbrave an ambitious young graduate was assured. He sold bond Statistics show there was s salesman fr.r every bond. Shortly thereafter, any fellow who owned a bond was his own salesman. I still have some very beautiful ones which Pd like to swap for a pair of moss-agat- e cuff buttons, a ukulele, a collection f postage stamps or what have you) Then followed the dreary years when the youth with a diploma had nowhere to head In desperate, hopeless years. Bnt now now he needn't worry any more about a career. It's ail fixed. He can step out of college right Into a CCC camp. I am ashamed LITTLE SAT IN JACK HORNER A CORNER Ami EATINO A LARGE PIECE OF PIE HE STUCK IN HIS THIIM AND PULLED OUT A HIM, HE ALWAYS KEPT IN HIS VEST SUCH EMERGENCIES (WHICH FOR JUST WHY MILLIONS CARRY TUMS! ZILLIONS now knenr the mart thine is to ivi any a nil ef Turn: alwayi. Heartburn, other symptom ef acid indigestion Bvs anahabit af occurring at unexpected times. Yon dont have to drenai your stomach with hsnh slkaUes which phyeidsns have lore warned may maka the tendency toward add indigestion worse. Turns, a real ndentifie advancement, contain no aoda or other alkalis. Instead a wonderful antacid thnt amply stomach acidity, the balance pawing out of the body inert. Pleasant to eat aa candy. Ooly 10c a roil. Put a roil in your pocket now. FOR.TH1 TUMMY UMttarltRSMmSwlhwi FREE: with lha porchwa o( a. 10a rail of wthmHSSftMIIVmiirlihMnilr.ii trying to be funny over a most grim tragedy. It doesn't Sis of Ethiopia matter shout onr generation, the mad In size Ethiopia comprises shout ton Were architects of tills disaster. 424,000 square miles, or Is nearly numbed by blows, some of ns, tn start nine times as large as New York even to some of too old. us, over; state. futoo admit to that, by stupid try; tile war. by speculation, by crazed extravagance, we lnld this hurdea upon our children and our children's chilCougl dren. We have sowed In folly; they must Signa reap the bitter grain. No matter how many wiwdicinii Fou have tried for your cough, ches Tim Return of Prosperity. cold or bronchial Irritation, you csi times are certainly coming get relief now with Crcomulslor tory parliamentary GOOD Serious I trouble may be brewing an at' least to the fur business. tions, although the cannot afford to take a chanc succeeded In deI hear prices are so high thnt only the you with Creomul anything less-thacreasing the Conserva- wealthier minks can afford their own km, which goes right to the sea tive majority In the skins ; the rest of them will go through of the trouble to aid nature t soothe and heal the Inflamed mem house by about GO the winter wearing dyed rabbit. tames os the germ-ladBaldwin himseats. I went to party and nearly every phlegi is loosened and expelled. self was unopiiosed fur womnn there wns np to her ears in Even If other remedies fcav bnt Ram- ermine or rhlnrhills or silver fox or frilled, don't be discouraged, you MacDonald. lord some other very exclusive pePry. say druggist is authorized to gusrantc Crcomulskm and to refund you president of the coun- There was one Inrge Indy who had on money If you are rut satisfied wit) cil and former prime t least three kinds of expensive wl'd results from the very first bottli minister, was badly animals. If somebody had left the door Get Crcomulslon right now (Adv. Ills as was defeated, open, her wrap would have stolen right son, Malcolm, who has bnck to the son. liccn minister of colIt's fine prosperity Is returning onies. The elder MncDonuhi left Wouldn't It be grand If. instead of he the iJihor party to form the na- ing visited on a fnvored few. It could tional government, and the Labor-Re-s be passed around? had been after his sculp ever since. The government party will have Crooning to Oysters. a majority of about 230 iu the next professions! crooner has found THE mnslcnl house of commons. It's our fn Pcrtupg fte nitetl way to prevent a motia Pnrlfic const bivalve, thnt win hoto catching held" and getting woi CANON of ethics wns violated NOhy the lawyers' committee of the some creature wliieh Is shout the size at once, to Ocaim J FREE eafy. Do H the pleaian of s susitendcr button. iw American Utterly league when It ofA Seattle Judge experimented nn the SAMPLE fered to defend gratis the constituharmonic affinities of shell fish. He Esswuna with a hot cup of Garl tional rights or any rltlzcn unable to !hamild,auy-t- o dlilnt get anywhere with the rlniu. ea, Dwl'h Tea laxative. my fees for such defense. Moreover, MbcILT. liqdd Atdrag-- I clams being proverhlnlly dumb, but. the lawyers committee Is Justified In on our cunning little native working pret wring and disseminating ' opinions oyster, he first established Its nutural upon legislation with fiurtlculur refervibration, then found a note to correence tn the constitutionality of such spond. Do thnt, and an oyster opens WNU W 48-- 35 legislation." right up: Such Is the opinion of the Amrncan They open enslest, says the disBar committee on profeo-slonPARKERS coverer, "when crooners are performethics and grievances, given in ing. HAIR BALSAM -ZJlRwermUendrotf-m ' 'f-t- --?1 oiwl lair response to a complaint uiailo by 0. Now let's establish ivlint form of Impart Cab Faded ui II . N. Davie of Atlanta, Ga. The bar ai.lmsl Ilfs responds spiritually to a uBwmly to (irr linwswl. 1 commit lee emphasized that It ex.. - columnist jlllloinl Twin. WL, 1. r n n. N T FLOKKbi'ON SHAMPOO IM pressed "no opinion an to the aoum-nes- s lilrsl IRVIN 8. COBB l lialmm.MkIM innwilh of the rnnrluslons reached by tbs North Amarlenn Allli liair aiti and Unity. Ml renla by mail al dniw Inr Wrfp Sirvlca national lawyers' committee:" gur.a. lUwuxChemlaalWwkM IatehuCUMN.Ii A Three Days Is Your Danger N en Break up that soul-mut- m, GMRFrBLWE assis-lation'- s f roni-.nr- ir |