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Show THE SMITIIFIFLP SENTINEL. SMITHFIELD. UTAI1 the featherheads .Agsu Air Service to China Will Force New Travel Concept 0tiP lea cun now bujr an air ticket to carry jruu to tbe Orient. It will put you on board tbe China nipper" to San Francisco bay late la the after noon. You will be act tied In a 'comfortable compartment In time fur dinner-dinner beneath a ky far above the highest clouds ef the eastern Iuclfle. You will roll out of a larger-tlia- n pullnian berth to thrill at the early morning am splashing sold over Honolulu harbor. Then on again, by daylight now, d coral ever a necklace of keys to the little Illdway Islands, Inn awalta where a A abort flight ' your overnight atop. next day to Wake Island, a tiny dot In the vaat Tactile. There, too. you pasa a nlgliL Another daylight flight The next night A night on Guam. flnda you In exotle yet modem Manila. Then the following morning you stop ashore for luncheon, to China Itself.' IV. I Van Dnsea and Daniel 8ayre to Cosmopolitan. SPtSHiNfr AfMMPlbilR GpEjlb'fcu TdE SWfrFtfS oe star-studde- HU aurr-rlnge- Whole Crowd Condensed SCATTER POP By C M. PAYNE I Land for Every One on Friendly Islet in Pacific L MESCAL IKE ByS.L Tonga, In the Pacific, haa announced that there Is land for everyone In Ita Island. Queen SaloU and her hnsband, who la prime minister, have seen that every youth In the Friendly Islands on reaching sixteen la given n quarter of an acre or land to hla Tillage and eight acres In tha bush. He must build a hut and grow I coconuts. Education Is free and compulsory In Tonga, and 1)9 per cent of Tongana can read and write. i HUNTLEV NO UPSETS The proper treatment for a bilious child dill ITCH TO IIUCVIIS A deansing doss today; a smaller quantity tomorrow; less each time, until bowels need no help at all. nstipalion. .....w, Hut what a pity bo few know the sensible way to act things right! The ordinary laxatives, of even ordinary strength, must be carefully regulated as to dosage. A liquid laxallva is tho answer, mothers. The answer to all your worries over constipation. A liquid can be measured. 1 he dose can be exactly suited to any ageor need. Just reduce the dose each time, until the bowels are moving of their own accord and need no help. This treatment will succeed with any child and with any adult. The doctors use liquid laxatives. Hospitals use the liquid form. If it is best for their use, it is best for home use. The liquid laxative most familial use is Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin. Any druggist has it. Opening for YoungMsnj REGLAR FELLERS GEE SAW WHIZ! t NEVER ANYBODY WHAT COULD PULL THINGS APART LIKE YOU1. LOOKA MY KITE AM LOOKA MY Lit' TROMBONE Ringworm on Head. Child Cried All A the Time I COULD N' HELP IT! IT WAS A MACKS! DENT WELL. 1 CANT MAKE YOU PUDDING STRAWBERRY ACT TME. ice v ANY eeai Y'bONT HAFTA WAIT FOR. POP. MOM JUS LET PINHEAD PLAY Caticlira Relieved Too Good "Thats a good horse be goes 10. miles without stopping. Want to buy him 7" No he'a no good to me. i live eight miles from where 1 work, and I'd Ringworm started with a whlto cruat on my little boy's head. Then It turned Into eruptions and hla head was In a terrible way. These eruption! Itched and when he scratched them they would burn, and morn broke out He could not rest; but cried all the time. I tried different remedies, bnt the eruption lasted on year. Then. I used Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, and now my boys bead la relieved. I will never be without Cutlcura Soap and OlntAent" (Signed) Mrs, Margaret Carter, MO Greenmonnt Are, Baltimore, Md, May 27, 1935. Soap 25c, Ointment 25c and 50a Talcum 25c. Sold everywhere. One sample each free. Addresr: "Cutfp cure Laboratories, Dept It, MaldtA Mass." Adv. have to walk back two miles every time after I rode him. True Enough The teacher of the sec-migrade had been talkabout great Inventions. ing Now," she said, beginning a review, Tommy, tell us one important thing we didn't have 100 years ago. "Me." aaM Tommy brightly. d SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY Oar lobby la delightfully air ceoled daring tbe sauuaer Breaths Itadte far gravy Ra Batts 200 Rmomo-aa- O Married the Family .luhn 1 understand your .vile came from a One old m inlly. Henry 1 wouldn't say She brought It with her. Capper's Weekly. Tha .Family Manaf aria lira. Ballard How does your new cat like your dug? Mrs. Seaton Oh, fur straight. Pathfinder Mag axlue. HOTEL Temple Square Rates SI-5- 0 to $3.00 Fanam haa a Tha Haul UtImJ highly dmirafala, will alway find II Ijoiuow ulalo, uprMiirly canfaeiaMa.I and " Ihavowahly avrcaWe.Vo art fata wmUnlnil why thia bale! Li Tpi almoa-BhM.Y- ou HIGHLY IHXOMMF.MIKT Ymi cm aim appMelatr why. M's a mark mf diafa'ucfim la slay at tMa kaauMtal haateiry ERNEST G ROSS1TFR. Mgr. , |