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Show SMITHFIELD SENTINEL The SMITHFIELD SENTINEL S U NOVEMBER 29, 1985 A C RECEIVED BEEF CATTLE PublUhed Every Friday at Smithfield, Utah at the Feetoffice at Smithfield, Utah, aa Second Entered Claaa Mail Advertising Rates Will Be Made Kaewa Upon Application LOGAN' Forty head of high quality, grads and pure bred Hereford steers arrived at the Utah State Agricultural college experiment station Thursday night, from LaSal Utah Dean E. J. Maynard announced Friday. These animals will be used in a cattle feeding experiment to deter mine the relative efficency of rations composed of sugar beet wet beet pulp and beet molasses, and A relatively email cut in the cM of such an outstanding item in the ration composed of grain and alfala budget aa food, really means more to the average family than the and grain com silage and alfala. few rllara that may be eaved. Dean Maynard explained. The cattle will be fed at the experimental feSay. for example, a man Lae an income of flJMMI a year. About 0 per cent of thia must be spent for food and clothing $750. By eding pens just north of the college campus and a record of all feeds the time rent is paid, fuel is bought and other expenses are met, fed will he kept. Included in the he is lucky if ten per cent of his incofai $150 ia left over for' shipment were four purebred Hereamusement, luxuries, investment and savings. ford calvea that will be faclndfA in the college heard. If. his food and clothing budget is cut 10 per cent, it will save The steers will he fed on thia him $75 a year. That $75 represents just about half of hie present until June of 1936, when experiment surplus money. Added to the $15QL it gives him just fifty per cent they will be marketed aa finiahei more dollars than he had before to spend for items outside of the baby beef. The cattle were bred by bare necessities of living. That fifty per rest can mean the differ Charles Redd of LaSal, Utah am. cnee between enjoying a vacation dr staying home between carryhipped to the college by truck i Born and bred in old Kentucky the Mr. Redd owns end operates one life insurance not or able to carry it between building up ing being the largest ranches in the sothem a savings account for Johnnie's education, or not being able to put favorite straight whiskey down there part of the state, where he has more dollars toward the future. any away than 1100 range cattle and 200 purein its old Kentucky home . . . and bred animals. Looked at in this light, the importance of the movement to reThese calves will be divided into now Schenley is able to offer it at a lower duce the rest of toed, by reducing waste in the spread between the five groups of eight each, which produrrr and the consumer and lessening overhead, ' is seen in its will be fatened over a period of price than ever before. Kentuckians proper perspective. six months. Studies of the phosphknow good whiskey. . . so will you when orus content of the rations and ita OOO effect on grains will also be mud you try this Mark of Merit favorite. .thia year, and periodic blood samples OUT OF ARE DEPENDENT taken from the cattle will be used to cheek the effect of phorhorus on Mood phosphorus for grain. Former feeding teats conducted at If you were to ask the financial status of the next hundred men the station )ave indicated significant 65 or mo, you meet, you would find, if they represent the avaged savings in feed costs for fatening erage, that only five have independent Incomes large enough to live YOUR BUYING GUIDE THE MARK OF MERIT beef cattle through the use of proon decently without working; that 28 continue to wvk for a living; that 67 are dependent for their livelihood upon relatives, friend cr per phosphorus supplements with wet beet pulp and beet molasses. There public charity. The Cm. T. Sum Co, 1m, Fruitful, Ky savings have mounted in some cases to more than 10 dollars per animal Every one of these men started out with high hopes. Every one envisioned a self sustaining, self respecting old age,'5in which he fattened, meaning more than$160,030 in tearms cf the total number of could retire on the savings ho had made during his productive yean, dORE TAXES TO G0MElwiI!,- cattle fattened on ' beet Defendants. y and enjoy himself, without worry and without dependence on any person to tho demand of the comin the state. Dean Maynard reported SUMMONS or institution. Dr. J. E. Greaves and Professor plaint which h,:s been filed with THE STATE OF UTAH TO SAID When President Roosevelt said in the Clerk of the Court Five of the hundred men achieved that H. H. Smith the of j DEFENDANTS are college coopgoal Ninty five failed. Those are 10 unpleasant as they are, they will be faced by You erating with nutritional phases of one of his western speeches that summoned to ap-the experiment, Dean Maynard said. the heavy every person of foresight and courage who U not yet' to old to of this adminisspending th moat of the lesson they teach. There is no royal read to pld tration does not necessarily mean age A United States Destroyer was d independence for most of Ue-- it can be torched only by a plan which f compUint r-ruses some of the dollars we earn with comparative ease now to care for the first fcraign vessel to visit an increase in taxes, he left his our needs and ambitions when dollars come hard. Yokohama, Japan after the disas- statement incomplete. If Mr. Roosetrous earthquake in 1923. velt knows of any method by which the billions 0f dollars which have -, been lavishly expended can he replaced erieept by hither direct or in the Southeast quarter of Section of the complaint, which has been three (8), Township Ten (10) North indirect taxation, ho should filed with the Clerk of the above divulge the secret. Even the most unthink- of Range One (1) West of the Salt entitled Court This action is Lake Meridian. to recover judgment quietingbrought ing citizen is finally awakening to plainNEWEL G. DAINES, tiffs title t the the fact that the taxes he is now following describ,0t ed property, situated in Providence iMfaft IfcTm, S, I but a drop in the bucket aompar-- 210-21- 1 Precinct, Cache County, Utah, j WHEN 1 0 PER CENT MEANS MORE THAN THAT Schenleys Cream of Kentucky Kentucky Straight Whiskey ... -- 95 100 eneri WSt ts ft .. -- W THE VfllUC EBER. Off ERGO msig-EOS- mm T' -- lemai Half-Pric-e rj-T- P YU Electricity PI, it, now in effect, many ,he benafl!of increased use of Electric Servants a at cost per kilowatt hour. t2lti"9 Jdvanta9e of this eeptional value in household home-dwell- en comfort? There are many things that these willing servants can so many additional hours of ease and leisure that they will provide? Check P " your household. We will be . glad to help you in a program that will give you srs ? isz? s A'mV ulus, vn " to-w- it: Plaintiffs, V8. ber 8, 198?. George S. Rammell, Amy R. . Da of hut publication December EL SHAW, Parley S. Rammell, Alma Pg 1985. Hugh Cedle M. Weriand, Ivan Parley C. Rammell Earl (Legal Advertisement) McCalllster, Glen McCall ister, Lois I Hammeil, Luella R. Fullmer, Grace Stoddard McCalliater, Alta M. Benedict, Elisa- and Myron Rammell, beth Kerr, Bessie H. known arriving heir and at law Kelley I Paul H. Shaw, heirs at law of of Charles H. Rammell, deceased, RADIO NOISY I EPHRAIM SHAW, Deceased; Mild-r- d nd John Doe and Jane Doe, unknown claimants Matkin, Martha Irishman, Charand creditor of j SEE lotte Olsen, Annie Matkin, Esther Charles II. Rammell, deceased, and I d, all B. other persons unknown, Samuel aganist Larson, yf Raker, Fheobe Bushman, Zina Stott, claiming any right, title, estate, IHattia Jensen, Alice Gardner, Tho- lien or interest in the Radio reaj property Co. mas R. Leavitt, Christeena described in the complaint, advene Harker, I LOGAN Jessie Shipley, Owen Arehibald and to Plaintiff's PHONE 317 or any ownership, wife, Louisa H. Archibald, East of Post Office John clcud upin 'plaintiffs tide thereto, ILayne, Ida A. Brown, Resells Lyman, George Parker, Mary Earl, Tb01 Wilson, Anr?theJWh,t nie Alder, William Leavitt, Edward E?win Leavitt Sarah L. Webster, Jeremiah Leavitt, Thomas D. Leavitt, Rowell Workman, Frank Julil n" Elmyra SAVING DOLLARS THROUGH IReadford, Alfred Leavitt, Betsy I COOPERATIQH Wyatt, Orpha L. Woolf and Amo? ' at of THOMAS Cent SAVING ON MOHAWK TIRES IR. LEAVITT, Deceased; and all known and unknown heirs and all FOR THE NEXT persons unknown, claiming DAYS any right, estate or interest in or lien jtjtle, WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY upon the real pr perty described in ON COAL BY TOE TON OR I the CARLOAD1 plaintiffs complaint, adverse to ,ntirf-- ! ownersbip or clouding CONOCO BRONZE GAS, FIR8T GRADE plaintiffs tide thereto", Gal. Defendants. IiTifMVMt, STATE OF UTAH TO THE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU AND EACH OF YOU are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after seyvjce of this summons upon you, if served within the County In which this Smithfield action U Utah otherwise . within-- , thirty brought, days , after service, and defend the1 I above entitled aetion; and in care ff your failure to d so, n. P LLOYDS Ssrvica olan-nm- g Better Lighting Freedom from Cooking Worries Proper Food Preservation Automatic Water Heating EeaS Farm Eelief and many other modern electrical conveniences. 20 Per EXTRA ELECTRICITY AT E IS YOURS TO ENJOY GIVE YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY THE FULL BENEFIT OF IT! HALF-PRIC- DROMN OR PHONE US. IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SHOW YOU WHAT LOW. COST ELECTRICITY MEANS TO YOU. j ! 1 Electricity It The Biggest Bargain In The Home UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO, 10 21 c J' Farmers Union Feed M: judgment uSl Of.- - "j. 2 loii to pay before the enormous debt Beginning at a point 2.28 chains Date of first publication, Novthat is now being piled up in paid east by local survey variation of a ember 1935. 8, I off. on the section line 11.75 rfi.m. Pint Date of last December publication, -- ooosouth of the northwest comer of 6, 1935. action 11, in Township 11 North Smnsnons (Legal Advertisement) of Range One East of the Salt Lake Meridian, thence east on local Summons j IN THE DISTRICT urvsy line 3.00 chains; thenca south COURT OF 4i50 chains to street; thence THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISwest n the north line of street 8.00 TRICT OF THE STATE OF UTAH, IN AND FOR THE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF chains; thence North on local surTHE FIRST JUDICIAL DISCOUNTY OF CACHE. vey line 4.50 chains to the place of TRICT OF THR STATE OF beginning, containing 1.85 acres. IN AND FOR THE UTAH, L. E. NELSON. DAVID L. HENDRY, JESSE H. COUNTY OF CACHE. for Plaintiff Attorney MAUGHAN, PETER M. WILLIAMPost Office Address: 27-2-8 Arimo W. BAIR and ANN W. SON; A Auswald DemmU-r- , Block, Logan, Utah. NIELSEN, Date of first publication. NovemPlaintiff, vs. MATHEW With our ass |