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Show flflTOL. lagan, Today and Sal. A DAILY VAUDEVILLE Tha Rib Carllon Revue 3un. to Wed. 0. Oabla In MUTINY OH THE BOUNTY Thar. BANX NIGHT, thought A DAILY THOUGHT L. jSfir city 10 cBnnot 1 th reform It doesn't take much business sense to atari in businca, but it take a whole lot of it to keep .. valid. in buaineu. COVERING ONE OF THE RICHEST FARMING SECTIONS OF UTAH SMITHFIELD EASTERN prom the CACHE COUNTY. UTAH, FRIDAY, NOV. 29, 1935. RASKETRALL1 SCHEDULE THANKSGIVING-A- DRAWH-U- P AMERICAN LEGION ND THE AMERICAN SPIRIT The following it the Beneon Stake Batketball achedulc for 1935-3- 6 that 'waa worked cut recently. Bf EDDIE ft VAN Eat tern Division r op a hodge-podg- e Week of Dec. 1 to 7 comment on Smithfield First vt. Richmond i ATHLETICS. South at South ward. j Smithfield Second v. Richmond! u Men Gum fivta will awing North at Second ward. JK M Hen Smithfield Third vt. Cove at early in December thia' Side-Lin- es NUMBER 47 PREPARATION FOR CHRISTMAS MAILING REORGANIZED At ameeting of the S. Eari Harper Post NO. 68 of the American During the holiday time tlie of mail increases 200 per cent. It is physicaly im- Legion the post was reorganized and the following ' officers were instilled possibility to handle this gre'it mass by district - Vice 'Commander Jen of mail matterd efficiently and of Logan. Commander Ben mptly within a few days. Therefore Mifflin, 1st Vice Commander Irvin to assure delivery of their Christmas Waite, 2nd Vice Commander Jack presents, cards and letters by Clirist-m- s the public should Shop and Mail Bauman, AdjusUnt Frank Eminitt arms Roscoe Heaps, Early. Do your Christmas shopping at Sergant Cove. 'Suon U compared to the JSrat Chapalin; Howard Bingham, Historian so that you can mail your gifts, Week of December 8 to 14 I it year in previous yean. Three E. Veil Hulse. The change in the greetings, and letters to relative Smithfield First vs. Cove at First will be slated for gome officers was due to the failure of friends, and loved ones at least a ward. sche-ijothe other veterans to take office. week or ten days before Christmas, och team in December. The Smithfield Second va. Smithfield has been drawn up officially The members have been divided according to tlie distance. This will Third at Third ward. into two teams for a membership, not only make it certain that they ly recently. j Richmond South ward vs. Richdrive with George Reese and Frank are recived before Christmas day, mond North at North ward. gwithfieU Basketball City Emmett heading the teams, the but will be a great aid to the postal Week of December 15 to 21 ; Xu date several independent teams losing team is to buy the suppers, amply ees. vs. Richmond in the city; Smithfield All parcels must be securely packfor th? winners. hive been organized North at Pint ward. -ed and wrapped. Use strong paper this prompts ua to predict another IOI Smithfield Second va Cove at will Smithfield and heavy twine. Special packing in"" in which basketball MIA CONJOINT ! should be given sharp-pointe- d and activity Cove. taka the lead in Smithfield Third va. Richmond la anthem Utah. eged instruments or tools so sharp South at South ward. that edges are fully guarded to preThe Second ward will hold their vent Week of January 5 to ll Rah! Rah! North Cache injury to clerks in handling Smithfield Second va Smithfield conjoint meeting in the Tabernacle or damage other mail. j the past number of yean for ' at 7:30. The program will be es Articles at Second ward. THANKSGIVING DAY has been widly characterized ae "the moat easily broken or crushed it has been the apparent policy of jfwet Kilson must be follows: Ferrin Smithfield Slogan; vs. Third Richmond American of all our fem." securely packed mid crated th N. C. coaching personal to sac-- 1 I Musical numbers furnished by the or toxed. Use liberal i xifiee material quantities of triumphs over rival North at Third ward. is an It 'Ladies from national no Chorus, directed by Salome excelsor, or like material in, sr- uml description. Cove apt Richmond va Independence Day South at South Apart basketball prefering it!' quintets, Hansen. Speaker; SUE. Ilyer of and between the ariclsa and the holiday recalls more clearly the primary American qualities of ward. i rym, to capture a mythical type and the Benson stake presidency, courage 12 Week to 18 of January outside container. Ail articles easily pf victory usually panned off as j Every one is (riven a speci.il in- broken or dam god must be marked Cove Richmond North ; North at va J 'moral" Originated by a hardy group of pioneers who by their own efforts vitation to attend this meeting, come plainly, FRAGILE. i ward. had established a firm foothold in an unfriendly wilderness, it conand give you? auport to this meeting Smithfield , First Smithfield va Parcels containing perishable artWe thought at first this waa a) stituted an expression of reverend gratitude not only for plenty, but ooo Third ! icles shall be marked, PERISHABLE First at ward, But the of alibi for freedom of body and of spirit. long kv variety and packed in suitable Richmond South va Smithfield container, moral victor-- 1 string of continuous KIWANIS SPEAKER Today, three centuries after thati celebration, it is significant to according to cuntenta. Articles like' in bagged by the local inanition. Second at Second ward. ecall that almost every President Week of January 19 to 25 who issued a Thanksgiving ; ly to spoil within the time reasonus feel duty-bcun- d to nom- has sounded Two each American note. that ably required for tr.inportation and proclamation typically games as Cache the original bate North Principal C. 1. Staddard of the ' Smthfield First va Richmond delivery will not be accepted for ; moral School the was champions of Region One, Nirth High speaker George Washington in his Thanksgiving message of 1789 emph-tsizd- e Use special-deliver- y at South ward. stamps First state. i and possibly the j at the Kiwania Fathers and sons nailing. "the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed." to J Smithfield Second va Richmond j expedite delivery. lunchtun held Thursday. Hia aub-,'Je-ct Adresses should b complete, with Abraham LindQn in the dark days of 63 reminded the peopli But now bear stories are being' North at North Ward. w:.s the relationship between house number and name of street Cove at Third j va Smithfield Third of the of freedom. circulated j commonly that Hurren of C. sons. A. blessing fathers and hinting box, or rural rate number, ' North Cache's enviable record is ward. the brys committee was in charge poBtiffice successors office in of his and typed or plainly written in ink have the i Many thought. repeated Smithfield First va j of threatened. The situation la quite the program, A return should be placed in the upof the apolntment of Cove. j j pim because Special music was furnished by Perhaps that is why the ThanPsyMng celebration remains to ' Smithfield Second .va per left corne? of each piece of ; Jay Whitman,- - farmer Budd Mr. and Griffith Stoddard, all Americans not only a solemn religious festival bnf an annual mail If a tag is used, the address ward. Second Third at basketball guard end R. Y. U. reminder of the spirit of those pioheers who were taught to depend Terry Hansen. There were boys and return address should also be 1 Richmond South va to 4 3 from stir. As head batketball coach, Mr. in sge on Providence and themselves, rather than on kings and politicans. present ranging written on the wrapper for use if Whitman la reported as not staunch- - North at South Ward years to manhood. the tag is lost, ind a copy should Both Independence Day and Thanksgiving continue to celebrate Week of January 26 to 51 the 'moral victory" ly advocating be enclosed inside the parcel Richmond vs. love And of freedom. those selfreliance of American and Smithfield First qualities in fact, he has openly advocated Do not mail Christmas greeting MEETSTOCKHOLDERS so long as these days are celebrated, the demagogues who try to actually winning the first game of North at North ward, in red, green, or other dark cards at Cove and va should all Second their burdens teach the people that government bear Smithfield tha season in which the N. C. Bull-colored envelopes, or in very small ING TO BE HELD politicians rule all their lives, are going to find the going hard, and dig five meets the South .Cache. Second ward, envelopes. Richmond their message futile. Smithfield Third vs. Postage must be fully prepaid on South at Third ward. THANKSGIVING all mall Full information concernAMERICA the rrtaines of the first still spirit to 8 2 stockholders Week of February The regular annual This new movement i bound to DAY. ing postage rates can be obtained Smithfield Second vs. Smithfield meeting of the Smithfield North at complicate a previously simple mat- RAYMOND PITCAIRN your local post office. No parcel By held at Bench Ditch Co. will be ter, in which North Cache cuato- - FIret at First ward, be more than 100 inches in may the Public library Monday night DecSmithfield Third va Richmond manly emerges with a moral vie- and girth combined nor exlength M. for the ember' 2, 1935 at 8:00 P. tory" and the opponent is satisfied North at North Ward 70 pounds in weight ceed purpose of hearing the financial reCve V8, Richmond by carrying away the long end of Use Air Moil for speed. First in Club Smithfield Checker the icore. It may bo hard port for the last year and discuss- arrival first delivered for Qwa First opWeek of Februtry 9 to 15 ing and other matter of business ened first answered. The domestic other school to get used to the, before come that might properly Given Invitation Richmond North vs. Cove at ides of having to share air mail rate of postage is six scoring the meeting. honors with dear old North Cache. .Cove. cents for each mince or fraction Haxen Hillyard First vs. Smithfield Smithfield thereof. Rates to foreign countries The Preston Checker club sends Secretary Third at Third ward. New Coach Smith-fielore equally attractive. The new comd to the cordial invitation a ADV The recent change in coaches bined air mail and special delivery t Richmond South va Smithfield checker players to meet them - ooo the Junior Sec end at South ward. warrants school stamps provides immediate delivery Checker Parlor between Christ high the at team furnishes one umpire a word here and now. The change at destination at all times and in hands shake score and and mas UUF AnElOelRGIRS Newyears Tuesday afternoon by a Rig brings Norm" Smith, former assis- - for every gone, wid particularly desirable on mail which The North Cache boys and have a social time. The Preston team know tent e,ach of North Cache to relieve will arive at destination on Satursecond door located Checker is Parlor ymriins Fall Newspaper ghowed plenty of class all through PM Thomley, who Is on leave of ()dsys ahead of scheduled time, days, Sundays, and holidays. Plain the game, especially during the south of the Grand theatre. bienee to attend school. Norm"i BARGAIN envelopes with the proper amount Signed first half, as the score ended 17 to 3. Magazine i well liked by the youngsters and at postage may be used but must W. J. Ransom Coach Whitman gave all his boys Stockholder be conspiciously endorsed near the 852 Box out getting their full support in ath- work chance to have a good ktic activities. (We feel it would, com- address "Via Air Mail. Idaho our to a bein feels out it'n Preston, how find it greatest lifild'Mtd Yen, ready Meetins To Re he The use of the special delivery extremely unfortunate if Mr bination offer one which will give game once more. will assure delivery on Christ Smith had unintentionally natstamp famous carried of wide selection From all apperances North Cache a you ANNOUNCED MARRIAGE if mailed at the proper mas day, njr moral victory" microbes into favorites Your ional magazines. The annual stockholders' meeting will show the teams in this division the local school itime. delivery Special entertainment J'7ce honors. ear)8 which will will race for a Co. you top bring good of the Smithfield Irrigation ! the winter immediate delivery at office of adand Mrs. enn December Taibet Mr. and during enjoyment Nephi evening, held be Thursday obtained is dress. It by affixing A most interesting and Instmc-buildin- g ounce the marriage of their da- - months. 5, 1935 at 8 p. m. in the Library Intresling Pdal delivery stamp of the proBiger end better than ever before ugh ter Venna to Reed Tibbits of for this purpose of hearing live meeting was hell by the or its equivalent you will find magazines appealing per Hold the Secretarys annual financial dir-jLegion Auxiliary at the home bing Beach, California, they were in stamps, f ordinary HGUIIIIg nclMj to elect a board of Mr. T. B. Farr on November married Nov. 26, at San Bernardino to every member of the family fr.m TVhen orfinary A prognrm of unsual intrest was -for Hio'gi. state department president, Airs California by an LDS Bishop. They Dad down to Grandma there niuxl th. word dors, a Secretary-Treasure- r, social are mP hive such Rae Ashton of Vernal, bliss Joy will make their home at Beaumont, magazines on romance, , presented in the First ward year and to transact must be wntten or printed ut!dclivery and needlework 1st. December California nment meeting Sunday by the Re--j other business which may come be- Wnracr, department after home, science, of secretary, rapper mime lief Society; with 1st Counselor about everything else you might. "n the envelope or never Salt Lake City, Airs. Joseph Me- -. foro ftc meeting. on the below but diately Laura E. date that McCall of Logon) Murrin and Mrs. All stock delinquent by Gyllenakog conduction. MoAlInff In Qnoalr sel-1 8tT1PThe singing was led It ia possible to have your WIOm III IHGvIlUg were present. by Bertha'wj be advertised tor sale. matter in the nature cf Written I Mather with Jewel VanOrden at the . All the visiting ladies made im-- 1 I. E. Noblo, Jr, ,ection of these fine magazines at an be canm,t c3rrcs1IMieiu.e Secretary pn.Mive talks and praised the local, Almie Sonny of the Cache Stako emszing and sensational price. Jt is rRn, prayer by Millie Plowman, Adv. Communications jn Solo; by Eugenia units for the splendid advancement Presidency will be tho speaker at the bepning of cur annual fall drive nttc1ied to Lundquist, Talk parcoi. a ict ter placedKW. God Reading Habits, Helen Toolson and enthusiam shown. the First ward MIA Conjoint meet- - tor subscriptions atidresod to corren " ENGAGEMENT Poems wen read Mrs. W. W. Iterkins by Margret Gutke. solo. Mrs. LaVeda Project talk The Old Testament, ANNOUNCED violin y Viola Peterson, Duet Jewel Van sang. Dainty refreshments Oiden end LaVeda red by the hostess. Griffith, prayer by Ellen TidwelL . the The assembly dosed announces Fuller Air. An) order. Edith, "Tho Star Spangled Banner. con Mr. and Mr. Sam Tout and Mrs. Kct exactly vtit " his daughter, of prcvpnt separation there fmm and engagement be will Lake Salt motored to Hind Elenor r obscure the address on parcel. .not to Mr. Perry Ueee. They BUDGET NOTICE DecInitiations for- Spurs,, s national ,n(Ure or his of visited with week. Grant last business on fore Gyllenstog the part in n.f;i9trr Villu l.lc mail. City married Notice is pep organisation for Bophmore mw- - I)omeatic( lhird and clao mail mother, Airs. Laura Gyllimskog last hereby given that tho ember in the Salt Ixiko temple. men at tho Utah Stale Agnlcultur.l Rhi)ud employ-SllSmithfield is Mr. of number end. week Smithfield om a Gyllenskog jl18Un.d. Quite meet will city counoil -on Sunday afternoon rllt (subjnL a, an engineer on a project paoplc att nuk'd the funeral services college, were held Morchi(ndiM, may AT THFi AMERCIAN FOOI)' Wednesday, December 4, 1935 et -25 pledgee. Mies Helen ll'rrisand VARIETY near Duchesne, Utah. for last GOOD nd Bob Jones of Idaho, P m. in the Dayton, cf limitations A certaih FMl STORE Library building for Beth Hendricks, hnth of Kichniond. CHOICE n to AND week. . by . ... Internal tonal Parcel Post purpose of hearing protests or Qp GROCERIES wore the First among the newly mi ia cu eojectii-najj forPiKn conntres. Owing to the Proposed Budget IIKAtTwAKH FOR OURHANDj On Tuesday afternoon r Smilhfiold MIA nricty program and da we members. 1RDERSjward primary delivered twenty-tw- o to the bng era travel frequently ;n- City for 1986. A copy BILLS. WE DELIVER A banquet in bon r of the newdv. Thanksgiving basket to elder hall W the the Tuc. FREE ward recreational customs insj ections Second MORE and OR vojvw proposed budget Is on file OF 32.00 members was hold at the Bluebml .lbroid n the fl,r flviKU r,mtu people of the ward. night Dec. 17 th. office of the City Recorder after the cereinoniee at wh,,.h Mies ahoul(J nd may be read w carefully i.ackcl and ANYONE HAVING A FRESNO by any taxpayer r THL Esther leraelaen, i.f North Logan, TO ;V:.sl in BELONGING nai1rd nt desired, prior to the said SCRAPER a President of the organization and Beta Lake KINDLY Salt member of week in Delta, a visiting in City, eatlv monli '!r SMITHFIELD hnrj pledged OF (as CITY former student of the North Cache, M iloliM-.to Jos. W. I'etcrson, RETURN TO OR NOTIFY J. G. sister, Bernice, who is attending .social sorority at tha Utah State I a . Adv. school high Jchool, . AgrilcuUlnil college. Ar' 9 certain hy. Chii'iUuas Day. city Recorder .PLOWMAN, i cSral local da i II a le , lint . self-relianc-e. : ; I an - a Eh and Aiina oo Sacrament Am-MpaI- an are.e Sac-comi- ng - jn r . - s - , H-2- jmber, ,. ni.-ik,- |