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Show SMITH FIELD SENTINEL Mr. Robert E. Griffiths returned Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Nilson . home Monday from a business turned home front California last trip to Los Angeles, California. week after an eight months visit locals , 1aail ey of Mr. and Black-we- n Uri 0. Gyllenakog has returned from N. gueti onof NOVEMBER 29, 1935 U EXPERIMENTS APPLES RATE HIGH IN ON GOLD SEPARATOR DIET, i.M,thew '' . su if J? - - Si" Skua 5r fi-- orders Illlwe deliver FREE OR MORE OF 12.00 played on Saturday in the Utah st-- j tion. after which the prize was awaded game adium in Salt Lake from Corlun high The machine is the invention of to Mrs. Rachel Erickson. Luncheon 14 to 0. a score for our hand watch adv. W3s served J Tivu.' to of Earl Ferguson by popular coach of the Brigham City team has turned cut a very fine football team this year. ladies. r twenty-fou- EXPERT DO ,;jv"I3, a Utah man, Mr. C. F. Bird, who has been operating it successfully in placer deposits on the Colorado and Snake rivers for the past two yes Satisfy VOLUME NO FOR RADIO SERVICE SEE LLOYDS Fall Appetites PRINTING Radio Service Go. PHONE 317 LOGAN East of Poet Office i. e e The University of Utah Archeology museum is now receiving a house cleaning, in order general to place its 12,000 specimens in their most appropriate positions. A display of the ancient relics of the Cliff Dwellers, as well os the American Indian is now being planned by the museum heads, in order that modem Utahns may study the life and habits of the ancient Utahns. Tiie nanest way to serve that is to give it a , apple n day through scrubbing in a soapy bath,1 rinse ii and eat it raw with the! kin left on, advises Miss Miller, extension nutritionist at the Utah State Agricultural college. Much cf the feed value is in the; ; skin. Raw apples are tant in the diet far for nw.re RENT IT Typewriters, guns, dishes, brushes, Electric floek Sander all for rent. kal-sorai- ne Everlcns & Sons Go. LOGAN inipor- - t persons than are cooked apples. The teeth snd gums needs the caerrise which I they get from chewing raw apples, carrot or similar raw foods. Raw apples help to keep the teeth polished. They make a desirabb finish to good teeth grooming after the final brushing the 1 j thing at night. Raw apples are a fair rum? of vitamin C. They contain much lev-of this vitamins than do the rit-- j rus fruits or tomatoes but when! raw apples are used in large quantities they contribute u fairly good upply. Vitamin C helps resist infection. protects the supporting at rue ture of the teeth and prevents scurvy, Miss Miller says. Apples are also valuable for their laxative properties. They supply roughage which is necess?ry to keep1 the intestinnl niuvles in a condl-- l tion tu insure prompt elimination , of waste. The minerals found in apples, together with their mildly acid juice stimulate intestinal activity. There may be iu occasional rea-- j son fur using apples other than ini the raw stage, although too many women spend too much time in the kitchen making good food indiges-- ! tiblc, tills nutritionist observe. m.-ik- fC GcVcken Leg Bands And hundred of other odd item in hardware will bt found at Everfon & Sons Go. With Energy Producing Foods BLUE BLAZE GOAL QUALITY GROCERY NLEY and MARKET oz. jar sun stun SUN gPUN 1u oz JAR 11 nnFCQiNft CrtLAU IRES WE DELIVER PHONE 6 23ci 37c Youll like It Try this Dreasing NUTS EMBER COFFEE Make the Mark of Merit your buying guide it is your absolute assurance of quality and a fair price. I Lb. Mixed -- Lb. fancy -- Nuts, no peanuts 4& Salted Peanuts .... 19c 4 1 Lb. Pkg. Chase find Sanborn, cello wrapped..'.. ALMOST COFFEE WALNUT MEATS 14 1 ii Lb. Pkg., Lb. Pkg. 11 23c 45c fancy light Fancy Lb. Can RAW Pack ..... ...... 40m EM?TY SCHENLEYS I AHEADi ON LOW RUN COAL! BE SURE TO ORDER BLUE BLAZE COAL, AS IT ACTUALLY GIVES PER TON MORE HEAT . . AND BLUE BLAZE COAL 13 CLEAN COAL! COLD WEATHER DONT BREAKFAST CEREALS 128 Os. Pkg. RAW Specially priced 1 BAKING CHOCOLATE . DATES OYSTERS GOLDEN WEDDING AMERICA'S FINEST BLENDED WHISKEY It's ALL whiskey PINT Ne. 302 QUART No. 303 Pone 27 Lb. Pkg. 25c 12 Cello, wrapped 0z. Cans Cove Imperial Brand 0- -4 " 191 lwle Lb. Pkg. RAW Packed individually 4 19c 25c W. H. DATES SHORTENING ! 1- 1 -1 Lb. Pkg. Flakewhite Pure vegetable oil ' 1 0i No. 12 Pkg. Pitted Fancy Packed 1 15c Extra Roskelley Coal Yard SCHENLEYS CREAM OF KENTUCKY STRAIGHT WHISKEY GANDY 1- -LB. A favorite in Kentucky BOX FANCY CHERRY CHOCOLATES -5 LB. BOX CHOICE ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 83c 1- -5 LB. BOX FANCY ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 8c -2 LB. BOX FANCY GEM SUGAR .... 9- -1 Lb. Pkg. Powdered or -- Brown..... 11 1 5 17 I Tt 15 Oz. Oz. 215 2 No. Pkg. Flavr Jell, seta (6 flavors) TOILET PAPER sheet rolls Full size sheets IfCDC LOWF.ST 12 rkga., fancy socdlos Pkg., Ikgs., funcy seeded RAW Currant C 140 . Oz. Pkg. The perfect Soap 2!h- - OgfJ LAUNDRY SOAP Bar, White Laundry in 17r I m pull weight bars I QCq 12 LB. BOX, HONEY, GRAHAM CRACKERS 1 s LB. BOX, GEM SODA CRACKERS 27c 37c SWEET POSSIBLE PRICES ON FANCY ORANGES, LESIONS, POTATOES, YAMS, AND ETC. EMIt BRAND STRAIGHT WHISKEY AFTERWARD 15c 15c WASHO quicker, 3-1- 000 .... 10c RAISINS and CURRANTS 2- OLD QUAKER 1& Can BAW Oz. Can Select DESSERT 4f-- SCIIENLEYS OUVES H Lb. Pkg., fancy orange 15c Lb. Pkg., fancy Lemon 15c Lb. Pkg., fancy Citron .... 15c 1 PINT Ne. 41 QUART No. 0 MIX ED PEELS j when they call it "double rich. 1- 1- JOB jL-s- . Frank Winn entertained at 8uDday- - Salt Lake where he has been visita fumily dinner on November 21 Salt Lake City Providing the ing his daughter, and sister at Hol- in honor of her father, James A. mechanical gold panner, that Is iday he attended a party given in Crsgun 0r:lie who was celebrating now in experimental Crjgun, her his honor on ot 83 her operation the by birthday by !, renditionChoirgivenOompnny the University of Utah ore dressat her children and grandchildren about birthday. ing station, prove practical, gold Sk, City, on Saturday eves- fifty were in attandence. ?' '11 mining in this manner will be able senes a of first Ho! the is Burns to compete successfully with the Syrup Mr. eponMrs. and C. A. Brown and ue music production! fl 'tation and cynideation processes Family of Idaho Folia spent Tuesday now in use, according to Professor is! and Wednesday with Mrs. Brown's L. Atkins of Lewiston, Entry R. L. Kidd, who is in charge of L UViM Deppe was a etake parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rash. in the Budge Memorial hospital su- the experiment Cove Frank Rash will return with them ffering form serious second degree Primary visitor at the The machine, which has been burns for an indefinate about the chest time. and in. amd m abdomen, arms and legs received late Wed- placed at the disposal of the UniLtl- Louise Waite and Maxine Mrs. A. J. Hill visited the first nesday night at the Amalgamated versity for experimental purposes by the Snyder mining intrests, has wrved at the trousseau tea part of the week with her daughter, sugar factory in Lewiston when hot Lewia- - Mrs. Ray Seamona at already proven practical in the exat Monroe over was He him. syrup gispread Barbara Logan. ven treatment by Dr. 0. Wendell traction of flour gold from placer afternoon. Sunday on Misa Bernice Deppe returned home Budge tit Lewiston and then brought sands. It works on the principal of a combination sluice box and H L nd Mrs. William Cantwell, from Salt Lake, Tuesday to spend to the hospital by the Doctor. amalgamator, in which a mercury T H Chambers and Mr the Thanksgiving holidays with herj bath ii used to concentrate the were parents. Miss Deppe is attending w. Kirkbride Bess Ghamuions gold in the place of the common Hfll the LDS Mrs. Business and in Harper 3 Mr Salt college mercury plate. The present machine Lake City. it L9b ou Sunday Is capable of separating 50 yards Boxelder school Bees are of goldgravel from the gold or in Unp The Biriitday club met at the Utah state High THE AMERICAN FOOD 1935 as eight hours champions 70 gallons of using home of Mrs. Iaabell Crockett on a result of winning their football good variety water per minute while in operaAND CHOICE Friday afternoon. Bunco was GROCERIES Mos-B- U SAYS WE The significance of fine furcnal direction ia selat the dom appreciated time of need It ia after the need has passed, and memories of loved ones have become a 1 1 that remains that tho perfection 0 f Lindquist and Sons Slortuary services ia Invesfully appreciated. tigation will disclose that the beauty end dignity of this service ia within the reach of any family. You don't have to be mb to enjoy ritb whiskey. As yen prtfir... he r BY! BOURBON BY! No. lSF No. DINTS BOURBON No. 64 iso QUARTS No. OLD QUAKER DISTILLED DRY GIN All the quality for which Old Quaker is famous. G. W. Lindquist and Suns PINT No. 44S FIFTH N. 444 MORTICIANS Logan, Utah ScWmlrr Dhuibaton. lee. New York. N. Y, mr |