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Show News Review of Current Events the World Over JAPAN'S apparent determination cre-to Luncheon Set to Crochet arid Starch northern China has ated another crisis in that oriental PittsWilliam J. Crli tendon, country, and Sbanghni Is involved for burgh, Pa, former vice consul to the Japanese have taken advantage of Mexico, visited tils brother, T. T. the sl:i Ing of a Japanese sailor there Crittenden, Jr, at Knnsns City. Tbe aud landed a naval unit 2,000 strong Item was reported In the "Forty which occupied the llongkew section Years Ago column of s local of the city. It wns Just n coincidence, lb Quezon Inaugurated First President of As the Japanese force began patrol-In- g Philippines also hud visited his brother on the with fixed bayonet! and full war same date In isti, Berry Has Troubles Reassurances for equipment. International settlement auBusiness Men Armistice Day Celebrations. thorities mobilised a White Russian Human Sacrifice regiment of Cossacks under CoL F. R. To propitiate their god after sucW. Graham, British army officer decessive failure of crops, live men tailed as commander of the local volBy EDWARD W. flung Ithliu:i, a youth, into a fire as unteer units. The Cossacks, paid by Western NVuier I'nlun. a human sacrifice at Nugpur, India. the International settlement, constitute GO EllXJIKNT lnvimip a realTwo of tho men, Adku and Tima, sign of better business, ike Times s small Branding army for the foreign were sentenced to death, the three ity for the riillipiilnei on Novem-- r says. quarter. others to life Imprisonment. The Chinese were terrified and according to schedule, and It is now np to the Islanders to utilize their nathousands fled them from tha of IAT story, originating with tbe wisely Ih'seret New of Suit Lake City, tive quarter to the International setWeeks Supply of Postum Free uud safely, with only tlmt George Norris bad said be would tlement, believing the Japanese IntendRead . the offer made by tbe Postum geuerul eiiitervislon by not seek to the senate from ed military action In retribution for Comimny In another part of this pathe United States. In Nebraska, seems to have been the murder of the sailor. This the per. They wlU send a full weok'e supit Japanese the presence of a least government denied, but It deply of health giving Postum free to premature. The veteran senator great throng of dis- says he will make his decision at elec- clared tbe situation was "serious. anyone who writes for It Adv. tinguished persons In tion time next year, and not earlier. the magnificent legis"A campaign would be a email dis- 'PUREE Greeks went to London to Be CBANDMOTHEB CLARK Ability Hu Daly lature at turbance, compared to the trouble my invite George II to return to the building The open network pieces uiako Involves responsibility Ability Mnnuel QueManila, throne, In accordance with the plebes-cit- e beautiful service pieces for su atnot being a candidate has cost me, power, to its Inst particle, la duty. zon, veteran advocate he said In Los of Greek the Deeply people. tractive table setting. Four sixes in A. Maciiiren. Angeles "I have reof indeiiendence. was ceived hundreds of letters from all moved, he replied: tbe combination. Center piece 23 "1ahall never forget the past I inches, plate dolly 14 Indie salad inaugurated as the parts of the United States urging me first president of the to run next shall return almost Immediately to my dolly 10 lnche tumbler dolly 5 year. commonwealth. BepresentlngtheUnlted beloved people. May we have divine indie Only one center is required States were Vice 1rexldput Garner, to bring happiness, peace, for any size set. The other throe A KMISTICH day was celebrated la guidance 8peu kor Byrna and a large jmrty of and prosperity to our Greece I pioces can bo mude up la any numUnited more tbe States generally senators nnd representatives with their Following the ceremony, the forty-fiv- e ber. These pieces require starching d wives. Many foreign governments sent and elaborately than It had been since yeer-olmonarch, with the Princes to hold their In pasnnnfllelal observers. and the loading the first of those occasions seventeen Paul and Peter and the Princesses tel sliadee ofriiupe. Tipting green, yellow, pink, of Chief statesmen of the Catherine end Olga, the latter u adds much to the attractiveness of were present. years ago. all the ceremonies, atsister of the duchess of Kent, After Quezon had taken the oath of tbe entire eel - was that tended s special service of thanksofilre, Sergio Osinenn, vice president, naturally, Package No. 743 contains sufficient at National Arlington end the members of the new unigiving at the Greek orthodox church. extra heavy. Mountain Craft crochet In Washingcemetery cameral legislature were sworn in. cotton to crochet a seven-pier- s set where many thouPresident Itnosevelt was iiersonally ton, king of Italy, Two each of the small pieces and VICTOR EMMANUEL, sands gathered to birthsixty-sixt- h his ono represented liy Sreretary of War Deni, hear an address by center. Two packngea day rather quietly because of the war will make a 194nch set service for who made a pleasant speech and rend President Roosevelt In which his people are engaged In the proclamation, sluinliuneoiisly isrix and one center. INSTANT LIGHTING before the Africa. He reviewed sued in Washington, terminating the Standing One complete package Na 713 Iras thw Iran the wir war la tomb of the Unknown ' s parade of armed old government of the islands and eswith Um Iran to cumfurt any thread and Instructions will be Soldier, the Chief ExNo minis ll'cantinrijractf-hcaliis- r. him and plant with forces, the emcnimnonwenith go tablishing mailed for 40 cent Instructions arwiraa. No wrmry, and law tzri Ixrtwarm ecutive paid s brief was the real ruler of hot clove and imnias boat BUkmita a inent which Is to lend to complete In- but 10 rent only eloquent tribute own IOU. RunaWjtaig. Lights inzIcnOy the country, Benito dependence of the archipelago In ten to tbe gallantry of Address Home Craft Ca, Dept. R, no r tins. Operating cult 00)7 11 Mussolini VM an hour. Son your hind duke or Dues A years. cablegram of congratulation Americas fighting men In the World Nineteenth and St. Ixmla Arc, St. wife for fkEB FaLUr. on then the appeared was received from Mr. Roosevelt. war, set forth America! hopes and InLoul Ma Inclose stamped, STOVE CO. THE COLEMAN LAMP -Recause of the danger of outbreaks tentions for world peace, and announced balcony of his Veneris sm RUiss.?-' envelope for reply wlien writto address a by the extremist followers of Emilio the Imminent signing of s trade treaty pslscs ing for any Information cheerof Agulnnido who hare opposed Quezon, with Canada which Prime Minister great throng ing citlxens In the the constabulary was out in full King had been Children Fear negotiating In Wash plaza, ne spoke just force, thousands of Its members being Ington. Sometime a child will develop a two : sentences these brought In from til over the archior fear Indirectly. . A case In phobia At exactly 11 o'clock the President "The forces you pelago. point was that of a child Vlio feared bared his head and stood silent for mornThe day before the Inauguration tbe minute, as did millions of ids fellow have seep this rabbit with which It bad plnyed for IS A. KXI'KLI.RNT LAND all their with and espeing weapons, la Sir. ValoinMa omugM, all for ll.HJ after being startled during legislature held its final session and citlxens all over the land. Tbe Presi- cially in their year to deG. P. rt'KK. MIMA. A HI KONA. spirit, ire reedy Frank Murphy, the last of the gov- dent next placed a wreath on the uch play by the limiting of s gong. fend Italy's Interests In Europe, Afriernors general, appeared before It to Unknown Soldier's tomb. Another case was that of a boy who For elx ca or anywhere St-Tiro Prim! of the hours, afterward, uniformed organizareview the accomplishments to manhood with an Intense New . 14. 1 It Ih.1t; "In one month we have regulated grew American regime that lasted SO yearn tions marched up the hill In Arlington 1wHiNi,llniwA3cto. confined spaces because, when of rnJKt fear two old accounts (apparently the Italfound for hail been frightened democracy good "Having and laid their wreaths at the tomb. very youug, he ian defeats at Aduws and Makal HAHN Itself, America believes It will be good liy a dog In n narrow passage. Colport Ing by Mali, hw (hhlis In the national capThe celebration In and tha remainder 180C) Ethiopia, or school bn. minimaaaa for the Filipinos he said. Mr. Mur- ital was culminated lier's Weekly. ramm norpiimncumi arball a will be by settled later. irniKwra, comsworn In as was then high phy Veterans of the ranged by Foreign Mussolini that same evening sent to missioner of the new government Wars. Congressional Medal of Honor the nations participating In the sancThe entire American delegation at- men beaded tbe list of guests, others tions against Italy s formal protest tended s grand reception and ball and cabinet officers, diplomats being given by Ur. Quezon in honor of Mr. high officials of tbe army, navy and against their action, end warned them that Itnly would be forced Into reMurphy. marine corps. prisals with serious consequences to the economic world. GEORGE L. BERRY, MAJ. of the New GOV. CYLDE L. HERRING of Iowa Dlspa tehee from Rome said Pope Gov. Floyd Olson of MinnePlus was making s supreme effort to Deal, Is having a hard time sota made a bet of one hog on the persuade tbe of Nations to industries. An Industry-labo- r football game between the universities postpone the Imposition of sanctions, conference has been of their states. Herring lost, end paid believing this not only would spare the arranged for Decemby delivering a fat porker to Olson. world great economic disordef but alio ber 9 In Washington, That seemed all right, but Virgil Case, wsuld Increase tremendously chances but It Is evident tbst s a vice crusader and editor of a for settlement of the considersome very paper, immediately monthly war, which might come through colable Industries will not arwarrant state for tbe swore out e lapse of the Ethiopian resistance. First be represented. rest of Herring on charges of gambling, Meanwhile the Italian armies in the Ford Motor comand said be would file federal charges Ethiopia were advancing steadily toto Without RatUtanca Year Master refused curtly pany against Olson. ward. the Interior from both tbe north When a man gets used to falling send s representative; Farming la very hard, but yon Under Iowa statutes, gambling is s and south. The strategic towns of he Is ruined. T. C, Cuyler. then the - Automobile your tasks yourself. misdemeanor punishable by a maxi- Mnkale and Gorraliel were occupied Manufacturers associmum fine of $300 and a year In prison. practically without resistance. ation objected to the Halle Sclasris lost one of his ablest The federal charge is a felony, Case affair, announcing its t: a $3,000 fine and s commanders In the death of General reZPW) by to said, punishable any opposition so was who Italian strnck sentence. Its most of Afework, by prison vival of the NRA, though Neither governor appeared to be bomb splinter at GorrabeL members signed the old NRA code; I the from letter came a next sharp and Herring perturbed by the charges. National Hardwood Lumber associa- named Olson as his counsel along with NOT of vast Importance, but do enough to command tha tion, one of the country oldest end Senator Dan Steck of lows, who acrecompanied him to 81 Paul to deliver presence of Secretary of Agriculture largest trade associations, flatly is all so simple, too I That tired, Wallace and 100,000 other persons, was fining to attend the conference. The the pig. exhausted feeling quits of MeClure huskW. corn national J. annual twelfth the written by letter, often Is due to lack of a sufficiency of association's held on farm a contest at the the of went t the poll in ing Chicago, secretary those precious Just build board of directors, labeled any at- Britishers general election since village of Newtown, Ind. cells and ths these oxygen-csriyinup IndusThe winner wui Elmer Carlsra, whole body takes on new life . . food is tempt to impose s new NRA on the World war, to elect a new parliaunreally turned into energy and strength try as "impractical unworkable, for ment Counting and publishing ths twenty-al- x years old, of Auduboa coun...you cant help but feel and look betty, who was competing against 17 enforceable, a menace to respect vote over there Is ter. S.S.S. Tonic restores deficient red-runner-u- p and the winners opponents, so all laws and therefore opposed to deliberate process, of nine mldwestern states conhAtMUAi.i.h at this writing the republic Interest tile ind GlCCStlOtU It DM MC& tDD Dir tho Mood rad oeUopfcMG will be Carlsra shucked 41.52. bushels Nevertheless, the conference sults are not known test tkm's standby for over 100 years... and wrapped pceksscL The Mg are Rut there was no of the golden corn in 80 minutes, which held, and representatives of labor liears from he the for means a that ripped plan doubt of tbe victory of OUi-C- a help you, toa, raora cfoocraicaL expected to advocate the government force. the stalks, tore the flimsy husks from censing Industry, u proposal that all a gross weight of with though probably they them and pitched government contractors comply r week. would lose s number 2JKKi pounds Into hta wagon. code provisions and the Carlsra set a new world's record, of seats. Prime MinSECRETARY ROIF.R In addressister Stanley Raldwln tbe old one being 30A bushels, which IFing the Associated Grocery Manuwae nnoiHsed. Rut mark was beaten also by four others was York The first prise was New In America of Laborltos made a of tbe contestant the facturers hot fight to defeat a check for $100 given by the Prairie speaking with suthorltntlvs knowledge Farmer. MacDonald Ramsay f the Intentions of the administration, reasfeel Baldconsiderably members of the other it may sever, business and Jefferson Caffery, sured. lie said "the breathing spell win cabinet ONCE more ambassador to Cubs, I be the to which we are now enjoying The government, Is Its campaign, from saved the been assassination, has regimentation of Nations Its of governmental end 1 urged support of of the Cuban He declared business wae the "scape- activities and Us program of unem- Intelligence operatives discovbo army having upheld ployment relief and stimulation of nagoat" of tlie depression andRoosevelt' ered sad thwarted ths tho profit system. Of Mr. tional trade. plot eu the eve of Its announcement of a "breathing spell" liberals and Laborltes took Issue execution. Dispatches the secretory said: n candidates with tho Conseivative from Havana said tbe "Tills declaration of the President national defense questions, with Labor officials believed means army It concrete. and Is elear-en- t Insistent ou disthe plot was nipped of candidates particularly basic the program that International control of specifically armament and by tbe arrest of Cesar bnjrlmg wisely reform baa been completed. It means war materials. Vlllar, leader of the fool to needs no longer that business riosely Mums Confrdrratlos of Lamay coma asy uncertainty as to what to n aisanln-atloths that the bor; powerfol governPROMOTED by In tba future with respect was to hnra party WAFD, riotous mdrertleleg can mental measures" takes place whes Mr. demonstrations against British domtns macadvertle According to e Washington dispatch Caffery left tbe emortlon In Egypt broke out in Cairo and in the New York Times. Informal them reemlts Noon boms Several rioters bassy for other places. ders have been leaned by President killed and six automobile wounded and vember the 1, that police by to many officials carelessly Roosevelt to administrative commanded by an Englishman. The were ready to carry ths assassins to cut federal expenditures under tbe WAFD sdays Minbelieved a place of refuge. They the party Instate that Prime IIWT budget to $.00,000,000 lea than who rewae railirals seek Nrealm must Pasha Tewfik by 193H inspired ister plot the newly estimated total for ts provoke American Intervention In There la s large Italian As a result, tb dlapsteh say tbs sign. and for a long time Cubs and hope tills would bring In Egypt, and bureaus fedsral lives of many ou 1 revolution. It was said SI men to bs hanging It has boen understood that Ma agencies were reported hem bar emissaries Usl's stirring had been sworn to kill Mr. Caffery suit In the balance. Britain there certain other discontent against up la wove heightened by The economy j newa-imiM-- r. PICKARD na srata iidait Ml ravd W Kuia KLfc Thai wfcr rATBONIZI BOMB to ka INDUSTRY. ,HEWtETi:?S WEEKS PRIZE STORY THIS a , - u caa ilMr ratlla aff aiaar at Franklia'l thrift MiiaM. Haw ahaat riirift aaxiai af aar awa. "Bar U'.ar. Waal af fikata aad let tha Baat aaa; aaf ra have am left af yaur aat far ftVUtf-- " laa to grt.tte meat la aaaatitr and anaWj wUh ararr aar. Saw ia Jaat artiy daj land citzuuklp. WUa it halpa . ! aUa tolpa daalara hr trad. halpa pwdaewa them ataa hi! anatiai aUadr srfcU. and halpa tha pncaaaan hr craaliac ateadr amplayawaL Bavin! latarawaatala Piadaata haapa tha cycle rains far Intenaaaniaia Baatdaala. Ta parpoaaiy MM. H. B. BTPABT. Maatalla. Kaaada. s fblemani&Llron li one-thir- d Oik-ma- iesm:tii:Hiiiaaniaa t Ugly M Mud Fene" Soma of the settlors of tha Middle West tried to make fences of houses hod been fennd' practical. Fences were not, since they had no roofs to protect them. They soon became unsightly lines of mud and tangled roots. A person or thing which Is homely, is therefore likened to a mud fence. Bod od. ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO. Traaaaa ArtiScial Liaihs Arab Sappaita Cratch ca Elaatia Haaiai 7 Eztaaaiaa Bhaaa Eatahliahad la Salt Laha to INS Ph. Was. CMS SaUnfactiaa Gaaraatacd 1U W. Third ga. Salt Laha City. UL Bracaa Gray Snow Snow Is sometimes tinged by various foreign substances In Its fall to the earth, and may thus take on various colors, notes a writer In Certain algae Literary Digest. floating in the atmosphere may give snow a red tinge or a green tinge, and soot may give It a gray tinge, cr, if the soot Is very dense, the snow may appear almost black. At 400 Utah Oil Refining Service Station! in Utah and Idaho Heaviest Fortification Halifax la the most strongly fortified city in North America. It is capable of mounting more than a thousand guns In Its 11 forts. Those mounted during peace time are some of the heaviest known caliber. pr-h- - . CLASSIFIED ADS 11-- 1. -- Pcopl mfwlai frwa RhcMratbra. Sciatic, Ncarilk, Gmt, K(. will lid Druipt relief ia BKALOT Aaalswto Tahleta. If year DaiM cumI supply ym. wad ll.M t Bralat Labwa-toriCmrdiwnrllh, Nevada aad they wlU he eallcd pent p.'d. o, 14-- Italo-Ethlopl- oyyo u . 'How do FEEL feel.... Swell-!- why you ash?" run-dow- n, Smallest Violins The Studs says that the smallest violins are 1ft Inches long and of ta weigh about ounce. The heads and pegs are of ebony and the G string! are mode of silver wire. th Complaint If It Isn't one thing. Its another. Many complain about the conaervatlveneu of the younger generation. Old-Time- rs' per week will be paid let d article the beat a Whp yea eheald eee Meriter iBtenaeaatola wade Ceede" to abeve. Scad year alary la pieee at me to leteraeantale Predacto Cat-aw-e. P. Bei HIS, Belt Lake GHy. U tear alary ap peart la a arts $3.00 Why Chimneys An Brat When a chimney Isn't bent Jut ovo the fireplace to "make a aft rain sometimes falls on Are, t no modern chimneys lack thla e place that catches drops, hen a fire la In. tha fireplace It sms to send out a column of hot that scatter drops In ths few tsneas they fell vertically. elf-lik- ab Me. IS4T W.IMIc-h- H laha CUy Rats Insects Is a curious burrowing mammal of uth Africa. It attains a length five foot, including the tell, and Nla entirely on ants, which It tehee with its long, slimy tonga ie hair Is a dull brawn color. Aard-Var- The k sard-var- k Naming Yugoslavia By a royal decree signed October I. 1929, by King Alexander, the Bom of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was changed Kingdom of Yugoslavia, an ppelatlon lent In popular use. fa the 411-1- 1, wither-4fr.lMa.T- in 4 m NeyccIFanOMbaVS' 5 RHEUMATISM M-- g mh B-- Buying Wisely eom-munl- ty |