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Show kit Smoked Out THE FEATHERHEADS W HATS' HEY ipea OF The VJIMDOW? A FRESH THE IV AIRinl- S- Tuft IMihiG- HOUSE "To 6eT THE SMOKE: OUT Op- - HERB open ftBQSWiHfi" AIR. That was a brilliant idea op Tours-BURN- THE tr irifr FURNACE LEAVES itJ WITH Trtff CHimmeY closed Pamper REST OF them tnTHncT Women should take only liquid laxatives could fed fine, be regular, if they would only follow the rule of doctors and ORE people Af IM. fit and STWATTER twp! You ham in tlUmme fciw wPaT cant be exactly measured. Doctors know the danger if this rule b violated. They nse liquid laxatives, and keep reducug the dose until the bowels need no help at slL Reduced dosage b the secret of aiding Nature in restoring regularity. Yon must use a little ten laxative each time, and thats why it should ba a liquid like Syrup Pepsin. Ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin, and if it doesnt give you absolute relid, if it isnt a joy and comfort in the way it overcomes biliousness due to constipation, your money back. which 'PockIbT I Ikar s. IjF" william Twit fOT "Tn LAST I a im mV ARb RjtliEAT MESCAL IKE CM. PAYNE By Another Big Idea Goe Wrong POP - Tin Bell Syndicate, Im.) ( Its Up To You u huntley Peace and Quiet In tumults and dissensions the worst man has the most power; peace and quiet bring out the good qualities of men. Tadtua. Luke. GO AHEAD AnT SHOW HIM VUWATVUW uxe ..'CORE I BRICK-rBA- .VUH STOPPED-U- go AHEAD) BOV. LD MULEV.. A P NOSTRILS, due to soldi. 000. PICK UP A akT eusry ONE Use MenthoLduna to help open the nostrils and permit freer breathing. H MVAlIJm u : GlwaiH COMFO RTJ Dally threat sprn cull for the MEMTHOUniM LIQUID tat handy bottle wUh dropper MEW FINNEY OF THE FORCE "After the Horse Is Stolen CARE LESS- - UO- -I INEFFICIENT puce-ET- t- LAST FbUoT hMT Tb Lock it I REMEMBERED AND IHiS MORNING" noM early- - .that I initeVB I On We Go One generation's luxuries are the next generation'! necessities. Ur when IMW SHE TOLD WORN-OU- BEEN HUSBAND T Shi codd bam reproached bisk Iriefitinftrmiw lie"ill ! Butwieelrehe eew la hie cold, ha tasted out. "on conditionthe Very Sasha benetf had whipped Cciatipetienl The very Doming after taking NK(Na- edcV I REGLAR FELLERS Punishing the Shortcake Im gonna' Were, sonna man& STRAWBERRY IS THE CAKE READY YET, MOM? SNORT CAKE. For dinner tonight., a K e. ! whoopee FORGOT ALU ABOUT nr! GO IN AND TELL AUNT SUE TO WHIP 1 ABB-HUN- FREEs.tTOessisaKa ladlmaUna.) OP BAP. MOM! THE CREAM! . GET HAS THE CREAM BEEN Short CAKE CuticuraCares Jor)fourSldn The medicinal and soothing properties of the Soap not only thoroughly denue die kin, but are most beneficial nd helpful to it. If yon are troubled with itching of pimples or other akin eruption tke Ointmentwill qnioii yreliere. Soep2So. Ointment 25o aad SOcw &; I'VE GOT TO PUT MY FOOT DOW- COMING IN LOOK AT ALL THESE BEUS-IV- L TELL MAW A THING OR TWO N- - NELLO-MAI- By GLUYAS WILLIAMS - W? l-A- THAT IS- Do WNU Put Poetry you remember the poem, Curfew Shull Not King Tonight! "No," eald Ur. Cumrox, but I think Id like it better than the present anthem of flaming youth, We Wont Go Homo TUI Morning. " - WELL A Real TmEmiIiI Customer Yon say this la good, do hair-restor- gonT com$ w m ttm coast wuYSHoinsibsMin HWHWUKSSMDWF HIWSflF SPAS HOTlb KibiDihporfour-SDK Sits TOWN ON POORSIU. ANPWU OfTAN OltRSoS ftMkV plSOMtRS roOR SHoSSSi?? SWB IT Druggtat Yea, Mr; I knew n nun who took the cork out of bis bottle of this stuff with hla teeth, and he had a mustache next day. W 47--M That Which ! Heard bloat of the shouting la empty, b the whispers that count CONSTIPATED 30 YEARS fat thirty yearn had oomatiaotlon. ahreafe Soaaatimaa I dhf not law or firm hr oho had awful daya. gaa aI bloat-da- g, and pa hi (Aa AaaA. Adhtik hotpad right away. Hot Aaaawaa I out auNfiLI want ami manor loll bottor. ph, anything AaadaoAaa l alma amindty all might Mahal Sahott. "d eww Vto.Hn. If yen are suffering from constipation, Mmplrinteea, sour stomach, and gm Moating, there b quick relief tat yoa tor-gin Adlerika. Many report actioa la pie-ulSO minutes after taking just one does. Adlerika givee complete action, dare Second LJLtIa Boy Toe sag your bowel tract where ordinary late now, I've prayed for a laze tires do not even roach. bllaxanL America! Boy, Dr- - R. L Shoub, NowTork, nparitl Cancel That CaB First Little Boy 1 to ask yon to my party tomorrow. tuS PERFECT MMCPlATtLV OPENS A6AM W BRINS rf W RERY fc FAMU.Y TBfc BRANS HC5 goT P HAVE If OPEN FOR A H6 AFTER'EVER ; ,! WNUff wmr hs step w course of Hue Gift SLED IH r . f. -- a rs.ivMv. V tf.r a HEGSB torch, HMAMttfiOOUTMgU) IH I0OK TOR lY T'rreNvwiV.--- FAMILY r c In addition tointaoiinnlcleanaint, QftSi Door, house MWW ON VI- . jioW- W VVWMDI6 UP ACAlM. remembers HE LEFf ot Damh-Be- ll 1 want a book, please. Yea. madaaM. llghtr It really doesnt I hare a car." Adlarika uAecAa (Aa growth ot hf tootinat baatoria and ooIon baoilli" Qivo your etomach and bowels a wri ciuneing with Adlerika and aae he Rood you fed. Just one spoon Ail rd ievw QAS and cfironie constipation. Sold by au druggists and drug department. |