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Show THE SMITIIF1F.LD SENTINEL. SMIT11FIELI), UTAH BRISBANE Cheerful Briton That German Steel We Go Up to 14 Milea Danger to Their Soul Itaj. U R. Angaa, Bri tilth financier, iddresslng the American Bankera as- - I aoclatlon, aaya: "Confidence haa re- turned. to the United States, fear liaa declined, monetary velocity ' will in- crease, There will be an immediate boom first, Jn goods; second, in plant and machinery; third, in housing Industries." The British macon-Burn- jor may Arthsr Brisbane aaya be all he verified mumpUej by ten says truly there la any amount of money in America, but It "revolves too slowly. It will soon speed up and "revolve, or change hands thirty-lir- e times a year. If Lloyds would Insure the accuracy of the majors prediction, a good many would buy policies. The particularly offensive plan to buy In Germany steel to build the Triborough bridge In New York will It is exprobably not go through. plained by those concerned that they can buy 1.000,000 pounds of German steel piling for less than half the American price; as a further "reason it la said "American firms submitted identical bids." The government's blue eagle was invented to prevent price cutting; but thnt la not the question, nor is the difference In price or the fact that work is taken from American workers to give it to German workers the most important fact. Buying steel In Germany, helping to finance the German steel Industry and Ur. Hitler's program, with American dollars, would seem to Indorse Hitler's program of That is the important persecution. Art. Officers of the American air corps, Capta. A. W. Stevens and Orvll Anderson, rose above the earth Into the stratosphere to a height greater than any human being had ever reached, with the possible exception, of course, of Elijah going op In his chariot of fire. The American officers radioed : "We are at 74,187 feet; trying for 80,000 feet They did not go higher, but broke all records. Seventy-fou- r thousand one hundred and eighty-seve- n feet Is more than 14 miles, 2.1XX) feet higher than the unofficial Russian record of 72.200 feet A movie news reel photographer in Ethiopia, Edward Genock, was assaulted when he tried to make moving pictures of warriors at Harar. The Ethiopians beat the camera man, explaining afterward. "We ahall lose our souls If we are photographed." That will surprise Hollywood, where the belief is the other way around. Once, It was generally believed, even by real Christians, thnt If you made a wax mlnla-tnr- e figure .of a man and stuck pins in it at Intervals you would kill the original Uan is a superstitious biped. Not long ago, when foreign countries were starving, America sent over Ainerlcnn corn, and the foreign countries would not eat It Even Russia refused. Now, thanks to various devices for persuading our farmers to produce as little s possible, the United States imports more than 20.000,000 bushels of corn in one year. Shortage of corn means shortage of food for hogs, and thnt meant expensive hog meat." pork chops and bncon. Somebody always has to pay the bill, and now It appears to be those thnt eat a decided majority. At Maryland's Pimlico race track a horse named Axlcan, winning the 81.1XX) relay steeplechase, paid 8.740.40 for a $2 betting ticket 170 times the amount pnld. That ' news will cause many unfortunate geese to lose several times 8240. Nolmdy ever won at race trark gambling In the long run. If thnt were possible, who would sup- port bookmakers and trarksT Spenklng In Arlington national cemetery, the President warned the country that there is danger of war, urging "ndiqunte defense on Innd. on sea, and in air." He knows, as does everybody, that defense, first In the air, and second under the water. Is most Important. Iresldent Roosevelt announced the early "cnnanniinntlnn of a commercial agreement between Cnnnda and the United States," referring to "our two peoples, each Independent In themselves, closely knit by Ilea of blood and common heritage, with standards of Wfe substantially the same." . While eleven lawyers and clients dla ensued the sale of a window-cleaninbusiness In New York's llrownsvllle. four young gunmen entered, said, pleasantly, "Reach for the moon, gentlemen." inennlng "Stick em up." The hands went up; the gunmen walked out with 82.201 In rash. That whs not playing the gams. It la cnstoninry for lawyers to get money from gunmen, although, doubtless, them were not thnt tyie of lawyer. King Krnturm ftymllMtl In. WNU tfarvlMh or a total of about 4,559,000,000 IRON DOG GROWLS bushels. The short crops this year wlU reduce world carryover by the This year's world wheat supply end of this season to between The use to which the phototube will be abont 320,000,000 bushels less and 600,000.000 bushels, or popularly known aa the electric eye. Oil Meal Produces than In 1934-85- , according to the Bu- not mneb more than normal world Is put are literally numberless. One Faster, reau of Agricultural Economics re- carryover prior to 1028. of the most peculiar la used by a More Economical Gains, port on world wheat prospects. practical Joker to rive voice to aa I'reduction is estimated at about lnm dog on his lawn. When a visitor True Enthusiasm Expert Says. Will Roger' Memorial. 8.430.000.- 000 bnshela and tha world Let ns recognize the beauty and approaches be ts startled by growls, MONICA. Where I carryover outside of Russia at By Prof. IlMtw Bull. Aiaociitt Chief of true enthusiasm ; and what- for on his approach ha interrupts a hi SANTA power Meau. Collect of Agriculture, buahela, or a total of about ever we may do to enlighten our beam of light focused on an electric Uaivsrsity of this, I can sec his Illinois WNU Service. home across the canyon. There's 4.230.000.- 000 bushels. Production eelvea or others, gnard against check eye and that aeia off the vocal mechA record emp t last year waa 8,450,000,000 bnshela Ing or chilling a alngle earnest senti- anism a big, raucous bnxrar. OH wy beam this year still will mean heavy losses from sunlight on the top, but the and carryover 1,100,000,000 bushels. ment. soft Tusk erman. Tower. If fanners attempt to uaa the pork folds in the friendly hills arc turnwhole oy beans for fattening bogs. While ing purple. whole soy beans cause soft, flabby The most typical humorist since that it of Inferior market quality, pork soy beau oil meal used as a supplement Mark Twuiu, the most beloved comfor com In hog rations will make Arm moner since Abraham Lincoln, the counts saving family ! most popular private cl t Iran since pork. At the same time soy bean oil AYS MIS. W. W. IlICKBY, OF CHICAGO, ILL. meal will produce faster and more eco- Benjamin Franklin, his fame la an ruck. everlasting Why, nomical gains than can le obtained then, a monument of with whole beans. our to one It Is suggested that farmers trade who fashioning was a national any whole beans which they would institution whilst be feed to hogs for soy bean oil meal, lived, who became a thus securing a valuable national tradition alprotein supplement for tlielr corn and most liefore the breath CAKES AND COOKIES at the snine time avoiding the risk of left his body! oft pork losses. disappear inmy bigfsxn-iljust Nevertheless It is laughs Mrs. Hickey. It la to the advantage and profit of on his (hat fitting "So it's a big help wheal can fanners to do everything possible to birthday this country can of my get a avoid soft pork, since neither shippers, should launch this reliable, standby baking feeders, meat packers, exporter! nor memorial For to help powder, Calumet, for only consumers want such meat The soft perpetuate the bright 25cl As long as I bake. Calupork problem may become so serious glory of that name Is an met will be in my pantry I" obligation that "soft" hogs will hare to be dis- we owe to ourselres a testimony of Grandfather Rommel, criminated against A few loads of mun amongst us who for gratitude whowasabakerfor40yeaia, such hogs from any one shipping point poured out so freely the precious ays, "Calumet takes the would be sufficient to give that terriof and sweetness, genergifts guesswork out of the job tory a reputation for inferior pork, osity audsanity galluntry, philosophy thnt nowadays." with the subsequent danger of price was kindly, a wit that was salty but to producers. penalties never wns sour. Yon gave us so much, LOOK AT THE NEW CALUMET CAN! An added inducement for using soy Bill, we're just figuring on imylng a A steplt twill., .and tkt bean oil meal Instead of whole soy little something back on account. Tip Hfh iff. N dtlof, aa tpiliiat. aa beans is the fact that It produces just Mrs fngnaaihl aa good gains as tankage and linseed Sign of Normalcy. meal and at present prices Is more lie headed for MUST WHAT ambm Cahunct so dtpendabir? Why b It diflenot economical than these two suppleWI-(ram other baking powders? Calumet rnmUnra two dutlart I'm back on somebody's ments. Experiments hare shown that leavening actions. A quick uctian far the Busing bowl act sneker list. As a charter member of five by liquid. A dower action for tha oven set fra by beat. 14 pounds of soy bean oil meal and This produces perfect leavening. four pounds of alfalfa meal are equal the original mother lodge, I belong there. I'm a booh Ben Adlicin whose to the standard corn belt supplement name led all the rest. of eight pounds of tankage, four Today I received, not a list of sepounds of linseed meal and four lected At meal. foreign bonds that'll come alfalfa of present pounds prices the coy bean oil meal would later but a prosiiectua about a gorgeous gold mining proiiositlnn with be the more economical feed. guaranteed, Other experiments In Illinois, Indi- all the regular Calumet is now selling at the lowest ana and Ohio have demonstrated that such as quicksilver, lend, copper, mothballs I and, think, umalgiim fillings. soy bean oil meal used to balance corn prices in its history... The regular price Sorry I can't Invest In this new produces 10 to 20 per cent more rapid Can is now only 25c! of the Full-Poun- d gains than whole soy beans, shortens bonanza. But Im saving up to go into And ask to see the new 10c can a lot of the fattening . period one to two an equally timely enterprise. Its a factory, and on the side months, saves 10 to 20 per cent of buggy-whi- p good baking for a dime with Calumet, the feed and makes firm pork of high we're going to turn out flintlock musUnited kets for the States the Double-Actin- g army. quality. Baking Powder. A Corn and soy bean oil meal fed at product of General Foods. the rate of one bushel of corn and nlna Selecting n Candidate. alwith meal oil bean of who soy out the forgotten pounds I'VE found falfa meal makes a good ration for Is. It's any Republican officemineral holder above the grade of assistant fattening hogs. However, a mixture- should always be fed when state geologist who hasn't been proragoy bean oil moal to wood In aw Inc, posed by self or friends for next year's tion. A good homemade one can be Presidential nomination. mixed from two parts ground On every side, disinterested patwo parts steamed bonemeal and trol ts feverishly suggest some death1 one part salt less name that nobody outside the Immediate family ever heard of and, lo, a national . figure whose fame doesn't Wheat and Rye Seed Need cover as much territory ns a milk Treatment Special Scab route Is In the running. Almost anyBecause of the epidemic of scab on body who can read and write appears small grains tills year, the disinfecting to be eligible, especially if be lithoof winter wheat and rye seed Is espe- graphs well, and, If he has also the Hr. J. J. firm cially Important this fall, says yet clinging handshake, his stock specialist. disease Christensen, plant goes right up. The scab University Farm, St. Paul. The concern Is for a candidate only. of the organisms also cause rotting root-ro- t When it comes to a platform, the Demseed, seedling blight, and ocrats can lend them one which has Seed treatment In also Important for been used hardly any, If at all or smut e e e the prevention of stinking whent and of smut and ergot of rye. to Prohibition. Return Before treating, seed should he some of us contend else aside, thoroughly fanned to throw out light ALL were two main Underlying eliminate to and kernels and diseased reasons why this country went "dry" smut balls and ergot bodies. When rye the way It did go. One reason was contains considerable ergot, fanning brewers. The other wns distillers. ' the may not be enongli. Immersing If a jierson of dubious reptile oened will bring the brine In a strong rye sahKin In a neighborhood already a can he ergot to the top where It where, In order to live, n should brine skimmed off. The the liquor laws, there break must he each to 40 bounds of common salt a too often, type of brewer ready was, 25 gallons of water. Afterwnrds, the to the license and a type for up reput to water In CURSES! SHE'S rye should lie washed lUBETAMVTHlMGVDUV? of distiller to help out with the rest. TELL HER I JUST WISH MAKING move the excess salt. JW.VOUKE lujusr NOT WRONG! Basically, It was the inarticulate treat-PWEVCU GOT HAD ftW fSUE'S UKW V0U Eor either rye or whent, the SHE KNOWS of MISERABLE LIFE resentment orderly people against ment recommended la dusting with sueli Into ERHAPS WRG ONE OF UPON THAT ns HEADACHES ilVOU DOMTs whieh plunged POSTiM prnellces of R)R ALL OF US New Improved Ceresnn at the rate --TO SHOW THOSE WHO SH0UUXJT AMD iMDJGESTiOU Q S12ART AtfiNG the ghastly legislative error miscalled ALWfflS Treated bushel ounce f per WUH VOLK CROSS, A A5 MEAN AS DRINK COFFEE! WAV VW HOlV VOLVO BE at least 24 prohibition. DAVES ME grain should stnnd for with that mistake so nearly Now, wavs! be iRRrme CHANGE TO noNTVMU may and vou OUT.' wrong FEEL' lie KRl1A8LEITOOitVOU lore planting hours cured, one hears It directly charged ARE Stored for months If desired. fpOSTUM? thut certain producers of nleohollc drinks ore greedily hack at the same Mixed Tree Stands Best old tricks. Well, the next time the people of It hns been proved that locusts are In this country vole liquor out and to grow trees easiest the shout Is there'll he a next time, unless the sane areas where quick forest growth of men In the Industry can curb the ofneeded for erosion control. Being not It'll the legume family Its long roois It. fenders within their own ranks soon enrich bn for kcei, no matter how deplorable only bind the soil lint Infested the results In Is'ot leggery ami graft But If such an area lieeonies forest the young borer crime and corruption. and locust with the SSffi However, dnm-ag- e Yon cun tell a lntik headed profiteer la quickly destroyed. to lie greatenn see hut you cant found as la an yon far borer the by tree stands tell hlin anything else. ly lessened In nrens where MIY coffee denuded ' lira mixed. In reforesting badforyou.Dad? ad Upholding tha Comtitntion. areas, government forestry experts thought it was to local HEATED la the controversy over vise, hardwood trees adapted bad just for u kids!" SO locusts the with the Imperiled Constitution that Kills should Ik mixed Oh, nol Many to politicians are all agog, to produce a better leaf litter and professional grown-up- s, too, find Im'imtia the ir severe one stand of out gog tree Insura a many going that tha caffein in it nttaek. borer Into another, accompanied by should siicemnli to a their nerves, or ever- right fever and high blood pressure. iNitnted out that coniferous chill, awake them or nights I causes indigestion keeps thrive Everywhere yon look, you see green trees do not usually .nil lalhered up with exciteIf you are bothered by headaches, or indigestion, among biaek locusts- Pathfinder wouldn't recognise that Imwho ment, or can't sleep soundly . . . try Postum for 30 days. mortal document If they ran Into It It contains no cafTcin. It is simply whole wheat sitting in the middle of the big rand, and bran, roasted and slightly sweetened. It's Around the Farm laying eggs. utilised by Ineasy to make . . . costs Iras than half a cent a cup. recently beana, a suitable Soy prize I am offering B.IHXJ yeara for It's delicious, too . . . and may prove a real help. been grown In words dustry, have namely, Grimm's Fairy Talcs A product of General Foods. nnllonn! first In China. the lo one of syllable s s or RepubIVmocnitle FCEEI Let rend you your first week's supply In the Irish committeeman, Live stock of fanners who enn tell offhand whether of Postum free I Simply mail coupon. lican, antheir not do pay Knot Stale who Constitution starts off. "When In u ii Kifh. Ornriial Fojhm, and aold si auc- - the course of human events," or, "Now Vlrrw woJ mca wilnout cost ur oLtligAiion. a week laprly of nuity taxes Is selxeil the PuNiuuu come Is the time for all good men to Satire the aid of the party." to In Pan Street know A notable thing nbnur alfnlfa to myseir. Resides, I'd like If ever, a City IRVIN 8. COBB. dn If that there I seldom, Fill inc vnj4c:p!y ("ri.it ninie vl a i.lirat. one rrom year seed Alllsnc (fiiu ibifffkgiiirtj.ily 1, 1 Nu;th carryover or the WNU Oervlcv. In. another. to World Wheat Supply la Cut 330,000,000 Bushels 0 THIS WEEK A Soy Beans Cause Soft Pork Losses . Better baking at a that in this I'm paying the lowest prices ever for Calumet Baking Powder! farm-grow- n y, full-pou- t Eao-Optui- ut Double-Actio- n New! Big W Gan! - lime-ston- con-tai- e, over-provide- If COFFEE-NERVE- one-hal- vn ...I r, 1 in |