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Show 0 SMITH FIELD SENTINEL Youre Feeding the Hand Thats Feeding You The SMITHFIELD SENTINEL Published Every Friday at Smithfield, Utah Entered at the Pwttuffire at Smithfield, Utah, aa Second CLua Mail Matter Advertising Ratea Will Be Made Known Upon Application DEATH AFTER DARK Of 36,000 aafcor futilities lal year, 20,000 occurred at night, writes Govcruor Harold G. Hoffman of New Jersey, in an artcile in Liberty entitled Death After Dark. The total ecuiioulc waste of night-tim- e autafcnobile arcidenta ia estimated at nearly one and a half . . . Sixty-nin- e per cent of those killed are pedestrians . . . As a nation, we hare failed to grasp the fact that as the aun gutea down, so must our speed. We are simply driving too fast for our eyes." billion dollars Night driving, Governor Hoffman points out, involves definite factors, each of which contributes to the haiard: 1, Overdriving our headlights; 2, Slow perreptiondue to poor illumination; 3, The night pedes-tiu- n hazard. The first factor ia probably the moat important, inasmuch as it affects the other two. Governor Hoffman says that the average man is fortunate if he can see 100 feet dearly with hia headlamps. That is leas than the distance required to atop frdm a speed of 5 miles per hour, on good pavement with firat-dss- a tires and brakes. If the night driver ia traveling 60, not an uncommon speed on our highways today, that 100 feet of visibility wijl have been passed by the time he Is able to even substantially lower hia speed. Thousands of os are driving 50 and 60 miles an hour In cars equipped with 3(hmile headlights. One solution to that ia better illumination for atseets and highways irrefutable figures, baaed on extensive tests, show that the saving in econdnlc waste, to say nothing of the human waste, pays the cost of good lighting many times over. Bat it will be a hmg time before the average highway is lighted at all and in the meantime the only solution is to drive moderately If you wish to avoid death after dark. V-- NOVEMER 22. 1935. Whose is the hand that ia feeding the American people, whether that to feeding is a liberal handout those on relief, or a more generous helping to those who have been sufficiently forutnate as to have a government job? Is Unde Sam tbs It comes generous Santa Claus? from Washington, yes; but how did it get there? It doesnt grow on the Washington cherry trees. No was ever Washington politician known to take more money to the nations capital than he carried away with Urn. President Roosevelt doesn't supply it from Us mlllion-dollfahm. Then how does it 1st into the Washington coffers from which it la doled' out with so lavish a hand? It guinea from the very Individuals who are its beneficiaries. The hand that la feeding you, ia none other than your own. Maybe you didnt and any of it to Waahintgon yes today; but you have done so in MARK OF MERIT NEWS! Schenleys ar Cream of Of. No. 60 Kentucky former years. Every housewife- is paying her share with every order of groceries or mast; and, again, what she has KENTUCKY STRAIGHT WHISKEY paid ia small change compared with what she will pay and what her daughters will continue to pay for many years. xmesi&Mm Miosii Heq for public office should be I selected tar their intelligence I and do fitness to ability the work required, end even with those qualifications, they find that pleasing the public ia a hard thing I to do. Ths best news in months! Kentucky's favorite whiskey . . . the whiskey thats made in ... ... the Kentucky by Kentucky distillers old Kentucky way . . . NOW COSTS LESS THAN EVER BEFORE. If youve been wanting to try this Kentucky favorite, nows your chance! LEADERSHIP 8 Pint No. d Tk Geo. T. Scat Co loo Fmklart. Kf. iiirsilsMflM.O..M.Ot. Summons Nsfics lo Creditors IN THE DISTRICT Defendant SUMMONS THE STATE OF UTAH TO S A OF COURT OF IN THE DISTRICT COURT THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTHE FIRST JUDICIAL Mg.!DEFENDANTSs TRICT OF THE STATE OF TRICT IN AND FOB THE' You are hereby summoned to UTAH. IN AND FOR THE within twenty days after COUNTY OF CACHE, STATE COUNTY OF CACHE. vice of this summons upon you OF UTAH. served within the county in wh DAVID L. HENDRY, JESSE H. thia action it brought, otherv In the matter of the Estate of MAUGHAN, PETER M. WILLIAMwithin thirty days after service, i LEVI D. PHILLIPS, SON, IDA W. BAIR and ANN W. defend the above entitled acti Docossode NOTICE .TO CREDITORS ' NIELSEN, ' md in ease of your failure so Creditors will present claims with do, judgment will be rende X'iaiutiifa, va. vouchers to the undersigned admin- against yon according to the deal MATHEW H. SHAW, istratrix at her residence at Smith- - of .the complaint, which has b Hugh witl1 the Cecile M. Wertand, Ivan field, Ccche County, Utah, on or11 of the ab McCdfcter, Glen McCaUister, Lois before the 28th djy of December, ! entiUed Court This action is bro to recover judgment quieting 1935. JfaCalHnter, Alt M. Benedict, p Kerr, Bessie H. Kelley and MRS. ZINA J. HALL I1? tttIe to tba following des situated in Provid Administratrix of the estate of 'tout,?; Shaw, heirs at law of Levi D. Phillip, deceased. Pidnct, Cache County, Utah, ?AW Decead; Mild-W- d wit: Malkin, Martha Leishman, Chsr-ijott- e GEORGE C. HEINRICH Olsen, Annie Matkin, Esther Attorney for administratrix Beginning at a point 2.28 chi ary S. Larson, SamiH Date of first publication October east by local survey variation o Baker, Pheobe Bushman, Zina 25, 1935. point on the section lino 11.75 chi Hattie Jensen, Alice Gardner, Stott, Date of last publication, Novemouth of the northwest comer Tho- R Ire?vltt Chrfsteena ber 22, 1935. section 11, in Township 11 Nc Harker, Jesaie Shipley, Owen Archibald of Range One East of the (Legal Advertisement) and Archibald Lake Meridian, thence Mat on li John Brwn, Resell Ly-a- n, survey line 8.00 chains; thence so Summons George Parker, Mary Earl, 4j50 chiins to street; thence v n the north line of street J Ithr1 JWhite Thornes Wilson, IN THE DISTRICT COURT Lesvitt OF chains; thence North on local Lvitt, Edwin Leavitt, Sarah L. THE FIRST JUDICIAL DIS- vey line 4.50 chains to the place W ebster Jeremiah TRICT OF THE STATE OF beginning, Leavitt, Thomas containing 1.85 acres. UTAH, IN AND FOR THE Workman, Frank- L. E. NELSON. Wyatt Emyta COUNTY OF CACHE. Attorney for Plaintiff w?0PdA Post Office Address: Betsy 8 Arf rPha L-- Woolf and Amo, Auswald Demmler, Bbck, Logan, Utah. at Jaw of THOMAS Date of first publication. Nove Plaintiff, R. LEAVITT, vs. Deceased; and all ber 8, 1935. known and unknown heirs George S. Rammell, Amy R. and all Date of last publication Deceml unknown, claiming any right, Parley S. Rammell, Alma 6, 1935. jronsestate or interest in or lion Rammell Parley C. Rammell Earl (Legal Advertisement) upon the rMi pr. perty described In Rammell, LuelUt R. Fullmer, Grace the plaintiffs complaint, adverse R. Stoddard and Myron Rammell, to only known surviving heirs at law of Charles II. Rammefl, RADIO NOISY and John Do and Jane Doe, un0P OTAITo'tHE known claimants and creditors of SEE Charles H. Rammell, deceased, and NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU i AND EACH OF YOU are aganiat all other persona unknown, hereby summoned to appear within claiming any right, title, estate, twenty daya after service 0f this Uen or interest in the Radio Co. property summons upon you, if served within described in the complaint, adverse LOGAN tfa Oninty in which this action is to plaintiff ownership, or PHONE 31 any Jwbfht, otherwise within thirty cloud upen plaintiff title thereto, somce, and defend the ofUL en!lt,.ed ction; and in case ! d .,0 iuAgmmt Slips' P" drit 2 Wnl JWt,aSllii 27-2- On October 31 of lost yeas. Henry Ford announced hia intention to build a Ford V-- in 1935. We are pleased to that this goal was reached in exactly ten months instead of a full year. One million can and trucks is an impressive total But figures by themselves mean nothing. It is what they represent that counts. Selling a V--8 at a low price has brought a new kind of automobile 8s re-p- ort within reach of the people. Reducing it Iwe provided steady work for hundreds of thousands of men in the Ford plants, in associated industries and on the farm. These million Ford V--8 can and trucks' have helped to make things better all around. In the first ten months of 1935 th Ford Motor Company paid out, in the United States alone, M4Q.119.32SJ10 in wages and $523,1 1M89JJ0 far materials. FORD MOTOR COMPANY Button or roso. xacow and IHE NEW FO,D V-- , FOl W w, HAS BEEN MADE Sim uncon-mra- n kotos cass THE CAB THAT LED AIL OTHEU IN BETTER FOB THE NEW YEAR IB, Lundquist & Buchanan incorporated LLOYDS Service St teSt you ac- - ad (1 farther dewribed as being siturted . Township Ten (10) North NEWEL C. DAINES, Addrets: Logan, Ulah against he demand f the which hrs been filed t1 Clerk of the Court brouht to quiet mCU?n "tiff. against th! defendants e t0 the land described I P,1,intIff, comPlaint and follows: Lot four (4) on Block four (4) Plat "A" of ??!Vey tnd "ntaining ESS.1 AUrney fr riaintiff $? v,"e? Ew' 6D19t350f la8t puUicati0n' December (Legal Advertisement) i: V? rjf rrywiM Real Farm Relief SAVING DOLLARS THROUGH COOPFRATION 20 Per ueot SAVING ON MOHAWK TIRES FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON COAL BY TOE TON OR CARLOAD! CONOCO BRONZE GASi FIR5T GRADE Gal. 21c Farmers Union Feed Smilhfield Ulah |