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Show SMITHFIELD SENTINEL Mr. Chat. A. NeUon is contemplating moving to Ogden in the near future. He has been working at the Burker Barber and Beauty! LOCAL NEWS KOVEMER 22, 1935. The United States Navy built the wind tunnel, for aeronautical research work, to be established in this country. The first trip across the Atlantic by hydroplane was made by the U. & Navy plane NC-- 4 which flew from Trespasscy, New Foundland, to Lisbon, Portugal, in May 1919. The flight waa made in 26 hours Nautical Novelties The first American to lose hi in the World war was John , life Shop. E. Eopolucd, Boatswains Mate First I Class, U.S. Navy. He was doing ,,, t, . , J?r- duty in the armed guard on the Wednesday from a ten day. &s AZTEC when she waa Wrpe- vacation trip to Montana and the deed, on April 1 1917, off the coJBt Mr of Mrth wet France. 47 minute. and Adell Mr. Md MrsRuas Canon and had an enjoyable trip. On returning they? went by ' Mr. Eldon West hu h'ter being employed J Jal.o for returned horn in Bancroft, ... some time. Mrs. Ingrs Van Onlen entertained a few of her friend, at her home ,.n Thursday afternoon. The time ws riK-n- t in playing cards. A dain-I.. .Napper, Mrt. Eugenia Lundquist,1 Sirs. Anna Harwood, Mrs. Smith, and the hostess. Anna; j j A few more Delinquent Tax Pay-era pamphlets are available at the put office. If your taxes are de-it will pay you t0 get thi information that will help yuu to redeem your taxes. Mrs. Charles Lundquiat a at hostess to the DeLure Bridge club at fcrr home on Wednesday. High score prises were awarded to Aftoa high cut prise to Lepne Chambers and low score to Seta Spackman. Luncheon waa served at one ling table which waa centered with a Thanksgiving centerpiece - lid tapers at each end of the table. Special guests were: Mrs. Leonard Winn, Mrs. Grant Webb and Mrs. Helen Sorensen. Mrs, IJmest Hogan of Bancroft, Idaho, is visiting this week with her mother, Mrs. P. L. Wert. Miss ArviU. Watts entertained her club at her home on Friday dsM a chicken supper was aerve to nIn rueata. Prises were awarded to Mary Smith and CherriU Thorn-Lnqueley. Miss Huth Cantwell and CherriU Thomley were special guests. Can You Call Help Quickly in Emergency bunco nt The Farm Bureau met at the home of Mrs. A. R. Allred on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Grpavea of L?gin gave a talk and, Mrs. Annie Miles gave a reading, light refreshment! were served. A Marge gr lap was in attendance. Ruby Smith is here SEE Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Radio Sendee Co. HOY. PHONE 317 East of Puat Office LOGAN 23, 25, 26, and 27 CHOICE, ORANGES, NEW, NAVELS, DOZEN BUTTER GOOKIES, PEEL, LEMCN, ORANGE and CITRON, LB. -- MOLASSES, DRUG CO. Ektl. IM., rick, B. C000ANUT, rasH 10 OZ. U OZ 25 OZ. 60 OZ. 2 39c 37c FA030'GELATINE. DESSERT, J 35c to. gc 02 DATE PUDDING. 10c lie 19c 29c SUPREME QUALITY, MED. SIZE, CAN s can DRY PACK, without TALL COFFEE, COM- FIG BARS, SODA CRACKERS, a CHALLENGER RAISINS, ca, section a! tha Laa Angelas Limited, also has (in addi tion te above ieatureek st n reglsto, ad mine, in cansiar attendance. STEWARDESS, 4 CH01CK TREE TEA, H LB. PKG. J CRYSTAL white, 5 bars. White Kin2 POWDERED SUGAR, BROWN SUGAR, io'ih a Milt onablo you la travel at leao coat than driving your can Enjoy the unequalled ceadari and saioty ci riding over smooth stool mils in a with deep. cushioned seats, wide A CHOICE ASSORTMENT AND THE RIGHT PRICE. FRESH DATES, SWEET aisles, plenty conven- - 23c UG,IT meats, ii lb. GRANULATED S0APf TOILET SOAP, CAMAY, ior woman and children. g raG LAUNDRY SOAR. SPECIAL DoLUXE COACH JQg 2 LB. BOX WALNUTS, Aq iant pkg. 3 BARS 2 25c 22c 31c 14c 15c 15c LB1 THANKSGIVING "WSS On 29c FRESH FROM THE OVEN, LI$ always, Mgardlns ci tha wt other. . jgc .g CAN MINCE MEAT, N0W P0D,D CURRANTS, oz- - r0UNDS Oq CELL0-n- 01 11 35c 8 Foa 25c 25c 1 1c P. PKG. PUMPKIN 2 SDCH-- 8 rANCY-- 8 MINCE MEAT, 25c PK0- - 16c 13c 2 LBS. FRESH IN PRUNES, LB. CELLO. PKG. WALNUT MEATS, CUMBERLAND, COFFEE, 1 BAKING POWDER, COCOA, HERSHEYS ... 23c .!- - 15c LB. PKG. RJGXEY, CHERRIES, aeaecbino, STRING BEANS, 2 s oz. gc F9E HEART OF UTAH, CORN, DEL MAIZ NIBBETS, 12 OZ. CAN OYSTERS, roK 2 PEAS, 4 22c 9c 21c 8 OZ. CAN " LIME S Selve, 2 Now igc for .. 29c 14c oz-CAN- 23c CORN FLAKES, FARGO SMALL, 2 FOR SMOKED SALT, BROOMS, 15c -- 89c -- 35c MORTONS, 10 LBS. EACI1 POP CORN, 2 Ma RIPE OLIVES, 23c TAU- - -- DIXIE MOLASSES, 2K DIXIE MOLASSES, DIXIE MOUSSES, TOILET SOAP, ua 1 LBa - 10 LBS.. WASHING POWDER, cmr30 m. pkg. CRYSTAL WHITE 10 BA1B SOAP, MEAT YOU CAN EAT AT TRICES YOU CAN MEET 33c -- 59c $1.10 9c ...... gc 33c AND A VARIETY FRESII FRUITS 15c -- WHITE KING, 2 FOR CANDIES TSScSS lent 8 HO PUDDING, GINGER ALE 8c SHRIMPS, charge. leg -27 1-- 2c 19c TUNA FISH WBn fuiauhod day cmd night Fraa drinking rape, too. 14ft JQq CAN CAN CAN CAN OLIVES, FREE PILLOWS Rafted 23-25-26- SALAD TIME DRESSING, NAUETS- - DATES, K. C. BAKINS POWDER SALE OF SALES COMFORT AkU. conch-touri- NOV. SPICE, 23c 2 LB. PKG. LOW COST MEALS Braaldasts 25c. lunch-aan- a Me, dinaan 35c. Special SPECIALS j jg CAN mAatr,i veiy aula ef the way ii Yu travel by traia. Coocb posssugen enjoy these Dolores an principal Union PcMifie Hue ugh trsinsi 0ht s. lb- - SALAD 0RESISN0, PKG PURE LARD, 1 TRAVEL taoipof-ntur- Thaimksgnvflimg PUMPKIN, K0 2,4 J9C OF & VEGETABLES Gutke Meat & Grocery For Furthoi Particular See Tour Union Pacific Agent MERCANTILE . - Ww. T ii 35C aq BlBBAED- - SQUASH, DUABL FORT tha right WHBP OTAH VALLST, NO. 2 PUMPKIN, P CHOICE, FANCY, LB. CRANBERRIES, 'YlewVa&m in - can G- APPLES, IfexcM, Store A - 2 PRICED TO PLEASE. POSTER SERVICE UTAH P POPCORN, ! bs 10c 19c rao 31c est Genuine 11 Rum MINCE MEAT. and 27c Brsndy Flavor, 2 LBS. PUDDING, HEINZ, PLUM, DATE or FIG. LG CAN 29c TAU ctils MILK, 6c PEANUT BUTTER, BEST GRAIE-ws29c PUBE WE HAVE A NEW LINE OF LADIES HAND DAGS, IEWLERY, TOILET GOODS SETS, FOUNTAIN PENS, DIARYS YouH 25c OLD TIME MIX, LB. 48 TO PHONE 4 ' BARGAINS LLOYDS SER THE BARKER SMITHFIELD RADIO MUFFLED EARLY Tka WE INVITE YOU TO TRY OUR NEW COMPLETE VICE. Barber and Beauty Shop Yhamksgivflsig Buy Xmas Gifts VAN GIVE THE SAME CLASS SERVICE IN BARBERING AH BEFORE THE BEAUTY SHOP WAS OPENED. MR. BARKER WILL aapjp CANDY, ALL GIFTS BEGINNING MONDAY. NOVEMER 25th, 1985 HAZEL L. BARKER, BEAUTY OPERATOR, INCLUDING HAIR CUTTING, WILL WCRK IN THE BEATY DEPARTMENT. ALL BEAUTY WORK WILL BE DONE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF S. W. BARKER. A telephone in your home costs but a few cents a day Get your Thanksgiving goose, d.jcls, or Chicken at Alien Erickson Adv. Miss Louise Waite's dancing school in Richmond wiU furnish n few numbers at the Richmond carnival cn' Friday night. Miss Shirley Parkinson of Smithfield will ' also be the program. THAT WAS MENTIONED IN THIS SPACE LAST WEEK. S. W. BARKER HAS RECENTLY COMPLETED COURSES COSMITOUGY, MANICURING, IN HAIR DRESSING, HAIR DYING AND HAIR STYLING AT THE WEBER SHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE, AND IS NOW FULLY LICENSED TO OPERATE IN ANY DEPARTMENT OF BEAUTY WORK. An- geles, California. m HERE IS THE ANNOUNCEMENT with voting her parents. She is from Los Mr. and Mrs. William Day of, C lifronia, are viiating in Smithfield fi-- r an indefinite time. rr first A HOME OWNED STORE PtaM 11 WE AIM TO PLEASE YOU Wu DeUver Smithfield |