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Show SMITH FIELD SENTINEL locals NOTE MET? 22, IMS. Miss Evilyn Smith of Lewis n Dr. and Mrs. Hazen Daines enMrs. C. W. Clark was hostess to j was the guest of Miss Lois Sorenson tertained at a turkey dinner on the Ladies Jr. Literary club on Tuesday evening. 10. The j November evening was Thursday. The program wti under sptnt jihying bridge. High score the direction of Mrs. Ray Muoseman Mr and Mr. Lowell Plowman were prize was awarded to Mr. und Mrs. T. W. Jarvis reviewed the book gueata of Mr. and Mr. Albert P. Mrs. Carl Clark. Those present Now in November, by McCann on Saturday evening. Misses and Mesdames Johnson. Refresmeuts were served. Iweie Hooper, Martin Roskelley, Ed. Mrs. Sarah Daneison of Mr. and Mrs. Rcnald McBride of P.rtland, i Sheffer, Harold Deppe, James Kemsl Tee Ison, Glen R. Hyrum are visiting this week with Oregon visited with relatives last Winn, Acquilla Noble, Carl Park, Mrs. McBrides mother, Mrs. Mary Friday. L. C. Joseph and the host and MerrilL Mrs. Sarah Winn and Mrs. Bessie hostess. Mrs. Cliff Wiser and son Emery Brough of Trenton and Mr. and Mrs. Brown Woods of Amalga visited with Mir Mrs Ivan Chritsensen of Rich- ,it10,i of cMr-Mr. A. J. Hill on Monday evening. mond entertained at a quilting par-p- " 4nren 0n Saturday, ty, Wednesday at her home. A de- .. . Mr. and Mrs S. Iven Xilson Motor Deppe was the stake hot chicken dinner was Bt tbe Lewmton Third ed to Salt Lake on Monday. ved to the following guests Mrs.!bo Pnmar co,lference on SundJy Frank Thompson, Mrs. Bert Dan-waMr. and Mrs. W R Deppe Sr and 'en,nS Mrs. Ray ford, Johnson, OOO Mr. and Mrs. A E McCombs motored Mrs. Christensen,! to Bountiful on Sunday to visit rel- Mrs. Brig Monson and Mrs. Dell atives. Rollins of Richmond, Mrs. Willicm Barnett, Mrs. Walker Lowe, and Mrs. Maran Hill and Streamlining in mines is now the children Mrs. Blair Hanson cf Logan, Mrs. Frank and Ivone visited with Mra Vernal Munk ot Benosn and Mrs. latelt ,hin accoriin lo the lni Lorin Balls at Hyde Park on Monday Edwin Dowdel of Smithfield. .versity of Utah Mines department, ; which is now working on the best! Come all ye who never have danced possible type of streamlined mine! A chili supper was served Friday fhafta that would ventilate the mine1 and dance. Come all who have danced and dance again. In the Junior High night ct the home of Mr. LaVon In the molt efficient manner. Motrensen after the Benton Stake. Tuesday Nov. 26th. A Turkey will Road Show. Those present were Sixty seven spiders never before be given away by the S wards MIA. the First ward executives or identified in any scien- - j end the Gaila Glee dub, who fur- - tific publication have now been nished the First wards numbers in classified and named in a new pam-th- e road show. the Iphlet published by recently Utah, and written University of I Mrs. Joseph Peterson, Mrs. Dresden by Dr. Ralph V. Chomberiain and Zoo-lan-d Miller, Mr. A. F. Thurman of Provo. Wilton Ivie of the University Mr. Frank Purser of Logan lgy department, were guests fo Mr. end Mrs. James Dedication of the University of Cragun and family on Saturday. Utahs new half million foliar li- - WE ANEW motored ,nd daughter Diane, businew Tueaday. on fate ! ' os Satuday McCann had meats Sunday evening, Mr. i u , mjs H. M. DeRyke and daught- IDiiad Miss Bessie Larson and Ber- - . t nd Mrs Albert i Typewriter, guns, dlshr, hal somhie bruhe, Electric Sander all for rent. Eyerions & Sons Go, K S-L LOGAN Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Your Homo Dirty? t was a special oijo'r- - AT guest. THE AMERICAN POOD a good store of GROCERIES AND fjr variety CHOICE MEATS. WATCH FOR OUR HAND ORDERS BILLS. WE DELIVER adv.1 FREE MORE OR OF Food Sale SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY NOV. ft WED. TUE. NOV. 25th tbe Mr. and Mrs. Albert McCann bra7. wUj ,tako P1"0,. the according to tertained at a dinner Sunday at media!e fatal in The committee charge. Library their horns t, the following gnests: nrneJ tthe ?eo Mr. and Mr. Albert McCann, Mr. has omaB in Librarj', and Mrs. Eldon Lamb and children, school started, but ve ule " and McCann Lue McCann, has never been formerly dedicated. Paul Nelson hbeen 23, 1935 Sons Go.' & LOGAN Home Service Director UTAH POWER Siovo Repairs LIGHT CO. Grates, linings, tops and ter Jackets for all ranges.! Heater and Furnace Grate, .f TUNE IN! Everlons Youll Enjoy It! Sons Co. & LOGAN K0 VOLUME Chicken Leg Bands FOR RADIO SERVICE SEE And hundreds of other oddl Items in hardware will Im found at LLOYDS Radio Sendee Go. LOGAN PHONE ,E Everton Sons Co. & SIT Logan East of Post Office ft 27th 26th QUALITY GROCERY and MARKET PHONE 6 in Evertcns MISS RANGY FINCH MIA en- - will think o if yo Folk window shades are not and clean. Good shade for less! FEATURING . Thanksgiving MON 10:15 A. M. Ernet entertained the Miss Bessie Noble i her home on at club Sewing i evening. Light refreah-- i StsVere served. Misa Bessie Lar- ; PROfiRAM d. S son RENT IT s rd Hind. f SERVICE Ful-;keno- n, C1 I HOME - Mortenaen of Salt Lake tfSa Lindsay and Mr. f Logan were dinner gueata JelS. and Mra. Robbert Griffith i JOB PRINTING J and DO BLUE BLAZE COAL WE DELIVER CANNED VEGETABLES FANCY PACK 2 CANS RED AND WHITE PEAS NO. 2 CANS RED AND WHITE, G. S. CORN 2 NO. 2 CANS RED AND WHITE, WHOLE BEANS 29c 2-- NO. 29, 2-- Peaa and Beano, Utah Pack Oz. Cn 1 Pkg., Fancy or seedless 1 .... 1 1 K Lb. Pkg. fancy light fancy light N. F-n- C. 2 1 clean) (aboslutely Lb. Pkg., Fancy Impor- ted Lemon, Orange JAS 115 OQn 11 per cent Grade Fancy 15 19c 15c -l Pone 27 OQm Mixed fCnl EXTRA STANDARD PACK .... 2 CANS, CORN NO. 2 CANS, PEAS 2 NO. 2 CANS, STRING BEANS 2 NO. 2 K CANS, TOMATOES ... NO. 214 CANS PUMPKIN, PIERCES - 2-- 19c 19c - 1 1 11 Lb. Package R&W Lb. Package A. and PINT -1 1 Lb. Can RAW 1 Lb. Pkg. Chase and SCIIENLEYS 1,k - AFTERWARD The significance of fino furcnal direction is selat the dom appreciated time of need It is after the need has passed, and memoriea of loved one have become all that remain that the perfecf Lindquist and tion Sous Mortuary services is Invesfully appreciated. that disclose will tigation the beauty and dignity of this service is within the reach of any family, 2Sc Sanborn 2"c 10c PREPARED MUSTARD 1- -5 Ox. Rfi Jar Slviker Stylo TAPIOCA 1?--- . - OLD QUAKER BRAND STRAIGHT WHISKEY 9e RIPE OLIVES MEDIUM CAN SO 19c COFFEE i- 1 QUART-- Ne. Be II. No. I CANNED SALMON BAKING SODA CREAM OF KENTUCKY 19c OR UTAH CORN EXCEPT VALLEY, ALL UTAH PACK 2-- SQIENLEYS A favorite in Kentucky where they call it "double rich. CANNED VEGETABLES 2-- NO. Na. 90S 303 o. STRAIGHT WHISKEY 1 or Brown whiskey nt ALL whiskey QUART-N- . Roskelley Coal Yard 5c grade, 17c 2 allLb.No.Fancygrade -- W. H. HUTS Lb. Pkg., Americas finest blended ' NICE SIZE, LB. SUGAR " Powdered Value SWEET POTATOES Lb. Can Mother Exceptional Value )- 5 GOLDEN WEDDING PINT Bbx Cherry ChocoLles Exceptional 1 ' 88c 91-1- CANDY 23r COCOA I 94 A 5 Lb. Box, fancy chocolates Lb. Box. Ex. fancy choc SCHENLEYS COLD WEATHER AHEAD! LOW ON DONT RUN COAL! BE SURE TO ORDER BLUE BLAZE COAL AS IT ACTUALLY GIVES MORE HEAT PER TON BLAZE . , AND BLUE COAL 13 CLEAN COAL! . CANDY 1 Oz. Can Calumet Oz. Can RftW ... -16 EMPTY 25c Lb. Pkg. 100 Citron" BAKING POWDER 1- LB. CANDY PEELS 1 ALMOST MINCE MEAT 12 Oz. Pkg. RftW cy Make Ibe MARK OF MB UT your buying1 guide it is youf absolute assurance of quality and fair price. 23c I 45c f 1 Lb. Pkg. CURRANTS 1 - SHELLED WALNUTS RAISINS 215 29c i0ote,S,nr.. 25e SALAD DRESSIN- G-1 LSJf. WE WILL HAVE PLENTY OF THE F ABLE PRICES. ORANGES. LEMONS, Al pLE THANKbGIVL POTATOES, YAMS AND ETC. FOR YOUR ALL FIRST QUALITY. "You dont have to be rich to enjoy rub whiskey." At prefir... i BOURBON RTI Ns. 17 PINTS Ns. lft QUARTS All the quality for which Old Quaker is famous. and Ssns Ns. 44 Ns. 444 MORTICl ANS aiMMBIBHMIlwmtlWMraP mmm Utah Ns. 63 DISTILLED DRY GIN PINT Logan, Na.m QUAKER FIFTH G BOURBON OLD G. W. Lindquist gwj?HT or BYI Sctiralcr DiiuJhutnn. Ik, Nr Vutk.. ".Y. |