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Show Logan, Today and Sal. RETURN OF PETER GRIMM, Sun. to Tue. METROPOLITAN Wed. jjtfim, A DAILY MAJOR BOWES AMATEURS Winners on THOUGHT A DAILY THOUGHT the ombldoai of to thermit city reform the cannot ehonld back 'home fohin IheSiage It doesnt take sense to much business start in business, but it takes a whole lot of It to keep in business. world- - COVERING ONE OF THE RICHEST FARMING SECTIONS OF UTAH VOLUME XXVIII SMITH FIELD, PT . ; UTAH, FRIDAY, NOV. 22. 1935. BOON WEEK OBSERVED KANSAS CITY LADY AUTO DRIVERS BY SUMMIT SCHOOL LECTURES TO 000 The epidemic of creasing accidents between railroad trains and automobiles has become so serious that By EDDIE & VAN' the management of the Oregon Short Line Railroad feels justified e of general BEING a hodge-podgin making a special appeal to autommnt on local athletics. Gentle mobile drivers to u?e the greatest indulsolicit we your may nader, caution in approaching railroad . crossings. The proportion of cases where automobiles run in the With the gridiron season drawing sides of trains of engine, is shifts quite interest naturally a p dose, convincing evidence that drivers of from the stadium to the gym in automobiles are not looking, or are the scramble fbr coming preparation driving cars with defective brakes. for tp basketball honors. drivers would heed the injuncIf basketball the largest Rsgarding to STOP, LOOK AND LIStion letgue in the world, the one spon-ion- d TEN before crossing a railroad L.D.S. and the church, by there would be few crossing track, fives being a part of Smithfield accidents. Your vast this organization. first interest will be in With the advent of winter, drivers of motor vehicles should use local aspects. May we pass the the extraordinary care when approachfacta? ing railroad crossings at grade. Wth snow or ice Dn the ground, The spotlight rests first on the even though brakes are jn good M which Men was itake meeting; Richmond last Monday condition, they are not sa efficient held in of the various and while the driver may see r. night with delegate tralp on the crossing or approachinterested wards participating. meet-inlame, application of brakes may ing g The surprising result of this or hid into was the abrupt change in Stake CIUM or front of the train. Futhermore basketball divisions, forsaking the old which has'1?111 ,uch unfavorable road condi-ahraidea of three division car are ore likely to n, limited interest in the m stalled on or tao close to new The set competitefu and, with low temperatures, op provides f-- r two diviaiona, leng- hen car windows are cloeed, schedule teams each thening playing windshields are apt to heretofore has been grossly bcoe obscuring vision, and chorus all with in inadequate. We, windows may prevent the basketball followers, heartily approve driver from hearing railroad signal i this now division. aPProaching trains, The new arrangement provides for Wont you automobile drivers an east and a west division of the 1116 railroad emolyea in their stake. This puts the Smithfield 10 avert these crossing ac- throe ward in the same playing bracket with the Richmond two cldntB 7 wards and Cove, leaving Newton, j Carkston, Ccrnish, Lewiston and! Trentcn to settle supremacy in the! es COUNTY. AN APPEAL TO From the Side-Lin- CACHE y corre-ipcndan- ta c" Book "annf-- Meek to yS, FRIENDLY PHILOSOPHER SACRED TALKS H.I.A. WORKERS On the childrens colander cf Special Days in 1935 the dates Nov. 17 to 23 lcrjni large, for these days NUMBER 46 TO WOMEN Wilfonl Besinger, known to radio listeners as the Friendly RICHMOND Mrs. Sykes, of thrilled a local group of women with Rational Kansas City, gave an interesting' his ready wit and friendly philoso-vote- d of Petry. before the ad- - Fhy in connection with a washing PhiU-aiphe- ! i;s seventeenth anniversary. A great many other weeks hare came and since the first observance cf tills childrens book festival in 1919, and book week has been morewidiy observed from year to year and has found a permanent place on the educational calander. Thoughout the country parents, teachers, and children themselves reengnize in Book Week an opportunity each year to discover new pleasure and new rewards which come from reeding book: . The enthusiam of the children who have already discovered the fun of reading is contagious and leads other boys and girls into the world of Looks. Boys and girls of today are fortunate in the wide variety and fina quality of hooks designed for them. Some of the best writings, illustrating and book making ii now di- nJon V f tta mating last Mon- - y n,ght-g.nMrs. Sykes, who is visiting in Lewiston at the present time, is considered a eompetant authority on poetry, having presented a series of radio programs from a Kansas City radio station, and occasionally been featured with Ted Malone over Columbia radio network broadcasts. Besides being able to read poetry remarkably well, she also writes and publishes poetry of her own. Declaring, Poetry is meant to be read aloud, she went ahead to demonstrate the different kinds of poetry and read selections from a number of poets. contemporary Stating that "Poetry is like religion with children, what a child learns before he is .seven years old i what stays with him. Mrs. flykes urged the need of bringing children into contact with poe ry eiriy in life. "Modem poets, she said, "talk about the everyday thing of our daily lives. The class was well attended by an appreciative audience of stake M.I.A. workers. e ThJ,. heU there la.t The washing school, sponsored by the Boyle Furniture Co., and attended by approximately one hundred and fifty women, proved highly educational and interesting to all who attended. The Friendly Iliilf gopher, after introduced being by Alvin lack, radio announcer, set about what he termed "the difficult task of teaching women the proper way to launder clothing. Standing in the center of the floor with an audience on each side of him, he lectured on the relative merits of commercial soaps for different washing purYou can tell a poses, declaring good soap by tasting it. Good aoap is nealy tastleas. Regarding heme made soap he said, "Home made soap is a good soap. Although Mr. Besinger was dealing with a considered serious sub-- , ject, he variated his lecture with funny stories, and canny sayings that kept his audience emiling and laughing for a full two hours. A set of rinse tubs, given away by the sponsors to the holder if the lucky number, were won by Mrs. Amos Nils on. All attending were given soap samples anl two hundkerrhieves each. CANTATA GOES FORWARD Rehearsals for tho Sacred Cantata, "The Haly Infant, under the direction of Rowell Smith aic meeting with a better respoir a now that the busy season is over. It is urged however that all wfcu are taking part be out e.vli practice night, Monday and YWdrc-i-danights at 7:30 p. m. in the tabernacle, no that its succre may be assured. It ha been decided to Yl.i but one night of this musical, that uf Sunday, December 22nd. in placa f the two nights contemplated in the beginning, in the tabernacle. This Christmas musical in worth the best efforts on the part of those taking part, nnd all singers have been invited. This cantata should receive the patronage of tl:-entire community. j eeo-- - EYES OF LOVE INTO GOES PRODUCTION Rehearsal has beg'n cn the three act comedy drama Eyes of leave," which is being presented by tli rected to the production of juvenile First ward M.I.A, soon. b.oks. The play, written by Lillian MorNew titles reflect the wide range of intrest children and old favorites timer, is especially adapted for amateur production. The clever plot in are reappeamg in attractive new editions. company with the well chosen cast should make this one uf the best Present day educators realize the plays of the season. of great importance cultivating in Those rehearsing for tlu various young people the habit of reading CHRISTMAS MAIL Verls Noble, Barnard as a definate contribution of happarts of Pionoors Me! Hind, include: Eddie Pitcher, Mrs. Gem Mcpiness now, and they grow up. The FOR HAWAII Cann, Bessie Larson, Albert Mcchild who grows up with Lu:ka is The Smithfield Camp of the Sons Cann, Helen Miles, Wayman Tidthe happy child indead. of Utah Pioneers held an intresting well, Enid Smith nnd Ben Mifflin. The slogan of the 1985 Book Week ooo meeting Wednesday evening, with is READING FOR FUN. Children e. First Lieut James Thomley who discover th joy of reading for To Citizens jnras a goil attendance. readings own sake have started on " Mr. AaaiM wf the rOBtl tv tk Allenwith songs , by" special enllkHvM west division. j o There is unmistakeable joy in the sending mail to tins pain check DeKyke with Mrs. DcRyke as pianist I I use then and below the list to were added given new memebers heart and n the face Df the boy or A deal of time and expcncc Already interest is being maniCACHE STUDENTS or the man or woman, who the eerlteet idling flleamen pneuble the list as charter members bringing has great girl, been forth in beautifying ward Smithfield follow: as 66. put are fest; vith each dates to to date The the total dismailing membership has once made that precious and 18th- - The A new committee was also added to and improving private property and hiving a large number of basketREGISTERED AT U covery and who keeps on reading Dec. 10th 11th ball candidates reporting large majority of the people of vessel leaving San Fnncisea Dec. the active committees, to be known regularly for the fun of it. feel proud of what has Smithfield so 24th Dec. for practice. Interest seems to be Welfare Personal committee, as the The children of the Summit School 18th is deu in Iliwaii been Jr.. Wm. Dr. with earlier here, but there an pccompliiihed Deppe that Jarvis, recommended is running higher in the First ward, it intrest-ing have enjoyed an especially Thomas Chambers snd Iven Nilsan are a few who are nit as considerwhere it looks as if they could used if be date possible. the Week Book past during denU are now enrolled at thi in the There has recently been issued as members of the committee, and ate and thoughtful as they might easily have three teams activities have consisted f according to week. Their Mail service L. W. McCann and F. L. West were and could he. tournament. The Third ward boya; nivers'ty of exhibits, programs, plays and a Trans Pacific Air tj the attendance committee Daring the past week several boys ire a little slow coming out, and word released here this week by the readings. In the library there has connecting points of Hawaii, Guam added Mather Chairman. William with office. fifteen ir sixteen year of age with reunless more interest is shown, Registrars been on display an intresting exhibit and the Philippines. H. class instructor a John Peterson, the This quarters enrollment, mail serve material may be lacking. The 25 gun were entertaining themselves air cent stamp A special around entitled, "Traveling is fun-g- o gave a brief statement of the course shooting the lights out of the Mack this Seo nd ward, however, are coming hugest fall registration in the his issued for been has particular books. This unique the world with About $22.00 will the United of study to be treated as outlined Memorial Park. out strongly and plenty of dark-.tor- y cf the University, totr.li exhibit was planned and set up by service. The rates from by tho Slate Board, to provide lesson be required to replace the damage this Of students. various the to proximately 8,500 mainland to points material is beginning States dithe the literature classes under 50 cents topics to be treated each month. don. show. Development of a team cen- - number one thciunr.il arc over rection of the literature teacher Miss Hawaii 25 cents; Guam ounce. the Low treated At Halloween the police officers 1i Bishop Sylvester tered around the Downs Twins" registered in the Freshman class, Gwendella Thomley. Committees of are as follows per half Utah Explorers, dating topic. Early were The cents. 75 doover kept busy trying to keep in make to considerable the and ward Second a the Philippines which is a may gain children on the various phases of as far back as 1840, by white men. touch with the various groups scatFrancisco San from minant power in the eastern divi- - isst years registration of the first initial flight the book exhibit were organized New members added since the last tered about the town in spite of ion. will be November 22nd. which added to the intrest. are:W. Earl Gordon, Wallace this considerable damage was done. ye'.r group. meeting ooo Due to the increase in the first The plays presented during the J. Cook, Jonathan Smith, Morris L. Some places fences were almost Dr. Joseph, First ward coach, is year class, the English department week in the, auditorium by Miss M I A Conjoint Program jllanosn, Thomas H. Chambers, Par- wrecked others badly damaged. One going to have no easy job in pick-- ja showing the largest gain in stu-in- g Melba Plowman were. A visit from ley Winn, Lamont Pilkington, Nephi group visited the Cemetc.ry and ama regular five from ten veter- - dcnlg( although various other schoolr the Books, by 6A. rantamine plays Tarbct, Ira E. Noble, George R. used themselves tipping over monan hoops tera reporting for practice. The Third Ward MIA will hold Smith., Roy E. Tidwell, Glen Winn, and department" ore also report-W- e form farorite stories by BA9. uments and headstones, these with advance the "bright idea that . The summit School has a unusally its regular conjoint meeting on Sun- Edgar Nils n, Milo Nilson, Sylvester same other in the number of stud things are beyond a a good commedal team could ea- - gn,g gaing se7:30. Th y Engin-ilwell fine library, its books are Coleman with C. J. Plowman and N. day evening Nov. 24, at enrolled, especially the not be pointed to can and joke be organized from the "leftlected and cover a wide range of following Thanksgiving Program will C. Gyllcnskcg as Honorary member with cny degree of pride. ecrin achcnl, which reported overs after Doc picks his squad. invited are be carried ont. The public is intrest Patrons of the school Meetings will be hold the third larj;e gain in new students. Lets all get to gather support and Thia marked uptrend in the num- invited to visit the library any time to attend. Wednesday in each month. with the City officers and cooperate We hope you dont dislike our Unibook and get a glimse cf the fine bcr of Btudenta a tending the Sang; Chior and Congreation, The various committees, uphold the law to many their children are reading. column, and may we meet you here t tho HiUs. Anihcmn Gravel Hauling to fctrenght raity may be sttributed to other jieoples and protect help next week. business ooo Chior; God of our Fathers. Prayer, a better things, but the uptrend in Smithfield make and rights Thank You! and the government assistance th.it Song Choir; The Spacious Firament. to live in. th Hsvensber place -- ooo are Being Decorating ia being given worthy students, Sacrament Sen-ice- , Slogan Joseph own o On November 14 the DeLure B considered ns the main factors. Anthem Choir; Let the Tirnmin. Barber CARRIER wnn-MOTOR at club members entertained Dane Shop Mountains shout for Joy. ThanksAny one wishing to haul gravel I, C. G. proximntcly 800 men and now a bridge party at the home of ere G..Road -. Plowman, gtu,ient8 0f the University giving Talk; Glen R. Winn. Violin report to J. Mrs. Noble Chambers for their hus- SUPERVISOR EXAMS assisted through school by th and Beauty. Selection; Mary L. Smith. Thanks- Supervisor or a member of the stBarber g Barker The bands. High score prizes were awar- commence A NY will n Work rlan reet committee. government Simp is being cleaned inside for giving Toetry; Ludella Jensen. ded to Mr. Cecil Dcppe and Mrs. Evan I.eo (lirWenm. the Ye the Father. Monday 25th. W. A. Hanson, Chairof the new complete Logan Praise The United States Civil Service Choir; opening Bean Cantwell. man of street committee. L. Delos Dalncs, leo Rogers Hawke service system. This new system announced open has Commission Jenk.uo. Dinner was served at one tabic Don F. Hammond, J. D. will start next Mnmlty, November examinations for Hie competitive which was centered by a crystal nnd Katlierine Ktv.rn. Local Townsend Df district director and 25th. BIRTHS positions hii'!i bowl of chrysantheums and lighted University of Utah stud.nl Mr Bnrkpr j,ag recently completed district supervisor, Bureau of randies in crystal holilera. These homes are in Cache iwunty inclm Club Organized at thc Weber School of births are: A boy to Mr. tor Carriers, Interstate Cbmmerce a f0urgc 1 Thorton Wendell present were: Mr. and Mrs. Penn j Culture. Hynnn and Mrs. T. L. Blanchard, Nov 10 th. Commission. The ;nnual salary for --oooCantwell, Mr. end Mrs. James Cantmet II Citizens A c;ri tw jr- - anil Mrs. George Sheen director positions is So, GOO, and for A group of Smithfield well, Mr. and lira. Seth Chambers, Tlrora Bergson, ElIewistiin Nov 18th, on Nov. 13th. Monday in the library .supervisor positions, $3,800. Condition Improving Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Richardson, don Kerr llaslam, Gwen Jilinson, of organthe Applications must he nn file with advisibility discuss to Lucille Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Cragun, Mr. Richard Smith Lewis, and Mr. was in of Smithfield, November U. S. Civil Service Commission 11, the Armistice club Townsend day, JeAnne Roskelley, daughter izing a and Mrs. Cecil Deppe, Mr. aiul Vivlnn D. C., not later the pri- observed by the Smithfield Kiwanis st Washington, of getting the for pourpase FunkMrs. Lowell Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond 0n,1j was Old 1935. the n December st Townsend 2, the in than club last involved evening Thursday nciples Henry Spackman and Mr. and Mr". i M.larrej. will not be required as re- Age pension pi n before the people. regular luncheon. Mr. R'.anchnrd, is reported Applicants mobile accident, Noblo Chambers. KHiot Burns laradise All present were in favor that brother of A. D. Blanchard of this to report for examination at any covering very nicely at her parImrin S. Smith. Smithfield such a club should be organized in city was the speaker. Mr. Ilian- - place but will lie rxted on their ents home. BUDGET NOTICE our community ai has been done in chard w:s in the service over sea education, experience, and fitness, SHOP AT THE AMKKC1AN FOOD the many cities throughout the nation. during the. great world conflict and and on a thesis to be filed VARIETY P.T.A. STOKE Fi'R A GOOD hid must have the account uf been an Ins They impressive application. gave A special public meeting AND CHOICE Notice is liereby given that the of the Smith-fiel- d planned for Monday night Nov. 25th war nnd uf the signing of the ar--' certain specified experience in a first The meeting ourhanb Seats, watch Smithfield City council will meet ward Piano music was furnished sponsible Administrative or legal raT.T.A. will be held in the Smith at 8:00 P. M. in the Second 1RDI.RS on Wednesday, Docemlier 4, 1935 et BILLS. WK DELIVER m (inKrvices of jW. R. lly lirry Kern. Sir. DcRyke ron-'- j parity, in mnnei-- t iuu with Tho PAL tabernacle. 8:00 Nov. dv. -at 22, field Jr. High OR MORE FREE Mrs. hoen assisted activities. p. m. in the Library building for OF the have ducted carrier by singing, of Holmes Brigham City An excellent program haa the purpose of hoaring protests or the M. T. Vnn Orden, pianisi. Thurs- Full information may !v n'.itaiu-da- y Will make arranged. Mrs. Caroline B. Hendricks secured who in sble to dicus.i nlc. for Uni-SoHrakrd mg f in was week bjectiins to the Propor-eFather and.cd and of from the th Budget Plan Mental Townsend thoroughly furnished. Mrs. from the USAC will discuss, is material for Smithfield if P of inl Civil direction Service A Ihe under 1986. ted copy mg numevening, City for States tclligcntly. A giral program has ",,v Hygiene. Also special musical t of th rff-.-or . Examiner committee nnd will at the of the Wygirls ami proponed budget i on file W. J. Martin. invited everyone arranged bers, the public is cordially in the offire of customhouse in any city which ha with C. A. llurrcn in rharge. the City Keconler by attending. nm! rony tie read the. a post j offico of the f irt taxpayer by any if desired, fur--' second 'Class, nr from the United nid meetprior to th Mr. Carrie Pilcher i" visiting Mrs. Munfurd Smith wvs birth-Estatisiled a few days e ing. Civil Sen-iceCommission, her daughter Mrs thia week end in Spokane, Wali. prised ut her home on her I Lb C. Jus. W, Peterson, evening. Washington,, Wednesday day, with her daughter. Adv. Rny Scamns. Atlv. City Recorder plowman. ys win-whi- ch Sans - comluct-felSfcnror- Junior 16 lth e" Start 25 Interior Ap-dg- at Ant-hem- nt , jv.-xwt- injlredSnUn s loliold , n Heeling for $3-0- 0 . .e d In-o- n e 'r - 11-2- ns |