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Show hLkUS8in iiuMWiH-a- iI - A.At 8Mmrnn.B SfiKTlSEIi that there was gas enough in the tank, or to be sure that the back dour was locked, what happens in the kitchen when an outing is con templated is a matter of common Mayor Oliver Nilson left Wednee-!a- y knowledge. The Man Behind the Gun for Los Angeles on a ten day hus been lauded by orators and been business trip. made the subject of the poet"i song 8ome day proper credit will be acRoy Nelson and Cyril and Robert corded to the Woman Behind the Nelson of Hynchley, Utah, are Picnic. spending two weeks in Canada on a visiting and business trip. Mr. The predicament of the steamship Nelson will visit two of his sisters, Dixie and her paseenger list of Mrs. Ada Leishman ond Mrs. Netapproximately four hundred, on the tie Leavitt of Glenwoodville, reefs of the Florida coast, illustrates the precept Pf that sound old LOCAL NEWS Fill year shelvi with canned goods, and get a weeks supply of on oar Satfruits and vegetable urday Specials. AMERICAN FOOD Watch For Our Hand STORE. ADV bills. ooo POLITICIANS VERSUS ' THE PEOPLE By RAYMOND PITCAIRN KatiMil ' I CUnu, Ik IwMc The American Constitution was written and adopted to protect the People against the Politl IcUaa. For almost one hundred and fifty years it has served that purpose. Un der its guaranties of personal liberty for all, America has developed into a great nation of free and succeaaful citizens. If the Constitution is weakened, those The comes trol over the politician, exercised by the people through their Constitution, is destroyed. Today those safeguards ere in serious danger. Recent events at Washington have brought the menace dearly into the light There have been veiled suggestions from the White House for a constitutional amendment which would take power from the states end the people to centre it in Washington . . . .There have been new bills in Congress designed to end or weaken the authority of the Supreme Court as ths interpreter of our Constitution . . . There have been frank efforts by certain senators and representatives to grab for Congress the authority now exercised by the Supreme Court . . . All these show the trend toward freeing the men who happen to hold office of the restraints exercised by the People through their Constitution toward granting to Congress powers that can become both unlimited and despotic. If the citirens permit such changes ' -- if they yield to politicians the powers expressly reserved to the people-then they will not only transform ths entire structure of our American Government, but will destroy their own rights and privileges and strength. They will throw away the heritage bequeathed by Washington and preserved by Lincoln. r My next article will discuss how every worker, every group, would be effected by such changes and why. ? f: book known no Bowditchs Practical Navigator, to the effect that a hip is comparatively safe in the open sea and in peril as she approaches the land. Moat of us reassured by the presence of solid ground beneath our feet. To the sailor, that same solid ground is a menance. All of which brings us back to the proverb that one mans meat .. is another mans poison. ShaOspeaiw makes one of his characters bid her attendants . prepare for a busy and hustling day, in thut a journey of twenty miles must be begun and ended between sunrise end sunset Da Qunincey found material for hie Vision of Sudden Deamail coach th when a horse-draw- n a farmers barely miseed cart Such things raise a smile nowadays. Vehicles slip thorugh the Holland Tunnel at forty miles an brad, thereby making it possible for a heavily loaded truck to be ; in Jersey four minutes after it has left New York City. A member of the Presidents cabinet is away from his desk scarcely more than a day, even though he has business to transact in Chicago. The Belgians have laid awey their queen. 'The car in which she was riding was going fart. Those who cry out against the forced pressure of modern . STATE i NECES-- ALL THE SARY LABOR AND INSPECTION ON YOUR THE STATE TEST. COOKIES, REPAIR- AUTO ING AT ALL TIMES. ALLRED OARAGE ASSORTED, STARCH. SALMON tall TENDER, JUICY, TALL CAN D 2 spoon;. nos ? v MONTROSE'S 33 FEDERAL AVENUE rHOKE 999-- W -- UTAH 0 While Naplha 22Z23 LAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAA NOTICE nflREC 1 INSTANT P0ST0M, TALL CAN TO 6 P. M. 8 FOA RMMMIMMOPMPPM'RNtM A. M. OH WEEK DAYS AND South Main Street Phone 19 ii -- 10c 20 c PIM1ENTO, SWISS, OLDE CIIfiDDAR AMERICAN, ft LB. PACKAGE ........ CALUMBI' 1 LR CAN LYE, RED SEAL 1,000 SHET R0LL 0R GRAPEFRUIT, N0 2 CAN LEMONS, PULL ,F 8 4 1 - 24c rolls CAN CLOROX, LAm B0TTLB HARMONY, N. 22c - 29c 2 G, TALL 8 A M TO 7 Jq 8c 16c 10c 19c - JUICE D0ZEN BAES 10 SOAP, 10q 5c ou' T ,5c CAlt LAU-VDK- 25c soap Y WART Insect Spray, Health Soap, Pork & ' VVYVYVVTYVVYm VAN 8X83 p,s- - ' V-- ' gc lOc . 7 4C 42c FAS0 pcle T0c CAB1N 43c 23c ASS0OTED' Soda Crax, Snowdrift, 3 VERT SPSCL NOVELTY rRIZE PKG, NORTH CACHE 22c 69c CAN PINT Oats, can 2 41 oz- - for Peanut Butter 2 Tree Tea, JArAN t M , .Vr 'J 1 can - AR - -- 25c LD-rK- 49c. AND A VARIETY FRUITS 5c 5c 23C 39 c Wesson Oil, rhonc tv, - CRYSTAL WEDDING, PKG MEAT YOU CAN EAT OF A VEGETABLES A HOME OWNED STORE V Y Y VYYYYVVYl' -- Yq PRICES YOU CAN MEET Gutke Meat & Grocery MERCANTILE "I me 3 FOR 2 131 1,KG bottle Sluing, Tomato Juice, SUNRJPE- Pork & Beans, riERCEs' j r"rt - 49c 2 Beans, Cern Flakes, FRESH P. M. WE THANK YOU. ' 05- AT YOUR BUSINESS IS APPRECIATED I v CANS WlW. . 18 i j K SATURDAYS AND DAYS BEFORE HOLIDAYS FROM i0c Tuna Flakes, 0AN Gelatine Dessert, TASao- - Insect Spray, Insect Spray, pnT i 33c AND 2 GIANT BARS CRYSTAL WHITE.... Poslum Cereal, raoDEL U0NTE' 1 Coffee, Wheaties, PAauoE Pegs, 21 St FEETS GRANULATED LARGE PKG. SOAP, Cracker Jack. 6c 0R BROWN, 8 LBS P0WI)ERE1 zY ifhrfctai Tfr Sat. Sept. 10c 23c LARGE PKG CORN FLAKES, SUGAR, fiUCECC 02 CAN 4 Smithfick 6801$ Dl$f 33c .r, BAKING POWDER, The BARKER BARBER Shop vL Syrup, Candies, PEP FREE 1 7 TOILET TISSUE, WILL BE OPEN FROM WHOLE WHEAT BISCUIT 1 WHEAT KRISPIES DEL MONTE, CAN UnbK.Jby ! SERVICE GARAGE Raisins, Mailed Milk, chK0' large CORN FLAKES IUNDS' 3 PK0S JAR RUBBERS, MILK, m: AT . SEEDLES3 KELLOGGS 22c 10 Ban 33c 4. 13c Special Sale P & SHIRTS for 8 BARS Camay m. NT OTHER LIFETIME PRIZES CAMAY CLERKS LARGE Oxydoi 2 p. 001 iooo EVEtV YEAR FOR LIFE 1 LOGAN- - 15c 11c Tee 3 lieEB TEA Get IOXYDOL Demonstrated Eaeh SATURDAY at .."l 8c 37c -- PKG- - KERR MASON LIDS, IRONRlfE IRON -- 10c SILVER-PLATE- IRONER IT 9c -6c 21c 8c CORN BEEF, LmBr WAILS SEE - CHOICE, SLICED, LB BACON, 5c 10c 10c 2 DOZEN PKG. CORN GR GLOSS ......... PHONE SI THE ft LB. PKG FOR JAMS AND JELLIES CERTO IT DONE ED HAVE 21c OFOOTEOU' WAXED PAPER, 5c Smithf.eld South Main HAD YOUR CAR INSPECT. OH -- loa:ves Z am SEE JC1CY' B0ZEN ' CARSHMELLOW, MACKEREL, GENERAL IF YOU HAVENT 8&YE -- PURE LEMON, LARGE, DOZEN AUTOMO- BILE OR TRUCK TO PASS m -f LARC-E- COOKIES, WE DO H. L. Huffmann, Expert, ' former associate uf C. F. Redlkh, Minnea- -, polls, Minn., will demonstrate with-- 1 out charge his Perfect Retention Shields hi Pocatello, Friday, September 27, at the Yellowstone tel. From 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Please come early, Evenings by appointment. Any rupture allowed to protrude is dangerous, weakening the whole system. It often causes stomach trouble, gas and backpains. Shields My Perfect Retention will hold rupture under any oonditien of work and contract the opening in a short time. Do not wear trusses that will enlarge the opening Many satisfied clients in this community. No mall order. HOME OFFICE: 345 Lincoln Bldg, MinneapoF, Min. VZ SY Specials BANANAS, G0UFM ' RUPTURE SATURDAY BREAD STATION s The reasons for this, aoconlij.' tho past Wherever beer hi these cans has the brewers, are because it hj beeme available, the demand for be subjected to a shorter perit it has far exceeded the supply. pasteurisation than beer in hrl and uut the keglined cua, ijpcgue, protect the beer from j which is harmful to beer flavoif L....pivwr COOKIES, TESTING nw-e- Vh i ORANGES, Tiro hundred thousand persons left Washington on Labor day to enjoy instt picnics and excursions. In ances, the part played by the male poraion of the household was to see f life are brushed aside as outmoded BEER IN BANS and (hdeful JcremLihs. No doubt they deserve the condemnation, yet! it is to be observed that where the A new invention has been made regrist is gerat, there the toll like- which already shows signs of and volutionizing the distribution wise is heavy. methods of consumption of one of Some of the monuments erected our most popular beverages beer. shnrlty t.fter. the world war are be- This invention is a can made with a lining which performs the same ginning to look a little shabby are veterans go- functions as the lining of a brewCeneriy stated, the whether doubted ers wooden keg, and it is now is but it strong, ing shoulder would to care most of them showing these signs in actual practhe hardships through which they tice in territores with a public of about twelve million people. passed almost two decides ago. A refunding plan of the Treasury These flat topped keglined eons brings to light the fact that war each hold as much as a bottle expendituies amounting to about fi- but occupy only half as much apace fteen billkm dollars still tarry os part in the refrigerator, and this is tendof the public debt. Memorial struct- ing to increase beer consumptin in ures of one kind and another are the hpn- - Another factor which has fairly permanent and satisfactory as contributed to this tendency is that reminders, but as a memorandum of there are no bottles to return and some thing that happened in tLepast no deposits on bottles to pay. Also nothing seems to defy the tusoults of the lighter weight of these cans and time quite so well as an old fashio- the fact that they can be stacked A man may lay away make them so ned debt. easy and inexpensive a ten dollar, bill and forget about beer is becomthat to good ship it His memory will rectve plenty of refreshment if he has permitted him- ing available in much smaller comself to go ten dollars in Gw hole.. munities than has been the case in side-swip- OFFICIAL 25, 155? Sfpfaufcr, WE AIM TO PLEASE YOU Ws Deliver Smkhfleld |