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Show SMTHFIELD SENT Hi EL rVT!S 20, 193S women who may be traveling alone, to help mother with small children I and to be of aaitance to passengers The Challenger, is the newest Porter and pillow service without in the family of completly air arge, end a newly designed lighting conditioned UniunPacliIc tranacontin- - j system which dims the car light ental trains. The Challenger is the, during sleeping hours,, are anioung nw which has been given to the other improvements which the Unkm Pacific i providing on this train. Tho SMITHFIELD SENTINEL EntriW at SepUmter, ! Published Every Friday at Smithfleld, Utah the Peetoffice at Smllhfield, Utah, aa Second Claaa Mail Matter Advertising Batca Will Be Made Known Upon Application T ch-na- There has been some talking in the Communistic Congress, as might manta In travel comfort which are be expected, and the Department exclusive on the Union Pacfic System at State has protested to Russia Public reception of these improve-- 1 c gainst alleged efforts to spread ei ments has been so enthusiastic and Rfed doctrines in the U. S. A. so heavy that the former sec- - cow reports that there is no reton of the Los Angles Limited has action to report. That is a good now become a train in regular amice phrase and probably implies some-Ih- e Challenger will operate on ' thing, though just whs, is intended the sbine fast Schedule as the Los will have to be left to conjecture. Angeles Limited. Two caoches of the j It appears that Russia may be in train are exclusively for the use of i the frame of mind of a bygone and women and small children, these cars forgotten governor of an eastern being equipped with smoking loun-- ! state who, under conditions that call ges for women in addition to enlarg-- 1 ed for more carefully chosen hais said to have dismissed lf dressing room facilities. The at1 a meals protesting delegation with the ing cars, serving regular popular prices much lower than the words: Go soak your head. average resturant, have been refitted addition to having a war on and redecorated and are ao arranged that excepting during meal hours they , hnte Ethiopia is tendered the he used as recreation can by j forts of a group willing to spend all passengers. millions of dollars in doing what A stewardess, who is a registered j is described as modernising the eoun-nflre-e, . is on The Challenger to aid j try. Troubles never come singly. ' Mo-trav- CONSTITUTION AKHIVERSARY -- oO- ( Tuesday, September the seventeenth, marked the hundred and forty tight h anniversary of the adoption of the United States by the Convention. The convention consisting of of tbo thirteen shaping nlnit 5 d Constuti-lie- legatee from twelve . had been in session since the preceding May, a document which waa to become the foundation of the great-c- ot nation of modem times. Gladstone the English statesman, tensed if, The greatest work ever struck off at one time by the hand of man." it did 143 ysare ago the very foundation of American government. Its liberality baa enabled deed OF THE FOLLOWING CONSULT US ON THE PRICES BEFORE YOU BUYi ' WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING FEED VEEKi PRICES THI3 FOR 85f BRAN. 80 pound bag 3185 SHORTS, 100 pound bag 3110 DAIRY FEED, 3 in 1, 100 pound bag 31-8- 0 DAIRY HIGH PROTEIN, 100 pound bag 3185 LAYING MASH, 100 pound bag 0 GROUND BARLEY, 100 pound big 31.10 GROUND OATS, 100 pound bag GROUND WHEAT, 100 pound bag ... . WHEAT, 100 pound bag GAS, OILS AND GBEASE OF ALL KINDS TIRES AND DISTALLETE WE ARE IN THE MARKET TO BUY ALL KINDS OF WHEAT, BARLEY AND OATS. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. FREE DELIVERY ON ALL FEEDS 31-0- 31-4- 31-3- 0 5 h ef-m- ay Today tho constitution holds the same place the United States to become on din-'gun- Farmers Union Feed of the worlds greatest nations and PEOPLE MORE AND MORE ARE SAYING in- the homo of individual liberty. A few disgruntled politicians may point with alarm NOW 7 P.M.! from the smoke of a politically precipitat economic depression, to blame their own shortcomings and mistakes onto the constitution. tion is out dated, or that They may Long Distance night rates on station ay the constitu- tO'Station calls now begin it is too conservative for present day progress. I TRAVEL at 7 p. m. instead of 8:30 p. m. that the greatest progress under the constitution is yet to come, that it will continue to be the ideal of the American But Americans WHEN -- know to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure ddmest'e tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welpeople fare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Trains ed No matter what you pay for your Union Pacific rail tickot you era uiarid the utmost in travel comfort wiSt economy. B.TRIC low fares Fverywherg Bound trip rates oi 8 crate or per mile enable you to travel in air - conditional!, smooth-ridin- g comfort at lou cost than driving your own can Ira - BaQ travel Is tho enjoyable and modem way to take a trip, , 'JUk Ticktt Agent about low v fnd round-tri- w-tw- p: coach fam Assure a Pleasant Trip An oven temperature, day and night adds to the enjoyment at your smooth, carefree ride. Deep cushioned seats, roomy aisles, dressing noma, free pit, Iowa and drinking cups, porter perries, a all trains. "The Challenger, new Coach-Tou1st Train, special section of the Iob Angeles Limited, has a deluxe coach for women and children. also low cost meals breakfast! 25c, luncheons 30c, dinners 15 - and towerdess In constant attendance who la g registered muse, Fw f yrthes Details Consult Local Agent -- r. o-- UNION PACIFIC Hand in heard vrith tho trend toward more favorably conditions, is the desire of tho average person to enoy tho of which is release from burdenbetter things oi life, some. drudgery by the greater uso oi Bee-tri- e kj Servants. We are providing tho opportunity for you to do this very thing, at a substantial saving in cost, by making available to our residential customers in practically all of our Utah and Idaho territory, increased use of Electricity at HaH-Pric- ol Within a short time you will receive by mail a personal o message explaining briefly and clearly how this to your advantage. plan operates Included in this message will be a tabulation, for your own permanent record, showing your kilowatt hour consumption lor tho twelvo months ending with June, 1S3S (the base period) to bo used as a bans for calculating your increased consumption in corresponding months at Hdf-Pric- Half-Pric- e. Illustrations will also be included which will show you, at a glance, how Electric Servants will now work longer hours for you at a lower rate of pay. This Half-Pric- e Electricity Plan brings to you a tremendous value in Electric Service. It means that you and your family can enjoy more oi the benefits of Better Lighting that you can have more Electric Servants to respond to your flick of a switch that Electricity is, to a greater extent then ever before, THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN THE HOME! TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF 171 OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE GLAD TO TALE IT OVER WITH YOU. PHONE US. DROP US A POSTCARD OR VISIT OUR STORE. Jjy This is the first of a series of advertisements covering cur nzw low rale plan. Watch for future advertisements explaining how it applies to your specific service. Tho t1 hwiwIwttOwwBuB BIGGER and BETTER THAN EVER! exposition of progress In agriculture. Industry, stock rolling, education, homo modomtsoiiou and tho lino arts All-Ut- ah NEW ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES SEDUCED ADMISSION PBICES ADULTS, lie CHILDREN, 16c MAK YOUR PLANS NOW TO B V , THR! J |