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Show p22L: , - fV?, A,- .TsT'A- - '-- '. :..! i,SfT j ' 4 . '. c ' , r .i" , . . .J-.- At : ' CAPITOL, Logan, Today The Murder Man Bank Night Iculghl, Sat. Vaudeville The GroekeH Family W. "j J M ANNA KARENINA., Starting Sunday A DAILY THOUGHT Tern iMd A DAILY THOUGIIT ahnyi be loyal to the hone town and community for what it la and what it will be. and Advertising service act! the goods. . COVERING ONE OF THE RICHEST FARMING SECTIONS OF UTAH VOLUME XXVIII CACHE SMITHFIELD, THEIR EYES ON ELKS TRIM COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, GETS 20, 1935. NUMBER 37 UTAH STATE FAIR CITY LIBRARY THE ROCKIES SMITHFIELD SEPJ BOOKS Many Fair Awards Won By Local People SHOWS INTEREST By WILLIAM J. SNOW Brigham Young Uuiverslty A continukius fluvj entries in all exhibit departments livestock, agric: The champion Logan Elka defeatFrom 1830 to the Cre-.- Trek c f Our city libarian is pleated to ulture and horticulture, art and h! ed thekcal bull nine in a hard announce that the following book ucation, womens work and ch'ldwel Mormons were constan- have been added to the library. The fare and boy and giri club work, have! County fair awards fought pitchers fettle, Sunday at 184647 the given1 to AC DAIRY the Southfield hall park by the tly persecuted and driven from place House of the Lord, by James E. assured Uthaivs of thier greatest of Smithfield and slslatllO Ul. UMIIII Northern Cache In to movements these place. they Talmadgo. score of 2 to 1. lull state fairs this year insofar aa Valley are os follows: I SHOW ARE GIVEN Smithfield passed up many oppor- established homes in the unsettled displays of stock, products end hand- Home Furnishings . . - - . 01 kite wiraemerK 01 viuo, JUiss-- 1 tunities 'dtiring the fracua to win p anclen . ?" the game. Logon Elka winnir run ouri and Illinois. This centralregionj'1' 'onL,u forty six iSstew illua - , Fu r official see is the large nu- I, Winners in the dairy cuttle exwas scored on an overthrow. particuiary 'Jackson County, Missouri tratui motlern temples, most of mi)ef ut entries, whch have already hibits at the Cache County Funn Zion as ived . the The Elka collected six hits off Bureau fair last week are announwhile the Smithfield Ewing boys ced by judges as follows: gathered nine hits off Hunsaker. IIolMens The box score follows: --- bull 1st, John Kinuletfiach- LOGAN ELKS Aged ant strife and conflict with thier ne- rooms, celestial its two years inteim.s,.on. ;ton Miles, Paradise; 3rd, Ada Ctfe- room, receptoni er, Smithfield, also senior and grand AB R H ighbors they . enlarged thier vision i I rooms, council rooms, j Stockgrowera, stairways, agriculturists, home-- m n m Smithfield. champion. -- ...... 5 2 2 and to include Zion of all north of ....hi rooms and priesthood feUways. j workers and many others have by Applique quits Senior yearling bull 1st, Ilow- let, Florence Peterson! 8b 5 0 1 south America and the Rockey Mo- Seventy are devoted to the j word and letter welcomed Utahs big Outler, Trenton. pages man Bros.,' Smithfivld; 2nd, Gordon ! 5 whMudge, became the historical part of the temple. untain region place show back to the ranks of going Pieced quills 1st, Wilda FVw-ma- Brothers, Smithfield. 5 Dryadal, lb ere they become mighty. So they Brigham Young Discourses. In state fairs. Their welcome back Mrs. Sylvesis Smithfield; 2nd, Junior yearling 1st, Gecrge Noble 4 Lenhardt, &s began eagerly to seek lrionnat.onj this book President Brigham Ymmg'be'ng bolstered by lively interest ynd ter Lowe, Smithfield. Trenton. If .:. 4 Reese, concerning this far western country u allowed to apeak for himself., j by the extensive filing if entries in Crocbeled Arghans let, Effie Senvr bull calf 1st, Wayman 4 Petty, 2b a11 exhit,it department issue of the Evening first the Smith, In Amalga. also junior have been HiUyard, Smithfield, Excerpts imde from 4 Donning, rf 1st, Lettie Nella?n, champion; Bedspreads and Morning Star appeared an art- - j Moiklc, 2nd, Clarence many discourses aa he traveled1 Everything happening in connect-icl- e 4 Hunaaker, p concerned the expedition led by reporters accompanied him arul re-- bn with the coming Ut h state fJr Hyrum; 2nd, Mrs. Sylvester L w, Smithfield. J shows Junior buU calf 1st, George clearly how much the annual, Smithfield; 8nl, Hazel Rigby, Now Totals 40 2 6 Caption Bonneville left the Osage 'corded ell that he said. y 'been missed from some miles the ten fe Noble, c'ent j Independence, trenton; 2nd, John Whittle, These during 1851 talks from to 1877 SMITHFIELD PiUows bF Richmond; 3rd, J. C. Rirsons, BenWW" and vis 1, 1832. It is proper to note were published in the Journal of P31 two AB R H son. C. said William itora to Winder the was alike," first 1st, Bonneville Appiiqued pillows prize, Discourses here that being all spoken extem 5 0 Richards,' If president and chairman of the exec- - Ad: Traveller, Richmond; 2nd prize, Aged Cow 1st, J. A. Toonc, Lo- take wagons that came to be known B. Hansen, c 5 1 ntive committee 3rd of . Ina f? the fair prize,1 state n, also Senior and grand cham- Larson, Richmond; trail and A Mormon aa Oregon later the M. Hansen, 2b . 5 0 h01 board. "It renewal of aotivlties is, Mrs. P. H. Rasmussen, Clarkston. 2nd, llowmun Bros., Smith ,????" .J, pion; South over the to them take also win and be j next . 5 0 NeUfcn, 3b week. Pearl and welcomed it Kent,' 3rd, Cordon Bros., Smithfield. field; Novelty everywhere, pillow 1st, being Rockies. the oooPass to regions beyond 5 0 Oiney, as is good to know that Utah's state Lewiston; 2nd, Effie Vlllet, Lew- -' Throe year olds 1st, Plowman vetthe some the of October year, In 5 0 Fulkerson, cf n. nka high throughout the counfair Velina Bros., 2nd, Smithfield; Iston; Nibley. 3iJ, Riggs, Wayman Hill WARD Trt W. Hansen, rf 4 0 eran trapper,' William L. Sublette, ; Gordon Bros. Smithfield; 3rd, Ruga yard, try." ; his with packs 4 0 returned to Missouri Ewing, p Mm. Smithfield. Wool feokod rugs' 2nd, Of visitors to interest fair equal QDONCAD CI1AW 4 0 of furs. The paper gave considerable Rash, lib Two year old wnUW this year 1st, Plowman la the fact that much at- - Markham, Logan; 3rd, Mrs. P. 11. attention to him his reports. Eros CUrkston. 2nd, Rasmussen, Smithfield; George H. amuseis tention the to being paid Totals .... 42 1 9 In November, 1833, the Mormons Cbtton hooked rugs 1st, R se. Anderson, Richmond. ment features that will help m.ke --oooWatch for the big variety pro- a visit to the Senior yearlings were driven from Jackson County 1st, Clarence show thoroughly Schenk, Providence; 8rd, Cora 01- Smithfield end catablshed various settlemments gram to be g.ven by the First enjoyable from abigpurely enterainment sen, Smithfield; 3rd, Effie Smith, ! Meikie, Smithfield, also junior chum in Illinois, finally building the beau- - j Ward Sunday School, on Friday, standpoint. Severed spectacular and AmaVi . piou; 2nd, IJkwman Brae., Smith-fiel- d - Mens. Crocheted 8 never 3rd, o'clock But at 3rd, Grcige - H. - Anderson, Septemebr 27, rugs Uful city of Nauvoo. they v p. m. thrlll'ng circus end vaudeville acts t Highway, No Richmond. Trent Numbers be will Sm'.th, with the off jil. be will in far of thier 'objectlvo the seen lost sight given daily grandstand Foot stools Junior yn rling lieifer 1st, Clar1st, Ada Txaveller, Rockies. Thier attention was purchase of your ticket. At the end arena, with equally sensational The work of widening the U. S. in the directed towards a future. of the prognm a beautiful quilt letic and race events :lso provided R chmond; 2nd, Mrs. Matilda Monscn ence Meikle, &n'thfield; 2nd Geo. highway, No. 91 between Logan and Noble, Trenton; 3rd, Juhu Rindleu-bache- r, this isolated region. Dirt-- ! will be given to the person hold- -' as amusement and sports features, Rlclnncnd. Smithfield is almost completed. home in Smithfield. Department Baby of lias such seldom if ever the an number. Dont target array lucky icularly was this true after Joseph ting The resurfacing work has begun. Mrs. Wanda Seiiiur helf.-- r calf Gotten dress 1st Georyo 1st, been enteranment a effertd slate t On 1842. the Aug.! at of 27, September Friday, Mei-k!This work has been needed fof Smiths prophecy SidMrs. Clarence 2nd, Noble, 2nd, Smithfield; Sorenson, Trenton; First Ward Recreation IlalL some time and when completed will Gth at Montrose, Iowa, he predicted Bens n Gordon wrd. Scnithfield; 3rd, Bro., to Utah boys and girls are evincing ney Reese, make an improvement to Cache Val- that the Saints would be driven be Silk dress 1st, Mr. Darwin Smithfield. exhibits in the keen intrest there and Mounains planned the Rockey WanL ley Junior heifer calf 1st, Gordon for the junior department under the Rce.;j, Benson come ut great and m'ghty pepole, Luraine T. Thain set John Bros., 2nd, Smithfield; lat, Q.rringe TRENTON LOCALS supervision of Gecrge Abbott of T reSmithfield; 3rd, 1ina Hi.lt, Benson; 3rd, Junior Plowman, Smith Moreover, in 1844 he instructed the NOTICE monton. Members of the Future FarTenton. field. twelve apostleo to select a delegation mers of America and 4 H Clubs are Produce of dam to go hunt out a home in California 1st, Adona Travel1st, Clarence Baby quit TRENTON Mr. and Mrs, Walter toactive efforts growing especially GENEALOGICAL 8UNDAY or Oregon, and shortly before his p, Cottle Bre happy over the ar- - ward making thier exhibits in the ler, Richmond; 2nd, Aisnia Trav- Meikle, mithfiekl; 2nd, Gordon In commemoration of the visit martyrdom, he with his brother Hyr- - rival of a feby boy born Wednes- - various 3rd, eller, Richmond; Margaret Rms., Smithfield; 3rd, George Noble departments better than ever. Trenton. of the Angel Moroni to the pro um and several others, aftrted out day, Septmber eleventh. Mother and Noble, AnvJgo. Hundreds of dollars in cash Mrs. Sarah 21, bonnett .1 Breeders Young Herd 3rd, Baby 1st, Geo. phet Joseph Smith, September the Rockies, but he returned to. baby ere doing fine. for entamt. awards await the winning Plow-ma- n Newton. Bros. Anderson, 1823, the First Presidency has de- meet hi fate. After the martyrdom Noble, 2nd, Trenton; I Miss Mildred Lott cf Lehi is a Mrs. Elmer G. Smith of Tooele, 29, Grandmothers Department Smithfield. signated Sunday, September the became You prophet Mr. home the and at ns ot guest iupervior 0f the womens work and 1985 aa Genealogical Sunday. Al- Brigham Calf herd 1st, Mrs. Mary E. LeavQuilts Ut, George Noble, I wi- leader of the Church and the director Mrs. A. L. Andrew. welfare child reports department, SunMrs. M. nearest the not 2nd, It is Lewiston; 2nd, Gordon Pros., Smith-fielitt, Trenton; though indicted west to the movement Mrs. Mary A. Mortensen is pen-- ! despread interest in displays of needof the Richmond; 3rd, Mrs. Lu- day to the 21st, it is the fifth the prophet Joseph Practical wis ding the week in Salt Lake while1 fework, cooking, etc; to be made by by is stakes in Get of Sire 1st Clarence Meikle, Ojvc. which Sunday, many dom olid a wide vision constituted there she will decorate a wedding: women of the state. All spice. in the. Mrs. Carrie Fuhriman, Smithfield; Noble, 2nd, George already given over to the Genea- hia leadership. cake for her neice, Mias Lena Lay- -' manufacturers building has " uk Provider c; '2ml. Mis. Man Seelw, Trenton; 3rd, Plowman Smith-fielBros., logical society. Hostilities contnuing at Nauvoo, he ton, whp will be married in the near en, alro in the agricultural kiMfe' Smitbn id; 3rd, Mrs. Christens Dol- Added facilities are being provided d, Smithfield saw that another exodus would soon future. Graded ,hcrd 1st, Plowman Reunion Held AccordMr. for later entries, Mrs. Butler R. and E. Crocheted articles 2nd, Emily Bids., Smithfield; '2nd, Gordon Bros. and, become a practial . . 000 inform- son Gerald have returned from a! Olive Smithfield. 3rd, Elleworih, Ririunond; ingly he feg.n to gather all the northwest. remote Cove. trip through SOU FfOIll District herd Biggs, Worf 1st, District No. Isaac Read was honored on Sun- ation possible concerning the lgQgiVSS Pillows 3rd, Jane Lott, Tren- 3, in ci re of George Noble. Impressive funeral services were! day September 15, with u party and Vest. The Nouvoo Neighbor command held Thursday for Gordon Brown, ton. . Jerseys reunion, the event being In celebra- vneed publication In May, cow of half paw two weeks old sun of Vcrrall end' AIr- - !rnd .Mi Grandmothers miscellaneous artica and 1st, Savage Bros. Aged tion of his 82nd birthday. the nxt year during heard from. thier ww WHkim le St rah K. Butts rs, Clark- Logan. 3rd, , eenUy hie children and many of his grand to .t, all ovailaUe news uf Ann C. Brown th L n ston. Music was furnished by the Tren-'h- o Junior yearling 1st, Quentin children end great grand children the rem.P Clipping from various r',lnK " Bart Island, ni CoT"' ton Lomale solo vocal a to Clothing and a 2nd, Savage Erickson, Smithfield; quartet in at the Crty Camp gathered muwmi were preentod pointing men few Child's dress 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Bids., Logan; 3rd, Savage Bros., for the Sa by Mr. I)imi,K:o Campore. Thosr th.it he wu one of the gan Canyon. A banquet was served who were favored Margaret Noble, Amalga. Logan. at one long table with fifty three into. The kind of clippings selected who spoke words of comfort were,1" ; 'hecom,.ny of 'lth opportunity Girl's sport dress A. Merlin W. Cottle 2nd, Edith and atNew Junior bull calf the 1st, Bishop from One of Mr. Reads descendants An is aignificcnt . reterson, Amalga. Sccrctaty of War George Bros., Logan. tendance. Sports, were the feature York Sun suggested the possibility of J. Harper. Prayer were offered by on n Dm and jmrty Rlouse 2nd, Guernseys Nrth McxU-- o C. A. Brown and Keffonl M Peek. extensive of the afternocn.1 A good tii oe was Hon lu jui, Clarkston. including trip in the Trenton the , Senior yearling bull 1st, Dwyth cemetery grove new 1 attended. who republics, tL (.(wation of enjoyed by ell Chin Japan, the Chilis, Dairies, Logan; 2nd, Phillip Purser of mh book was dedicaUil by Cliff Wier. Ke C:il- Those who came to attend Claris, A to Guido Logan; 3rd, Joel Olsen , Nibley. nrev'rn,Ki a three mon- L. W. lUsling . le Heifer calf 1st, Merrill Ik inos, Hyde Park; 3rd, Elizabeth Funk, ..llMi J. C. Fremonts seniccs from out of town were: about Mr- h hiK Mr. Mra. and "P Edwanl f Ntoton. the 2nd, Clayuon to Dainc, Logan. Dwyth Logan; ExjKilitkMi who iVport of . is - ime in his 2nd, 3rd, Isustt 000 ONE' ANY TO Mountain", aiul Wilkes Ke - Cornish, Mrs. Clyde Littlcdlyko and willthe only the notwh.tfetund- - Sparks, Clarks? n. Ar5u?D Mrx trip, Keith take, SmRhfeld TlfE of HiUyard WORKWG H Your Radio nlv Ifeuse Dress sod Mra. Edith Slubber of Provo, jing he ii a new man in the ser1st, Bernice Jor- min TinifL-- u UK 'f iv.i.iiu.c "6th have several who . r Tbc Nil regirter i t are there and vice 2nd, Margaret Mayor and Mrs. J. Earl Andrew gWtfen c',nlS,n a. end Miss Veria Hauser returned on been waiting throe years for ViusNobiei Amalga. RADIO SERVICE AND REPAIRS. lUx-- k Whtow snider found in and ,i, 1st prize, Mar- - CURTIS.. SORENSON, Kitchen apron Sm'thfield, go.K IoM l thi home or imt.'and Yellowstone Park. They vWted; Mr JChambers writes that he is'garot Noble, Amal-- ; 2nd, First Gass Government Lic-- ( Union MMs. Parents ore canton- ?utort Andrew who Is employed atnjoyinj his work there, hiring a Jenkins, Newton. ed about letting email children ylny ,ensed Radio Technician. Re .sonabk The people were Ihua Mncks Inn, Idaho, which is ofi Chrehr'.ed Idouse lat and 2ndjrrioea, Guaranteed Work. JJJJ wonderful ADV. experience Widow spiBlack ruins. the s"on t' among for the groat Grave side funeral aervncea were educational value. They ore station- - Arti Laro.m, Newton; 3nl, Karma ders are poisonous and a bite unay 000 held in the lgan City cemetery ed about 100 mill's from land, hav- - Vm-dlNewton. prove foist Foods Canning .. oo . Sunday, September 15, over the re- - fog short range batik practice in main of Alex Dithcoff, native of which he was successful. He says Berries 1st, Yilate Low, e Tren- - the noise of the guns heard and be resident Club of Herond, Margaret Nolle, firid, Literary Missionary ton for the past twenty ywra. Mr. as far as Los Angeles, i.nd It shakes alga. Eastern State Dried vegetables 1st, Ada Trav Reunion will be hekl on Sa urday Ditchoff died in Logan Friday af- - them when the battle giM on. hire. Albert McCann was hoi toss October 5, 1935 at 8:30 P-- m. 0,1 ter from a stroke. Music, He sends his regard to his many rtler, Richmond. suffering iWw CJlub on Mem-- j 0 the Ladies Literary WRJ fum:shod by the Trenton male Smithfield friends. He send a type--1 Dried fruit the roof garden of the Smith 1st, AJ Traveller.'nund. D. A. Mrs. afternoon. Wednesday orlal Buidling, L. D. S. College lm- quartet and short remarks were written letter, showing the progress Riehnv tkL Scarf j lat, Mr. J. L. Peterson, Weeks reviewed the book, 'Star of 80 North Main street. Sat mt(j0 j,y , Robson, Bishop An he U making along that line as ; Rchmond; i, Baking Department 3rd, Clea Haglund, R!.-li- Is the West," by Ethel Houston. I Um pu, (;h J. Harper and County Commit- -' wcu r.i others, Lake City. A special effort Bread 3rd, Audrey Rlrgham, nwnd. Edna lisle sang four Indian ma igs W. Chambers. made to have all rrwsonanes Bj0ncr Bishop' oob Buffet act Vmalg.i. Stella Pcaix, to correlate with the program apothe in ! of Logan dedicated the In attendance who aerwd Cowkies c. Mr. end Mrs. DeVrre Michael-- j Bingham, Worley 2ml and 3rd, Edith Audrey lit, nd; dal guest were tire. Everett &i4'th, Eastern States between 1901 amt Mr. Ditehoff has a wife and safe Ada the over Traveller, 3rd, are Stnithfield. Amalga; rejoicing Mrs, May Chambers, and Mis lit le 1913. I son still living in Bulgaria. 'arrival of a son, bom, September m0nd. Luncheon rets 1st, Nini Baer, I.uncha n was served by the hosts s Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Harris spent 12. All concerned are doing neck--. I Angel foc.1 cake Mrs. llor- - Lewiston; 1st, Mrs. J. I Petersen, 3rd, a d ossiouxt by Mm. Eldon Lamb Um week end in i'gilei ton, Igwiston. Richmond; 1st, Cora OtUen, Smith- Fill your rhrlvc with canned Mias Gem Van Orden. C llavicn s;nt vueral wife Mr. hia of Flower Smith J. Lyal week Gyllenskog, supply and, 2nd, Georgia HendrickJ. Ric'n- a field; and get ' I xn Angelea Ddno Obvn, mond; 2nd and 2ml, Ad". Tratri-Mr- a. Jane of our Sat- - ilys of las; week in I'jcntr'ln. Naaturt'um on 3rd, Hetty daughter, and vegetables fruita Mr. and Mrs. William L. Owrtf two Lewiston. H. J. llauear left Thursday are vksting in Smithfield AMERICAN FOOD ler Richmond; 3rd, Kurllla Wiser, of Malad, Idaho, am and Aregh- - . urday Specials. her to service E. Tyner, U'wistnn; 3rd, Mary l.'rd. Mcndon; for Hand the funeral their home woeks ait of Oar attend 0. 3rd, par For Murigold Watch , STORE, ter were week end guests of Mr, ADV clsfr, who w.. buried at KaysilHc. ents, Thco Gyllenskog. Lewiston. 31, Bcie NoWe, SmlUiricld. rnd Mrs. Thco Gyllcnkog. . m'bni- t UkUpDC " t i ; ' I i i i 1 ! n, . toa-Ma- - orunoun I Resurfacing Logan f 91 c, Ful-kerSj- n, Chris-tofferro- n, d. 1 d. i , . 18-1- Mt i 0J . wiven - the1'1 it, , oh Is uim ggi. J? : nvr - Entertained e, Smlth-Bulgar- ia Am-Tli- er-- j RU-h-- Rn, lt, Kul-grov- (r .n 4.;.-- . ' ' .v..1-- . |