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Show HIE SMITHFIELD SENTINEL. SMITHFIELO. UTAH DERHAPS the of those two 1 amiable and pardon eminent gentlemen should be asked before the subject le mentioned. Yet, with or without such generous permission to spill the works, one fact dally becomes clearer concerning the Dean brothers. It Is that those two Illustrious citizens are Campus Swank Via Knitted Fashions B j OIERIE Becoming Sports Frock With Jabot Is The Top" BRISBANE PATTERN THIS WEEK NICHOLAS In Iluey Long Is Dead Power in Personality A Ship of Horror Bathtub Danger Huey Long la dead at Imminent peril of being deposed from their proud posts as the most feared members of the 8L Louis Gas House Gang. By this I do not mean to suggest that the dizziness boys are becoming forty-tw- o RS4I year of age. The world aaya: a couple of aoft How young, how touches. Even though his success against the pitiful, to die without full opportunGiants has been somewhat less than reity I" markable this year It Everything Is come Naw lark Peat WNU larvlea. Is more than likely parative, Alexander that the elder pride of the Great, who died waa the family will end at thirty-twthe season with 25 vicruler of half the tories. When you add world at twenty-five- ; Scores to that the 20 triKeata died at twenty-alx- ; umphs to which Paul Shelley at thirty. Today, probably will eventually be entitled, you men do not develop CARATOGA, lik Pimlico and a vary have an Imposing total In a league aa rapidly as In old few other track, la vastly aquaam-la- h where 05 winning efforts usually endays, when Napo-Arthabout It clubhouse clientele. Both titles your side to a generous share In Brtab" leoo thought of suipolo shirts and Manhattan bad men the World Series. So It would be silly cide because he had done nothing at re barred from the to hint that the possessors of suck an age that found Alexander ruler of exclusive enclosure. rare hurling talent are slipping merely the world. . . . Tommy Lown, forbecause luck has not been quite as genmer Olympic weltererous with them as It was a season ago. The death of Huey Long, regretted weight champion, la throughout a nation that loathes cowAlso It would be decidedly unfair to owner of a boys club. ardly assassination, la Important not two up and coming strong arm mem. . When Babe Ruth alone because of Senator Longs powbers same of the If gang. Joseph .watched the Giants erful personality, but also because (alias Ducky Wucky) Medwick and and the Braves from of Its possible effect on the national John (alias Pepper) Martin happen to a field box the other election of 193a be main a share of the receiving ap(lay Rabbit Maranville plause right now It Is solely upon was the only player Senator Long la gone; his power their own merits. Even though their to come over to greet ceases, as though he had never lived. attacking averages may not bo quite film. . . . The mother P'011 thrills that set your blood tingling to your Others will pick up the reins of pow up to those of the once famous of Garry Levan, "very fingertips, for enthusiasm tbat goes sky- er. In New Orleans and Louisiana ; g or combinations Princeton backfield star, la president to the heights, see the new fall knitted another will take his rocketing It been has since the have fans place In the years of a bank In Steubenville, Ohio. fashions- - They are simply grand I Never has a senate. been facclnatcd and opposing teams Efforts, futile, will be made to Hie father la running for mayor of the more fascinating chapter been written In knitwear find another bedevilled by such a pair. town. Huey Long. style history. There la nothing left but the memOf course, the Individual excellence As to the college girl who Is assembling her What could Col. John 8. Hammond, of the two Is not exactly a matter of ory of a powerful man, again em wardrobe there Is no the hockey and Madison Square Gar- red hot news. Medwick, as was al more direct road to take to arrive at phasizlng Goethe's definition of pervogne sonality, ample of the den baron, have told the cop who most exclusively predicted by this deas the highest good fortune via the knitted which Is campus swank than being so widely exploited. let him off after he was caught speed- partment before the event, was one way, of earths children. Typical of the many chenilles for ing across the Queensboro bridge the of the brightest stars of the 1934 The new knits are In a riotous color spectator sports that are seen wherever other afternoon? . , . The three plac- World Series, while Martin had France discourages crime, and really mood. Their bright and handsome hues women of fashion gather, Is the ravishs ing Judges at metropolitan discourages It. The dreaded prison achieved fame even previous to that are as e three-piecsuit centered In the ship, La Ma'tlnlere, Is on her richly colorful and fascinating ing wear spectacles. . . . The man who Yet it also Is true way that; nntll recently, wrote the Sunday baseball law, one their real value to the champions had as the autumnal background against picture Both skirt and blonse are to the criminal colony in French which are silhouetted. too, for the a Then, they plain, providing perfect foil of the best of reasons why New Tork been Guiana with 773 convicts locked In greatly obscured by the better pronounced patternlngs In a bewilder- colorful striped Jacket club owners get richer, had to pay his Peeping out eight strong Iron cages In the hold, performances of the ing array of checks, plaids and stripes at the top is the Jaunty blouse, tie with Iron bars, cement floors, wooden way into Yankee Stadium the next brother acL animate the scene In striking display. knitted In a wide drop stitch. The year. The Giants, though, sent him hammocks, and overhead a As to the; styling of the new knitted frog fastening- Identifies this model as benches; two season passes. . . . Since It probcriss-croof pipes that would fill the Are Martin Medwick; are a with It In costumes, creation doing designers the that very cages with ably cannot be helped. It may as well deadly live steam If mucharm. See chic and newest the fashions g Incomparable military-lookinhave these .be mentioned that Jack Curley plana Real Ogres of Cards broke out tiny three modes conIllustrated and be accentSL It Is also worthwhile to reveal 20 new wrestlers during the vinced. noting that the skirt Is finished with winter campaign. . . . Francis T. HunNo parole board sits In French In June; for Instancy I sat on the There Is no doubt about the atmos- a selvage hemline which prevents It Guiana. Each man ordered to ter, the former tennis says bench with the Giants. Even then the of unusual, outstanding and un- from sagging. A pert knitted hat with ship receives a new suit of that; when time permits, all strokes while piling up what phere clothes,. brim comat one side angled In this game are best and most smartly deniable style that surrounds this trio easily blanket, an extra pair of wooden shoe seemed to be an im- of chic autumn knits. Consider the pletes the ensemble. executed with the body sidewise to lead were posing Wbat could be more unmistakably That; with perhaps a few books and they checked . three-piec- e the net suit picfearful of the Cards, sprltely than the tailored knit packages of chocolate from relative tured to the right In the group. It Is constitute! hie wealth a who were so happily a wrists to outfit the d The left? stunning affair. It Is the sort that Younger polo players are fretted at the In wrangling chained, convicts march, single HI engaged Is destined to prove the college girl's jacket Is cut according to best masthe rumor the United 8tates team alup the gangplank, between rows of among themselves that delight. For that matter woman culine tradition with wide lapels and ready has been selected for the ware giving lit- will realize In this modelevery they neat fitting sleeves. Across bayonet her dream straight matches in England next year in spite tle thought or effort come true as to the of the promise that the September type of fall cos- the back Is a yoke from which emerges to winning gamia tume she has been They go to prison, to stay In prison. visioning for a bout-tow-n a vogulsh shirred fullness. A hairy open would provide the real teat The It Is a hard system, but being murWhen asked what pah Is used for the plaid knit coat as wear. Just the thing for motor- yarn team Is reported to be made up of dered on the American plan Is also tleular section of the ing and to a smooth compared soft for Mike Phlpp traveling. Cecil Smith, Tommy zephyr hard system. Cards they were most ( Hitchcock, and Winston Guest and This entire ensemble Is carried out both skirt and blouse. The latter sports scared of, eleven of crew a neck an and Initialed pocket much of the younger anger arlaea beIn a hairy soft yarn In a close Jacquard Within a few days two women, one Bill Terrys hopefuls cause Smith Is an For the knitted suit the latest This clever tnilleur Is knitted In stunpro. past replied the Deans, two of them said knit sixty, the other seventy years color combinations. ning r swagger Frankie Friech and three more votes Is a luxurious old, have been found dead In their A most Important reto style point as coat such A this outfit sensistyles were scattered among Martin, Medwick bathtub The apparently drowned. Perry and Moody Are ble and graceful mode this, since It en- member In selecting your fall, knit outand Rip Collin slippery surface of a porcelain tub la Is fit that soft knit and zephyrs closely or ables the three-piec- e Tennis this World in wearing Tops worked Into The other day 1 asked again. Five of until well Into the winter season. They lines'' are dangerous for older person We should observe the greatest care; the new order of the day. the Giants confided that they still get see also In this model a ex fetching George Weiss, supervisor of the a slip, the head striking the edge of the Wssttra Nweiptr Union. funny feeling whatever they see a Yankee farm system, complains that Dean tub, can easily cause unco ns clou sues coming out of a dugout, even It Is lmpossble to though they have been more than a followed by drowning. make quick grabs for trifle successful Rubber factories should make and the brothers MILLINERS against SHOW SUEDE SUITS seasoned players from this season. Nine others extensively advertise rubber mats for freefrankly, CHERIE NICHOLAS By NEW USE OF VEILS the bottom of bathtub with suction the lower minor ly and with a considerable spitting leagues when emer- and crossing of fingers to ward off arrangement to prevent slipping. gencies crop up at jinxes were willing to tell that porMilliners hare taken liberties with Newark now. This Is tion of the world which knows a While the League of Nations talks the classic lines of hats this season good because such useful with the result that some interesting peace and arbitration MussolInV recalls paper when It sees one that If some athletes prefer to play could get around to taking and 9 musing new features have ap- his consuls from various places It seinl-pr- o ball or In kidnaper Medwick and Martin on a long vaca peared. An entirely new use of veils Ethiopia, reminding you of the clergy the Industrial Leagues tlon has been shown and, by the way, veils man who had a call to a large city. they felt more than reasonably (the Lackawanna In sure that their lives would be full of have been getting coarser and coarser His little daughter said, Papa is In hla New Jersey Is an exmerriment and the dink of World until they somewhat resemble fish library, praying for light, and mamma ample) while also Series gold. Is upstairs packing. nets. holding Jobs on the A little sailor Is shown In white Afterwards (I give service as well side. . . . Perry of England, Von Cramm The Douglas airliner, called the of Germany, Crawford of Australia and as long sentences; gentlemen) I stood grosgraln which has been stiffened ing Laboratory, has Just flown "Flyfrom to Polo at the to Grounds give shape the brim which stands Kansas City to Budge of the United States rank In that gate and asked N. J through Newatk, out at the sldea and tilts slightly over the order as the four leading amateur ten- the same question of 20 fans. Nine which moono the forehead. A coarse veil of black about nis players, according to Bill TUden. men and three ladles; after making 20,000 feet up. At that height Ilk Is attached at the center of the . . . The ladles' ranking Is Moody and sure that It wasnt a touch. Immedthin air, with engine supercrown and falls In back somewhat In very Jacobs of the United States, Hilda iately decided that Joseph, alias Ducky and propellers properly tiltcharged the manner of bride's velL Another In ed, Kraliwlnkel Sperling, Germany, and Wucky, and John, alias Pepper, were makes high speed possible. The coarse strong-arthe who straw doIs Joan Ilartigan, Australia. had been boys Pat Ma shaped like a Mexican was 1,125 mile nonstop; pasxombrero with an upturned brim all flight lone Is the best crap shooter among ing the most notable execution for the wore oxygen mask sengers the way around. A fish net veil exthe Yankees, but Jimmy Mur the gang all year. Six fans; all males; tendi over the crown to the edge of clubhouse boy, can beat them all at held out for the Deans while Frisch Sir. Max Baer, of the Jewish race, drew a lady vote. cards. the brim where It la dotted with small will fight on September 24 Mr. Joe pompons. Just what all this proves aside Loul of the African negro race, and Under the income tax laws In opera- from that Brooklyn pulled Indicating $.100,000 worth of the tickets already tion Max Schmellng would have to pay Its usual bone a have been sold. The price for a good year ago when it Dramatic Berets Show Up $69,800 worth of taxea If he received could have had both Medwick and is SSL a $150,000 purse for fighting in the Martin together with considerable on Autumn Fashion Scene seat Mr. Baer, who gave a pitiful exUnited States. This would lerve him Those big berets of velvet or pliant hibition, not change left over from the $30,000 long ago, when he per$80,200, which would be subject to a which was In felt, made thrilling rich dark color demanded, but not expect mitted his heavyweight championship German far higher tax. . . . Rube came onto the fall style scene, ed, fOr them Js something that need early, of the world to wriggle off of the the pitcher who won 19 straight, not he stressed here but will In be still they at any great good order hook, now promises to chase that now sells $10 show tickets in the Sufboy when we get Into our first warmish length. Yet, when the two can over(Joe Louis) out of the ring In two folk Downs tweeds and flannel department come even the glamour of the two round . . . Roxy Romanelli, the former Jockey, great They set off a cotton sporta dress pitching brothers while achievPublicly Mr. Joe Louis gives an ImiIs a messenger In the Judges stand with a refreshing dash for the pres- tation ing renown. It does seem to point ouf of Brier Rabbit, and soya little. there. . . . The O'Mahoney-Georg- e ent, but they will be the handiest kind that the way to success In wrestling affair In Boston was the first baseball Is much the same as It was of enscnildcr when we begin to wear Maneuvers French grappling show Jim Milton, the race- In Ty Cobb's heyday. Heres a newcomer the tuede suit. all the strange new colors which au- war power, as Itdemonstrating stands today, convince track starter, had witnessed In 35 tumn models are promising. Mr. Cobb had mors than a fair They are stepping out this fall In the years. . . . The other exhibition was For a peek at coming tweeds shows European experts that France the strongest military machine share of ability but ha was truly great most fascinating colors fancy can pic- muddy violets and In Louisville and was particularly ensulphnrons greens In the world, ture. To attract the more, they are She possesse on the joyable because one of the wrestlers because he exerted himself strenuousalso, and way, made plulds of most made of suede as soft and supple as men willing to fight, as shown at Vergot thrown out of the ring and into ly to make the moat of It all the time. fabric and as unusual combinations schemes that bedelightfully wearable, It Is the same with the two the bass drum. d demand Just the right accent In hut dun and elsewhere. ing comfortably and pleasingly lightslugging heroes of the Gas blouse to show them off. These and In the model pictured the weight. The government, floating five hunOne uf the countrys most successful House Gang. berets have the color, and they are has aklrt Interesting panel dred million dollars more of Interest-bearin- g Inlays and becoming to almost bookmakers obtalucd his first stuke In any type of coifthree buttons which unfasten to allow note rejoices because they the rug picking business. . . . The most fure, beside Bill Terry's one weakness as a ballfreedom of action, llooiny are pocket eminent of them all once was a bus snapped up In a day.". Of course player, the words are his own, Is that wide revers and fine finesse In tailhoy and washroom attendant at Coney lie never hna been able they are snapped np" under prevailing to ored slide detail propgive to this handsome Island and along Broadway. condition Men with money are as Hoods, Pantalettes Alerly. . . . Until he performed for Ed- Jacket suit an air of unusual distincMany huoded dresses ami coats are glad to hide It away in government though he wus raised In Ybor City, monton In the Western Canada league tion. As to the colors for the new shown In that motion of Tampa which Is so Juxt-l- y In 1921, Paris; also some trousered notes and bonds as men In a cyclone Caves Hermans nick- suede Jackets and blouse stills and sports and street skirl celebrated for tobacco and rum, A name wasFloyd Some design country are glad, temporarily, to hide Then a shrill voiced accessories, they are simply "Lefty." era even show satin evening panto away In ryrione cellar Lopes neither smokes nor drinks. fan lady rechristened him Babe. lettes Instead of petticoat Kiss Fraf urn SyndlckU, Im Here Are Some Items Box Never Revealed o; ar Foxx-Slmmo- Ruth-Gehrl- see race-track- press-agente- d ss last-minu- r, g double-breaste- It is not easy to find a sports frock that plays No Favorites when It comes to showing up tha Imperfect figure, But here's one that flatter regardles by the very simple device of a rippling Jabot collar. But notice that our designer has not sacrificed one whit of the tailored chic and easy freedom the sports The pleated sleeve tor frock need arm action pleats In back bodice and skirt for freedom. Hero to Just tha most perfect model for one of the lovely new printed satins that are being shown In such delicious pastel A tie silk would bo lovely shade and any number of cottons are available for a simpler version. Accent with matching button Pattern 2341 la available in sizes 14, 10 18, 20, 82; 84, 30, S3, 40 and 42. Size 16 takes 3 yards SO Inch p sewfabric. Illustrated ing Instructions Included. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) la coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly nam address and style, number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. Address orders to the Sewing Circle Pattern Department, 243 West Seventeenth St, New York City. itep-by-ate- three-quarte- eS jm figure-dingin- ... g m Mar-quar- pari-mutu- pos-eess- broad-backe- ... WNU Ssnrlo ABOUT COMPLETE "So yon are building new house; eh? How are yon getting along with "Sin Ive got the roof and the mortgage on It, and I expect to have the furnace and the sheriff In before fall." Wall Street Journal. itr Samo Experience Lecturer I doubt If anyone her ever felt the sensation of being sui rounded by hungry wolve Voice (from audience) I used open the dining room door at i summer boarding bouse. Holton, Kan. t Or Thereabouts 'Well, Peggy, said thS neighbor, 'and how do yon like your new governess Peggy thought a moment and then said: I half like her and I half don't like her, but I think X half Ilka her the most" r |