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Show i-- -- v. OR ' wiiitm tt&i MkiHM mfiiriWi .. fcj JJ.-- 1. J. j.: 't- - . A -A l.j.nit.:. - -- ! jBj'.v . -- fcaUD-i. . SHTTimELC SESTflfEE There a a new barber working tbo Buker Barficr "lid Beauty LOCALS Stop window win K. at the North Cache Mere, and see the quilt. You may Adv.' beautiful quilt September 27, will be liven away. You may see t in the North Cache Mere, winweek. dow Adv. nt N. Pratt Smith wa in Smithfield over the week end on buaineas. . An ederti ement Betting forth the virtues of a stock of used autos Ja headed by the word stop, prominently displayed, which may be interpreted to moan: Eventually,why not now! ; WE DO JOB PRINTING Safe & Sane . zssafTffgffli Rent Our Sander Siiluu. Mr. C. T. Nelson frmn Brig- ham Qty, Utah, who ha worked ini IN THU DISTRICT COURT OF Smithfield last year and is known I THE DIS- FIRST JUDICIAL to many friends for hi good work TR1CT OP THE STATE OP and service, will take Mr. BarUTAH, I N AND TOR THE ker place. Mr. Barker is uf tendCOUNTY OP CACHE. ing a bartx-- r school. SUMMONS Harry M. DeRyk will r,prn a Bert Djnford, Plaintiff, bakery in Smiihfidd in tlie near future. Mr. DeRyke comes tu Smith-fiel- d Martha B Baker, Elizabeth B. Beam with considerable baking ex- Heber Bithell, and Alice B. Engperience and will open his bakery lish, only known surviving heir at in the same place ns the Jensen law, of Thomas Bithell, die ceased; Grocery and Bakery formerly was. and (.gainst John Doe Bithell and The pending due will be published Jane Doe Bithell, unknown heir at in a later issue of the Sentinel. law and unknown creditors of Thomas Bithell, deceased; and John A. Crockett, as administrator of the RETURNS FROM Estate of Thomas Bithell, deceased; and against all other unCONVENTION known, claiming any persons right, title estate, lien or interest in the real described in the complaint Mr. M. T. Van Orden and Son property adverse to plaintiffs ownarship, or Arlon have returned from the cloud upon plaintiffs title there Life Insurance agent con- any to. vention held at Estes Itrk, Colorado Defendants. They with 70 other agents that STATE OF UTAH TO SAID k&d qualified, for the trip from Utah Idaho and Colorado. Obey had a wonderful time, us well ca a good You are hereby summoned to apCLnvfciztiun. pear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you if served within the county in which vi-n-J- Everton ft Sons Co. Refinish Floor with our new) high power Electric Floor Sander & Sens Go. Logan action la brought, other-w-j- e Towmhip 12 North of R.ir.gi One within thirty days after East of the Sail Lake MriUnii. Ry, T. Writf-'-Vcw- , service, and defend the obove enD this II. 1.. 21th of l:iy August titled action; and in cae of your 1 failure to do so, judgment will Allorney for Plaintiff. t gainst you according to Date f Fii-- l Publacaticn JEIT STCNVi.LL j the demand of tlie complaint, which Sheriff of Cache County Date of Last Publication has been filed with the Clerk of tlie above entitled Cuurt. This r.ction is brought to recover a judgment quieting plaintiff title to the following described property situated in Richmond Precinct, Cache County, Utah, u wit: All of Lot 5, in Block 29, Plat A", Richmond City Survey, Dobson's Annex ( formeriy Erickson-Pla- t of the City of Richmond) Situated in Section 2G, in Township North iif Range One East of the Szlfc Labe Meridian, and containing 1 and 4 acres. L. E. Nelson Attorney for Plaintiff. Poat Office Address: 27-2- 8 Aran Block, Logan, Utah. Date of first Publaration Date of Last Publication Week-Fath- er Shades Repaired la the place to buy your We put new cloth on old win dow shade rollers. SAVE HERE Everien & Qilickl-rtl- te Been out a Mother says Now Is Tlie Ladies-IjUn. IUB,r as administra- tor of the Estate of Szorh Am Bassett, Deceased; and H. B. Johnson, defendants. To be old at Sheriff's sale oi the 21st day September 1935 li ten oclock A. M. at the front doo-othe County Court House, in Lo gan, Cache County, Utah, the fol : it lowing described property Lot 3, Blrjck 39, Plat A, Logai City Survey, containing 1G2 Rqur r rods, and situate in Section 33 if The' tight Mazda lamp inevery fixture. will give you a better light! o 9 YOUR FALL AND WINTER CLOTHES cleaned and pressed. Sympathetic wintcr coats and furs cean- - HAVE Y0UR ED BY OUR NEW PROCESS. YOUR TOPCOATS AND AND PRESSED. .... .. WINTER SUITS SPONGED ing direction have market Lindquist Mortuary funerals A ing factor. We have earned our reputation for fair deal- FOR COLD WEATHER Logan Lavmdry AND DRY CLEANERS NORTH MAIN ing and dependability. G. W. Lindquist and Sons MORTICIANS LOGAN Logan, Utah imisemMmfflm nanra WBI-Sr-J- KI and understand for many year. Low cost, too, has been an outstand- Childrens School Coals-- 241 its a lesson to her. She's looking at every socket in the house tight now, and I've got to get some extra lamps right away at the Mazda' ' lamp dealers stare Plaintiff Poulien, v steps . In the District Court of the First Judicial District of the State of Utah, in and fur the County of Cache. M. lights fell just down the cellar SHERIFFS SALE to-w- uonege SIihIahSc. I f Logan Time To Have - Bottlcof Arnica1 Royal C. Bassett, Sobs Co. Utah Deputy ti-d James Logan Stove Range and Furnace pairs Water Jackets Too MSB this Legal Notice Met-ropliti- It la Safe To Ue Safi The Good Drycleaning vent Everton & Sous l Logan Everton i SotfrfhVr, M, 4 i i I SCHENLEYS Old Quaker Brand STRAIGHT WHISKEY Friendly to your tutet to your throat, to your pone. You don't have to be rid to enjoy rich whiskey, m. im Kt iln nc ...with 7A tMussansr cu. ft. ca- pacity. Makes 118 big 12 If lbs. lea cubes Ice. Complete de hue equipment. Dl"i Set Porcelain (iNneri Crteptaal- -i SCHENLEYS SCHENLEYS Cream et Kentucky Golden Wedding STRAIGHT Cream CRYSTAL BOTTLING & FURNITURE COMPANY 72-8- 0 I West Itl BLENDED WHISKEY WHISKEY of Kentucky Golden a SCHENLEYS Wcdding-Amcric- a's premier blend made of t might whiskies blended for better taste. n. an smooth straight whiskey, io deliciously rich folk call it double rich". Red Label White Label BLENDED WHISKEY Logan, Utah North Rrire'a the whiakey you've wanted. Learn of its imooth mellowness and you'll exclaim "Ita tbcCream!" Vi I ywy L.iy aiiiiiii wiii in .y '.J 1IIII.1 u. .ri,l,.L;y."?itogf,-- : jiiLU,,mi.i ... .. |