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Show bftliHfrrifli Jia.y .psjaz " mMn AmttAas THE SMITHFIELD SENTINEL, SMITH FIELD, UTAH Scenes, and Persons in the Current News ? .. .s , ' s. ri' Work or a Pleasant Adventure s. ' s? isiix fj Shopping has two aspects. One Is of Its tiresome element The other Is of Its Interesting element It Is wearisome to stand about and wait until busy salesmen have the chance to wait on you In your right turn. The walking from one store to another, and then through the shops, In search of the needed, or wanted, thing to accord with both preference and pries the purse permits, the trying on of frocks, or being fitted to articles. If clothes must be bought, all these and many other of the activities of shopping are tiresome. Indeed. Were It not for the pleasant reverse side of the consideration, stores would not be crowded, only dire necessity would tempt purchasers. Fortunately all shopping la not of this sort. Window shopping Is the feature that begins the pleasure, even before the shops are entered. Window dressers are paid well to arrange goods so that they will appeal to to enter. They may see passers-bwhat they want, or perhaps what they would like to have. These window displays are planned to lure persons Into the shops, for comparatively few persons go through store without buying something, consehowever small. Windows, quently, are worth looking Into. It Is a pleasure to do It. If windows are fascinating, this Is but the beginning of Interest. Once the shoiis are entered, It Is amazing how well and how Invitingly the wares are displayed. Any woman who has gone through Just one department, that carrying kitchenware for Instance, will discover many new Ideas, or Improvements of old ones, that mokes her feel repaid for the exertion. The furniture department or the furniture store, the yard goods department with Its handsome textiles, the dress shop, the lingerie shop, etc., each Is a Joy Just to look at. Shopping In large cities has both the tiresome and the pleasurable sides to the fullest degree. Shopping In smaller places Is far less exhausting, and, when there ore fine shops in that town or locality, then the enjoyable element prevails. As every normal person has more or less shopping to do. It Is well, before starting out, to determine on one of two ways to shop. Either she should go with unseeing eyes straight to the department' or shop shore the wanted articles are to be found, and eliminate to the least possible degree the weniioome feature. Or she should be determined to make the trip as pleasant and as profitable as possible, with least exertion. S Ball Florida National Guardsmen firing volley over the coffins of war veterans killed In the recent hurricane before the bodies were cremated. 2 Two companies of South Carolina militiamen guarding the plant of the reiser Manufacturing company In Pelscr after a strike riot in which a woman was killed and more than a score of persons were Injured. S Democratic Representative Michael K. Reilly of Wisconsin and his bride, who was Miss Mary Isobel Mali pf Washington and New York, a noted concert soprano. 1 Ecuador Shuns Dictator; Names Pons President When Jose M. Velasco Ibarra, of Ecuador, tried to set up a dic Sjrndlcit. WNU Sarvlea. Two hundred years ago the Tedium In Kentucky set aside gams refuges for bears and created what may have been the first game law la America, says Vernon Ralley, retired naturalist of the Rlologlenl survey. Rear fat, bear meat, and bear skins were the most prized returns of the hunt. Large areas were set aside as "beloved bear grounds where only a limited number of animals could bs killed eneb year, so that a permanent supply of these animals would be maintained. Mr. Ralley believes It might be well today to follow the exnmple of the Kentucky Indians, and establish beloved boar grounds." It soon brings relief and Qfit&eWIQB Oimtfimcimlt y British Prince and His Fiancee THE FIRST GAME LAW Shopping May Be a Wearisome pro- motes healing. Because of its absolute purity and soothing properties, it is most useful in the treatment of rashes, red, rough skin, itching, burning feet, chafings, cliappings, irritations, cuts and burns. No household should he without this Ointment. IVfc s 25c and 50c, Sold at all druggUtM. THE NEWHOUSE MOTEIL A Distinctive Residence An Abode renowned Throughout the West Mrs. J. H. Waters, President Salt Lakes Most Hospitable HOTEL Invites You RATES SINCLE $2.00 to $4-0- 0 DOUBLE THE Motel Newlaousc W, E. SUTTON, Central Manager CIIAUNCEY W. WEST Astit t. Ce n. Manager $2.50 to $4.50 400 Rooms 400 Baths bears down 7 II. It. II. Trlnce Ilenry, duke of Gloucester, thirty-fivthird son of the whose king and queen of England, and his linncee, Lady Alice Scott, thirty-fou- r, engagement was announced In the official court circular. Lady Alice Is the third of five daughters of duke and duchess of Euccleuch and Queensbury. e, tatorship, there was quick revolt and he was ousted. Antonia Pons, shown above, was then made provisional pres- j ident lie formerly was premier. Chiefs of the Young Democrats Army Men Accuse Publisher of Libel Nelson Rounsevcll, publisher of the Panama American, who was accused :m .a. . " ' n fivlSi " or criminal libel because of articles concerning the suicides of four American soldiers stationed at Fort Clayton la the Canal Zone. The complulnants were army o nicer. Here arc the president and vice president of the Yount; Democrat lluhs of America who were elected at a meeting In Milwaukee, Wls. They are Frank Wlckhcm of Sioux Falls, S. I)., and Mrs. Louise Gnlloher of I.cedsburg, Ya. If the party needs youth and pop, here It la. Traveling Family McDaniel Fills the Dock YOU SURE SHOWED US A NEW TRICK IN ROUND ING UP CATTLE THIEVES, DIZZY I r AND I GOT TO HAND IT TO YOU, DIZZY, FOR SOME FAST THINKING! YOU FAST TO PITCH BIG AND TO THINK FAST YOU GOT TO THINK LEAGUE BALL. GOT TO HAVE ENERGY. fcAUSE ENERGY KEEPS' THAT'S WHY I EAT YOU WIDE AWAKE. IT HEADS THE GRAPE -- NUTS. ORDER FOR ENERGY MAKING BATTING V Boys Girls! Get Valuable Prizes Free! 'ey K. R. McDaniel family on board the Matson -Heres the line un of the Traveling Family McDaniel." Getllng the Nosh wssnt there to do the checking liner U.rllno at Run Francisco for Honolulu was something like Jostling the art hul they mute by two anil two from Ardmore end Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Abilene, Texas. They were not all assembled on the deck they occupied the major hut they were reluted ouo way or another and when they purl Inn of It Dlisy Dm Winnar Mambanhlp PI. Solid bronic, with red (nun-tie- d Itucrina. Fra for 1 Gripe-N- il ' In ordcrins, bo pack ut suit to uk foe PrtM No. SO L Dlny Daan Autographed Portrait. Br Utcbnch, ilxd I br 10 with Dint'i (tciimilo fisnamr. Fin far I Grtpa-Naptduwtop. Is oedorlna, b watt to uk for Prixa Nat 04 u Join the Dizzy Dean Winners . . . wear the Member-shiPin ... get Dizzys Autographed Portrait! e Grape-Nut- s Send top from one with your name and address, to 12-o- ycllow-ond-blu- p package, Grape-Nut- s, Battle Creek, Mich., for membership pin and copy of club manual showing 37 nifty free prim. Ands to have lots of energy, start eating Grape-Nutright away. It lias a winning flavor all its own. Economical, too, for two tablespoons, with milk or cream, provide more meal. varied nourishment titan many a (OlTcrcxpires Dec. 31 , 1935. Good only inU.S. A.) A poducf Qaucrsl tVoda X ' .4'- ' l, mUptUrn i ik- |