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Show 5 " . r1' iiiSi imianiTntfi iVtHfirtiiKm Eiiir M r gay jr ' S -- - - jww.ri.Mrai 11IE SM1TIIFIELD SENTINEL, SMITH FIELD. UTAn Sa(y Sez Housewife's Idea Box f y BEN AMES WILLIAMS i . by Copyright by Bn Amra WQUmma WNU Sarvlca, ! 1 SYNOPSIS At a Eitherlng of eroolei la tha vilof Liberty, Maine, Jim Saladlne llatena to the hietory of tho neighboring Hoetilo Valley Iti pact tragedies, ita auperb llehing stream, and, above all. tha myeterluua, anticing lluldy, wife of Will Perrin. Interested, ha drives to tha Valley for m days fishing, though admitting to himself hie chief deilra in to aeo tha glamorous Huldy Perrin. Old Marm" Pierce and her "l li i nineteen-year-ol- I qW utb!ul far a Ur ta diak If aha'i ara iht'a taiaa ibbi yUcn. Lata all cat aa tha lwliar af SUCCESS and ca aaaa placa" j INDUB-TRIA- i PATRONIZING granddaughter Jenny d live In tha Valley. Bines childhood Jtuny has deeply loved young Will Perrin, older than aha, and who regards her as still a child. Will leaves to tako In nearby Augusta. Ilia death brings Will back to tho Valley, but he returns to Augusta, still uneonaciona of Jennys womanhood, and love. Neighbors of tha Pierces are Bart and Amy Carey, brother and aletar. Bart, unmarried and something of a l. Is attracted by Jenny. Its L HOUR INDUSTRY t v naar-do-wol- 3 ? t CHAPTER II Continued THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORY I r It b right that thrifty and ladaatriaaa ahaald want to gat tha Mat far thair aaa r. bath in qaalitj and quantity. ! The need did mt arlne. Jenny, In her wanderings afield alone, more than once encountered Bart. These encounters seemed to her accident; but Marm . paapla Tha aara way far aa ia tha intarmaantaia area to da thla ia hr tha aiapla pracaaa af haring latarMaataia Pradaeti. A littla iBTratlgatiaa aa tha part af harem will raraal that arary aaad aaa ha applU Irani aar awa Ueal prad atari. Whd a aiayla way ta seunalc racarary. HRS. S. R. BARTER. Ogdaa. Utah- - 5 J 4 "i V . J 'BRAND PICKLES" i Bsswood From Linden Tree Basswood comes from the AmerV can linden tree. i BULBS-SEEDS-TREE- S For Fall Planting Get Free Catalog PORTER WALTON CO.! ALT LAKI CUT, Utah Lrrrrrrrffffffff j i At 400 Utah Oil Refining: Service Stations in Utah and Idaho Missedby White Man Moss, great, wingless ostrich-il- k birds that lived In New Zealand, were all killed off before white men discovered that part of the world. I ALWAYS ASK FOR BEET SUGAR THE ONLY HOME SUGAR Decorations Dont Count decorations "Handsome dont make life easier, said Undo Ebon. A gold alarm clock wouldnt make It any mo cheerful to git up dan one data nickle-plated. Mara Barham naadad. Wa ham calla far Barbara fraai all Waatara Btataa. Bar-haritaaght la a ahart tiaMb MOLERS BARBER COLLEGE 111 Ragant SU Salt Laka City, Utah Roman Road Found A Roman road found recently at Mernaa completed a mining station la the map of tha aystem of Roman highways which once cow red Bavaria. ! KETCHUM BUILDERS SUPPLY 3 Piece Set V Everything In Plumbing v 711 M 44 St. Srit Ids Canal Banka Used aa Roada In aome section of lower Egypt, Bear Cairo, the wide banka of canals over two thousnnd years old are used as automobile roads. b ! I ptr vwk UU $3 aa will to paid far m Why ym stoald nod" Similar Intonanaaliia and Brad to atom. atory la raaa ac a. Fradacta nm P.to Itrtfnaaantaia Bag 1US. Ball Lato Uty. U yaar alary nr Cal-at- a j thla ealna aaiva chtch far 3 ' J llerce thought otherwise. Bart, the guessed, preferred to see Jenny without subjecting himself to her grandmother's watchful vigilance. It was true that he came sometimes to sit Id the kitchen, his hat between Ms knees, and talk with- them both together; true that when he fetched dry groceries from the store in Liberty he might stop for a while In the dining room where the warm lamp burned. But he seldom came openly and frankly to see Jenny. Bather he met her casually by the brook, or on the road, or In the woqda. There was In the lower reaches of the brook just above the bog a long pool with a sandy bottom and deep water at the head; and Jenny, on a hot summer day, used sometimes to go there to bathe. She could not swim; but she liked to gather her skirts shout her thighs and waae In the cool dear water, or even sometimes remove all her clothes except a white shift tnd Immerse herself completely in the refreshing flood. The place was remote and solitary, more than a mile downstream from Carey's bridge, and none but the moat ardent fishermen ever went so far; so she was not likely to be surprised there. But one day when she 'was wading Into the foot of the pool, soft between her toes, her skirts high, she saw or felt or heard a movement on the bank above her and looked up and discovered Bart standing smiling there. She dropped her skirts Into the water, heedless of the fact that thus they were wetted along the hem, and faced him steadily; and he called, raising hla voice to be heard above the song of the small ripple at the head of the old ' woman the-san- d pool: "Water's cold, aint It?" She shook her head. "Feels good, a hot day, she said. She was not confused or embarrassed, not even He had a right to be there If he chose. He slapped a mosquito on Ms cheek. "Give yon the rheumatism," he predicted. Me, I wear rubber boots when I go to wade. You better come out of there." Jenny asked: "Fishing?" Then realised that he bad no rod. "Just looking over the brook, he explained. "Couple of men coming to fish tomorrow, and I wanted to see where the trout was lying. Waters kind of low. Guess I've scared them, If there was any In here," she said. He grinned. Sho," he said flatteringly, no trout wouldn't ever be afraid of you. Wonder to me they ain't nibbling at yore toes." She looked down at her bare feet, and realized that she waa standing hero with her wet skirt drabbled about her knees. So she came ashore, and wrung out the hem of her skirt, and ant down with her back to him to pull on her stockings and her shore, lie stood behind her, coming no nearer, speaking of casual things, till she rose to face him agnln. He asked then: "In a burry, arc your "UrunnyH be wondering where Tve went to." Set and talk," he urged. She smiled faintly. "Mosquitoes would eat us up," she said. "I'll go along." 1 .want to talk lo yon, Jenny," be Insisted. Walk along with me, then," she proposed, and moved resolutely on her way. lint as she passed him, be caught her arm. Deep silent wood lay all about them, and the shadows were cooL "Yoq don't ever give me a chance to talk to you. Jenny," he protested. Bees and Spiders but spiders, Bees are insects surprisingly enough, are not, for Insects have six logs, and the spider boasts of eight In the spider world the male sex Is tha weaker one: Its members are very much smaller thnn thn ladle of th apoclos, who srs so ferocious that they will eat up any poor malt who falls to please them. Tylur, Tous, claims tha widest thoroughfare In the state streets bordering for Its eourlhousa square. cm 80-fo- "What about, she asked Bart?" gravely. of He laughed. "Sho, there's tlilugs for a fellow and a girl to talk about, Jenny. High time you got on to that " Site stood, her brad a littie bowed, thinking of Will. "1 do know that. Hurt," she said. "But not you and me." "Wlmt's the matter with me!" he naked, half angrily. "Why, yo'ro all right," she aald 'You've lieen mighty good to turn-vsil- y. "Fine farmer he'll make hiring another which a woniau likes to make In the man to break up his ground. house she loves Once In a sort of "It had to be done, Jenny said loy- panic ahe thought the blankets on Ids To Wash Walls ally. The plowing. And Will couldn't-ge- t bed might he still damp after sit; and For best results, wash your walls here In time, so he Sad to have It she brought them to hang a while bedone." fore the stove and then mnde the tied in this wuy, provided : they have a I se three finish good "Guess Will's worked for day wages again and smoothed It snug. The kitchcloths. Wring first one ns dry as so long he thinks money's easy come en was baking hot, so site threw the possible from light soap suds. The by," the old woman Insisted. "Hiring door wide, and ojHMied windows, and second one, which yon will use for work done that he might full as well let the fresh cool sir of June Mow rinsing, wring from clear wntcr. The do Ids own self. Guess he could've through the place. Then on a new Infor wiping Immedicome this week If he had a mind." spiration she went Into the orchard third, have dry small each portion washed. ately waa a where the buds on the apple trees Jenny luughed at her. There lrM an motion. bubbling happiness In the girl that were Just bursting, and brought an TI1K iinrsKWlFF. armful of sprays of bloom and arwould not be downed. "Yo'ro juat talk0 Public Ledger, Ino. WNU Servlet ing to make me argue about It, but 1 ranged them In a vase on the table. she said; and the cried: "1 She was forever finding forgotten dewon't, BOYS! GIRLS! don't care If he never does s lick of tails, or doing over again things she Bead the Grape Nuts ad In another done dozen had before. Grancome She times home. work, long's he dues column of thla paper and learn how ny." And suddenly there were deep tested the tenderness of the fowl n tears In her eyes and her voice was dozen times; she wished to warm the to Join the Dizzy Dean Winners and win valuable free prizes. Adv. comfiture. husky. She clung to the old woman. blneberry pie, and was in an agony of Win Haven was at the farm when "1 want to see him, she whispered. Indecision lest If his arrlvnl lie deNew Typa of Education he got there; and Bart confessed the "I want to awful, she cried. "8eems layed it become too dry. She set the universities unit private inMany Incident. The older man demanded Im- like he's been gone ao long. reset and and It, table, thought now offer for adult stu- stitutions In was softening, nnd put It Shucks, why'nt you Just Marm Pierce felt quick misgiving In patiently: dents certuln courses In which the her. "Dunno why yeu should be so cold water until It was hnrd snd firm. grab on to her?" real professors are children, two, Bart chuckled. "How you going to worked up about It," ahe protested. The salt seemed to have caked a litgit anywhere with a gal that don't "Like as not he won't only stay long tle; she baked It In the oven, nml three nnd four years of age. This act scared, or surprised, or anything?" enough to do hla farming and get out powdered It again. She discovered a new type of school may be called a tilt of wall paper that was loose, and nursery school, a child Institute, a he demanded. again." The other said wisely: "If that's all "He wllL He will stay, Jenny In- mnde glue and fastened child research center or a preschool It down. The dny seemed at once laboratory. It makes little differ-cur- e you want, I ah'd think youd figure sisted happily. "Yon wait and see." out s way to scare her plenty. Any what It is railed. All sueh And during the Intervening days, breathlessly short and tnrturlugly long. woman, she has to be rushed, Bart Jenny rode on a flood of anticipation. And the sun crossed the Valley, nml schools exist for the purpose of givTook off her feet before she knows Will was to arrive on Monday. Saturbegan to 'slip down the western sky, ing tho elders an education. what's going on." In her article "Pupil or Proday It rained, but Sunday was clear, and still Will hnd not conn. She Bart shook Ms head. "Jenny knowed and Jenny took broom and mop and would not even entertain the thought fessor?" In ilygela, Elizabeth M. well enough what 1 wanted, he aald dust cloth and departed to make Wills that he might not come at all tonight. explains how a group of nurla amused discomfiture. "Knowed be- house ready for him. Marm Pierce Yet since he was surely coming, then sery school children showed by their fore 1 did. Yea, sir, she waa way out made some mild remonstrance. he would soon be here; and natural responses the right and In front of me. I couldn't see nothing snd a delicious terror began to wrong ways of training children and "No need of that, ahe protested. but her heels." And he urged: "You Like as not hes already hired It possess her. Then suddenly the sun how they worked out In truly stimustep In and hare a glass of cider. How done. Her tone was mild with scorn. was gone, and the Vnlley was a pool lating nnd enlightening innnner varicome yo'ro around here again, any"A man wouldnt think of that," of dusk which rose like a rising tide ous problems of community life. way? I thought youd gone." Jenny urged. "He'll come home expect- to cloak the orchard, to touch the house. She lighted "Got me a Job In Liberty, Win exing to roll np In blankets the first foundations of the plained. "Bnt I can handle a glass of night; and the blanket!, they'll be a lamp, long since clenned and trimmed Quick, filled with oil; she tried damp, give him a cold. Jm going over and freshly and clean up, and air everything, and the lamp on thn table, on the shelf Elimination above the etove. There were still shadget Urea going in the stoves and have and ahe wished no shadows here; ows, him . . ." for everything ready In the end slie lighted other lamps, Let's be frank there's only one "House la locked up, Marm Pierce and and set them In dining room ns well way for your body to rid Itself of Instated. "You cant get In I the waste mutcrinl thut causes acidaa kitchen. Jenny cried Joyously: "Yea 1 can! ity, gas, headaches, bloated feelings not Will how would She had thought The locks broken on the window In nnd a dozen other discomforts. the aide room. Ive climbed In through come, whether afoot, or In a team; Your Intestines must function and bewhen It dark she waa full outside, that before now." the way to make them move quickto and decided he that wonder, gan "Like aa not hell put you In Jail for ly, pleasantly, successfully, without would ride the stage to Liberty, and griping or harsh Irritants Is to chew housebreaking," the old woman pre- come bewalking from there; and she a Milnesla Wafer thoroughly, In acdicted, yet ahe let Jenny go. to guess whether the stage was cordance with directions on the botIt waa dusk before the girl came gan late end might be later. She left the tle or tin, then swallow. home, tired and happy. "It's done, kitchen door Milnesla Wafers, pure milk of so that he might open, Granny, she said. "Every room swept, see his welcome waiting; she put the magnesia In tablet form, each equivand everything dusted, and the kitchen stew on, and took It off alent to a tablespoon of liquid milk again, and floor scrubbed, and the bed made. I he put fresh wood on the fire. till the of magnesia, correct acidity, bad found the window curtains put away breath, flatulence, at their source, tove waa red hot, with a glowing spot and enable you to have the quick, In the bureau. They're kind of creased, surface. Its dark upon pleasant, successful elimination so but Pm going to press them out toThen suddenly he was here. , necessary to abundant health. morrow." Milnesla Wafers come In bottles Jenny did not at first realize that Youve got smut on your face, S5c and 80c or In convenient tins at because not had she Will haddcome, Marm Pierce retorted. at 20c. Recommended by thousands fashas In him this Imagined1 coming Jenny laughed softly. I cleaned out of physicians. All good druggists the stove," she said. "It was terrible ion. A car drove, Into the yard and them. Start nslng these pleascarry full of loot, bo's you couldn't make It stopped; and Jenny heard It almost ant tasting effective wafers today. saw Its fade headlights Inattentively, draw. And I aired the sheets and In darkblankets in the aun, and had fires go- aa the engine died, till it sat the where ness shone there, lamplight In wood the ing all day theres plenty She Saw or Felt or Heard a Movehed and tomorrow rm going to take through the open door In a widening ment on tho Bank Abovs Hor. over some milk and eggs and biscuits rectangle. And then suddenly she heard tones his voice, his kidneys function badly snd and butter and everyWHEN suffer cider. Sure. He added boastfully: and doughnut! backache, dizziness, She wished to go to the door to him." have and for supper ready thing, "Just the same, If I was a young one, burning, scanty or too frequent urinawoman waa tenderly greet him, nnd could not. Paralysis older The and a ripe gal like that running wild tion, getting up at night, swollen feet "How do you know he won't suddenly laid hold on her; she backed and ankles; feel upset and miserable in the woods around, I'd . . And amused. a aa as Into far corner, possible warily use Doen'f Pills. he told, with a senile and fatuous get here for noonday dinner?" "HI have dinner ready too, In case," from the door, and stood there, her Doan's are especially for poody unction, what he would do. decided. "I'll take n and hands outspread, her wide eyes shinworking kidneys. Millions of bozes Jenny went home, but ahe aald noth- Jenny a stew and some fowl, her check pale. She stared at the are used every year. They are recoming, make dumplings. ing about Burt It waa weeks later lle'U mended by users the country over. with an Incredible fixity, waiting, door home to a like house coming before Marm Fierce remarked one eveAsk your neighbor! ached her breast from not breathing; . him. . for all ." ready Granny ning: "Wonder why Bart don't ever that's toll about a man," the pounding of her heart vibrated ever "You can't the he to? used What's In, way top Marm Pierce warned her. "lies like as like the taut head of a beaten drum. got Into him, Jenny? When Will stood In the doorway ahe Jenny told her, then, about that en- not to think yo're meddling." "Not Willi" Jenny Insisted. "He'D did not know him; he waa ao tall, in counter by the brook; and the old a dark plain suit and a white collar, woman chuckled with appreciation and like It. You watt and sec." "Want 1 should come over and help and an ugly tie. He came In and contentment, sure that Bart need worPARKERS the old woman offered; and looked around; and at first, since she you? ry her no more. HAIR BALSAM That was an open winter In the Jenny hesitated, uncomfortable, 111 at wae so still, he did not ace her. But Color and then hie puzzled eyes found her, and lapwt. Valley, with little snow, and deep case. to CnruJ FacWfl Hoirl V "lt'a a long walk for you. Granny. the quick welcoming light In them gave JS Bunt, frost; and the mud in the spring waa anmdll.Mstlinissvu. Go along her courage. Marm Fierce chuckled. beworse than usual. It was Ideal for ut ia FLORESTON SHAMPOO fore a plow could be put In the ground, with you, then. Like aa not you'll stay (TO BE CONTINUED) eonneetioawitliPaikert Hair Bahamjfakes tbs too! after clean and up supper, fluff far til and trail or at rents could he r. hair soft June before the clods broken. Hiseos Chsmisal Works, Pntchogu. N. Y. And Jenny nodded wisely, happily; But In the Inst week of tiny, Jenny Potter Field heard that Will Kerrln was coming there wus an audacious triumph lu her. Suddenly she hugged the old According to St Matthew 27, thi home. WNU W 3335 woman close. atory of the origin of the term "potter' Jenny, though she hnd said nothing field" as follows: ie said. the oi "I site At "I time not might" might to the oltlsr woman, hnd been existicome home at all You wait and the betrayal of Chriit by Judas Iscaring word of him; he hnd told her, on ever ot, after hla rcprntauce he went to the Hint dny of hit father's funeral, that see . . SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY She was. all next day, very busy and chief priests and elders and Implored he would return this year. It did not home the of tills in them to take back the thirty plecee of occur to her that Will might change completely happy Our lobby I delightfully air man whom she loved. The question silver which he had accepted from cooled his mind, Hint he might do less tlinn during the summer month Will would arrive In the them as payment for his betrayul of hi he hnd planned. Through the long whether or afternoon Radio tor Every Room A perplexed her; Master. This they refused to do, and month of ttay sho slipped sway nt morning 200 Roomo200 Salts for either continbrief Intervals, and threaded the wood but she prepared on the fowl to boll in despair, Judas cast the money down by putting In the temple, snd went away and toward tho brook her feet had begun gency, It then In the was doue. till himself. The chief priests took to mark there n permanent trail nnd richit stew of itsleaving own fat so that It hanged the money, and since It was not lawful climbed to the Kerrln farm to see and warmed served be readily to put it In the treasury, because It whether be had come. Day by day the might Carrots, onions, potatoes, the price of blood, they house stood shuttered and empty, and quickly. fleecy as bright clouds. Stic represented field to use as a bury s she returned to the long weariness of dumplings hnd brought a pie made of bluelierrles bought potter's waiting. Yet tho ripeness of spring which she herself hnd preserved the ing ground for strangers In Jerusalem. made longing fill her heart, and one year before, and she cooked doughnuts The burial grounds for paupers of to dny she came home to Marm Fierce all morning, and had biscuits ready to day bear the same name. HOTEL with shining eyes. pop Into the oven; and she kept the The old woman- had long since tove hot all dny so that the oven Taller ia the Morning guessed where Jenny went on these should be ready to receive them, the You're a bit taller in the morning she saw the girl's face minute Will appeared. excursions; than you arc in the evening. You ace, fl.SO lo 53.00 now, and chuckled, and asked shrewdShe Ironed the lace curtains nnd there are discs or elastic-iikcartilage ly: hung them again at the windows. They Tht Hotel Temple Square Ium substance between the pieces "Will home, Is her friendly Mlmud needed washing, she decided; hut that that make up your backbone. hiililj desirable, uill aUiya find it immir During litiere.You Jenny looked startled; then the must wait another day. And In the the day these discs are eumforlialile anil ulme. supremely compressed by thoroughly agreeable. tm eon there deep color flooded her checks, "No, afternoon, when everything was ready the weight or the body, and you shrink fore uiulcralond hy this hotel 1st Granny," ahe aald. "But Nat lrentice and still Will hnd not appeared, she n little. During your night's rest the HIGHLY KKCOMMKMWI) waa plowing the lower field, and he wandered hnpplly through the empty discs ezpntn! aguln and you regain You ran also gppreelgto urliy i told me Will had wrote and hired him rooms, familiar to her now; and she your full height. With a grown man ffs a mark at dStiiactiaa ta i top to do It Bald Will Towed to get here moved a picture on the mantel, a lamp tlie difference bet wren at ttif baautitul kaatatry morning and Monday. ERNEST C. ROSSITFU, Mgr. upon the table, a fire Iron on the hearth evening height la half an Inch or more. Mara Plereo sniffed scornfully. with those little proprietary gestures Tear eon's Weekly Grauuy and me, fetching things from the village, and helping with the hay, and the farming, and all. But not the sort of thing you mean, Bart "How do you know?" be challenged, curiously abashed by her calm serenity. You can't tell You might git to . . ." She shook her head. "Not you, Bart," she aald simply. His clasp on her arm relaxed, and she moved quietly away from him. There waa In the moment nothing In the least dramatic; and yet Bart perceived that there waa In It nevertheless finality. He stared after her, balfled, rebuffed; he did not follow, stood where she had left him. And when she was gone be aald only: Well, I'll be . . ." He did not say what he would be; but Inter, on hla way np the brook to hla home, be grinned at hla own dis- oil-pai- Still-nuk- Impa-tlenc- nVSi qw Successful fresh-polishe- d HEtPiKIDNEYS ... Vi-- - mid-Ma- dnw-gnt- J - Temple Square e s J MV e Pleasant r- - Wltol er V rv o. ' i .1 c ; h i a |