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Show J I0TICE Wabash OF FORECLOSURE. No. Mining Claim survey 4 that a cer- No 5391 and Regulator No. 2, aur. No. tain Chattel Mortgage, dated July let, 4769. I direct that this notice tie publish1007, and recorded iu the office of the ed in the Beaver County News at County Recorder of Beaver County, B of Mortgagee, Milford, Utah, for the period of nine Utah in Book renewed and 329, according to consecutive- weeks. Page E. 1. R. Thompson, law on the 6th day of February, 1906, Register. recordof affidavit renewal the being ed in Book "B of Mortgagee, pagej G. W, Parks, Notice i hereby given Banking Business Vr'T Vy vJ Have more or less of it. Possibly it is with us. Such being the case you know something of our service. But if not a patron wouldnt it be well for you to become one. OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT is calculated to serve all classes; the old and the young, the poor and rhe rich. It receives deposits from $1 up to $50U) and allows four per cent, interest, compounded ser. T X State Bank of Beaver County MILFORD, UTAH lift, and executed by Jamee V. Brooke and J. M. Belittle, mortgagor, iu favor of the PH. Zang Brewing company, mortgagee, a corporation of llenver, Colorado, for tne sum of 1700.00, .will be foreclosed for the amount due thereon, and the following chattels being the property One in said mortgage, National cash register; one phonograph; one piano; one large Barg; all glassware, chairs, tables, stoves, mid all the liuuors, and cigars on hand contained in what is Known as the White Elephant saloon at Milford, Beaver county, Utah, will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, at 1 oclock P. M. on the 9th day of August, 1909, at said White Elephant saloon, to pay the amount due on said f220.00, and costs mortgage, and attorneys fees. Signed: PH. Zano Brewino Company By Max A. Jaench, Agent... First pub. July 30, 1909. to-w- it: to-w- it, J HOTEL BAR - Wm. Emerhon, Proprietor liant pub. Aug. 9, The right place to get the best of everything in liquid refreshments APPLICATION FOR PATENT Serial No. 04265 United States I .and Office, Balt Lake City. Utah, July 30, 1909. Notice is hereby given that Thomas Kearns and David Keith of Balt like City, Utah, have made application for a United States patent for the Hilly Nig, Triumphant Noa. 2 and 3 tods mining claims, situate in the Sail Francisco mining district, Beaver county, Utah, being mineral survey No. 5556 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at 16 deg. east as follows, ...Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars... i Bert. Lockhart LOCKHART GREEN & to-wi- Have oiened Bowmans shop and are uow prepared to do all kinds of General Blaclsniithing, Wheelrighting and Horseshoeing At rear of Bank Building R. House, 1909. G-- . ST ICWERT Carriage m Sign Painting t: Commencing at corner No. 1 of the Billy Nig lode from which the north east corner of section 13, township 27 south, range 13 west Salt Lake Base and Merediau bears B. 22 deg. 30 min. E. 4860.6 feet, theuce running from said comer No. 1, N. 88 deg. 13 min. W. 1500 feet to comer No. 2, of Hie Billy Nig lode, thence N. 26 deg. 17 min. V. 5S5.6 tect to comer No. 1 ol the Triumphant No. 2 lode from which the aforesaid section coruer'' bears B. 36 deg. 31 min. E. 6241.8 feet, thence N. 88 deg. 13 min. W. 15uu feet to corner No. 2 of the Triumphant No. 2 lode which is identical with corner Nu. 1 of tlie Triumphant No. 3 lode, fr..ra which the aforesaid section corner bears 8. 44 deg. 69 min. K. 7249.8 feet, thence B. 68 deg. 27 min. W. 1500 feet to comer No. 2 of the Tri-- 1 uinphsnt No. 3 lode, thence N. 20 deg. 17 min. W. 602.5 (eet to comer No. 3 of the Triumphant No. 3 lode, thence i N. 68 deg? 27 min. E. 1500 feet to cor-- 1 uer No. 4 ol the Triumphant No. 3 lode, thence B. 88 deg. 13 uiin. E. 1500 feet to corner No. 4 of the Tri-- 1 umphant No. 2 lode, thence B. 26 deg. 17 iiiIii. K. 525.9 feet to comer No. 3 of the Billy Nig lode, thence 8. 68 'deg. 13 min. E. 1500 feet to corner No. 4 of the Billy Nig lode, thence B. ' 26 deg. 17 min. K. 662.1 feet to the place ui beginning of description of exterior boundaries of said consolii j PIPER Estimates on CALCIMININ6 HANGING, FI RST CLASS -- GRAINING AND Work Cheerfully Given ; (.'has. U. Kizer 4 . mu SEGARS, TOBACCOS AND CANDIES Commodious and Buchanan Building quid at all times Milford, Utah dated claim. Said claim I icing located in unsiir-veye-d part ol township 27 B. K. 13 W. S. L. U. and M. and containing a total area of 59.065 acrs, excluding however, therefrom the area iu conflict with the Burliiiglnu Mining t'iaiiu No'a 1 and 4 and Burlington No. 6 mine lodes, survey No. 5391. Net area applied lor being 47.721 acres. Each of said hales embraced in said roiiHolidaUHl claim being ol reiord in - t lie office of the county recorder at Beaver City, Heaver Utah. The nearest known locations or milling clatma , being tlm aforesaid conflicting claims and Selma No's. 3, 4, 6, 6, Wabash Miuiug Ulaim and I : j Attorney for Applicant. First nub. Aug. A, 19U9. Second pub. Out. 1, 1909. ' Are you interested iu California Arizona and Uld Mexico, if not so, it would he wise to write for full information about the shorted line and llielHsL service from your point to those section via the HALT LAKE ROUTE, Utah most popular route. ManZan is good for any kind of Piles. It stops inflammation, creates a normal circulation, thus reducing the Piles, and heals the parte affected. ManZan may lie conveniently and easily applied as the tube in which it is mit up has a small, patent nosel attached. Bold by Milford Pharmacy . , UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Salt Lake City, Utah, July 28, 1909. Notice is hereby given, that Pea- cock Copper Consolidated Mining company, a corporation, through its authorised agent, CoraM. Holdermau, whose postolilce address is Balt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent fur the Humbug Mine, lluinhug No. 1, Bun beam Mie No. 1 and Sunbeam Mine lode mining claims consolidated, situate in the Ban Francisco miuiug district, County bf Beaver, State of Utah, being Survey No. 5922 and described in the field notes and plat on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 17 deg. 63 min. East as follows: Commencing at corner No. 1 of Humbug Mine bale claim, whence the U. 8. Mineral Monument No. 3 bears N 13 deg. 31 mill. W. 2077.1 feet; ' Thence B. 60 deg. 33 min. K. 1255.4 feet to corner No. 2 of said lode; Thence B. 43 deg. 02 min. W. 642.5 feet to coruer No. 3 of said lode; Thence N. 63 deg. 05 min. W. 1270.2 feet to comer No. 4 of said lode, identical with comer No. 2 of Humbug No 1 lode; Thence N. 81 deg. 26 min. W. 1500.0 feet to corner No. 3 of Humbug No. 1 lode, identical with corner No. 2 of Sunbeam Mine No. 1 lode; Thence B. 70 deg. 19 min. W. 677.3 feet to coruer No. 3 of said bide; Thence B. 88 deg. 09 min. W. G50.C feet to comer No. 4 of said lode; Thence N. 43 deg. 02 min. E. 603.0 feet to corner No. 5 ot said lode; Thence N. 68 deg. 09 min, E. 60 feel to corner No. 2 of Suubeam Mine lode; Thence N. 18 deg. 38 min. W. 1486.0 feel to corner No. 3 of said lode; Thence N. 88 deg. 09 min. E. 660.2 feet to corner No. 4 of said lode; Thence B. 19 deg. 64 min. E. 1496.4 feet to comer No. 1 of said lude, identical with comer No. 6 of Aline No. l lode; Thence N. 70 deg. 19 min E. 677.3 feet to corner No. 7. of Bunbeam r Mine No. 1 lode, identical with No. 4 ot Humbug No. 1 bide; Theuce B. 81 deg. 20 min. K. 1500.0 feet to corner No. 1 of Humbug No. 1 lode, identical with comer No. 1 ot Humbug Mine lode, the piace of beginning and located in uusurveyed Township 27 B. Range 13 W., partot B. L. B. & M., OiPiiUining ail area of 63.667 acres exclusive ot conllicl with Lot No. 07 lode claim Niagara; adjoining and conflicting claim as shown by Plat of Survey is U. B. Lot No. 67, Niagara lode; 1 direct that this notice lie published in the Beaver Uouuty News at Milford, Utah. E. D. R. Thompson, Register. Firt publication July' 30, 19U9. Last publication Sept. 24, r.HHl. Edwin W. Skmok, Bait Lake Uily, Utah, Claimant's Attorney L. J, NOTICE. Serial No. 0 4213 APPLICATION FOB PATENT GRIFFITHS Carries the best and most complete stock of everything in Groceries, Dry Goods, Miners' Supplies and All Kinds of FRESH and CURED MEATS If there is anything you want, we have it, and can supply you at right prices. FRISCO, UTAH want the Best Rooms, Best Meals and Best Service when in Frisco, stop at the If you JAMES HOUSE D. W. JAMES, Proprietor We are prepared to give the public the best accommodations at reasonable rates FEED STABLE IN CONNECTION Frisco, Utah For a sociable game of pool or billiards drop in at Bun-bea- m cir-ue- The surest and easiest way to curt a cough or cold is by gently and freeBees Laxaly moving tiie bowels. tive Cough Syrup is pleasant, stops the coughing and quickly relieves the cold by allaying congestion and by pleasantly and promptly moving the bowels. Boldhy Mil lord Pharmacy. THE OXFORD Large and commodious accommodations, for the convenience of tourists and traveling men. All tlie latest magazines and papers are in our reading room. Schow, Fotheringham & Co. wholesale: and retail Meats, Groceries, Vegetables, and Grain COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT RINGS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS SMiei Inditubon and Stemack Troublaa Hay J |